path: root/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common
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Diffstat (limited to 'hal/positioning_hal/src/Common')
2 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common/positioning_common.cpp b/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common/positioning_common.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00b3a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common/positioning_common.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+* @file positioning_common.cpp
+// Include files
+#include "positioning_common.h"
+#include "MDev_Gps_Common.h"
+#include "MDev_GpsRecv.h"
+#include "LineSensDrv_Thread.h"
+// Value define
+#define DATMOD_RETRY (3) /* Number of shared memory generation retries */
+#define DATMOD_PREINIT (0) /* Shared Memory State [Before initialization] */
+#define PRIM_NAME_MAX (32) /* Maximum Name Size */
+#define VEHICLE_SHARE_NAME ("POS_VEHICLE_SHARE_MEMORY") /* Shared memory name */
+/* Mask for managing various notification reception conditions */
+#define NTFY_MSK_NONE (0x00)
+/* Service availability notification */
+/* Other Notices */
+#define NTFY_MSK_PS_PSMSHADOW_INIT_COMP (0x01) /* PSMShadow startup completion notice */
+#define NTFY_MSK_PS_LANSERVER_DEVICE_UPDATE (0x02) /* LanServer device configuration change notification */
+#define NTFY_MSK_PS_LANSERVER_WAKEUP_COMP (0x04) /* LanServer start completion notice */
+/* Thread state */
+#define THREAD_STS_NOEXIST (0x00)
+#define THREAD_STS_CREATING (0x01)
+#define THREAD_STS_CREATED (0x02)
+typedef struct StThreadInfo {
+ EnumTID_POS e_id; /**< Thread ID */
+ const int8_t* p_name; /**< Thread name */
+ PNO p_no; /**< Process number */
+ CbFuncPtr cb_routine; /**< Start routine */
+ uint8_t msk_available; /**< Dependent services Availability */
+ uint8_t msk_ntfy; /**< Dependent notification */
+ uint8_t msk_thread; /**< Dependent threads */
+ BOOL b_is_depended; /**< Positioning/Availability->TRUE change dependency */
+ uint8_t uc_status; /**< Thread activation state */
+ uint8_t uc_order; /**< Boot Sequence(Performance) */
+ uint8_t u_reserve[2];
+typedef struct {
+ char share_data_name[PRIM_NAME_MAX]; /**< Shared data name */
+ u_int32 data_size; /**< Shared data size */
+static const int8_t kThreadNamePosMain[15] = "POS_Main";
+static const int8_t kThreadNamePosSens[15] = "POS_Sens";
+static const int8_t kThreadNamePosGps[15] = "POS_Gps";
+static const int8_t kThreadNamePosGpsRecv[15] = "POS_Gps_Recv";
+static const int8_t kThreadNamePosGpsRollover[15] = "POS_Gps_Rolovr";
+static ST_THREAD_CREATE_INFO g_pos_thread_create_info[] = {
+ { /* POS_Main */
+ ETID_POS_MAIN, /* (1) */
+ NULL, /* (2) */
+ 0, /* (3) */
+ NULL, /* (4) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (5) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (6) */
+ 0, /* (7) */
+ FALSE, /* (8) */
+ 0 /* (10) */
+ },
+ { /* POS_sens */
+ ETID_POS_SENS, /* (1) */
+ kThreadNamePosSens, /* (2) */
+ PNO_LINE_SENS_DRV, /* (3) */
+ &LineSensDrvThread, /* (4) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (5) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (6) */
+ 0, /* (7) */
+ FALSE, /* (8) */
+ 0 /* (10) */
+ },
+ { /* POS_Gps */
+ ETID_POS_GPS, /* (1) */
+ kThreadNamePosGps, /* (2) */
+ PNO_NAVI_GPS_MAIN, /* (3) */
+ &DevGpsMainThread, /* (4) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (5) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (6) */
+ 0, /* (7) */
+ TRUE, /* (8) */
+ 0 /* (10) */
+ },
+ { /* POS_Gps_Recv */
+ ETID_POS_GPS_RECV, /* (1) */
+ kThreadNamePosGpsRecv, /* (2) */
+ PNO_NAVI_GPS_RCV, /* (3) */
+ &DevGpsRecvThread, /* (4) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (5) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (6) */
+ FALSE, /* (8) */
+ 0 /* (10) */
+ },
+ { /* POS_Gps_Rolovr */
+ NULL, /* (2) */
+ 0, /* (3) */
+ NULL, /* (4) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (5) */
+ (NTFY_MSK_NONE), /* (6) */
+ 0, /* (7) */
+ FALSE, /* (8) */
+ 0 /* (10) */
+ },
+ { /* Termination */
+ ETID_POS_MAX, /* (1) */
+ NULL, /* (2) */
+ 0, /* (3) */
+ NULL, /* (4) */
+ NTFY_MSK_NONE, /* (5) */
+ NTFY_MSK_NONE, /* (6) */
+ 0, /* (7) */
+ FALSE, /* (8) */
+ 0 /* (10) */
+ },
+static ST_SHAREDATA g_sharedata_tbl[] = {
+ /* Shared data name to be generated, Shared data size */
+ { {VEHICLE_SHARE_NAME}, 512 * 11 }, /* Vehicle sensor information acquisition */
+#if 0 /* Not used in _CWORD71_ below */
+ { {"SENSOR_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 512 * 11 }, /* Vehicle sensor information Pkg acquisition */
+ { {"GPS_INT_SIGNAL_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 4 }, /* GPS interrupt signal acquisition */
+ { {"LOG_SETTING_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 36 }, /* DR feature log acquisition */
+ { {"GYRO_CONNECT_STTS_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 4 }, /* Gyro connection status acquisition */
+ { {"EPHEMERIS_NUM_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 4 }, /* Effective ephemeris count acquisition at shutdown */
+ { {"LOCALTIME_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 12 }, /* Local time acquisition at shutdown */
+ { {"LONLAT_SHARE_MEMORY"}, 8 }, /* Location acquisition at shutdown */
+ { {(int8)NULL}, 0 } /* Termination */
+// Functions
+static EFrameworkunifiedStatus PosStopThreadDummy(HANDLE h_app) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+static uint32_t PosGetMsg(HANDLE h_app, void** p_buf, uint32_t ul_size) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus e_status = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ uint32_t tmp_size = 0;
+ void* p_rev_buf = NULL;
+ if ((h_app == NULL) || (p_buf == NULL)) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("Argument ERROR!! [h_app = %p, pBuf = %p]", h_app , p_buf);
+ } else {
+ /* Check the size of received data */
+ tmp_size = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(h_app);
+ if (tmp_size > ul_size) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("Message ul_size ERROR!! [tmp_size = %d, maxsize = %d]", tmp_size, ul_size);
+ tmp_size = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* Obtain data */
+ e_status = FrameworkunifiedGetDataPointer(h_app, &p_rev_buf);
+ if (e_status == eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK) {
+ *p_buf = p_rev_buf;
+ } else if (e_status == eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldBufSize) {
+ e_status = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(h_app, *p_buf, tmp_size);
+ if (e_status != eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize ERROR [e_status:%d]", e_status);
+ tmp_size = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("FrameworkunifiedGetDataPointer ERROR [e_status:%d]", e_status);
+ tmp_size = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp_size;
+static void PosCreateSharedMemory(void) {
+ RET_API ret_api = RET_NORMAL;
+ void *mod_exec_dmy; /* Module data pointer(dummy) */
+ int retry; /* Retry counter */
+ ST_SHAREDATA *p_shm_tbl;
+ /* Configure Shared Data Generating Tables */
+ p_shm_tbl = g_sharedata_tbl;
+ while (*(p_shm_tbl->share_data_name) != (int8)NULL) {
+ for (retry = 0; retry < DATMOD_RETRY; retry++) {
+ /* Shared Memory Generation */
+ ret_api = _pb_CreateShareData(p_shm_tbl->share_data_name, p_shm_tbl->data_size, &mod_exec_dmy);
+ if (ret_api == RET_NORMAL) {
+ /* Set the shared memory status flag to "Before initialization (0)" */
+ *reinterpret_cast<u_int32 *>(mod_exec_dmy) = DATMOD_PREINIT;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* Error Handling */
+ POSITIONING_LOG("_pb_CreateShareData ERROR [ret_api:%d]", ret_api);
+ }
+ }
+ if (retry >= DATMOD_RETRY) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("_pb_CreateShareData failed more %d times.", DATMOD_RETRY);
+ _pb_Exit();
+ /* don't arrive here. */
+ }
+ /* Next shared memory generation */
+ p_shm_tbl++;
+ }
+ return;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus PosInitialize(HANDLE h_app) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus e_status = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ RET_API ret_api;
+ ret_api = _pb_Setup_CWORD64_API(h_app);
+ if (ret_api != RET_NORMAL) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API ERROR!! [ret_api = %d]", ret_api);
+ e_status = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ PosCreateSharedMemory();
+ }
+ return e_status;
+ * @brief
+ * Common processing after thread startup
+ *
+ * Thread naming, message queue creation, thread startup response
+ *
+ * @param[in] h_app Application handle
+ * @param[in] eTid Thread ID
+ *
+ * @return Thread startup mode
+ */
+EnumSetupMode_POS PosSetupThread(HANDLE h_app, EnumTID_POS e_tid) {
+ ST_THREAD_CREATE_INFO* p_thread_info = g_pos_thread_create_info;
+ ST_THREAD_CREATE_INFO* p_info = p_thread_info + e_tid;
+ ST_THREAD_SETUP_INFO st_setup_info;
+ ST_THREAD_SETUP_INFO* pst_setup_info = &st_setup_info;
+ /* Application handle setting */
+ _pb_SetAppHandle(h_app);
+ /* Create Message Queue */
+ _pb_CreateMsg(p_info->p_no);
+ /* Get thread startup information */
+ pst_setup_info->mode = EPOS_SETUP_MODE_NORMAL;
+ (void)PosGetMsg(h_app, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pst_setup_info), sizeof(ST_THREAD_SETUP_INFO));
+ POSITIONING_LOG("[mode = %d]", pst_setup_info->mode);
+ /* Issue thread creation completion notice */
+ ret = _pb_SndMsg_Ext(POS_THREAD_NAME,
+ sizeof(EnumTID_POS),
+ reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&e_tid),
+ 0);
+ if (ret != RET_NORMAL) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("_pb_SndMsg_Ext ERROR!! [ret = %d]", ret);
+ }
+ return pst_setup_info->mode;
+ * @brief
+ * Common processing at thread stop
+ *
+ * Thread stop response, thread destruction
+ *
+ * @param[in] e_tid Thread ID
+ */
+void PosTeardownThread(EnumTID_POS e_tid) {
+ ST_THREAD_CREATE_INFO* p_thread_info = g_pos_thread_create_info;
+ (p_thread_info + e_tid)->uc_status = THREAD_STS_NOEXIST;
+ /* Issue thread stop completion notice */
+ e_ret = _pb_SndMsg_Ext(POS_THREAD_NAME,
+ sizeof(EnumTID_POS),
+ reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&e_tid),
+ 0);
+ if (e_ret != RET_NORMAL) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("_pb_SndMsg_Ext ERROR!! [e_ret = %d]", e_ret);
+ }
+ /* Thread destruction */
+ _pb_ExitThread((DWORD)0);
+ return;
+ * @brief
+ * Positioning in-process thread creation
+ *
+ * @param[in] hApp Application handle
+ */
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus PosCreateThread(HANDLE h_app, int8_t index) {
+ HANDLE thread_handle;
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus e_status = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ ST_THREAD_CREATE_INFO* p_thread_info = g_pos_thread_create_info;
+ p_thread_info += index;
+ static EnumSetupMode_POS g_setup_mode;
+ if (NULL == h_app) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ if (index < ETID_POS_MAX) {
+ if ((p_thread_info->uc_status == THREAD_STS_NOEXIST) && (p_thread_info->cb_routine != NULL)) {
+ /* Thread creation */
+ thread_handle = FrameworkunifiedCreateChildThread(h_app,
+ (PCSTR)(p_thread_info->p_name),
+ p_thread_info->cb_routine,
+ &PosStopThreadDummy);
+ if (thread_handle == NULL) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("FrameworkunifiedCreateChildThread ERROR!! [tHandle=%p]", thread_handle);
+ } else {
+ e_status = FrameworkunifiedStartChildThread(h_app,
+ thread_handle,
+ sizeof(EnumSetupMode_POS),
+ &g_setup_mode);
+ if (e_status != eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK) {
+ POSITIONING_LOG("FrameworkunifiedStartChildThread ERROR!! [e_status=%d, name=%s]", e_status, p_thread_info->p_name);
+ } else {
+ p_thread_info->uc_status = THREAD_STS_CREATING;
+ POSITIONING_LOG("name=%s\n", p_thread_info->p_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return e_status;
diff --git a/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common/positioning_hal.cpp b/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common/positioning_hal.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94f79c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hal/positioning_hal/src/Common/positioning_hal.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+* @file positioning_hal.cpp
+// Include files
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "positioning_hal.h"
+#include "positioning_def.h"
+#include "positioning_common.h"
+// Functions
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus StartGpsMainThreadPositioning(HANDLE h_app) {
+ return PosCreateThread(h_app, ETID_POS_GPS);
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus StartGpsRecvThreadPositioning(HANDLE h_app) {
+ return PosCreateThread(h_app, ETID_POS_GPS_RECV);
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus StartLineSensorThreadPositioning(HANDLE h_app) {
+ return PosCreateThread(h_app, ETID_POS_SENS);
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus StartGpsRolloverThreadPositioning(HANDLE h_app) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther;