(function () {
'use strict';
// _all modules only reference dependencies
angular.module('AppConfig', [])
// Factory is a singleton and share its context within all instances.
.factory('AppConfig', function (urlquery) {
var myConfig = {
paths: { // Warning paths should end with /
image : 'images/',
avatar: 'images/avatars/'
session: { // Those data are updated by session service
initial : urlquery.token || '123456789', // typical dev initial token
timeout : 3600, // timeout is updated client sessin context creation
pingrate: 30, // Ping rate to check if server is still alive
uuid : '', // uuid map with cookie or long term session access key
token : '' // will be returned from authentication
return myConfig;
// Factory is a singleton and share its context within all instances.
.factory('AppCall', function ($http, AppConfig, $log) {
var myCalls = {
get : function(plugin, action, query, cbresponse, cberror) {
var onerror = function(response) {
if (cberror) cberror(response.data, response.status, response.config);
else cbresponse(response.data, response.status, response.config);
var onsuccess =function(response) {
if (!response.data || !response.data.request) {
onerror (response);
var request=response.data.request;
// if token was updated keep it within application cache
if (request.token) AppConfig.session.token = request.token;
if (request.uuid) AppConfig.session.uuid = request.uuid;
if (request.timeout) AppConfig.session.timeout = request.timeout;
cbresponse(response.data, response.status, response.config);
if (!query.token) query.token = AppConfig.session.token; // add token to provided query
if (!query.reqid) query.reqid = action; // use action as default requestID
var handle= $http.get('/api/' + plugin + '/' + action , {params: query}).then(onsuccess, onerror);
return myCalls;