path: root/doc/afb-bindings-overview.html
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<h1 class="title">Overview of bindings shipped with AFB-Daemon</h1>
<h2 class="author">José Bollo</h2>
<h3 class="date">24 juin 2016</h3>
<nav id="TOC">
<li><a href="#overview-of-bindings-shipped-with-afb-daemon">Overview of bindings shipped with AFB-Daemon</a><ul>
<li><a href="#list-of-bindings">List of bindings</a></li>
<li><a href="#detail-of-bindings">Detail of bindings</a><ul>
<li><a href="#hello-world">Hello World</a></li>
<li><a href="#authentication">Authentication</a></li>
<li><a href="#tic-tac-toe">Tic Tac Toe</a></li>
<li><a href="#audio">Audio</a></li>
<li><a href="#radio">Radio</a></li>
<li><a href="#media">Media</a></li>
<h1 id="overview-of-bindings-shipped-with-afb-daemon">Overview of bindings shipped with AFB-Daemon</h1>
<h2 id="list-of-bindings">List of bindings</h2>
<p>Here are the bindings shipped in the source tree:</p>
<li>Hello World</li>
<li>Tic Tac Toe</li>
<li>Audio <em>(2 backends: ALSA/PulseAudio)</em></li>
<li>Radio <em>(1 backend: RTLSDR RTL2832U)</em></li>
<li>Media <em>(1 backend: Rygel UPnP)</em></li>
<p>All bindings may not be built, depending on the development libraries present on the system at build time.</p>
<h2 id="detail-of-bindings">Detail of bindings</h2>
<h3 id="hello-world">Hello World</h3>
<p>A sample Hello World binding for demonstration and learning purposes.</p>
<p>This binding provides a few unauthenticated requests, all beginning with &quot;ping&quot;, to demonstrate basic binder capabilities.</p>
<li><em>ping:</em> returns a success response</li>
<li><em>pingfail:</em> returns a failure response</li>
<li><em>pingnull:</em> returns a success response, with an empty JSON response field</li>
<li><em>pingbug:</em> does a memory violation (intercepted by the binder)</li>
<li><em>pingJson:</em> returns a success response, with a complex JSON response field</li>
<li><em>pingevent:</em> broadcasts a global event</li>
<p><br /></p>
<h3 id="authentication">Authentication</h3>
<p>An sample Authentication binding for demonstration purposes.</p>
<p>This binding provides a few requests to demonstrate the binder's token-based security mechanism.</p>
<p>Calling &quot;<em>connect</em>&quot; with a security token will initiate a session, calling &quot;<em>refresh</em>&quot; will issue a new token and invalidate the previous one, calling &quot;<em>logout</em>&quot; will invalidate all tokens and close the session.</p>
<li><em>ping:</em> returns a success response</li>
<li><em>connect:</em> creates a session and returns a new token</li>
<li><em>refresh:</em> returns a new token</li>
<li><em>check:</em> verifies the passed token is valid</li>
<li><em>logout:</em> closes the session</li>
<p><br /></p>
<h3 id="tic-tac-toe">Tic Tac Toe</h3>
<p>A sample Tic Tac Toe game binding.</p>
<p>This binding provides an interactive Tic Tac Toe game where the binder returns the grid as a JSON response.</p>
<li><em>new:</em> starts a new game</li>
<li><em>play:</em> asks the server to play</li>
<li><em>move:</em> gives a client move</li>
<li><em>board:</em> gets the current board state, as a JSON structure</li>
<li><em>level</em>: sets the server level</li>
<li><em>join</em>: joins an existing board</li>
<li><em>undo</em>: undo the last move</li>
<li><em>wait</em>: wait for a move</li>
<p><br /></p>
<h3 id="audio">Audio</h3>
<p>A sample Audio binding with 2 backends:</p>
<li>ALSA (mandatory)</li>
<li>PulseAudio (optional)</li>
<p>This binding is able to initialize a specific soundcard, define volume levels, channels (mono/stereo...), mute sound, and play a 22,050 Hz PCM stream.</p>
<li><em>ping:</em> returns a success response</li>
<li><em>init:</em> initializes backend, on the &quot;default&quot; sound card</li>
<li><em>volume:</em> gets or sets volume, in % (0-100)</li>
<li><em>channels:</em> gets or sets channels count (1-8)</li>
<li><em>mute:</em> gets or sets the mute status (on-off)</li>
<li><em>play</em>: gets or sets the playing status (on-off)</li>
<p><em>(if PulseAudio development libraries are not found at build time, only ALSA will be available)</em></p>
<p><em>(if a PulseAudio server is not found at runtime, the binding will dynamically fall back to ALSA)</em></p>
<p><em>(a specifc backend can be forced by using this syntax before running afb-daemon : <strong>$ export AFB_AUDIO_OUTPUT=Alsa</strong>)</em></p>
<p><br /></p>
<h3 id="radio">Radio</h3>
<p>A sample AM/FM Radio binding with 1 backend:</p>
<li>RTLSDR - Realtek RTL2832U dongles (mandatory)</li>
<p>This binding is able to initialize specific RTL2832U dongles, switch between AM/FM modes, define frequency, mute sound, and play sound (if combining with the <strong>audio</strong> binding).</p>
<li><em>ping:</em> returns a success response</li>
<li><em>init:</em> initializes backend, looking for plugged-in devices</li>
<li><em>power:</em> sets device power status (on-off)</li>
<li><em>mode:</em> sets device reception mode (AM-FM)</li>
<li><em>freq:</em> sets device frequency (in Hz)</li>
<li><em>mute</em>: sets device mute status (on-off)</li>
<li><em>play</em>: sets device playing status (on-off)</li>
<p><em>(if rtlsdr development libraries are not found at build time, this binding will not be built)</em></p>
<p><br /></p>
<h3 id="media">Media</h3>
<p>A sample Media Server binding with 1 backend:</p>
<p>This binding is able to detect a local Rygel UPnP media server, list audio files, select an audio file for playback, play/pause/seek in this file, upload an audio file to the server.</p>
<li><em>ping:</em> returns a success response</li>
<li><em>init:</em> initializes backend, looking for an active local UPnP server</li>
<li><em>list:</em> returns list of audio files, as a JSON structure</li>
<li><em>select:</em> select an audio files, by index number (001-...)</li>
<li><em>play:</em> plays the currently selected audio file</li>
<li><em>stop:</em> stops the currently selected audio file</li>
<li><em>pause:</em> pauses the currently selected audio file</li>
<li><em>seek:</em> seeks in the currently selected audio file, in seconds</li>
<li><em>upload:</em> uploads an audio file, with a POST request</li>
<p><em>(if GUPnP/GSSDP development libraries are not fund at build time, this binding will not be built)</em></p>
<p><br /></p>
<hr />
<p><br /></p>
<p>Sample command-line applications: <em>afb-client-demo</em> (built by default)</p>
<p>Sample HTML5 applications: **test/*.html<strong>, </strong><a href=";a=tree">afb-client</a><strong>, </strong><a href="">afb-radio</a>**</p>
<p>Sample Qt/QML applications: <em>test/token-websock.qml</em></p>