path: root/README.md
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index f7a433b..e305197 100644
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@@ -1,19 +1,281 @@
-# Controller Utilities
+# Controller
-* Object: Generic Controller Utilities to handle Policy, Small Business Logic, Glue in between components, ...
+* Object: Generic Controller to handle Policy,Small Business Logic, Glue in between components, ...
* Status: Release Candidate
* Author: Fulup Ar Foll fulup@iot.bzh
-* Date : October-2017
+* Date : May-2018
+## Features
+* Create a controller application from a JSON config file
+* Each control (eg: navigation, multimedia, ...) is a suite of actions. When all actions succeed control is granted, if one fails control access is denied.
+* Actions can either be:
+ * Invocation of an other binding API, either internal or external (eg: a policy service, Alsa UCM, ...)
+ * C routines from a user provided plugin (eg: policy routine, proprietary code, ...)
+ * Lua script function. Lua provides access to every AGL appfw functionality and can be extended by plugins written in C.
+## Installation
+* Controller can easily be included as a git submodule in any AGL service or application binder.
+* Dependencies: the only dependencies are AGL application framework (https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/p/src/app-framework-binder.git) and app-afb-helpers-submodule (https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/p/apps/app-afb-helpers-submodule.git).
+* Controller relies on Lua-5.3, when not needed Lua might be removed at compilation time.
+## Monitoring
+* The default test HTML page expect the monitoring HTML page to be accessible under /monitoring with the --monitoring option.
+* The monitoring HTML pages are installed with the app framework binder in a subdirectory called monitoring.
+* You can add other HTML pages with the alias options e.g. afb-daemon --port=1234 --monitoring --alias=/path1/to/htmlpages:/path2/to/htmlpages --ldpaths=. --workdir=. --roothttp=../htdocs
+* The monitoring is accessible at http://localhost:1234/monitoring.
+## Controller binding configuration
+By default the controller searches for a config filename with the same 'middlename' as the daemon process. As an example if your process name is afb-daemon then middle name is 'daemon'. In addition, if your process name is afb-daemon-audio the middle name is also 'daemon'. Moreover the prefix is chosen when you call the [CtlConfigSearch](<#4)_Do_controller_config_parsing_at_binding_pre-init>) function, see below:
+CtlConfigSearch(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, const char *dirList, const char *prefix)
+# Middlename is taken from process middlename.
+You may overload the config search path with environment variables
+* **CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH**: change default reserch path for configuration. You may provide multiple directories separated by ':'.
+* **CONTROL_LUA_PATH**: same as CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH but for Lua script files.
+Example: to load a config named '(prefix-)myconfig-test.json' do
+afb-daemon --name myconfig --verbose ...'
+The configuration is loaded dynamically during startup time. The controller scans **CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH** for a file corresponding to the pattern
+"(prefix-)bindermiddlename*.json". The first file found in the path is loaded,
+any other file corresponding to the same path is ignored and only generates a warning.
+Each block in the configuration file is defined with
+* **uid**: mandatory, it is used either for debugging or as input for the action (eg: signal name, control name, ...)
+* **info**: optional, it is used for documentation purpose only
+> **Note**: by default the controller config search path is defined at compilation time, but the path might be overloaded with the **CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH**
+> environment variable.
+### Config is organised in sections
+* **metadata**: describes the configuration
+* **plugins or resources**: defines the set of functions provided by the plugins allowing to load additionnal resources (compiled C or lua)
+* **onload**: a collection of actions meant to be executed at startup time
+* **control**: sets the controls with a collection of actions, in dynamic api it could also specify the verbs of the api
+* **event**: a collection of actions meant to be executed when receiving a given signal
+* **personnal sections**: personnal section
+Callbacks to parse sections are documented in [Declare your controller config section in your binding](<#3_Declare_your_controller_config_section_in_your_binding>) section. You can use the callback defined in controller or define your own callback.
+### Metadata
+As today matadata is only used for documentation purpose.
+* **uid**: mandatory
+* **version**: mandatory
+* **api**: mandatory
+* **info**: optional
+* **require**: optional
+### OnLoad section
+Onload section defines startup time configuration. Onload may provide multiple initialisation
+profiles, each with a different uid.
+You can define the following keys or arrays of the following keys:
+* **uid**: mandatory.
+* **info**: optional
+* **action**: mandatory
+* **args**: optionnal
+### Control section
+Control section defines a list of controls that are accessible.
+You can define the following keys or arrays of the following keys, moreover
+this section could be verb api:
+* **uid**: mandatory
+* **info**: optional
+* **action**: the list of actions is mandatory
+### Event section
+Event section defines a list of actions to be executed on event reception. Event can do
+anything a controller can (change state, send back signal, ...)
+eg: if a controller subscribes to vehicle speed, then speed-event may adjust
+master-volume to speed.
+You can define the following keys or arrays of the following keys, moreover you can define an event from an another API with the following syntax "API/event".
+* **uid**: mandatory
+* **info**: optional
+* **action**: the list of actions is mandatory
+### Plugin section
+Plugin section defines plugins used with this controller. A plugin is a C/C++ program meant to
+execute some tasks after an event or on demand. This easily extends intrinsec
+binding logic for ad-hoc needs.
+You can define the following keys or arrays of the following keys:
+* **uid**: mandatory
+* **info**: optionnal
+* **spath**: optionnal, semicolon separated paths where to find the plugin. This could be a compiled shared library or LUA scripts. Could be specified using CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable also.
+* **libs**: mandatory, Plugin file or LUA scripts to load
+* **lua**: optionnal, C functions that could be called from a LUA script
+### Personnal sections
+* **uid**: mandatory
+* **info**: optionnal
+* **action**: mandatory
+* **any keys wanted**: optionnal
+You can define your own sections and add your own callbacks into the
+CtlSectionT structure, see
+[Declare your controller config section in your binding](<#3_Declare_your_controller_config_section_in_your_binding>) section.
+### Actions Categories
+Controller supports three categories of actions. Each action returns a status
+where 0=success and 1=failure.
+* **AppFw API** provides a generic model to request other bindings. Requested bindings can be local (eg: ALSA/UCM) or external (eg: vehicle signalling).
+ * `"action": "api://API_NAME#verb_name"`
+* C-API, when defined in the onload section, the plugin may provide C native API with `CTLP-CAPI(apiname, uid, args, query, context)`. Plugin may also create Lua command with `CTLP-LUA2C(LuaFuncName, uid, args, query, context)`. Where `args`+`query` are JSON-C object and context is the returned value from `CTLP_ONLOAD` function. Any missing value is set to NULL.
+ * `"action": "plugin://plugin_name#function_name"`
+* Lua-API, when compiled with Lua option, the controller supports action defined directly in Lua script. During "*onload*" phase, the controller searches in `CONTROL_LUA_PATH` file with pattern "(prefix-)bindermiddlename*.lua". Any file corresponding to this pattern is automatically loaded. Any function defined in those Lua scripts can be called through a controller action. Lua functions receive three parameters (uid, args, query).
+ * `"action": "lua://plugin_name#function_name"`
+You also can add the **privileges** property that handles AGL permission
+needed to be able to call this action.
+> **Note**: Lua added functions are systematically prefixed. AGL standard AppFw
+functions are prefixed with AGL: (eg: AFB:notice(), AFB:success(), ...).
+> User Lua functions added through the plugin and CTLP_LUA2C are prefixed with
+the plugin uid or the one you defined in your config (eg: MyPlug:HelloWorld1).
+### Available Application Framework Commands
+Each Lua AppFw commands should be prefixed by AFB:
+* `AFB:notice ("format", arg1,... argn)` directly printed LUA tables as json string with '%s'.
+ `AFB:error`, `AFB:warning`, `AFB:info`, `AFB:debug` work on the same model. Printed messages are limited to 512 characters.
+* `AFB:service ('API', 'VERB', {query}, "Lua_Callback_Name", {context})` is an asynchronous call to another binding. When empty, query/context should be set to '{}'
+ and not to 'nil'. When 'nil', Lua does not send 'NULL' value but removes arguments to calling stack. WARNING:"Callback"
+ is the name of the callback as a string and not a pointer to the callback. (If someone as a solution to fix this, please
+ let me known). Callback is call as LUA "function Alsa_Get_Hal_CB (error, result, context)" where:
+ * error is a Boolean
+ * result is the full answer from AppFw (do not forget to extract the response)
+ * context is a copy of the Lua table pass as an argument (warning it's a copy not a pointer to original table)
+* `error,result=AFB:servsync('API', 'VERB', {query})` is saved as previous but for synchronous call. Note that Lua accepts multiple
+ returns. AFB:servsync returns both the error message and the response as a Lua table. Like for AFB:service, the user should not
+ forget to extract response from result.
+* `AFB:success(request, response)` is the success request. request is the opaque handle passes when Lua is called from (api="control", verb="docall").
+ Response is a Lua table that will be returned to the client.
+* `AFB:fail(request, response)` is the same as for success. Note that LUA generates automatically the error code from Lua function name.
+ The response is transformed into a json string before being returned to the client.
+* `EventHandle=AFB:evtmake("MyEventName")` creates an event and returns the handle as an opaque handle. Note that due to a limitation
+ of json_object, this opaque handle cannot be passed as an argument in a callback context.
+* `AFB:subscribe(request, MyEventHandle)` subscribes a given client to a previously created event.
+* `AFB:evtpush (MyEventHandle, MyEventData)` pushes an event to every subscribed client. MyEventData is a Lua table that will be
+ sent as a json object to the corresponding clients.
+* `timerHandle=AFB:timerset (MyTimer, "Timer_Test_CB", context)` initialises a timer from MyTimer Lua table. This table should contains 3 elements:
+ MyTimer={[l"abel"]="MyTimerName", ["delay"]=timeoutInMs, ["count"]=nBOfCycles}. Note that if count==0 then timer is cycled
+ infinitely. Context is a standard Lua table. This function returns an opaque handle to be used to further control the timer.
+* `AFB:timerclear(timerHandle)` kills an existing timer. Returns an error when timer does not exit.
+* `MyTimer=AFB:timerget(timerHandle)` returns uid, delay and count of an active timer. Returns an error when timerHandle does not
+ point on an active timer.
+* `AFB:GetEventLoop()` retrieves the common systemd's event loop of AFB.
+* `AFB:RootDirGetFD()` gets the root directory file descriptor. This file descriptor can be used with functions 'openat', 'fstatat', ...
+> **Note**: Except for functions call during binding initialisation period. Lua calls are protected and should returned clean messages
+> even when they are improperly used. If you find bug please report.
+### Adding Lua command from User Plugin
+User Plugin is optional and may provide either native C-action accessible directly from controller actions as defined in
+JSON config file, or alternatively may provide a set of Lua commands usable inside any script (onload, control,event). A simple
+plugin that provides both notice C API and Lua commands is provided as example (see ctl-plugin-sample.c). Technically a
+plugin is a simple sharelibrary and any code fitting in sharelib might be used as a plugin. Developer should nevertheless
+not forget that except when no-concurrency flag was at binding construction time, any binding should to be thread safe.
+A plugin must be declared with `CTLP_REGISTER("MyCtlSamplePlugin")`. This entry point defines a special structure that is checked
+at plugin load time by the controller. Then you have an optional init routine declare with `CTLP_ONLOAD(plugin, handle)`.
+ The init routine may create
+a plugin context that is later presented to every plugin API, this for both LUA and native C ones. Then each:
+* C API declare with `CTLP_CAPI(MyCFunction, source, argsJ, queryJ) {your code}`. Where:
+ * **MyFunction** is your function
+ * **source** is the structure config
+ * **argsJ** a json_object containing the argument attaches to this control in JSON config file
+ * **queryJ** a json_object
+* Lua API declare with `CTLP_LUA2C(MyLuaCFunction, source, argsJ, responseJ) {your code}`. Where
+ * **MyLuaCFunction** is both the name of your C function and Lua command
+ * **source** is the structure config
+ * **argsJ** the arguments passed this time from Lua script and not from Json config file.
+ * **responseJ** if success the argument is passed into the request.
+> **Warning**: Lua samples use with controller enforce strict mode. As a result every variable should be declared either as
+> local or as global. Unfortunately "luac" is not smart enough to handle strict mode at build time and errors only appear
+> at run time. Because of this strict mode every global variables (which include functions) should be prefixed by '_'.
+> Note that LUA requires an initialisation value for every variables and declaring something like "local myvar" will not
+> allocate "myvar".
+### Debugging Facilities
+Controller Lua scripts are checked for syntax from CMAKE template with Luac. When needed to go further, a developer API should be allowed to
+execute directly Lua commands within the controller context from Rest/Ws (api=control, verb=lua_doscript). DoScript API takes two
+other optional arguments func=xxxx where xxxx is the function to execute within Lua script and args, a JSON object to provide
+input parameters. When funcname is not given by default, the controller tries to execute middle filename doscript-xxxx-????.lua.
+When executed from the controller, Lua script may use any AppFw Apis as well as any L2C user defines commands in plugin.
+### Running as Standalone Controller
+The controller is a standard binding. It can be started with the following command:
+afb-daemon --name=yourname --port=1234 --workdir=. --roothttp=./htdocs --tracereq=common --token= --verbose --binding=pathtoyourbinding.so --monitoring
+Afb-Daemon only loads controller bindings without searching for the other
+binding. In this case, the controller binding will search for a configuration file
+name '(prefix-)bindermiddlename*.json'. This model can be used to implement for testing
+purpose or simply to act as the glue between a UI and other binder/services.
## Usage
-1) Add ctl-utilities as a submodule to include in your project
+### 1) Add app-controller-submodule as a submodule to include in your project
git submodule add https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/apps/app-controller-submodule
-2) Add ctl-utilities as a static library to your binding
+### 2) Add app-controller-submodule as a static library to your binding
# Library dependencies (include updates automatically)
@@ -23,7 +285,7 @@ git submodule add https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/apps/app-controller-
-3) Declare your controller config section in your binding
+### 3) Declare your controller config section in your binding
// CtlSectionT syntax:
@@ -39,21 +301,121 @@ static CtlSectionT ctlSections[]= {
-3) Do controller config parsing at binding pre-init
+### 4) Do the controller config parsing at binding pre-init
// check if config file exist
const char *dirList= getenv("CTL_CONFIG_PATH");
if (!dirList) dirList=CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH;
+ const char *configPath = CtlConfigSearch(apiHandle, dirList, "prefix");
+ if(!confiPath) return -1;
ctlConfig = CtlConfigLoad(dirList, ctlSections);
- if (!ctlConfig) goto OnErrorExit;
+ if (!ctlConfig) return -1;
-4) Exec controller config during binding init
+### 5) Execute the controller config during binding init
int err = CtlConfigExec (ctlConfig);
-For sample usage look at https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=apps/app-controller-submodule.git
+## Config Sample
+Here after a simple configuration sample.
+ "$schema": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json",
+ "metadata": {
+ "uid": "sample-audio-control",
+ "api": "audio-control",
+ "info": "Provide Default Audio Policy for Multimedia, Navigation and Emergency",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "require": ["intel-hda", "jabra-usb", "scarlett-usb"]
+ },
+ "plugins": {
+ "uid" : "MyPlug",
+ "spath":"./plugins/pluginname:../conf.d/project/lua.d",
+ "libs": ["ctl-audio-plugin-sample.ctlso", "softmixer-simple.lua"],
+ "lua": ["Lua2cHelloWorld1", "Lua2cHelloWorld2"]
+ },
+ "onload": [{
+ "uid": "onload-sample-cb",
+ "info": "Call control sharelib install entrypoint",
+ "action": "lua://MyPlug#SamplePolicyInit",
+ "args": {
+ "arg1": "first_arg",
+ "nextarg": "second arg value"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "uid": "onload-sample-api",
+ "info": "Assert AlsaCore Presence",
+ "action": "api://alsacore#ping",
+ "args": {
+ "test": "onload-sample-api"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "controls":[{
+ "uid": "multimedia",
+ "privileges": "urn:AGL:permission:audio:public:mutimedia",
+ "action": "lua://MyPlug#Audio_Set_Multimedia"
+ }, {
+ "uid": "navigation",
+ "privileges": "urn:AGL:permission:audio:public:navigation",
+ "action": "lua://MyPlug#Audio_Set_Navigation"
+ }, {
+ "uid": "emergency",
+ "privileges": "urn:AGL:permission:audio:public:emergency",
+ "action": "lua://MyPlug#Audio_Set_Emergency"
+ }, {
+ "uid": "multimedia-control-cb",
+ "info": "Call Sharelib Sample Callback",
+ "action": "plugin://MyPlug#sampleControlNavigation",
+ "args": {
+ "arg1": "snoopy",
+ "arg2": "toto"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "uid": "navigation-control-ucm",
+ "action": "api://alsacore#ping",
+ "args": {
+ "test": "navigation"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "uid": "navigation-control-lua",
+ "info": "Call Lua Script to set Navigation",
+ "action": "lua://MyPlug#Audio_Set_Navigation"
+ }
+ ],
+ "events":[{
+ "uid": "speed-action-1",
+ "action": "plugin://MyPlug#Blink-when-over-130",
+ "args": {
+ "speed": 130,
+ "blink-speed": 1000
+ }
+ }, {
+ "uid": "Adjust-Volume",
+ "action": "lua://MyPlug#Adjust_Volume_To_Speed"
+ }, {
+ "uid": "Display-Rear-Camera",
+ "action": "plugin://MyPlug#Display-Rear-Camera"
+ }, {
+ "uid": "Prevent-Phone-Call",
+ "action": "api://phone#status",
+ "args": {
+ "call-accepted": "false"
+ }
+ }, {
+ "uid": "Authorize-Video",
+ "action": "api://video#status",
+ "args": {
+ "tv-accepted": "true"
+ }
+ }
+ ]