path: root/afm-client/bower_components/tether/coffee/
diff options
authorFulup Ar Foll <>2016-01-28 16:30:12 +0100
committerFulup Ar Foll <>2016-01-28 16:30:12 +0100
commitbe83a8f382cf2fea98161bfd6d51719aacbf9aa9 (patch)
tree3fb02337f8d7d308ef7ca7818ecc3d3a6ee05d88 /afm-client/bower_components/tether/coffee/
parent1a4ed39bf86b2115eb0f1387d1e988462b492776 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'afm-client/bower_components/tether/coffee/')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/afm-client/bower_components/tether/coffee/ b/afm-client/bower_components/tether/coffee/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef1c0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afm-client/bower_components/tether/coffee/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+@Tether ?= {modules: []}
+getScrollParent = (el) ->
+ position = getComputedStyle(el).position
+ if position is 'fixed'
+ return el
+ scrollParent = undefined
+ parent = el
+ while parent = parent.parentNode
+ try
+ style = getComputedStyle parent
+ return parent if not style?
+ if /(auto|scroll)/.test(style['overflow'] + style['overflow-y'] + style['overflow-x'])
+ if position isnt 'absolute' or style['position'] in ['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed']
+ return parent
+ return document.body
+uniqueId = do ->
+ id = 0
+ ->
+ id++
+zeroPosCache = {}
+getOrigin = (doc) ->
+ # getBoundingClientRect is unfortunately too accurate. It introduces a pixel or two of
+ # jitter as the user scrolls that messes with our ability to detect if two positions
+ # are equivilant or not. We place an element at the top left of the page that will
+ # get the same jitter, so we can cancel the two out.
+ node = doc._tetherZeroElement
+ if not node?
+ node = doc.createElement 'div'
+ node.setAttribute 'data-tether-id', uniqueId()
+ extend,
+ top: 0
+ left: 0
+ position: 'absolute'
+ doc.body.appendChild node
+ doc._tetherZeroElement = node
+ id = node.getAttribute 'data-tether-id'
+ if not zeroPosCache[id]?
+ zeroPosCache[id] = {}
+ for k, v of node.getBoundingClientRect()
+ # Can't use extend, as on IE9, elements don't resolve to be hasOwnProperty
+ zeroPosCache[id][k] = v
+ # Clear the cache when this position call is done
+ defer ->
+ zeroPosCache[id] = undefined
+ return zeroPosCache[id]
+node = null
+getBounds = (el) ->
+ if el is document
+ doc = document
+ el = document.documentElement
+ else
+ doc = el.ownerDocument
+ docEl = doc.documentElement
+ box = {}
+ # The original object returned by getBoundingClientRect is immutable, so we clone it
+ # We can't use extend because the properties are not considered part of the object by hasOwnProperty in IE9
+ for k, v of el.getBoundingClientRect()
+ box[k] = v
+ origin = getOrigin doc
+ -=
+ box.left -= origin.left
+ box.width ?= document.body.scrollWidth - box.left - box.right
+ box.height ?= document.body.scrollHeight - - box.bottom
+ = - docEl.clientTop
+ box.left = box.left - docEl.clientLeft
+ box.right = doc.body.clientWidth - box.width - box.left
+ box.bottom = doc.body.clientHeight - box.height -
+ box
+getOffsetParent = (el) ->
+ el.offsetParent or document.documentElement
+getScrollBarSize = ->
+ inner = document.createElement 'div'
+ = '100%'
+ = '200px'
+ outer = document.createElement 'div'
+ extend,
+ position: 'absolute'
+ top: 0
+ left: 0
+ pointerEvents: 'none'
+ visibility: 'hidden'
+ width: '200px'
+ height: '150px'
+ overflow: 'hidden'
+ outer.appendChild inner
+ document.body.appendChild outer
+ widthContained = inner.offsetWidth
+ = 'scroll'
+ widthScroll = inner.offsetWidth
+ if widthContained is widthScroll
+ widthScroll = outer.clientWidth
+ document.body.removeChild outer
+ width = widthContained - widthScroll
+ {width, height: width}
+extend = (out={}) ->
+ args = []
+ Array::push.apply(args, arguments)
+ for obj in args[1..] when obj
+ for own key, val of obj
+ out[key] = val
+ out
+removeClass = (el, name) ->
+ if el.classList?
+ el.classList.remove(cls) for cls in name.split(' ') when cls.trim()
+ else
+ el.className = el.className.replace new RegExp("(^| )#{ name.split(' ').join('|') }( |$)", 'gi'), ' '
+addClass = (el, name) ->
+ if el.classList?
+ el.classList.add(cls) for cls in name.split(' ') when cls.trim()
+ else
+ removeClass el, name
+ el.className += " #{ name }"
+hasClass = (el, name) ->
+ if el.classList?
+ el.classList.contains(name)
+ else
+ new RegExp("(^| )#{ name }( |$)", 'gi').test(el.className)
+updateClasses = (el, add, all) ->
+ # Of the set of 'all' classes, we need the 'add' classes, and only the
+ # 'add' classes to be set.
+ for cls in all when cls not in add
+ if hasClass(el, cls)
+ removeClass el, cls
+ for cls in add
+ if not hasClass(el, cls)
+ addClass el, cls
+deferred = []
+defer = (fn) ->
+ deferred.push fn
+flush = ->
+ fn() while fn = deferred.pop()
+class Evented
+ on: (event, handler, ctx, once=false) ->
+ @bindings ?= {}
+ @bindings[event] ?= []
+ @bindings[event].push {handler, ctx, once}
+ once: (event, handler, ctx) ->
+ @on(event, handler, ctx, true)
+ off: (event, handler) ->
+ return unless @bindings?[event]?
+ if not handler?
+ delete @bindings[event]
+ else
+ i = 0
+ while i < @bindings[event].length
+ if @bindings[event][i].handler is handler
+ @bindings[event].splice i, 1
+ else
+ i++
+ trigger: (event, args...) ->
+ if @bindings?[event]
+ i = 0
+ while i < @bindings[event].length
+ {handler, ctx, once} = @bindings[event][i]
+ handler.apply(ctx ? @, args)
+ if once
+ @bindings[event].splice i, 1
+ else
+ i++
+@Tether.Utils = {getScrollParent, getBounds, getOffsetParent, extend, addClass, removeClass, hasClass, updateClasses, defer, flush, uniqueId, Evented, getScrollBarSize}