[submodule "conf.d/app-templates"]
	path = conf.d/app-templates
	url = https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/apps/app-templates
d='n131' href='#n131'>131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
Overview of bindings shipped with AFB-Daemon

List of bindings

Here are the bindings shipped in the source tree:

* Hello World
* Authentication
* Tic Tac Toe
* Audio _(2 backends: ALSA/PulseAudio)_
* Radio _(1 backend: RTLSDR RTL2832U)_
* Media _(1 backend: Rygel UPnP)_

All bindings may not be built, depending on the development libraries present on
the system at build time.

Detail of bindings

### Hello World

A sample Hello World binding for demonstration and learning purposes.

This binding provides a few unauthenticated requests, all beginning with
"ping", to demonstrate basic binder capabilities.


* _ping:_ returns a success response
* _pingfail:_ returns a failure response
* _pingnull:_ returns a success response, with an empty JSON response field
* _pingbug:_ does a memory violation (intercepted by the binder)
* _pingJson:_ returns a success response, with a complex JSON response field
* _pingevent:_ broadcasts a global event

<br />

### Authentication

A sample Authentication binding for demonstration purposes.

This binding provides a few requests to demonstrate the binder's token-based
security mechanism.

Calling "_connect_" with a security token will initiate a session, calling
"_refresh_" will issue a new token and invalidate the previous one, calling
"_logout_" will invalidate all tokens and close the session.


* _ping:_ returns a success response
* _connect:_ creates a session and returns a new token
* _refresh:_ returns a new token
* _check:_ verifies the passed token is valid
* _logout:_ closes the session

<br />

### Tic Tac Toe

A sample Tic Tac Toe game binding.

This binding provides an interactive Tic Tac Toe game where the binder returns
the grid as a JSON response. 


* _new:_ starts a new game
* _play:_ asks the server to play
* _move:_ gives a client move
* _board:_ gets the current board state, as a JSON structure
* _level_: sets the server level
* _join_: joins an existing board
* _undo_: undo the last move
* _wait_: wait for a move

<br />

### Audio

A sample Audio binding with 2 backends:

* ALSA (mandatory)
* PulseAudio (optional)

This binding is able to initialize a specific soundcard, define volume levels,
channels (mono/stereo...), mute sound, and play a 22,050 Hz PCM stream.


* _ping:_ returns a success response
* _init:_ initializes backend, on the "default" sound card
* _volume:_ gets or sets volume, in % (0-100)
* _channels:_ gets or sets channels count (1-8)
* _mute:_ gets or sets the mute status (on-off)
* _play_: gets or sets the playing status (on-off)

_(if PulseAudio development libraries are not found at build time, only ALSA
will be available)_

_(if a PulseAudio server is not found at runtime, the binding will dynamically
fall back to ALSA)_

_(a specifc backend can be forced by using this syntax before running afb-daemon
: **$ export AFB_AUDIO_OUTPUT=Alsa**)_

<br />

### Radio

A sample AM/FM Radio binding with 1 backend:

* RTLSDR - Realtek RTL2832U dongles (mandatory)

This binding is able to initialize specific RTL2832U dongles, switch between
AM/FM modes, define frequency, mute sound, and play sound (if combining with
the **audio** binding).


* _ping:_ returns a success response
* _init:_ initializes backend, looking for plugged-in devices
* _power:_ sets device power status (on-off)
* _mode:_ sets device reception mode (AM-FM)
* _freq:_ sets device frequency (in Hz)
* _mute_: sets device mute status (on-off)
* _play_: sets device playing status (on-off)

_(if rtlsdr development libraries are not found at build time, this binding will
not be built)_

<br />

### Media

A sample Media Server binding with 1 backend:

 * Rygel

This binding is able to detect a local Rygel UPnP media server, list audio
files, select an audio file for playback, play/pause/seek in this file, upload
an audio file to the server.


* _ping:_ returns a success response
* _init:_ initializes backend, looking for an active local UPnP server
* _list:_ returns list of audio files, as a JSON structure
* _select:_ select an audio files, by index number (001-...)
* _play:_ plays the currently selected audio file
* _stop:_ stops the currently selected audio file
* _pause:_ pauses the currently selected audio file
* _seek:_ seeks in the currently selected audio file, in seconds
* _upload:_ uploads an audio file, with a POST request

_(if GUPnP/GSSDP development libraries are not found at build time, this binding
will not be built)_

<br />

<br />

Sample command-line applications: _afb-client-demo_ (built by default)

Sample HTML5 applications: 

Sample Qt/QML applications: *test/token-websock.qml*