path: root/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/iconic
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authorFulup Ar Foll <>2016-02-09 18:40:49 +0100
committerFulup Ar Foll <>2016-02-09 18:40:49 +0100
commit3d2fda7dd39e2363682f1fa353c951ab0d44ddfa (patch)
treeaf968a8ac5d4fde1f3cebcec5fb0973eb2bfb2cb /afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/iconic
parent12a3520ba440316c76b95d92a684666f03f7b47d (diff)
Implemented URL query parsing for initial token /opa/?token=abcde
Diffstat (limited to 'afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/iconic')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/iconic/iconic.js b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/iconic/iconic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19cf192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/js/angular/components/iconic/iconic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+(function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular.module('foundation.iconic', [])
+ .provider('Iconic', Iconic)
+ .directive('zfIconic', zfIconic)
+ ;
+ // iconic wrapper
+ function Iconic() {
+ // default path
+ var assetPath = 'assets/img/iconic/';
+ /**
+ * Sets the path used to locate the iconic SVG files
+ * @param {string} path - the base path used to locate the iconic SVG files
+ */
+ this.setAssetPath = function (path) {
+ assetPath = angular.isString(path) ? path : assetPath;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Service implementation
+ * @returns {{}}
+ */
+ this.$get = function () {
+ var iconicObject = new IconicJS();
+ var service = {
+ getAccess: getAccess,
+ getAssetPath: getAssetPath
+ };
+ return service;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @returns {Window.IconicJS}
+ */
+ function getAccess() {
+ return iconicObject;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function getAssetPath() {
+ return assetPath;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ zfIconic.$inject = ['Iconic', 'FoundationApi', '$compile'];
+ function zfIconic(iconic, foundationApi, $compile) {
+ var directive = {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ template: '<img ng-transclude>',
+ transclude: true,
+ replace: true,
+ scope: {
+ dynSrc: '=?',
+ dynIcon: '=?',
+ size: '@?',
+ icon: '@',
+ iconDir: '@?'
+ },
+ compile: compile
+ };
+ return directive;
+ function compile() {
+ var contents, assetPath;
+ return {
+ pre: preLink,
+ post: postLink
+ };
+ function preLink(scope, element, attrs) {
+ if (scope.iconDir) {
+ // path set via attribute
+ assetPath = scope.iconDir;
+ } else {
+ // default path
+ assetPath = iconic.getAssetPath();
+ }
+ // make sure ends with /
+ if (assetPath.charAt(assetPath.length - 1) !== '/') {
+ assetPath += '/';
+ }
+ if (scope.dynSrc) {
+ attrs.$set('data-src', scope.dynSrc);
+ } else if (scope.dynIcon) {
+ attrs.$set('data-src', assetPath + scope.dynIcon + '.svg');
+ } else {
+ if (scope.icon) {
+ attrs.$set('data-src', assetPath + scope.icon + '.svg');
+ } else {
+ // To support expressions on data-src
+ attrs.$set('data-src', attrs.src);
+ }
+ }
+ // check if size already added as class
+ if (!element.hasClass('iconic-sm') && !element.hasClass('iconic-md') && !element.hasClass('iconic-lg')) {
+ var iconicClass;
+ switch (scope.size) {
+ case 'small':
+ iconicClass = 'iconic-sm';
+ break;
+ case 'medium':
+ iconicClass = 'iconic-md';
+ break;
+ case 'large':
+ iconicClass = 'iconic-lg';
+ break;
+ default:
+ iconicClass = 'iconic-fluid';
+ }
+ element.addClass(iconicClass);
+ }
+ // save contents of un-inject html, to use for dynamic re-injection
+ contents = element[0].outerHTML;
+ }
+ function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
+ var svgElement, ico = iconic.getAccess();
+ injectSvg(element[0]);
+ foundationApi.subscribe('resize', function () {
+ // only run update on current element
+ ico.update(element[0]);
+ });
+ // handle dynamic updating of src
+ if (scope.dynSrc) {
+ scope.$watch('dynSrc', function (newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal && newVal !== oldVal) {
+ reinjectSvg(scope.dynSrc);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // handle dynamic updating of icon
+ if (scope.dynIcon) {
+ scope.$watch('dynIcon', function (newVal, oldVal) {
+ if (newVal && newVal !== oldVal) {
+ reinjectSvg(assetPath + scope.dynIcon + '.svg');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function reinjectSvg(newSrc) {
+ if (svgElement) {
+ // set html
+ svgElement.empty();
+ svgElement.append(angular.element(contents));
+ // set new source
+ svgElement.attr('data-src', newSrc);
+ // reinject
+ injectSvg(svgElement[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ function injectSvg(element) {
+ ico.inject(element, {
+ each: function (injectedElem) {
+ // compile injected svg
+ var angElem = angular.element(injectedElem);
+ svgElement = $compile(angElem)(angElem.scope());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }