path: root/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss
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diff --git a/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a00fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afb-client/bower_components/foundation-apps/scss/components/_grid.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+@import "panel";
+ --------
+ Foundation's magical, flexbox-powered grid.
+ Features:
+ - Horizontal or vertical grids
+ - Auto-sizing or percentage width grid blocks
+ - Independently-scrollable blocks
+ - Column alignment
+ - Source ordering
+ - Offsets
+/// @Foundation.settings
+// Grid
+$container-width: rem-calc(900) !default;
+$block-padding: $global-padding !default;
+$total-columns: 12 !default;
+$block-grid-max-size: 6 !default;
+ Define the size of a grid block. Blocks are flex items. By default, they stretch to fill all available space, based on the size of sibling blocks. This is the "expand" behavior.
+ If set to "shrink", the block will contract and only fill as much space as it needs for its content.
+ If set to a number, the block will be given a percentage width, based on the total number of columns (12 by default). Percentage widths don't work if a block is inside a vertical grid.
+ @group grid
+ @param {number|string} $size - Sizing behavior of the block. Should be expand, shrink, or a number.
+ @output The flex-basis, flex-grow, and flex-shrink properties.
+@mixin grid-size($size: expand) {
+ @if (type-of($size) == 'number') {
+ $pct: percentage($size / $total-columns);
+ flex: 0 0 $pct;
+ // max-width prevents columns from wrapping early in IE10/11
+ max-width: $pct;
+ }
+ @else if ($size == shrink) {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ }
+ @else if ($size == expand) {
+ flex: 1 1 auto;
+ }
+ Set the orientation of blocks within this block. The grid is re-oriented by changing the flex direction of the block.
+ @group grid
+ @param {string} $orientation - Direction of the grid, either horizontal or vertical.
+ @output A flex-flow property to match the direction given.
+@mixin grid-orient($orientation: horizontal) {
+ @if ($orientation == vertical) {
+ flex-flow: column nowrap;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ }
+ @else {
+ flex-flow: row wrap;
+ }
+ Stretch a grid's child blocks across its cross-axis, making every column appear to have the same height.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $stretch - Stretch blocks if true, or align blocks to top if false.
+ @output Sets align-items to "stretch" if $stretch is true, or "flex-start" (the default value) if false.
+@mixin grid-wrap($wrap: true) {
+ @if $wrap {
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ align-items: flex-start;
+ }
+ @else {
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ align-items: stretch;
+ }
+ Set the alignment of blocks within a grid.
+ left: Items align to the left.
+ right: Items align to the right.
+ center: Items align to the center.
+ justify: Items are spaced equally apart so they occupy the space of the entire grid.
+ spaced: Items are given equal space to their left and right.
+ @group grid
+ @param {string} $align - Alignment to use.
+ @output An appropriate justify-content value.
+@mixin grid-align($align: left) {
+ $options: (
+ left: flex-start,
+ right: flex-end,
+ center: center,
+ justify: space-between,
+ spaced: space-around,
+ );
+ justify-content: map-get($options, $align);
+ Set the source order of a block. Items with lower numbers appear first. If multiple items have the same number, the one in the HTML first will appear first.
+ @group grid
+ @param {number} $order - Position in source order.
+ @output An order property.
+@mixin grid-order($order: 0) {
+ order: $order;
+ Collapse a content block by removing the padding.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $collapse - Collapses the block if true.
+ @output A padding value.
+ @todo No way to reverse collapse using this mixin. Solution:
+ - If true, add padding: 0;
+ - If false, add padding: 1rem;
+ - If null, add nothing, to cut down on CSS output
+ - Make null the default value
+@mixin grid-collapse($collapse: true) {
+ @if ($collapse) {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ Constrain the size of a block to the size of the average grid row, and center-align it. This imitates the behavior of ordinary Foundation rows.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $container - Adds container styles if true.
+ @output A maximum width and the good old margin: 0 auto for center alignment.
+@mixin grid-container($width: $container-width, $align: center) {
+ $margins: (
+ left: 0 auto 0 0,
+ right: 0 0 0 auto,
+ center: 0 auto,
+ );
+ max-width: $width;
+ margin: map-get($margins, $align);
+ Add negative margins to a block, equal to the padding of a content block. This aligns the edges of a block nested inside a content block.
+ @group grid
+ @param {bool} $nest - Adds negative margins if true.
+ @output Negative margin values.
+@mixin grid-nest($nest: true) {
+ @if ($nest) {
+ margin-left: -1rem;
+ margin-right: -1rem;
+ }
+ Offset a block by adding a left margin.
+ @group grid
+ @param {number | bool} $offset - If false, nothing is output. If a number, offsets the column by the specified number of columns.
+ @output A left margin based on the number of columns specified, and the global number of columns.
+@mixin grid-offset($offset: false) {
+ @if ($offset != false) {
+ margin-left: percentage($offset / $total-columns);
+ }
+ Resets styles set by panels. Use this when a panel transforms into a block on larger screens.
+ @group grid
+ @output Resets to transform, position, and a few visual styles.
+@mixin grid-panel-reset() {
+ transform: none;
+ position: relative;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ z-index: auto;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ top: auto;
+ right: auto;
+ bottom: auto;
+ left: auto;
+ Frames are containers that stretch to the full dimmensions of the browser window.
+@mixin grid-frame($size: expand, $orientation: horizontal, $wrap: false, $align: left, $order: 0) {
+ display: flex;
+ height: 100vh;
+ position: relative;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ @include grid-size($size);
+ @include grid-orient($orientation);
+ @include grid-wrap($wrap);
+ @include grid-align($align);
+ @include grid-order($order);
+ Groups are collections of content items. They're the "rows" of Foundation for Apps.
+@mixin grid-block($size: expand, $orientation: horizontal, $wrap: false, $align: left, $order: 0) {
+ @include grid-frame($size, $orientation, $wrap, $align, $order);
+ // Reset the height used by frames
+ height: auto;
+ // Blocks will scroll by default if their content overflows
+ @if ($orientation == vertical) {
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ }
+ @else {
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ }
+ // Add scrolling with inertia
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ Blocks are containers for actual content. They're the "columns" of Foundation for Apps.
+@mixin grid-content($size: expand, $offset: null, $order: null) {
+ // Content blocks are not flex items and have padding
+ display: block;
+ padding: 0 $block-padding;
+ // Add scrolling with inertia
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ @include grid-size($size);
+ @if $offset != null { @include grid-offset($offset); }
+ @if $order != null { @include grid-order($order); }
+@mixin grid-layout($up) {
+ flex-flow: row wrap;
+ overflow: visible;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ > li, > div, > section {
+ padding: 0 1rem 1rem;
+ flex: 0 0 percentage(1 / $up);
+ }
+// CSS Output
+// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+// Shared styles for frames and blocks (parent elements)
+%block-core {
+ // Change the direction children flow
+ &.vertical { @include grid-orient(vertical); }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ &.#{$size}-vertical { @include grid-orient(vertical); }
+ &.#{$size}-horizontal { @include grid-orient(horizontal); }
+ }
+ }
+ // Align the children of a grid block
+ &.align-right { @include grid-align(right); }
+ &.align-center { @include grid-align(center); }
+ &.align-justify { @include grid-align(justify); }
+ &.align-spaced { @include grid-align(spaced); }
+ // Allow child elements to wrap
+ &.wrap { @include grid-wrap(true); }
+// Shared styles for blocks and content blocks (child elements)
+%child-core {
+ // Shrink a flex item so it only takes up the space it needs
+ &.shrink { @include grid-size(shrink); }
+ // Prevent an element from scrolling
+ &.noscroll { overflow: hidden; }
+@include exports(grid) {
+ // The core grid elements:
+ // - Frame
+ // - Block
+ // - Content block
+ // - Container
+ .grid-frame {
+ @extend %block-core;
+ @include grid-frame;
+ }
+ .grid-block {
+ @extend %block-core;
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include grid-block;
+ }
+ .grid-content {
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include grid-content;
+ &.collapse {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ // Grids inside content blocks should wrap by default, so they mimic traditional float grids
+ .grid-block {
+ margin-left: -($block-padding);
+ margin-right: -($block-padding);
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ overflow: visible;
+ // Reverse the above wrapping behavior
+ &.nowrap {
+ @include grid-wrap(false);
+ }
+ .grid-content {
+ overflow: visible;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .grid-container {
+ @include grid-container;
+ &.contain-left { @include grid-container($align: left); }
+ &.contain-right { @include grid-container($align: right); }
+ }
+ // Breakpoint classes for blocks
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ .#{$size}-grid-block {
+ @extend %block-core;
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ @include grid-block;
+ // Override panel styles
+ &.panel { @include grid-panel-reset; }
+ }
+ }
+ .#{$size}-grid-content {
+ @extend %child-core;
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ @include grid-content;
+ // Override panel styles
+ &.panel { @include grid-panel-reset; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sizing and ordering classes
+ @for $i from 1 through $total-columns {
+ // Source ordering
+ .order-#{$i} { @include grid-order($i); }
+ }
+ @each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
+ @for $i from 1 through $total-columns {
+ @include breakpoint($size) {
+ // Block sizing
+ .#{$size}-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-size($i);
+ }
+ // Source ordering
+ .#{$size}-order-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-order($i);
+ }
+ // Offsets
+ .#{$size}-offset-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-offset($i);
+ }
+ // Parent sizing (block grids)
+ .#{$size}-up-#{$i} {
+ @include grid-layout($i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .grid-content .modal .grid-block {
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ }