path: root/afm-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss
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authorFulup Ar Foll <>2016-01-28 16:30:12 +0100
committerFulup Ar Foll <>2016-01-28 16:30:12 +0100
commitbe83a8f382cf2fea98161bfd6d51719aacbf9aa9 (patch)
tree3fb02337f8d7d308ef7ca7818ecc3d3a6ee05d88 /afm-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss
parent1a4ed39bf86b2115eb0f1387d1e988462b492776 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'afm-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/afm-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss b/afm-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d23793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afm-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/helpers/_functions.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Foundation for Apps ALPHA
+// by ZURB
+// Licensed under MIT Open Source
+$include-css: () !default;
+$modules: () !default;
+$rem-base: 16px !default;
+/// Checks if a module is in use.
+@function using($name) {
+ // Import from global scope
+ $include-css: $include-css !global;
+ $module-key: map-get($include-css, $name);
+ @if $module-key == true or $module-key == null {
+ @return true;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return false;
+ }
+/// Checks if a module's CSS has already been exported.
+@function imported($name) {
+ // Import from global scope
+ $modules: $modules !global;
+ // Check if the module is already on the imported list
+ @if type-of(index($modules, $name)) == 'number' {
+ @return true;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return false;
+ }
+/// Outputs the chunk of content passed if component $name hasn't yet been output.
+/// This prevents code duplication by keeping track of which components have already been output.
+/// @param {string} $name - Name of component to output
+/// @output The content passed, if the component has not yet been exported.
+@mixin exports($name) {
+ // Check if the module has already been imported
+ @if not(imported($name)) {
+ // Check if the module should be used
+ @if using($name) {
+ $modules: append($modules, $name) !global;
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+/// Map Serialize
+/// Converts a Sass map to a URL-encoded string, like this: `key1=value1&key2=value2`. We use this function to encode the media queries in the `$breakpoints` variable, so it can be transferred to our JavaScript for use there.
+/// @param {map} $map - Map to convert.
+/// @return A string with a map converted to a string.
+@function map-serialize($map) {
+ $str: '';
+ @each $key, $value in $map {
+ $str: $str + $key + '=' + $value + '&';
+ }
+ $str: str-slice($str, 1, -2);
+ @return $str;
+/// Map Next
+/// Find the next key in a map.
+/// @param {map} $map - Map to traverse.
+/// @param {mixed} $key - Key to use as a starting point.
+/// @return The value for the key after `$key` if `$key` was found. If `$key` was not found, or `$key` was the last value in the map, returns null.
+@function map-next($map, $key) {
+ // Store the values of the map as a list, so we can access them with nth
+ $values: map-values($map);
+ // Ghetto for loop
+ $i: 1;
+ $found: false;
+ @each $val in map-keys($map) {
+ @if $found == false {
+ @if ($key == $val) {
+ $found: true;
+ }
+ $i: $i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the key doesn't exist, or it's the last key in the map, return null
+ @if $i > length($map) {
+ @return null;
+ }
+ // Otherwise return the value
+ @else {
+ @return nth($values, $i);
+ }
+/// Is It Light?
+/// Checks the lightness of $color, and if it passes the $threshold of lightness, it returns the `$yes` color. Otherwise, it returns the `$no` color. Use this function to dynamically output a foreground color based on a given background color.
+/// @param {color} $color - Color to check the lightness of.
+/// @param {color} $yes - Color to return if $color is light.
+/// @param {color} $no - Color to return if $color is dark.
+/// @param {percentage} $threshold - Threshold of lightness to check against.
+/// @return The $yes color or $no color.
+@function isitlight($color, $yes: #000, $no: #fff, $threshold: 60%) {
+ @if (lightness($color) > $threshold) {
+ @return $yes;
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return $no;
+ }
+/// Smart Scale
+/// Scales a color to be lighter if it's light, or darker if it's dark. Use this function to "fade" a color appropriate to its lightness.
+/// @param {color} $color - Color to scale.
+/// @param {percentage} $scale - Amount to scale up or down.
+/// @param {percentage} $threshold - Threshold of lightness to check against.
+/// @return A scaled color.
+@function smartscale($color, $scale: 5%, $threshold: 60%) {
+ @if lightness($color) > $threshold {
+ $scale: -$scale;
+ }
+ @return scale-color($color, $lightness: $scale);
+/// Has Value
+/// Returns true if a value is not 0, null, or none. Use this function to check for values like `border: 0` or `box-shadow: none`.
+/// @param $val - Value to check.
+/// @return True if `$val` is not 0, null, or none.
+@function hasvalue($val) {
+ @if $val == null or $val == none {
+ @return false;
+ }
+ @if type-of($val) == 'number' and strip-unit($val) == 0 {
+ @return false;
+ }
+ @return true;
+/// Get Side
+/// Determine a top/right/bottom/right value on a padding, margin, etc. property, no matter how many values were passed in. Use this function if you need to know the specific side of a value, but don't know if the value is using shorthand.
+/// @param {list|number} $val - Value to analyze. Should be a shorthand sizing property, e.g. "1em 2em 1em"
+/// @param {keyword} $side - Side to return. Should be top, right, bottom, or left.
+/// @return A single value based on `$val` and `$side`.
+@function get-side($val, $side) {
+ $length: length($val);
+ @if $length == 1 {
+ @return $val;
+ }
+ @if $length == 2 {
+ @return map-get((
+ top: nth($val, 1),
+ bottom: nth($val, 1),
+ left: nth($val, 2),
+ right: nth($val, 2),
+ ), $side);
+ }
+ @if $length == 3 {
+ @return map-get((
+ top: nth($val, 1),
+ left: nth($val, 2),
+ right: nth($val, 2),
+ bottom: nth($val, 3),
+ ), $side);
+ }
+ @if $length == 4 {
+ @return map-get((
+ top: nth($val, 1),
+ right: nth($val, 2),
+ bottom: nth($val, 3),
+ left: nth($val, 4),
+ ), $side);
+ }
+/// Get Border Value
+/// Given border $val, find a specific element of the border, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are width, style, and color.
+/// @param {list} $val - Border value to find a value in.
+/// @param {keyword} $elem - Border component to extract.
+/// @param If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not in the border definition, the function will return a 0px width, solid style, or black border.
+ @function get-border-value($val, $elem) {
+ // Find the width, style, or color and return it
+ @each $v in $val {
+ $type: type-of($v);
+ @if $elem == width and $type == 'number' {
+ @return $v;
+ }
+ @if $elem == style and $type == 'string' {
+ @return $v;
+ }
+ @if $elem == color and $type == 'color' {
+ @return $v;
+ }
+ }
+ // Defaults
+ $defaults: (
+ width: 0,
+ style: solid,
+ color: black,
+ );
+ @return map-get($defaults, $elem);
+ }
+/// Get Shadow Value
+/// Given shadow value $val, find a specific element of the shadow, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are x, y, size, spread, color, and inset.
+/// @param {list} $val - Shadow value to find a value in.
+/// @param {keyword} $elem - Shadow component to extract.
+/// @return If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not set, returns false. If `$elem` is "inset", returns true, otherwise false.
+@function get-shadow-value($val, $elem) {
+ // Return "none" if there's no shadow
+ @if $val == none {
+ @return none;
+ }
+ // Inset and color are always at the beginning and end
+ @if $elem == inset {
+ @return nth($val, 1) == inset;
+ }
+ @if $elem == color {
+ @if type-of(nth($val, -1)) == color {
+ @return nth($val, -1);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return black;
+ }
+ }
+ // The rest of the values are located perilously in the middle
+ $values: ();
+ @each $v in $val {
+ @if type-of($v) == 'number' {
+ $values: append($values, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ @if $elem == x {
+ @if length($values) >= 1 {
+ @return nth($values, 1);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $elem == y {
+ @if length($values) >= 2 {
+ @return nth($values, 2);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $elem == size {
+ @if length($values) >= 3 {
+ @return nth($values, 3);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else if $elem == spread {
+ @if length($values) >= 4 {
+ @return nth($values, 4);
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ @return false;
+ }
+/// Strip Unit
+/// Removes the unit (e.g. px, em, rem) from a value, returning the number only.
+/// @param {number} $num - Number to strip unit from.
+/// @return The same number, sans unit.
+@function strip-unit($num) {
+ @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);
+/// Turn to Degrees
+/// Converts a turn unit to the equivalent unit in degrees. 1turn is equal to 360 degrees. Not all browsers support turn, so this function allows us to use turns while outputting a value that all browsers understand.
+/// @param {number} $value - Turn value to convert.
+/// @return The same value, but in degrees.
+@function turn-to-deg($value) {
+ @return strip-unit($value) * 360deg;
+/// Convert to Rem
+/// Converts a pixel value to matching rem value. *Any* value passed, regardless of unit, is assumed to be a pixel value. By default, the base pixel value used to calculate the rem value is taken from the `$rem-base` variable.
+/// @param {number} $value - Pixel value to convert.
+/// @return A number in rems, calculated based on the given value and the base pixel value.
+@function convert-to-rem($value, $base-value: $rem-base) {
+ $value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base-value) * 1rem;
+ @if ($value == 0rem) { $value: 0; } // Turn 0rem into 0
+ @return $value;
+/// Rem Calculator
+/// Converts one or more pixel values into matching rem values. This function works a lot like `convert-to-rem`, except it can convert more than one value at once, which is useful when setting multiple values on a `margin` or `padding` property.
+/// @param {number|list} $values - One or more values to convert. Be sure to separate them with spaces and not commas. If you need to convert a comma-separated list, wrap the list in parentheses.
+/// @return A list of converted values.
+@function rem-calc($values, $base-value: null) {
+ @if $base-value == null {
+ $base-value: $rem-base;
+ }
+ $max: length($values);
+ @if $max == 1 { @return convert-to-rem(nth($values, 1), $base-value); }
+ $remValues: ();
+ @for $i from 1 through $max {
+ $remValues: append($remValues, convert-to-rem(nth($values, $i), $base-value));
+ }
+ @return $remValues;