path: root/afm-client/bower_components/tether/examples/element-scroll
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authorFulup Ar Foll <>2016-01-28 16:30:12 +0100
committerFulup Ar Foll <>2016-01-28 16:30:12 +0100
commitbe83a8f382cf2fea98161bfd6d51719aacbf9aa9 (patch)
tree3fb02337f8d7d308ef7ca7818ecc3d3a6ee05d88 /afm-client/bower_components/tether/examples/element-scroll
parent1a4ed39bf86b2115eb0f1387d1e988462b492776 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'afm-client/bower_components/tether/examples/element-scroll')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/afm-client/bower_components/tether/examples/element-scroll/index.html b/afm-client/bower_components/tether/examples/element-scroll/index.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+ <p>For a long time after the course of the steamer <em>Sofala</em> had been
+ altered for the land, the low swampy coast had retained its appearance
+ of a mere smudge of darkness beyond a belt of glitter. The sunrays
+ seemed to fall violently upon the calm sea--seemed to shatter themselves
+ upon an adamantine surface into sparkling dust, into a dazzling vapor
+ of light that blinded the eye and wearied the brain with its unsteady
+ brightness.</p>
+ <p>Captain Whalley did not look at it. When his Serang, approaching the
+ roomy cane arm-chair which he filled capably, had informed him in a low
+ voice that the course was to be altered, he had risen at once and had
+ remained on his feet, face forward, while the head of his ship swung
+ through a quarter of a circle. He had not uttered a single word, not
+ even the word to steady the helm. It was the Serang, an elderly, alert,
+ little Malay, with a very dark skin, who murmured the order to the
+ helmsman. And then slowly Captain Whalley sat down again in the
+ arm-chair on the bridge and fixed his eyes on the deck between his feet.</p>
+ <p>He could not hope to see anything new upon this lane of the sea. He had
+ been on these coasts for the last three years. From Low Cape to Malantan
+ the distance was fifty miles, six hours' steaming for the old ship with
+ the tide, or seven against. Then you steered straight for the land, and
+ by-and-by three palms would appear on the sky, tall and slim, and with
+ their disheveled heads in a bunch, as if in confidential criticism of
+ the dark mangroves. The Sofala would be headed towards the somber
+ strip of the coast, which at a given moment, as the ship closed with
+ it obliquely, would show several clean shining fractures--the brimful
+ estuary of a river. Then on through a brown liquid, three parts water
+ and one part black earth, on and on between the low shores, three parts
+ black earth and one part brackish water, the Sofala would plow her way
+ up-stream, as she had done once every month for these seven years or
+ more, long before he was aware of her existence, long before he had ever
+ thought of having anything to do with her and her invariable voyages.
+ The old ship ought to have known the road better than her men, who had
+ not been kept so long at it without a change; better than the faithful
+ Serang, whom he had brought over from his last ship to keep the
+ captain's watch; better than he himself, who had been her captain for
+ the last three years only. She could always be depended upon to make her
+ courses. Her compasses were never out. She was no trouble at all to
+ take about, as if her great age had given her knowledge, wisdom, and
+ steadiness. She made her landfalls to a degree of the bearing, and
+ almost to a minute of her allowed time. At any moment, as he sat on
+ the bridge without looking up, or lay sleepless in his bed, simply by
+ reckoning the days and the hours he could tell where he was--the precise
+ spot of the beat. He knew it well too, this monotonous huckster's
+ round, up and down the Straits; he knew its order and its sights and its
+ people. Malacca to begin with, in at daylight and out at dusk, to cross
+ over with a rigid phosphorescent wake this highway of the Far East.
+ Darkness and gleams on the water, clear stars on a black sky, perhaps
+ the lights of a home steamer keeping her unswerving course in the
+ middle, or maybe the elusive shadow of a native craft with her mat sails
+ flitting by silently--and the low land on the other side in sight
+ at daylight. At noon the three palms of the next place of call, up a
+ sluggish river. The only white man residing there was a retired young
+ sailor, with whom he had become friendly in the course of many voyages.
+ Sixty miles farther on there was another place of call, a deep bay with
+ only a couple of houses on the beach. And so on, in and out, picking
+ up coastwise cargo here and there, and finishing with a hundred miles'
+ steady steaming through the maze of an archipelago of small islands up
+ to a large native town at the end of the beat. There was a three days'
+ rest for the old ship before he started her again in inverse order,
+ seeing the same shores from another bearing, hearing the same voices
+ in the same places, back again to the Sofala's port of registry on
+ the great highway to the East, where he would take up a berth nearly
+ opposite the big stone pile of the harbor office till it was time to
+ start again on the old round of 1600 miles and thirty days. Not a very
+ enterprising life, this, for Captain Whalley, Henry Whalley, otherwise
+ Dare-devil Harry--Whalley of the Condor, a famous clipper in her day.
+ No. Not a very enterprising life for a man who had served famous firms,
+ who had sailed famous ships (more than one or two of them his own); who
+ had made famous passages, had been the pioneer of new routes and new
+ trades; who had steered across the unsurveyed tracts of the South Seas,
+ and had seen the sun rise on uncharted islands. Fifty years at sea, and
+ forty out in the East ("a pretty thorough apprenticeship," he used
+ to remark smilingly), had made him honorably known to a generation of
+ shipowners and merchants in all the ports from Bombay clear over to
+ where the East merges into the West upon the coast of the two Americas.
+ His fame remained writ, not very large but plain enough, on the
+ Admiralty charts. Was there not somewhere between Australia and China a
+ Whalley Island and a Condor Reef? On that dangerous coral formation the
+ celebrated clipper had hung stranded for three days, her captain and
+ crew throwing her cargo overboard with one hand and with the other, as
+ it were, keeping off her a flotilla of savage war-canoes. At that time
+ neither the island nor the reef had any official existence. Later the
+ officers of her Majesty's steam vessel Fusilier, dispatched to make a
+ survey of the route, recognized in the adoption of these two names the
+ enterprise of the man and the solidity of the ship. Besides, as anyone
+ who cares may see, the "General Directory," vol. ii. p. 410, begins the
+ description of the "Malotu or Whalley Passage" with the words: "This
+ advantageous route, first discovered in 1850 by Captain Whalley in the
+ ship Condor," &amp;c., and ends by recommending it warmly to sailing vessels
+ leaving the China ports for the south in the months from December to
+ April inclusive.</p>
+ <p>This was the clearest gain he had out of life. Nothing could rob him
+ of this kind of fame. The piercing of the Isthmus of Suez, like the
+ breaking of a dam, had let in upon the East a flood of new ships, new
+ men, new methods of trade. It had changed the face of the Eastern seas
+ and the very spirit of their life; so that his early experiences meant
+ nothing whatever to the new generation of seamen.</p>
+ <p>In those bygone days he had handled many thousands of pounds of his
+ employers' money and of his own; he had attended faithfully, as by law
+ a shipmaster is expected to do, to the conflicting interests of owners,
+ charterers, and underwriters. He had never lost a ship or consented to
+ a shady transaction; and he had lasted well, outlasting in the end the
+ conditions that had gone to the making of his name. He had buried his
+ wife (in the Gulf of Petchili), had married off his daughter to the man
+ of her unlucky choice, and had lost more than an ample competence in the
+ crash of the notorious Travancore and Deccan Banking Corporation, whose
+ downfall had shaken the East like an earthquake. And he was sixty-five
+ years old.</p>
+ <p>His age sat lightly enough on him; and of his ruin he was not ashamed.
+ He had not been alone to believe in the stability of the Banking
+ Corporation. Men whose judgment in matters of finance was as expert as
+ his seamanship had commended the prudence of his investments, and had
+ themselves lost much money in the great failure. The only difference
+ between him and them was that he had lost his all. And yet not his all.
+ There had remained to him from his lost fortune a very pretty little
+ bark, Fair Maid, which he had bought to occupy his leisure of a retired
+ sailor--"to play with," as he expressed it himself.</p>
+ <p>He had formally declared himself tired of the sea the year preceding his
+ daughter's marriage. But after the young couple had gone to settle in
+ Melbourne he found out that he could not make himself happy on shore. He
+ was too much of a merchant sea-captain for mere yachting to satisfy him.
+ He wanted the illusion of affairs; and his acquisition of the Fair
+ Maid preserved the continuity of his life. He introduced her to his
+ acquaintances in various ports as "my last command." When he grew too
+ old to be trusted with a ship, he would lay her up and go ashore to be
+ buried, leaving directions in his will to have the bark towed out and
+ scuttled decently in deep water on the day of the funeral. His daughter
+ would not grudge him the satisfaction of knowing that no stranger would
+ handle his last command after him. With the fortune he was able to leave
+ her, the value of a 500-ton bark was neither here nor there. All this
+ would be said with a jocular twinkle in his eye: the vigorous old man
+ had too much vitality for the sentimentalism of regret; and a little
+ wistfully withal, because he was at home in life, taking a genuine
+ pleasure in its feelings and its possessions; in the dignity of his
+ reputation and his wealth, in his love for his daughter, and in his
+ satisfaction with the ship--the plaything of his lonely leisure.</p>
+ <p>He had the cabin arranged in accordance with his simple ideal of comfort
+ at sea. A big bookcase (he was a great reader) occupied one side of his
+ stateroom; the portrait of his late wife, a flat bituminous oil-painting
+ representing the profile and one long black ringlet of a young woman,
+ faced his bed-place. Three chronometers ticked him to sleep and greeted
+ him on waking with the tiny competition of their beats. He rose at five
+ every day. The officer of the morning watch, drinking his early cup
+ of coffee aft by the wheel, would hear through the wide orifice of the
+ copper ventilators all the splashings, blowings, and splutterings of
+ his captain's toilet. These noises would be followed by a sustained
+ deep murmur of the Lord's Prayer recited in a loud earnest voice. Five
+ minutes afterwards the head and shoulders of Captain Whalley emerged
+ out of the companion-hatchway. Invariably he paused for a while on the
+ stairs, looking all round at the horizon; upwards at the trim of the
+ sails; inhaling deep draughts of the fresh air. Only then he would step
+ out on the poop, acknowledging the hand raised to the peak of the cap
+ with a majestic and benign "Good morning to you." He walked the deck
+ till eight scrupulously. Sometimes, not above twice a year, he had to
+ use a thick cudgel-like stick on account of a stiffness in the hip--a
+ slight touch of rheumatism, he supposed. Otherwise he knew nothing of
+ the ills of the flesh. At the ringing of the breakfast bell he went
+ below to feed his canaries, wind up the chronometers, and take the
+ head of the table. From there he had before his eyes the big carbon
+ photographs of his daughter, her husband, and two fat-legged babies
+ --his grandchildren--set in black frames into the maplewood bulkheads
+ of the cuddy. After breakfast he dusted the glass over these portraits
+ himself with a cloth, and brushed the oil painting of his wife with a
+ plumate kept suspended from a small brass hook by the side of the heavy
+ gold frame. Then with the door of his stateroom shut, he would sit down
+ on the couch under the portrait to read a chapter out of a thick pocket
+ Bible--her Bible. But on some days he only sat there for half an hour
+ with his finger between the leaves and the closed book resting on his
+ knees. Perhaps he had remembered suddenly how fond of boat-sailing she
+ used to be.</p>
+ <p>She had been a real shipmate and a true woman too. It was like an
+ article of faith with him that there never had been, and never could be,
+ a brighter, cheerier home anywhere afloat or ashore than his home under
+ the poop-deck of the Condor, with the big main cabin all white and gold,
+ garlanded as if for a perpetual festival with an unfading wreath. She
+ had decorated the center of every panel with a cluster of home flowers.
+ It took her a twelvemonth to go round the cuddy with this labor of love.
+ To him it had remained a marvel of painting, the highest achievement of
+ taste and skill; and as to old Swinburne, his mate, every time he
+ came down to his meals he stood transfixed with admiration before the
+ progress of the work. You could almost smell these roses, he declared,
+ sniffing the faint flavor of turpentine which at that time pervaded the
+ saloon, and (as he confessed afterwards) made him somewhat less hearty
+ than usual in tackling his food. But there was nothing of the sort to
+ interfere with his enjoyment of her singing. "Mrs. Whalley is a regular
+ out-and-out nightingale, sir," he would pronounce with a judicial air
+ after listening profoundly over the skylight to the very end of the
+ piece. In fine weather, in the second dog-watch, the two men could hear
+ her trills and roulades going on to the accompaniment of the piano in
+ the cabin. On the very day they got engaged he had written to London
+ for the instrument; but they had been married for over a year before it
+ reached them, coming out round the Cape. The big case made part of the
+ first direct general cargo landed in Hong-kong harbor--an event that to
+ the men who walked the busy quays of to-day seemed as hazily remote as
+ the dark ages of history. But Captain Whalley could in a half hour of
+ solitude live again all his life, with its romance, its idyl, and its
+ sorrow. He had to close her eyes himself. She went away from under the
+ ensign like a sailor's wife, a sailor herself at heart. He had read
+ the service over her, out of her own prayer-book, without a break in his
+ voice. When he raised his eyes he could see old Swinburne facing him
+ with his cap pressed to his breast, and his rugged, weather-beaten,
+ impassive face streaming with drops of water like a lump of chipped red
+ granite in a shower. It was all very well for that old sea-dog to cry.
+ He had to read on to the end; but after the splash he did not remember
+ much of what happened for the next few days. An elderly sailor of the
+ crew, deft at needlework, put together a mourning frock for the child
+ out of one of her black skirts.</p>
+ <p>He was not likely to forget; but you cannot dam up life like a sluggish
+ stream. It will break out and flow over a man's troubles, it will close
+ upon a sorrow like the sea upon a dead body, no matter how much love has
+ gone to the bottom. And the world is not bad. People had been very
+ kind to him; especially Mrs. Gardner, the wife of the senior partner
+ in Gardner, Patteson, &amp; Co., the owners of the Condor. It was she who
+ volunteered to look after the little one, and in due course took her to
+ England (something of a journey in those days, even by the overland
+ mail route) with her own girls to finish her education. It was ten years
+ before he saw her again.</p>
+ <p>As a little child she had never been frightened of bad weather; she
+ would beg to be taken up on deck in the bosom of his oilskin coat to
+ watch the big seas hurling themselves upon the Condor. The swirl and
+ crash of the waves seemed to fill her small soul with a breathless
+ delight. "A good boy spoiled," he used to say of her in joke. He had
+ named her Ivy because of the sound of the word, and obscurely fascinated
+ by a vague association of ideas. She had twined herself tightly round
+ his heart, and he intended her to cling close to her father as to a
+ tower of strength; forgetting, while she was little, that in the nature
+ of things she would probably elect to cling to someone else. But
+ he loved life well enough for even that event to give him a certain
+ satisfaction, apart from his more intimate feeling of loss.</p>
+ <p>After he had purchased the Fair Maid to occupy his loneliness, he
+ hastened to accept a rather unprofitable freight to Australia simply for
+ the opportunity of seeing his daughter in her own home. What made him
+ dissatisfied there was not to see that she clung now to somebody else,
+ but that the prop she had selected seemed on closer examination "a
+ rather poor stick"--even in the matter of health. He disliked his
+ son-in-law's studied civility perhaps more than his method of
+ handling the sum of money he had given Ivy at her marriage. But of his
+ apprehensions he said nothing. Only on the day of his departure, with
+ the hall-door open already, holding her hands and looking steadily into
+ her eyes, he had said, "You know, my dear, all I have is for you and the
+ chicks. Mind you write to me openly." She had answered him by an almost
+ imperceptible movement of her head. She resembled her mother in
+ the color of her eyes, and in character--and also in this, that she
+ understood him without many words.</p>
+ <p>Sure enough she had to write; and some of these letters made Captain
+ Whalley lift his white eye-brows. For the rest he considered he was
+ reaping the true reward of his life by being thus able to produce on
+ demand whatever was needed. He had not enjoyed himself so much in a
+ way since his wife had died. Characteristically enough his son-in-law's
+ punctuality in failure caused him at a distance to feel a sort of
+ kindness towards the man. The fellow was so perpetually being jammed on
+ a lee shore that to charge it all to his reckless navigation would be
+ manifestly unfair. No, no! He knew well what that meant. It was bad
+ luck. His own had been simply marvelous, but he had seen in his life too
+ many good men--seamen and others--go under with the sheer weight of bad
+ luck not to recognize the fatal signs. For all that, he was cogitating
+ on the best way of tying up very strictly every penny he had to leave,
+ when, with a preliminary rumble of rumors (whose first sound reached
+ him in Shanghai as it happened), the shock of the big failure came;
+ and, after passing through the phases of stupor, of incredulity, of
+ indignation, he had to accept the fact that he had nothing to speak of
+ to leave.</p>
+ <p>Upon that, as if he had only waited for this catastrophe, the unlucky
+ man, away there in Melbourne, gave up his unprofitable game, and sat
+ down--in an invalid's bath-chair at that too. "He will never walk
+ again," wrote the wife. For the first time in his life Captain Whalley
+ was a bit staggered.</p>
+ <p>The Fair Maid had to go to work in bitter earnest now. It was no longer
+ a matter of preserving alive the memory of Dare-devil Harry Whalley in
+ the Eastern Seas, or of keeping an old man in pocket-money and clothes,
+ with, perhaps, a bill for a few hundred first-class cigars thrown in at
+ the end of the year. He would have to buckle-to, and keep her going hard
+ on a scant allowance of gilt for the ginger-bread scrolls at her stem
+ and stern.</p>
+ <p>This necessity opened his eyes to the fundamental changes of the world.
+ Of his past only the familiar names remained, here and there, but
+ the things and the men, as he had known them, were gone. The name of
+ Gardner, Patteson, &amp; Co. was still displayed on the walls of warehouses
+ by the waterside, on the brass plates and window-panes in the business
+ quarters of more than one Eastern port, but there was no longer a
+ Gardner or a Patteson in the firm. There was no longer for Captain
+ Whalley an arm-chair and a welcome in the private office, with a bit of
+ business ready to be put in the way of an old friend, for the sake of
+ bygone services. The husbands of the Gardner girls sat behind the desks
+ in that room where, long after he had left the employ, he had kept his
+ right of entrance in the old man's time. Their ships now had yellow
+ funnels with black tops, and a time-table of appointed routes like a
+ confounded service of tramways. The winds of December and June were all
+ one to them; their captains (excellent young men he doubted not) were,
+ to be sure, familiar with Whalley Island, because of late years the
+ Government had established a white fixed light on the north end (with
+ a red danger sector over the Condor Reef), but most of them would have
+ been extremely surprised to hear that a flesh-and-blood Whalley still
+ existed--an old man going about the world trying to pick up a cargo here
+ and there for his little bark.</p>
+ <p>And everywhere it was the same. Departed the men who would have nodded
+ appreciatively at the mention of his name, and would have thought
+ themselves bound in honor to do something for Dare-devil Harry Whalley.
+ Departed the opportunities which he would have known how to seize; and
+ gone with them the white-winged flock of clippers that lived in the
+ boisterous uncertain life of the winds, skimming big fortunes out of
+ the foam of the sea. In a world that pared down the profits to an
+ irreducible minimum, in a world that was able to count its disengaged
+ tonnage twice over every day, and in which lean charters were snapped up
+ by cable three months in advance, there were no chances of fortune for
+ an individual wandering haphazard with a little bark--hardly indeed any
+ room to exist.</p>
+ <p>He found it more difficult from year to year. He suffered greatly from
+ the smallness of remittances he was able to send his daughter. Meantime
+ he had given up good cigars, and even in the matter of inferior cheroots
+ limited himself to six a day. He never told her of his difficulties, and
+ she never enlarged upon her struggle to live. Their confidence in each
+ other needed no explanations, and their perfect understanding endured
+ without protestations of gratitude or regret. He would have been shocked
+ if she had taken it into her head to thank him in so many words, but
+ he found it perfectly natural that she should tell him she needed two
+ hundred pounds.</p>
+ <p>He had come in with the Fair Maid in ballast to look for a freight in
+ the Sofala's port of registry, and her letter met him there. Its tenor
+ was that it was no use mincing matters. Her only resource was in opening
+ a boarding-house, for which the prospects, she judged, were good. Good
+ enough, at any rate, to make her tell him frankly that with two hundred
+ pounds she could make a start. He had torn the envelope open, hastily,
+ on deck, where it was handed to him by the ship-chandler's runner, who
+ had brought his mail at the moment of anchoring. For the second time
+ in his life he was appalled, and remained stock-still at the cabin door
+ with the paper trembling between his fingers. Open a boarding-house! Two
+ hundred pounds for a start! The only resource! And he did not know where
+ to lay his hands on two hundred pence.</p>
+ <p>All that night Captain Whalley walked the poop of his anchored ship, as
+ though he had been about to close with the land in thick weather, and
+ uncertain of his position after a run of many gray days without a sight
+ of sun, moon, or stars. The black night twinkled with the guiding lights
+ of seamen and the steady straight lines of lights on shore; and all
+ around the Fair Maid the riding lights of ships cast trembling trails
+ upon the water of the roadstead. Captain Whalley saw not a gleam
+ anywhere till the dawn broke and he found out that his clothing was
+ soaked through with the heavy dew.</p>
+ <p>His ship was awake. He stopped short, stroked his wet beard, and
+ descended the poop ladder backwards, with tired feet. At the sight
+ of him the chief officer, lounging about sleepily on the quarterdeck,
+ remained open-mouthed in the middle of a great early-morning yawn.</p>
+ <p>"Good morning to you," pronounced Captain Whalley solemnly, passing into
+ the cabin. But he checked himself in the doorway, and without looking
+ back, "By the bye," he said, "there should be an empty wooden case put
+ away in the lazarette. It has not been broken up--has it?"</p>
+ <p>The mate shut his mouth, and then asked as if dazed, "What empty case,
+ sir?"</p>
+ <p>"A big flat packing-case belonging to that painting in my room. Let it
+ be taken up on deck and tell the carpenter to look it over. I may want
+ to use it before long."</p>
+ <p>The chief officer did not stir a limb till he had heard the door of the
+ captain's state-room slam within the cuddy. Then he beckoned aft the
+ second mate with his forefinger to tell him that there was something "in
+ the wind."</p>
+ <p>When the bell rang Captain Whalley's authoritative voice boomed out
+ through a closed door, "Sit down and don't wait for me." And his
+ impressed officers took their places, exchanging looks and whispers
+ across the table. What! No breakfast? And after apparently knocking
+ about all night on deck, too! Clearly, there was something in the wind.
+ In the skylight above their heads, bowed earnestly over the plates,
+ three wire cages rocked and rattled to the restless jumping of the
+ hungry canaries; and they could detect the sounds of their "old
+ man's" deliberate movements within his state-room. Captain Whalley was
+ methodically winding up the chronometers, dusting the portrait of
+ his late wife, getting a clean white shirt out of the drawers, making
+ himself ready in his punctilious unhurried manner to go ashore. He could
+ not have swallowed a single mouthful of food that morning. He had made
+ up his mind to sell the Fair Maid.</p>
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