path: root/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py')
1 files changed, 861 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d2f2055a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import re
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import *
+from .regexps import *
+from .patching import *
+from .utils import *
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DBG = logger.debug
+INFO = logger.info
+WARN = logger.warning
+# simple expressions:
+class DefineDirective(FileMatch):
+ """Match any #define directive"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE, NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\b')
+class ExpressionDefine(FileMatch):
+ """Simple #define preprocessor directive for an expression"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE, NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ CPP_SPACE, NAMED('value', RE_EXPRESSION), r'[ \t]*\n')
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('name'))
+class ConstantDefine(ExpressionDefine):
+ """Simple #define preprocessor directive for a number or string constant"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE, NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ CPP_SPACE, NAMED('value', RE_CONSTANT), r'[ \t]*\n')
+class TypeIdentifiers(NamedTuple):
+ """Type names found in type declarations"""
+ typename: Optional[str]
+ uppercase: Optional[str] = None
+ # MyDevice
+ instancetype: Optional[str] = None
+ # MyDeviceClass
+ classtype: Optional[str] = None
+ # my_device
+ lowercase: Optional[str] = None
+ def allfields(self):
+ return tuple(getattr(self, f) for f in self._fields)
+ def merge(self, other: 'TypeIdentifiers') -> Optional['TypeIdentifiers']:
+ """Check if identifiers match, return new identifier with complete list"""
+ if any(not opt_compare(a, b) for a,b in zip(self, other)):
+ return None
+ return TypeIdentifiers(*(merge(a, b) for a,b in zip(self, other)))
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ values = ((f, getattr(self, f)) for f in self._fields)
+ s = ', '.join('%s=%s' % (f,v) for f,v in values if v is not None)
+ return f'{s}'
+ def check_consistency(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Check if identifiers are consistent with each other,
+ return list of problems (or empty list if everything seems consistent)
+ """
+ r = []
+ if self.typename is None:
+ r.append("typename (TYPE_MYDEVICE) is unavailable")
+ if self.uppercase is None:
+ r.append("uppercase name is unavailable")
+ if (self.instancetype is not None
+ and self.classtype is not None
+ and self.classtype != f'{self.instancetype}Class'):
+ r.append("class typedef %s doesn't match instance typedef %s" %
+ (self.classtype, self.instancetype))
+ if (self.uppercase is not None
+ and self.typename is not None
+ and f'TYPE_{self.uppercase}' != self.typename):
+ r.append("uppercase name (%s) doesn't match type name (%s)" %
+ (self.uppercase, self.typename))
+ return r
+class TypedefMatch(FileMatch):
+ """typedef declaration"""
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('name'))
+class SimpleTypedefMatch(TypedefMatch):
+ """Simple typedef declaration
+ (no replacement rules)"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*typedef', SP,
+ NAMED('typedef_type', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*;[ \t]*\n')
+RE_MACRO_DEFINE = S(r'^[ \t]*#\s*define\s+', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ r'\s*\(\s*', RE_IDENTIFIER, r'\s*\)', CPP_SPACE)
+# This doesn't parse the struct definitions completely, it just assumes
+# the closing brackets are going to be in an unindented line:
+RE_FULL_STRUCT = S('struct', SP, M(RE_IDENTIFIER, n='?', name='structname'), SP,
+ NAMED('body', r'{\n',
+ # acceptable inside the struct body:
+ # - lines starting with space or tab
+ # - empty lines
+ # - preprocessor directives
+ # - comments
+ OR(r'[ \t][^\n]*\n',
+ r'#[^\n]*\n',
+ r'\n',
+ S(r'[ \t]*', RE_COMMENT, r'[ \t]*\n'),
+ repeat='*?'),
+ r'}', M(RE_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE, SP, n='*')))
+RE_STRUCT_TYPEDEF = S(r'^[ \t]*typedef', SP, RE_FULL_STRUCT, SP,
+ NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*;[ \t]*\n')
+class FullStructTypedefMatch(TypedefMatch):
+ """typedef struct [SomeStruct] { ...} SomeType
+ Will be replaced by separate struct declaration + typedef
+ """
+ def make_structname(self) -> str:
+ """Make struct name for struct+typedef split"""
+ name = self.group('structname')
+ if not name:
+ name = self.name
+ return name
+ def strip_typedef(self) -> Patch:
+ """generate patch that will strip typedef from the struct declartion
+ The caller is responsible for readding the typedef somewhere else.
+ """
+ name = self.make_structname()
+ body = self.group('body')
+ return self.make_patch(f'struct {name} {body};\n')
+ def make_simple_typedef(self) -> str:
+ structname = self.make_structname()
+ name = self.name
+ return f'typedef struct {structname} {name};\n'
+ def move_typedef(self, position) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ """Generate patches to move typedef elsewhere"""
+ yield self.strip_typedef()
+ yield Patch(position, position, self.make_simple_typedef())
+ def split_typedef(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ """Split into struct definition + typedef in-place"""
+ yield self.strip_typedef()
+ yield self.append(self.make_simple_typedef())
+class StructTypedefSplit(FullStructTypedefMatch):
+ """split struct+typedef declaration"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ if self.group('structname'):
+ yield from self.split_typedef()
+class DuplicatedTypedefs(SimpleTypedefMatch):
+ """Delete ALL duplicate typedefs (unsafe)"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ other_td = [td for td in chain(self.file.matches_of_type(SimpleTypedefMatch),
+ self.file.matches_of_type(FullStructTypedefMatch))
+ if td.name == self.name]
+ DBG("other_td: %r", other_td)
+ if any(td.start() < self.start() for td in other_td):
+ # patch only if handling the first typedef
+ return
+ for td in other_td:
+ if isinstance(td, SimpleTypedefMatch):
+ DBG("other td: %r", td.match.groupdict())
+ if td.group('typedef_type') != self.group('typedef_type'):
+ yield td.make_removal_patch()
+ elif isinstance(td, FullStructTypedefMatch):
+ DBG("other td: %r", td.match.groupdict())
+ if self.group('typedef_type') == 'struct '+td.group('structname'):
+ yield td.strip_typedef()
+class QOMDuplicatedTypedefs(DuplicatedTypedefs):
+ """Delete duplicate typedefs if used by QOM type"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ qom_macros = [TypeCheckMacro, DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
+ qom_matches = chain(*(self.file.matches_of_type(t) for t in qom_macros))
+ in_use = any(RequiredIdentifier('type', self.name) in m.required_identifiers()
+ for m in qom_matches)
+ if in_use:
+ yield from DuplicatedTypedefs.gen_patches(self)
+class QOMStructTypedefSplit(FullStructTypedefMatch):
+ """split struct+typedef declaration if used by QOM type"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ qom_macros = [TypeCheckMacro, DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
+ qom_matches = chain(*(self.file.matches_of_type(t) for t in qom_macros))
+ in_use = any(RequiredIdentifier('type', self.name) in m.required_identifiers()
+ for m in qom_matches)
+ if in_use:
+ yield from self.split_typedef()
+def typedefs(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypedefMatch]:
+ return (cast(TypedefMatch, m)
+ for m in chain(file.matches_of_type(SimpleTypedefMatch),
+ file.matches_of_type(FullStructTypedefMatch)))
+def find_typedef(f: FileInfo, name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[TypedefMatch]:
+ if not name:
+ return None
+ for td in typedefs(f):
+ if td.name == name:
+ return td
+ return None
+ OR(*CHECKER_MACROS, name='checker'),
+ M(r'\s*\(\s*', OR(NAMED('typedefname', RE_IDENTIFIER), RE_TYPE, name='c_type'), r'\s*,', CPP_SPACE,
+ NAMED('qom_typename', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\)\n',
+ n='?', name='check_args'))
+EXPECTED_CHECKER_SUFFIXES: List[Tuple[CheckerMacroName, str]] = [
+class TypeCheckMacro(FileMatch):
+ Will be replaced by DECLARE_*_CHECKERS macro
+ """
+ regexp = RE_CHECK_MACRO
+ @property
+ def checker(self) -> CheckerMacroName:
+ """Name of checker macro being used"""
+ return self.group('checker') # type: ignore
+ @property
+ def typedefname(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.group('typedefname')
+ def find_typedef(self) -> Optional[TypedefMatch]:
+ return find_typedef(self.file, self.typedefname)
+ def sanity_check(self) -> None:
+ DBG("groups: %r", self.match.groups())
+ if not self.group('check_args'):
+ self.warn("type check macro not parsed completely: %s", self.name)
+ return
+ DBG("type identifiers: %r", self.type_identifiers)
+ if self.typedefname and self.find_typedef() is None:
+ self.warn("typedef used by %s not found", self.name)
+ def find_matching_macros(self) -> List['TypeCheckMacro']:
+ """Find other check macros that generate the same macro names
+ The returned list will always be sorted.
+ """
+ my_ids = self.type_identifiers
+ assert my_ids
+ return [m for m in self.file.matches_of_type(TypeCheckMacro)
+ if m.type_identifiers is not None
+ and my_ids.uppercase is not None
+ and (my_ids.uppercase == m.type_identifiers.uppercase
+ or my_ids.typename == m.type_identifiers.typename)]
+ def merge_ids(self, matches: List['TypeCheckMacro']) -> Optional[TypeIdentifiers]:
+ """Try to merge info about type identifiers from all matches in a list"""
+ if not matches:
+ return None
+ r = matches[0].type_identifiers
+ if r is None:
+ return None
+ for m in matches[1:]:
+ assert m.type_identifiers
+ new = r.merge(m.type_identifiers)
+ if new is None:
+ self.warn("macro %s identifiers (%s) don't match macro %s (%s)",
+ matches[0].name, r, m.name, m.type_identifiers)
+ return None
+ r = new
+ return r
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ if self.type_identifiers is None:
+ return
+ # to make sure typedefs will be moved above all related macros,
+ # return dependencies from all of them, not just this match
+ for m in self.find_matching_macros():
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', m.group('c_type'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', m.group('qom_typename'))
+ @property
+ def type_identifiers(self) -> Optional[TypeIdentifiers]:
+ """Extract type identifier information from match"""
+ typename = self.group('qom_typename')
+ c_type = self.group('c_type')
+ if not typename or not c_type:
+ return None
+ typedef = self.group('typedefname')
+ classtype = None
+ instancetype = None
+ uppercase = None
+ expected_suffix = dict(EXPECTED_CHECKER_SUFFIXES).get(self.checker)
+ # here the available data depends on the checker macro being called:
+ # - we need to remove the suffix from the macro name
+ # - depending on the macro type, we know the class type name, or
+ # the instance type name
+ if self.checker in ('OBJECT_GET_CLASS', 'OBJECT_CLASS_CHECK'):
+ classtype = c_type
+ elif self.checker == 'OBJECT_CHECK':
+ instancetype = c_type
+ uppercase = self.name
+ else:
+ assert False
+ if expected_suffix and self.name.endswith(expected_suffix):
+ uppercase = self.name[:-len(expected_suffix)]
+ return TypeIdentifiers(typename=typename, classtype=classtype,
+ instancetype=instancetype, uppercase=uppercase)
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ # the implementation is a bit tricky because we need to group
+ # macros dealing with the same type into a single declaration
+ if self.type_identifiers is None:
+ self.warn("couldn't extract type information from macro %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if self.name == 'INTERFACE_CLASS':
+ # INTERFACE_CLASS is special and won't be patched
+ return
+ for checker,suffix in EXPECTED_CHECKER_SUFFIXES:
+ if self.name.endswith(suffix):
+ if self.checker != checker:
+ self.warn("macro %s is using macro %s instead of %s", self.name, self.checker, checker)
+ return
+ break
+ matches = self.find_matching_macros()
+ DBG("found %d matching macros: %s", len(matches), ' '.join(m.name for m in matches))
+ # we will generate patches only when processing the first macro:
+ if matches[0].start != self.start:
+ DBG("skipping %s (will patch when handling %s)", self.name, matches[0].name)
+ return
+ ids = self.merge_ids(matches)
+ if ids is None:
+ DBG("type identifier mismatch, won't patch %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if not ids.uppercase:
+ self.warn("macro %s doesn't follow the expected name pattern", self.name)
+ return
+ if not ids.typename:
+ self.warn("macro %s: couldn't extract type name", self.name)
+ return
+ #issues = ids.check_consistency()
+ #if issues:
+ # for i in issues:
+ # self.warn("inconsistent identifiers: %s", i)
+ names = [n for n in (ids.instancetype, ids.classtype, ids.uppercase, ids.typename)
+ if n is not None]
+ if len(set(names)) != len(names):
+ self.warn("duplicate names used by macro: %r", ids)
+ return
+ assert ids.classtype or ids.instancetype
+ assert ids.typename
+ assert ids.uppercase
+ if ids.classtype and ids.instancetype:
+ new_decl = (f'DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS({ids.instancetype}, {ids.classtype},\n'
+ f' {ids.uppercase}, {ids.typename})\n')
+ elif ids.classtype:
+ new_decl = (f'DECLARE_CLASS_CHECKERS({ids.classtype}, {ids.uppercase},\n'
+ f' {ids.typename})\n')
+ elif ids.instancetype:
+ new_decl = (f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER({ids.instancetype}, {ids.uppercase},\n'
+ f' {ids.typename})\n')
+ else:
+ assert False
+ # we need to ensure the typedefs are already available
+ issues = []
+ for t in [ids.instancetype, ids.classtype]:
+ if not t:
+ continue
+ if re.fullmatch(RE_STRUCT_TYPE, t):
+ self.info("type %s is not a typedef", t)
+ continue
+ td = find_typedef(self.file, t)
+ #if not td and self.allfiles.find_file('include/qemu/typedefs.h'):
+ #
+ if not td:
+ # it is OK if the typedef is in typedefs.h
+ f = self.allfiles.find_file('include/qemu/typedefs.h')
+ if f and find_typedef(f, t):
+ self.info("typedef %s found in typedefs.h", t)
+ continue
+ issues.append("couldn't find typedef %s" % (t))
+ elif td.start() > self.start():
+ issues.append("typedef %s need to be moved earlier in the file" % (td.name))
+ for issue in issues:
+ self.warn(issue)
+ if issues and not self.file.force:
+ return
+ # delete all matching macros and add new declaration:
+ for m in matches:
+ yield m.make_patch('')
+ for issue in issues:
+ yield self.prepend("/* FIXME: %s */\n" % (issue))
+ yield self.append(new_decl)
+class InterfaceCheckMacro(FileMatch):
+ """Type checking macro using INTERFACE_CHECK
+ """
+ regexp = S(RE_MACRO_DEFINE,
+ r'\s*\(\s*', OR(NAMED('instancetype', RE_IDENTIFIER), RE_TYPE, name='c_type'),
+ r'\s*,', CPP_SPACE,
+ NAMED('qom_typename', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\)\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('qom_typename'))
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ if self.file.filename_matches('qom/object.h'):
+ self.debug("skipping object.h")
+ return
+ typename = self.group('qom_typename')
+ uppercase = self.name
+ instancetype = self.group('instancetype')
+ c = f"DECLARE_INTERFACE_CHECKER({instancetype}, {uppercase},\n"+\
+ f" {typename})\n"
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class TypeDeclaration(FileMatch):
+ """Parent class to all type declarations"""
+ @property
+ def instancetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.getgroup('instancetype')
+ @property
+ def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.getgroup('classtype')
+ @property
+ def typename(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.getgroup('typename')
+class TypeCheckerDeclaration(TypeDeclaration):
+ """Parent class to all type checker declarations"""
+ @property
+ def typename(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('typename')
+ @property
+ def uppercase(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('uppercase')
+class DeclareInstanceChecker(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ # if all types are found.
+ # This will require looking up the correct class type in the TypeInfo
+ # structs in another file
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class DeclareInterfaceChecker(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_INTERFACE_CHECKER\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class DeclareInstanceType(TypeDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class DeclareClassType(TypeDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('classtype'))
+class DeclareClassCheckers(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_CLASS_CHECKERS\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('classtype'))
+class DeclareObjCheckers(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ #TODO: detect when OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE can be used
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('classtype'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class TypeDeclarationFixup(FileMatch):
+ """Common base class for code that will look at a set of type declarations"""
+ regexp = RE_FILE_BEGIN
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ if self.file.filename_matches('qom/object.h'):
+ self.debug("skipping object.h")
+ return
+ # group checkers by uppercase name:
+ decl_types: List[Type[TypeDeclaration]] = [DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareInstanceType,
+ DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareClassType,
+ DeclareObjCheckers]
+ checker_dict: Dict[str, List[TypeDeclaration]] = {}
+ for t in decl_types:
+ for m in self.file.matches_of_type(t):
+ checker_dict.setdefault(m.group('uppercase'), []).append(m)
+ self.debug("checker_dict: %r", checker_dict)
+ for uppercase,checkers in checker_dict.items():
+ fields = ('instancetype', 'classtype', 'uppercase', 'typename')
+ fvalues = dict((field, set(getattr(m, field) for m in checkers
+ if getattr(m, field, None) is not None))
+ for field in fields)
+ for field,values in fvalues.items():
+ if len(values) > 1:
+ for c in checkers:
+ c.warn("%s mismatch (%s)", field, ' '.join(values))
+ return
+ field_dict = dict((f, v.pop() if v else None) for f,v in fvalues.items())
+ yield from self.gen_patches_for_type(uppercase, checkers, field_dict)
+ def find_conflicts(self, uppercase: str, checkers: List[TypeDeclaration]) -> bool:
+ """Look for conflicting declarations that would make it unsafe to add new ones"""
+ conflicting: List[FileMatch] = []
+ # conflicts in the same file:
+ conflicting.extend(chain(self.file.find_matches(DefineDirective, uppercase),
+ self.file.find_matches(DeclareInterfaceChecker, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.file.find_matches(DeclareClassType, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.file.find_matches(DeclareInstanceType, uppercase, 'uppercase')))
+ # conflicts in another file:
+ conflicting.extend(o for o in chain(self.allfiles.find_matches(DeclareInstanceChecker, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.allfiles.find_matches(DeclareClassCheckers, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.allfiles.find_matches(DeclareInterfaceChecker, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.allfiles.find_matches(DefineDirective, uppercase))
+ if o is not None and o.file != self.file
+ # if both are .c files, there's no conflict at all:
+ and not (o.file.filename.suffix == '.c' and
+ self.file.filename.suffix == '.c'))
+ if conflicting:
+ for c in checkers:
+ c.warn("skipping due to conflicting %s macro", uppercase)
+ for o in conflicting:
+ if o is None:
+ continue
+ o.warn("conflicting %s macro is here", uppercase)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ """Should be reimplemented by subclasses"""
+ return
+ yield
+class DeclareVoidTypes(TypeDeclarationFixup):
+ """Add DECLARE_*_TYPE(..., void) when there's no declared type"""
+ regexp = RE_FILE_BEGIN
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ if self.find_conflicts(uppercase, checkers):
+ return
+ #_,last_checker = max((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ _,first_checker = min((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ if not any(m.instancetype for m in checkers):
+ yield first_checker.prepend(f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
+ if not any(m.classtype for m in checkers):
+ yield first_checker.prepend(f'DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
+ #if not all(len(v) == 1 for v in fvalues.values()):
+ # return
+ #
+ #final_values = dict((field, values.pop())
+ # for field,values in fvalues.items())
+ #s = (f"DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS({final_values['instancetype']}, {final_values['classtype']},\n"+
+ # f" {final_values['uppercase']}, {final_values['typename']})\n")
+ #for c in checkers:
+ # yield c.make_removal_patch()
+ #yield last_checker.append(s)
+class AddDeclareTypeName(TypeDeclarationFixup):
+ """Add DECLARE_TYPE_NAME declarations if necessary"""
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ typename = fields.get('typename')
+ if typename is None:
+ self.warn("typename unavailable")
+ return
+ if typename == f'TYPE_{uppercase}':
+ self.info("already using TYPE_%s as type name", uppercase)
+ return
+ if self.file.find_match(DeclareTypeName, uppercase, 'uppercase'):
+ self.info("type name for %s already declared", uppercase)
+ return
+ _,first_checker = min((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ s = f'DECLARE_TYPE_NAME({uppercase}, {typename})\n'
+ yield first_checker.prepend(s)
+class TrivialClassStruct(FileMatch):
+ """Trivial class struct"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*struct\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ r'\s*{\s*', NAMED('parent_struct', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*parent(_class)?\s*;\s*};\n')
+class DeclareTypeName(FileMatch):
+ """DECLARE_TYPE_NAME usage"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_TYPE_NAME\s*\(',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\s*\);?[ \t]*\n')
+class ObjectDeclareType(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ Will be replaced with OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE if possible
+ """
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DECLARE_TYPE\s*\(',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def gen_patches(self):
+ DBG("groups: %r", self.match.groupdict())
+ trivial_struct = self.file.find_match(TrivialClassStruct, self.group('classtype'))
+ if trivial_struct:
+ d = self.match.groupdict().copy()
+ d['parent_struct'] = trivial_struct.group("parent_struct")
+ yield trivial_struct.make_removal_patch()
+ c = ("OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE(%(instancetype)s, %(lowercase)s,\n"
+ " %(uppercase)s, %(parent_struct)s)\n" % d)
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class ObjectDeclareSimpleType(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE\s*\(',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+class OldStyleObjectDeclareSimpleType(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE\s*\(',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('lowercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('parent_classtype', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ @property
+ def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ instancetype = self.instancetype
+ assert instancetype
+ return f"{instancetype}Class"
+def find_typename_uppercase(files: FileList, typename: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Try to find what's the right MODULE_OBJ_NAME for a given type name"""
+ decl = files.find_match(DeclareTypeName, name=typename, group='typename')
+ if decl:
+ return decl.group('uppercase')
+ if typename.startswith('TYPE_'):
+ return typename[len('TYPE_'):]
+ return None
+def find_type_checkers(files:FileList, name:str, group:str='uppercase') -> Iterable[TypeCheckerDeclaration]:
+ """Find usage of DECLARE*CHECKER macro"""
+ c: Type[TypeCheckerDeclaration]
+ for c in (DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers, ObjectDeclareType, ObjectDeclareSimpleType):
+ yield from files.find_matches(c, name=name, group=group)
+class Include(FileMatch):
+ """#include directive"""
+ regexp = RE_INCLUDE
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', self.group('includepath'))
+class InitialIncludes(FileMatch):
+ """Initial #include block"""
+ regexp = S(RE_FILE_BEGIN,
+ r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*ifndef[ \t]+', RE_IDENTIFIER, r'[ \t]*\n',
+ n='?', name='ifndef_block'),
+ n='*', name='includes'))
+class SymbolUserList(NamedTuple):
+ definitions: List[FileMatch]
+ users: List[FileMatch]
+class MoveSymbols(FileMatch):
+ """Handle missing symbols
+ - Move typedefs and defines when necessary
+ - Add missing #include lines when necessary
+ """
+ regexp = RE_FILE_BEGIN
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ if self.file.filename_matches('qom/object.h'):
+ self.debug("skipping object.h")
+ return
+ index: Dict[RequiredIdentifier, SymbolUserList] = {}
+ definition_classes = [SimpleTypedefMatch, FullStructTypedefMatch, ConstantDefine, Include]
+ user_classes = [TypeCheckMacro, DeclareObjCheckers, DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, InterfaceCheckMacro]
+ # first we scan for all symbol definitions and usage:
+ for dc in definition_classes:
+ defs = self.file.matches_of_type(dc)
+ for d in defs:
+ DBG("scanning %r", d)
+ for i in d.provided_identifiers():
+ index.setdefault(i, SymbolUserList([], [])).definitions.append(d)
+ DBG("index: %r", list(index.keys()))
+ for uc in user_classes:
+ users = self.file.matches_of_type(uc)
+ for u in users:
+ for i in u.required_identifiers():
+ index.setdefault(i, SymbolUserList([], [])).users.append(u)
+ # validate all symbols:
+ for i,ul in index.items():
+ if not ul.users:
+ # unused symbol
+ continue
+ # symbol not defined
+ if len(ul.definitions) == 0:
+ if i.type == 'include':
+ includes, = self.file.matches_of_type(InitialIncludes)
+ #FIXME: don't do this if we're already inside qom/object.h
+ yield includes.append(f'#include {i.name}\n')
+ else:
+ u.warn("definition of %s %s not found in file", i.type, i.name)
+ continue
+ # symbol defined twice:
+ if len(ul.definitions) > 1:
+ ul.definitions[1].warn("%s defined twice", i.name)
+ ul.definitions[0].warn("previously defined here")
+ continue
+ # symbol defined. check if all users are after its definition:
+ assert len(ul.definitions) == 1
+ definition = ul.definitions[0]
+ DBG("handling repositioning of %r", definition)
+ earliest = min(ul.users, key=lambda u: u.start())
+ if earliest.start() > definition.start():
+ DBG("%r is OK", definition)
+ continue
+ DBG("%r needs to be moved", definition)
+ if isinstance(definition, SimpleTypedefMatch) \
+ or isinstance(definition, ConstantDefine):
+ # simple typedef or define can be moved directly:
+ yield definition.make_removal_patch()
+ yield earliest.prepend(definition.group(0))
+ elif isinstance(definition, FullStructTypedefMatch) \
+ and definition.group('structname'):
+ # full struct typedef is more complex: we need to remove
+ # the typedef
+ yield from definition.move_typedef(earliest.start())
+ else:
+ definition.warn("definition of %s %s needs to be moved earlier in the file", i.type, i.name)
+ earliest.warn("definition of %s %s is used here", i.type, i.name)
+class EmptyPreprocessorConditional(FileMatch):
+ """Delete empty preprocessor conditionals"""
+ regexp = r'^[ \t]*#(if|ifdef)[ \t].*\n+[ \t]*#endif[ \t]*\n'
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ yield self.make_removal_patch()