path: root/docs/devel/fuzzing.rst
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+This document describes the virtual-device fuzzing infrastructure in QEMU and
+how to use it to implement additional fuzzers.
+Fuzzing operates by passing inputs to an entry point/target function. The
+fuzzer tracks the code coverage triggered by the input. Based on these
+findings, the fuzzer mutates the input and repeats the fuzzing.
+To fuzz QEMU, we rely on libfuzzer. Unlike other fuzzers such as AFL, libfuzzer
+is an *in-process* fuzzer. For the developer, this means that it is their
+responsibility to ensure that state is reset between fuzzing-runs.
+Building the fuzzers
+*NOTE*: If possible, build a 32-bit binary. When forking, the 32-bit fuzzer is
+much faster, since the page-map has a smaller size. This is due to the fact that
+AddressSanitizer maps ~20TB of memory, as part of its detection. This results
+in a large page-map, and a much slower ``fork()``.
+To build the fuzzers, install a recent version of clang:
+Configure with (substitute the clang binaries with the version you installed).
+Here, enable-sanitizers, is optional but it allows us to reliably detect bugs
+such as out-of-bounds accesses, use-after-frees, double-frees etc.::
+ CC=clang-8 CXX=clang++-8 /path/to/configure --enable-fuzzing \
+ --enable-sanitizers
+Fuzz targets are built similarly to system targets::
+ make qemu-fuzz-i386
+This builds ``./qemu-fuzz-i386``
+The first option to this command is: ``--fuzz-target=FUZZ_NAME``
+To list all of the available fuzzers run ``qemu-fuzz-i386`` with no arguments.
+For example::
+ ./qemu-fuzz-i386 --fuzz-target=virtio-scsi-fuzz
+Internally, libfuzzer parses all arguments that do not begin with ``"--"``.
+Information about these is available by passing ``-help=1``
+Now the only thing left to do is wait for the fuzzer to trigger potential
+Useful libFuzzer flags
+As mentioned above, libFuzzer accepts some arguments. Passing ``-help=1`` will
+list the available arguments. In particular, these arguments might be helpful:
+* ``CORPUS_DIR/`` : Specify a directory as the last argument to libFuzzer.
+ libFuzzer stores each "interesting" input in this corpus directory. The next
+ time you run libFuzzer, it will read all of the inputs from the corpus, and
+ continue fuzzing from there. You can also specify multiple directories.
+ libFuzzer loads existing inputs from all specified directories, but will only
+ write new ones to the first one specified.
+* ``-max_len=4096`` : specify the maximum byte-length of the inputs libFuzzer
+ will generate.
+* ``-close_fd_mask={1,2,3}`` : close, stderr, or both. Useful for targets that
+ trigger many debug/error messages, or create output on the serial console.
+* ``-jobs=4 -workers=4`` : These arguments configure libFuzzer to run 4 fuzzers in
+ parallel (4 fuzzing jobs in 4 worker processes). Alternatively, with only
+ ``-jobs=N``, libFuzzer automatically spawns a number of workers less than or equal
+ to half the available CPU cores. Replace 4 with a number appropriate for your
+ machine. Make sure to specify a ``CORPUS_DIR``, which will allow the parallel
+ fuzzers to share information about the interesting inputs they find.
+* ``-use_value_profile=1`` : For each comparison operation, libFuzzer computes
+ ``(caller_pc&4095) | (popcnt(Arg1 ^ Arg2) << 12)`` and places this in the
+ coverage table. Useful for targets with "magic" constants. If Arg1 came from
+ the fuzzer's input and Arg2 is a magic constant, then each time the Hamming
+ distance between Arg1 and Arg2 decreases, libFuzzer adds the input to the
+ corpus.
+* ``-shrink=1`` : Tries to make elements of the corpus "smaller". Might lead to
+ better coverage performance, depending on the target.
+Note that libFuzzer's exact behavior will depend on the version of
+clang and libFuzzer used to build the device fuzzers.
+Generating Coverage Reports
+Code coverage is a crucial metric for evaluating a fuzzer's performance.
+libFuzzer's output provides a "cov: " column that provides a total number of
+unique blocks/edges covered. To examine coverage on a line-by-line basis we
+can use Clang coverage:
+ 1. Configure libFuzzer to store a corpus of all interesting inputs (see
+ CORPUS_DIR above)
+ 2. ``./configure`` the QEMU build with ::
+ --enable-fuzzing \
+ --extra-cflags="-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping"
+ 3. Re-run the fuzzer. Specify $CORPUS_DIR/* as an argument, telling libfuzzer
+ to execute all of the inputs in $CORPUS_DIR and exit. Once the process
+ exits, you should find a file, "default.profraw" in the working directory.
+ 4. Execute these commands to generate a detailed HTML coverage-report::
+ llvm-profdata merge -output=default.profdata default.profraw
+ llvm-cov show ./path/to/qemu-fuzz-i386 -instr-profile=default.profdata \
+ --format html -output-dir=/path/to/output/report
+Adding a new fuzzer
+Coverage over virtual devices can be improved by adding additional fuzzers.
+Fuzzers are kept in ``tests/qtest/fuzz/`` and should be added to
+Fuzzers can rely on both qtest and libqos to communicate with virtual devices.
+1. Create a new source file. For example ``tests/qtest/fuzz/foo-device-fuzz.c``.
+2. Write the fuzzing code using the libqtest/libqos API. See existing fuzzers
+ for reference.
+3. Add the fuzzer to ``tests/qtest/fuzz/meson.build``.
+Fuzzers can be more-or-less thought of as special qtest programs which can
+modify the qtest commands and/or qtest command arguments based on inputs
+provided by libfuzzer. Libfuzzer passes a byte array and length. Commonly the
+fuzzer loops over the byte-array interpreting it as a list of qtest commands,
+addresses, or values.
+The Generic Fuzzer
+Writing a fuzz target can be a lot of effort (especially if a device driver has
+not be built-out within libqos). Many devices can be fuzzed to some degree,
+without any device-specific code, using the generic-fuzz target.
+The generic-fuzz target is capable of fuzzing devices over their PIO, MMIO,
+and DMA input-spaces. To apply the generic-fuzz to a device, we need to define
+two env-variables, at minimum:
+* ``QEMU_FUZZ_ARGS=`` is the set of QEMU arguments used to configure a machine, with
+ the device attached. For example, if we want to fuzz the virtio-net device
+ attached to a pc-i440fx machine, we can specify::
+ QEMU_FUZZ_ARGS="-M pc -nodefaults -netdev user,id=user0 \
+ -device virtio-net,netdev=user0"
+* ``QEMU_FUZZ_OBJECTS=`` is a set of space-delimited strings used to identify
+ the MemoryRegions that will be fuzzed. These strings are compared against
+ MemoryRegion names and MemoryRegion owner names, to decide whether each
+ MemoryRegion should be fuzzed. These strings support globbing. For the
+ virtio-net example, we could use one of ::
+ QEMU_FUZZ_OBJECTS='virtio-net'
+ QEMU_FUZZ_OBJECTS='virtio* pcspk' # Fuzz the virtio devices and the speaker
+ QEMU_FUZZ_OBJECTS='*' # Fuzz the whole machine``
+The ``"info mtree"`` and ``"info qom-tree"`` monitor commands can be especially
+useful for identifying the ``MemoryRegion`` and ``Object`` names used for
+As a generic rule-of-thumb, the more ``MemoryRegions``/Devices we match, the
+greater the input-space, and the smaller the probability of finding crashing
+inputs for individual devices. As such, it is usually a good idea to limit the
+fuzzer to only a few ``MemoryRegions``.
+To ensure that these env variables have been configured correctly, we can use::
+ ./qemu-fuzz-i386 --fuzz-target=generic-fuzz -runs=0
+The output should contain a complete list of matched MemoryRegions.
+QEMU is continuously fuzzed on `OSS-Fuzz
+<https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz>`_. By default, the OSS-Fuzz build
+will try to fuzz every fuzz-target. Since the generic-fuzz target
+requires additional information provided in environment variables, we
+pre-define some generic-fuzz configs in
+``tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz_configs.h``. Each config must specify:
+- ``.name``: To identify the fuzzer config
+- ``.args`` OR ``.argfunc``: A string or pointer to a function returning a
+ string. These strings are used to specify the ``QEMU_FUZZ_ARGS``
+ environment variable. ``argfunc`` is useful when the config relies on e.g.
+ a dynamically created temp directory, or a free tcp/udp port.
+- ``.objects``: A string that specifies the ``QEMU_FUZZ_OBJECTS`` environment
+ variable.
+To fuzz additional devices/device configuration on OSS-Fuzz, send patches for
+either a new device-specific fuzzer or a new generic-fuzz config.
+Build details:
+- The Dockerfile that sets up the environment for building QEMU's
+ fuzzers on OSS-Fuzz can be fund in the OSS-Fuzz repository
+ __(https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/qemu/Dockerfile)
+- The script responsible for building the fuzzers can be found in the
+ QEMU source tree at ``scripts/oss-fuzz/build.sh``
+Building Crash Reproducers
+When we find a crash, we should try to create an independent reproducer, that
+can be used on a non-fuzzer build of QEMU. This filters out any potential
+false-positives, and improves the debugging experience for developers.
+Here are the steps for building a reproducer for a crash found by the
+generic-fuzz target.
+- Ensure the crash reproduces::
+ qemu-fuzz-i386 --fuzz-target... ./crash-...
+- Gather the QTest output for the crash::
+ qemu-fuzz-i386 --fuzz-target... ./crash-... &> /tmp/trace
+- Reorder and clean-up the resulting trace::
+ scripts/oss-fuzz/reorder_fuzzer_qtest_trace.py /tmp/trace > /tmp/reproducer
+- Get the arguments needed to start qemu, and provide a path to qemu::
+ less /tmp/trace # The args should be logged at the top of this file
+ export QEMU_ARGS="-machine ..."
+ export QEMU_PATH="path/to/qemu-system"
+- Ensure the crash reproduces in qemu-system::
+ $QEMU_PATH $QEMU_ARGS -qtest stdio < /tmp/reproducer
+- From the crash output, obtain some string that identifies the crash. This
+ can be a line in the stack-trace, for example::
+ export CRASH_TOKEN="hw/usb/hcd-xhci.c:1865"
+- Minimize the reproducer::
+ scripts/oss-fuzz/minimize_qtest_trace.py -M1 -M2 \
+ /tmp/reproducer /tmp/reproducer-minimized
+- Confirm that the minimized reproducer still crashes::
+ $QEMU_PATH $QEMU_ARGS -qtest stdio < /tmp/reproducer-minimized
+- Create a one-liner reproducer that can be sent over email::
+ ./scripts/oss-fuzz/output_reproducer.py -bash /tmp/reproducer-minimized
+- Output the C source code for a test case that will reproduce the bug::
+ ./scripts/oss-fuzz/output_reproducer.py -owner "John Smith <john@smith.com>"\
+ -name "test_function_name" /tmp/reproducer-minimized
+- Report the bug and send a patch with the C reproducer upstream
+Implementation Details / Fuzzer Lifecycle
+The fuzzer has two entrypoints that libfuzzer calls. libfuzzer provides it's
+own ``main()``, which performs some setup, and calls the entrypoints:
+``LLVMFuzzerInitialize``: called prior to fuzzing. Used to initialize all of the
+necessary state
+``LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput``: called for each fuzzing run. Processes the input and
+resets the state at the end of each run.
+In more detail:
+``LLVMFuzzerInitialize`` parses the arguments to the fuzzer (must start with two
+dashes, so they are ignored by libfuzzer ``main()``). Currently, the arguments
+select the fuzz target. Then, the qtest client is initialized. If the target
+requires qos, qgraph is set up and the QOM/LIBQOS modules are initialized.
+Then the QGraph is walked and the QEMU cmd_line is determined and saved.
+After this, the ``vl.c:qemu_main`` is called to set up the guest. There are
+target-specific hooks that can be called before and after qemu_main, for
+additional setup(e.g. PCI setup, or VM snapshotting).
+``LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput``: Uses qtest/qos functions to act based on the fuzz
+input. It is also responsible for manually calling ``main_loop_wait`` to ensure
+that bottom halves are executed and any cleanup required before the next input.
+Since the same process is reused for many fuzzing runs, QEMU state needs to
+be reset at the end of each run. There are currently two implemented
+options for resetting state:
+- Reboot the guest between runs.
+ - *Pros*: Straightforward and fast for simple fuzz targets.
+ - *Cons*: Depending on the device, does not reset all device state. If the
+ device requires some initialization prior to being ready for fuzzing (common
+ for QOS-based targets), this initialization needs to be done after each
+ reboot.
+ - *Example target*: ``i440fx-qtest-reboot-fuzz``
+- Run each test case in a separate forked process and copy the coverage
+ information back to the parent. This is fairly similar to AFL's "deferred"
+ fork-server mode [3]
+ - *Pros*: Relatively fast. Devices only need to be initialized once. No need to
+ do slow reboots or vmloads.
+ - *Cons*: Not officially supported by libfuzzer. Does not work well for
+ devices that rely on dedicated threads.
+ - *Example target*: ``virtio-net-fork-fuzz``