path: root/docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md
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authorRonan Le Martret <ronan.lemartret@iot.bzh>2017-07-27 16:28:22 +0200
committerJosé Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>2017-08-02 13:52:11 +0200
commitdf383333a53e62234b8999269834e08291326be7 (patch)
tree86b5407f13042dcfb47f1774a0facca0ec44d9fc /docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md
parent5de0b9d895d196976b8a4d90f495b8cd34fe30c0 (diff)
update markdown documentation
Change-Id: I4f466ff4b965022998d2418a9c1310d4f5e0188e Signed-off-by: Ronan Le Martret <ronan.lemartret@iot.bzh>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md b/docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md
index fd75ba56..f3182918 100644
--- a/docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md
+++ b/docs/afb-migration-v1-to-v2.md
@@ -4,20 +4,21 @@ Migration from binding V1 to binding V2
The ***binding*** interface evolved from version 1 to version 2
for the following reasons:
- - integration of the security requirements within the bindings
- - simplification of the API (after developer feedbacks)
- - removal of obscure features, cleanup
+- integration of the security requirements within the bindings
+- simplification of the API (after developer feedbacks)
+- removal of obscure features, cleanup
-The ***binder*** can run ***bindings*** v1 and/or v2 in any combination.
-Thus moving from v1 to v2 is not enforced. There is no real need.
+The ***binder*** can run ***bindings*** v1 and/or v2 in any combination.
+Thus moving from v1 to v2 is not enforced, there is no real need.
-More, it is possible to write a dual ***binding***: a ***binding*** that
-implements the version 1 AND the version 2.
+More, it is possible to write a dual ***binding***:
+- a ***binding*** that implements the version 1 and the version 2.
- - any new development SHOULD start using ***binding*** V2
- - existing ***bindings*** SHOULD migrate to the version 2
+- any new development SHOULD start using ***binding*** V2
+- existing ***bindings*** SHOULD migrate to the version 2
This guide covers the migration of bindings from version 1 to version 2.
@@ -25,30 +26,34 @@ It also explains some of the rationale taken when migrating from version 1 to ve
In the future, if ***binding*** api evolves to fresh versions (3, 4, ...)
it might be necessarily to write bindings implementing more than
-just one version. For example, a ***binding*** being v2 AND v3 will resolve
-the issue of running on older AND newer version of AGL. This should always
-be possible even if more complicated.
+just one version.
+For example:
+- a ***binding*** being v2 AND v3 will resolve the issue of running on older and newer version of AGL.
+This should always be possible even if more complicated.
Important things to known when migrating
One of the most important change when migrating from v1 to v2 is
-that many functions use an hidden *common* variable.
+that many functions use an hidden *common* variable.
This affects the functions of the following classes:
- - functions of class **daemon**:
- * functions starting with **afb_daemon_...**
- * functions for logging: **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG**
- - functions of class **service**:
- * functions starting with **afb_service_...**
- - callback functions:
- * the register function (that is removed)
- * the service init function
- * the onevent function
+- functions of class **daemon**:
+ - functions starting with **afb_daemon_...**
+ - functions for logging: **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG**
+- functions of class **service**:
+ - functions starting with **afb_service_...**
+- callback functions:
+ - the register function (that is removed)
+ - the service init function
+ - the onevent function
For these functions, the first parameter is now implicit.
-Let takes an example. For ***binding*** v1 you had to write:
+Let takes an example.
+For ***binding*** v1 you had to write:
afb_daemon_broadcast_event(afbitf->daemon, reason, description);
@@ -63,35 +68,36 @@ For ***binding*** v2, you simply write:
This simplification is possible because the header files included for the bindings
now provide a common variable for storing the **daemon** and **service** data.
-As a programmer, you shouldn't care much about that hidden variable.
+As a programmer, you shouldn't care much about that hidden variable.
It simplifies the job, that's all and that is the reason of the change.
An other important difference is between the version 1 and the version 2 is
-on how the ***binding***'s **API** is documented. The version 2 emphasis the
-**OpenAPI v3** description of the **API**. For this reason, to avoid
-duplication of descriptions, only one description is expected: the **OpenAPI** one.
+on how the ***binding***'s **API** is documented.
+The version 2 emphasis the **OpenAPI v3** description of the **API**.
+For this reason, to avoid duplication of descriptions, only one description is expected:
+- The **OpenAPI** one.
Task list for the migration
This task list is:
- 1. Enforce use of binding v2 by setting **AFB_BINDING_VERSION**
- 2. Rewrite the main structure and the list of exported verbs
- 3. Adapt the init and callback functions
- 4. Removes the first parameter of functions of classes **daemon**
- and **service**
- 5. Consider where to emit logs for requests
- 6. Take care of store/unstore changes
- 7. Consider use of synchronous (sub)call requests
- 8. Optionally, removes explicit struct
+1. Enforce use of binding v2 by setting **AFB_BINDING_VERSION**
+1. Rewrite the main structure and the list of exported verbs
+1. Adapt the init and callback functions
+1. Removes the first parameter of functions of classes **daemon** and **service**
+1. Consider where to emit logs for requests
+1. Take care of store/unstore changes
+1. Consider use of synchronous (sub)call requests
+1. Optionally, removes explicit struct
The remaining chapters explain these task with more details.
Enforce use of binding v2 by setting AFB_BINDING_VERSION
-By defining **AFB_BINDING_VERSION** to **2** you switch to version 2.
+By defining **AFB_BINDING_VERSION** to **2** you switch to version 2.
This is done as below.
@@ -107,7 +113,9 @@ Rewrite the main structures and the list of exported verbs
The structures describing the ***binding** changed from version 1 to version 2.
The structure for describing verbs changed to include security
-requirements. In version 1 it was:
+In version 1 it was:
struct afb_verb_desc_v1
@@ -126,7 +134,7 @@ struct afb_verb_v2
const char *verb; /* name of the verb */
void (*callback)(struct afb_req req); /* callback function implementing the verb */
- const struct afb_auth *auth; /* required authorization */
+ const struct afb_auth *auth; /* required authorization */
uint32_t session; /* authorization and session requirements of the verb */
@@ -134,10 +142,10 @@ struct afb_verb_v2
The migration of instances of that structure requires the following actions:
- - rename field **name** to **verb**
- - remove field **info**
- - adapt field **session** if needed
- - set field **auth** to NULL
+- rename field **name** to **verb**
+- remove field **info**
+- adapt field **session** if needed
+- set field **auth** to NULL
@@ -154,7 +162,9 @@ Becomes
The field **auth** can be set to a value describing the requested
-The main describing structure also changed. In version 1 it was:
+The main describing structure also changed.
+In version 1 it was:
struct afb_binding_desc_v1
@@ -170,25 +180,25 @@ In version 2 it becomes:
struct afb_binding_v2
- const char *api; /* api name for the binding */
- const char *specification; /* textual specification of the binding */
- const struct afb_verb_v2 *verbs; /* array of descriptions of verbs terminated by a NULL name */
+ const char *api; /* api name for the binding */
+ const char *specification; /* textual specification of the binding */
+ const struct afb_verb_v2 *verbs; /* array of descriptions of verbs terminated by a NULL name */
int (*preinit)(); /* callback at load of the binding */
int (*init)(); /* callback for starting the service */
void (*onevent)(const char *event, struct json_object *object); /* callback for handling events */
- unsigned noconcurrency: 1; /* avoids concurrent requests to verbs */
+ unsigned noconcurrency: 1; /* avoids concurrent requests to verbs */
The migration of instances of that structure requires the following actions:
- - declare, explore, name the structure as ```const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2```
- - rename the field **prefix** to **api**
- - remove the field **info**
- - setup the fields **preinit**, **init**, **onevent** according to the next section
- - set the field **noconcurrency** to the right value:
- * to 1 if you want to avoid concurrent calls to verbs.
- * to 0 if you allow concurrent calls to verbs.
+- declare, explore, name the structure as ```const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2```
+- rename the field **prefix** to **api**
+- remove the field **info**
+- setup the fields **preinit**, **init**, **onevent** according to the next section
+- set the field **noconcurrency** to the right value:
+ - to 1 if you want to avoid concurrent calls to verbs.
+ - to 0 if you allow concurrent calls to verbs.
@@ -201,6 +211,7 @@ static const struct afb_binding plugin_desc = {
.verbs = verbs
@@ -214,37 +225,38 @@ const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
The **binder** now relies only on the exported names
-to deduce the type of the binding. This make the main
-structure more simple.
+to deduce the type of the binding.
+This make the main structure more simple.
Adapt the init and callback functions
The ***bindings*** version 1 defined 3 exported functions:
- - **afbBindingV1Register**
- - **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**
- - **afbBindingV1ServiceEvent**
+- **afbBindingV1Register**
+- **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**
+- **afbBindingV1ServiceEvent**
These function should not be exported any more and there definition changed.
-The function **afbBindingV1Register** is no more used to describe the binding.
+The function **afbBindingV1Register** is no more used to describe the binding.
When a binding has to take actions when it is loaded, it must set the field
-**preinit** of the structure **afbBindingV2**. This field, this preinit, might
-be used to check features at load. When it returns a negative number, the
-***binder*** stops before initializing any ***binding***.
+**preinit** of the structure **afbBindingV2**.
+This field, this preinit, might be used to check features at load.
+When it returns a negative number, the ***binder*** stops before initializing any ***binding***.
The function **afbBindingV1ServiceInit** is replaced by the field **init**
-of the structure **afbBindingV2**. The init function should return 0 in case
-of success or a negative error code in case of problem. It is called during
-initialization of services.
+of the structure **afbBindingV2**.
+The init function should return 0 in case of success or a negative error code
+in case of problem.
+It is called during initialization of services.
The function **afbBindingV1ServiceEvent**is replaced by the field **onevent**
of the structure **afbBindingV2**.
The two functions **afbBindingV1Register** and **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**,
-were taking as parameter the ***binder*** interface and the service interface respectively.
-These interfaces are now managed hiddenly for the **binding** by the **binder**.
+were taking as parameter the ***binder*** interface and the service interface respectively.
+These interfaces are now managed hiddenly for the **binding** by the **binder**.
So the variable that ***bindings*** version used to store the ***binder*** interface
and the service interface are no more needed and can be removed.
@@ -314,12 +326,13 @@ const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
The two functions **afbBindingV1Register** and **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**,
-were taking as parameter the ***binder*** interface and the service interface respectively.
-These interfaces are now managed hiddenly for the **binding** by the **binder**.
+were taking as parameter the ***binder*** interface and the service interface respectively.
+These interfaces are now managed hiddenly for the **binding** by the **binder**.
So the variable that ***bindings*** version used to store the ***binder*** interface
and the service interface are no more needed and can be removed.
On the above example the following lines were removed:
const struct afb_binding_interface *interface;
struct afb_service service;
@@ -329,23 +342,21 @@ struct afb_service service;
service = svc;
Removes the first parameter of functions of classes **daemon** and **service**
As explained before, many functions loose there first
arguments, this are the functions of the following classes:
- - functions of class **daemon**:
- * functions starting with **afb_daemon_...**
- * functions for logging: **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG**
- - functions of class **service**:
- * functions starting with **afb_service_...**
- - callback functions:
- * the register function (that is removed)
- * the service init function
- * the onevent function
+- functions of class **daemon**:
+ - functions starting with **afb_daemon_...**
+ - functions for logging: **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG**
+- functions of class **service**:
+ - functions starting with **afb_service_...**
+- callback functions:
+ - the register function (that is removed)
+ - the service init function
+ - the onevent function
For these functions, the first parameter is now implicit.
@@ -361,10 +372,24 @@ Becomes:
afb_daemon_broadcast_event(reason, description);
-Also, to avoid possible conflicts, we introduced prefixed logging functions:
-the macros **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG** have now
-a prefixed version: **AFB\_ERROR**, **AFB\_WARNING**, **AFB\_NOTICE**,
-**AFB\_INFO**, **AFB\_DEBUG**. It is now recommended to use the prefixed version.
+Also, to avoid possible conflicts, we introduced prefixed logging functions:
+the macros
+- **ERROR**
+- **WARNING**
+- **NOTICE**
+- **INFO**
+- **DEBUG**
+have now a prefixed version:
+- **AFB\_ERROR**
+- **AFB\_NOTICE**
+- **AFB\_INFO**
+- **AFB\_DEBUG**
+It is now recommended to use the prefixed version.
@@ -384,8 +409,18 @@ or, better:
AFB_NOTICE("hello plugin comes to live");
-To remove definition of the un-prefixed versions of logging macros **ERROR**, **WARNING**,
+To remove definition of the un-prefixed versions of logging macros:
+- **ERROR**
+- **WARNING**
+- **NOTICE**
+- **INFO**
+- **DEBUG**
+and just define
before to include **afb/afb-binding.h**.
@@ -397,12 +432,17 @@ before to include **afb/afb-binding.h**.
Consider where to emit logs for requests
-The ***bindings*** v2 now allows to emit log messages associated to ***requests***.
+The ***bindings*** v2 now allows to emit log messages associated to ***requests***.
This feature is valuable when debugging because it allows to return
side information associated to a ***request***.
-The defined macros for logging to requests are: **AFB_REQ_ERROR**,
+The defined macros for logging to requests are:
We encourage the use of these new logging facilities everywhere it makes sense.
@@ -422,8 +462,8 @@ Take care of store/unstore change
For efficiency, the version 2 redefined how storing/un-storing of
-requests works. Storing request is needed for asynchronous handling
-of requests.
+requests works.
+Storing request is needed for asynchronous handling of requests.
For ***bindings*** version, the signature of the functions were:
@@ -451,8 +491,8 @@ Consider use of synchronous (sub)call requests
***Bindings*** can emit requests for themselves (calls) or for
-their clients (subcalls). With ***bindings*** version 2 comes
-also synchronous requests for both cases.
+their clients (subcalls).
+With ***bindings*** version 2 comes also synchronous requests for both cases.
So when migrating to bindings version 2, a developer can consider
to replace the asynchronous requests (with asynchronous call back)
@@ -497,9 +537,8 @@ static void verb(afb_req req)
Example of migration
-The first ***binding*** that migrated from v1 to v2 was
-the sample **HelloWorld**. Here is shown the differences between
-the version 1 and the version 2.
+The first ***binding*** that migrated from v1 to v2 was the sample **HelloWorld**.
+Here is shown the differences between the version 1 and the version 2.
diff --git a/bindings/samples/HelloWorld.c b/bindings/samples/HelloWorld.c
@@ -521,8 +560,8 @@ index c6fa779..505aee3 100644
strcpy(e->tag, tag);
/* make the event */
-- e->event = afb_daemon_make_event(interface->daemon, name);
-+ e->event = afb_daemon_make_event(name);
+- e->event = afb_daemon_make_event(interface->daemon, name);
++ e->event = afb_daemon_make_event(name);
if (!e->event.closure) { free(e); return -1; }
/* link */
@@ -530,8 +569,8 @@ index c6fa779..505aee3 100644
static void pingEvent(struct afb_req request)
json_object *query = afb_req_json(request);
-- afb_daemon_broadcast_event(interface->daemon, "event", json_object_get(query));
-+ afb_daemon_broadcast_event("event", json_object_get(query));
+- afb_daemon_broadcast_event(interface->daemon, "event", json_object_get(query));
++ afb_daemon_broadcast_event("event", json_object_get(query));
ping(request, json_object_get(query), "event");
@@ -541,14 +580,14 @@ index c6fa779..505aee3 100644
+static int preinit()
-+ AFB_NOTICE("hello binding comes to live");
-+ return 0;
++ AFB_NOTICE("hello binding comes to live");
++ return 0;
+static int init()
-+ AFB_NOTICE("hello binding starting");
-+ return 0;
++ AFB_NOTICE("hello binding starting");
++ return 0;
// NOTE: this sample does not use session to keep test a basic as possible
@@ -588,24 +627,24 @@ index c6fa779..505aee3 100644
-static const struct afb_binding plugin_desc = {
-- .v1 = {
-- .info = "Minimal Hello World Sample",
-- .prefix = "hello",
-- .verbs = verbs
-- }
+- .v1 = {
+- .info = "Minimal Hello World Sample",
+- .prefix = "hello",
+- .verbs = verbs
+- }
+const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
-+ .api = "hello",
-+ .specification = NULL,
-+ .verbs = verbs,
-+ .preinit = preinit,
-+ .init = init
++ .api = "hello",
++ .specification = NULL,
++ .verbs = verbs,
++ .preinit = preinit,
++ .init = init
-const struct afb_binding *afbBindingV1Register (const struct afb_binding_interface *itf)
-- interface = itf;
-- NOTICE(interface, "hello plugin comes to live");
-- return &plugin_desc;
+- interface = itf;
+- NOTICE(interface, "hello plugin comes to live");
+- return &plugin_desc;
``` \ No newline at end of file