path: root/scripts/afm-util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/afm-util')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/afm-util b/scripts/afm-util
deleted file mode 100755
index c5e48eb..0000000
--- a/scripts/afm-util
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-send() {
- afb-client-demo -H -d unix:/run/afm/apis/ws/afm-main "$1" "$2" |
- awk '$1=="ON-REPLY-FAIL"{$1="ERROR:";$2="";print;exit 1;}NR>1'
-case "$1" in
- list|runnables)
- send runnables true
- ;;
- add|install)
- f=$(realpath $2)
- r=true
- if [[ "$(basename $0)" = "afm-install" ]]; then r=false; fi
- send install '{"wgt":"'"$f"'","force":true,"reload":'"$r"'}'
- ;;
- remove|uninstall)
- i=$2
- send uninstall "\"$i\""
- ;;
- info|detail)
- i=$2
- send detail "\"$i\""
- ;;
- ps|runners)
- send runners true
- ;;
- run|start)
- i=$2
- send start "\"$i\""
- ;;
- run-remote|start-remote)
- i=$2
- send start '{"id":"'"$i"'","mode":"remote"}'
- ;;
- once)
- i=$2
- send once "\"$i\""
- ;;
- terminate|kill)
- i=$2
- send terminate "$i"
- ;;
- stop|pause)
- i=$2
- send pause "$i"
- ;;
- resume|continue)
- i=$2
- send resume "$i"
- ;;
- state|status)
- i=$2
- send state "$i"
- ;;
- -h|--help|help)
- cat << EOC
-usage: $(basename $0) command [arg]
-The commands are:
- list
- runnables list the runnable widgets installed
- add wgt
- install wgt install the wgt file
- remove id
- uninstall id remove the installed widget of id
- info id
- detail id print detail about the installed widget of id
- ps
- runners list the running instance
- run id
- start id start an instance of the widget of id
- once id run once an instance of the widget of id
- kill rid
- terminate rid terminate the running instance rid
- stop rid
- pause rid pause the running instance rid
- resume rid
- continue rid continue the previously paused rid
- status rid
- state rid get status of the running instance rid
- ;;
- *)
- echo "unknown command $1" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;