path: root/model/nlu_engine.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'model/nlu_engine.json')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/model/nlu_engine.json b/model/nlu_engine.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8a4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/nlu_engine.json
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ "builtin_entity_parser": "builtin_entity_parser",
+ "config": {
+ "intent_parsers_configs": [
+ {
+ "ignore_stop_words": true,
+ "unit_name": "lookup_intent_parser"
+ },
+ {
+ "intent_classifier_config": {
+ "data_augmentation_config": {
+ "add_builtin_entities_examples": false,
+ "max_unknown_words": null,
+ "min_utterances": 20,
+ "noise_factor": 5,
+ "unknown_word_prob": 0.0,
+ "unknown_words_replacement_string": null
+ },
+ "featurizer_config": {
+ "added_cooccurrence_feature_ratio": 0.0,
+ "cooccurrence_vectorizer_config": {
+ "filter_stop_words": true,
+ "keep_order": true,
+ "unit_name": "cooccurrence_vectorizer",
+ "unknown_words_replacement_string": null,
+ "window_size": null
+ },
+ "pvalue_threshold": 0.4,
+ "tfidf_vectorizer_config": {
+ "unit_name": "tfidf_vectorizer",
+ "use_stemming": false,
+ "word_clusters_name": null
+ },
+ "unit_name": "featurizer"
+ },
+ "noise_reweight_factor": 1,
+ "unit_name": "log_reg_intent_classifier"
+ },
+ "slot_filler_config": {
+ "crf_args": {
+ "algorithm": "lbfgs",
+ "c1": 0.1,
+ "c2": 0.1
+ },
+ "data_augmentation_config": {
+ "add_builtin_entities_examples": true,
+ "capitalization_ratio": 0.2,
+ "min_utterances": 200
+ },
+ "feature_factory_configs": [
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "common_words_gazetteer_name": "top_10000_words_stemmed",
+ "n": 1,
+ "use_stemming": true
+ },
+ "factory_name": "ngram",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ -1,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "common_words_gazetteer_name": "top_10000_words_stemmed",
+ "n": 2,
+ "use_stemming": true
+ },
+ "factory_name": "ngram",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ 1
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {},
+ "factory_name": "is_digit",
+ "offsets": [
+ -1,
+ 0,
+ 1
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {},
+ "factory_name": "is_first",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {},
+ "factory_name": "is_last",
+ "offsets": [
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "n": 1
+ },
+ "factory_name": "shape_ngram",
+ "offsets": [
+ 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "n": 2
+ },
+ "factory_name": "shape_ngram",
+ "offsets": [
+ -1,
+ 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "n": 3
+ },
+ "factory_name": "shape_ngram",
+ "offsets": [
+ -1
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "entity_filter": {
+ "automatically_extensible": false
+ },
+ "tagging_scheme_code": 2,
+ "use_stemming": true
+ },
+ "factory_name": "entity_match",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "entity_filter": {
+ "automatically_extensible": true
+ },
+ "tagging_scheme_code": 2,
+ "use_stemming": true
+ },
+ "drop_out": 0.5,
+ "factory_name": "entity_match",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "tagging_scheme_code": 1
+ },
+ "factory_name": "builtin_entity_match",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "cluster_name": "brown_clusters",
+ "use_stemming": false
+ },
+ "factory_name": "word_cluster",
+ "offsets": [
+ -2,
+ -1,
+ 0,
+ 1
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "tagging_scheme": 1,
+ "unit_name": "crf_slot_filler"
+ },
+ "unit_name": "probabilistic_intent_parser"
+ }
+ ],
+ "unit_name": "nlu_engine"
+ },
+ "custom_entity_parser": "custom_entity_parser",
+ "dataset_metadata": {
+ "entities": {
+ "hvac_fan_speed_action": {
+ "automatically_extensible": false
+ },
+ "hvac_temperature_action": {
+ "automatically_extensible": false
+ },
+ "numeric_value": {
+ "automatically_extensible": false
+ },
+ "to_or_by": {
+ "automatically_extensible": false
+ },
+ "volume_control_action": {
+ "automatically_extensible": false
+ }
+ },
+ "language_code": "en",
+ "slot_name_mappings": {
+ "HVACFanSpeed": {
+ "hvac_fan_speed_action": "hvac_fan_speed_action",
+ "numeric_value": "numeric_value",
+ "to_or_by": "to_or_by"
+ },
+ "HVACTemperature": {
+ "hvac_temperature_action": "hvac_temperature_action",
+ "numeric_value": "numeric_value",
+ "to_or_by": "to_or_by"
+ },
+ "VolumeControl": {
+ "numeric_value": "numeric_value",
+ "to_or_by": "to_or_by",
+ "volume_control_action": "volume_control_action"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "intent_parsers": [
+ "lookup_intent_parser",
+ "probabilistic_intent_parser"
+ ],
+ "model_version": "0.20.0",
+ "training_package_version": "0.20.2",
+ "unit_name": "nlu_engine"
+} \ No newline at end of file