path: root/docs/config.xml.md
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+The configuration file config.xml
+The widgets are described by the W3C's technical recommendations
+[Packaged Web Apps (Widgets)][widgets] and [XML Digital Signatures for Widgets][widgets-digsig]
+ that specifies the configuration file **config.xml**.
+The file **config.xml** describes important data of the application
+to the framework:
+- the unique identifier of the application
+- the name of the application
+- the type of the application
+- the icon of the application
+- the permissions linked to the application
+- the services and dependancies of the application
+The file MUST be at the root of the widget and MUST be case sensitively name
+The file **config.xml** is a XML file described by the document
+Here is the example of the config file for the QML application SmartHome.
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<widget xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" id="smarthome" version="0.1">
+ <name>SmartHome</name>
+ <icon src="smarthome.png"/>
+ <content src="qml/smarthome/smarthome.qml" type="text/vnd.qt.qml"/>
+ <description>This is the Smarthome QML demo application. It shows some user interfaces for controlling an
+automated house. The user interface is completely done with QML.</description>
+ <author>Qt team</author>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+The most important items are:
+- **<widget id="......"\>**: gives the id of the widget. It must be unique.
+- **<widget version="......"\>**: gives the version of the widget
+- **<icon src="..."\>**: gives a path to the icon of the application
+ (can be repeated with different sizes)
+- **<content src="..." type="..."\>**: this indicates the entry point and its type.
+Standard elements of "config.xml"
+### The element widget
+#### the attribute id of widget
+The attribute *id* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must be unique.
+Values for *id* are any non empty string containing only latin letters,
+arabic digits, and the three characters '.' (dot), '-' (dash) and
+'_' (underscore).
+Authors can use a mnemonic id or can pick a unique id using
+command **uuid** or **uuidgen**.
+### the attribute version of widget
+The attribute *version* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish).
+Values for *version* are any non empty string containing only latin letters,
+arabic digits, and the three characters '.' (dot), '-' (dash) and
+'_' (underscore).
+Version values are dot separated fields MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.
+Such version would preferabily follow guidelines of
+[semantic versionning][semantic-version].
+### The element content
+The element *content* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must designate a file
+(subject to localisation) with its attribute *src*.
+The content designed depends on its type. See below for the known types.
+### The element icon
+The element *icon* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must
+be unique. It must designate an image file with its attribute *src*.
+AGL features
+The AGL framework uses the feature tag for specifying security and binding
+requirement of the widget.
+The current version of AGL (up to 2.0.1, blowfish) has no fully implemented
+The features planned to be implemented are described below.
+### feature name="urn:AGL:widget:required-binding"
+List of the bindings required by the widget.
+Each required binding must be explicited using a <param> entry.
+<feature name="urn:AGL:widget:required-binding">
+ <param name="urn:AGL:permission:A" value="required" />
+ <param name="urn:AGL:permission:B" value="optional" />
+This will be *virtually* translated for mustaches to the JSON
+"required-binding": {
+ "param": [
+ { "name": "urn:AGL:permission:A", "value": "required", "required": true },
+ { "name": "urn:AGL:permission:A", "value": "optional", "optional": true }
+ ],
+ "urn:AGL:permission:A": { "name": "urn:AGL:permission:A", "value": "required", "required": true },
+ "urn:AGL:permission:B": { "name": "urn:AGL:permission:B", "value": "optional", "optional": true }
+#### param name="#target"
+Declares the name of the component requiring the listed bindings.
+Only one instance of the param "#target" is allowed.
+When there is not instance of the param
+The value is either:
+- required: the binding is mandatorily needed except if the feature
+isn't required (required="false") and in that case it is optional.
+- optional: the binding is optional
+#### param name=[required binding name]
+The value is either:
+- required: the binding is mandatorily needed except if the feature
+isn't required (required="false") and in that case it is optional.
+- optional: the binding is optional
+### feature name="urn:AGL:widget:required-permission"
+List of the permissions required by the widget.
+Each required permission must be explicited using a <param> entry.
+#### param name=[required permission name]
+The value is either:
+- required: the permission is mandatorily needed except if the feature
+isn't required (required="false") and in that case it is optional.
+- optional: the permission is optional
+### feature name="urn:AGL:widget:provided-binding"
+Use this feature for each provided binding of the widget.
+The parameters are:
+#### param name="subid"
+The value is the string that must match the binding prefix.
+It must be unique.
+#### param name="name"
+The value is the string that must match the binding prefix.
+It must be unique.
+#### param name="src"
+The value is the path of the shared library for the binding.
+#### param name="type"
+Currently it must be ***application/vnd.agl.binding.v1***.
+#### param name="scope"
+The value indicate the availability of the binidng:
+- private: used only by the widget
+- public: available to allowed clients as a remote service (requires permission+)
+- inline: available to allowed clients inside their binding (unsafe, requires permission+++)
+#### param name="needed-binding"
+The value is a space separated list of binding's names that the binding needs.
+### feature name="urn:AGL:widget:defined-permission"
+Each required permission must be explicited using a <param> entry.
+#### param name=[defined permission name]
+The value is the level of the defined permission.
+Standard levels are:
+- system
+- platform
+- partner
+- tiers
+- public
+This level defines the level of accreditation required to get the given
+permission. The accreditions are given by signatures of widgets.
+Known content types
+The configuration file ***/etc/afm/afm-unit.conf*** defines the types
+of widget known and how to launch it.
+Known types for the type of content are (for version 2.x, blowfish):
+- ***text/html***:
+ HTML application,
+ content.src designates the home page of the application
+- ***application/x-executable***:
+ Native application,
+ content.src designates the relative path of the binary
+- ***application/vnd.agl.url***:
+ Internet url,
+ content.src designates the url to be used
+- ***application/vnd.agl.service***:
+ AGL service defined as a binder,
+ content.src designates the directory of provided binders,
+ http content, if any, must be put in the subdirectory ***htdocs*** of the widget
+- ***application/vnd.agl.native***:
+ Native application with AGL service defined as a binder,
+ content.src designates the relative path of the binary,
+ bindings, if any must be put in the subdirectory ***lib*** of the widget,
+ http content, if any, must be put in the subdirectory ***htdocs*** of the widget
+- ***text/vnd.qt.qml***, ***application/vnd.agl.qml***:
+ QML application,
+ content.src designate the relative path of the QML root,
+ imports must be put in the subdirectory ***imports*** of the widget
+- ***application/vnd.agl.qml.hybrid***:
+ QML application with bindings,
+ content.src designate the relative path of the QML root,
+ bindings, if any must be put in the subdirectory ***lib*** of the widget,
+ imports must be put in the subdirectory ***imports*** of the widget
+- ***application/vnd.agl.html.hybrid***:
+ HTML application,
+ content.src designates the home page of the application,
+ bindings, if any must be put in the subdirectory ***lib*** of the widget,
+ http content must be put in the subdirectory ***htdocs*** of the widget
+[widgets]: http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets "Packaged Web Apps"
+[widgets-digsig]: http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets-digsig "XML Digital Signatures for Widgets"
+[libxml2]: http://xmlsoft.org/html/index.html "libxml2"
+[app-manifest]: http://www.w3.org/TR/appmanifest "Web App Manifest"
+[meta-intel]: https://github.com/01org/meta-intel-iot-security "A collection of layers providing security technologies"
+[widgets]: http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets "Packaged Web Apps"
+[widgets-digsig]: http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets-digsig "XML Digital Signatures for Widgets"
+[libxml2]: http://xmlsoft.org/html/index.html "libxml2"
+[openssl]: https://www.openssl.org "OpenSSL"
+[xmlsec]: https://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec "XMLSec"
+[json-c]: https://github.com/json-c/json-c "JSON-c"
+[d-bus]: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus "D-Bus"
+[libzip]: http://www.nih.at/libzip "libzip"
+[cmake]: https://cmake.org "CMake"
+[security-manager]: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Security/Tizen_3.X_Security_Manager "Security-Manager"
+[app-manifest]: http://www.w3.org/TR/appmanifest "Web App Manifest"
+[tizen-security]: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Security "Tizen security home page"
+[tizen-secu-3]: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Security/Tizen_3.X_Overview "Tizen 3 security overview"
+[semantic-version]: http://semver.org/ "Semantic versionning"