path: root/GUIModel
diff options
authorNaoto Yamaguchi <>2023-11-22 07:54:57 +0900
committerNaoto Yamaguchi <>2023-11-26 20:12:00 +0900
commitcbb63f0e45340f6dd2cc9f360ed4da15c745186f (patch)
tree471935b3ce3238f7bb402942ba8c530cf7892500 /GUIModel
parent5b7127cac34bf44a9d9e58c02b44939955d50890 (diff)
Support for cluster api binding
Existing AGL Instrument Cluster is not implement cluster service only a framework library. This task aim to support cluster service. In 1st step, cluster-refgui will be controlled by cluster-service demo signal. This patch a part of this task. Bug-AGL: SPEC-4991 Change-Id: I1dfdf3a6b9691f536bb96cd197feac89f4137540 Signed-off-by: Naoto Yamaguchi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'GUIModel')
5 files changed, 217 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/GUIModel/Header/Clock.qml b/GUIModel/Header/Clock.qml
index 9462049..a17205b 100644
--- a/GUIModel/Header/Clock.qml
+++ b/GUIModel/Header/Clock.qml
@@ -126,4 +126,16 @@ Item{
visible: false
+ Timer {
+ interval: 500
+ repeat: true
+ running: true
+ onTriggered: {
+ var date = new Date;
+ timeHour = date.getHours();
+ timeMinute = date.getMinutes();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GUIModel/Header/Header.qml b/GUIModel/Header/Header.qml
index 3c54765..e1ee62f 100644
--- a/GUIModel/Header/Header.qml
+++ b/GUIModel/Header/Header.qml
@@ -68,4 +68,26 @@ Item {
visible: true
+ function setTurnLOn() {
+ turn_l_on.visible = true;
+ turn_l_off.visible = false;
+ }
+ function setTurnLOff() {
+ turn_l_on.visible = false;
+ turn_l_off.visible = true;
+ }
+ function setTurnROn() {
+ turn_r_on.visible = true;
+ turn_r_off.visible = false;
+ }
+ function setTurnROff() {
+ turn_r_on.visible = false;
+ turn_r_off.visible = true;
+ }
+ function setTemp(temp_val) {
+ outsideTemperature.tempValue = temp_val;
+ }
diff --git a/GUIModel/Meter/Meter.qml b/GUIModel/Meter/Meter.qml
index 1c7c0fe..7c2d5dd 100644
--- a/GUIModel/Meter/Meter.qml
+++ b/GUIModel/Meter/Meter.qml
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ Item {
Item {
id: meterParts
property var easing: Easing.InOutQuad
- Component.onCompleted: {
- testAnim.start()
- }
target: rootItem
@@ -86,69 +83,6 @@ Item {
DigitalSpeed {
id: digitalSpeed
- ParallelAnimation{
- id: testAnim
- SequentialAnimation{
- id: testAnimSpeed
- loops: Animation.Infinite
- NumberAnimation {
- target: meter
- property: "speedValue"
- duration: 1000
- easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
- to: 300
- }
- NumberAnimation{
- duration: 5000
- }
- NumberAnimation {
- target: meter
- property: "speedValue"
- duration: 5000
- easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
- to: 0
- }
- }
- SequentialAnimation{
- id: testAnimTacho
- loops: Animation.Infinite
- NumberAnimation {
- target: meter
- property: "tachoValue"
- duration: 500
- easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
- to: 8000
- }
- NumberAnimation {
- target: meter
- property: "tachoValue"
- duration: 2500
- easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
- to: 0
- }
- }
- SequentialAnimation{
- id: testAnimCharge
- loops: Animation.Infinite
- NumberAnimation {
- target: meter
- property: "chargeValue"
- duration: 10000
- easing.type: Easing.Linear
- to: 0
- }
- NumberAnimation {
- target: meter
- property: "chargeValue"
- duration: 10000
- easing.type: Easing.Linear
- to: 100
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/GUIModel/Meter/SpeedGuage.qml b/GUIModel/Meter/SpeedGuage.qml
index 056c00a..6667cad 100644
--- a/GUIModel/Meter/SpeedGuage.qml
+++ b/GUIModel/Meter/SpeedGuage.qml
@@ -114,157 +114,4 @@ Item {
anchors.leftMargin: -11
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- SequentialAnimation{
- id: normalToAdasAnimation
- onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
- ParallelAnimation{
- NumberAnimation{
- target: speedTxt
- property: "opacity"
- duration: 330
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:1.0
- to:0.5
- }
- SequentialAnimation{
- NumberAnimation{
- target: pwrGuageGroup
- property: "opacity"
- duration: 330
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:1.0
- to:0.0
- }
- PropertyAnimation{
- target: pwrGuageGroup
- property: "visible"
- duration: 0
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:true
- to:false
- }
- }
- }
- ParallelAnimation{
- /* down size */
- NumberAnimation{
- target: speedGuage
- property: "scale"
- duration: 891
- easing.type: meterParts.easing
- from:1
- to:0.75
- }
- /* translation */
- PathAnimation{
- target: speedGuage
- anchorPoint: Qt.point(speedGuage.width/2, speedGuage.height/2)
- orientation: PathAnimation.Fixed
- duration: 891
- easing.type: meterParts.easing
- path: Path {
- startX: 960; startY: 391
- PathLine { x: 540; y: 402 }
- }
- }
- SequentialAnimation{
- PauseAnimation {
- duration: 891-330
- }
- NumberAnimation{
- target: speedTxt
- property: "opacity"
- duration: 330
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:0.5
- to:1.0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SequentialAnimation{
- id: mapToNormalAnimation
- onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
- PauseAnimation {
- duration: 254 + 330
- }
- ParallelAnimation{
- /* scaling */
- NumberAnimation{
- target: speedGuage
- property: "scale"
- duration: 891
- easing.type: meterParts.easing
- from:0.75
- to:1.0
- }
- /* slide */
- PathAnimation{
- target: speedGuage
- anchorPoint: Qt.point(speedGuage.width/2, speedGuage.height/2)
- orientation: PathAnimation.Fixed
- duration: 891
- easing.type: meterParts.easing
- path: Path {
- startX: 540; startY: 402
- PathLine { x: 960; y: 391 }
- }
- }
- NumberAnimation{
- target: speedTxt
- property: "opacity"
- duration: 330
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:1.0
- to:0.5
- }
- }
- ParallelAnimation{
- NumberAnimation{
- target: speedTxt
- property: "opacity"
- duration: 330
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:0.5
- to:1.0
- }
- SequentialAnimation{
- PropertyAnimation{
- target: pwrGuageGroup
- property: "visible"
- duration: 0
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:false
- to:true
- }
- NumberAnimation{
- target: pwrGuageGroup
- property: "opacity"
- duration: 330
- easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
- from:0.0
- to:1.0
- }
- }
- }
- PauseAnimation {
- duration: 330
- }
- }
diff --git a/GUIModel/main.qml b/GUIModel/main.qml
index 5389797..8321bb3 100644
--- a/GUIModel/main.qml
+++ b/GUIModel/main.qml
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Window {
CruisingRange {
id: cruisingRange
- cruisingRangeValue : 750
+ cruisingRangeValue : 750.0
@@ -251,9 +251,6 @@ Window {
- case(Qt.Key_4):
- telltaleSwitching();
- break
@@ -281,11 +278,18 @@ Window {
+ Timer {
+ property int num : 0
+ interval: 10
+ repeat: true
+ running: true
+ onTriggered: {
+ doUpdateClusterData()
+ }
+ }
Timer { //test
property int num : 0
@@ -315,44 +319,179 @@ Window {
-// FpsItem{}
- function telltaleSwitching(){
- telltale.telltaleMasterWarn = !telltale.telltaleMasterWarn
- telltale.telltaleGeneralWarn = !telltale.telltaleGeneralWarn
- telltale.telltaleBrakeEnergyRecovOff = !telltale.telltaleBrakeEnergyRecovOff
- telltale.telltaleBrakeEnergyRecovLv = !telltale.telltaleBrakeEnergyRecovLv
- telltale.telltaleMotorWarn = !telltale.telltaleMotorWarn
- telltale.telltalePopupHoodWarn = !telltale.telltalePopupHoodWarn
- telltale.telltaleDecharge = !telltale.telltaleDecharge
- telltale.telltaleEvSystemWarn = !telltale.telltaleEvSystemWarn
- telltale.telltaleChargingPlugWarn = !telltale.telltaleChargingPlugWarn
- telltale.telltaleLowBatt = !telltale.telltaleLowBatt
- telltale.telltaleBattWarn = !telltale.telltaleBattWarn
- telltale.telltaleBattTempWarn = !telltale.telltaleBattTempWarn
- telltale.telltaleHighVoltBattCut = !telltale.telltaleHighVoltBattCut
- telltale.telltaleAeb = !telltale.telltaleAeb
- telltale.telltaleLdw = !telltale.telltaleLdw
- telltale.telltaleBsd = !telltale.telltaleBsd
- telltale.telltaleSrsAirbag = !telltale.telltaleSrsAirbag
- telltale.telltaleEpsOff = !telltale.telltaleEpsOff
- telltale.telltaleBrake = !telltale.telltaleBrake
- telltale.telltaleAbsWarn = !telltale.telltaleAbsWarn
- telltale.telltaleEspAct = !telltale.telltaleEspAct
- telltale.telltaleHillDescent = !telltale.telltaleHillDescent
- telltale.telltaleAutoParking = !telltale.telltaleAutoParking
- telltale.telltaleTpmsInd = !telltale.telltaleTpmsInd
- telltale.telltaleImmobi = !telltale.telltaleImmobi
- telltale.telltaleDoor = !telltale.telltaleDoor
- telltale.telltaleSeatbelt = !telltale.telltaleSeatbelt
- telltale.telltaleSeatbelt2 = !telltale.telltaleSeatbelt2
- telltale.telltaleEpbWarn = !telltale.telltaleEpbWarn
- telltale.telltaleEps= !telltale.telltaleEps
- telltale.telltaleHighbeamAssist = !telltale.telltaleHighbeamAssist
- telltale.telltaleHighbeam = !telltale.telltaleHighbeam
- telltale.telltaleRearFog = !telltale.telltaleRearFog
- telltale.telltaleLowbeam = !telltale.telltaleLowbeam
- telltale.telltalePosition = !telltale.telltalePosition
+ //FpsItem{}
+ function doUpdateClusterData(){
+ // speed
+ var speed_val_capi = cluster_service.getSpAnalogVal();
+ meter.speedValue = speed_val_capi / 100.0;
+ // tacho
+ var tacho_val_capi = cluster_service.getTaAnalogVal();
+ meter.tachoValue = tacho_val_capi;
+ // temp
+ var temp_val_capi = cluster_service.getOTempVal();
+ header.setTemp(temp_val_capi);
+ // Gear
+ var gear_val_capi = cluster_service.getGearAtVal();
+ if (gear_val_capi === "D") {
+ shiftPosition.shiftId = 1;
+ } else if (gear_val_capi === "B") {
+ shiftPosition.shiftId = 2;
+ } else if (gear_val_capi === "N") {
+ shiftPosition.shiftId = 3;
+ } else if (gear_val_capi === "R") {
+ shiftPosition.shiftId = 4;
+ } else if (gear_val_capi === "P") {
+ shiftPosition.shiftId = 5;
+ } else {
+ shiftPosition.shiftId = 0;
+ }
+ // Trip
+ //var tripa_val_capi = cluster_service.getTrcomTripAVal();
+ //cruisingRange.cruisingRangeValue = tripa_val_capi / 10;
+ // Turn R
+ var turnr_val_capi = cluster_service.getTurnR();
+ if (turnr_val_capi === true) {
+ header.setTurnROn();
+ } else {
+ header.setTurnROff();
+ }
+ // Turn L
+ var turnl_val_capi = cluster_service.getTurnL();
+ if (turnl_val_capi === true) {
+ header.setTurnLOn();
+ } else {
+ header.setTurnLOff();
+ }
+ // Seetbelt
+ var sbeltr_val_capi = cluster_service.getFrontRightSeatbelt();
+ if (sbeltr_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleSeatbelt = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleSeatbelt = false;
+ }
+ var sbeltl_val_capi = cluster_service.getFrontLeftSeatbelt();
+ if (sbeltl_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleSeatbelt2 = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleSeatbelt2 = false;
+ }
+ var genwarn_val_capi = cluster_service.getGeneralWarn();
+ if (genwarn_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleGeneralWarn = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleGeneralWarn = false;
+ }
+ var eng_val_capi = cluster_service.getEngine();
+ if (eng_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleMotorWarn = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleMotorWarn = false;
+ }
+ var lbatt_val_capi = cluster_service.getLowBattery();
+ if (lbatt_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleLowBatt = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleLowBatt = false;
+ }
+ var ldwoff_val_capi = cluster_service.getLdwOff();
+ if (ldwoff_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleLdw = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleLdw = false;
+ }
+ var srsair_val_capi = cluster_service.getSrsAirbag();
+ if (srsair_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleSrsAirbag = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleSrsAirbag = false;
+ }
+ var espoff_val_capi = cluster_service.getEspOff();
+ if (espoff_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleEpsOff = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleEpsOff = false;
+ }
+ var brake_val_capi = cluster_service.getBrake();
+ if (brake_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleBrake = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleBrake = false;
+ }
+ var abs_val_capi = cluster_service.getAbs();
+ if (abs_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleAbsWarn = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleAbsWarn = false;
+ }
+ var espact_val_capi = cluster_service.getEspAct();
+ if (espact_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleEspAct = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleEspAct = false;
+ }
+ var hill_val_capi = cluster_service.getHillDescent();
+ if (hill_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleHillDescent = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleHillDescent = false;
+ }
+ var immobi_val_capi = cluster_service.getImmobi();
+ if (immobi_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleImmobi = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleImmobi = false;
+ }
+ var door_val_capi = cluster_service.getDoor();
+ if (door_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleDoor = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleDoor = false;
+ }
+ var eps_val_capi = cluster_service.getEps();
+ if (eps_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleEps = true;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleEps = false;
+ }
+ var hibeamgreen_val_capi = cluster_service.getAutoHiBeamGreen();
+ var hibeam_val_capi = cluster_service.getHighbeam();
+ if (hibeamgreen_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleHighbeamAssist = true;
+ if (hibeam_val_capi === true) {
+ telltale.telltaleHighbeam = true;
+ telltale.telltaleLowbeam = false;
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleHighbeam = false;
+ telltale.telltaleLowbeam = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ telltale.telltaleHighbeamAssist = false;
+ telltale.telltaleHighbeam = false;
+ telltale.telltaleLowbeam = false;
+ }