path: root/docs/part-2/1_xds-server.md
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authorSebastien Douheret <sebastien.douheret@iot.bzh>2017-09-20 10:24:51 +0200
committerSebastien Douheret <sebastien.douheret@iot.bzh>2017-09-20 10:24:51 +0200
commit8f9934b438a145d9d84beec0153c431996697507 (patch)
treea404cd97adc67fe0c44f6a26c85f202a258352ad /docs/part-2/1_xds-server.md
Initial commit
Signed-off-by: Sebastien Douheret <sebastien.douheret@iot.bzh>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/part-2/1_xds-server.md')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/part-2/1_xds-server.md b/docs/part-2/1_xds-server.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4ae63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/part-2/1_xds-server.md
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+# XDS - X(cross) Development System Server
+`xds-server` is a web server that allows user to remotely cross build applications.
+The first goal is to provide a multi-platform cross development tool with
+near-zero installation.
+The second goal is to keep application sources locally (on user's machine) to
+make it compatible with existing IT policies (e.g. corporate backup or SCM),
+and let user to continue to work as usual (use his favorite editor,
+keep performance while editing/browsing sources).
+This powerful and portable webserver (written in [Go](https://golang.org))
+exposes a REST interface over HTTP and also provides a Web dashboard to configure projects and execute _(for now)_ only basics commands.
+`xds-server` uses [Syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) tool to synchronize
+projects files from user machine to build server machine or container.
+> **NOTE**: For now, only Syncthing sharing method is supported to synchronize
+projects files. But in a near future and for restricted configurations, `xds-server`
+will also support "standard" folder sharing (eg. nfs mount points or docker
+> **SEE ALSO**: [xds-exec](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-exec),
+wrappers on `exec` commands that allows you to send commands to `xds-server`
+and for example build your application from command-line or from your favorite
+IDE (such as Netbeans or Visual Studio Code) through `xds-server`.
+## How to run
+`xds-server` has been designed to easily compile and debug
+[AGL](https://www.automotivelinux.org/) applications. That's why `xds-server` has
+been integrated into AGL SDK docker container.
+>**NOTE** For more info about AGL SDK docker container, please refer to
+[AGL SDK Quick Setup](http://docs.automotivelinux.org/docs/getting_started/en/dev/reference/setup-sdk-environment.html)
+### Get the container
+Load the pre-build AGL SDK docker image including `xds-server`:
+seb@laptop ~$ wget -O - http://iot.bzh/download/public/2017/XDS/docker/docker_agl_worker-xds-latest.tar.xz | docker load
+### List container
+You should get `docker.automotivelinux.org/agl/worker-xds:X.Y` image
+# List image that we just built
+seb@laptop ~$ docker images | grep worker-xds
+docker.automotivelinux.org/agl/worker-xds 3.99.1 786d65b2792c 6 days ago 602MB
+### Start xds-server within the container
+Use provided script to create a new docker image and start a new container:
+# Get script
+seb@laptop ~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iotbzh/xds-server/master/scripts/xds-docker-create-container.sh
+# Create new XDS worker container
+seb@laptop ~$ bash ./xds-docker-create-container.sh
+# Check that new container is running
+seb@laptop ~$ docker ps | grep worker-xds
+b985d81af40c docker.automotivelinux.org/agl/worker-xds:3.99.1 "/usr/bin/wait_for..." 6 days ago Up 4 hours>8000/tcp,>69/udp,>10809/tcp,>22/tcp agl-xds-seb@laptop-0-seb
+This container (ID=0) exposes following ports:
+- 8000 : `xds-server` to serve XDS Dashboard
+- 69 : TFTP
+- 2222 : ssh
+#### Manually setup docker user id
+If you plan to **use path-mapping sharing type for your projects**, you need to have the same user id and group id inside and outside docker. By default user and group name inside docker is set `devel` (id `1664`), use following commands to replace id `1664` with your user/group id:
+# Set docker container name to use (usually agl-xds-xxx where xxx is USERNAME@MACHINENAME-IDX-NAME)
+seb@laptop ~$ export CONTAINER_NAME=agl-xds-seb@laptop-0-seb
+# First stop xds-server
+seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "systemctl stop xds-server"
+# Change user and group id inside docker to match your ids
+seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "usermod -u $(id -u) devel"
+seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "groupmod -g $(id -g) devel"
+# Update some files ownership
+seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "chown -R devel:devel /home/devel /tmp/xds*"
+# Restart xds-server
+seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "systemctl start xds-server"
+## Check if xds-server is running (open XDS Dashboard)
+**`xds-server` is automatically started** as a service on container startup.
+If the container is running on your localhost, you can access the web interface (what we call the "Dashboard"):
+seb@laptop ~$ xdg-open http://localhost:8000
+If needed you can status / stop / start it manually using following commands:
+# Log into docker container
+seb@laptop ~$ ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost
+# Status XDS server:
+devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl status xds-server.service
+# Stop XDS server
+devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl stop xds-server.service
+# Start XDS server
+devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl start xds-server.service
+# Get XDS server logs
+devel@docker ~$ sudo journalctl --unit=xds-server.service --output=cat
+### Manually Start XDS server
+XDS server is started as a service by Systemd.
+This Systemd service starts a bash script `/opt/AGL/xds/server/xds-server-start.sh`
+If you needed you can change default setting by defining specific environment
+variables in `/etc/default/xds-server`.
+For example to control log level, just set LOG_LEVEL env variable knowing that
+supported *level* are: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug.
+seb@laptop ~$ ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost
+devel@docker ~$ echo 'LOG_LEVEL=debug' | sudo tee --append /etc/default/xds-server > /dev/null
+devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl restart xds-server.service
+devel@docker ~$ tail -f /tmp/xds-server/logs/xds-server.log
+### Install SDK cross-toolchain
+`xds-server` uses SDK cross-toolchain installed into directory pointed by
+`sdkRootDir` setting (see configuration section below for more details).
+For now, you need to install manually SDK cross toolchain. There are not embedded
+into docker image by default because the size of these tarballs is too big.
+Use provided `install-agl-sdks` script, for example to install SDK for ARM64 and
+Intel corei7-64:
+seb@laptop ~$ ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost
+# Install ARM64 SDK (automatic download)
+devel@docker ~$ sudo /opt/AGL/xds/server/xds-utils/install-agl-sdks.sh --arch aarch64
+# Install Intel corei7-64 SDK (using an SDK tarball that has been built or downloaded manually)
+devel@docker ~$ sudo /opt/AGL/xds/server/xds-utils/install-agl-sdks.sh --arch corei7-64 --file /tmp/poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-corei7-64-toolchain-
+### XDS Dashboard
+`xds-server` serves a web-application at [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000)
+when XDS server is running on your host. Just replace `localhost` by the host
+name or ip when XDS server is running on another host. So you can now connect
+your browser to this url and use what we call the **XDS dashboard**.
+xdg-open http://localhost:8000
+Then follow instructions provided by this dashboard, knowing that the first time
+you need to download and start `xds-agent` on your local machine.
+To download this tool, just click on download icon in dashboard configuration
+page or download one of `xds-agent` released tarball: [https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent/releases](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent/releases).
+See also `xds-agent` [README file](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent) for more details.
+## Build xds-server from scratch
+### Dependencies
+- Install and setup [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) version 1.7 or
+higher to compile this tool.
+- Install [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/)
+- Install [gulp](http://gulpjs.com/)
+ sudo apt-get install golang npm curl git zip
+ sudo npm install -g gulp-cli
+ sudo zypper install go npm git curl zip
+ sudo npm install -g gulp-cli
+Don't forget to open new user session after installing the packages.
+### Building
+#### Native build
+Create a GOPATH variable(must be a full path):
+ export GOPATH=$(realpath ~/workspace_go)
+Clone this repo into your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh` and use delivered Makefile:
+ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh
+ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh
+ git clone https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-server.git
+ cd xds-server
+ make all
+And to install `xds-server` (by default in `/opt/AGL/xds/server`):
+ make install
+>**NOTE:** Used `DESTDIR` to specify another install directory
+>make install DESTDIR=$HOME/opt/xds-server
+#### XDS docker image
+As an alternative to a pre-build image, you can rebuild the container from scratch.
+`xds-server` has been integrated as a flavour of AGL SDK docker image.
+So to rebuild docker image just execute following commands:
+# Clone docker-worker-generator git repo
+git clone https://git.automotivelinux.org/AGL/docker-worker-generator
+# Start build that will create a docker image
+cd docker-worker-generator
+make build FLAVOUR=xds
+### Configuration
+`xds-server` configuration is driven by a JSON config file (`config.json`).
+Here is the logic to determine which `config.json` file will be used:
+1. from command line option: `--config myConfig.json`
+1. `$HOME/.xds-server/config.json` file
+1. `/etc/xds-server/config.json` file
+1. `<xds-server executable dir>/config.json` file
+Supported fields in configuration file are (all fields are optional and example
+below corresponds to the default values):
+- **httpPort** : HTTP port of client webapp / dashboard
+- **webAppDir** : location of client dashboard (default: webapp/dist)
+- **shareRootDir** : root directory where projects will be copied
+- **logsDir** : directory to store logs (eg. syncthing output)
+- **sdkRootDir** : root directory where cross SDKs are installed
+- **syncthing.binDir** : syncthing binaries directory (default: executable directory)
+- **syncthing.home"** : syncthing home directory (usually .../syncthing-config)
+- **syncthing.gui-address** : syncthing gui url (default http://localhost:8384)
+- **syncthing.gui-apikey** : syncthing api-key to use (default auto-generated)
+ "httpPort": 8000,
+ "webAppDir": "webapp/dist",
+ "shareRootDir": "${HOME}/.xds-server/projects",
+ "logsDir": "/tmp/logs",
+ "sdkRootDir": "/xdt/sdk",
+ "syncthing": {
+ "binDir": "./bin",
+ "home": "${HOME}/.xds-server/syncthing-config",
+ "gui-address": "http://localhost:8384",
+ "gui-apikey": "123456789",
+ }
+>**NOTE:** environment variables are supported by using `${MY_VAR}` syntax.
+## Debugging
+### XDS server architecture
+The server part is written in *Go* and web app / dashboard (client part) in
++-- bin/ where xds-server binary file will be built
++-- agent-config.json.in example of config.json file
++-- glide.yaml Go package dependency file
++-- lib/ sources of server part (Go)
++-- main.go main entry point of of Web server (Go)
++-- Makefile makefile including
++-- README.md this readme
++-- scripts/ hold various scripts used for installation or startup
++-- tools/ temporary directory to hold development tools (like glide)
++-- vendor/ temporary directory to hold Go dependencies packages
++-- webapp/ source client dashboard (Angular2 app)
+Visual Studio Code launcher settings can be found into `.vscode/launch.json`.