path: root/doc/doc.css
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-06-24improves doc for new usagesJosé Bollo1<
XDS Dashboard

This is the web application dashboard for Cross Development System.

## 1. Prerequisites

*nodejs* must be installed on your system and the below global node packages must be installed:

> sudo npm install -g gulp-cli

## 2. Installing dependencies

Install dependencies by running the following command:

> npm install

`node_modules` and `typings` directories will be created during the install.

## 3. Building the project

Build the project by running the following command:

> npm run clean & npm run build

`dist` directory will be created during the build

## 4. Starting the application

Start the application by running the following command:

> npm start

The application will be displayed in the browser.


- Upgrade to angular 2.4.9 or 2.4.10 AND rxjs 5.2.0
- Complete README + package.json
- Add prod mode and use update gulpfile tslint: "./tslint/prod.json"
- Generate a bundle minified file, using systemjs-builder or find a better way
- Add SASS support