path: root/service/system/power_service/server/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'service/system/power_service/server/include')
6 files changed, 1108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power.h b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b1e3de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power.h
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_PowerService
+/// \brief Handles Power Service Business logic
+#include <system_service/ss_power_service.h>
+#include <system_service/ss_power_service_protocol.h>
+#include <system_service/ss_string_maps.h>
+#include <system_service/ss_templates.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_types.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <exception>
+#include "ss_power_session.h"
+#include "ss_power_config.h"
+#include "ss_power_state_machine.h"
+#include "ss_power_powerservicelog.h"
+typedef enum _SS_PSState {
+ // This is not real state, used only to know total states
+ ,
+} SS_PSState;
+typedef struct {
+ std::string m_cmd;
+ UI_64 m_time;
+ std::string m_sender;
+} Ts_cmdHist;
+typedef std::vector<Ts_cmdHist> cmdHist;
+typedef cmdHist::iterator cmdHistIter;
+class Power {
+ public:
+ Power();
+ virtual ~Power();
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus Initialize(HANDLE h_app);
+ static Power & GetInstance();
+ /// Session Request Handlers
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnOpenSession(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnCloseSession(HANDLE h_app);
+ /// Session Response\Ack Handlers
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnWakeUpComplete(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnShutdownComplete(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnPrintConnections(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnPrintStack(HANDLE h_app);
+ /// SSM Handlers
+ /// Supervisor Handlers
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnPowerRequestMsg(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSetPowerState(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSetCommWakeUp(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSetCommSleep(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnShutdownRequestMsg(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnPowerOnOffNotification(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnStartModules(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnShutdownModules(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnHysteresisTimeout(HANDLE h_app);
+ // System Handlers
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSystemLaunchComplete(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSystemShutdownComplete(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnWakeUpTimeout(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnShutdownTimeout(HANDLE h_app);
+ // Get Result query from power test client
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnCurrentPowerStateQuery(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSetVoltageState(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSetCrankState(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSystemModeInfoRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSystemModeInfoResponse(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnInitCompReport(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSystemMgrConnectionEstablished(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // Start Confirmation callback functions
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSendStartupConfirmationRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSendStartupConfirmationResponse(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // User Mode Protocol callback functions
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnUserModeResponse(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // Shutdown Condition Notification Protocol function
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnPublishShutdownPopupRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // Power Popup Notification Protocol function
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnPublishPowerPopupRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // HeartBeat Protocol callback functions
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus On_CWORD56_HeartBeatRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnSM_CWORD56_HeartBeatResponse(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // Hard Reset Protocol callback functions
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnCpuResetRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ //
+ // Remote Data Reset Protocol callback functions
+ //
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnRemoteDataResetRequest(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnRemoteDataResetResponse(HANDLE h_app);
+ cmdHist m__CWORD56_RepHist;
+ cmdHistIter m__CWORD56_RepIter;
+ cmdHist m_PubCmdHist;
+ cmdHistIter m_PubHistIter;
+ cmdHist m_ErrHist;
+ cmdHistIter m_ErrHistIter;
+ cmdHist m_VCmdHist;
+ cmdHistIter m_VHistIter;
+ void SSPowerDebugDump(HANDLE h_app);
+ private:
+#define LOG_POWERSERVICELOG_CNT(caseid, Cnt) \
+#define LOG_POWERSERVICELOG_EVT(caseid, Evt, Data0) \
+ ": FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG_EVT(ZONE_INFO, " #Evt ", " #Data0 ")");
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_eStatus) { \
+ LOG_ERROR(pStr); \
+ SetCmdHist(pStr, m_ErrHist, m_ErrHistIter, GetStr(static_cast<EFrameworkunifiedStatus>(l_eStatus)).c_str()); \
+ } // End of #define LOG_STATUS_IF_ERRORED(l_eStatus,pStr)
+#define SS_PWR_LOG_HIST(cmd, hist, it, sender, l_eStatus) \
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_eStatus) { \
+ SetCmdHist((static_cast< std::string> (cmd)), (static_cast<cmdHist&> (hist)), \
+ (static_cast<cmdHistIter&> (it)), (static_cast< std::string> (sender))); \
+ }
+ //**************************************************************************
+ // Counter Logging enums & typedefs *
+ // *
+ // Counter Event IDs *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ CT_Startup_CanSignal = 0x0114, // *
+ CT_Startup_DiagMsg = 0x0118, // *
+ // *
+ CT_Shutdown_CanSignal = 0x0121, // *
+ CT_Shutdown_Timeout = 0x0124, // *
+ CT_Shutdown_Temperature = 0x0125, // *
+ CT_Shutdown_Error = 0x0126, // *
+ CT_Shutdown_Voltage = 0x0127 // *
+ // *
+ // End of Counter Logging enums & typedefs *
+ //**************************************************************************
+ //**************************************************************************
+ // Event Logging enums & typedefs *
+ // *
+ // Event ID *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ // Startup Event IDs *
+ Ei_StartUp_Cansignal = 0x0101, // *
+ Ei_StartUp_HK_On = 0x0102, // *
+ // 0x0103 not specified // *
+ // 0x0104 not specified // *
+ // 0x0105 System Svcs not responsible// *
+ // 0x0106 not specified // *
+ Ei_StartUp_ActivationLine = 0x0107, // *
+ Ei_StartUp_DiagMsg = 0x0108, // *
+ // *
+ // Shutdown Event IDs *
+ Ei_shutdown_CANsignal = 0x0201, // *
+ Ei_shutdown_HkOFF = 0x0202, // *
+ // 0x0203 not specified // *
+ // 0x0204 not specified // *
+ Ei_shutdown_Temperature = 0x0205, // *
+ Ei_shutdown_NetworkError = 0x0206, // *
+ Ei_shutdown_Voltage = 0x0207 // *
+ // *
+ // Ei_StartUp_CanSignal byte0 Event Detail *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ epseisuedIGNITION = 0x00, // *
+ epseisuedHK_ON = 0x01, // *
+ epseisuedDOOR_MODULES = 0x02, // *
+ // 0x03 not specified // *
+ // 0x04 not specified // *
+ epseisuedPASS = 0x05, // *
+ epseisuedIHTM = 0x06, // *
+ epseisuedMPM = 0x07, // *
+ epseisuedSNA = 0xFF // *
+ //
+ // Ei_StartUp_HkOn
+ typedef enum {
+ epseisuedHK_ON_Key = 0x00
+ //
+ // Ei_StartUp_ActivationLine
+ typedef enum {
+ epseisuedACV_LINE = 0x00
+ // *
+ // Ei_StartUp_DiagMsg byte0 Event Detail *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ epseisuedHU = 0x01, // *
+ epseisuedCAN = 0x02, // *
+ // *
+ // Ei_ShutDown_CanSignal byte0 Event Detail *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ epseisdcsIGN_STATE = 0x00, // *
+ epseisdcsHK_ON = 0x01 // *
+ // *
+ // Ei_ShutDown_Temperature byte0 Event Detail *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ epseisdtempECU_LOW = 0x00, // *
+ epseisdtempECU_HIGH = 0x01, // *
+ // *
+ // Ei_ShutDown_NetworkError byte0 Event Detail *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ epseisdneHMI_CAN = 0x00, // *
+ epseisdneHU_CAN = 0x01 // *
+ // *
+ // Ei_ShutDown_Voltage byte0 Event Detail *
+ typedef enum { // *
+ epseisdnvoltBATTERY_CUT_OFF = 0x00, // *
+ epseisdnvoltLIMP_HOME = 0x01, // *
+ epseisdnvoltUNKNOWN = 0xFF // *
+ // *
+ // End of Event Logging enums & typedefs *
+ //**************************************************************************
+ PowerSessionHandler m_oSessionHandler;
+ PowerConfigParams m_tConfigData;
+ PowerStateMachine m_oStateMachine;
+ UI_32 m_aTimerIDs[15];
+ wakeInfo m_WakeUpData; /// WakeUp data received from SPM
+ SS_PSState m_PowerState;
+ ePowerSrvVoltageStates m_VoltageState;
+ ePowerSrvCrankStates m_CrankState;
+ UI_32 m_MaxShutdownTimeout;
+ std::map<SS_PSState, std::string> m_PPStateStrMap;
+ // Notify Module on Voltage change detected.
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus PublishVoltageStateChange(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus ConstructPwrStateResponse(CHAR *f_MessageResponse);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus AddStateInformationToResponse(CHAR *f_MessageResponse);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus AddVoltageInformationToResponse(CHAR *f_MessageResponse);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus AddCrankInformationToResponse(CHAR *f_MessageResponse);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus RegisterAllCallbacksAndNofitications(HANDLE h_app);
+ VOID SetPowerServiceState(SS_PSState f_NewState);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus ValidateUserModeMessage(HANDLE h_app,
+ EPWR_USER_MODE_TYPE &l_eUserModeState); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ pthread_mutex_t pwr_hist_mutex;
+ void SetCmdHist(std::string cmd,
+ cmdHist &hist, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ cmdHistIter &it, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ std::string sender);
diff --git a/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_config.h b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_config.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09ca70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_PowerService
+/// \brief This file supports power service configuration.
+#include <system_service/ss_system_types.h>
+#include <system_service/ss_templates.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_config_parser_if.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include "ss_power_powerservicelog.h"
+typedef std::list<SS_String> RequiredModuleList;
+typedef RequiredModuleList::iterator RequiredModuleListIter;
+#define SS_PWR__CWORD56__REP_HIST_SIZE (10u)
+#define SS_PWR_PUB_CMD_HIST_SIZE (5u)
+#define SS_PWR_ERR_HIST_SIZE (5u)
+#define SS_PWR_V_HIST_SIZE (10u)
+#define SS_PWR_DEBUG_DUMP_MAX_SIZE (4096u)
+typedef struct _PowerConfigParams { // NOLINT (readability/naming) // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 14:it will be called when poweron
+ typedef struct {
+ SI_32 timeout;
+ struct {
+ BOOL enabled;
+ SI_32 timeout;
+ SI_32 tries;
+ } hysteresis;
+ } PowerOffInfo;
+ SS_String power_logic_plugin;
+ PowerOffInfo lvi1;
+ PowerOffInfo lvi2;
+ PowerOffInfo shutdown;
+ RequiredModuleList wakeup_modules;
+ RequiredModuleList shutdown_modules;
+ RequiredModuleList lvi2_modules;
+} PowerConfigParams;
+class PowerConfiguration {
+ public:
+ // define all the configuration parmeters that will be used to get data
+ static const char * kPowerLogicPlugin;
+ static const char * kLVI1Timeout;
+ static const char * kLVI1HysteresisTimeout;
+ static const char * kLVI1HysteresisEnabled;
+ static const char * kLVI1HysteresisTries;
+ static const char * kLVI2Timeout;
+ static const char * kLVI2HysteresisTimeout;
+ static const char * kLVI2HysteresisEnabled;
+ static const char * kLVI2HysteresisTries;
+ static const char * kShutdownTimeout;
+ static const char * kShutdownHysteresisTimeout;
+ static const char * kShutdownHysteresisEnabled;
+ static const char * kShutdownHysteresisTries;
+ /// < defines the names in the xml file that are used to get required modules names
+ static const char * kRequiredWakeupModules; /// < once all the modules have been wakened up send wake-up complete
+ static const char * kRequiredShutdownModules; /// < once all the modules have been shutdown send shutdown complete
+ static const char * kRequiredLvi2Modules; /// < once all the modules have been wakened up send wake-up complete
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// PowerConfiguration
+ /// \brief Here it is checked whether the new connection is to be connected or not, if yes then whether the old
+ /// connection is to be disconnected or to be paused or to be played simultaneously.
+ ///
+ /// \param [in] f_configFileName Configuration file name.
+ ///
+ /// \return NA
+ ///
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ explicit PowerConfiguration(std::string f_configfilename);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// ~PowerConfiguration
+ /// \brief Here it is checked whether the new connection is to be connected or not, if yes then whether the old
+ /// connection is to be disconnected or to be paused or to be played simultaneously.
+ ///
+ /// \param [in] pRequestingSrc
+ /// Source* - Pointer to the requesting source.
+ ///
+ /// \return bool
+ /// bool - TRUE or FALSE
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ virtual ~PowerConfiguration();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// LoadParameters
+ /// \brief Load module parameters from configuration file.
+ ///
+ /// \param [in] params - Ref to variable which to store the loaded module parameters.
+ ///
+ /// \return bool
+ /// bool - TRUE or FALSE
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ BOOL LoadParameters(PowerConfigParams & params); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// LoadDefaultParameters
+ /// \brief Laod default power services parameters.
+ ///
+ /// \param [in] params - Ref to variable for which to store the default module parameters.
+ ///
+ /// \return none
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void LoadDefaultParameters(PowerConfigParams & params); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// PrintConfigInfo
+ /// \brief Print configuration information.
+ ///
+ /// \param [in] params - Ref to variable containing the configuration parameters to load.params
+ ///
+ /// \return none.
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void PrintConfigInfo(PowerConfigParams & f_params); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ protected:
+ PowerConfiguration(const PowerConfiguration &);
+ PowerConfiguration & operator =(const PowerConfiguration &); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ private:
+ std::string m_ConfigFileName;
diff --git a/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_powerservicelog.h b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_powerservicelog.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d912fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_powerservicelog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_PowerService
+/// \brief This file supports 002 application logging.
+#include <native_service/ns_logger_if.h>
+#define ZONE_MEM ZONEMASK(12)
+#define ZONE_16 ZONEMASK(16)
+#define ZONE_17 ZONEMASK(17)
+#define ZONE_18 ZONEMASK(18)
+#define ZONE_19 ZONEMASK(19)
+#define ZONE_20 ZONEMASK(20)
+#define ZONE_21 ZONEMASK(21)
+#define ZONE_22 ZONEMASK(22)
+#define ZONE_23 ZONEMASK(23)
+#define ZONE_24 ZONEMASK(24)
+#define ZONE_25 ZONEMASK(25)
+#define ZONE_26 ZONEMASK(26)
+#define ZONE_27 ZONEMASK(27)
+#define ZONE_TEXT_10 "Init"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_11 "Function"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_12 "Memory"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_13 "Ipc Function"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_14 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_15 "Power StateMachine"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_16 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_17 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_18 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_19 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_20 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_21 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_22 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_23 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_24 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_25 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_26 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_27 ""
+#define ZONE_TEXT_28 "Ipc Info"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_29 "Info"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_30 "Warning"
+#define ZONE_TEXT_31 "Error"
+#define ZONE_ERR ZONEMASK(31)
+extern const CHAR AppName[]; // NOLINT (readability/naming)
diff --git a/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_session.h b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_session.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..47a4a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_session.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_PowerService
+/// \brief This file supports power service session management.
+#include <system_service/ss_power_service.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_types.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include "ss_power_config.h"
+typedef std::string SubscriberName; // The name of the module that is trying to open a session with Power
+ *
+ */
+class PowerSessionHandler {
+ public:
+ PowerSessionHandler();
+ virtual ~PowerSessionHandler();
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus OpenSesion(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus CloseSession(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus StartComplete(HANDLE h_app);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus StopComplete(HANDLE h_app);
+ VOID Print();
+ // Methods that do the heavy lifting
+ BOOL WakeupComplete(RequiredModuleList & wakeup_modules); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ BOOL ShutdownComplete(RequiredModuleList & shutdown_modules); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus SendToSupervisor(UI_32 cmd, UI_32 length, PVOID data);
+ BOOL AllClientsInGroupStarted(UI_32 f_ungrpid);
+ BOOL ClientPresent(PCSTR f_sclientname);
+ private:
+ struct PwSessionInfo {
+ std::string sz_name;
+ std::string sz_servicename;
+ HANDLE hsession;
+ BOOL frunning;
+ EPWR_SESSION_TYPE esessiontype;
+ UI_32 ui_groupid;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<SubscriberName, PwSessionInfo> PwSessionMap;
+ typedef PwSessionMap::iterator PwSessionIter;
+ PwSessionMap m_mapSessions;
diff --git a/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_state_hysteresis.h b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_state_hysteresis.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c136630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_state_hysteresis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_PowerService
+/// \brief This file supports power service hysteresis management.
+#include "ss_power_config.h"
+class PowerStateHysteresis {
+ public:
+ PowerStateHysteresis()
+ : m_unTries(0) {
+ bzero(&m_tHysteresisInfo, sizeof(m_tHysteresisInfo));
+ }
+ virtual ~PowerStateHysteresis() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: do it when power off
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ m_unTries = 0;
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 14: do it when power off
+ explicit PowerStateHysteresis(PowerConfigParams::PowerOffInfo & info) // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ : m_unTries(0),
+ m_tHysteresisInfo(info) {
+ }
+ void set(PowerConfigParams::PowerOffInfo & info) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ m_tHysteresisInfo = info;
+ }
+ BOOL getEnabled() const {
+ return m_tHysteresisInfo.hysteresis.enabled;
+ }
+ UI_32 getTimeout() const {
+ return m_tHysteresisInfo.hysteresis.timeout;
+ }
+ UI_32 getTries() const {
+ return m_tHysteresisInfo.hysteresis.tries;
+ }
+ void clearTryCounter() {
+ m_unTries = 0;
+ }
+ void bumbTryCounter() {
+ m_unTries++;
+ }
+ BOOL maxTries() const {
+ if (m_unTries < getTries())
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ private:
+ UI_32 m_unTries;
+ PowerConfigParams::PowerOffInfo m_tHysteresisInfo;
diff --git a/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_state_machine.h b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_state_machine.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..086f36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/system/power_service/server/include/ss_power_state_machine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_PowerService
+/// \brief This file supports the power service state machine.
+#include <system_service/ss_power_service.h>
+#include "ss_power_state_hysteresis.h"
+class PowerSessionHandler;
+class PowerStateMachine {
+ class Base_State {
+ public:
+ virtual void onWakeup(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ }
+ virtual void onStartComplete(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ virtual void onLaunchComplete(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onStopComplete(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ virtual void onShutdownComplete(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onSoftwareUpdate(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onHysteresisAborted(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onHysteresisTimeout(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ virtual PCSTR name() = 0;
+ /// State Entry and Exit methods
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: virtual function
+ virtual void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: virtual function
+ };
+ friend class Base_State;
+ class Wakeup : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onWakeup(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onSoftwareUpdate(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ virtual PCSTR name();
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: fist status, no entry
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 8: fist status, no entry
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ }
+ };
+ friend class Wakeup;
+ class WakeupActive : public Wakeup {
+ public:
+ void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ }
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ }
+ };
+ friend class WakeupActive;
+ class WakeupPending : public Wakeup {
+ public:
+ void onWakeup(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onStartComplete(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLaunchComplete(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ }
+ };
+ friend class WakeupPending;
+ class Shutdown : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onWakeup(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ }
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onHysteresisAborted(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onHysteresisTimeout(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class Shutdown;
+ class ShutdownActive : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class ShutdownActive;
+ class LowVoltage1 : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onWakeup(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onHysteresisAborted(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onHysteresisTimeout(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class LowVoltage1;
+ class LowVoltage1Active : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class LowVoltage1Active;
+ class LowVoltage2 : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onWakeup(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onHysteresisAborted(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onHysteresisTimeout(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class LowVoltage2;
+ class LowVoltage2Active : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onNormalVoltageEncountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class LowVoltage2Active;
+ class NormalVoltage : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onSoftwareUpdate(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class NormalVoltage;
+ class SoftwareUpdate : public Base_State {
+ public:
+ void onShutdown(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage1Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onLowVoltage2Encountered(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ void onEntry(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void onExit(PowerStateMachine &u, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ };
+ friend class SoftwareUpdate;
+ public:
+ typedef enum _Power_State_Machine_Events {
+ epsmeWAKEUP = epswsPWRON,
+ epsmeSHUTDOWN = epscnCANSLEEP,
+ epsmeLVI1_ENCOUNTERED = epsvsLVI1,
+ epsmeLVI2_ENCOUNTERED = epsvsLVI2,
+ epsmeSTART_COMPLETE = 0xD1,
+ epsmeSTOP_COMPLETE = 0xD2,
+ epsmeSOFTWARE_UPDATE = 0xE1,
+ } ePowerStateMachineEvents;
+ PowerStateMachine();
+ virtual ~PowerStateMachine();
+ void onEvent(HANDLE h_app, PowerSessionHandler & oSession, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ ePowerStateMachineEvents evt);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus initialize(HANDLE h_app, PowerConfigParams & refConfigParms); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PCSTR name();
+ private:
+ static Wakeup WakeupState;
+ static WakeupActive WakeupActiveState;
+ static WakeupPending WakeupPendingState;
+ static LowVoltage1 LowVoltage1State;
+ static LowVoltage1Active LowVoltage1ActiveState;
+ static LowVoltage2 LowVoltage2State;
+ static LowVoltage2Active LowVoltage2ActiveState;
+ static Shutdown ShutdownState;
+ static ShutdownActive ShutdownActiveState;
+ static NormalVoltage NormalVoltageState;
+ static SoftwareUpdate SoftwareUpdateState;
+ Base_State *m_pCurrentState;
+ Base_State *m_pPreviousState;
+ Base_State *m_pOnHysteresisTimeoutState;
+ PowerStateHysteresis m_oShutdownHysteresis;
+ PowerStateHysteresis m_oLowVoltage1Hysteresis;
+ PowerStateHysteresis m_oLowVoltage2Hysteresis;
+ RequiredModuleList m_lstWakeupModules;
+ RequiredModuleList m_lstShutdownModules;
+ RequiredModuleList m_lstLvi2Modules;
+ HANDLE m_hHysteresisTimer;
+ typedef struct _state_info {
+ } Pwr_StateInfo;
+ Pwr_StateInfo m_tStateInfo;
+ PowerStateMachine(PowerStateMachine&);
+ PowerStateMachine & operator=(PowerStateMachine &);
+ /// Helper methods
+ void NextState(Base_State & refState, HANDLE h_app, // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void GotoStateOnHysteresisTimeout(Base_State & refState); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void startHysteresisTimer(PowerStateHysteresis & hys_info); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void reStartHysteresisTimer(PowerStateHysteresis & hys_info); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void stopHysteresisTimer(PowerStateHysteresis & hys_info); // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ void publishPowerLVIStatus(HANDLE h_app, PCSTR nNotifNm, UI_32 value);
+ void publishPowerLevelType(HANDLE h_app, UI_32 value);
+ void OnVoltage(Base_State * pState, HANDLE h_app,
+ PowerSessionHandler & oSession); // NOLINT (runtime/references)