path: root/snips_inference_agl/dataset/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'snips_inference_agl/dataset/')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/snips_inference_agl/dataset/ b/snips_inference_agl/dataset/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a915ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snips_inference_agl/dataset/
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from builtins import object
+from io import IOBase
+from future.utils import with_metaclass
+from snips_inference_agl.constants import DATA, ENTITY, SLOT_NAME, TEXT, UTTERANCES
+from snips_inference_agl.exceptions import IntentFormatError
+class Intent(object):
+ """Intent data of a :class:`.Dataset`
+ Attributes:
+ intent_name (str): name of the intent
+ utterances (list of :class:`.IntentUtterance`): annotated intent
+ utterances
+ slot_mapping (dict): mapping between slot names and entities
+ """
+ def __init__(self, intent_name, utterances, slot_mapping=None):
+ if slot_mapping is None:
+ slot_mapping = dict()
+ self.intent_name = intent_name
+ self.utterances = utterances
+ self.slot_mapping = slot_mapping
+ self._complete_slot_name_mapping()
+ self._ensure_entity_names()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_yaml(cls, yaml_dict):
+ """Build an :class:`.Intent` from its YAML definition object
+ Args:
+ yaml_dict (dict or :class:`.IOBase`): object containing the YAML
+ definition of the intent. It can be either a stream, or the
+ corresponding python dict.
+ Examples:
+ An intent can be defined with a YAML document following the schema
+ illustrated in the example below:
+ >>> import io
+ >>> from snips_inference_agl.common.utils import json_string
+ >>> intent_yaml = io.StringIO('''
+ ... # searchFlight Intent
+ ... ---
+ ... type: intent
+ ... name: searchFlight
+ ... slots:
+ ... - name: origin
+ ... entity: city
+ ... - name: destination
+ ... entity: city
+ ... - name: date
+ ... entity: snips/datetime
+ ... utterances:
+ ... - find me a flight from [origin](Oslo) to [destination](Lima)
+ ... - I need a flight leaving to [destination](Berlin)''')
+ >>> intent = Intent.from_yaml(intent_yaml)
+ >>> print(json_string(intent.json, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ {
+ "utterances": [
+ {
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "text": "find me a flight from "
+ },
+ {
+ "entity": "city",
+ "slot_name": "origin",
+ "text": "Oslo"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": " to "
+ },
+ {
+ "entity": "city",
+ "slot_name": "destination",
+ "text": "Lima"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "text": "I need a flight leaving to "
+ },
+ {
+ "entity": "city",
+ "slot_name": "destination",
+ "text": "Berlin"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ Raises:
+ IntentFormatError: When the YAML dict does not correspond to the
+ :ref:`expected intent format <yaml_intent_format>`
+ """
+ if isinstance(yaml_dict, IOBase):
+ from snips_inference_agl.dataset.yaml_wrapper import yaml
+ yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_dict)
+ object_type = yaml_dict.get("type")
+ if object_type and object_type != "intent":
+ raise IntentFormatError("Wrong type: '%s'" % object_type)
+ intent_name = yaml_dict.get("name")
+ if not intent_name:
+ raise IntentFormatError("Missing 'name' attribute")
+ slot_mapping = dict()
+ for slot in yaml_dict.get("slots", []):
+ slot_mapping[slot["name"]] = slot["entity"]
+ utterances = [IntentUtterance.parse(u.strip())
+ for u in yaml_dict["utterances"] if u.strip()]
+ if not utterances:
+ raise IntentFormatError(
+ "Intent must contain at least one utterance")
+ return cls(intent_name, utterances, slot_mapping)
+ def _complete_slot_name_mapping(self):
+ for utterance in self.utterances:
+ for chunk in utterance.slot_chunks:
+ if chunk.entity and chunk.slot_name not in self.slot_mapping:
+ self.slot_mapping[chunk.slot_name] = chunk.entity
+ return self
+ def _ensure_entity_names(self):
+ for utterance in self.utterances:
+ for chunk in utterance.slot_chunks:
+ if chunk.entity:
+ continue
+ chunk.entity = self.slot_mapping.get(
+ chunk.slot_name, chunk.slot_name)
+ return self
+ @property
+ def json(self):
+ """Intent data in json format"""
+ return {
+ {DATA: [chunk.json for chunk in utterance.chunks]}
+ for utterance in self.utterances
+ ]
+ }
+ @property
+ def entities_names(self):
+ return set(chunk.entity for u in self.utterances
+ for chunk in u.chunks if isinstance(chunk, SlotChunk))
+class IntentUtterance(object):
+ def __init__(self, chunks):
+ self.chunks = chunks
+ @property
+ def text(self):
+ return "".join((chunk.text for chunk in self.chunks))
+ @property
+ def slot_chunks(self):
+ return (chunk for chunk in self.chunks if isinstance(chunk, SlotChunk))
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, string):
+ """Parses an utterance
+ Args:
+ string (str): an utterance in the class:`.Utterance` format
+ Examples:
+ >>> from snips_inference_agl.dataset.intent import IntentUtterance
+ >>> u = IntentUtterance.\
+ parse("president of [country:default](France)")
+ >>> u.text
+ 'president of France'
+ >>> len(u.chunks)
+ 2
+ >>> u.chunks[0].text
+ 'president of '
+ >>> u.chunks[1].slot_name
+ 'country'
+ >>> u.chunks[1].entity
+ 'default'
+ """
+ sm = SM(string)
+ capture_text(sm)
+ return cls(sm.chunks)
+class Chunk(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.text = text
+ @abstractmethod
+ def json(self):
+ pass
+class SlotChunk(Chunk):
+ def __init__(self, slot_name, entity, text):
+ super(SlotChunk, self).__init__(text)
+ self.slot_name = slot_name
+ self.entity = entity
+ @property
+ def json(self):
+ return {
+ TEXT: self.text,
+ SLOT_NAME: self.slot_name,
+ ENTITY: self.entity,
+ }
+class TextChunk(Chunk):
+ @property
+ def json(self):
+ return {
+ TEXT: self.text
+ }
+class SM(object):
+ """State Machine for parsing"""
+ def __init__(self, input):
+ self.input = input
+ self.chunks = []
+ self.current = 0
+ @property
+ def end_of_input(self):
+ return self.current >= len(self.input)
+ def add_slot(self, name, entity=None):
+ """Adds a named slot
+ Args:
+ name (str): slot name
+ entity (str): entity name
+ """
+ chunk = SlotChunk(slot_name=name, entity=entity, text=None)
+ self.chunks.append(chunk)
+ def add_text(self, text):
+ """Adds a simple text chunk using the current position"""
+ chunk = TextChunk(text=text)
+ self.chunks.append(chunk)
+ def add_tagged(self, text):
+ """Adds text to the last slot"""
+ if not self.chunks:
+ raise AssertionError("Cannot add tagged text because chunks list "
+ "is empty")
+ self.chunks[-1].text = text
+ def find(self, s):
+ return self.input.find(s, self.current)
+ def move(self, pos):
+ """Moves the cursor of the state to position after given
+ Args:
+ pos (int): position to place the cursor just after
+ """
+ self.current = pos + 1
+ def peek(self):
+ if self.end_of_input:
+ return None
+ return self[0]
+ def read(self):
+ c = self[0]
+ self.current += 1
+ return c
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ current = self.current
+ if isinstance(key, int):
+ return self.input[current + key]
+ elif isinstance(key, slice):
+ start = current + key.start if key.start else current
+ return self.input[slice(start, key.stop, key.step)]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Bad key type: %s" % type(key))
+def capture_text(state):
+ next_pos = state.find('[')
+ sub = state[:] if next_pos < 0 else state[:next_pos]
+ if sub:
+ state.add_text(sub)
+ if next_pos >= 0:
+ state.move(next_pos)
+ capture_slot(state)
+def capture_slot(state):
+ next_colon_pos = state.find(':')
+ next_square_bracket_pos = state.find(']')
+ if next_square_bracket_pos < 0:
+ raise IntentFormatError(
+ "Missing ending ']' in annotated utterance \"%s\"" % state.input)
+ if next_colon_pos < 0 or next_square_bracket_pos < next_colon_pos:
+ slot_name = state[:next_square_bracket_pos]
+ state.move(next_square_bracket_pos)
+ state.add_slot(slot_name)
+ else:
+ slot_name = state[:next_colon_pos]
+ state.move(next_colon_pos)
+ entity = state[:next_square_bracket_pos]
+ state.move(next_square_bracket_pos)
+ state.add_slot(slot_name, entity)
+ if state.peek() == '(':
+ capture_tagged(state)
+ else:
+ capture_text(state)
+def capture_tagged(state):
+ next_pos = state.find(')')
+ if next_pos < 1:
+ raise IntentFormatError(
+ "Missing ending ')' in annotated utterance \"%s\"" % state.input)
+ else:
+ tagged_text = state[:next_pos]
+ state.add_tagged(tagged_text)
+ state.move(next_pos)
+ capture_text(state)