path: root/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss
diff options
authorStephane Desneux <>2016-05-31 18:16:48 +0200
committerStephane Desneux <>2016-05-31 18:16:48 +0200
commit5b1e6cc132f44262a873fa8296a2a3e1017b0278 (patch)
tree43b2cd54e2e300b399ff3f2af4458a2c4ed8a144 /afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss
parentf7d2f9ac4168ee5064580c666d508667a73cefc0 (diff)
parent85ace9c1ce9a98e9b8a22f045c7dd752b38d9129 (diff)
Merge afb-client
Diffstat (limited to 'afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss')
32 files changed, 6682 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/_global.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/_global.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4cffc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/_global.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ ------
+ Global styles and settings for Foundation for Apps are stored here. This file must always
+ be imported, no matter what.
+ Includes:
+ -
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Global Styles
+// This sets 1rem to be 16px
+$rem-base: 16px;
+// The default font-size is set to 100% of the browser style sheet (usually 16px)
+// for compatibility with browser-based text zoom or user-set defaults.
+// Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid size.
+// If you want your base font-size to be different and not have it affect the grid breakpoints,
+// set $rem-base to $base-font-size and make sure $base-font-size is a px value.
+$base-font-size: 100% !default;
+// $base-line-height is 24px while $base-font-size is 16px
+$base-line-height: 1.5 !default;
+// Text selector helpers
+$headers: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6";
+// We use these to define default font weights
+$font-weight-normal: normal !default;
+$font-weight-bold: bold !default;
+// We use these to control various global styles
+$body-background: #fff !default;
+$body-font-color: #222 !default;
+$body-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default;
+$body-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
+$body-font-style: normal !default;
+$body-antialiased: true;
+// Application Colors
+$primary-color: #00558b !default;
+$secondary-color: #f1f1f1 !default;
+$alert-color: #F04124 !default;
+$info-color: #A0D3E8 !default;
+$success-color: #43AC6A !default;
+$warning-color: #F08A24 !default;
+$dark-color: #232323 !default;
+$gray: #dfdfdf !default;
+$gray-dark: darken($gray, 8) !default;
+$gray-light: lighten($gray, 8) !default;
+// We use these to make sure border radius matches unless we want it different.
+$global-radius: 4px !default;
+$global-rounded: 1000px !default;
+// We use this for default spacing
+$global-padding: 1rem !default;
+$global-spacing: rem-calc(15) !default;
+// For internal use: a color map
+$foundation-colors: (
+ primary: $primary-color,
+ success: $success-color,
+ warning: $warning-color,
+ alert: $alert-color,
+ dark: $dark-color,
+@include exports(global) {
+ // Make extra sure we're using the whole window
+ html, body {
+ height: 100%;
+ font-size: $base-font-size;
+ }
+ // Set box-sizing globally to handle padding and border widths
+ html {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ *, *:before, *:after {
+ box-sizing: inherit;
+ }
+ // Default body styles
+ body {
+ background: $body-background;
+ color: $body-font-color;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ font-family: $body-font-family;
+ font-weight: $body-font-weight;
+ font-style: $body-font-style;
+ line-height: 1;
+ position: relative;
+ @if $body-antialiased {
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
+ }
+ }
+ img {
+ // Grid Defaults to get images and embeds to work properly
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
+ // Get rid of gap under images by making them display: inline-block; by default
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ // Give all anchors and interactive directives the hover cusor
+ a, [ui-sref], [zf-open], [zf-close], [zf-toggle] {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ #map_canvas,
+ .map_canvas {
+ img,
+ embed,
+ object { max-width: none !important; }
+ }
+ .padding {
+ padding: $global-padding;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/_settings.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/_settings.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7374cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/_settings.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+// ----------------------------
+// Table of Contents:
+// 1. CSS Exports
+// 2. Global Styles
+// 3. Breakpoints
+// 4. Typography
+// 5. Grid
+// 6. Button
+// 7. Accordion
+// 8. Action Sheet
+// 9. Block List
+// 10. Button Group
+// 11. Card
+// 12. Extras
+// 13. Forms
+// 14. Iconic
+// 15. Label
+// 16. Menu Bar
+// 17. Modal
+// 18. Motion UI
+// 19. Notification
+// 20. Off-canvas
+// 21. Panel
+// 22. Popup
+// 23. Switch
+// 24. Tabs
+// 25. Title Bar
+@import "helpers/functions";
+// 1. CSS Exports
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Change any value in this map from "true" to "false" to disable that component's CSS class output. You'll still be able to use the component's mixins, but none of our pre-written classes will be in your CSS.
+// $include-css: (
+// accordion: true,
+// action-sheet: true,
+// block-list: true,
+// button: true,
+// button-group: true,
+// card: true,
+// coloring: true,
+// extras: true,
+// forms: true,
+// grid: true,
+// iconic: true,
+// label: true,
+// badge: true,
+// list: true,
+// menu-bar: true,
+// modal: true,
+// motion: true,
+// notification: true,
+// off-canvas: true,
+// panel: true,
+// popup: true,
+// switch: true,
+// tabs: true,
+// title-bar: true,
+// typography: true,
+// utilities: true,
+// );
+// 2. Global Styles
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// This sets 1rem to be 16px
+// $rem-base: 16px;
+// The default font-size is set to 100% of the browser style sheet (usually 16px)
+// for compatibility with browser-based text zoom or user-set defaults.
+// Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid size.
+// If you want your base font-size to be different and not have it affect the grid breakpoints,
+// set $rem-base to $base-font-size and make sure $base-font-size is a px value.
+// $base-font-size: 100%;
+// $base-line-height is 24px while $base-font-size is 16px
+// $base-line-height: 1.5;
+// Text selector helpers
+// $headers: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6";
+// We use these to define default font weights
+// $font-weight-normal: normal;
+// $font-weight-bold: bold;
+// We use these to control various global styles
+// $body-background: #fff;
+// $body-font-color: #222;
+// $body-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+// $body-font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+// $body-font-style: normal;
+// $body-antialiased: true;
+// Application Colors
+// $primary-color: #00558b;
+// $secondary-color: #f1f1f1;
+// $alert-color: #F04124;
+// $info-color: #A0D3E8;
+// $success-color: #43AC6A;
+// $warning-color: #F08A24;
+// $dark-color: #232323;
+// $gray: #dfdfdf;
+// $gray-dark: darken($gray, 8);
+// $gray-light: lighten($gray, 8);
+// We use these to make sure border radius matches unless we want it different.
+// $global-radius: 4px;
+// $global-rounded: 1000px;
+// We use this for default spacing
+// $global-padding: 1rem;
+// $global-spacing: rem-calc(15);
+// 3. Breakpoints
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// These are our named breakpoints. You can use them in our breakpoint function like this: @include breakpoint(medium) { // Medium and larger styles }
+// $breakpoints: (
+// small: rem-calc(0),
+// medium: rem-calc(640),
+// large: rem-calc(1200),
+// xlarge: rem-calc(1440),
+// xxlarge: rem-calc(1920),
+// );
+// All of the names in this list will be output as classes in your CSS, like small-12, medium-6, and so on.
+// $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large);
+// 4. Typography
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// We use these to control header font styles
+// $header-font-family: $body-font-family;
+// $header-font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+// $header-font-style: $font-weight-normal;
+// $header-font-color: #222;
+// $header-line-height: 1.4;
+// $header-top-margin: .2rem;
+// $header-bottom-margin: .5rem;
+// $header-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+// We use these to control header font sizes
+// $h1-font-size: rem-calc(44);
+// $h2-font-size: rem-calc(37);
+// $h3-font-size: rem-calc(27);
+// $h4-font-size: rem-calc(23);
+// $h5-font-size: rem-calc(18);
+// $h6-font-size: 1rem;
+// We use these to control header size reduction on small screens
+// $h1-font-reduction: rem-calc(10);
+// $h2-font-reduction: rem-calc(10);
+// $h3-font-reduction: rem-calc(5);
+// $h4-font-reduction: rem-calc(5);
+// $h5-font-reduction: 0;
+// $h6-font-reduction: 0;
+// These control how subheaders are styled.
+// $subheader-line-height: 1.4;
+// $subheader-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 35%);
+// $subheader-font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+// $subheader-top-margin: .2rem;
+// $subheader-bottom-margin: .5rem;
+// A general <small> styling
+// $small-font-size: 60%;
+// $small-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 35%);
+// We use these to style paragraphs
+// $paragraph-font-family: inherit;
+// $paragraph-font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+// $paragraph-font-size: 1rem;
+// $paragraph-line-height: 1.6;
+// $paragraph-margin-bottom: rem-calc(20);
+// $paragraph-aside-font-size: rem-calc(14);
+// $paragraph-aside-line-height: 1.35;
+// $paragraph-aside-font-style: italic;
+// $paragraph-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+// We use these to style <code> tags
+// $code-color: grayscale($primary-color);
+// $code-font-family: Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Courier, monospace;
+// $code-font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+// $code-background-color: scale-color($secondary-color, $lightness: 70%);
+// $code-border-size: 1px;
+// $code-border-style: solid;
+// $code-border-color: scale-color($code-background-color, $lightness: -10%);
+// $code-padding: rem-calc(2) rem-calc(5) rem-calc(1);
+// We use these to style anchors
+// $anchor-text-decoration: none;
+// $anchor-text-decoration-hover: none;
+// $anchor-font-color: $primary-color;
+// $anchor-font-color-hover: scale-color($anchor-font-color, $lightness: -14%);
+// We use these to style the <hr> element
+// $hr-border-width: 1px;
+// $hr-border-style: solid;
+// $hr-border-color: #ddd;
+// $hr-margin: rem-calc(20);
+// We use these to style lists
+// $list-font-family: $paragraph-font-family;
+// $list-font-size: $paragraph-font-size;
+// $list-line-height: $paragraph-line-height;
+// $list-margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;
+// $list-style-position: outside;
+// $list-side-margin: 1.1rem;
+// $list-ordered-side-margin: 1.4rem;
+// $list-side-margin-no-bullet: 0;
+// $list-nested-margin: rem-calc(20);
+// $definition-list-header-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+// $definition-list-header-margin-bottom: .3rem;
+// $definition-list-margin-bottom: rem-calc(12);
+// We use these to style blockquotes
+// $blockquote-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 35%);
+// $blockquote-padding: rem-calc(9 20 0 19);
+// $blockquote-border: 1px solid #ddd;
+// $blockquote-cite-font-size: rem-calc(13);
+// $blockquote-cite-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 23%);
+// $blockquote-cite-link-color: $blockquote-cite-font-color;
+// Acronym styles
+// $acronym-underline: 1px dotted #ddd;
+// 5. Grid
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $container-width: rem-calc(900);
+// $block-padding: $global-padding;
+// $total-columns: 12;
+// $block-grid-max-size: 6;
+// 6. Button
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $button-padding: 0.85em 1em;
+// $button-margin: 0 $global-padding $global-padding 0;
+// $button-style: solid;
+// $button-background: $primary-color;
+// $button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%);
+// $button-color: auto;
+// $button-radius: 0;
+// $button-sizes: (
+// tiny: 0.7,
+// small: 0.8,
+// medium: 1,
+// large: 1.3,
+// );
+// $button-font-size: 0.9rem;
+// $button-opacity-disabled: 0.5;
+// $button-tag-selector: false;
+// 7. Accordion
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $accordion-border: 1px solid $gray-dark;
+// $accordion-title-background: $gray-light;
+// $accordion-title-background-hover: smartscale($accordion-title-background, 5%);
+// $accordion-title-background-active: smartscale($accordion-title-background, 3%);
+// $accordion-title-color: isitlight($accordion-title-background);
+// $accordion-title-color-active: isitlight($accordion-title-background);
+// $accordion-title-padding: $global-padding;
+// $accordion-content-padding: $global-padding;
+// 8. Action Sheet
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $actionsheet-background: white;
+// $actionsheet-border-color: #ccc;
+// $actionsheet-animate: transform opacity;
+// $actionsheet-animation-speed: 0.25s;
+// $actionsheet-width: 300px;
+// $actionsheet-radius: 4px;
+// $actionsheet-shadow: 0 -3px 10px rgba(black, 0.25);
+// $actionsheet-padding: $global-padding;
+// $actionsheet-tail-size: 10px;
+// $actionsheet-popup-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(black, 0.25);
+// $actionsheet-link-color: #000;
+// $actionsheet-link-background-hover: smartscale($actionsheet-background);
+// 9. Block List
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $blocklist-background: #fff;
+// $blocklist-fullbleed: true;
+// $blocklist-fontsize: 1rem;
+// $blocklist-item-padding: 0.8rem 1rem;
+// $blocklist-item-color: isitlight($blocklist-background, #000, #fff);
+// $blocklist-item-background-hover: smartscale($blocklist-background, 4.5%);
+// $blocklist-item-color-disabled: #999;
+// $blocklist-item-border: 1px solid smartscale($blocklist-background, 18.5%);
+// $blocklist-item-label-color: scale-color($blocklist-item-color, $lightness: 60%);
+// $blocklist-item-icon-size: 0.8;
+// $blocklist-header-fontsize: 0.8em;
+// $blocklist-header-color: smartscale($blocklist-item-color, 40%);
+// $blocklist-header-uppercase: true;
+// $blocklist-check-icons: true;
+// 10. Button Group
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $btngroup-background: $primary-color;
+// $btngroup-color: #fff;
+// $btngroup-radius: $button-radius;
+// 11. Card
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $card-background: #fff;
+// $card-color: isitlight($card-background);
+// $card-border: 1px solid smartscale($card-background, 7%);
+// $card-radius: $global-radius;
+// $card-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(#000, 0.2);
+// $card-padding: $global-padding;
+// $card-margin: 0.5rem;
+// $card-divider-background: smartscale($card-background, 7%);
+// 12. Extras
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $closebutton-position: (top right);
+// $closebutton-size: 2em;
+// $closebutton-lineheight: 0.5;
+// $closebutton-color: #999;
+// $closebutton-color-hover: #333;
+// $thumbnail-padding: 0.5rem;
+// $thumbnail-shadow: 0 3px 15px rgba(black, 0.25);
+// 13. Forms
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Basic form variables
+// $form-fontsize: 1rem;
+// $form-padding: 0.5rem;
+// Text fields
+// $input-color: #000;
+// $input-color-hover: $input-color;
+// $input-color-focus: $input-color;
+// $input-background: #fff;
+// $input-background-hover: $input-background;
+// $input-background-focus: $input-background;
+// $input-background-disabled: smartscale($input-background);
+// $input-border: 1px solid #ccc;
+// $input-border-hover: 1px solid #bbb;
+// $input-border-focus: 1px solid #999;
+// $input-cursor-disabled: not-allowed;
+// Select menus
+// $select-color: #000;
+// $select-background: #fafafa;
+// $select-background-hover: smartscale($select-background, 4%);
+// $select-arrow: true;
+// $select-arrow-color: $select-color;
+// Labels
+// $form-label-fontsize: 0.9rem;
+// $form-label-margin: 0.5rem;
+// $form-label-color: #333;
+// Inline labels
+// $inlinelabel-color: #333;
+// $inlinelabel-background: #eee;
+// $inlinelabel-border: $input-border;
+// Range slider
+// $slider-background: #ddd;
+// $slider-height: 1rem;
+// $slider-radius: 0px;
+// $slider-thumb-height: 1.5rem;
+// $slider-thumb-color: $primary-color;
+// $slider-thumb-radius: 0px;
+// Progress and meter
+// $meter-height: 1.5rem;
+// $meter-background: #ccc;
+// $meter-fill: $primary-color;
+// $meter-fill-high: $success-color;
+// $meter-fill-medium: #e7cf00;
+// $meter-fill-low: $alert-color;
+// $meter-radius: 0;
+// 14. Iconic
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $iconic-primary-fill: $primary-color;
+// $iconic-primary-stroke: $primary-color;
+// $iconic-accent-fill: $iconic-primary-fill;
+// $iconic-accent-stroke: $iconic-accent-fill;
+// 15. Label
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $label-fontsize: 0.8rem;
+// $label-padding: ($global-padding / 3) ($global-padding / 2);
+// $label-radius: 0;
+// $label-background: $primary-color;
+// $label-color: isitlight($primary-color);
+// $badge-fontsize: 0.8em;
+// $badge-diameter: 1.5rem;
+// $badge-background: $primary-color;
+// $badge-color: #fff;
+// 16. Menu Bar
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $menubar-fontsize: 1rem;
+// $menubar-background: #fff;
+// $menubar-background-hover: smartscale($menubar-background, 7%);
+// $menubar-background-active: $menubar-background-hover;
+// $menubar-color: isitlight($menubar-background);
+// $menubar-color-hover: $menubar-color;
+// $menubar-color-active: $menubar-color-hover;
+// $menubar-item-padding: $global-padding;
+// $menubar-icon-size: 25px;
+// $menubar-icon-spacing: $menubar-item-padding;
+// 17. Modal
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $modal-background: #fff;
+// $modal-border: 0;
+// $modal-radius: 0px;
+// $modal-shadow: none;
+// $modal-zindex: 1000;
+// $modal-sizes: (
+// tiny: 300px,
+// small: 500px,
+// medium: 600px,
+// large: 800px,
+// );
+// $modal-overlay-class: 'modal-overlay';
+// $modal-overlay-background: rgba(#333, 0.7);
+// 18. Motion UI
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Classes to use when triggering in/out animations
+// $motion-class: (
+// in: "ng-enter",
+// out: "ng-leave",
+// );
+// $motion-class-active: (
+// in: "ng-enter-active",
+// out: "ng-leave-active",
+// );
+// $motion-class-stagger: (
+// in: "ng-enter-stagger",
+// out: "ng-leave-stagger",
+// );
+// $motion-class-showhide: (
+// in: "ng-hide-remove",
+// out: "ng-hide-add",
+// );
+// $motion-class-showhide-active: (
+// in: "ng-hide-remove-active",
+// out: "ng-hide-add-active",
+// );
+// Set if movement-based transitions should also fade the element in and out
+// $motion-slide-and-fade: false;
+// $motion-hinge-and-fade: true;
+// $motion-scale-and-fade: true;
+// $motion-spin-and-fade: true;
+// Default speed for transitions and animations
+// $motion-duration-default: 500ms;
+// Slow and fast modifiders
+// $motion-duration-slow: 750ms;
+// $motion-duration-fast: 250ms;
+// $motion-stagger-duration-default: 150ms;
+// $motion-stagger-duration-short: 50ms;
+// $motion-stagger-duration-long: 300ms;
+// Default timing function for transitions and animations
+// $motion-timing-default: ease;
+// Built-in and custom easing functions
+// Every item in this map becomes a CSS class
+// $motion-timings: (
+// linear: linear,
+// ease: ease,
+// easeIn: ease-in,
+// easeOut: ease-out,
+// easeInOut: ease-in-out,
+// bounceIn: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.240, 1.245),
+// bounceOut: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.515, 0.845),
+// bounceInOut: cubic-bezier(0.760, -0.245, 0.240, 1.245),
+// );
+// Default delay for all transitions and animations
+// $motion-delay-default: 0;
+// Short and long delay modifiers
+// $motion-delay-short: 300ms;
+// $motion-delay-long: 700ms;
+// 19. Notification
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $notification-default-position: right top;
+// $notification-width: rem-calc(400);
+// $notification-offset: $global-padding;
+// $notification-background: $primary-color;
+// $notification-color: white;
+// $notification-padding: $global-padding;
+// $notification-radius: 4px;
+// $notification-icon-size: 60px;
+// $notification-icon-margin: $global-padding;
+// $notification-icon-align: top;
+// 20. Off-canvas
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $offcanvas-size-horizontal: 250px;
+// $offcanvas-size-vertical: 250px;
+// $offcanvas-background: #fff;
+// $offcanvas-color: isitlight($offcanvas-background);
+// $offcanvas-padding: 0;
+// $offcanvas-shadow: 3px 0 10px rgba(black, 0.25);
+// $offcanvas-animation-speed: 0.25s;
+// $offcanvas-frame-selector: '.grid-frame';
+// 21. Panel
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $panel-size-horizontal: 300px;
+// $panel-size-vertical: 300px;
+// $panel-padding: 0;
+// $panel-background: #fff;
+// $panel-shadow: 3px 0 10px rgba(black, 0.25);
+// DEPRECATED: these variables will be removed in a future version.
+// $panel-animation-speed: 0.25s;
+// 22. Popup
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $popup-width: rem-calc(300);
+// $popup-background: #fff;
+// $popup-border: 0;
+// $popup-radius: 0;
+// $popup-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(#000, 0.25);
+// 23. Switch
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $switch-width: rem-calc(50);
+// $switch-height: rem-calc(32);
+// $switch-background: #ccc;
+// $switch-background-active: $primary-color;
+// $switch-border: 0;
+// $switch-radius: 9999px;
+// $switch-animation-speed: 0.15s;
+// $switch-paddle-color: white;
+// $switch-paddle-offset: 4px;
+// 24. Tabs
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $tabstrip-background: transparent;
+// $tab-title-background: $gray-light;
+// $tab-title-background-hover: smartscale($tab-title-background, 5%);
+// $tab-title-background-active: smartscale($tab-title-background, 3%);
+// $tab-title-color: isitlight($tab-title-background);
+// $tab-title-color-active: $tab-title-color;
+// $tab-title-padding: $global-padding;
+// $tab-content-padding: $global-padding;
+// 25. Title Bar
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// $titlebar-center-width: 50%;
+// $titlebar-side-width: (100% - $titlebar-center-width) / 2;
+// $titlebar-background: #eee;
+// $titlebar-color: #000;
+// $titlebar-border: 1px solid #ccc;
+// $titlebar-padding: $global-padding;
+// $titlebar-item-classes: (
+// center: 'center',
+// left: 'left',
+// right: 'right',
+// title: 'title',
+// );
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_accordion.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_accordion.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d330f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_accordion.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ ---------
+ The trusy accordion allows you to create a series of vertical tabs.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Accordion
+$accordion-border: 1px solid $gray-dark !default;
+$accordion-title-background: $gray-light !default;
+$accordion-title-background-hover: smartscale($accordion-title-background, 5%) !default;
+$accordion-title-background-active: smartscale($accordion-title-background, 3%) !default;
+$accordion-title-color: isitlight($accordion-title-background) !default;
+$accordion-title-color-active: isitlight($accordion-title-background) !default;
+$accordion-title-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$accordion-content-padding: $global-padding !default;
+@mixin accordion-title(
+ $background: $accordion-title-background,
+ $background-hover: $accordion-title-background-hover,
+ $background-active: $accordion-title-background-active,
+ $color: $accordion-title-color,
+ $color-active: $accordion-title-color-active,
+ $padding: $accordion-title-padding
+) {
+ padding: $padding;
+ background: $background;
+ color: $color;
+ line-height: 1;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ &:hover {
+ background: $background-hover;
+ }
+ .is-active > & {
+ background: $background-active;
+ color: $color-active;
+ }
+@mixin accordion-content(
+ $padding: $accordion-content-padding
+) {
+ padding: $padding;
+ display: none;
+ .is-active > & {
+ display: block;
+ }
+@include exports(accordion) {
+ .accordion {
+ @if hasvalue($accordion-border) {
+ border: $accordion-border;
+ }
+ }
+ .accordion-item {
+ }
+ .accordion-title {
+ @include accordion-title;
+ }
+ .accordion-content {
+ @include accordion-content;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_action-sheet.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_action-sheet.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b945c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_action-sheet.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ ------------
+ A dropdown menu that sticks to the bottom of the screen on small devices, and becomes a dropdown menu on larger devices.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Action Sheet
+$actionsheet-background: white !default;
+$actionsheet-border-color: #ccc !default;
+$actionsheet-animate: transform opacity !default;
+$actionsheet-animation-speed: 0.25s !default;
+$actionsheet-width: 300px !default;
+$actionsheet-radius: 4px !default;
+$actionsheet-shadow: 0 -3px 10px rgba(black, 0.25) !default;
+$actionsheet-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$actionsheet-tail-size: 10px !default;
+$actionsheet-popup-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(black, 0.25) !default;
+$actionsheet-link-color: #000 !default;
+$actionsheet-link-background-hover: smartscale($actionsheet-background) !default;
+ Styles for the list inside an action sheet.
+ Don't include this mixin if you want to build custom controls inside the sheet.
+@mixin action-sheet-menu(
+ $padding: $actionsheet-padding,
+ $color: $actionsheet-link-color,
+ $border-color: $actionsheet-border-color,
+ $background-hover: $actionsheet-link-background-hover
+) {
+ // Menu container
+ ul {
+ margin: -($padding);
+ margin-top: 0;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ user-select: none;
+ // If the menu has no content above it
+ &:first-child {
+ margin-top: -$padding;
+ li:first-child {
+ border-top: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Menu links
+ a {
+ display: block;
+ padding: $padding * 0.8;
+ line-height: 1;
+ color: $color;
+ border-top: 1px solid $border-color;
+ &:hover {
+ color: $color;
+ background: $background-hover;
+ }
+ }
+ .alert > a {
+ color: $alert-color;
+ }
+ .disabled > a {
+ pointer-events: none;
+ color: #999;
+ }
+ }
+ Styles for the action sheet container. Action sheets pin to the top or bottom of the screen.
+@mixin action-sheet(
+ $position: bottom,
+ $shadow: $actionsheet-shadow,
+ $animate: $actionsheet-animate,
+ $animation-speed: $actionsheet-animation-speed,
+ $padding: $actionsheet-padding,
+ $background: $actionsheet-background
+) {
+ position: fixed;
+ left: 0;
+ z-index: 1000;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding: $padding;
+ background: $background;
+ text-align: center;
+ transition-property: $animate;
+ transition-duration: $animation-speed;
+ transition-timing-function: ease-out;
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) {
+ box-shadow: $shadow;
+ }
+ // Positions
+ @if $position == bottom {
+ bottom: 0;
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ &.is-active {
+ transform: translateY(0%);
+ }
+ }
+ // These two don't quite work as planned yet
+ @else if $position == top {
+ top: 0;
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ &.is-active {
+ transform: translateY(0%);
+ }
+ }
+@mixin popup-menu(
+ $position: bottom,
+ $background: $actionsheet-background,
+ $width: $actionsheet-width,
+ $radius: $actionsheet-radius,
+ $shadow: $actionsheet-popup-shadow,
+ $tail-size: $actionsheet-tail-size
+) {
+ /*
+ Core styles
+ */
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 50%;
+ width: $width;
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ opacity: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ /*
+ Menu shadow
+ */
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) {
+ box-shadow: $shadow;
+ }
+ /*
+ Active state
+ */
+ &.is-active {
+ opacity: 1;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ }
+ /*
+ Menu tail
+ */
+ &::before, &::after {
+ content: '';
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 50%;
+ display: block;
+ width: 0px;
+ height: 0px;
+ border-left: $tail-size solid transparent;
+ border-right: $tail-size solid transparent;
+ margin-left: -($tail-size);
+ }
+ /*
+ Positioning
+ */
+ @if $position == bottom {
+ top: auto;
+ bottom: 0;
+ transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(110%);
+ &.is-active {
+ transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(100%);
+ }
+ &::before, &::after {
+ top: -($tail-size);
+ bottom: auto;
+ border-top: 0;
+ border-bottom: $tail-size solid $background;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ top: -($tail-size + 2);
+ border-bottom-color: rgba(black, 0.15);
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $position == top {
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto;
+ transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-120%);
+ &.is-active {
+ transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-110%);
+ }
+ &::before, &::after {
+ top: auto;
+ bottom: -($tail-size);
+ border-top: $tail-size solid $background;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ bottom: -($tail-size + 2);
+ border-top-color: rgba(black, 0.15);
+ }
+ }
+@include exports(action-sheet) {
+ .action-sheet-container {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ .button {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .action-sheet {
+ @include action-sheet;
+ @include action-sheet-menu;
+ @include breakpoint(medium) {
+ @include popup-menu;
+ &.top {
+ @include popup-menu(top);
+ }
+ }
+ &.primary {
+ background: $primary-color;
+ color: isitlight($primary-color);
+ border: 0;
+ &::before { display: none; }
+ &::before, &::after { border-top-color: $primary-color; }
+ &.top::before, &.top::after { border-bottom-color: $primary-color; }
+ @include action-sheet-menu(
+ $color: isitlight($primary-color),
+ $border-color: smartscale($primary-color, 10%),
+ $background-hover: smartscale($primary-color)
+ );
+ }
+ &.dark {
+ background: $dark-color;
+ color: isitlight($dark-color);
+ border: 0;
+ &::before { display: none; }
+ &::before, &::after { border-top-color: $dark-color; }
+ &.top::before, &.top::after { border-bottom-color: $dark-color; }
+ @include action-sheet-menu(
+ $color: isitlight($dark-color),
+ $border-color: smartscale($dark-color, 10%),
+ $background-hover: smartscale($dark-color)
+ );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_block-list.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_block-list.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1cbe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_block-list.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ ----------
+ A generic list component that can accomodate a variety of styles and controls.
+ Features:
+ - Icons
+ - Labels
+ - Chevrons
+ - Text fields
+ - Dropdown menus
+ - Checkbox/radio inputs
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Block List
+$blocklist-background: #fff !default;
+$blocklist-fullbleed: true !default;
+$blocklist-fontsize: 1rem !default;
+$blocklist-item-padding: 0.8rem 1rem !default;
+$blocklist-item-color: isitlight($blocklist-background, #000, #fff) !default;
+$blocklist-item-background-hover: smartscale($blocklist-background, 4.5%) !default;
+$blocklist-item-color-disabled: #999 !default;
+$blocklist-item-border: 1px solid smartscale($blocklist-background, 18.5%) !default;
+$blocklist-item-label-color: scale-color($blocklist-item-color, $lightness: 60%) !default;
+$blocklist-item-icon-size: 0.8 !default;
+$blocklist-header-fontsize: 0.8em !default;
+$blocklist-header-color: smartscale($blocklist-item-color, 40%) !default;
+$blocklist-header-uppercase: true;
+$blocklist-check-icons: true !default;
+ Adds styles for a block list container.
+ $font-size: global font size for the list.
+ $full-bleed: when "true", the margins of the list invert to line it up with the edge of a padded element.
+%block-list-container {
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ line-height: 1;
+ user-select: none;
+ &, ul {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ }
+ ul {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+@mixin block-list-container(
+ $font-size: $blocklist-fontsize,
+ $full-bleed: $blocklist-fullbleed
+) {
+ @extend %block-list-container;
+ font-size: $font-size;
+ @if $full-bleed {
+ margin-left: -$global-padding;
+ margin-right: -$global-padding;
+ }
+ Styles block list headers on the selector you include this mixin in (normally a <header>).
+ $color - color of the header.
+ $font-size - font size of the header.
+ $offset - left margin to add to the header, to line it up with the list items.
+@mixin block-list-header(
+ $color: $blocklist-header-color,
+ $font-size: $blocklist-header-fontsize,
+ $uppercase: $blocklist-header-uppercase,
+ $offset: get-side($blocklist-item-padding, left)
+) {
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ color: $color;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+ margin-left: $offset;
+ font-size: $font-size;
+ cursor: default;
+ @if $uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; }
+ Styles block list items on the selector you include this mixin in (normally an <li>).
+ $color - color of items.
+ $color-hover - color of items on hover.
+ $background - background of items.
+ $background-hover - background of items on hover.
+ $border - border between items.
+ $padding - padding on items.
+@mixin block-list-item(
+ $color: $blocklist-item-color,
+ $color-hover: $blocklist-item-color,
+ $color-disabled: $blocklist-item-color-disabled,
+ $background: transparent,
+ $background-hover: $blocklist-item-background-hover,
+ $border: $blocklist-item-border,
+ $padding: $blocklist-item-padding
+) {
+ position: relative;
+ @if hasvalue($border) {
+ border-bottom: $border;
+ &:first-child {
+ border-top: $border;
+ }
+ }
+ // Inner elements share the same basic styles
+ > a, > span, > label {
+ display: block;
+ padding: $padding;
+ padding-left: get-side($padding, left);
+ color: $color;
+ line-height: 1;
+ }
+ > span {
+ cursor: default;
+ }
+ > a, > label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ &:hover {
+ color: $color-hover;
+ }
+ }
+ > a, > label, select {
+ &:hover {
+ background: $background-hover;
+ }
+ }
+ // Coloring classes
+ &.caution > a {
+ &, &:hover { color: $alert-color; }
+ }
+ &.disabled > a {
+ cursor: default;
+ &, &:hover { color: $color-disabled; }
+ &:hover { background: transparent; }
+ }
+ Adds label styles to the class you include this mixin in.
+ $color - color of the label.
+ $left-class - extra class to flip the orientation of the label.
+ $left-padding - left padding to use for left-hand labels.
+@mixin block-list-label(
+ $color: $blocklist-item-label-color,
+ $left-class: 'left',
+ $left-padding: get-side($blocklist-item-padding, top)
+) {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: right;
+ padding: 0;
+ color: $color;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ &.#{$left-class} {
+ margin-left: $left-padding;
+ float: none;
+ }
+ Adds support for chevrons, which appear on the right-hand side of the item.
+ $color - color of the chevron.
+ $padding - include the global padding of block list items here.
+@mixin block-list-chevron(
+ $color: $blocklist-header-color,
+ $padding: $blocklist-item-padding,
+ $label-class: 'block-list-label'
+) {
+ // Chevrons are a pseudo-element
+ &::after {
+ content: '\203A';
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: get-side($padding, right);
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: $color;
+ font-size: 2em;
+ }
+ // Labels next to links move over to make room for the chevron
+ // TODO: this selector needs to be customiable, but adding a setting just for it might be weird
+ .#{$label-class} {
+ padding-right: get-side($padding, right) * 1.5;
+ }
+ Adds icon styles. Call this mixin on a block list container.
+ $size - size of the icon as a percentage (decimal) of the list item's height.
+ $item-selector - overrides the 'li' selector used for list items.
+@mixin block-list-icons(
+ $size: $blocklist-item-icon-size,
+ $item-selector: 'li'
+) {
+ // PH - need a better solution
+ $item-height:
+ $blocklist-fontsize
+ + get-side($blocklist-item-padding, top)
+ + get-side($blocklist-item-padding, top);
+ $icon-height: $item-height * $blocklist-item-icon-size;
+ $icon-offset: ($item-height - $icon-height) / 2;
+ #{$item-selector} {
+ > a, > span, > label {
+ padding-left: (get-side($blocklist-item-padding, left) * 2) + $blocklist-item-icon-size;
+ }
+ img, .iconic {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: $icon-offset;
+ left: $icon-offset;
+ width: $icon-height;
+ height: $icon-height;
+ border-radius: 8px;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ }
+ }
+ Adds support for text fields, select menus, and checkbox/radio groups in block lists.
+ $color - color of select menu arrow.
+ $background-hover - color of select menu when hovered over.
+ $padding - include the global padding of block list items here.
+ $dropdown-class - class to use for list items that contain a dropdown.
+ $switch-class - class to use for switches inside list items.
+@mixin block-list-inputs(
+ $color: $blocklist-item-color,
+ $background: $blocklist-background,
+ $background-hover: $blocklist-item-background-hover,
+ $padding: $blocklist-item-padding,
+ $icons: $blocklist-check-icons,
+ $dropdown-class: 'with-dropdown',
+ $switch-class: 'switch'
+) {
+ // Text fields
+ #{$text-input-selectors} {
+ margin: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ line-height: 1;
+ height: auto;
+ padding: $padding;
+ color: inherit;
+ &:hover, &:focus {
+ border: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Multiple select
+ li > input[type="checkbox"], li > input[type="radio"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -9999px;
+ & + label {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: $blocklist-fontsize;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ @if $icons == true {
+ &:checked + label {
+ &::before {
+ @include image-checkmark($color);
+ content: '';
+ background-size: 100% 100%;
+ width: 1.5em;
+ height: 1.5em;
+ color: $primary-color;
+ float: right;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ margin-top: -0.25em;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dropdowns
+ .#{$dropdown-class} {
+ color: inherit;
+ select {
+ // Reset pesky <select> styles
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ outline: 0;
+ background: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ height: auto;
+ padding: $padding;
+ margin: 0;
+ font-size: 1em; // Same size as its parent
+ line-height: 1;
+ color: inherit;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ }
+ }
+ // Switches
+ .#{$switch-class} {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ right: get-side($padding, right);
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ }
+@include exports(block-list) {
+ .block-list {
+ @include block-list-container;
+ @include block-list-inputs;
+ &.with-icons { @include block-list-icons; }
+ header { @include block-list-header; }
+ li {
+ @include block-list-item;
+ &.with-chevron { @include block-list-chevron; }
+ .block-list-label { @include block-list-label; }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_button-group.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_button-group.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8505c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_button-group.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Button Group
+$btngroup-background: $primary-color !default;
+$btngroup-color: #fff !default;
+$btngroup-radius: $button-radius !default;
+$child-selectors: '> a, > label, > button';
+%button-group {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ display: inline-flex;
+ border-radius: $btngroup-radius;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ font-size: $button-font-size;
+ > li {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ // Links become buttons
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ @extend %button;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ font-size: inherit;
+ display: block;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ > input + label {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ // Add borders between items
+ &:not(:last-child) {
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ border-right: 1px solid scale-color($btngroup-background, $lightness: -25%);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @if using(iconic) {
+ .iconic {
+ width: 1em;
+ height: 1em;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin-right: 0.25em;
+ margin-top: -2px; // The icons are oddly misaligned
+ }
+ }
+%button-group-segmented {
+ border: 1px solid $primary-color;
+ transition-property: background color;
+ > li {
+ // Hide the radio button
+ > input[type="radio"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -9999px;
+ }
+ // This is the button
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ background: transparent;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin button-group-size($size: medium, $expand: false) {
+ $size: $button-font-size * map-get($button-sizes, $size);
+ font-size: $size;
+ @if $expand {
+ @include button-group-expand;
+ }
+@mixin button-group-expand($stretch: true) {
+ display: if($stretch, flex, inline-flex);
+ > li {
+ flex: if($stretch, 1, 0 0 auto);
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ @if $stretch { @include button-expand; }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin button-group-style(
+ $segmented: false,
+ $background: $primary-color,
+ $color: auto
+) {
+ @if not($segmented) {
+ > li {
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ @include button-style($background, auto, $color);
+ border-color: scale-color($background, $lightness: -15%);
+ }
+ &.is-active {
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ background: scale-color($background, $lightness: -15%);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ @extend %button-group-segmented;
+ $hover-color: rgba($background, 0.25);
+ border-color: $background;
+ > li {
+ // This is the button
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ border-color: $background;
+ color: $background;
+ // This is the button being hovered on
+ &:hover {
+ background: $hover-color;
+ color: $background;
+ }
+ @if using(iconic) {
+ .iconic { @include color-icon($background); }
+ }
+ }
+ // This is the button when it's active
+ &.is-active > a,
+ > input:checked + label {
+ &, &:hover {
+ background: $background;
+ color: isitlight($background);
+ }
+ @if using(iconic) {
+ .iconic { @include color-icon(isitlight($background)); }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin button-group(
+ $segmented: false,
+ $expand: false,
+ $background: $primary-color,
+ $color: #fff
+) {
+ @extend %button-group;
+ @include button-group-expand($expand);
+ @include button-group-style($segmented, $background, $color);
+ border-radius: $btngroup-radius;
+@include exports(button-group) {
+ .button-group {
+ @include button-group;
+ // Colors
+ &.secondary { @include button-group-style(false, $secondary-color); }
+ &.success { @include button-group-style(false, $success-color); }
+ &.warning { @include button-group-style(false, $warning-color); }
+ &.alert { @include button-group-style(false, $alert-color); }
+ // Individual colors
+ > li {
+ &.secondary { #{$child-selectors} { @include button-style($secondary-color, auto, $btngroup: true); } }
+ &.success { #{$child-selectors} { @include button-style($success-color, auto, $btngroup: true); } }
+ &.warning { #{$child-selectors} { @include button-style($warning-color, auto, $btngroup: true); } }
+ &.alert { #{$child-selectors} { @include button-style($alert-color, auto, $btngroup: true); } }
+ }
+ // Segmented
+ &.segmented { @include button-group-style(true);
+ &.secondary { @include button-group-style(true, $secondary-color); }
+ &.success { @include button-group-style(true, $success-color); }
+ &.warning { @include button-group-style(true, $warning-color); }
+ &.alert { @include button-group-style(true, $alert-color); }
+ }
+ // Sizing
+ &.tiny { @include button-group-size(tiny); }
+ &.small { @include button-group-size(small); }
+ &.large { @include button-group-size(large); }
+ &.expand { @include button-group-expand; }
+ // Disabled
+ li.disabled {
+ #{$child-selectors} {
+ @include button-disabled;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_button.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_button.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e22b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_button.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Button
+$button-padding: 0.85em 1em !default;
+$button-margin: 0 $global-padding $global-padding 0 !default;
+$button-style: solid !default;
+$button-background: $primary-color !default;
+$button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%) !default;
+$button-color: auto !default;
+$button-radius: 0 !default;
+$button-sizes: (
+ tiny: 0.7,
+ small: 0.8,
+ medium: 1,
+ large: 1.3,
+) !default;
+$button-font-size: 0.9rem !default;
+$button-opacity-disabled: 0.5 !default;
+$button-tag-selector: false !default;
+%button {
+ display: inline-block;
+ border: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 1;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ transition: background 0.25s ease-out;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ padding: $button-padding;
+ margin: $button-margin;
+ font-size: $button-font-size;
+ border-radius: $button-radius;
+ // Dropdown arrow
+ // TODO: Change to class and mixin because now the toggle is 'fa-open' which is too generic
+ // &[data-popup-toggle] {
+ // position: relative;
+ // padding-right: 2em; // Placeholder
+ // &::after {
+ // @include css-triangle(6px, black, top);
+ // position: absolute;
+ // right: 0.7em;
+ // top: 50%;
+ // margin-top: -3px;
+ // }
+ // }
+@mixin button-size($size: medium, $expand: false) {
+ $size: $button-font-size * map-get($button-sizes, $size);
+ font-size: $size;
+ @if $expand {
+ @include button-expand;
+ }
+ @if using(iconic) {
+ .iconic {
+ width: 1em;
+ height: 1em;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin-right: 0.25em;
+ margin-top: -2px; // The icons are oddly misaligned
+ }
+ }
+@mixin button-expand($expand: true) {
+ @if $expand {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+ @else {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ margin: $button-margin;
+ }
+@mixin button-style(
+ $background: $button-background,
+ $background-hover: $button-background-hover,
+ $color: $button-color,
+ $style: $button-style,
+ $radius: $button-radius,
+ $btngroup: false
+ @if $style == hollow {
+ border: 1px solid $background;
+ background: transparent;
+ color: $background;
+ &:hover, &:focus {
+ border-color: scale-color($background, $lightness: 25%);
+ background: transparent;
+ color: scale-color($background, $lightness: 25%);
+ }
+ }
+ // Solid is the default
+ @else {
+ @if $color == auto {
+ $color: isitlight($background);
+ }
+ background: $background;
+ color: $color;
+ &:hover, &:focus {
+ @if $background-hover == auto {
+ background: scale-color($background, $lightness: -15%);
+ }
+ @else {
+ background: $background-hover;
+ }
+ color: $color;
+ }
+ }
+ @if $btngroup {
+ border-color: $background;
+ &:hover, &:focus {
+ border-color: scale-color($background, $lightness: -25%);
+ }
+ }
+ @if using(iconic) {
+ @if $style == hollow {
+ .iconic {
+ @include color-icon($background);
+ }
+ &:hover .iconic {
+ @include color-icon(scale-color($background, $lightness: 25%));
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ .iconic {
+ @include color-icon($color);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin button-disabled() {
+ opacity: $button-opacity-disabled;
+ cursor: default;
+ pointer-events: none;
+@mixin button(
+ $size: medium,
+ $expand: false,
+ $background: $button-background,
+ $background-hover: $button-background-hover,
+ $color: $button-color,
+ $style: $button-style,
+ $radius: $button-radius
+) {
+ @extend %button;
+ @include button-size($size);
+ @include button-expand($expand);
+ @include button-style($background, $background-hover, $color, $style);
+@include exports(button) {
+ .button {
+ @include button;
+ &.tiny { @include button-size(tiny); }
+ &.small { @include button-size(small); }
+ &.large { @include button-size(large); }
+ &.expand { @include button-expand; }
+ &.secondary { @include button-style($secondary-color, auto) }
+ &.success { @include button-style($success-color, auto) }
+ &.warning { @include button-style($warning-color, auto) }
+ &.alert { @include button-style($alert-color, auto) }
+ &.info { @include button-style($info-color, auto) }
+ &.dark { @include button-style($dark-color, auto) }
+ @if $button-style != hollow {
+ &.hollow { @include button-style($style: hollow);
+ &.secondary { @include button-style($secondary-color, $style: hollow); }
+ &.success { @include button-style($success-color, $style: hollow); }
+ &.warning { @include button-style($warning-color, $style: hollow); }
+ &.alert { @include button-style($alert-color, $style: hollow); }
+ &.info { @include button-style($info-color, $style: hollow); }
+ &.dark { @include button-style($dark-color, $style: hollow); }
+ }
+ }
+ &.disabled { @include button-disabled; }
+ }
+ @if $button-tag-selector {
+ button {
+ @extend .button;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_card.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_card.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..680a755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_card.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ Cards
+ Structure:
+ titles
+ lists
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Card
+$card-background: #fff !default;
+$card-color: isitlight($card-background) !default;
+$card-border: 1px solid smartscale($card-background, 7%) !default;
+$card-radius: $global-radius !default;
+$card-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(#000, 0.2) !default;
+$card-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$card-margin: 0.5rem !default;
+$card-divider-background: smartscale($card-background, 7%) !default;
+@mixin card-container(
+ $background: $card-background,
+ $color: $card-color,
+ $border: $card-border,
+ $radius: $card-radius,
+ $shadow: $card-shadow,
+ $padding: $card-padding,
+ $margin: $card-margin
+) {
+ border: $border;
+ margin-bottom: $margin;
+ background: $background;
+ color: $color;
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ box-shadow: $shadow;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color: inherit;
+ }
+ ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ img {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+@mixin card-divider(
+ $background: $card-divider-background,
+ $padding: $card-padding
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ padding: $padding;
+@mixin card-section(
+ $padding: $card-padding
+) {
+ padding: $padding;
+@include exports(card) {
+ .card {
+ @include card-container;
+ @each $color in map-keys($foundation-colors) {
+ &.#{$color} {
+ $color-value: map-get($foundation-colors, $color);
+ @include card-container(
+ $background: $color-value,
+ $color: isitlight($color-value),
+ $border: 0
+ );
+ .card-divider {
+ @include card-divider(
+ $background: smartscale($color-value, 7%)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .card-divider {
+ @include card-divider;
+ }
+ .card-section {
+ @include card-section;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_extras.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_extras.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e2443a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_extras.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Odds and ends.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Extras
+$closebutton-position: (top right) !default;
+$closebutton-size: 2em !default;
+$closebutton-lineheight: 0.5 !default;
+$closebutton-color: #999 !default;
+$closebutton-color-hover: #333 !default;
+$thumbnail-padding: 0.5rem !default;
+$thumbnail-shadow: 0 3px 15px rgba(black, 0.25) !default;
+// A basic close button. They pin to the corner of the thing they're inside.
+%close-button {
+ $x: nth($closebutton-position, 1);
+ $y: nth($closebutton-position, 2);
+ position: absolute;
+ color: $closebutton-color;
+ #{$x}: $global-padding;
+ #{$y}: $global-padding;
+ font-size: $closebutton-size;
+ line-height: $closebutton-lineheight;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ &:hover {
+ color: $closebutton-color-hover;
+ }
+// Make your images fancy-like.
+%thumbnail {
+ padding: $thumbnail-padding;
+ box-shadow: $thumbnail-shadow;
+@include exports(extras) {
+ .close-button {
+ @extend %close-button;
+ }
+ .thumbnail {
+ @extend %thumbnail;
+ }
+ ul.thumbnails > li {
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ a { display: block; }
+ img { @extend %thumbnail; }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_forms.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_forms.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d0376b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_forms.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+ -----
+ Our form styles include basic resets for text fields, select menus, and so on, along with some of our own custom components.
+ Includes:
+ - Text fields
+ - Text areas
+ - Select menus
+ - Checkboxes and radio buttons
+ - Range slider
+ - Progress bars and meters
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Forms
+// Basic form variables
+$form-fontsize: 1rem !default;
+$form-padding: 0.5rem !default;
+// Text fields
+$input-color: #000 !default;
+$input-color-hover: $input-color !default;
+$input-color-focus: $input-color !default;
+$input-background: #fff !default;
+$input-background-hover: $input-background !default;
+$input-background-focus: $input-background !default;
+$input-background-disabled: smartscale($input-background) !default;
+$input-border: 1px solid #ccc !default;
+$input-border-hover: 1px solid #bbb !default;
+$input-border-focus: 1px solid #999 !default;
+$input-cursor-disabled: not-allowed !default;
+// Select menus
+$select-color: #000 !default;
+$select-background: #fafafa !default;
+$select-background-hover: smartscale($select-background, 4%) !default;
+$select-arrow: true !default;
+$select-arrow-color: $select-color !default;
+// Labels
+$form-label-fontsize: 0.9rem !default;
+$form-label-margin: 0.5rem !default;
+$form-label-color: #333 !default;
+// Inline labels
+$inlinelabel-color: #333 !default;
+$inlinelabel-background: #eee !default;
+$inlinelabel-border: $input-border !default;
+// Range slider
+$slider-background: #ddd !default;
+$slider-height: 1rem !default;
+$slider-radius: 0px !default;
+$slider-thumb-height: 1.5rem !default;
+$slider-thumb-color: $primary-color !default;
+$slider-thumb-radius: 0px !default;
+// Progress and meter
+$meter-height: 1.5rem !default;
+$meter-background: #ccc !default;
+$meter-fill: $primary-color !default;
+$meter-fill-high: $success-color !default;
+$meter-fill-medium: #e7cf00 !default;
+$meter-fill-low: $alert-color !default;
+$meter-radius: 0 !default;
+// Disable OS-level styles
+@mixin no-appearance {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+// Text fields
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+#{$text-input-selectors} {
+ $top-padding: get-side($form-padding, top);
+ $bottom-padding: get-side($form-padding, bottom);
+ $height: ($form-fontsize * 1.4) + $top-padding + $bottom-padding;
+ @include no-appearance;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: $height;
+ padding: $form-padding;
+ margin: 0 0 $global-padding 0;
+ border: $input-border;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ background: $input-background;
+ color: $input-color;
+ font-size: $form-fontsize;
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ &:hover {
+ border: $input-border-hover;
+ background: $input-background-hover;
+ color: $input-color-hover;
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ outline: 0;
+ border: $input-border-focus;
+ background: $input-background-focus;
+ color: $input-color-focus;
+ }
+ label > & {
+ margin-top: $form-label-margin;
+ }
+// Override the content-box declaration set by Normalize
+input[type="search"] {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+// Disabled state
+input {
+ &.disabled,
+ &[disabled],
+ &[readonly],
+ fieldset[disabled] & {
+ cursor: $input-cursor-disabled;
+ &, &:hover {
+ background-color: $input-background-disabled;
+ }
+ }
+// Labels
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+label {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: $form-label-fontsize;
+ margin-bottom: $form-label-margin;
+ color: $form-label-color;
+ > input, > textarea {
+ margin-top: $form-label-margin;
+ }
+// Checkbox/radio buttons
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] {
+ width: 1rem;
+ height: 1rem;
+ // Input inside of a label
+ label > & {
+ margin-right: $form-padding * 0.5;
+ }
+ // Input next to a label
+ & + label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-left: $form-padding;
+ margin-right: $form-padding * 2;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+ }
+// Inline labels
+// Inline labels allow you to prefix or postfix special labels to inputs
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+.inline-label {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-flow: row nowrap;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ margin-bottom: $global-padding;
+ // Imitates the top margin on normal inputs
+ label > & {
+ margin-top: $form-label-margin;
+ }
+ // Inputs stretch all the way out
+ > input, > select {
+ flex: 1;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ // Inline labels and buttons shrink
+ > .form-label {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ background: $inlinelabel-background;
+ color: $inlinelabel-color;
+ border: $inlinelabel-border;
+ padding: 0 $form-padding;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ &:first-child { border-right: 0; }
+ &:last-child { border-left: 0; }
+ }
+ // Buttons also shrink
+ > a,
+ > button,
+ > input[type="button"],
+ > input[type="submit"] {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ }
+// Text areas
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+textarea {
+ height: auto;
+ width: 100%;
+ min-height: 50px;
+// Select menus
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+select {
+ $top-padding: get-side($form-padding, top);
+ $bottom-padding: get-side($form-padding, bottom);
+ $height: ($form-fontsize * 1.4) + $top-padding + $bottom-padding;
+ $color: isitlight($select-background);
+ @include no-appearance;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: $height;
+ padding: $form-padding;
+ margin: 0 0 $global-padding 0;
+ font-size: $form-fontsize;
+ color: $select-color;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border: $input-border;
+ @if $select-arrow {
+ background: $select-background url(image-triangle($select-arrow-color)) right 10px center no-repeat;
+ background-size: 8px 8px;
+ padding-right: rem-calc(18px) + $form-padding;
+ }
+ @else {
+ background-color: $select-background
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ background-color: $select-background-hover;
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ outline: 0;
+ }
+ // Remove the dropdown arrow added in IE10/11
+ &::-ms-expand {
+ display: none;
+ }
+// Range slider
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+input[type="range"] {
+ $margin: ($slider-thumb-height - $slider-height) / 2;
+ @include no-appearance;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin-top: $margin;
+ margin-bottom: $margin;
+ border: 0;
+ line-height: 1;
+ @if hasvalue($slider-radius) {
+ border-radius: $slider-radius;
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ outline: 0;
+ }
+ // Chrome/Safari
+ &::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+ height: $slider-height;
+ background: $slider-background;
+ }
+ &::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: $slider-thumb-color;
+ width: $slider-thumb-height;
+ height: $slider-thumb-height;
+ margin-top: -$margin;
+ @if hasvalue($slider-thumb-radius) {
+ border-radius: $slider-thumb-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ // Firefox
+ &::-moz-range-track {
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ height: $slider-height;
+ background: #ccc;
+ }
+ &::-moz-range-thumb {
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ background: $slider-thumb-color;
+ width: $slider-thumb-height;
+ height: $slider-thumb-height;
+ margin-top: -$margin;
+ @if hasvalue($slider-thumb-radius) {
+ border-radius: $slider-thumb-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ // Internet Explorer
+ &::-ms-track {
+ height: $slider-height;
+ background: $slider-background;
+ color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ overflow: visible;
+ border-top: $margin solid $body-background;
+ border-bottom: $margin solid $body-background;
+ }
+ &::-ms-thumb {
+ background: $slider-thumb-color;
+ width: $slider-thumb-height;
+ height: $slider-thumb-height;
+ border: 0;
+ @if hasvalue($slider-thumb-radius) {
+ border-radius: $slider-thumb-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-ms-fill-lower, &::-ms-fill-upper {
+ background: $slider-background;
+ }
+output {
+ line-height: $slider-thumb-height;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin-left: 0.5em;
+// Number inputs
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+input[type="number"] {
+ &::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
+ }
+ &::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: $primary-color;
+ }
+// Progress and meter
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+progress, meter {
+ @include no-appearance;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: $meter-height;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ // For Firefox
+ background: $meter-background;
+ border: 0;
+progress {
+ &::-webkit-progress-bar {
+ background: $meter-background;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-webkit-progress-value {
+ background: $meter-fill;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-moz-progress-bar {
+ background: $meter-fill;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ @each $name, $color in (high: $meter-fill-high, medium: $meter-fill-medium, low: $meter-fill-low) {
+ &.#{$name} {
+ &::-webkit-progress-value {
+ background: $color;
+ }
+ &::-moz-progress-bar {
+ background: $color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+meter {
+ // Chrome/Safari
+ &::-webkit-meter-bar {
+ background: $meter-background;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-webkit-meter-inner-element {
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-webkit-meter-optimum-value {
+ background: $meter-fill-high;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value {
+ background: $meter-fill-medium;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value {
+ background: $meter-fill-low;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ // Firefox
+ background: $meter-background;
+ &::-moz-meter-bar {
+ background: $primary-color;
+ @if hasvalue($meter-radius) {
+ border-radius: $meter-radius;
+ }
+ }
+ &:-moz-meter-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
+ background: $meter-fill-high;
+ }
+ &:-moz-meter-sub-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
+ background: $meter-fill-medium;
+ }
+ &:-moz-meter-sub-sub-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
+ background: $meter-fill-low;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a00fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+@import "panel";
+ --------
+ Foundation's magical, flexbox-powered grid.
+ Features:
+ - Horizontal or vertical grids
+ - Auto-sizing or percentage width grid blocks
+ - Independently-scrollable blocks
+ - Column alignment
+ - Source ordering
+ - Offsets
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Grid
+$container-width: rem-calc(900) !default;
+$block-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$total-columns: 12 !default;
+$block-grid-max-size: 6 !default;
+ Define the size of a grid block. Blocks are flex items. By default, they stretch to fill all available space, based on the size of sibling blocks. This is the "expand" behavior.
+ If set to "shrink", the block will contract and only fill as much space as it needs for its content.
+ If set to a number, the block will be given a percentage width, based on the total number of columns (12 by default). Percentage widths don't work if a block is inside a vertical grid.
+ @group grid
+ @param {number|string} $size - Sizing behavior of the block. Should be expand, shrink, or a number.
+ @output The flex-basis, flex-grow, and flex-shrink properties.
+@mixin grid-size($size: expand) {
+ @if (type-of($size) == 'number') {
+ $pct: percentage($size / $total-columns);
+ flex: 0 0 $pct;
+ // max-width prevents columns from wrapping early in IE10/11
+ max-width: $pct;
+ }
+ @else if ($size == shrink) {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ }
+ @else if ($size == expand) {
+ flex: 1 1 auto;
+ }
+ Set the orientation of blocks within this block. The grid is re-oriented by changing the flex direction of the block.
+ @group grid
+ @param {string} $orientation - Direction of the grid, either horizontal or vertical.
+ @output A flex-flow property to match the direction given.
+@mixin grid-orient($orientation: horizontal) {
+ @if ($orientation == vertical) {
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ }
+ @else {
+ flex-flow: row wrap;
+ }
+ Stretch a grid's child blocks across its cross-axis, making every column appear to have the same height.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $stretch - Stretch blocks if true, or align blocks to top if false.
+ @output Sets align-items to "stretch" if $stretch is true, or "flex-start" (the default value) if false.
+@mixin grid-wrap($wrap: true) {
+ @if $wrap {
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ align-items: flex-start;
+ }
+ @else {
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ }
+ Set the alignment of blocks within a grid.
+ left: Items align to the left.
+ right: Items align to the right.
+ center: Items align to the center.
+ justify: Items are spaced equally apart so they occupy the space of the entire grid.
+ spaced: Items are given equal space to their left and right.
+ @group grid
+ @param {string} $align - Alignment to use.
+ @output An appropriate justify-content value.
+@mixin grid-align($align: left) {
+ $options: (
+ left: flex-start,
+ right: flex-end,
+ center: center,
+ justify: space-between,
+ spaced: space-around,
+ );
+ justify-content: map-get($options, $align);
+ Set the source order of a block. Items with lower numbers appear first. If multiple items have the same number, the one in the HTML first will appear first.
+ @group grid
+ @param {number} $order - Position in source order.
+ @output An order property.
+@mixin grid-order($order: 0) {
+ order: $order;
+ Collapse a content block by removing the padding.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $collapse - Collapses the block if true.
+ @output A padding value.
+ @todo No way to reverse collapse using this mixin. Solution:
+ - If true, add padding: 0;
+ - If false, add padding: 1rem;
+ - If null, add nothing, to cut down on CSS output
+ - Make null the default value
+@mixin grid-collapse($collapse: true) {
+ @if ($collapse) {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ Constrain the size of a block to the size of the average grid row, and center-align it. This imitates the behavior of ordinary Foundation rows.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $container - Adds container styles if true.
+ @output A maximum width and the good old margin: 0 auto for center alignment.
+@mixin grid-container($width: $container-width, $align: center) {
+ $margins: (
+ left: 0 auto 0 0,
+ right: 0 0 0 auto,
+ center: 0 auto,
+ );
+ max-width: $width;
+ margin: map-get($margins, $align);
+ Add negative margins to a block, equal to the padding of a content block. This aligns the edges of a block nested inside a content block.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $nest - Adds negative margins if true.
+ @output Negative margin values.
+@mixin grid-nest($nest: true) {
+ @if ($nest) {
+ margin-left: -1rem;
+ margin-right: -1rem;
+ }
+ Offset a block by adding a left margin.
+ @group grid
+ @param {number | bool} $offset - If false, nothing is output. If a number, offsets the column by the specified number of columns.
+ @output A left margin based on the number of columns specified, and the global number of columns.
+@mixin grid-offset($offset: false) {
+ @if ($offset != false) {
+ margin-left: percentage($offset / $total-columns);
+ }
+ Resets styles set by panels. Use this when a panel transforms into a block on larger screens.
+ @group grid
+ @output Resets to transform, position, and a few visual styles.
+@mixin grid-panel-reset() {
+ transform: none;
+ position: relative;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ z-index: auto;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ top: auto;
+ right: auto;
+ bottom: auto;
+ left: auto;
+ Frames are containers that stretch to the full dimmensions of the browser window.
+@mixin grid-frame($size: expand, $orientation: horizontal, $wrap: false, $align: left, $order: 0) {
+ display: flex;
+ height: 100vh;
+ position: relative;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ @include grid-size($size);
+ @include grid-orient($orientation);
+ @include grid-wrap($wrap);
+ @include grid-align($align);
+ @include grid-order($order);
+ Groups are collections of content items. They're the "rows" of Foundation for Apps.
+@mixin grid-block($size: expand, $orientation: horizontal, $wrap: false, $align: left, $order: 0) {
+ @include grid-frame($size, $orientation, $wrap, $align, $order);
+ // Reset the height used by frames
+ height: auto;
+ // Blocks will scroll by default if their content overflows
+ @if ($orientation == vertical) {
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ }
+ @else {
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ }
+ // Add scrolling with inertia
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ Blocks are containers for actual content. They're the "columns" of Foundation for Apps.
+@mixin grid-content($size: expand, $offset: null, $order: null) {
+ // Content blocks are not flex items and have padding
+ display: block;
+ padding: 0 $block-padding;
+ // Add scrolling with inertia
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ @include grid-size($size);
+ @if $offset != null { @include grid-offset($offset); }
+ @if $order != null { @include grid-order($order); }
+@mixin grid-layout($up) {
+ flex-flow: row wrap;
+ overflow: visible;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ > li, > div, > section {
+ padding: 0 1rem 1rem;
+ flex: 0 0 percentage(1 / $up);
+ }
+// CSS Output
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Shared styles for frames and blocks (parent elements)
+%block-core {
+ // Change the direction children flow
+ &.vertical { @include grid-orient(vertical); }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ &.#{$size}-vertical { @include grid-orient(vertical); }
+ &.#{$size}-horizontal { @include grid-orient(horizontal); }
+ }
+ }
+ // Align the children of a grid block
+ &.align-right { @include grid-align(right); }
+ &.align-center { @include grid-align(center); }
+ &.align-justify { @include grid-align(justify); }
+ &.align-spaced { @include grid-align(spaced); }
+ // Allow child elements to wrap
+ &.wrap { @include grid-wrap(true); }
+// Shared styles for blocks and content blocks (child elements)
+%child-core {
+ // Shrink a flex item so it only takes up the space it needs
+ &.shrink { @include grid-size(shrink); }
+ // Prevent an element from scrolling
+ &.noscroll { overflow: hidden; }
+@include exports(grid) {
+ // The core grid elements:
+ // - Frame
+ // - Block
+ // - Content block
+ // - Container
+ .grid-frame {
+ @extend %block-core;
+ @include grid-frame;
+ }
+ .grid-block {
+ @extend %block-core;
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include grid-block;
+ }
+ .grid-content {
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include grid-content;
+ &.collapse {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ // Grids inside content blocks should wrap by default, so they mimic traditional float grids
+ .grid-block {
+ margin-left: -($block-padding);
+ margin-right: -($block-padding);
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ overflow: visible;
+ // Reverse the above wrapping behavior
+ &.nowrap {
+ @include grid-wrap(false);
+ }
+ .grid-content {
+ overflow: visible;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .grid-container {
+ @include grid-container;
+ &.contain-left { @include grid-container($align: left); }
+ &.contain-right { @include grid-container($align: right); }
+ }
+ // Breakpoint classes for blocks
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ .#{$size}-grid-block {
+ @extend %block-core;
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ @include grid-block;
+ // Override panel styles
+ &.panel { @include grid-panel-reset; }
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$size}-grid-content {
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ @include grid-content;
+ // Override panel styles
+ &.panel { @include grid-panel-reset; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sizing and ordering classes
+ @for $i from 1 through $total-columns {
+ // Source ordering
+ .order-#{$i} { @include grid-order($i); }
+ }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @for $i from 1 through $total-columns {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ // Block sizing
+ .#{$size}-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-size($i);
+ }
+ // Source ordering
+ .#{$size}-order-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-order($i);
+ }
+ // Offsets
+ .#{$size}-offset-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-offset($i);
+ }
+ // Parent sizing (block grids)
+ .#{$size}-up-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-layout($i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .grid-content .modal .grid-block {
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_iconic.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_iconic.scss
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index 0000000..77d0bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_iconic.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// ------
+// A sample of 24 flexible, easily schemable icons from the folks at Iconic.
+// Features:
+// - 24 icons
+// - Built-in coloring and sizing classes
+// - Coloring mixin
+// - Angular support
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Iconic
+$iconic-primary-fill: $primary-color !default;
+$iconic-primary-stroke: $primary-color !default;
+$iconic-accent-fill: $iconic-primary-fill !default;
+$iconic-accent-stroke: $iconic-accent-fill !default;
+// Colors the fill, and optionally stroke, accent fill, and accent stroke of an Iconic icon.
+@mixin color-icon(
+ $fill,
+ $stroke: null,
+ $fillAccent: null,
+ $strokeAccent: null
+) {
+ * {
+ fill: $fill;
+ // Use the fill color if no stroke is provided
+ @if hasvalue($stroke) {
+ stroke: $stroke;
+ }
+ @else {
+ stroke: $fill;
+ }
+ &.iconic-property-accent {
+ // Use the fill color if no accent is provided
+ @if hasvalue($fillAccent) {
+ fill: $fillAccent;
+ }
+ @else {
+ fill: $fill;
+ }
+ // Use the normal stroke color if no accent is provided
+ @if hasvalue($strokeAccent) {
+ stroke: $strokeAccent;
+ }
+ @else {
+ // ...or use the fill if no normal stroke is provided
+ @if hasvalue($stroke) {
+ stroke: $stroke;
+ }
+ @else {
+ stroke: $fill;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@include exports(iconic) {
+ .iconic {
+ width: 1rem;
+ height: 1rem;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ a > & {
+ @include color-icon($primary-color);
+ margin-top: -2px;
+ margin-right: 0.25rem;
+ }
+ }
+ .iconic * {
+ fill: $iconic-primary-fill;
+ stroke: $iconic-primary-stroke;
+ &.iconic-property-accent {
+ fill: $iconic-accent-fill;
+ stroke: $iconic-accent-stroke;
+ }
+ }
+ @each $color in map-keys($foundation-colors) {
+ .iconic-color-#{$color} {
+ @include color-icon(map-get($foundation-colors, $color));
+ }
+ }
+ .iconic-color-secondary {
+ @include color-icon($secondary-color);
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_label.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_label.scss
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index 0000000..129757e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_label.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ Label
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Label
+$label-fontsize: 0.8rem !default;
+$label-padding: ($global-padding / 3) ($global-padding / 2) !default;
+$label-radius: 0 !default;
+$label-background: $primary-color !default;
+$label-color: isitlight($primary-color) !default;
+$badge-fontsize: 0.8em !default;
+$badge-diameter: 1.5rem !default;
+$badge-background: $primary-color !default;
+$badge-color: #fff !default;
+%label {
+ line-height: 1;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ display: inline-block;
+ cursor: default;
+@mixin label-layout(
+ $fontsize: $label-fontsize,
+ $padding: $label-padding
+) {
+ font-size: $fontsize;
+ padding: $padding;
+@mixin label-style(
+ $background: $label-background,
+ $color: $label-color,
+ $radius: $label-radius
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ @if $color == auto {
+ color: isitlight($background);
+ }
+ @else {
+ color: $color;
+ }
+@mixin label(
+ $background: $label-background,
+ $color: $label-color,
+ $radius: $label-radius,
+ $fontsize: $label-fontsize,
+ $padding: $label-padding
+) {
+ @extend %label;
+ @include label-layout($fontsize, $padding);
+ @include label-style($background, $color, $radius);
+@include exports(label) {
+ .label {
+ @include label;
+ @each $color in map-keys($foundation-colors) {
+ &.#{$color} {
+ $color-value: map-get($foundation-colors, $color);
+ @include label-style($color-value, auto);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Badge
+%badge {
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ display: inline-flex;
+ border-radius: 1000px;
+@mixin badge-layout(
+ $fontsize: $badge-fontsize,
+ $diameter: $badge-diameter
+) {
+ font-size: $fontsize;
+ width: $diameter;
+ height: $diameter;
+@mixin badge-style(
+ $background: $badge-background,
+ $color: $badge-font-color
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ @if $color == auto {
+ color: isitlight($background);
+ }
+ @else {
+ color: $color;
+ }
+@mixin badge(
+ $background: $badge-background,
+ $color: $badge-color,
+ $diameter: $badge-diameter,
+ $fontsize: $badge-fontsize
+) {
+ @extend %badge;
+ @include badge-layout($fontsize, $diameter);
+ @include badge-style($background, $color);
+@include exports(badge) {
+ .badge {
+ @include badge;
+ &.secondary {
+ @include badge-style($secondary-color, auto);
+ }
+ @each $color in map-keys($foundation-colors) {
+ &.#{$color} {
+ $color-value: map-get($foundation-colors, $color);
+ @include badge-style($color-value, auto);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_list.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_list.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a303dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_list.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+@mixin inline-list($alignment){
+ list-style-type: none;
+ text-align: $alignment;
+ li, dt, dd {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-left: -2px;
+ margin-right: -2px;
+ }
+@include exports(list) {
+ .inline-list {
+ @include inline-list(left);
+ li {
+ margin-right: 1rem;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_menu-bar.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_menu-bar.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e2f99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_menu-bar.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ --------
+ A generic, flexible menu component.
+ Features:
+ - Orient horizontally and vertically
+ - Change orientation at certain breakpoints
+ - Items with icons above, below, or to the left or right
+ - Text labels for vertical menus and badges for horizontal menus
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Menu Bar
+$menubar-fontsize: 1rem !default;
+$menubar-background: #fff !default;
+$menubar-background-hover: smartscale($menubar-background, 7%) !default;
+$menubar-background-active: $menubar-background-hover;
+$menubar-color: isitlight($menubar-background) !default;
+$menubar-color-hover: $menubar-color !default;
+$menubar-color-active: $menubar-color-hover;
+$menubar-item-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$menubar-icon-size: 25px !default;
+$menubar-icon-spacing: $menubar-item-padding !default;
+// Menu bar container
+%menu-bar {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ margin: 0;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ // Menu item
+ > li {
+ // This flex setting makes each item an equal width
+ flex: 1 0 auto;
+ align-items: center;
+ // Link inside menu item
+ > a {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: $menubar-item-padding;
+ font-size: $menubar-fontsize;
+ line-height: 1;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin menu-bar-layout (
+ $orientation: horizontal,
+ $stretch: true
+) {
+ /*
+ Orientation
+ */
+ @if $orientation == horizontal {
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ flex-flow: row nowrap;
+ > li > a {
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ > li > a {
+ flex-flow: row nowrap;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Stretch
+ */
+ > li {
+ @if $stretch == false {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin menu-bar-style(
+ $background: $menubar-background,
+ $background-hover: $menubar-background-hover,
+ $background-active: $menubar-background-active,
+ $color: $menubar-color,
+ $color-hover: $menubar-color-hover,
+ $color-active: $menubar-color-active,
+ $autocolor: false
+) {
+ // Autocoloring
+ @if ($autocolor) {
+ $background-hover: smartscale($background, 7%);
+ $background-active: $background-hover;
+ $color: isitlight($background);
+ $color-hover: $color;
+ $color-active: $color;
+ }
+ // Container
+ background: $background;
+ // Items
+ > li > a {
+ color: $color;
+ &:hover {
+ background: $background-hover;
+ color: $color-hover;
+ }
+ }
+ .is-active > a {
+ background: $background-active;
+ color: $color-active
+ }
+ // Iconic
+ @if using(iconic) {
+ .iconic { @include color-icon($color); }
+ }
+@mixin menu-bar-icons(
+ $position: left,
+ $size: $menubar-icon-size
+) {
+ > li {
+ // Sizing
+ > img, > .iconic {
+ margin: 0;
+ @if $menubar-icon-size != false {
+ width: $menubar-icon-size;
+ height: $menubar-icon-size;
+ }
+ }
+ // Position
+ @if $position == left {
+ > a {
+ flex-flow: row nowrap;
+ align-items: center;
+ > img, > .iconic { margin: 0 $menubar-icon-spacing 0 0; }
+ }
+ }
+ @if $position == top {
+ > a {
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ > img, > .iconic { margin: 0 0 $menubar-icon-spacing 0; }
+ }
+ }
+ @if $position == right {
+ > a {
+ flex-flow: row-reverse nowrap;
+ > img, > .iconic { margin: 0 0 0 $menubar-icon-spacing; }
+ }
+ }
+ @if $position == bottom {
+ > a {
+ flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap;
+ > img, > .iconic { margin: $menubar-icon-spacing 0 0 0; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin menu-bar-labels(
+ $x: right,
+ $y: center,
+ $offset: $menubar-item-padding,
+ $size: 1.2rem,
+ $background: red,
+ $color: auto,
+ $selector: '.menu-bar-label'
+) {
+ > li {
+ position: relative;
+ > a {
+ @if $x == left or $x == right {
+ padding-#{$x}: $size + $offset * 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #{$selector} {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: $size * 0.75;
+ width: $size;
+ height: $size;
+ line-height: $size;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-radius: 1000px;
+ background: $background;
+ color: if($color == auto, isitlight($background), $color);
+ position: absolute;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ @if $x == left or $x == right {
+ #{$x}: $offset;
+ }
+ @if $y == top or $y == bottom {
+ #{$y}: $offset;
+ }
+ @else {
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ }
+ }
+ Set the alignment of menu items (li) within a menu-bar
+ left: Items align to the left.
+ right: Items align to the right.
+ center: Items align to the center.
+ justify: Items are spaced equally apart so they occupy the space of the entire grid.
+ spaced: Items are given equal space to their left and right.
+ @group menu-bar
+ @param {string} $align - Alignment to use.
+ @output An appropriate justify-content value.
+@mixin menu-bar-align($align: left) {
+ $options: (
+ left: flex-start,
+ right: flex-end,
+ center: center,
+ justify: space-between,
+ spaced: space-around,
+ );
+ justify-content: map-get($options, $align);
+ CSS output
+@include exports(menu-bar) {
+ .menu-bar {
+ @extend %menu-bar;
+ @include menu-bar-style;
+ // Positioning
+ &, &.horizontal { @include menu-bar-layout(horizontal); }
+ &.vertical { @include menu-bar-layout(vertical); }
+ // Condensed bar
+ &.condense {
+ > li { flex: 0 0 auto; }
+ }
+ // Align Menu Items
+ &.align-right { @include menu-bar-align(right); }
+ &.align-center { @include menu-bar-align(center); }
+ &.align-justify { @include menu-bar-align(justify); }
+ &.align-spaced { @include menu-bar-align(spaced); }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ &.#{$size}-condense { li { flex: 0 0 auto; } }
+ &.#{$size}-expand { li { flex: 1 0 auto; } }
+ // Responsive Alignment
+ &.#{$size}-align-left { @include menu-bar-align(left); }
+ &.#{$size}-align-right { @include menu-bar-align(right); }
+ &.#{$size}-align-center { @include menu-bar-align(center); }
+ &.#{$size}-align-justify { @include menu-bar-align(justify); }
+ &.#{$size}-align-spaced { @include menu-bar-align(spaced); }
+ }
+ }
+ // Responsive positioning
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ &.#{$size}-horizontal {
+ @include menu-bar-layout(horizontal);
+ }
+ &.#{$size}-vertical {
+ @include menu-bar-layout(vertical);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Icon positioning
+ &, &.icon-top { @include menu-bar-icons(top); }
+ &.icon-right { @include menu-bar-icons(right); }
+ &.icon-bottom { @include menu-bar-icons(bottom); }
+ &.icon-left { @include menu-bar-icons(left); }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @each $pos in (top, right, bottom, left) {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ &.#{$size}-icon-#{$pos} { @include menu-bar-icons($pos); }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Labels
+ &.label-side { @include menu-bar-labels(right, center); }
+ &.label-corner { @include menu-bar-labels(right, top); }
+ // Coloring
+ &.primary {
+ @include menu-bar-style($primary-color, $autocolor: true);
+ }
+ &.dark {
+ @include menu-bar-style($dark-color, $autocolor: true);
+ }
+ // Title
+ > li.title {
+ padding: $menubar-item-padding;
+ cursor: default;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ }
+ // Menu groups
+ .menu-group {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ @include breakpoint(medium) {
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ }
+ > .menu-group-left, > .menu-group-right {
+ flex: 1 1 100%;
+ @include breakpoint(medium) {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ }
+ }
+ // Menu bar is condensed
+ .menu-bar {
+ > li { flex: 0 0 auto; }
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ // Coloring class cascades down to the menu bar
+ &.primary {
+ background-color: $primary-color;
+ .menu-bar {
+ @include menu-bar-style($primary-color, $autocolor: true);
+ }
+ }
+ &.dark {
+ background-color: $dark-color;
+ .menu-bar {
+ @include menu-bar-style($dark-color, $autocolor: true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_modal.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_modal.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0899a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_modal.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ -----
+ The humble modal hides off-canvas until summoned with an fa-open directive. Modals appear over an overlay that darkens the rest of the page, and have a maxmimum width. You can construct a grid inside a modal, or attach panels to it.
+ Note that the modal overlay is hardcoded into the CSS, because whether or not you build your modal semantically, the overlay is always required and will always look the same.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Modal
+$modal-background: #fff !default;
+$modal-border: 0 !default;
+$modal-radius: 0px !default;
+$modal-shadow: none !default;
+$modal-zindex: 1000 !default;
+$modal-sizes: (
+ tiny: 300px,
+ small: 500px,
+ medium: 600px,
+ large: 800px,
+) !default;
+$modal-overlay-class: 'modal-overlay' !default;
+$modal-overlay-background: rgba(#333, 0.7) !default;
+%modal {
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: $modal-zindex + 1;
+ background: $modal-background;
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100vh;
+ max-height: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: $global-padding;
+ @include breakpoint(medium) {
+ height: auto;
+ max-width: map-get($modal-sizes, medium);
+ }
+ .grid-content, .grid-block {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .close-button, [fa-close] {
+ z-index: $modal-zindex + 1;
+ }
+@mixin modal-dialog() {
+ height: auto;
+@mixin modal-layout(
+ $width: map-get($modal-sizes, medium),
+ $dialog: false
+) {
+ max-width: $width;
+@mixin modal-style(
+ $border: $modal-border,
+ $radius: $modal-radius,
+ $shadow: $modal-shadow
+) {
+ @if $border != 0 {
+ border: $border;
+ }
+ @if $radius != 0 {
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ }
+ @if $shadow != none {
+ box-shadow: $shadow;
+ }
+@mixin modal(
+ $width: map-get($modal-sizes, medium),
+ $border: $modal-border,
+ $radius: $modal-radius,
+ $shadow: $modal-shadow
+) {
+ @extend %modal;
+ @include modal-layout($width);
+ @include modal-style($border, $radius, $shadow);
+@include exports(modal) {
+ .modal {
+ @include modal;
+ @each $size in map-keys($modal-sizes) {
+ $width: map-get($modal-sizes, $size);
+ @if $size != medium {
+ .#{$size} > & { @include modal-layout($width); }
+ }
+ }
+ .dialog > & {
+ @include modal-dialog;
+ }
+ .collapse > & {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$modal-overlay-class} {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ z-index: $modal-zindex;
+ display: none;
+ background-color: $modal-overlay-background;
+ // Horizontally and vertically center the modal
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ &.is-active {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_motion.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_motion.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88bd3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_motion.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+// Table of Contents
+// 0. Variables
+// 1. Base Transitions
+// a. Slide
+// b. Fade
+// c. Hinge
+// d. Scale
+// e. Spin
+// 2. Base Animations
+// a. Shake
+// b. Spinners
+// c. Wiggle
+// 3. HTML Attributes
+// 0. Variables
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Motion UI
+// Classes to use when triggering in/out animations
+$motion-class: (
+ in: "ng-enter",
+ out: "ng-leave",
+) !default;
+$motion-class-active: (
+ in: "ng-enter-active",
+ out: "ng-leave-active",
+) !default;
+$motion-class-stagger: (
+ in: "ng-enter-stagger",
+ out: "ng-leave-stagger",
+) !default;
+$motion-class-showhide: (
+ in: "ng-hide-remove",
+ out: "ng-hide-add",
+$motion-class-showhide-active: (
+ in: "ng-hide-remove-active",
+ out: "ng-hide-add-active",
+// Set if movement-based transitions should also fade the element in and out
+$motion-slide-and-fade: false !default;
+$motion-hinge-and-fade: true !default;
+$motion-scale-and-fade: true !default;
+$motion-spin-and-fade: true !default;
+// Default speed for transitions and animations
+$motion-duration-default: 500ms !default;
+// Slow and fast modifiders
+$motion-duration-slow: 750ms !default;
+$motion-duration-fast: 250ms !default;
+$motion-stagger-duration-default: 150ms !default;
+$motion-stagger-duration-short: 50ms !default;
+$motion-stagger-duration-long: 300ms !default;
+// Default timing function for transitions and animations
+$motion-timing-default: ease !default;
+// Built-in and custom easing functions
+// Every item in this map becomes a CSS class
+$motion-timings: (
+ linear: linear,
+ ease: ease,
+ easeIn: ease-in,
+ easeOut: ease-out,
+ easeInOut: ease-in-out,
+ bounceIn: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.240, 1.245),
+ bounceOut: cubic-bezier(0.485, 0.155, 0.515, 0.845),
+ bounceInOut: cubic-bezier(0.760, -0.245, 0.240, 1.245),
+) !default;
+// Default delay for all transitions and animations
+$motion-delay-default: 0 !default;
+// Short and long delay modifiers
+$motion-delay-short: 300ms !default;
+$motion-delay-long: 700ms !default;
+// Looks for a timing function in the list of presets
+// If none are found, returns the value as-is.
+@function get-timing($timing) {
+ @if map-has-key($motion-timings, $timing) {
+ @return map-get($motion-timings, $timing);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return $timing;
+ }
+// Applies transition settings common to all mixins
+@mixin transition-basics(
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default
+) {
+ transition-duration: $duration;
+ transition-timing-function: get-timing($timing);
+ transition-delay: $delay;
+// Wraps content in an enter/leave class, chained to the parent selector
+// Define the initial state of a transition here
+@mixin transition-start($dir) {
+ $sel1: map-get($motion-class, $dir);
+ $sel2: map-get($motion-class-showhide, $dir);
+ &.#{$sel1},
+ &.#{$sel2} {
+ @content;
+ }
+// Wraps content in an enter/leave active class, chained to the matching
+// enter/leave class, chained to the parent selector
+// Define the end state of a transition here
+@mixin transition-end($dir) {
+ $sel1: map-get($motion-class, $dir);
+ $sel1A: map-get($motion-class-active, $dir);
+ $sel2: map-get($motion-class-showhide, $dir);
+ $sel2A: map-get($motion-class-showhide-active, $dir);
+ &.#{$sel1}.#{$sel1A},
+ &.#{$sel2}.#{$sel2A} {
+ @content;
+ }
+@mixin stagger($delay-amount) {
+ transition-delay: $delay-amount;
+ // this is to avoid accidental CSS inheritance
+ transition-duration:0;
+// 1. Base Transitions
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+@mixin slide (
+ $dir: in,
+ $from: left,
+ $fade: $motion-slide-and-fade,
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default
+) {
+ $slideDirections: (
+ top: translateY(-100%),
+ right: translateX(100%),
+ bottom: translateY(100%),
+ left: translateX(-100%),
+ );
+ $start: '';
+ $end: '';
+ @if $dir == in {
+ $start: map-get($slideDirections, $from);
+ $end: translateX(0) translateY(0);
+ }
+ @else {
+ $start: translateX(0) translateY(0);
+ $end: map-get($slideDirections, $from);
+ }
+ // CSS Output
+ @include transition-start($dir) {
+ @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);
+ transition-property: transform, opacity;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ transform: $start;
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1); }
+ }
+ @include transition-end($dir) {
+ transform: $end;
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0); }
+ }
+// FADE
+@mixin fade(
+ $dir: in,
+ $from: 0,
+ $to: 1,
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default
+) {
+ @include transition-start($dir) {
+ @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);
+ transition-property: opacity;
+ opacity: $from;
+ }
+ @include transition-end($dir) {
+ opacity: $to;
+ }
+@mixin hinge (
+ $dir: in,
+ $from: left,
+ $axis: edge,
+ $perspective: 2000px,
+ $turn-origin: from-back,
+ $fade: $motion-hinge-and-fade,
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default
+) {
+ // Rotation directions when hinging from back vs. front
+ $rotationAmount: 90deg;
+ $rotationsBack: (
+ top: rotateX($rotationAmount * -1),
+ right: rotateY($rotationAmount * -1),
+ bottom: rotateX($rotationAmount),
+ left: rotateY($rotationAmount),
+ );
+ $rotationsFrom: (
+ top: rotateX($rotationAmount),
+ right: rotateY($rotationAmount),
+ bottom: rotateX($rotationAmount * -1),
+ left: rotateY($rotationAmount * -1),
+ );
+ // Rotation origin
+ $rotation: '';
+ @if $turn-origin == from-front {
+ $rotation: map-get($rotationsFrom, $from);
+ }
+ @else if $turn-origin == from-back {
+ $rotation: map-get($rotationsBack, $from);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @warn "`$turn-origin` must be either `from-back` or `from-front`";
+ }
+ // Start and end state
+ $start: '';
+ $end: '';
+ @if $dir == in {
+ $start: perspective($perspective) $rotation;
+ $end: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ @else {
+ $start: rotate(0deg);
+ $end: perspective($perspective) $rotation;
+ }
+ // Turn axis
+ $origin: '';
+ @if $axis == edge {
+ $origin: $from;
+ }
+ @else {
+ $origin: center;
+ }
+ @include transition-start($dir) {
+ @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);
+ transition-property: transform, opacity;
+ transform: $start;
+ transform-origin: $origin;
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1); }
+ }
+ @include transition-end($dir) {
+ transform: $end;
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0); }
+ }
+@mixin scale(
+ $dir: in,
+ $from: 1.5,
+ $to: 1,
+ $fade: $motion-scale-and-fade,
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default
+) {
+ @include transition-start($dir) {
+ @include transition-basics($duration, $timing, $delay);
+ transition-property: transform, property;
+ transform: scale($from);
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1) }
+ }
+ @include transition-end($dir) {
+ transform: scale($to);
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0) }
+ }
+// SPIN
+@mixin spin(
+ $dir: in,
+ $amount: 0.75turn,
+ $ccw: false,
+ $fade: $motion-spin-and-fade,
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default
+) {
+ $amount: turn-to-deg($amount);
+ $start: 0;
+ $end: 0;
+ @if $dir == in {
+ $start: if($ccw, $amount, $amount * -1);
+ $end: 0;
+ }
+ @else {
+ $start: 0;
+ $end: if($ccw, $amount * -1, $amount);
+ }
+ @include transition-start($dir) {
+ transition-property: transform, opacity;
+ transform: rotate($start);
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 0, 1); }
+ }
+ @include transition-end($dir) {
+ transform: rotate($end);
+ @if $fade { opacity: if($dir == in, 1, 0); }
+ }
+// 2. Base Animations
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+@keyframes shake {
+ 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% {
+ transform: translateX(7%);
+ }
+ 5%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% {
+ transform: translateX(-7%);
+ }
+ 100% { transform: translateX(0); }
+@keyframes spin-cw {
+ 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
+@keyframes spin-ccw {
+ 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% { transform: rotate(-360deg); }
+@keyframes wiggle {
+ 40%, 50%, 60% {
+ transform: rotate(7deg);
+ }
+ 35%, 45%, 55%, 65% {
+ transform: rotate(-7deg);
+ }
+ 0%, 30%, 70%, 100% { transform: rotate(0); }
+@mixin animation(
+ $animation,
+ $duration: $motion-duration-default,
+ $timing: $motion-timing-default,
+ $delay: $motion-delay-default,
+ $iterations: null
+) {
+ animation-name: $animation;
+ animation-duration: $duration;
+ animation-timing-function: $timing;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
+ @if $delay != null {
+ animation-delay: $delay;
+ }
+ @if $iterations != null {
+ animation-iteration-count: $iterations;
+ }
+ @if $animation == null {
+ @warn "Please include an animation name";
+ }
+// 3. HTML Exports
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+@include exports(motion) {
+ /*
+ Transitions
+ */
+ // Slide
+ .slideInDown { @include slide($from: top); }
+ .slideInLeft { @include slide($from: right); }
+ .slideInUp { @include slide($from: bottom); }
+ .slideInRight { @include slide($from: left); }
+ .slideOutBottom { @include slide($dir: out, $from: bottom); }
+ .slideOutRight { @include slide($dir: out, $from: right); }
+ .slideOutUp { @include slide($dir: out, $from: top); }
+ .slideOutLeft { @include slide($dir: out, $from: left); }
+ // Fade
+ .fadeIn { @include fade(in, 0, 1); }
+ .fadeOut { @include fade(out, 1, 0); }
+ // Hinge
+ .hingeInFromTop { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: top); }
+ .hingeInFromRight { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: right); }
+ .hingeInFromBottom { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: bottom); }
+ .hingeInFromLeft { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: left); }
+ .hingeInFromMiddleX { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: top, $axis: center); }
+ .hingeInFromMiddleY { @include hinge($dir: in, $from: right, $axis: center); }
+ .hingeOutFromTop { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: top); }
+ .hingeOutFromRight { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: right); }
+ .hingeOutFromBottom { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: bottom); }
+ .hingeOutFromLeft { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: left); }
+ .hingeOutFromMiddleX { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: top, $axis: center); }
+ .hingeOutFromMiddleY { @include hinge($dir: out, $from: right, $axis: center); }
+ // Scale
+ .zoomIn { @include scale(in, 1.5, 1); }
+ .zoomOut { @include scale(out, 0.5, 1); }
+ // Spin
+ .spinIn { @include spin(in, 0.75turn); }
+ .spinOut { @include spin(out, 0.75turn); }
+ .spinInCCW { @include spin(in, 0.75turn, true); }
+ .spinOutCCW { @include spin(out, 0.75turn, true); }
+ /*
+ Transition modifiers
+ */
+ // Duration
+ .slow { transition-duration: $motion-duration-slow !important; }
+ .fast { transition-duration: $motion-duration-fast !important; }
+ // Easing
+ @each $easing in map-keys($motion-timings) {
+ .#{$easing} {
+ transition-timing-function: map-get($motion-timings, $easing) !important;
+ }
+ }
+ // Delay
+ .delay { transition-delay: $motion-delay-short !important; }
+ .long-delay { transition-delay: $motion-delay-long !important; }
+ /*
+ Animations
+ */
+ .shake { @include animation(shake); }
+ .spin-cw { @include animation(spin-cw); }
+ .spin-ccw { @include animation(spin-ccw); }
+ .wiggle { @include animation(wiggle); }
+ /*
+ Animation modifiers
+ */
+ .shake,
+ .spin-cw,
+ .spin-ccw,
+ .wiggle {
+ // Repeat
+ &.infinite { animation-iteration-count: infinite; }
+ // Easing
+ @each $timing in map-keys($motion-timings) {
+ &.#{$timing} {
+ animation-timing-function: map-get($motion-timings, $timing) !important;
+ }
+ }
+ // Duration
+ &.slow { animation-duration: $motion-duration-slow !important; }
+ &.fast { animation-duration: $motion-duration-fast !important; }
+ // Delay
+ &.delay { animation-delay: $motion-delay-short !important; }
+ &.long-delay { animation-delay: $motion-delay-long !important; }
+ }
+ .stagger { @include stagger($motion-stagger-duration-default); }
+ .stort-stagger { @include stagger($motion-stagger-duration-default); }
+ .long-stagger { @include stagger($motion-stagger-duration-default); }
+// View animation classes
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Applied to the immediate parent of the animating views
+.position-absolute {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative;
+// Applied to the animating views
+.ui-animation {
+ &.ng-enter-active, &.ng-leave-active {
+ position: absolute !important;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_notification.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_notification.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0386510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_notification.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ ------------
+ An alert that pins to the corner of the screen when triggered by JavaScript. It can be set to disappear after a certain period of time, or to stay put until the user clicks on it. A custom action can be asigned to a notification as well.
+ Optionally, the notifications directive can also tap into the browser's native notification support, if it exists.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Notification
+$notification-default-position: right top !default;
+$notification-width: rem-calc(400) !default;
+$notification-offset: $global-padding !default;
+$notification-background: $primary-color !default;
+$notification-color: white !default;
+$notification-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$notification-radius: 4px !default;
+$notification-icon-size: 60px !default;
+$notification-icon-margin: $global-padding !default;
+$notification-icon-align: top !default;
+%notification {
+ z-index: 1000;
+ display: flex;
+ position: relative;
+ margin-top: .5rem;
+ margin-bottom: .5rem;
+ display: none;
+ h1 {
+ font-size: 1.25em;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ p {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ // Placeholder animation
+ // transition: opacity 1s ease-out;
+ &.is-active {
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .close-button {
+ color: white;
+ }
+%notification-container {
+ z-index: 3000;
+ position: fixed;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+@mixin notification-layout(
+ $x: nth($notification-default-position, 1),
+ $y: nth($notification-default-position, 2),
+ $size: $notification-width,
+ $offset: $notification-offset
+) {
+ width: $size;
+ @if $x == right {
+ right: $offset;
+ }
+ @else if $x == left {
+ left: $offset;
+ }
+ @else if $x == middle {
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -($size / 2);
+ }
+ @if $y == top {
+ top: $offset;
+ }
+ @else if $y == bottom {
+ top: auto;
+ bottom: $offset;
+ }
+ // On small screens, notifications are full width but maintain their vertical orientation
+ @include breakpoint(small only) {
+ width: auto;
+ left: $offset;
+ right: $offset;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+@mixin notification-style(
+ $background: $notification-background,
+ $color: $notification-color,
+ $padding: $notification-padding,
+ $radius: $notification-radius
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ padding: $padding;
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ &, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color: $color;
+ }
+@mixin notification(
+ $background: $notification-background,
+ $color: $notification-color,
+ $padding: $notification-padding,
+ $radius: $notification-radius
+) {
+ @extend %notification;
+ @include notification-style($background, $color, $padding, $radius);
+@mixin notification-container(
+ $x: nth($notification-default-position, 1),
+ $y: nth($notification-default-position, 2),
+ $size: $notification-width,
+ $offset: $notification-offset
+) {
+ @extend %notification-container;
+ @include notification-layout($x, $y, $size, $offset);
+@mixin notification-icon(
+ $size: $notification-icon-size,
+ $margin: $notification-icon-margin,
+ $align: $notification-icon-align
+) {
+ $alignments: (
+ top: flex-start,
+ middle: middle,
+ bottom: flex-end,
+ );
+ flex: 0 0 $size;
+ margin-right: $global-padding;
+ align-self: map-get($alignments, $align);
+ img {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ }
+ CSS Output
+@include exports(notification) {
+ .notification {
+ @include notification;
+ &.success { @include notification-style($success-color) }
+ &.warning { @include notification-style($warning-color) }
+ &.alert { @include notification-style($alert-color) }
+ &.dark { @include notification-style($dark-color, #fff) }
+ }
+ .static-notification {
+ @include notification;
+ position: fixed !important;
+ &.top-right { @include notification-layout(right, top); }
+ &.top-left { @include notification-layout(left, top); }
+ &.top-middle { @include notification-layout(middle, top); }
+ &.bottom-right { @include notification-layout(right, bottom); }
+ &.bottom-left { @include notification-layout(left, bottom); }
+ &.bottom-middle { @include notification-layout(middle, bottom); }
+ &.success { @include notification-style($success-color) }
+ &.warning { @include notification-style($warning-color) }
+ &.alert { @include notification-style($alert-color) }
+ &.dark { @include notification-style($dark-color, #fff) }
+ }
+ .notification-container {
+ @include notification-container;
+ &.top-right { @include notification-layout(right, top); }
+ &.top-left { @include notification-layout(left, top); }
+ &.top-middle { @include notification-layout(middle, top); }
+ &.bottom-right { @include notification-layout(right, bottom); }
+ &.bottom-left { @include notification-layout(left, bottom); }
+ &.bottom-middle { @include notification-layout(middle, bottom); }
+ }
+ .notification-icon {
+ @include notification-icon;
+ }
+ .notification-content {
+ flex: 1;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_off-canvas.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_off-canvas.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d93e74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_off-canvas.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ Off-canvas menu
+ ---------------
+ A generic container that stays fixed to the left, top, right, or bottom of the screen, and is summoned when needed. When an off-canvas panel is open, the app frame shifts over to reveal the menu.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Off-canvas
+$offcanvas-size-horizontal: 250px !default;
+$offcanvas-size-vertical: 250px !default;
+$offcanvas-background: #fff !default;
+$offcanvas-color: isitlight($offcanvas-background) !default;
+$offcanvas-padding: 0 !default;
+$offcanvas-shadow: 3px 0 10px rgba(black, 0.25) !default;
+$offcanvas-animation-speed: 0.25s !default;
+$offcanvas-frame-selector: '.grid-frame' !default;
+%off-canvas {
+ position: fixed;
+ overflow: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ transition: transform $offcanvas-animation-speed ease-out;
+ z-index: 2;
+ // Active state
+ &.is-active {
+ transform: translate(0,0) !important;
+ }
+ // Frame styles
+ & ~ #{$offcanvas-frame-selector} {
+ transform: translate(0,0,0);
+ transition: transform 0.25s ease-out;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ background: white;
+ }
+@mixin off-canvas-detached {
+ z-index: 0;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ &, &.is-active {
+ transform: none;
+ }
+ & ~ #{$offcanvas-frame-selector} {
+ z-index: 1;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
+ }
+@mixin off-canvas-layout(
+ $position: left,
+ $size: default,
+ $shadow: $offcanvas-shadow
+) {
+ /*
+ Get shadow values for later use
+ */
+ $shadow-length: '';
+ $shadow-size: '';
+ $shadow-color: '';
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) {
+ $shadow-length: get-shadow-value($shadow, x);
+ $shadow-size: get-shadow-value($shadow, size);
+ $shadow-color: get-shadow-value($shadow, color);
+ }
+ /*
+ Sizing
+ */
+ @if $position == left or $position == right {
+ @if $size == default {
+ $size: $offcanvas-size-horizontal;
+ }
+ width: $size;
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @if $size == default {
+ $size: $offcanvas-size-vertical;
+ }
+ height: $size;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ /*
+ Positioning
+ */
+ @if $position == left {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) { box-shadow: inset (-$shadow-length) 0 $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ &.is-active {
+ & ~ #{$offcanvas-frame-selector} { transform: translateX($size) !important; }
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $position == right {
+ left: auto;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) { box-shadow: inset $shadow-length 0 $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ &.is-active {
+ & ~ #{$offcanvas-frame-selector} { transform: translateX(-$size) !important; }
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $position == top {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) { box-shadow: inset 0 (-$shadow-length) $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ &.is-active {
+ & ~ #{$offcanvas-frame-selector} { transform: translateY($size) !important; }
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $position == bottom {
+ top: auto;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ @if hasvalue($shadow) { box-shadow: inset 0 $shadow-length $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ &.is-active {
+ & ~ #{$offcanvas-frame-selector} { transform: translateY(-$size) !important; }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin off-canvas-style(
+ $background: $offcanvas-background,
+ $color: $offcanvas-color,
+ $padding: $offcanvas-padding
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ @if $color == auto {
+ color: isitlight($background, #000, #fff);
+ }
+ @else {
+ color: $color;
+ }
+ @if hasvalue($padding) {
+ padding: $padding;
+ }
+@include exports(off-canvas) {
+ .off-canvas {
+ @extend %off-canvas;
+ @include off-canvas-layout;
+ @include off-canvas-style;
+ &.top { @include off-canvas-layout(top); }
+ &.right { @include off-canvas-layout(right); }
+ &.bottom { @include off-canvas-layout(bottom); }
+ &.left { @include off-canvas-layout(left); }
+ &.detached { @include off-canvas-detached; }
+ &.primary { @include off-canvas-style($primary-color, auto); }
+ &.dark { @include off-canvas-style($dark-color, auto); }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_panel.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_panel.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5855419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_panel.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ -----
+ The friendly panel is an all-purpose container for hiding content off-screen.
+ Features:
+ - Position at top, right, bottom, or left
+ - Anchor to grid block or window
+ - Define max width or height
+ - Transform into grid block depending on screen size
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Panel
+$panel-size-horizontal: 300px !default;
+$panel-size-vertical: 300px !default;
+$panel-padding: 0 !default;
+$panel-background: #fff !default;
+$panel-shadow: 3px 0 10px rgba(black, 0.25) !default;
+// DEPRECATED: these variables will be removed in a future version.
+$panel-animation-speed: 0.25s !default;
+%panel-base {
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 100;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ display: none;
+ &.is-active {
+ display: block;
+ }
+@mixin panel-layout(
+ $position: left,
+ $size: default,
+ $shadow: $panel-shadow
+) {
+ @if $size == default {
+ @if $position == left or $position == right {
+ $size: $panel-size-horizontal;
+ }
+ @if $position == top or $position == bottom {
+ $size: $panel-size-vertical;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Direction
+ */
+ @if $position == top {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ @else if $position == right {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ @else if $position == bottom {
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ @else if $position == left {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+ /*
+ Sizing
+ */
+ // Horizontal panels are always all the way tall and have a set width
+ @if $position == left or $position == right {
+ @if unit($size) == '%' {
+ width: $size;
+ }
+ @else {
+ width: 100%;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ width: $size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // (For now) vertical panels don't change size
+ @if $position == top or $position == bottom {
+ height: $size;
+ }
+ /*
+ Shadows
+ */
+ $shadow-distance: get-shadow-value($shadow, x);
+ $shadow-size: get-shadow-value($shadow, size);
+ $shadow-color: get-shadow-value($shadow, color);
+ &.is-active {
+ @if $position == left { box-shadow: $shadow-distance 0 $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ @else if $position == right { box-shadow: (-$shadow-distance) 0 $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ @else if $position == top { box-shadow: 0 $shadow-distance $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ @else if $position == bottom { box-shadow: 2px (-$shadow-distance) $shadow-size $shadow-color; }
+ }
+@mixin panel-style(
+ $padding: $panel-padding,
+ $background: $panel-background
+) {
+ /*
+ Basic styles
+ */
+ padding: $padding;
+ background: $background;
+@include exports(panel) {
+ .panel {
+ @extend %panel-base;
+ @include panel-style;
+ }
+ .panel-top { @include panel-layout(top); }
+ .panel-right { @include panel-layout(right); }
+ .panel-bottom { @include panel-layout(bottom); }
+ .panel-left { @include panel-layout(left); }
+ .panel-fixed { position: fixed; }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_popup.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_popup.scss
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index 0000000..03403d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_popup.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ -----
+ A floating container that can anchor to any other on-screen element, and contain any content, including grid blocks or panels.
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Popup
+$popup-width: rem-calc(300) !default;
+$popup-background: #fff !default;
+$popup-border: 0 !default;
+$popup-radius: 0 !default;
+$popup-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(#000, 0.25) !default;
+%popup {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1000;
+ opacity: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ transition: opacity 0.25s ease-out;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ &.tether-enabled {
+ opacity: 1;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ }
+@mixin popup-layout(
+ $width: $popup-width
+) {
+ width: $popup-width;
+@mixin popup-style(
+ $background: $popup-background,
+ $color: #000,
+ $radius: $popup-radius,
+ $shadow: $popup-shadow,
+ $border: $popup-border
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ box-shadow: $shadow;
+ border: $border;
+@mixin popup(
+ $width: $popup-width,
+ $background: $popup-background,
+ $radius: $popup-radius,
+ $shadow: $popup-shadow,
+ $border: $popup-border
+) {
+ @extend %popup;
+ @include popup-layout($width);
+ @include popup-style($background, isitlight($background), $radius, $shadow, $border);
+@include exports(popup) {
+ .popup {
+ @include popup;
+ &.dark { @include popup-style($dark-color, #fff); }
+ &.primary { @include popup-style($primary-color, isitlight($primary-color)); }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_switch.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_switch.scss
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index 0000000..7710ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_switch.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ ------
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Switch
+$switch-width: rem-calc(50) !default;
+$switch-height: rem-calc(32) !default;
+$switch-background: #ccc !default;
+$switch-background-active: $primary-color !default;
+$switch-border: 0 !default;
+$switch-radius: 9999px !default;
+$switch-animation-speed: 0.15s !default;
+$switch-paddle-color: white !default;
+$switch-paddle-offset: 4px !default;
+%switch {
+ position: relative;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ display: inline-block;
+ > input {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -9999px;
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ > label {
+ -ms-touch-action: manipulation;
+ touch-action: manipulation;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin: 0;
+ // Paddle
+ &::after {
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Defines the dimmensions of the switch.
+ $width - width of the switch.
+ $height - height of the switch.
+@mixin switch-layout(
+ $width: $switch-width,
+ $height: $switch-height
+) {
+ width: $width;
+ height: $height;
+ > label {
+ &::after {
+ width: $height;
+ height: $height;
+ }
+ }
+ input:checked + label {
+ &::after {
+ left: $width - $height;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin switch-style(
+ $background: $switch-background,
+ $background-active: $switch-background-active,
+ $border: $switch-border,
+ $radius: $switch-radius,
+ $paddle-color: $switch-paddle-color,
+ $paddle-offset: $switch-paddle-offset,
+ $animation-speed: $switch-animation-speed
+) {
+ @if hasvalue($border) {
+ border: $border;
+ }
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ > label {
+ background: $background;
+ &::after {
+ background: $paddle-color;
+ border-radius: $radius;
+ transition: left $animation-speed ease-out;
+ @if hasvalue($paddle-offset) {
+ border: $paddle-offset solid $background
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input:checked + label {
+ background: $background-active;
+ margin: 0;
+ &::after {
+ @if hasvalue($paddle-offset) {
+ border-color: $background-active;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin switch() {
+ @extend %switch;
+ @include switch-layout;
+ @include switch-style;
+@include exports(switch) {
+ .switch {
+ @include switch;
+ &.small { @include switch-layout(rem-calc(40), rem-calc(26)); }
+ &.large { @include switch-layout(rem-calc(60), rem-calc(38)); }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_tabs.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_tabs.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4293e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_tabs.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ ----
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Tabs
+$tabstrip-background: transparent !default;
+$tab-title-background: $gray-light !default;
+$tab-title-background-hover: smartscale($tab-title-background, 5%) !default;
+$tab-title-background-active: smartscale($tab-title-background, 3%) !default;
+$tab-title-color: isitlight($tab-title-background) !default;
+$tab-title-color-active: $tab-title-color !default;
+$tab-title-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$tab-content-padding: $global-padding !default;
+@mixin tabstrip(
+ $orientation: horizontal,
+ $background: $tabstrip-background
+) {
+ /*
+ Container styles
+ */
+ display: flex;
+ background: $background;
+ @if $orientation == vertical {
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ }
+ @else {
+ flex-flow: row wrap;
+ }
+@mixin tabstrip-item(
+ $background: $tab-title-background,
+ $background-hover: $tab-title-background-hover,
+ $background-active: $tab-title-background-active,
+ $color: $tab-title-color,
+ $color-active: $tab-title-color-active,
+ $padding: $tab-title-padding
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ padding: $padding;
+ line-height: 1;
+ margin: 0;
+ flex: 0 1 auto;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ color: $color;
+ &.is-active {
+ background: $background-active;
+ color: $color-active;
+ &:hover {
+ background: $background-hover;
+ }
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ background: $background-hover;
+ }
+@mixin tab-content(
+ $padding: $tab-content-padding
+) {
+ padding: $padding;
+@mixin tab-content-item {
+ display: none;
+ &.is-active {
+ display: block;
+ }
+@include exports(tabs) {
+ .tabs {
+ @include tabstrip(horizontal);
+ &.vertical {
+ @include tabstrip(vertical);
+ }
+ .tab-item {
+ @include tabstrip-item;
+ }
+ }
+ .tab-contents {
+ @include tab-content;
+ .tab-content {
+ @include tab-content-item;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_title-bar.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_title-bar.scss
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index 0000000..e73bb4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_title-bar.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ ---------
+ A navigational component which can display the current screen the user is on, along with additional controls or menu items.
+ The title bar includes classes to create center, left, and right sections, which can be used in any combination. However, in the markup, the sections must come in this order:
+ - Center
+ - Left
+ - Right
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Title Bar
+$titlebar-center-width: 50% !default;
+$titlebar-side-width: (100% - $titlebar-center-width) / 2 !default;
+$titlebar-background: #eee !default;
+$titlebar-color: #000 !default;
+$titlebar-border: 1px solid #ccc !default;
+$titlebar-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$titlebar-item-classes: (
+ center: 'center',
+ left: 'left',
+ right: 'right',
+ title: 'title',
+) !default;
+%title-bar {
+ $center: map-get($titlebar-item-classes, center);
+ $left: map-get($titlebar-item-classes, left);
+ $right: map-get($titlebar-item-classes, right);
+ $title: map-get($titlebar-item-classes, title);
+ display: flex;
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: flex-start;
+ overflow: visible;
+ // Denotes the title of the bar
+ .#{$title} {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ // Denotes left, right, and center sections of the bar
+ .#{$left}, .#{$center}, .#{$right} {
+ display: block;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: visible;
+ // If only one section is in use, stretch it all the way out
+ &:first-child:last-child {
+ flex: 1;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Left always comes first, then center, then right
+ // The left and right sections have the same width
+ .#{$left} {
+ order: 1;
+ flex: 0 0 $titlebar-side-width;
+ }
+ .#{$center} {
+ order: 2;
+ flex: 0 0 $titlebar-center-width;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ .#{$right} {
+ order: 3;
+ flex: 0 0 $titlebar-side-width;
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+ // If only left and right are in use, stretch them both out equally
+ .#{$left}:first-child {
+ flex: 1 1 auto;
+ }
+ .#{$left}:first-child + .#{$right}:last-child {
+ flex: 1 1 auto;
+ }
+ // If only center and right are in use, shift the center section into the right position
+ .#{$center}:first-child:not(:last-child) {
+ margin-left: $titlebar-side-width;
+ }
+ // If only center and left are in use, override the above style
+ .#{$center} + .#{$left} {
+ margin-right: -($titlebar-side-width);
+ }
+@mixin title-bar-style(
+ $background: $titlebar-background,
+ $color: $titlebar-color,
+ $border: $titlebar-border,
+ $padding: $titlebar-padding
+) {
+ background: $background;
+ color: $color;
+ padding: $padding;
+ border-bottom: $border;
+@mixin title-bar(
+ $background: $titlebar-background,
+ $color: $titlebar-color,
+ $border: $titlebar-border,
+ $padding: $titlebar-padding
+) {
+ @extend %title-bar;
+ @include title-bar-style($background, $color, $border, $padding);
+@include exports(title-bar) {
+ .title-bar {
+ @include title-bar;
+ &.primary {
+ @include title-bar-style($primary-color, isitlight($primary-color));
+ a, a:hover { color: isitlight($primary-color); }
+ @if using(iconic) { .iconic { @include color-icon(isitlight($primary-color)); } }
+ }
+ &.dark {
+ @include title-bar-style($dark-color, #fff);
+ a, a:hover { color: #fff; }
+ @if using(iconic) { .iconic { @include color-icon(#fff); } }
+ }
+ }
+ .title-bar-bottom {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ border-top: $titlebar-border;
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_typography.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_typography.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e64a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_typography.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ ----------
+ Includes typographic resets for many common elements, and a few helper classes.
+ - Headers
+ - Subheaders
+ - Lead paragraphs
+ - Ordered/unordered lists
+ - Code samples
+ - Anchors
+ - Dividers
+ - Blockquotes
+ - Acronyms
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Typography
+// We use these to control header font styles
+$header-font-family: $body-font-family !default;
+$header-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
+$header-font-style: $font-weight-normal !default;
+$header-font-color: #222 !default;
+$header-line-height: 1.4 !default;
+$header-top-margin: .2rem !default;
+$header-bottom-margin: .5rem !default;
+$header-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !default;
+// We use these to control header font sizes
+$h1-font-size: rem-calc(44) !default;
+$h2-font-size: rem-calc(37) !default;
+$h3-font-size: rem-calc(27) !default;
+$h4-font-size: rem-calc(23) !default;
+$h5-font-size: rem-calc(18) !default;
+$h6-font-size: 1rem !default;
+// We use these to control header size reduction on small screens
+$h1-font-reduction: rem-calc(10) !default;
+$h2-font-reduction: rem-calc(10) !default;
+$h3-font-reduction: rem-calc(5) !default;
+$h4-font-reduction: rem-calc(5) !default;
+$h5-font-reduction: 0 !default;
+$h6-font-reduction: 0 !default;
+// These control how subheaders are styled.
+$subheader-line-height: 1.4 !default;
+$subheader-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 35%) !default;
+$subheader-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
+$subheader-top-margin: .2rem !default;
+$subheader-bottom-margin: .5rem !default;
+// A general <small> styling
+$small-font-size: 60% !default;
+$small-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 35%) !default;
+// We use these to style paragraphs
+$paragraph-font-family: inherit !default;
+$paragraph-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
+$paragraph-font-size: 1rem !default;
+$paragraph-line-height: 1.6 !default;
+$paragraph-margin-bottom: rem-calc(20) !default;
+$paragraph-aside-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default;
+$paragraph-aside-line-height: 1.35 !default;
+$paragraph-aside-font-style: italic !default;
+$paragraph-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility !default;
+// We use these to style <code> tags
+$code-color: grayscale($primary-color) !default;
+$code-font-family: Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Courier, monospace !default;
+$code-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
+$code-background-color: scale-color($secondary-color, $lightness: 70%) !default;
+$code-border-size: 1px !default;
+$code-border-style: solid !default;
+$code-border-color: scale-color($code-background-color, $lightness: -10%) !default;
+$code-padding: rem-calc(2) rem-calc(5) rem-calc(1) !default;
+// We use these to style anchors
+$anchor-text-decoration: none !default;
+$anchor-text-decoration-hover: none !default;
+$anchor-font-color: $primary-color !default;
+$anchor-font-color-hover: scale-color($anchor-font-color, $lightness: -14%) !default;
+// We use these to style the <hr> element
+$hr-border-width: 1px !default;
+$hr-border-style: solid !default;
+$hr-border-color: #ddd !default;
+$hr-margin: rem-calc(20) !default;
+// We use these to style lists
+$list-font-family: $paragraph-font-family !default;
+$list-font-size: $paragraph-font-size !default;
+$list-line-height: $paragraph-line-height !default;
+$list-margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom !default;
+$list-style-position: outside !default;
+$list-side-margin: 1.1rem !default;
+$list-ordered-side-margin: 1.4rem !default;
+$list-side-margin-no-bullet: 0 !default;
+$list-nested-margin: rem-calc(20) !default;
+$definition-list-header-weight: $font-weight-bold !default;
+$definition-list-header-margin-bottom: .3rem !default;
+$definition-list-margin-bottom: rem-calc(12) !default;
+// We use these to style blockquotes
+$blockquote-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 35%) !default;
+$blockquote-padding: rem-calc(9 20 0 19) !default;
+$blockquote-border: 1px solid #ddd !default;
+$blockquote-cite-font-size: rem-calc(13) !default;
+$blockquote-cite-font-color: scale-color($header-font-color, $lightness: 23%) !default;
+$blockquote-cite-link-color: $blockquote-cite-font-color !default;
+// Acronym styles
+$acronym-underline: 1px dotted #ddd !default;
+@mixin lead {
+ font-size: $paragraph-font-size + rem-calc(3.5);
+ line-height: 1.6;
+@mixin subheader {
+ line-height: $subheader-line-height;
+ color: $subheader-font-color;
+ font-weight: $subheader-font-weight;
+ margin-top: $subheader-top-margin;
+ margin-bottom: $subheader-bottom-margin;
+@include exports(typography) {
+ /* Typography resets */
+ div,
+ dl,
+ dt,
+ dd,
+ ul,
+ ol,
+ li,
+ h1,
+ h2,
+ h3,
+ h4,
+ h5,
+ h6,
+ pre,
+ form,
+ p,
+ blockquote,
+ th,
+ td {
+ margin:0;
+ padding:0;
+ }
+ /* Default Link Styles */
+ a {
+ color: $anchor-font-color;
+ text-decoration: $anchor-text-decoration;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ &[ui-sref] {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus {
+ color: $anchor-font-color-hover;
+ @if $anchor-text-decoration-hover != $anchor-text-decoration {
+ text-decoration: $anchor-text-decoration-hover;
+ }
+ }
+ img { border:none; }
+ }
+ /* Default paragraph styles */
+ p {
+ font-family: $paragraph-font-family;
+ font-weight: $paragraph-font-weight;
+ font-size: $paragraph-font-size;
+ line-height: $paragraph-line-height;
+ margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;
+ text-rendering: $paragraph-text-rendering;
+ &.lead { @include lead; }
+ & aside {
+ font-size: $paragraph-aside-font-size;
+ line-height: $paragraph-aside-line-height;
+ font-style: $paragraph-aside-font-style;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Default header styles */
+ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ font-family: $header-font-family;
+ font-weight: $header-font-weight;
+ font-style: $header-font-style;
+ color: $header-font-color;
+ text-rendering: $header-text-rendering;
+ margin-top: $header-top-margin;
+ margin-bottom: $header-bottom-margin;
+ line-height: $header-line-height;
+ small {
+ font-size: $small-font-size;
+ color: $small-font-color;
+ line-height: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ h1 { font-size: $h1-font-size - $h1-font-reduction; }
+ h2 { font-size: $h2-font-size - $h2-font-reduction; }
+ h3 { font-size: $h3-font-size - $h3-font-reduction; }
+ h4 { font-size: $h4-font-size - $h4-font-reduction; }
+ h5 { font-size: $h5-font-size - $h5-font-reduction; }
+ h6 { font-size: $h6-font-size - $h6-font-reduction; }
+ .subheader { @include subheader; }
+ hr {
+ border: $hr-border-style $hr-border-color;
+ border-width: $hr-border-width 0 0;
+ clear: both;
+ margin: $hr-margin 0 ($hr-margin - rem-calc($hr-border-width));
+ height: 0;
+ }
+ /* Helpful Typography Defaults */
+ em,
+ i {
+ font-style: italic;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ }
+ strong,
+ b {
+ font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ }
+ small {
+ font-size: $small-font-size;
+ color: $small-font-color;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ }
+ code {
+ font-family: $code-font-family;
+ font-weight: $code-font-weight;
+ color: $code-color;
+ background-color: $code-background-color;
+ border-width: $code-border-size;
+ border-style: $code-border-style;
+ border-color: $code-border-color;
+ padding: $code-padding;
+ }
+ /* Lists */
+ ul,
+ ol,
+ dl {
+ font-size: $list-font-size;
+ line-height: $list-line-height;
+ margin-bottom: $list-margin-bottom;
+ list-style-position: $list-style-position;
+ font-family: $list-font-family;
+ }
+ /* Lists */
+ ul, ol {
+ margin-left: $list-side-margin;
+ li {
+ ul,
+ ol {
+ margin-left: $list-nested-margin;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Lists without bullets */
+ {
+ &, li ul, li ol {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ }
+ margin-left: $list-side-margin-no-bullet;
+ }
+ /* Definition Lists */
+ dl {
+ dt {
+ margin-bottom: $definition-list-header-margin-bottom;
+ font-weight: $definition-list-header-weight;
+ }
+ dd { margin-bottom: $definition-list-margin-bottom; }
+ }
+ /* Abbreviations */
+ abbr,
+ acronym {
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ color: $body-font-color;
+ border-bottom: $acronym-underline;
+ cursor: help;
+ }
+ abbr {
+ text-transform: none;
+ }
+ /* Blockquotes */
+ blockquote {
+ margin: 0 0 $paragraph-margin-bottom;
+ padding: $blockquote-padding;
+ border-left: $blockquote-border;
+ cite {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: $blockquote-cite-font-size;
+ color: $blockquote-cite-font-color;
+ &:before {
+ content: "\2014 \0020";
+ }
+ a,
+ a:visited {
+ color: $blockquote-cite-link-color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ blockquote,
+ blockquote p {
+ line-height: $paragraph-line-height;
+ color: $blockquote-font-color;
+ }
+ @include breakpoint(medium) {
+ h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { line-height: $header-line-height; }
+ h1 { font-size: $h1-font-size; }
+ h2 { font-size: $h2-font-size; }
+ h3 { font-size: $h3-font-size; }
+ h4 { font-size: $h4-font-size; }
+ h5 { font-size: $h5-font-size; }
+ h6 { font-size: $h6-font-size; }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_utilities.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_utilities.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dabe22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_utilities.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ ---------
+ Responsive helper classes to assist you in quickly doing basic formatting and layout.
+ Features:
+ - Vertical alignment
+ - Visibility
+ - Text alignment
+ - Floating
+$block-selector: '[class*="grid-block"]';
+@mixin show-for($size, $prop: block) {
+ &:not(.ng-hide) {
+ display: none !important;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ display: $prop !important;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin show-for-only($size, $prop: block) {
+ &:not(.ng-hide) {
+ display: none !important;
+ @include breakpoint($size only) {
+ display: $prop !important;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin hide-for($size, $prop: block) {
+ &:not(.ng-hide) {
+ display: $prop !important;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin hide-for-only($size, $prop: block) {
+ &:not(.ng-hide) {
+ display: $prop !important;
+ @include breakpoint($size only) {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+ }
+@include exports(utilities) {
+ // Vertical alignment
+ .v-align {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ $align-values: (
+ 'top': flex-start,
+ 'center': center,
+ 'bottom': flex-end,
+ );
+ @each $orient in (top, center, bottom) {
+ .align-#{$orient} {
+ align-self: map-get($align-values, $orient);
+ }
+ }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @each $orient in (top, center, bottom) {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ .#{$size}-align-#{$orient} {
+ align-self: map-get($align-values, $orient);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Visibility
+ .hide { display: none !important; }
+ .invisible { visibility: hidden; }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ .hide-for-#{$size} {
+ @include hide-for($size);
+ &#{$block-selector} { @include hide-for($size, flex); }
+ }
+ .show-for-#{$size} {
+ @include show-for($size);
+ &#{$block-selector} { @include show-for($size, flex); }
+ }
+ .hide-for-#{$size}-only {
+ @include hide-for-only($size);
+ &#{$block-selector} { @include hide-for-only($size, flex); }
+ }
+ .show-for-#{$size}-only {
+ @include show-for-only($size);
+ &#{$block-selector} { @include show-for-only($size, flex); }
+ }
+ }
+ @each $orientation in (portrait, landscape) {
+ .hide-for-#{$orientation} {
+ @include breakpoint($orientation) {
+ display: none !important;
+ &#{$block-selector} { display: flex !important; }
+ }
+ }
+ .show-for-#{$orientation} {
+ display: none !important;
+ @include breakpoint($orientation) {
+ display: block !important;
+ &#{$block-selector} { display: flex !important; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Text alignment
+ */
+ @each $align in (left, right, center, justify) {
+ .text-#{$align} {
+ text-align: $align;
+ }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ .#{$size}-text-#{$align} {
+ text-align: $align;
+ }
+ }
+ @include breakpoint($size only) {
+ .#{$size}-only-text-#{$align} {
+ text-align: $align;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Floating
+ */
+ .clearfix { @include clearfix; }
+ @each $float in (left, right, none) {
+ .float-#{$float} {
+ float: #{$float};
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/foundation.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/foundation.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42ff302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/foundation.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Foundation for Apps
+// by ZURB
+// Licensed under MIT Open Source
+$foundation-version: '1.1.0';
+// Make sure the charset is set appropriately
+@charset "UTF-8";
+// Libraries (let's make Normalize an external dependency eventually)
+ "vendor/normalize";
+// Helpers
+ "helpers/functions",
+ "helpers/mixins",
+ "helpers/breakpoints",
+ "helpers/images";
+// Global styles
+ "global";
+// Components
+ "components/iconic",
+ "components/action-sheet",
+ "components/block-list",
+ "components/button",
+ "components/button-group",
+ "components/card",
+ "components/extras",
+ "components/forms",
+ "components/grid",
+ "components/title-bar",
+ "components/label",
+ "components/list",
+ "components/menu-bar",
+ "components/modal",
+ "components/motion",
+ "components/notification",
+ "components/off-canvas",
+ "components/popup",
+ "components/switch",
+ "components/tabs",
+ "components/accordion",
+ "components/typography",
+ "components/utilities";
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_breakpoints.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_breakpoints.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36300d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_breakpoints.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Foundation for Apps
+// -----------
+// Foundation for Apps has three core breakpoints: small (> 0), medium (>= 640), and large (>= 1024).
+// There are two additional breakpoints, xlarge, and xxlarge, which (by default) do not output as sizing classes.
+// Access named breakpoints using the mixin breakpoint($size), where $size is a breakpoint value.
+// You can also pass an em, rem, or pixel value into this mixin to generate an em-based media query.
+// Create new named breakpoints using the $breakpoints map. Change which named breakpoints get their own classes by modifying the $breakpoint-classes map.
+// NOTE: If you change the $breakpoints map, know that all values must be ordered by width, smallest width first. So 0 is always your first value.
+// 1. Variables
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Breakpoints
+// These are our named breakpoints. You can use them in our breakpoint function like this: @include breakpoint(medium) { // Medium and larger styles }
+$breakpoints: (
+ small: rem-calc(0),
+ medium: rem-calc(640),
+ large: rem-calc(1200),
+ xlarge: rem-calc(1440),
+ xxlarge: rem-calc(1920),
+) !default;
+// All of the names in this list will be output as classes in your CSS, like small-12, medium-6, and so on.
+$breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
+// 2. Mixins
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+/// Wraps a media query around the content you put inside the mixin. This mixin accepts a number of values:
+/// - If a string is passed, the mixin will look for it in the $breakpoints map, and use a media query there.
+/// - If a pixel value is passed, it will be converted to an em value using $rem-base.
+/// - If a rem value is passed, the unit will be changed to em.
+/// - If an em value is passed, the value will be used as-is.
+/// @param {mixed} $val - Breakpoint name or px/em/rem value to process.
+/// @output If the breakpoint is "0px and larger", outputs the content. Otherwise, outputs the content wrapped in a media query.
+@mixin breakpoint($val: small) {
+ // Size or keyword
+ $bp: nth($val, 1);
+ // Value for max-width media queries
+ $bpMax: 0;
+ // Direction of media query (up, down, or only)
+ $dir: if(length($val) > 1, nth($val, 2), up);
+ // Eventual output
+ $str: 'only screen';
+ // Is it a named media query?
+ $named: false;
+ // Orientation media queries have a unique syntax
+ @if $bp == 'landscape' or $bp == 'portrait' {
+ $str: $str + ' and (orientation: #{$bp})';
+ }
+ @else {
+ // Try to pull a named breakpoint out of the $breakpoints map
+ @if type-of($bp) == 'string' {
+ @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $bp) {
+ @if $dir == 'only' {
+ $next-bp: map-next($breakpoints, $bp);
+ @if $next-bp == null {
+ $bpMax: null;
+ }
+ @else {
+ $bpMax: $next-bp - (1/16);
+ }
+ }
+ $bp: map-get($breakpoints, $bp);
+ $named: true;
+ }
+ @else {
+ $bp: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pixel and unitless values are converted to rems
+ @if unit($bp) == 'px' or unit($bp) == '' {
+ $bp: rem-calc($bp);
+ }
+ // Finally, the rem value is turned into an em value
+ $bp: strip-unit($bp) * 1em;
+ // Skip media query creation if the input is "0 up" or "0 down"
+ @if $bp > 0 or $dir == 'only' {
+ // And lo, a media query was born
+ @if $dir == 'only' {
+ @if $named == true {
+ $str: $str + ' and (min-width: #{$bp})';
+ @if $bpMax != null {
+ $str: $str + ' and (max-width: #{$bpMax})';
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ @debug 'ERROR: Only named media queries can have an "only" range.';
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $dir == 'down' {
+ $max: $bp - (1/16);
+ $str: $str + ' and (max-width: #{$max})';
+ }
+ @else {
+ $str: $str + ' and (min-width: #{$bp})';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Output
+ @if $bp == 0em and $dir != 'only' {
+ @content;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @media #{$str} {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+/// Prefixes selector $class with breakpoint keywords, allowing you to create a batch of breakpoint classes with one chunk of code. If you want to skip a breakpoint (like small, because mobile first and all that), add values to the $omit parameter.
+/// @param {string} $class - Class to prefix with the breakpoint name and a hyphen.
+/// @param {list} $omit - Named breakpoints to skip. No class will be added with breakpoints in this list.
+@mixin each-breakpoint($class, $omit: ()) {
+ // Iterate through breakpoint classes
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ // Only do something if the breakpoint is not in $omit
+ @if index($omit, $size) == null {
+ $val: map-get($breakpoints, $size);
+ // Prefix $class with $size and a hyphen
+ .#{$size + '-' + $class} {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// 3. CSS Output
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Meta styles are included in all builds, as they are a dependancy of the Javascript.
+// Used to provide media query values for javascript components.
+// Forward slash placed around everything to convince PhantomJS to read the value.
+ {
+ font-family: "#{$foundation-version}";
+} {
+ font-family: "#{map-serialize($breakpoints)}";
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cb2ab37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Foundation for Apps ALPHA
+// by ZURB
+// Licensed under MIT Open Source
+$include-css: () !default;
+$modules: () !default;
+$rem-base: 16px !default;
+/// Checks if a module is in use.
+@function using($name) {
+ // Import from global scope
+ $include-css: $include-css !global;
+ $module-key: map-get($include-css, $name);
+ @if $module-key == true or $module-key == null {
+ @return true;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return false;
+ }
+/// Checks if a module's CSS has already been exported.
+@function imported($name) {
+ // Import from global scope
+ $modules: $modules !global;
+ // Check if the module is already on the imported list
+ @if type-of(index($modules, $name)) == 'number' {
+ @return true;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return false;
+ }
+/// Outputs the chunk of content passed if component $name hasn't yet been output.
+/// This prevents code duplication by keeping track of which components have already been output.
+/// @param {string} $name - Name of component to output
+/// @output The content passed, if the component has not yet been exported.
+@mixin exports($name) {
+ // Check if the module has already been imported
+ @if not(imported($name)) {
+ // Check if the module should be used
+ @if using($name) {
+ $modules: append($modules, $name) !global;
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+/// Map Serialize
+/// Converts a Sass map to a URL-encoded string, like this: `key1=value1&key2=value2`. We use this function to encode the media queries in the `$breakpoints` variable, so it can be transferred to our JavaScript for use there.
+/// @param {map} $map - Map to convert.
+/// @return A string with a map converted to a string.
+@function map-serialize($map) {
+ $str: '';
+ @each $key, $value in $map {
+ $str: $str + $key + '=' + $value + '&';
+ }
+ $str: str-slice($str, 1, -2);
+ @return $str;
+/// Map Next
+/// Find the next key in a map.
+/// @param {map} $map - Map to traverse.
+/// @param {mixed} $key - Key to use as a starting point.
+/// @return The value for the key after `$key` if `$key` was found. If `$key` was not found, or `$key` was the last value in the map, returns null.
+@function map-next($map, $key) {
+ // Store the values of the map as a list, so we can access them with nth
+ $values: map-values($map);
+ // Ghetto for loop
+ $i: 1;
+ $found: false;
+ @each $val in map-keys($map) {
+ @if $found == false {
+ @if ($key == $val) {
+ $found: true;
+ }
+ $i: $i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the key doesn't exist, or it's the last key in the map, return null
+ @if $i > length($map) {
+ @return null;
+ }
+ // Otherwise return the value
+ @else {
+ @return nth($values, $i);
+ }
+/// Is It Light?
+/// Checks the lightness of $color, and if it passes the $threshold of lightness, it returns the `$yes` color. Otherwise, it returns the `$no` color. Use this function to dynamically output a foreground color based on a given background color.
+/// @param {color} $color - Color to check the lightness of.
+/// @param {color} $yes - Color to return if $color is light.
+/// @param {color} $no - Color to return if $color is dark.
+/// @param {percentage} $threshold - Threshold of lightness to check against.
+/// @return The $yes color or $no color.
+@function isitlight($color, $yes: #000, $no: #fff, $threshold: 60%) {
+ @if (lightness($color) > $threshold) {
+ @return $yes;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return $no;
+ }
+/// Smart Scale
+/// Scales a color to be lighter if it's light, or darker if it's dark. Use this function to "fade" a color appropriate to its lightness.
+/// @param {color} $color - Color to scale.
+/// @param {percentage} $scale - Amount to scale up or down.
+/// @param {percentage} $threshold - Threshold of lightness to check against.
+/// @return A scaled color.
+@function smartscale($color, $scale: 5%, $threshold: 60%) {
+ @if lightness($color) > $threshold {
+ $scale: -$scale;
+ }
+ @return scale-color($color, $lightness: $scale);
+/// Has Value
+/// Returns true if a value is not 0, null, or none. Use this function to check for values like `border: 0` or `box-shadow: none`.
+/// @param $val - Value to check.
+/// @return True if `$val` is not 0, null, or none.
+@function hasvalue($val) {
+ @if $val == null or $val == none {
+ @return false;
+ }
+ @if type-of($val) == 'number' and strip-unit($val) == 0 {
+ @return false;
+ }
+ @return true;
+/// Get Side
+/// Determine a top/right/bottom/right value on a padding, margin, etc. property, no matter how many values were passed in. Use this function if you need to know the specific side of a value, but don't know if the value is using shorthand.
+/// @param {list|number} $val - Value to analyze. Should be a shorthand sizing property, e.g. "1em 2em 1em"
+/// @param {keyword} $side - Side to return. Should be top, right, bottom, or left.
+/// @return A single value based on `$val` and `$side`.
+@function get-side($val, $side) {
+ $length: length($val);
+ @if $length == 1 {
+ @return $val;
+ }
+ @if $length == 2 {
+ @return map-get((
+ top: nth($val, 1),
+ bottom: nth($val, 1),
+ left: nth($val, 2),
+ right: nth($val, 2),
+ ), $side);
+ }
+ @if $length == 3 {
+ @return map-get((
+ top: nth($val, 1),
+ left: nth($val, 2),
+ right: nth($val, 2),
+ bottom: nth($val, 3),
+ ), $side);
+ }
+ @if $length == 4 {
+ @return map-get((
+ top: nth($val, 1),
+ right: nth($val, 2),
+ bottom: nth($val, 3),
+ left: nth($val, 4),
+ ), $side);
+ }
+/// Get Border Value
+/// Given border $val, find a specific element of the border, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are width, style, and color.
+/// @param {list} $val - Border value to find a value in.
+/// @param {keyword} $elem - Border component to extract.
+/// @param If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not in the border definition, the function will return a 0px width, solid style, or black border.
+ @function get-border-value($val, $elem) {
+ // Find the width, style, or color and return it
+ @each $v in $val {
+ $type: type-of($v);
+ @if $elem == width and $type == 'number' {
+ @return $v;
+ }
+ @if $elem == style and $type == 'string' {
+ @return $v;
+ }
+ @if $elem == color and $type == 'color' {
+ @return $v;
+ }
+ }
+ // Defaults
+ $defaults: (
+ width: 0,
+ style: solid,
+ color: black,
+ );
+ @return map-get($defaults, $elem);
+ }
+/// Get Shadow Value
+/// Given shadow value $val, find a specific element of the shadow, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are x, y, size, spread, color, and inset.
+/// @param {list} $val - Shadow value to find a value in.
+/// @param {keyword} $elem - Shadow component to extract.
+/// @return If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not set, returns false. If `$elem` is "inset", returns true, otherwise false.
+@function get-shadow-value($val, $elem) {
+ // Return "none" if there's no shadow
+ @if $val == none {
+ @return none;
+ }
+ // Inset and color are always at the beginning and end
+ @if $elem == inset {
+ @return nth($val, 1) == inset;
+ }
+ @if $elem == color {
+ @if type-of(nth($val, -1)) == color {
+ @return nth($val, -1);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return black;
+ }
+ }
+ // The rest of the values are located perilously in the middle
+ $values: ();
+ @each $v in $val {
+ @if type-of($v) == 'number' {
+ $values: append($values, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ @if $elem == x {
+ @if length($values) >= 1 {
+ @return nth($values, 1);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $elem == y {
+ @if length($values) >= 2 {
+ @return nth($values, 2);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $elem == size {
+ @if length($values) >= 3 {
+ @return nth($values, 3);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $elem == spread {
+ @if length($values) >= 4 {
+ @return nth($values, 4);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return false;
+ }
+/// Strip Unit
+/// Removes the unit (e.g. px, em, rem) from a value, returning the number only.
+/// @param {number} $num - Number to strip unit from.
+/// @return The same number, sans unit.
+@function strip-unit($num) {
+ @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);
+/// Turn to Degrees
+/// Converts a turn unit to the equivalent unit in degrees. 1turn is equal to 360 degrees. Not all browsers support turn, so this function allows us to use turns while outputting a value that all browsers understand.
+/// @param {number} $value - Turn value to convert.
+/// @return The same value, but in degrees.
+@function turn-to-deg($value) {
+ @return strip-unit($value) * 360deg;
+/// Convert to Rem
+/// Converts a pixel value to matching rem value. *Any* value passed, regardless of unit, is assumed to be a pixel value. By default, the base pixel value used to calculate the rem value is taken from the `$rem-base` variable.
+/// @param {number} $value - Pixel value to convert.
+/// @return A number in rems, calculated based on the given value and the base pixel value.
+@function convert-to-rem($value, $base-value: $rem-base) {
+ $value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base-value) * 1rem;
+ @if ($value == 0rem) { $value: 0; } // Turn 0rem into 0
+ @return $value;
+/// Rem Calculator
+/// Converts one or more pixel values into matching rem values. This function works a lot like `convert-to-rem`, except it can convert more than one value at once, which is useful when setting multiple values on a `margin` or `padding` property.
+/// @param {number|list} $values - One or more values to convert. Be sure to separate them with spaces and not commas. If you need to convert a comma-separated list, wrap the list in parentheses.
+/// @return A list of converted values.
+@function rem-calc($values, $base-value: null) {
+ @if $base-value == null {
+ $base-value: $rem-base;
+ }
+ $max: length($values);
+ @if $max == 1 { @return convert-to-rem(nth($values, 1), $base-value); }
+ $remValues: ();
+ @for $i from 1 through $max {
+ $remValues: append($remValues, convert-to-rem(nth($values, $i), $base-value));
+ }
+ @return $remValues;
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_images.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_images.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91052e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_images.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+@function image-triangle($color: #000) {
+ $color: rgb(red($color), green($color), blue($color));
+ @return 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="32" height="24" viewBox="0 0 32 24"><polygon points="0,0 32,0 16,24" style="fill: #{$color}"></polygon></svg>';
+@mixin image-checkmark($color: #000) {
+ $color: rgb(red($color), green($color), blue($color));
+ background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path fill="#{$color}" d="M16 0c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16s7.163 16 16 16 16-7.163 16-16-7.163-16-16-16zm6.906 8.875l2.219 2.031-12.063 13.281-6.188-6.188 2.125-2.125 3.938 3.938 9.969-10.938z"/></svg>');
+ // IE10 fallback, since it doesn't support SVG data URLs
+ @media screen and (min-width:0\0) {
+ @if lightness($color) < 60% {
+ background-image: url('');
+ }
+ @else {
+ background-image: url('');
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_mixins.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_mixins.scss
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index 0000000..403fe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_mixins.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Foundation for Apps
+// Mixins
+// ------
+// The framework comes with a number of mixins that help you easily create common small components,
+// like triangles and menu icons.
+/// CSS Triangle
+/// Creates a CSS triangle, which can be used for dropdown arrows, popup tails, and more. Use this mixin inside a `&::before` or `&::after` selector, to attach the triangle to an existing element.
+/// @param {number} $triangle-size - Width of the triangle.
+/// @param {color} $triangle-color - Color of the triangle.
+/// @param {keyword} $triangle-direction - Direction the triangle points. Can be `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left`.
+@mixin css-triangle($triangle-size, $triangle-color, $triangle-direction) {
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ border: inset $triangle-size;
+ @if ($triangle-direction == top) {
+ border-color: $triangle-color transparent transparent transparent;
+ border-top-style: solid;
+ }
+ @if ($triangle-direction == bottom) {
+ border-color: transparent transparent $triangle-color transparent;
+ border-bottom-style: solid;
+ }
+ @if ($triangle-direction == left) {
+ border-color: transparent transparent transparent $triangle-color;
+ border-left-style: solid;
+ }
+ @if ($triangle-direction == right) {
+ border-color: transparent $triangle-color transparent transparent;
+ border-right-style: solid;
+ }
+// @mixins
+/// Hamburger
+/// Creates a three-line menu icon, affectionately referred to as the "hamburger icon".
+/// @param {number} $width - Width of the icon, in rem units.
+/// @param {number|boolean} $left - Left offset of the icon. Set to `false` to center the icon horizontally.
+/// @param {number|boolean} $top - Top offset of the icon. Set to `false` to center the icon vertically.
+/// @param {number} $thickness - Height of each line in the icon.
+/// @param {number} $gap - Amount of space between each line.
+/// @param {color} $color - Color of the lines.
+/// @param {color} $hover-color - Color of the lines on hover.
+@mixin hamburger($width, $left, $top, $thickness, $gap, $color, $hover-color, $offcanvas) {
+ span::after {
+ content: "";
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ height: 0;
+ @if $offcanvas {
+ @if $top {
+ top: $top;
+ }
+ @else {
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -$width/2;
+ }
+ @if $left {
+ left: $left;
+ }
+ @else {
+ left: ($tabbar-menu-icon-width - $width)/2;
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -$width/2;
+ #{$opposite-direction}: $topbar-link-padding;
+ }
+ box-shadow:
+ 0 0px 0 $thickness $color,
+ 0 $gap + $thickness 0 $thickness $color,
+ 0 (2 * $gap + 2*$thickness) 0 $thickness $color;
+ width: $width;
+ }
+ span:hover:after {
+ box-shadow:
+ 0 0px 0 $thickness $hover-color,
+ 0 $gap + $thickness 0 $thickness $hover-color,
+ 0 (2 * $gap + 2*$thickness) 0 $thickness $hover-color;
+ }
+/// Clearfix
+/// Uses the micro clearfix hack popularized by Nicolas Gallagher. Include this mixin on a container if its children are all floated, to give the container a proper height.
+/// @see
+@mixin clearfix {
+ &:before, &:after { content: " "; display: table; }
+ &:after { clear: both; }
+/// Invisible Element
+/// Makes an element visually hidden, but accessible.
+/// @see
+@mixin element-invisible {
+ position: absolute !important;
+ height: 1px;
+ width: 1px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+/// Invisible Element Off
+/// Reverses the CSS output by the `element-invisible()` mixin.
+@mixin element-invisible-off {
+ position: static !important;
+ height: auto;
+ width: auto;
+ overflow: visible;
+ clip: auto;
+$text-input-selectors: 'input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="month"], input[type="week"], input[type="email"], input[type="number"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="time"], input[type="url"], input[type="color"], textarea';
diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/vendor/_normalize.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/vendor/_normalize.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8bc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/vendor/_normalize.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+/*! normalize.css v3.0.1 | MIT License | */
+ * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
+ * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling
+ * user zoom.
+ */
+html {
+ font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
+ -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+ * Remove default margin.
+ */
+body {
+ margin: 0;
+/* HTML5 display definitions
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11 and Firefox.
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
+ */
+summary {
+ display: block;
+ * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
+ * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
+ */
+video {
+ display: inline-block; /* 1 */
+ vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
+ * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
+ * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
+ */
+audio:not([controls]) {
+ display: none;
+ height: 0;
+ * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.
+ * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.
+ */
+template {
+ display: none;
+/* Links
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.
+ */
+a {
+ background: transparent;
+ * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.
+ */
+a:hover {
+ outline: 0;
+/* Text-level semantics
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+strong {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
+ */
+dfn {
+ font-style: italic;
+ * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
+ * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+h1 {
+ font-size: 2em;
+ margin: 0.67em 0;
+ * Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
+ */
+mark {
+ background: #ff0;
+ color: #000;
+ * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
+ */
+small {
+ font-size: 80%;
+ * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
+ */
+sup {
+ font-size: 75%;
+ line-height: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+sup {
+ top: -0.5em;
+sub {
+ bottom: -0.25em;
+/* Embedded content
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.
+ */
+img {
+ border: 0;
+ * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.
+ */
+svg:not(:root) {
+ overflow: hidden;
+/* Grouping content
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.
+ */
+figure {
+ margin: 1em 40px;
+ * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
+ */
+hr {
+ -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ height: 0;
+ * Contain overflow in all browsers.
+ */
+pre {
+ overflow: auto;
+ * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
+ */
+samp {
+ font-family: monospace, monospace;
+ font-size: 1em;
+/* Forms
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited
+ * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.
+ */
+ * 1. Correct color not being inherited.
+ * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.
+ * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.
+ * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+textarea {
+ color: inherit; /* 1 */
+ font: inherit; /* 2 */
+ margin: 0; /* 3 */
+ * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ */
+button {
+ overflow: visible;
+ * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.
+ * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.
+ * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.
+ * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.
+ */
+select {
+ text-transform: none;
+ * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`
+ * and `video` controls.
+ * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
+ * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
+ * `input` and others.
+ */
+html input[type="button"], /* 1 */
+input[type="submit"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
+ cursor: pointer; /* 3 */
+ * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
+ */
+html input[disabled] {
+ cursor: default;
+ * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
+ */
+input::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
+ * the UA stylesheet.
+ */
+input {
+ line-height: normal;
+ * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.
+ * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.
+ *
+ * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.
+ * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.
+ */
+input[type="radio"] {
+ box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
+ padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain
+ * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the
+ * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.
+ */
+input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+ height: auto;
+ * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.
+ * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome
+ * (include `-moz` to future-proof).
+ */
+input[type="search"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
+ -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.
+ * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has
+ * padding (and `textfield` appearance).
+ */
+input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ * Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
+ */
+fieldset {
+ border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
+ margin: 0 2px;
+ padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
+ * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.
+ */
+legend {
+ border: 0; /* 1 */
+ padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ */
+textarea {
+ overflow: auto;
+ * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).
+ * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.
+ */
+optgroup {
+ font-weight: bold;
+/* Tables
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove most spacing between table cells.
+ */
+table {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ border-spacing: 0;
+th {
+ padding: 0;
+} \ No newline at end of file