path: root/docs/devel/code-of-conduct.rst
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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/devel/code-of-conduct.rst b/docs/devel/code-of-conduct.rst
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+Code of Conduct
+The QEMU community is made up of a mixture of professionals and
+volunteers from all over the world. Diversity is one of our strengths,
+but it can also lead to communication issues and unhappiness.
+To that end, we have a few ground rules that we ask people to adhere to.
+* Be welcoming. We are committed to making participation in this project
+ a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of
+ experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation,
+ disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion,
+ or nationality.
+* Be respectful. Not all of us will agree all the time. Disagreements, both
+ social and technical, happen all the time and the QEMU community is no
+ exception. When we disagree, we try to understand why. It is important that
+ we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Members of the
+ QEMU community should be respectful when dealing with other contributors as
+ well as with people outside the QEMU community and with users of QEMU.
+Harassment and other exclusionary behavior are not acceptable. A community
+where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither welcoming nor
+respectful. Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery
+* Personal attacks
+* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic
+ addresses, without explicit permission
+This isn't an exhaustive list of things that you can't do. Rather, take
+it in the spirit in which it's intended: a guide to make it easier to
+be excellent to each other.
+This code of conduct applies to all spaces managed by the QEMU project.
+This includes IRC, the mailing lists, the issue tracker, community
+events, and any other forums created by the project team which the
+community uses for communication. This code of conduct also applies
+outside these spaces, when an individual acts as a representative or a
+member of the project or its community.
+By adopting this code of conduct, project maintainers commit themselves
+to fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of
+managing this project. If you believe someone is violating the code of
+conduct, please read the :ref:`conflict-resolution` document for
+information about how to proceed.
+This document is based on the `Fedora Code of Conduct
+(as of April 2021) and the `Contributor Covenant version 1.3.0