path: root/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 649 deletions
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index e0a749f..0000000
--- a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/// \ingroup tag_NPPService
-/// \brief The file contains definition of CBinaryAccesser class.
-/// This class stores data in a file in binary format.
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef AGL_STUB
-#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <string>
-#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
-#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
-#include "ns_npp_binary_accesser.h"
-#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
-#include "ns_npp_persistent_accesser.h"
-struct PersistFileHeder {
- char check_code[4];
- unsigned int crc;
-/// CBinaryAccesser
-/// Constructor of CBinaryAccesser class
-CBinaryAccesser::CBinaryAccesser() {
- m_uiCurStrOffset = 0;
- m_uiCurStrSize = 0;
-/// ~CBinaryAccesser
-/// Destructor of CBinaryAccesser class
-CBinaryAccesser::~CBinaryAccesser() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
-/// PersistData
-/// Persist data in persistent memory in a file in binary format.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::PersistData(std::string f_cmemfilepath,
- Persistent_Notification_List_Type *f_vdata,
- EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_epersistenttype,
- EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- int l_OutFd;
- if (NULL != f_vdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
- // Open global file in write mode.
- if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == OpenFileForWriting(&l_OutFd, f_cmemfilepath))) {
- Persistent_Notification_List_Iterator l_itNotificationList = f_vdata->begin();
- // Iterate through a vector f_vdata
- for (; l_itNotificationList != f_vdata->end(); l_itNotificationList++) {
- if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == (*l_itNotificationList)->m_ePersistentType) {
- if (f_epersistcategory == (*l_itNotificationList)->m_ePersistCategory) {
- // write header and data
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != WriteHeaderAndData((*l_itNotificationList),
- (*l_itNotificationList)->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage,
- l_OutFd)) {
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // write header and data
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != WriteHeaderAndData((*l_itNotificationList),
- (*l_itNotificationList)->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage,
- l_OutFd)) {
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != WriteFileHeaderAndDuplicate(l_OutFd, f_cmemfilepath)) {
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO3, __FUNCTION__, "Bytes written in NAND memory, %ld, file=%s",
- static_cast<long int>(m_uiCurStrOffset - sizeof(PersistFileHeder)), f_cmemfilepath.c_str()); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
- }
- close(l_OutFd);
- } else {
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file %s", f_cmemfilepath.c_str());
- }
- }
- return l_estatus;
-/// RetrieveData
-/// Retrieve data in persistent memory in a file in binary format.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::RetrieveData(std::string f_cmemfilepath,
- Persistent_Notification_List_Type *&f_vdata,
- EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- int l_InFd;
- if (NULL != f_vdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
- if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = OpenFileForReading(&l_InFd, f_cmemfilepath)))) {
- l_estatus = FillNotificationList(l_InFd, f_vdata, f_epersistcategory);
- close(l_InFd);
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file %s, status=%d", f_cmemfilepath.c_str(), l_estatus);
- }
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
- }
- return l_estatus;
-/// FillNotificationList
-/// This function retrieve the notification data from file and fill it in map.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::FillNotificationList(int f_infd,
- Persistent_Notification_List_Type *&f_vdata,
- EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- if (NULL == f_vdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
- } else {
- while (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
- CPersistDataHeader l_objCPersistDataHeader;
- CHAR *l_pData = NULL;
- // Read header and data.
- l_estatus = ReadHeaderAndData(l_objCPersistDataHeader, l_pData, f_infd);
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
- CNotificationsToPersist *l_objCNotificationsToPersist = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationsToPersist();
- CPersistentData *l_objCPersistentData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData();
- // fill the appropriate values in l_objCNotificationsToPersist
- if ((NULL != l_objCPersistentData) && (NULL != l_objCNotificationsToPersist)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize];
- if (NULL != l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
- std::memcpy(l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage, l_pData, l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize);
- l_objCPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize;
- l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_ePersistentType;
- l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistCategory = f_epersistcategory;
- l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cNotificationName;
- l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_cPublisherName = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cPublisherName;
- l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData = l_objCPersistentData;
- l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiMaxMsgLength;
- f_vdata->push_back(l_objCNotificationsToPersist);
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- std::memset(&l_objCPersistDataHeader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- std::memset(&l_objCPersistDataHeader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
- break;
- }
- } else if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther == l_estatus) {
- // EOF
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- break;
- } else {
- std::memset(&l_objCPersistDataHeader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return l_estatus;
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::OpenFileForReading(int *f_infd,
- std::string f_cfilepath) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- // raw & raw.bak file unlink
- std::string l_cUnlinkPath(f_cfilepath);
- unlink(l_cUnlinkPath.c_str());
- l_cUnlinkPath.append(".bak");
- unlink(l_cUnlinkPath.c_str());
- // add .valid
- std::string l_cValidPath(f_cfilepath);
- l_cValidPath.append(".valid");
- if ((*f_infd = open(l_cValidPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == CheckFileHeader(*f_infd)) {
- struct stat st;
- if (fstat(*f_infd, &st) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
- if (st.st_size == 0) {
- // If original file is 0byte, to confirm bak file
- int bak_fd;
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == OpenBakFileForReading(&bak_fd, l_cValidPath)) {
- close(*f_infd);
- *f_infd = bak_fd;
- }
- }
- }
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- } else {
- close(*f_infd);
- l_estatus = OpenBakFileForReading(f_infd, l_cValidPath);
- }
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "open(%s) fail: %s", l_cValidPath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
- l_estatus = OpenBakFileForReading(f_infd, l_cValidPath);
- }
- return l_estatus;
-/// OpenFileForWriting
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::OpenFileForWriting(int *f_outfd,
- std::string f_cfilepath) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- std::string l_cPath(f_cfilepath);
- size_t l_ifound = l_cPath.rfind("/");
- std::string l_cOutDirPath = l_cPath.substr(0, l_ifound);
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Path for persistence %s ", l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
- // if parent directory path doesn't exists, create it
- if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cOutDirPath)) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s DOESN'T exist, Creating...", l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cOutDirPath))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CreateDirectory always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to create %s ", l_cOutDirPath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: CreateDirectory always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- }
- // add .valid
- std::string l_cValidPath(f_cfilepath);
- l_cValidPath.append(".valid");
- if ((*f_outfd = open(l_cValidPath.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0660)) >= 0) {
- if (lseek(*f_outfd, sizeof(PersistFileHeder), SEEK_SET) == sizeof(PersistFileHeder)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- m_uiCurStrOffset = sizeof(PersistFileHeder);
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: lseek's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno));
- close(*f_outfd);
- *f_outfd = -1;
- }
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "open(%s) fail: %s", l_cValidPath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
- }
- return l_estatus;
-/// WriteHeaderAndData
-/// Write header and data in a file.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::WriteHeaderAndData(CNotificationsToPersist *f_pnotificationstopersist,
- PVOID f_pdata,
- int f_outfd) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- if ((NULL == f_pdata) || (NULL == f_pnotificationstopersist)) {
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
- } else {
- CPersistDataHeader l_objCPersistDataHeader;
-#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
- strlcpy(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cNotificationName, f_pnotificationstopersist->m_cNotificationName.c_str(),
- sizeof(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cNotificationName));
- strlcpy(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cPublisherName, f_pnotificationstopersist->m_cPublisherName.c_str(),
- sizeof(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cPublisherName));
- // size check
- if (UINT32_MAX >= static_cast<size_t>(sizeof(CPersistDataHeader) + l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: the size is not bigger than UINT32_MAX // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiOffset = static_cast<UI_32>(m_uiCurStrOffset + sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize = f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize;
- l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_ePersistentType = f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistentType;
- l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiMaxMsgLength = f_pnotificationstopersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength;
- // write header
- if (write(f_outfd, (PCHAR)&l_objCPersistDataHeader, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader)) == sizeof(CPersistDataHeader)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- // write data
- if (write(f_outfd, (PCHAR)f_pdata, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case
- l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize) == (ssize_t)l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize) {
- // save offset of end of current record's data
- m_uiCurStrOffset += static_cast<UI_32>(sizeof(CPersistDataHeader) + l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize);
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while writing data: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while writing header: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- }
- }
- return l_estatus;
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::ReadHeaderAndData(CPersistDataHeader &f_objcpersistdataheader,
- CHAR *&f_pdata, int f_infd) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- static UI_32 l_uisPrevAllocSz = 0;
- ssize_t l_iRet;
- // read header
- l_iRet = read(f_infd, (PCHAR)&f_objcpersistdataheader, sizeof(f_objcpersistdataheader));
- if (l_iRet != sizeof(f_objcpersistdataheader)) {
- if (l_iRet < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: read's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while reading header: %s", strerror(errno));
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- } else {
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther; // TODO(my_username): set specific error as eNotificationpersistentserviceStatusEOFReadched
- }
- std::memset(&f_objcpersistdataheader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- } else { // read data
- m_uiCurStrOffset += static_cast<UI_32>(sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- if (static_cast<int>(f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize) > 0 &&
- m_uiCurStrOffset + f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize <= m_uiCurStrSize) {
- // if f_pdata has space allocated and if the allocated size less than new size,
- // free and reallocate
- if ((NULL != f_pdata) && (l_uisPrevAllocSz < f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pdata must be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_pdata must be null
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- delete[] f_pdata;
- f_pdata = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL == f_pdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_pdata must be null
- f_pdata = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize];
- } else {
- // memory already allcoated.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- }
- if (NULL != f_pdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pdata can't be null
- l_uisPrevAllocSz = f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize;
- l_iRet = read(f_infd, (PCHAR)f_pdata, f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize);
- if (l_iRet == (ssize_t)f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case
- m_uiCurStrOffset += f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize;
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while reading data: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_pdata can't be null
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem Allocation failure");
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
- }
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invlide data size: %u", f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize);
- std::memset(&f_objcpersistdataheader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
- l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- }
- }
- return l_estatus;
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::WriteFileHeaderAndDuplicate(int f_outfd, std::string f_cfilepath) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- struct stat st;
- if (fstat(f_outfd, &st) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
- if (st.st_size > static_cast<long>(sizeof(PersistFileHeder))) { // NOLINT (runtime/int)
- size_t body_size = static_cast<size_t>(st.st_size - sizeof(PersistFileHeder));
- char *buf = new(std::nothrow) char[body_size];
- if (buf != NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
- if (lseek(f_outfd, sizeof(PersistFileHeder), SEEK_SET) == sizeof(PersistFileHeder)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- if (read(f_outfd, buf, body_size) == static_cast<ssize_t>(body_size)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- PersistFileHeder f_header;
- std::memcpy(&f_header.check_code, NPP_CHECK_CODE, sizeof(f_header.check_code));
- f_header.crc = static_cast<UI_32>(CalcCRC(buf, static_cast<UI_32>(body_size)));
- if (lseek(f_outfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case
- if (write(f_outfd, &f_header, sizeof(f_header)) == sizeof(f_header)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- // file duplicate
- std::string bak_file_path = f_cfilepath;
- bak_file_path.append(".valid.bak");
- int bak_fd = open(bak_file_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0660);
- if (bak_fd >= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case
- if (write(bak_fd, &f_header, sizeof(f_header)) == sizeof(f_header)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- if (write(bak_fd, buf, body_size) != static_cast<ssize_t>(body_size)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "write fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "write fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- close(bak_fd);
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "open fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: open's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "write fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "read fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: read's error case
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case
- }
- delete[] buf;
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem Allocation failure"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: new's error case
- }
- } else {
- // 0byte file through
- eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: fstat's error case
- }
- return eStatus;
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::CheckFileHeader(int f_infd) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- struct stat st;
- if (fstat(f_infd, &st) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
- if (st.st_size > static_cast<long>(sizeof(PersistFileHeder))) { // NOLINT (runtime/int)
- size_t body_size = static_cast<size_t>(st.st_size - sizeof(PersistFileHeder));
- char *buf = new(std::nothrow) char[body_size];
- if (buf != NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
- if (lseek(f_infd, sizeof(PersistFileHeder), SEEK_SET) == sizeof(PersistFileHeder)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- if (read(f_infd, buf, body_size) == static_cast<ssize_t>(body_size)) {
- UI_32 crc32 = static_cast<UI_32>(CalcCRC(buf, static_cast<UI_32>(body_size)));
- PersistFileHeder f_header;
- if (lseek(f_infd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case
- if (read(f_infd, &f_header, sizeof(f_header)) == sizeof(f_header)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- if (std::memcmp(&f_header.check_code, NPP_CHECK_CODE, sizeof(f_header.check_code)) == 0
- && f_header.crc == crc32) {
- m_uiCurStrOffset = sizeof(f_header);
- m_uiCurStrSize = static_cast<UI_32>(st.st_size);
- eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "file header fail: %02x %02x %02x %02x %#x:%#x",
- f_header.check_code[0], f_header.check_code[1],
- f_header.check_code[2], f_header.check_code[3], crc32, f_header.crc);
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "read fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "read fail: %s", strerror(errno));
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case
- }
- delete[] buf;
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem Allocation failure"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: new's error case
- }
- } else {
- // 0byte file through
- eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- }
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: fstat's error case
- }
- return eStatus;
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::OpenBakFileForReading(int *f_infd, std::string f_cfilepath) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- std::string bak_file_path = f_cfilepath;
- bak_file_path.append(".bak");
- *f_infd = open(bak_file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
- if (*f_infd >= 0) {
- struct stat st;
- if (fstat(*f_infd, &st) == 0) {
- // Error if bak file is 0byte
- if (st.st_size > 0) {
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == CheckFileHeader(*f_infd)) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s fail. bak file correct.", f_cfilepath.c_str());
- eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- } else {
- close(*f_infd);
- *f_infd = -1;
- }
- } else {
- close(*f_infd);
- *f_infd = -1;
- }
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat fail: %s", strerror(errno));
- close(*f_infd);
- *f_infd = -1;
- }
- }
- return eStatus;
- * CRC-32C lookup table
- *
- * Polynomial 0x1EDC6F41
- */
-static const UI_32 crc32_lookup[4][256] = { // NOLINT (readability/naming)
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- },
- {
- }
-UI_32 CBinaryAccesser::CalcCRC(PVOID f_pdata, UI_32 f_size) {
- UI_32 crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- const UI_32 *current = (const UI_32 *)f_pdata;
- while (f_size >= 4) {
- UI_32 one = *current++ ^ crc;
- crc = crc32_lookup[0][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] ^
- crc32_lookup[1][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^
- crc32_lookup[2][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^
- crc32_lookup[3][one & 0xFF];
- f_size -= 4;
- }
- const UI_8 *current_char = (const UI_8 *)current;
- while (f_size-- > 0) {
- crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc32_lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *current_char++];
- }
- return ~crc;