path: root/GUIModel/ACC/ACC_Animation.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'GUIModel/ACC/ACC_Animation.qml')
1 files changed, 1093 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/GUIModel/ACC/ACC_Animation.qml b/GUIModel/ACC/ACC_Animation.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161b6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GUIModel/ACC/ACC_Animation.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@
+ * Copyright 2020,2021 Panasonic Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.14
+import Qt3D.Animation 2.14
+Item {
+ id:car_Anim
+ property int acc_line_pos : 0 //0:hide 1:far 2:mid 3:near
+ property int cur_line_pos : 0
+ property int acc_enable : 0 //0:OFF 1:ON (follow)
+ property int acc_icon : 0 //0:hide 1:icon 2:???
+ property int acc_value : 148 //0:hide 1~999:value
+ property int acc_value1 : acc_value%10
+ property int acc_value10 : (acc_value/10)%10
+ property int acc_value100 : (acc_value/100)%10
+ property int acc_car_pos : 0 //0:hide 1:far 2:mid 3:near
+ property int cur_car_pos : 0
+ property int received_tbt_id: stage.received_id
+ property int current_tbt_id
+ onAcc_line_posChanged: {
+ lineposchange()
+ }
+ onAcc_enableChanged: {
+ enablechange()
+ }
+ onAcc_car_posChanged: {
+ carposchange()
+ }
+ onReceived_tbt_idChanged: {
+ tbt_idchange()
+ }
+ Connections{
+ target: rootItem
+ onTransNormalToAdas:{
+ if(rootItem.set_state == "set_default"){
+ fadeout_in_default.start()
+ }else if(rootItem.set_state == "set_middle"){
+ fadeout_in_mid.start()
+ }else if(rootItem.set_state == "set_near"){
+ fadeout_in_near.start()
+ }
+ cameraToAdasPos.start()
+ if(rootItem.car_state == "normal_default"){
+ rootItem.car_state = "adas_default"}
+ else if(rootItem.car_state == "normal_middle"){
+ rootItem.car_state = "adas_middle"}
+ else if(rootItem.car_state == "normal_near"){
+ rootItem.car_state = "adas_near"}
+ if(rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_normal_default"){
+ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_default"}
+ else if(rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_normal_middle"){
+ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_middle"}
+ else if(rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_normal_near"){
+ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_near"}
+ }
+ onTransAdasToMap:{
+ adasToMapAnimation_acc3d.start()
+ }
+ onTransMapToNormal:{
+ ddditemTonormalsize.start()
+ if(rootItem.set_state == "set_default"){
+ fadeout_in_default.start()
+ }else if(rootItem.set_state == "set_middle"){
+ fadeout_in_mid.start()
+ }else if(rootItem.set_state == "set_near"){
+ fadeout_in_near.start()
+ }
+ cameraTonormalPos.start()
+ if(rootItem.car_state == "adas_default"){
+ rootItem.car_state = "normal_default"}
+ else if(rootItem.car_state == "adas_middle"){
+ rootItem.car_state = "normal_middle"}
+ else if(rootItem.car_state == "adas_near"){
+ rootItem.car_state = "normal_near"}
+ if(rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_adas_default"){
+ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_default"}
+ else if(rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_adas_middle"){
+ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_middle"}
+ else if(rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_adas_near"){
+ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_near"}
+ }
+ }
+ function lineposchange(){
+ }
+ function enablechange(){
+ }
+ function carposchange(){
+ }
+ function tbt_idchange(){////////////////////
+ switch(received_tbt_id){
+ case 1:
+ tbt_arrow_anim_to_LF.start()
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ tbt_arrow_anim_to_L.start()
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ tbt_arrow_anim_to_RF.start()
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ tbt_arrow_anim_to_R.start()
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ stage.current_id=stage.received_id
+ }
+ /*----------------------------------- arrow animation ------------------------------------*/
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ id: tbt_arrow_anim_to_LF
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_LF
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_L,stage.material_tbt_RF,stage.material_tbt_R]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_L,stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF,stage.material_tbt_shadow_R]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_LF
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.52 : 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_L,stage.trans_tbt_RF,stage.trans_tbt_R]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.2 : 0.1
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L,stage.trans_tbt_RF,stage.trans_tbt_R]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.1
+ }
+ }
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ id: tbt_arrow_anim_to_L
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_L
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF,stage.material_tbt_RF,stage.material_tbt_R]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_shadow_L
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF,stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF,stage.material_tbt_shadow_R]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_L
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.52 : 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF,stage.trans_tbt_RF,stage.trans_tbt_R]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.2 : 0.1
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF,stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF,stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.1
+ }
+ }
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ id: tbt_arrow_anim_to_RF
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_RF
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF,stage.material_tbt_L,stage.material_tbt_R]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF,stage.material_tbt_shadow_L,stage.material_tbt_shadow_R]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_RF
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.52 : 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF,stage.trans_tbt_L,stage.trans_tbt_R]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.2 : 0.1
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF,stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L,stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.1
+ }
+ }
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ id: tbt_arrow_anim_to_R
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_R
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF,stage.material_tbt_L,stage.material_tbt_RF]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_tbt_shadow_R
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 1 : 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF,stage.material_tbt_shadow_L,stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF]
+ properties: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_R
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.52 : 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF,stage.trans_tbt_L,stage.trans_tbt_RF]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.5
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: rootItem.mode == 1 ? 0.2 : 0.1
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF,stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L,stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF]
+ properties: "default_py"
+ duration: 1000
+ to: 0.1
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id:fadeout_in_default
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_set; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0.2; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_arrow; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:1; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_base; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:1; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF, stage.material_tbt_L, stage.material_tbt_RF, stage.material_tbt_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF, stage.trans_tbt_L, stage.trans_tbt_RF, stage.trans_tbt_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_L, stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ }
+ PauseAnimation {duration: 957}
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_set; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 0.2 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_arrow; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 1 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_base; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 1 }
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id:fadeout_in_mid
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_set_mid; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0.2; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_arrow; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:1; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_base; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:1; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF, stage.material_tbt_L, stage.material_tbt_RF, stage.material_tbt_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF, stage.trans_tbt_L, stage.trans_tbt_RF, stage.trans_tbt_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_L, stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ }
+ PauseAnimation {duration: 957}
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_set_mid; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 0.2 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_arrow; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 1 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_base; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 1 }
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id:fadeout_in_near
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_set_near; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0.2; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_arrow; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:1; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_base; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:1; to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF, stage.material_tbt_L, stage.material_tbt_RF, stage.material_tbt_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF, stage.trans_tbt_L, stage.trans_tbt_RF, stage.trans_tbt_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_L, stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ }
+ PauseAnimation {duration: 957}
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_set_near; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 0.2 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_arrow; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 1 }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.material_distance_base; property: "u_alphaFactor"; duration: 330; from:0; to: 1 }
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id: cameraToAdasPos
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ property int duration_camera: 891//957
+ property int duration_all: 330//363
+ property var easing_camera: Easing.InOutQuart
+ property var easing_all: Easing.InOutQuart
+ PauseAnimation {duration: 330}
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: ddditem; property: "scale"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera ; easing.type: Easing.OutBack}//cameraToAdasPos.easing_camera }
+ NumberAnimation { target: ddditem; property: "x"; to: 512; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera ; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//cameraToAdasPos.easing_camera }
+ NumberAnimation { target: ddditem; property: "y"; to: -35; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera ; easing.type: Easing.OutBack}//cameraToAdasPos.easing_camera }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "posX"; to: -10; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.InOutCubic }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "posY"; to:7; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutExpo }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "posZ"; to: 8; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutExpo }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "rotX"; to: -24.2039; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutBack }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "rotY"; to: -46.4688; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.InOutQuart }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "rotZ"; to: -0.999999; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutExpo }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_arrow; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_arrow; property: "scale_z"; to: 0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_base; property: "posi_z"; to: 6.7*0.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_base; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_base; property: "scale_z"; to: 0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set; property: "posi_z"; to: 6.7*0.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set; property: "scale_z"; to: 0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_mid ;property: "posi_z"; to: 6.7*0.4+4*0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_mid ;property: "scale_x";to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_mid ;property: "scale_z";to: 0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_near;property: "posi_z"; to: 6.7*0.4+8*0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_near;property: "scale_x";to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_near;property: "scale_z";to: 0.75; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road; property: "posi_z"; to: 6*0.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road; property: "scale_z"; to: 0.6; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_sensorline; property: "posi_z"; to: 6*0.25; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_sensorline; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_sensorline; property: "scale_z"; to: 0.6; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road_light; property: "posi_z"; to: 6*0.6; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road_light; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.4; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road_light; property: "scale_z"; to: 0.6; duration: cameraToAdasPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraToAdasPos.easing_all }
+ }
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: {
+ switch(received_tbt_id){
+ case 1:
+ stage.material_tbt_LF
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ stage.material_tbt_L
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ stage.material_tbt_RF
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ stage.material_tbt_R
+ break;
+ default:
+ stage.material_tbt_LF
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 330
+ from:0
+ to: 1
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: {
+ switch(received_tbt_id){
+ case 1:
+ stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ stage.material_tbt_shadow_L
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ stage.material_tbt_shadow_R
+ break;
+ default:
+ stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 330
+ from:0
+ to: 1
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: {
+ switch(received_tbt_id){
+ case 1:
+ stage.trans_tbt_LF
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ stage.trans_tbt_L
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ stage.trans_tbt_RF
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ stage.trans_tbt_R
+ break;
+ default:
+ stage.trans_tbt_LF
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 330
+ from: 0
+ to: 0.52
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: {
+ switch(received_tbt_id){
+ case 1:
+ stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R
+ break;
+ default:
+ stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ property: "default_py"
+ duration: 330
+ from: 0
+ to: 0.2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id: cameraTonormalPos
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ property int duration_camera: 891//957
+ property int duration_all: 330//363
+ property var easing_camera: Easing.InOutQuart
+ property var easing_all: Easing.InOutQuart
+ PauseAnimation {duration: 330}
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation { target: ddditem; property: "scale"; to: 0.6; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//cameraTonormalPos.easing_camera }
+ NumberAnimation { target: ddditem; property: "x"; to: 548; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//cameraTonormalPos.easing_camera }
+ NumberAnimation { target: ddditem; property: "y"; to: -23; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//cameraTonormalPos.easing_camera }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "posX"; to: 0.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.InOutCubic }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "posY"; to:2.6; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutExpo }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "posZ"; to: 2.35; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutExpo }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "rotX"; to:-8.29241; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera*1.2; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.InBack }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "rotY"; to: 0.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera*1.2; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.InOutQuart }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_camera; property: "rotZ"; to: 0.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_camera; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad}//Easing.OutExpo }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_arrow; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_arrow; property: "scale_z"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_base; property: "posi_z"; to: 0.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_base; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_base; property: "scale_z"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set; property: "posi_z"; to: 0.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set; property: "scale_z"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_mid ;property: "posi_z"; to: 0.0+4; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_mid ;property: "scale_x";to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_mid ;property: "scale_z";to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_near;property: "posi_z"; to: 0.0+8; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_near;property: "scale_x";to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_distance_set_near;property: "scale_z";to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road; property: "posi_z"; to: 0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road; property: "scale_z"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_sensorline; property: "posi_z"; to: 0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_sensorline; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_sensorline; property: "scale_z"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road_light; property: "posi_z"; to: 0.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road_light; property: "scale_x"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { target: stage.trans_road_light; property: "scale_z"; to: 1.0; duration: cameraTonormalPos.duration_all; easing.type: cameraTonormalPos.easing_all }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_LF, stage.material_tbt_L, stage.material_tbt_RF, stage.material_tbt_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_LF, stage.trans_tbt_L, stage.trans_tbt_RF, stage.trans_tbt_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.material_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_L, stage.material_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.material_tbt_shadow_R];property: "u_alphaFactor";duration: 330;to: 0 }
+ NumberAnimation { targets: [stage.trans_tbt_shadow_LF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_L, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_RF, stage.trans_tbt_shadow_R];property: "default_py";duration: 0;to: 0.0 }
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id: adasToMapAnimation_acc3d
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: ddditem
+ property: "opacity"
+ duration: 330
+ from:1
+ to:0
+ }
+ PropertyAnimation{
+ target: ddditem
+ property: "visible"
+ duration:0
+ to:false
+ }
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ id: ddditemTonormalsize
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ PauseAnimation {duration: 330}
+ PropertyAnimation{
+ target: ddditem
+ property: "visible"
+ duration:0
+ to:true
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: ddditem
+ property: "opacity"
+ duration: 330
+ from:0
+ to:1
+ }
+ }
+ Item{
+ id: distance_set_3d_Anim
+ states:[
+ State{
+ name:"set_default"
+ when: rootItem.set_state === "set_default"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"set_middle"
+ when: rootItem.set_state === "set_middle"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"set_near"
+ when: rootItem.set_state === "set_near"
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_distance_set_mid
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 0
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_distance_set_near
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 0
+ to: 0
+ }
+ }
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 300}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.material_distance_set
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 50
+ to: 0.2
+ }
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "set_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.material_distance_set
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 0
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_distance_set_near
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 0
+ to: 0
+ }
+ }
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 300}
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_distance_set_mid
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 50
+ to: 0.2
+ }
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "set_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ onStarted: rootItem.focus=false
+ ParallelAnimation{
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.material_distance_set
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 0
+ to: 0
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_distance_set_mid
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 0
+ to: 0
+ }
+ }
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 300}
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: stage.material_distance_set_near
+ property: "u_alphaFactor"
+ duration: 50
+ to: 0.2
+ }
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "set_near"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Item{
+ id: arrow_3d_Anim
+ states:[
+ State{
+ name:"arrow_normal_default"
+ when: rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_normal_default"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"arrow_normal_middle"
+ when: rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_normal_middle"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"arrow_normal_near"
+ when: rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_normal_near"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"arrow_adas_default"
+ when: rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_adas_default"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"arrow_adas_middle"
+ when: rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_adas_middle"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"arrow_adas_near"
+ when: rootItem.arrow_state == "arrow_adas_near"
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_distance_arrow.default_pz
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "arrow_normal_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_distance_arrow.default_pz + 4
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "arrow_normal_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_distance_arrow.default_pz + 7.99
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "arrow_normal_near"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: 6.7*0.4
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "arrow_adas_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: 6.7*0.4+4*0.75
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "arrow_adas_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: 6.7*0.4+8 * 0.75
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "arrow_adas_near"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: 6.7 * 0.75
+ }
+ }
+ from: "normal_default"
+ to: "adas_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: 6.7+4 * 0.75
+ }
+ }
+ from: "normal_middle"
+ to: "adas_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: 6.7+8 * 0.75
+ }
+ }
+ from: "normal_near"
+ to: "adas_near"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_distance_arrow.default_pz
+ }
+ }
+ from: "adas_default"
+ to: "normal_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_distance_arrow.default_pz + 4
+ }
+ }
+ from: "adas_middle"
+ to: "normal_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_distance_arrow
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_distance_arrow.default_pz + 7.99
+ }
+ }
+ from: "adas_near"
+ to: "normal_near"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Item{
+ id: car_3d_Anim
+ states:[
+ State{
+ name:"normal_default"
+ when: rootItem.car_state == "normal_default"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"normal_middle"
+ when: rootItem.car_state == "normal_middle"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"normal_near"
+ when: rootItem.car_state == "normal_near"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"adas_default"
+ when: rootItem.car_state == "adas_default"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"adas_middle"
+ when: rootItem.car_state == "adas_middle"
+ },
+ State{
+ name:"adas_near"
+ when: rootItem.car_state == "adas_near"
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "normal_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 4
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "normal_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 8
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "normal_near"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 7.35
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "adas_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 7.35 + 4*0.75
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "adas_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ duration: 300
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 7.35 + 8*0.75
+ }
+ from: "*"
+ to: "adas_near"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 7.35
+ }
+ }
+ from: "normal_default"
+ to: "adas_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 7.35 + 4*0.75
+ }
+ }
+ from: "normal_middle"
+ to: "adas_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 7.35 + 8*0.75
+ }
+ }
+ from: "normal_near"
+ to: "adas_near"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.InCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz
+ }
+ }
+ from: "adas_default"
+ to: "normal_default"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.InCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 4
+ }
+ }
+ from: "adas_middle"
+ to: "normal_middle"
+ },
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation{
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 330}
+ NumberAnimation{
+ target: stage.trans_other_car
+ properties: "posi_z"
+ easing.type: Easing.InCubic
+ duration: 957
+ to: stage.trans_other_car.default_pz + 8
+ }
+ }
+ from: "adas_near"
+ to: "normal_near"
+ }
+ ]
+ }