path: root/include/cynara/cynara-agent.h
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- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License
- */
- * @file src/include/cynara-agent.h
- * @author Adam Malinowski <a.malinowsk2@partner.samsung.com>
- * @author Oskar Switalski <o.switalski@samsung.com>
- * @version 1.0
- * @brief This file contains agent APIs available with libcynara-agent.
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <cynara/cynara-error.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef uint16_t cynara_agent_req_id;
-typedef struct cynara_agent cynara_agent;
- * \enum cynara_agent_msg_type
- * Values specifying type of message.
- *
- * \var cynara_agent_msg_type::CYNARA_MSG_TYPE_ACTION
- * Message of this type indicates its content is a request for performing an action or response to
- * such request.
- *
- * \var cynara_agent_msg_type::CYNARA_MSG_TYPE_CANCEL
- * Message of this type indicates its content is a request for canceling action or response to such
- * request.
- */
-typedef enum {
-} cynara_agent_msg_type;
- * \par Description:
- * Initialize cynara-agent structure.
- * Create structure used in following API calls.
- *
- * \par Purpose:
- * This API must be used prior to calling other agent API functions.
- *
- * \par Typical use case:
- * Once before other agent API functions are called.
- *
- * \par Method of function operation:
- * This API initializes inner library structures and in case of success returns cynara_agent
- * structure.
- *
- * \par Sync (or) Async:
- * This is a synchronous API.
- *
- * \par Thread safety:
- * This function is NOT thread safe. If functions from described API are called by multithreaded
- * application from different threads, they must be put into protected critical section.
- *
- * \par Important notes:
- * Structure cynara_agent created by this function should be released with cynara_agent_finish().
- *
- * \param[out] pp_cynara_agent Place holder for created cynara_agent structure.
- * \param[in] p_agent_type Type (name) of agent used by cynara for communication agent<->plugin.
- *
- * \return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS on success, or error code on error.
- */
-int cynara_agent_initialize(cynara_agent **pp_cynara_agent, const char *p_agent_type);
- * \par Description:
- * Destroy structure created with cynara_agent_initialize().
- *
- * \par Purpose:
- * This API should be used to clean up after usage of cynara-agent library.
- *
- * \par Typical use case:
- * Once after connection to cynara is not needed.
- *
- * \par Method of function operation:
- * This API releases inner library structure and destroys cynara_agent structure. Connection to
- * cynara service is closed.
- *
- * \par Sync (or) Async:
- * This is a synchronous API.
- *
- * \par Thread safety:
- * This function is NOT thread-safe. If functions from described API are called by multithreaded
- * application from different threads, they must be put into protected critical section.
- *
- * \par Important notes:
- * No other call to cynara-agent library should be made after call to cynara_agent_finish() except
- * cynara_agent_initialize().
- *
- * \param[in] p_cynara_agent cynara_agent structure. If NULL, then the call has no effect.
- */
-int cynara_agent_finish(cynara_agent *p_cynara_agent);
- * \par Description:
- * Get request from cynara service.
- *
- * \par Purpose:
- * This API should be used to get request from cynara service. Request is generated by corresponding
- * plugin loaded into cynara service.
- *
- * \par Typical use case:
- * Agent waits for request from cynara service. Request may be either ask for performing agent
- * specific action or ask for canceling such action. Agent calls this function when is ready to
- * perform or cancel an action.
- *
- * \par Method of function operation:
- * \parblock
- * Function reads data incoming from cynara service and if at least one complete request is ready
- * then returns with CYNARA_API_SUCCESS code. Request type, request id and specific
- * plugin data are stored in given arguments. Function returns exactly one request. If there are
- * more then one requests ready to get then one must call this function multiple times.
- *
- * This function is blocking which means that if there is no request from cynara service it will not
- * return. On success, buffer for plugin specific data is allocated and size is set. Developer is
- * responsible for freeing this memory using free() function.
- * \endparblock
- *
- * \par Sync (or) Async:
- * This is a synchronous API.
- *
- * \par Thread safety:
- * This function is NOT thread safe. If functions from described API are called by multithreaded
- * application from different threads, they must be put into protected critical section.
- *
- * \par Important notes:
- * \parblock
- * Call to cynara_agent_get_request() needs cynara_agent structure to be created first.
- * Use cynara_agent_initialize() before calling this function.
- *
- * After CYNARA_API_ACCESS_DENIED error is returned agent should be terminated or at least should
- * not invoke neither cynara_agent_get_request() nor cynara_agent_put_response() functions.
- * \endparblock
- *
- * \param[in] p_cynara_agent cynara_agent structure.
- * \param[out] req_type Request type, demand an action or cancel this action.
- * \param[out] req_id Request identifier used to pair with answer #cynara_agent_put_response() and
- * cancel request.
- * \param[out] data Plugin specific data. Buffer is allocated in this function and developer is
- * responsible for freeing it using free() function. Buffer is filled with data
- * from corresponding plugin. If there is no enough memory for data
- * CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY is returned and all arguments remain untouched.
- * \param[out] data_size Size of plugin data (bytes count). In case of out of memory this value
- * stays untouched.
- *
- * \return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS on successfully read request,
- * CYNARA_API_INTERRUPTED when cynara_agent_cancel_waiting() is called during waiting,
- * or negative error code otherwise.
- */
-int cynara_agent_get_request(cynara_agent *p_cynara_agent, cynara_agent_msg_type *req_type,
- cynara_agent_req_id *req_id, void **data, size_t *data_size);
- * \par Description:
- * Send response to cynara service.
- *
- * \par Purpose:
- * This API should be used to send response to cynara service.
- *
- * \par Typical use case:
- * Agent calls this function when is ready to answer request for action or cancel request.
- *
- * \par Method of function operation:
- * Function sends data to cynara service. Data contains answer for previously got question.
- * Answer may be of type CYNARA_MSG_TYPE_ACTION or CYNARA_MSG_TYPE_CANCEL. Type is
- * CYNARA_MSG_TYPE_ACTION when request for an action was processed and answer is ready, or
- * CYNARA_MSG_TYPE_CANCEL when processing request for an action was interrupted by cancel request.
- * Agent must send exactly one response per one request and cancel. If request is processed before
- * cancel message arrives the agent sends action response. If cancel arrives before action request
- * is processed then agent sends cancel response and drops processing related action.
- * Request id in response must be the same as request id in corresponding request.
- *
- * \par Sync (or) Async:
- * This is a synchronous API.
- *
- * \par Thread safety:
- * This function is NOT thread safe. If functions from described API are called by multithreaded
- * application from different threads, they must be put into protected critical section.
- *
- * \par Important notes:
- * Call to cynara_agent_get_request() needs cynara_agent structure to be created first.
- * Use cynara_agent_initialize() before calling this function. Also successful call to
- * cynara_agent_get_request() is needed before calling this function.
- *
- * \param[in] p_cynara_agent cynara_agent structure.
- * \param[in] resp_type Response type - see Method of operation for details.
- * \param[in] req_id Request identifier obtained from request.
- * \param[in] data Plugin specific data. If necessary agent should fill this buffer with data
- * directed to plugin.
- * \param[in] data_size Size of plugin data (bytes count).
- *
- * \return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS on successfully read request, or negative error code otherwise.
- */
-int cynara_agent_put_response(cynara_agent *p_cynara_agent, const cynara_agent_msg_type resp_type,
- const cynara_agent_req_id req_id, const void *data,
- const size_t data_size);
- * \par Description:
- * Break from waiting for cynara service request using cynara_agent_get_request().
- *
- * \par Purpose:
- * This API should be used when cynara_agent_get_request() is blocked and before calling
- * cynara_agent_finish().
- *
- * \par Typical use case:
- * Agent calls this API, when it wants to gracefully quit.
- *
- * \par Method of function operation:
- * Function notifies cynara_agent_get_request() to stop waiting for request from cynara.
- * Then cynara_agent_get_request() returns CYNARA_API_INTERRUPTED and no request is fetched.
- *
- * \par Sync (or) Async:
- * This is a synchronous API.
- *
- * \par Thread safety:
- * This function can be used only together with cynara_agent_get_request(), otherwise should
- * be treaded as NOT thread safe.
- *
- * \par Important notes:
- * Call to cynara_agent_cancel_waiting() needs cynara_agent structure to be created first and
- * cynara_agent_get_request() running.
- * Use cynara_agent_initialize() before calling this function.
- *
- * \param[in] p_cynara_agent cynara_agent structure.
- * \return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS on successful waiting cancel, or negative error code otherwise.
- */
-int cynara_agent_cancel_waiting(cynara_agent *p_cynara_agent);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* CYNARA_AGENT_H */