path: root/webapp/src/app/services/xdsagent.service.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/src/app/services/xdsagent.service.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/src/app/services/xdsagent.service.ts b/webapp/src/app/services/xdsagent.service.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 55653c7..0000000
--- a/webapp/src/app/services/xdsagent.service.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
-import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
-import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
-import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
-import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
-import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
-import * as io from 'socket.io-client';
-import { AlertService } from './alert.service';
-import { ISdk } from './sdk.service';
-import { ProjectType } from './project.service';
-// Import RxJs required methods
-import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
-import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
-import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw';
-import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
-import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
-import 'rxjs/add/operator/retryWhen';
-export interface IXDSConfigProject {
- id: string;
- path: string;
- clientSyncThingID: string;
- type: string;
- label?: string;
- defaultSdkID?: string;
-interface IXDSBuilderConfig {
- ip: string;
- port: string;
- syncThingID: string;
-export interface IXDSProjectConfig {
- id: string;
- serverId: string;
- label: string;
- clientPath: string;
- serverPath?: string;
- type: ProjectType;
- status?: string;
- isInSync?: boolean;
- defaultSdkID: string;
-export interface IXDSVer {
- id: string;
- version: string;
- apiVersion: string;
- gitTag: string;
-export interface IXDSVersions {
- client: IXDSVer;
- servers: IXDSVer[];
-export interface IXDServerCfg {
- id: string;
- url: string;
- apiUrl: string;
- partialUrl: string;
- connRetry: number;
- connected: boolean;
-export interface IXDSConfig {
- servers: IXDServerCfg[];
-export interface ISdkMessage {
- wsID: string;
- msgType: string;
- data: any;
-export interface ICmdOutput {
- cmdID: string;
- timestamp: string;
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
-export interface ICmdExit {
- cmdID: string;
- timestamp: string;
- code: number;
- error: string;
-export interface IAgentStatus {
- WS_connected: boolean;
-export class XDSAgentService {
- public XdsConfig$: Observable<IXDSConfig>;
- public Status$: Observable<IAgentStatus>;
- public ProjectState$ = <Subject<IXDSProjectConfig>>new Subject();
- public CmdOutput$ = <Subject<ICmdOutput>>new Subject();
- public CmdExit$ = <Subject<ICmdExit>>new Subject();
- private baseUrl: string;
- private wsUrl: string;
- private _config = <IXDSConfig>{ servers: [] };
- private _status = { WS_connected: false };
- private configSubject = <BehaviorSubject<IXDSConfig>>new BehaviorSubject(this._config);
- private statusSubject = <BehaviorSubject<IAgentStatus>>new BehaviorSubject(this._status);
- private socket: SocketIOClient.Socket;
- constructor( @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: Document,
- private http: HttpClient, private alert: AlertService) {
- this.XdsConfig$ = this.configSubject.asObservable();
- this.Status$ = this.statusSubject.asObservable();
- const originUrl = this.document.location.origin;
- this.baseUrl = originUrl + '/api/v1';
- const re = originUrl.match(/http[s]?:\/\/([^\/]*)[\/]?/);
- if (re === null || re.length < 2) {
- console.error('ERROR: cannot determine Websocket url');
- } else {
- this.wsUrl = 'ws://' + re[1];
- this._handleIoSocket();
- this._RegisterEvents();
- }
- }
- private _WSState(sts: boolean) {
- this._status.WS_connected = sts;
- this.statusSubject.next(Object.assign({}, this._status));
- // Update XDS config including XDS Server list when connected
- if (sts) {
- this.getConfig().subscribe(c => {
- this._config = c;
- this.configSubject.next(
- Object.assign({ servers: [] }, this._config)
- );
- });
- }
- }
- private _handleIoSocket() {
- this.socket = io(this.wsUrl, { transports: ['websocket'] });
- this.socket.on('connect_error', (res) => {
- this._WSState(false);
- console.error('XDS Agent WebSocket Connection error !');
- });
- this.socket.on('connect', (res) => {
- this._WSState(true);
- });
- this.socket.on('disconnection', (res) => {
- this._WSState(false);
- this.alert.error('WS disconnection: ' + res);
- });
- this.socket.on('error', (err) => {
- console.error('WS error:', err);
- });
- this.socket.on('make:output', data => {
- this.CmdOutput$.next(Object.assign({}, <ICmdOutput>data));
- });
- this.socket.on('make:exit', data => {
- this.CmdExit$.next(Object.assign({}, <ICmdExit>data));
- });
- this.socket.on('exec:output', data => {
- this.CmdOutput$.next(Object.assign({}, <ICmdOutput>data));
- });
- this.socket.on('exec:exit', data => {
- this.CmdExit$.next(Object.assign({}, <ICmdExit>data));
- });
- // Events
- // (project-add and project-delete events are managed by project.service)
- this.socket.on('event:server-config', ev => {
- if (ev && ev.data) {
- const cfg: IXDServerCfg = ev.data;
- const idx = this._config.servers.findIndex(el => el.id === cfg.id);
- if (idx >= 0) {
- this._config.servers[idx] = Object.assign({}, cfg);
- }
- this.configSubject.next(Object.assign({}, this._config));
- }
- });
- this.socket.on('event:project-state-change', ev => {
- if (ev && ev.data) {
- this.ProjectState$.next(Object.assign({}, ev.data));
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- ** Events
- ***/
- addEventListener(ev: string, fn: Function): SocketIOClient.Emitter {
- return this.socket.addEventListener(ev, fn);
- }
- /**
- ** Misc / Version
- ***/
- getVersion(): Observable<IXDSVersions> {
- return this._get('/version');
- }
- /***
- ** Config
- ***/
- getConfig(): Observable<IXDSConfig> {
- return this._get('/config');
- }
- setConfig(cfg: IXDSConfig): Observable<IXDSConfig> {
- return this._post('/config', cfg);
- }
- setServerRetry(serverID: string, r: number) {
- const svr = this._getServer(serverID);
- if (!svr) {
- return Observable.of([]);
- }
- svr.connRetry = r;
- this.setConfig(this._config).subscribe(
- newCfg => {
- this._config = newCfg;
- this.configSubject.next(Object.assign({}, this._config));
- },
- err => {
- this.alert.error(err);
- }
- );
- }
- setServerUrl(serverID: string, url: string) {
- const svr = this._getServer(serverID);
- if (!svr) {
- return Observable.of([]);
- }
- svr.url = url;
- this.setConfig(this._config).subscribe(
- newCfg => {
- this._config = newCfg;
- this.configSubject.next(Object.assign({}, this._config));
- },
- err => {
- this.alert.error(err);
- }
- );
- }
- /***
- ** SDKs
- ***/
- getSdks(serverID: string): Observable<ISdk[]> {
- const svr = this._getServer(serverID);
- if (!svr || !svr.connected) {
- return Observable.of([]);
- }
- return this._get(svr.partialUrl + '/sdks');
- }
- /***
- ** Projects
- ***/
- getProjects(): Observable<IXDSProjectConfig[]> {
- return this._get('/projects');
- }
- addProject(cfg: IXDSProjectConfig): Observable<IXDSProjectConfig> {
- return this._post('/projects', cfg);
- }
- deleteProject(id: string): Observable<IXDSProjectConfig> {
- return this._delete('/projects/' + id);
- }
- syncProject(id: string): Observable<string> {
- return this._post('/projects/sync/' + id, {});
- }
- /***
- ** Exec
- ***/
- exec(prjID: string, dir: string, cmd: string, sdkid?: string, args?: string[], env?: string[]): Observable<any> {
- return this._post('/exec',
- {
- id: prjID,
- rpath: dir,
- cmd: cmd,
- sdkID: sdkid || '',
- args: args || [],
- env: env || [],
- });
- }
- /**
- ** Private functions
- ***/
- private _RegisterEvents() {
- // Register to all existing events
- this._post('/events/register', { 'name': 'event:all' })
- .subscribe(
- res => { },
- error => {
- this.alert.error('ERROR while registering to all events: ' + error);
- }
- );
- }
- private _getServer(ID: string): IXDServerCfg {
- const svr = this._config.servers.filter(item => item.id === ID);
- if (svr.length < 1) {
- return null;
- }
- return svr[0];
- }
- private _attachAuthHeaders(options?: any) {
- options = options || {};
- const headers = options.headers || new HttpHeaders();
- // headers.append('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa('username:password'));
- headers.append('Accept', 'application/json');
- headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
- // headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
- options.headers = headers;
- return options;
- }
- private _get(url: string): Observable<any> {
- return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + url, this._attachAuthHeaders())
- .catch(this._decodeError);
- }
- private _post(url: string, body: any): Observable<any> {
- return this.http.post(this.baseUrl + url, JSON.stringify(body), this._attachAuthHeaders())
- .catch((error) => {
- return this._decodeError(error);
- });
- }
- private _delete(url: string): Observable<any> {
- return this.http.delete(this.baseUrl + url, this._attachAuthHeaders())
- .catch(this._decodeError);
- }
- private _decodeError(err: any) {
- let e: string;
- if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
- e = (err.error && err.error.error) ? err.error.error : err.message || 'Unknown error';
- } else if (typeof err === 'object') {
- if (err.statusText) {
- e = err.statusText;
- } else if (err.error) {
- e = String(err.error);
- } else {
- e = JSON.stringify(err);
- }
- } else {
- e = err.message ? err.message : err.toString();
- }
- console.log('xdsagent.service - ERROR: ', e);
- return Observable.throw(e);
- }