BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterImprove document for the --enable-universal-plane optionNaoto Yamaguchi3 months
ricefishAdd gitreview file for Royal Ricefish branchJan-Simon Moeller5 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller10 months
pikeAdd gitreview file for Prickly Pike branchJan-Simon Moeller16 months
octopusAdd gitreview file for Optimistic Octopus branchJan-Simon Moeller22 months
needlefishAdd gitreview file for Nifty Needlefish branchJan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlinAdd systemd notify supportNaoto Yamaguchi2 years
sandbox/dhobsong/named-lease-and-configUpdate README to describe configuration file formatDamian Hobson-Garcia3 years
sandbox/dhobsong/multi-conn-lease-wipMulti connector lease supportDamian Hobson-Garcia3 years
lampreyAdd .gitreview fileJan-Simon Möller3 years
sandbox/dhobsong/keep-lease-on-disconnectAdd option to hold lease on unexpected disconnectDamian Hobson-Garcia4 years