path: root/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'conf/unit/generate-unit-conf')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/Makefile b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 51cb9c8..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: all
-MAIN = afm-unit
-FILES = $(MAIN) $(shell ls *.inc) Makefile
-DIR = ..
-all: $(DIR)/ $(DIR)/
-$(DIR)/ $(FILES)
- @echo generating $@
- @m4 $< | sed '/^[ \t]*\\*[ \t]*$$/d' > $@
-$(DIR)/ $(FILES)
- @echo generating $@
- @m4 $D $< | sed '/^[ \t]*\\*[ \t]*$$/d' > $@
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/afm-unit b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/afm-unit
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a91067..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/afm-unit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-dnl vim: set filetype=sysctl.conf.m4 syntax=sysctl.conf.m4:
--- Set the comment character of m4 to ; instead of #
--- This is needed for substitution within lines starting with #
-changecom( ';')
-; File:
-; afm-unit.conf
-; Mode:
-; Role:
-; Configure how installation of widget produces unit files for systemd
-; Processing and format:
-; 1. File load
-; Lines beginning with ; are firstly removed
-; 2. File instantiation
-; Mustache (extended) substitutions are applied using JSON
-; data deduced from config.xml file of the widget.
-; 3. Extraction of units
-; Extract produced units, pack it (remove empty lines and directives)
-; Directives:
-; Any directive occupy one whole line starting with %
-; - %nl
-; produce an empty line at the end
-; - %begin systemd-unit
-; - %end systemd-unit
-; delimit the produced unit
-; - %systemd-unit user
-; - %systemd-unit system
-; tells the kind of unit (user/system)
-; - %systemd-unit service NAME
-; - %systemd-unit socket NAME
-; gives the name and type of the unit
-; - %systemd-unit wanted-by NAME
-; tells to install a link to unit in the wants of NAME
-; Setting variables:
-; AFM uses the feature of systemd that completely ignores options prefixed
-; with X-
-; Consequently, options starting with X-AFM- are recorded as public data
-; about the application and options starting starting with X-AFM-- are
-; recorded as private data.
-; Examples:
-; X-AFM-description={{description}}
-; Records the description of the unit in the field "description"
-; of both the public and private object describing the unit.
-; X-AFM--wgtdir={{:#metadata.install-dir}}
-; Records the installation directory path in the field "wgtdir"
-; of the private object only.
-;---- F O R E A C H T A R G E T ----
-;---- F O R E A C H P R O V I D E D A P I S ----
-;---- F O R E A C H P R O V I D E D B I N D I N G ----
-; End of file afm-unit.conf mode ON_AGL_DEVEL(DEVEL, RELEASE)
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/ b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c25d5..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-dnl vim: set filetype=sysctl.conf.m4 syntax=sysctl.conf.m4:
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/afb-daemon \
- --name afbd-TARGET \
- --rootdir={{:#metadata.install-dir}} \
- --workdir=APP_DATA_DIR/{{id}} \
- --verbose \
- --verbose \
- --monitoring \
- --port={{:#metatarget.http-port}} \
- --token=HELLO \
- --roothttp=ON_CONTENT(application/vnd.agl.service, ., ON_PERM(:public:no-htdocs, ., htdocs)) \
- IF_CONTENT(application/vnd.agl.service) \
- --no-httpd \
- ELSE \
- --port={{:#metatarget.http-port}} \
- --random-token \
- --roothttp=ON_PERM(:public:no-htdocs, ., htdocs) \
- ON_PERM(:public:applications:read, --alias=/icons:{{:#metadata.icons-dir}}) \
- {{#required-api}} \
- ON_VALUE(auto|ws, --ws-client=unix:API_PATH_WS/{{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(dbus, --dbus-client={{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(cloud, --cloud-client={{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(local, --binding={{:#metadata.install-dir}}/{{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(tcp, --ws-client=tcp:{{name}}) \
- {{/required-api}} \
- {{#required-binding}} \
- ON_VALUE(local, --binding={{:#metadata.install-dir}}/{{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(extern, --binding=API_PATH_LINK/{{name}}) \
- {{/required-binding}} \
- {{#provided-api}} \
- ON_VALUE(auto|ws, --ws-server=sd:{{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(dbus, --dbus-server={{name}}) \
- ON_VALUE(tcp, --ws-server=tcp:{{name}}) \
- {{/provided-api}} \
- ON_CONTENT(text/html, --exec /usr/bin/web-runtime http://localhost:@p/{{content.src}}?token=@t) \
- ON_CONTENT(application/vnd.agl.native, --exec {{:#metadata.install-dir}}/{{content.src}} @p @t)
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/ b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index a764765..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-dnl vim: set filetype=sysctl.conf.m4 syntax=sysctl.conf.m4:
-define( `X_EMITS', 1)
-define( `X_DIVERTS', `divert(eval(-!X_EMITS()))')
-define( `X_PUSH_DIVERTS', `pushdef(`X_EMITS', eval(X_EMITS() && $1))X_DIVERTS()')
-define( `X_IF', `pushdef(`X_COND', $1)X_PUSH_DIVERTS($1)')
-define( `X_ELSE', `popdef(`X_EMITS')X_PUSH_DIVERTS(eval(!X_COND))')
-define( `X_ELIF', `X_ELSE()X_IF($1)')
-define( `X_ENDIF', `popdef(`X_EMITS')popdef(`X_COND')X_DIVERTS()')
-define( `IF', `pushdef(`ELSE',`X_ELSE()')pushdef(`ELIF',`X_ELIF($1)')pushdef(`ENDIF',`X_ENDIF()popdef(`ELSE',`ELIF',`ENDIF')')X_IF($1)')
-define( `MUSTACH_ON', `ifelse(`$2',,,`{{#$1}}`$2'{{/$1}}')ifelse(`$3',,,`{{^$1}}`$3'{{/$1}}')')
-define( `MUSTACH_IF', `{{#$1}}pushdef(`ELSE',`{{/$1}}{{^$1}}')pushdef(`ENDIF',`{{/$1}}popdef(`ELSE',`ENDIF')')')
-define( `MUSTACH_IF_NOT', `{{^$1}}pushdef(`ELSE',`{{/$1}}{{#$1}}')pushdef(`ENDIF',`{{/$1}}popdef(`ELSE',`ENDIF')')')
-define( `PERM', `@afm_prefix@permission:$1')
-define( `REQPERM', `required-permission.PERM($1)')
-define( `ON_PERM', `MUSTACH_ON(REQPERM($1),$2,$3)')
-define( `IF_PERM', `MUSTACH_IF(REQPERM($1))')
-define( `ON_CONTENT', `MUSTACH_ON(content.type=$1,$2,$3)')
-define( `IF_CONTENT', `MUSTACH_IF(content.type=$1)')
-define( `IF_NOT_CONTENT', `MUSTACH_IF_NOT(content.type=$1)')
-define( `ON_VALUE', `MUSTACH_ON(value=$1,$2,$3)')
-define( `IF_VALUE', `MUSTACH_IF(value=$1)')
-define( `IF_NOT_VALUE', `MUSTACH_IF_NOT(value=$1)')
--- NOTE:
--- when home screen will use real ids
--- use TARGET={{:id}}--{{:ver}}--{{:#target}}
--- instead of TARGET={{idaver}}{{^#target=main}}@{{:#target}}{{/#target=main}}
-define( `TARGET', `{{idaver}}{{^#target=main}}@{{:#target}}{{/#target=main}}')
-define( `NEWTARGET', `{{:id}}--{{:ver}}--{{:#target}}')
-define( `UNIT_NAME_BASE', `afm-ON_PERM(`:public:hidden', `service', `appli')-NEWTARGET')
-define( `UNIT_NAME_SERVICE', `UNIT_NAME_BASE@%i.service')
-define( `UNIT_NAME_API_BASE', `afm-api-$1')
-define( `UNIT_NAME_API_SERVICE', `UNIT_NAME_API_BASE($1)@$2.service')
-define( `UNIT_NAME_API_SOCKET', `UNIT_NAME_API_BASE($1)@$2.socket')
-define( `UNIT_NAME_BINDING_BASE', `afm-link-$1')
-define( `APP_DATA_DIR', `/home/%i/app-data')
-define( `USER_RUN_DIR', `@afm_users_rundir@/%i')
-define( `DEBUGGING_DIR', `@afm_platform_rundir@/debug')
-define( `API_PATH', `USER_RUN_DIR/apis')
-define( `API_PATH_WS', `API_PATH/ws')
-define( `API_PATH_LINK', `API_PATH/link')
-define( `ON_AGL_DEVEL', `ifdef(`AGL_DEVEL', $1, $2)')
-define( `ON_NOT_AGL_DEVEL', `ifdef(`AGL_DEVEL', $2, $1)')
-define( `IF_AGL_DEVEL', `IF(ON_AGL_DEVEL(1,0))')
-define( `IF_NOT_AGL_DEVEL', `IF(ON_AGL_DEVEL(0,1))')
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/ b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index bdee6c9..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-dnl vim: set filetype=sysctl.conf.m4 syntax=sysctl.conf.m4:
-;---- T H E S E R V I C E O F T H E A P I ----
-%begin systemd-unit
-# auto generated by wgtpkg-unit for {{:id}} version {{:version}} target {{:#target}} of {{:idaver}}
-%systemd-unit system
-%systemd-unit service UNIT_NAME_API_BASE({{name}})@
-Description=Provides api {{name}} for user %i
-%end systemd-unit
-;---- T H E S O C K E T O F T H E A P I ----
-%begin systemd-unit
-# auto generated by wgtpkg-unit for {{:id}} version {{:version}} target {{:#target}} of {{:idaver}}
-%systemd-unit system
-%systemd-unit socket UNIT_NAME_API_BASE({{name}})@
-Description=Provides websocket api {{name}} for user %i
-%end systemd-unit
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/ b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3737126..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-dnl vim: set filetype=sysctl.conf.m4 syntax=sysctl.conf.m4:
-;---- T H E S E R V I C E O F T H E B I N D I N G ----
-%begin systemd-unit
-# auto generated by wgtpkg-unit for {{:id}} version {{:version}} target {{:#target}} of {{:idaver}}
-%systemd-unit system
-%systemd-unit service UNIT_NAME_BINDING_BASE({{name}})@
-Description=Provides binding {{name}} for user %i
-ExecStart=/bin/ln -sf {{:#metadata.install-dir}}/{{value}} API_PATH_LINK/{{name}}
-%end systemd-unit
diff --git a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/ b/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c1454..0000000
--- a/conf/unit/generate-unit-conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-dnl vim: set filetype=sysctl.conf.m4 syntax=sysctl.conf.m4:
-;---- M A I N P A R T O F T H E S E R V I C E ----
-%begin systemd-unit
-# auto generated by wgtpkg-unit for {{:id}} version {{:version}} target {{:#target}} of {{:idaver}}
-%systemd-unit system
-%systemd-unit service UNIT_NAME_BASE@
-X-AFM--visibility=ON_PERM(`:public:hidden', `hidden', `visible')
-# Adds check to smack
-# Automatic bound to required api
-SuccessExitStatus=0 SIGKILL
-ON_PERM(:platform:no-oom, OOMScoreAdjust=-500)
-ON_PERM(:partner:real-time, IOSchedulingClass=realtime)
-ON_PERM(:public:display, SupplementaryGroups=display)
-ON_PERM(:public:syscall:clock, , SystemCallFilter=~@clock)
-ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p APP_DATA_DIR/{{:id}}
-; Needed to enable debug
-;---- text/html application/vnd.agl.native application/vnd.agl.service ----
-;---- application/x-executable ----
-; auto start
-%systemd-unit wanted-by
-%end systemd-unit