path: root/systemservice/resource_manager/server/src/resm.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'systemservice/resource_manager/server/src/resm.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2667 deletions
diff --git a/systemservice/resource_manager/server/src/resm.cpp b/systemservice/resource_manager/server/src/resm.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 41caa19..0000000
--- a/systemservice/resource_manager/server/src/resm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2667 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <net/if.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/timerfd.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-// NSFW
-#include <native_service/frameworkunified_dispatcher.h>
-#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
-#include <native_service/ns_version_if.h>
-#include <system_service/ss_services.h>
-#include <native_service/frameworkunified_application.h>
-#include <system_service/ss_system_if.h>
-#include <system_service/ss_version.h>
-#include <native_service/cl_process.h>
-#include <system_service/ss_system_process.h>
-#include <other_service/rpc.h>
-#include "resmgr_srvr.h"
-#include "resm_internal.h"
-#include "resmgr_api.h"
-#include "ss_resm_resourcemanagerlog.h"
-#include "resm_cfg.h"
-#include "proc_watch.h"
-// NSFW
-CFrameworkunifiedVersion g_FrameworkunifiedVersion(MAJORNO, MINORNO, REVISION);
- * Constant definitions
- **********************************************/
-#define Resm_Flag_ID_Base EV_Flag_ID_Base(RESMGR_MID)
-#define RESM_SUB_PRIORITY (0)
-// #define WTC_CPU_INTERVAL (3)
-#define CPULOAD_INVALID (-2)
-#define CPULOAD_READY (-1)
-#define CPULOG_LOGGING (0)
-#define CPULOG_NO_LOGGING (-1)
-#define PROCNET_DEV_FILE "/proc/net/dev"
-#define MEMINFO_FILE "/proc/meminfo"
-#define PROC_STAT_FILE "/proc/stat"
-#define BYTE_TO_KIBIBYTE (1024)
-#define KIBIBYTE_TO_BYTE (1024)
-#define PERF_PNAME_MAX 128 // Max path name of process
-#define PERF_PATH "/usr/bin/perf"
-#define PERF_FILE "/tmp/perf"
-#define PERF_DUMP "/tmp/perf_dump"
-#define PERF_REPORT_DELAY 1 // 1 sec
-#define PERF_REPORT_RETRY 3 // retry 3 times
-#define CPULOAD_NICEVAL 10 // value of nice() to lower priority
-#define DEBUG_INFO_DIRPATH "/tmp/diag_analysis"
-#define DEBUG_INFO_FPATH DEBUG_INFO_DIRPATH"/dispinfo_resource.dbg"
-#define DEBUG_INFO_TMPPATH DEBUG_INFO_DIRPATH"/dispinfo_resource.tmp"
-#define DEBUG_INFO_CMA_MIN (160000) // in KB
-#define DEBUG_INFO_DSP_PG_PATH "/usr/agl/bin/bs_analysis_dispinfo_debug"
-#define DROP_CACHES_PG_PATH "/usr/agl/bin/drop_caches"
-#define READLINE_MAX_SIZE 512
-#define READ_MAX_SIZE 4096
-#define LF (0x0A)
- * Structure definitions
- **********************************************/
-// App session information
-typedef struct {
- BOOL useFlag;
- RESM_REQ_EVENT_t reqEv; // event request
-} SSN_INFO_t;
-// CPU usage information
-typedef struct {
- char cpuname[8];
- int32_t user;
- int32_t nice;
- int32_t system;
- int32_t idle;
- int32_t iowait;
- int32_t irq;
- int32_t softirq;
- int32_t steal;
- int32_t guest;
- int32_t guest_nice;
-} CPU_INFO_t;
-typedef struct {
- char procName[128];
- HANDLE hApp; // DispatcherHandle
- int32_t nsFd; // For receiving from the NSFW
- // Session information
- // Memory information
- uint32_t restMem; // Remaining memory information
- BOOL restMemFlag;
- // CMA information
- uint32_t restCma;
- BOOL restCmaFlag;
- // CPU load information
-// int32_t cpuloadRate;
-// meminfo table
-typedef struct {
- const char* name;
- uint32_t* value;
-} meminfo_tbl;
- * External variable definitions
- **********************************************/
-FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOGPARAM g_FrameworkunifiedLogParams = {
-int isNfs; // NFS env : 1
-static SVC_COMMON_t g_resmgr; // NOLINT (readability/nolint)
-static int32_t g_sock = -1;
-static uint32_t inactFile_kib;
-static uint32_t mainFree_kib;
-static uint32_t memTotal_kib;
-static uint32_t cmaFree_kib;
-static uint32_t cmaTotal_kib;
-static uint32_t minRestMem; // Minimum memory available
-static uint32_t minRestCma; // Minimum CMA available
-static int32_t g_cpuloadRate1000;
-static int g_cpu_num;
-static CPU_INFO_t *g_cpuload_pre;
-static CPU_INFO_t *g_cpuload;
-static int32_t g_fifo_status = STATUS_IDOL;
-static int32_t g_tss_status = STATUS_IDOL;
-static int32_t g_fifo_timer = 0;
-static int32_t g_tss_timer = 0;
- * Local function definition
- **********************************************/
-static void ctxCreate(SVC_COMMON_t* p_ctx, int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
-// Session related
-static int32_t get_new_id(uint32_t* ssnId);
-// Memory monitoring
-void watchMem(void);
-static int32_t comp_meminfo_tbl(const void* a, const void* b);
-static int32_t get_meminfo(void);
-// Network monitoring
-static int32_t getInetStatus(RESM_INET_STATUS_t* p_iStatus);
-static char* get_aliasName(char* name, char* line);
-static int32_t get_hwaddr(char* name, char* hwaddr);
-// CPU monitoring
-static void watchCPUStatus(void);
-static void watchCPU(void);
-static int32_t get_cpuload(CPU_INFO_t* p_cpu);
-static int32_t calc_cpuloadRate(void);
-static int32_t calc_cpuloadRate_each(int num);
-// static int32_t chk_logging(int32_t cpuload, int32_t timer);
-// static void logging_cpuload(void);
-static void trim_end(char* buf);
-// static void escape_percent(char* in, char* out);
-static void init_cpuload(void);
-// extern void logging_cpuload_custom(void);
-static void exec_perf(int32_t t_pid);
-extern unsigned long logging_cpuload_custom(int32_t tmode);
-// Debug information output
-void outputResouceInfo(void);
-static int write_meminfo_work(FILE *wfp);
-static int write_cpuinfo_work(FILE *wfp);
-static int write_cmainfo_work(FILE *wfp);
-static int write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work(void);
- * RPC public API
- *******************************************************************************/
-/* Event issuance request */
-RESM_ERR_t RESM_ReqEvent(uint32_t ssnId, const RESM_REQ_EVENT_t* p_reqEvent) {
- // Argument check
- if (p_reqEvent == NULL) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- if (ssnId >= EV_MAX_IDS_IN_THREAD) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- if (!g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].useFlag) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- // Event type check
- if (p_reqEvent->reqEvent == RESM_EV_MEM) {
- // Record event issuance request
- memcpy(&g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].reqEv, p_reqEvent,
- sizeof(RESM_REQ_EVENT_t));
- }
- return RESM_E_OK;
-/* Get system status */
-RESM_ERR_t RESM_GetStatus(uint32_t ssnId, RESM_STATUS_t* p_status) {
- int32_t ret;
- // Argument check
- if (p_status == NULL) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- if (ssnId >= EV_MAX_IDS_IN_THREAD) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- if (!g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].useFlag) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- if (!g_resmgr.restMemFlag) {
- // No remaining memory information
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "ResMgr GetStatus get restmem Error"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- return RESM_E_NG;
- }
- p_status->restMemSize = g_resmgr.restMem;
- p_status->nandWriteStatus = RESM_NAND_WRITE_ENABLE; //[]Always possible
- ret = getInetStatus(&p_status->inetStatus);
- if (ret != 0) {
- "ResMgr GetStatus getInetStatus Error");
- return RESM_E_NG;
- }
- return RESM_E_OK;
- * Internal API
- *******************************************************************************/
-/* Session connection */
-RESM_ERR_t RESM_SV_Open(const RESM_RSV_t* p_prim, uint32_t* p_ssnId) {
- int32_t ret;
- ret = get_new_id(p_ssnId);
- if (ret != 0) {
- return RESM_E_NG;
- }
- // FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "ResMgr Open Session:ID=[%d]", *p_ssnId);
- return RESM_E_OK;
-/* Session disconnection */
-RESM_ERR_t RESM_SV_Close(uint32_t ssnId) {
- // Argument check
- if (ssnId >= EV_MAX_IDS_IN_THREAD) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- if (!g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].useFlag) {
- return RESM_E_PAR;
- }
- // Turn off used flag
- g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].useFlag = FALSE;
- // Clear event request
- memset(&g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].reqEv, 0, sizeof(RESM_REQ_EVENT_t));
- return RESM_E_OK;
-/* Session ID check */
-RESM_ERR_t RESM_SV_ChkSsnId(uint32_t ssnId) {
- if (ssnId >= EV_MAX_IDS_IN_THREAD) {
- return RESM_E_NG;
- }
- if (!g_resmgr.ssnInfo[ssnId].useFlag) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "ResMgr ssnId[%d] is unidentified",
- ssnId);
- return RESM_E_NG;
- }
- return RESM_E_OK;
- * Initialization function
- **********************************************/
-/* Context Initialization */
-static void ctxCreate(SVC_COMMON_t* p_ctx, int32_t argc, char* argv[]) {
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus resourcemanagerRet;
- FrameworkunifiedDefaultCallbackHandler cbFuncs;
- memset(p_ctx, 0, sizeof(SVC_COMMON_t));
- strcpy(p_ctx->procName, SS_RESOURCE_MANAGER); // NOLINT
- // Create a Dispatcher
- resourcemanagerRet = FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop(p_ctx->procName, p_ctx->hApp, argc,
- argv, &cbFuncs, TRUE);
- if (resourcemanagerRet != eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Create Dispatcher Failed. ret[%d]", resourcemanagerRet);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 4: NSFW error case.
- }
- resourcemanagerRet = FrameworkunifiedGetDispatcherFD(p_ctx->hApp, &p_ctx->nsFd);
- if (resourcemanagerRet != eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Get Dispatcher FD Failed. ret[%d]", resourcemanagerRet);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 4: NSFW error case.
- }
- // Initialize session
- memset(p_ctx->ssnInfo, 0, sizeof(p_ctx->ssnInfo));
-// // Initialize CPU Information
-// g_resmgr.cpuloadRate = CPULOAD_INVALID;
- return;
- **********************************************/
-static EFrameworkunifiedStatus resourcemanagerlog_output_debug_info;
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus resourcemanagerlog_flag_check(UI_8 *mode) {
- if (resourcemanagerlog_output_debug_info != eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK)
- return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- return NsLogGetFrameworkunifiedLogFlag(RESOURCEMANAGERLOG_BASEPF_FLAG_ID, mode);
-/* drop_caches Start update Task */
-static void start_drop_caches(void) {
- pid_t pid = fork();
- if (pid == 0) {
- if (setuid(0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: setuid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: setuid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to setuid(0)-1, errno=%d", errno);
- } else {
- struct sched_param param;
- // Exec drop_caches
- param.sched_priority = 0;
- if (sched_setscheduler(getpid(), SCHED_OTHER, &param) < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: sched_setscheduler's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: sched_setscheduler's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to sched_setscheduler errno=%d",
- errno);
- } else {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to execl %s errno=%d",
- errno);
- }
- }
- exit(1);
- }
- if (pid == (pid_t) -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to fork=-1, errno=%d", errno);
- }
- * Main Function
- **********************************************/
-int32_t main(int32_t argc, char* argv[]) {
- int32_t mainRet = -1;
- int32_t rpcFd;
- int32_t timerFd;
- struct itimerspec tm;
- int32_t timerFd2;
- struct itimerspec tm2;
- uint64_t exp;
- int32_t maxFd = 0;
- fd_set fds;
- struct sched_param prcwParam;
- pthread_t ptPRCW;
- int32_t sec = 0;
- int32_t ret;
- int32_t cpu_ret;
- bool fork_dsp_task = false;
- CL_ProcessAttr_t attr;
- const char *prName;
- const char *args[iProcess_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PROCESS_ARGUMENTS];
- UI_8 mode;
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus eRet;
- struct stat statbuf;
- SVC_COMMON_t* p_ctx = &g_resmgr;
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus resourcemanagerRet = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- {
- const char* nfsenv = getenv("AGL_NFS");
- isNfs = (nfsenv && strcmp(nfsenv, "y") == 0) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- /* Clear context */
- ctxCreate(p_ctx, argc, argv);
- /* Start debug information display task */
- {
- char *tmp;
- tmp = getenv("AGL_DEVDIAG_FLAG");
- if ((tmp == NULL) || strcmp(tmp, "ON")) { // != "ON"
- resourcemanagerlog_output_debug_info = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
- } else {
- resourcemanagerlog_output_debug_info = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
- }
- }
- eRet = resourcemanagerlog_flag_check(&mode);
- if (eRet == eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK && mode == FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG_FLAG_MODE_DEBUG) {
- fork_dsp_task = true;
- }
- if (fork_dsp_task) {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: there is no bs_analysis_dispinfo_debug
- if (0 == stat(DEBUG_INFO_DSP_PG_PATH, &statbuf)) {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- if (0 != CL_ProcessCreateAttrInit(&attr)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "CL_ProcessCreateAttrInit Error"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- }
- prName = basename(DEBUG_INFO_DSP_PG_PATH);
- if (0 != CL_ProcessCreateAttrSetName(&attr, prName)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- }
- args[0] = prName;
- args[1] = NULL;
- if (CL_ProcessCreate(DEBUG_INFO_DSP_PG_PATH, (char* const *) args, NULL,
- &attr) < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "CL_ProcessCreate Error"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- }
- }
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 8: there is no bs_analysis_dispinfo_debug
- }
- /* Create socket */
- g_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (g_sock < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: socket error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Create Socket Failed"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: socket error case
- }
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "[%s:%d] ResMgr Wakeup", p_ctx->procName,
- getpid());
- RPC_START_SERVER(rpcId); // Start RPC Server
- RPC_get_fd(rpcId, &rpcFd); // Event reception FD of RPC
- /* Create proc_watch thread */
- ret = pthread_create(&ptPRCW, NULL, &PRCW_main, reinterpret_cast<void*>(NULL));
- if (ret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: pthread_create error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: pthread_create error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Create Thread Failed. code[%d]", ret);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: pthread_create error case
- } else {
- prcwParam.sched_priority = RESM_SUB_PRIORITY;
- ret = pthread_setschedparam(ptPRCW, SCHED_OTHER, &prcwParam);
- if (ret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: pthread_setschedparam error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: pthread_setschedparam error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Set Thread Schedparam Failed. code[%d]", ret);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: pthread_setschedparam error case
- }
- }
- /* Create timer */
- if ((timerFd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_CLOEXEC)) == -1) {
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Create timerFd Failed. errno[%d]", errno);
- }
- // for drop_caches
- {
- if ((timerFd2 = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_CLOEXEC)) == -1) {
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Create timerFd2 Failed. errno[%d]", errno);
- }
- }
- // Initialize remaining memory acquisition
- mainFree_kib = 0;
- inactFile_kib = 0;
- memTotal_kib = 0;
- cmaFree_kib = 0;
- cmaTotal_kib = 0;
- get_meminfo();
- g_resmgr.restMem = mainFree_kib + inactFile_kib;
- minRestMem = g_resmgr.restMem;
- g_resmgr.restMemFlag = TRUE;
- g_resmgr.restCma = cmaFree_kib;
- minRestCma = g_resmgr.restCma;
- g_resmgr.restCmaFlag = TRUE;
- tm.it_value.tv_sec = MONITORING_START_DELAT_TIME;
- tm.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
- tm.it_interval.tv_sec = 1;
- tm.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
- if (timerfd_settime(timerFd, 0, &tm, NULL) == -1) {
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Set timerFd Failed. errno[%d]", errno);
- }
- tm2.it_value.tv_sec = DROP_CACHES_START_DELAT_TIME;
- tm2.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
- tm2.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
- tm2.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
- if (timerfd_settime(timerFd2, 0, &tm2, NULL) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:Gcov constraints (coverage measurement revision by DeathTest)
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 11:Gcov constraints (coverage measurement revision by DeathTest)
- "[RESM_ERR]ResMgr Set timerFd2 Failed. errno[%d]", errno);
- // LCOV_EXCL_END 11:Gcov constraints (coverage measurement revision by DeathTest)
- }
- /* API to Publish Service Availability Notification. */
- resourcemanagerRet = FrameworkunifiedPublishServiceAvailability(p_ctx->hApp, TRUE);
- if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != resourcemanagerRet) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to Publish Service Availability Notification:0x%x", resourcemanagerRet);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 4: NSFW error case.
- }
- /* CPU Load init */
- g_fifo_status = STATUS_CHECK_CPU;
- g_tss_status = STATUS_CHECK_CPU;
- g_cpuloadRate1000 = 0;
- init_cpuload();
- cpu_ret = get_cpuload(g_cpuload);
- if ( cpu_ret != 0 ) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: cpu_ret must be 0
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cpu_ret must be 0
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- g_cpuloadRate1000 = 0;
- }
- while (1) {
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- FD_SET(rpcFd, &fds);
- maxFd = MY_MAX(maxFd, rpcFd);
- FD_SET(p_ctx->nsFd, &fds);
- maxFd = MY_MAX(maxFd, p_ctx->nsFd);
- FD_SET(timerFd, &fds);
- maxFd = MY_MAX(maxFd, timerFd);
- if (timerFd2 != -1) {
- FD_SET(timerFd2, &fds);
- maxFd = MY_MAX(maxFd, timerFd2);
- }
- ret = select(maxFd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (ret < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: select error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: select error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- if (errno != EINTR) {
- }
- continue;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: select error case
- }
- /* API CALL from RPC */
- if ((timerFd2 != -1) && FD_ISSET(timerFd2, &fds)) {
- start_drop_caches();
- timerFd2 = -1;
- }
- /* API CALL from RPC */
- if (FD_ISSET(rpcFd, &fds)) {
- RPC_process_API_request(rpcId);
- }
- /* Events from the NSFW */
- if (FD_ISSET(p_ctx->nsFd, &fds)) {
- FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcessWithoutLoop(p_ctx->hApp);
- }
- /* Timer expiration */
- if (FD_ISSET(timerFd, &fds)) {
- read(timerFd, &exp, sizeof(uint64_t));
- /* CPU load monitoring */
- if ((sec % WTC_CPU_INTERVAL) == 0) {
- watchCPUStatus();
- }
- if (sec >= RESET_SEC) {
- sec = 0;
- }
- sec++;
- }
- }
- // Close socket
- close(g_sock);
- mainRet = 0;
- RPC_end(rpcId);
- return mainRet;
- * Session Related
- *********************************************************************************/
-/* Numbering session ID */
-static int32_t get_new_id(uint32_t* ssnId) {
- int32_t i;
- SSN_INFO_t* p_ssnInfo;
- for (i = 0; i < EV_MAX_IDS_IN_THREAD; i++) {
- p_ssnInfo = &g_resmgr.ssnInfo[i];
- if (p_ssnInfo->useFlag) {
- // in-use
- continue;
- }
- *ssnId = i;
- p_ssnInfo->useFlag = TRUE;
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- * Memory monitoring
- *********************************************************************************/
-/* Memory monitoring */
-void watchMem(void) {
- uint32_t restMem_b;
- SSN_INFO_t* p_ssnInfo;
- uint32_t ssnId;
- int32_t i;
- int32_t ret;
- // Get remaining memory
- mainFree_kib = 0;
- inactFile_kib = 0;
- memTotal_kib = 0;
- cmaFree_kib = 0;
- cmaTotal_kib = 0;
- g_resmgr.restMemFlag = FALSE;
- g_resmgr.restCmaFlag = FALSE;
- ret = get_meminfo();
- // KiB -> Byte
- // [Note] Unit of the value gotten by the meminfo is KiB
- restMem_b = (mainFree_kib + inactFile_kib) * KIBIBYTE_TO_BYTE;
- if (ret != 0) {
- // Failed to get remaining memory info
- return;
- }
- g_resmgr.restMem = mainFree_kib + inactFile_kib;
- g_resmgr.restMemFlag = TRUE;
- g_resmgr.restCma = cmaFree_kib;
- g_resmgr.restCmaFlag = TRUE;
- if (g_resmgr.restMem < minRestMem) {
- // Update minimum available memory
- minRestMem = g_resmgr.restMem;
- }
- if (g_resmgr.restCma < minRestCma) {
- // Update minimum available CMA
- minRestCma = g_resmgr.restCma;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < RESM_INET_IF_MAX; i++) {
- p_ssnInfo = &g_resmgr.ssnInfo[i];
- if (!p_ssnInfo->useFlag) {
- // Unused sessions
- continue;
- }
- ssnId = i;
- // Check event type
- if (p_ssnInfo->reqEv.reqEvent != RESM_EV_MEM) {
- // Other than memory monitoring
- continue;
- }
- // Check free memory
- if (p_ssnInfo->reqEv.prm.restMemThresh > restMem_b) {
- // Issue event
- ret = EV_set_flag(Resm_Flag_ID_Base + ssnId, RESM_EV_MEM);
- if (ret != EV_OK) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: EV_set_flag will not return ng
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: EV_set_flag will not return ng
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr EV_set_flag Failed. ssnId[%d]", ssnId);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: EV_set_flag will not return ng
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-void FlushMemInfo(void) {
- "MEMORY Info(KB):<PEAK>REST(%d) [Memtotal(%d)] / CMA Info(KB):<PEAK>REST(%d) [CMAtotal(%d)]",
- minRestMem, memTotal_kib, minRestCma, cmaTotal_kib);
-/* Compare memory information */
-static int32_t comp_meminfo_tbl(const void* data1, const void* data2) {
- return strcmp(((const meminfo_tbl*) data1)->name,
- ((const meminfo_tbl*) data2)->name);
-/* Get memory information */
-static int32_t get_meminfo(void) {
- int32_t meminfo_fd = -1;
- char srch_name[16];
- char buf[2048];
- meminfo_tbl target = { srch_name, NULL };
- meminfo_tbl* found;
- char* head;
- char* tail;
- int32_t read_byte;
- /* Strings must be in ascending order when adding entries to this table (for bsearch) */
- static const meminfo_tbl mem_table[] = {
- { "CmaFree", &cmaFree_kib },
- { "CmaTotal", &cmaTotal_kib },
- { "Inactive(file)", &inactFile_kib },
- { "MemFree", &mainFree_kib },
- { "MemTotal", &memTotal_kib },
- };
- const int32_t mem_table_count = sizeof(mem_table) / sizeof(meminfo_tbl);
- if (meminfo_fd == -1) {
- meminfo_fd = open(MEMINFO_FILE, O_RDONLY);
- if (meminfo_fd == -1) {
- fflush(NULL);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- lseek(meminfo_fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- read_byte = read(meminfo_fd, buf, sizeof buf - 1);
- if (read_byte < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: if file exist, it will not be -1
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: if file exist, it will not be -1
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- fflush(NULL);
- close(meminfo_fd);
- return -1;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: if file exis, it will not be -1
- }
- buf[read_byte] = '\0';
- head = buf;
- while (1) {
- tail = strchr(head, ':');
- if (!tail) {
- break;
- }
- *tail = '\0';
- if (strlen(head) >= sizeof(srch_name)) {
- head = tail + 1;
- } else {
- strcpy(srch_name, head); // NOLINT
- found = reinterpret_cast<meminfo_tbl *>(bsearch(&target, mem_table, mem_table_count,
- sizeof(meminfo_tbl), comp_meminfo_tbl));
- head = tail + 1;
- if (found) {
- *(found->value) = strtoul(head, &tail, 10);
- }
- }
- tail = strchr(head, '\n');
- if (!tail)
- break;
- head = tail + 1;
- }
- close(meminfo_fd);
- return 0;
- * Network monitoring
- *********************************************************************************/
-/* Get system information */
-static int32_t getInetStatus(RESM_INET_STATUS_t* p_iStatus) {
- FILE* fh;
- char buf[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- char* tmp;
- char name[IFNAMSIZ];
- char hwaddr[HWADDR_LEN];
- uint32_t rx_b;
- uint32_t rx_pckt;
- uint32_t rx_err;
- uint32_t rx_drp;
- uint32_t rx_fifo;
- uint32_t rx_frm;
- uint32_t rx_mlt;
- uint32_t tx_b;
- uint32_t tx_pckt;
- uint32_t tx_err;
- uint32_t tx_drp;
- uint32_t tx_fifo;
- uint32_t tx_cll;
- uint32_t tx_crr;
- int32_t ret;
- // Open file
- fh = fopen(PROCNET_DEV_FILE, "r");
- if (fh == NULL) {
- "ResMgr getInetStatus() File Open Error. errno[%d]", errno);
- return -1;
- }
- // Initialize interface count
- p_iStatus->ifNum = 0;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fh)) {
- // Get Alias name
- tmp = get_aliasName(name, buf);
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- // No alias name
- continue;
- }
- // Get amount of receive/transmit data
- ret = sscanf(tmp, "%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%*u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u", &rx_b, &rx_pckt,
- &rx_err, &rx_drp, &rx_fifo, &rx_frm, &rx_mlt, &tx_b, &tx_pckt,
- &tx_err, &tx_drp, &tx_fifo, &tx_cll, &tx_crr);
- if (ret != 14) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: ret is always 14
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: ret is always 14
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr getInetStatus() GET Rx and Tx size Failed");
- continue;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: ret is always 14
- }
- // Get hardware address
- ret = get_hwaddr(name, hwaddr);
- if (ret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: get_hwaddr will not return !0
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: get_hwaddr will not return !0
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr getInetStatus() GET hwaddr Failed");
- continue;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: get_hwaddr will not return !0
- }
- // Set values in the system information structure
- strcpy(p_iStatus->ifInfo[p_iStatus->ifNum].name, name); // NOLINT
- p_iStatus->ifInfo[p_iStatus->ifNum].rxSize = rx_b / BYTE_TO_KIBIBYTE;
- p_iStatus->ifInfo[p_iStatus->ifNum].txSize = tx_b / BYTE_TO_KIBIBYTE;
- memcpy(p_iStatus->ifInfo[p_iStatus->ifNum].hwaddr, hwaddr, HWADDR_LEN);
- p_iStatus->ifNum++;
- if (p_iStatus->ifNum >= RESM_INET_IF_MAX) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Termination processing
- fclose(fh);
- if (p_iStatus->ifNum == 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Get Alias name */
-static char *get_aliasName(char* name, char* line) {
- char* dot;
- char* dotname;
- while (isspace(*line)) {
- line++;
- }
- while (*line) {
- if (isspace(*line)) {
- *name++ = '\0';
- return NULL;
- }
- if (*line == ':') {
- dot = line, dotname = name;
- *name++ = *line++;
- while (isdigit(*line)) {
- *name++ = *line++;
- }
- if (*line != ':') {
- line = dot;
- name = dotname;
- }
- if (*line == '\0') {
- return NULL;
- }
- line++;
- break;
- }
- *name++ = *line++;
- }
- *name++ = '\0';
- return line;
-/* Get hardware address */
-static int32_t get_hwaddr(char* name, char* hwaddr) {
- struct ifreq ifr;
- int32_t ret;
- if (g_sock < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_sock is not -1
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- return -1; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: g_sock is not -1
- }
- // Initialization
- memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
- // Set alias name
- strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, name, (sizeof(ifr.ifr_name) - 1));
- // Get hardware address
- ret = ioctl(g_sock, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr);
- if (ret < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: ioctl error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- return -1; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: ioctl error case
- }
- memcpy(hwaddr, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, HWADDR_LEN);
- return 0;
- * CPU monitoring
- *********************************************************************************/
-// // CPU monitoring
-// static void watchCPU() {
-// Main processing of CPU monitoring
-static void watchCPUStatus() {
- unsigned long fifo_task_occ = 0;
- unsigned long tss_task_occ = 0;
- int32_t fifo_status = g_fifo_status;
- int32_t tss_status = g_tss_status;
- int32_t cpu_load_status = CPU_TASK_INIT;
-// int32_t ret;
-// static int32_t cpuLogTimer = 0;
- if ((g_fifo_status == STATUS_CHECK_CPU) || (g_tss_status == STATUS_CHECK_CPU)) {
- watchCPU();
-// if (cpuLogTimer > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6:Because the condition cannot be set
-// // Make to progress the timer
-// cpuLogTimer -= WTC_CPU_INTERVAL; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6:Because the condition cannot be set
-// }
- if (g_cpuloadRate1000 >= CPU_LOAD_THRESHOLD) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "CPU TOTAL:(%d.%d%%)",g_cpuloadRate1000/10, g_cpuloadRate1000%10);
- int i;
- int32_t cpuloadRate1000;
- for (i = 1; i < g_cpu_num; i++) {
- char buf[16];
- cpuloadRate1000 = calc_cpuloadRate_each(i);
- sprintf (buf, "%s(%d.%d%%) ", g_cpuload[i].cpuname, cpuloadRate1000/10, cpuloadRate1000%10);
- }
- if (g_fifo_status == STATUS_CHECK_CPU) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_fifo_status must be STATUS_CHECK_CPU
- fifo_status = STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS;
- g_fifo_timer = 0;
- }
- if (g_tss_status == STATUS_CHECK_CPU) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_tss_status must be STATUS_CHECK_CPU
- tss_status = STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS;
- g_tss_timer = 0;
- }
- if ((g_fifo_status != STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS ) && ( g_tss_status != STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_fifo_status must be STATUS_CHECK_CPU and g_tss_status must be STATUS_CHECK_CPU // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_TASK_INIT);
- }
- }
- }
-#if 0
- // Get CPU usage
- if (g_resmgr.cpuloadRate == CPULOAD_INVALID) {
- // First time
- init_cpuload();
- ret = get_cpuload(g_cpuload);
- if (ret == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: get_cpuload will not return -1
- g_resmgr.cpuloadRate = CPULOAD_READY;
- } else {
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "watchCPU() Get cpuload Failed"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: get_cpuload will not return -1 // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- }
- if ((g_fifo_status == STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS) || (g_tss_status == STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS)) {
- if (g_fifo_status == STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS) {
- g_fifo_timer = g_fifo_timer + WTC_CPU_INTERVAL;
- if ((g_fifo_timer == WTC_CPU_INTERVAL) || (g_fifo_timer >= FIFO_TIMER_LIMIT)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: g_fifo_timer must be bigger than WTC_CPU_INTERVAL/FIFO_TIMER_LIMIT // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
- cpu_load_status = CPU_TASK_SHOW_AF;
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: g_fifo_timer must be bigger than WTC_CPU_INTERVAL/FIFO_TIMER_LIMIT
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- logging_cpuload_custom(FIFO_TASK_SHOW);
- }
- }
-#if 0
- return;
- } else {
- memcpy(g_cpuload_pre, g_cpuload, sizeof(*g_cpuload_pre)*g_cpu_num);
- ret = get_cpuload(g_cpuload);
- if (ret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: get_cpuload will not return -1
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: get_cpuload will not return -1
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: get_cpuload will not return -1
- if (g_tss_status == STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS) {
- g_tss_timer = g_tss_timer + WTC_CPU_INTERVAL;
- if ((g_tss_timer == WTC_CPU_INTERVAL) || (g_tss_timer >= TSS_TIMER_LIMIT)) {
- cpu_load_status = CPU_TASK_SHOW_AF;
- } else {
- logging_cpuload_custom(TSS_TASK_SHOW);
- }
- }
-#if 0
- }
- // Calculate CPU usage (Notes! Return as a thousandth rate(10 times of %)
- g_cpuloadRate1000 = calc_cpuloadRate();
- g_resmgr.cpuloadRate = g_cpuloadRate1000 / 10;
- ret = chk_logging(g_resmgr.cpuloadRate, cpuLogTimer);
- if (ret == CPULOG_LOGGING) {
- // Logging
- if (cpu_load_status == CPU_TASK_SHOW_AF) {
-#if 0
- int i;
- int32_t cpuloadRate1000;
- char *cpunames = (char *) malloc( // NOLINT
- sizeof("[CpuHighLoad]") + (sizeof("cpuXX(xxx%) ") * g_cpu_num));
- cpuloadRate1000 = calc_cpuloadRate();
- sprintf(cpunames, "[CpuHighLoad]%s(%d%%) ", g_cpuload[0].cpuname, cpuloadRate1000/10); // NOLINT
- for (i = 1; i < g_cpu_num; i++) {
- char buf[16];
- cpuloadRate1000 = calc_cpuloadRate_each(i);
- sprintf(buf, "%s(%d%%) ", g_cpuload[i].cpuname, cpuloadRate1000 / 10); // NOLINT
- strcat(cpunames, buf); // NOLINT
- }
- free(cpunames);
- }
- logging_cpuload_custom(cpu_load_status);
- }
- if (g_fifo_status == STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS) {
- fifo_task_occ = logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_FIFO_TASK_GET_OCCUPANCY);
- if ((fifo_task_occ >= TASK_STAT_THRESHOLD) && (g_fifo_timer >= FIFO_TIMER_LIMIT)) {
- fifo_status = STATUS_IDOL;
- g_fifo_timer = 0;
- exec_perf(logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_FIFO_TASK_GET_ID));
- } else if (fifo_task_occ < TASK_STAT_THRESHOLD) {
- fifo_status = STATUS_CHECK_CPU;
- g_fifo_timer = 0;
- logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_FIFO_TASK_GET_ID);
- }
- }
- if (g_tss_status == STATUS_WATCH_PROCESS) {
- tss_task_occ = logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_TSS_TASK_GET_OCCUPANCY);
- if ((tss_task_occ >= TASK_STAT_THRESHOLD) && (g_tss_timer >= TSS_TIMER_LIMIT)) {
- tss_status = STATUS_IDOL;
- g_tss_timer = 0;
- exec_perf(logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_TSS_TASK_GET_ID));
- } else if(tss_task_occ < TASK_STAT_THRESHOLD) {
- tss_status = STATUS_CHECK_CPU;
- g_tss_timer = 0;
- logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_TSS_TASK_GET_ID);
- }
- }
-#if 0
- logging_cpuload_custom();
- logging_cpuload();
- // Set timer
- } else if (ret == CPULOG_TIMER_CLEAR) {
- // Clear Timer
- cpuLogTimer = 0;
- }
- return;
- logging_cpuload_custom(CPU_TASK_SHOW_BF);
- }
- if ((g_fifo_status == STATUS_IDOL) || (g_tss_status == STATUS_IDOL)) {
- if (g_fifo_status == STATUS_IDOL) {
- g_fifo_timer = g_fifo_timer + WTC_CPU_INTERVAL;
- if (g_fifo_timer >= CPU_HIGH_LOAD_LOG_FREQ) {
- fifo_status = STATUS_CHECK_CPU;
- g_fifo_timer = 0;
- }
- }
- if (g_tss_status == STATUS_IDOL) {
- g_tss_timer = g_tss_timer + WTC_CPU_INTERVAL;
- if (g_tss_timer >= CPU_HIGH_LOAD_LOG_FREQ) {
- tss_status = STATUS_CHECK_CPU;
- g_tss_timer = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- g_fifo_status = fifo_status;
- g_tss_status = tss_status;
- return;
-// CPU monitoring
-static void
-watchCPU() {
- int32_t ret;
- memcpy(g_cpuload_pre, g_cpuload, sizeof(*g_cpuload_pre)*g_cpu_num);
- ret = get_cpuload(g_cpuload);
- if ( ret != 0 ) {
- g_cpuloadRate1000 = 0;
- } else {
- // Calculate CPU usage (Notes! Return as a thousandth rate(10 times of percentage)
- g_cpuloadRate1000 = calc_cpuloadRate();
- }
- return;
-static void init_cpuload(void) {
- int fd;
- char buf[READ_MAX_SIZE];
- int32_t ret;
- CPU_INFO_t p_cpu;
- ssize_t rsize;
- char *p, *ep;
- struct timespec req = { 0, 1000000 }; // 1msec
- g_cpu_num = 0;
- g_cpuload_pre = NULL;
- fd = open(PROC_STAT_FILE, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: open error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- errno);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: open error case
- }
- rsize = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (rsize == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: read error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- errno);
- close(fd);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: read error case
- }
- nanosleep(&req, NULL);
- p = buf;
- ep = buf + rsize;
- while (p < ep) {
- if (strncmp(p, "cpu", 3) == 0) {
- ret = sscanf(p, "%8s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &p_cpu.cpuname[0],
- &p_cpu.user, &p_cpu.nice, &p_cpu.system, &p_cpu.idle,
- &p_cpu.iowait, &p_cpu.irq, &p_cpu.softirq, &p_cpu.steal,
- &p_cpu.guest, &p_cpu.guest_nice);
- if (ret < 11) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: ret will always 11
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: ret will always 11
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr get_cpuload() File Read Error");
- close(fd);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: ret will always 11
- }
- g_cpu_num++;
- while (++p < ep) {
- if (*p == LF) {
- p++;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- close(fd);
- g_cpuload_pre = reinterpret_cast<CPU_INFO_t *>(malloc(sizeof(CPU_INFO_t) * g_cpu_num));
- g_cpuload = reinterpret_cast<CPU_INFO_t *>(malloc(sizeof(CPU_INFO_t) * g_cpu_num));
- if ((g_cpuload_pre == NULL) || (g_cpuload == NULL)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: malloc error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: malloc error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr malloc Error. g_cpu_num[%d] errno[%d]", g_cpu_num, errno);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: malloc error case
- }
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "ResMgr cpu_num:%d", g_cpu_num);
- return;
-// Get CPU usage
-static int32_t get_cpuload(CPU_INFO_t* p_cpu) {
- int fd;
- char buf[READ_MAX_SIZE];
- int32_t ret;
- int i = 0;
- ssize_t rsize;
- char *p, *ep;
- struct timespec req = { 0, 1000000 }; // 1msec
- // Open file
- fd = open(PROC_STAT_FILE, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: open's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr get_cpuload() File Open Error. errno[%d]", errno);
- return -1;
- }
- rsize = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (rsize == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: read error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- errno);
- close(fd);
- return -1;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: read error case
- }
- nanosleep(&req, NULL);
- p = buf;
- ep = buf + rsize;
- while (p < ep) {
- if (strncmp(p, "cpu", 3) == 0) {
- ret = sscanf(p, "%8s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &p_cpu[i].cpuname[0],
- &p_cpu[i].user, &p_cpu[i].nice, &p_cpu[i].system,
- &p_cpu[i].idle, &p_cpu[i].iowait, &p_cpu[i].irq,
- &p_cpu[i].softirq, &p_cpu[i].steal, &p_cpu[i].guest,
- &p_cpu[i].guest_nice);
- if (ret < 11) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: ret will always 11
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: ret will always 11
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr get_cpuload() File Read Error");
- close(fd);
- return -1;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: ret will always 11
- }
- i++;
- while (++p < ep) {
- if (*p == LF) {
- p++;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- close(fd);
- return 0;
-// Calcurate CPU usage
-static int32_t calc_cpuloadRate(void) {
- int val;
- int val_others;
- int total;
- int rate;
- CPU_INFO_t* info;
- CPU_INFO_t* info_pre;
- info = &g_cpuload[0];
- info_pre = &g_cpuload_pre[0];
- val = (info->user - info_pre->user)
- + (info->system - info_pre->system)
- + (info->irq - info_pre->irq)
- + (info->softirq - info_pre->softirq);
- val_others = (info->idle - info_pre->idle)
- + (info->iowait - info_pre->iowait);
- total = val + val_others;
- rate = (total > 0) ? (val*1000 / total) : 0;
- return rate;
-// Calcurate CPU usage for each CPU
-static int32_t calc_cpuloadRate_each(int num) {
- int val, valn;
- int rate;
- CPU_INFO_t* info;
- CPU_INFO_t* info_pre;
- // cpu
- info = &g_cpuload[0];
- info_pre = &g_cpuload_pre[0];
- val = (info->user - info_pre->user)
- + (info->system - info_pre->system)
- + (info->irq - info_pre->irq)
- + (info->softirq - info_pre->softirq);
- // cpu-num
- info = &g_cpuload[num];
- info_pre = &g_cpuload_pre[num];
- valn = (info->user - info_pre->user)
- + (info->system - info_pre->system)
- + (info->softirq - info_pre->softirq);
- rate = valn * 1000 / val;
- return rate;
-//// Logging check at CPU overload
-//static int32_t chk_logging(int32_t cpuload, int32_t timer) {
-// if (cpuload >= CPU_LOAD_THRESHOLD) {
-// if (timer > 0) {
-// }
-// return CPULOG_LOGGING;
-// }
-// Check if cmd to perf
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: dead code
-bool valid_perf_cmd(char *buf) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 8: dead code
- const char *cmd2exclude[] = { "top", "init", "bash", NULL };
- char cmdstr[64];
- for (int i = 0;; i++) {
- if (cmd2exclude[i] == NULL) {
- break;
- }
- sprintf(cmdstr, " %s ", cmd2exclude[i]); // NOLINT
- if (strstr(buf, cmdstr) == NULL) {
- continue;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 8: dead code
-//// exec perf to pids
-//static pid_t pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS];
-static bool lower_sched_priority(int niceval) {
- struct sched_param sparam = { };
- sparam.sched_priority = 0;
- if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &sparam) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: sched_setscheduler's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: sched_setscheduler's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed change scheduler to TSS, errno=%d",
- errno);
- return false;
- }
- if (nice(niceval) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: nice's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: nice's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to add nice val %d, errno=%d",
- niceval, errno);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- * exec_perf sub function RECORD perf data processing
- *********************************************************************************/
-static void exec_perf_Record_Perf_Data(
- pid_t* c_pids, char* perf_file, char* pidstr, int* status,
-// char pnames[PERF_MAX_PROCS][PERF_PNAME_MAX]) {
- pid_t pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS]) {
- int i;
- int fd;
- pid_t term_pid;
- int waitret;
- bool do_sigkill = false;
- /* RECORD perf data */
- for (i = 0; i < PERF_MAX_PROCS; i++) {
- if (pids[i] <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- sprintf(perf_file, PERF_FILE"%06d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- sprintf(pidstr, "%d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- if ((c_pids[i] = fork()) == 0) {
- if (lower_sched_priority(CPULOAD_NICEVAL) == false) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: lower_sched_priority() must be true
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: lower_sched_priority() must be true
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to lower scheduler-1");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (setuid(0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: setuid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: setuid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to setuid(0)-1, errno=%d",
- errno);
- exit(1);
- }
- // Redirect STDERR
- fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
- if (fd > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case
- dup2(fd, 2);
- }
- // Exec perf
- execl(PERF_PATH, basename(PERF_PATH), "record", "-p", pidstr, "-o",
- perf_file, NULL);
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to execl %s record, errno=%d",
- errno);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (c_pids[i] == (pid_t) -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to fork-1, errno=%d", errno);
- continue;
- }
- // Kill perf after PERF_RECORD_SPAN sec
- // (Killed by child process to avoid making resm process super-user with setuid.)
- if ((term_pid = fork()) == 0) {
- const struct timespec delay = { PERF_RECORD_SPAN, 0 };
- if (setuid(0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: setuid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: setuid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to setuid(0)-2, errno=%d",
- errno);
- exit(1);
- }
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL); // Let perf record run for a while before kill it.
- if (kill(c_pids[i], SIGINT) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: kill's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: kill's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to kill(SIGINT), pid=%d, errno=%d", (int) c_pids[i],
- errno);
- }
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL); // Allow perf to do ending procedure.
- exit(0);
- } else if (term_pid == (pid_t) -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to fork-2, errno=%d", errno);
- continue;
- } else {
- if (waitpid(term_pid, status, 0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to waitpid of killer %d, errno=%d", term_pid, errno);
- continue;
- }
- }
- // NOT block even if perf is not terminated
- if ((waitret = waitpid(c_pids[i], status, WNOHANG)) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to waitpid of RECORD %d, errno=%d",
- c_pids[i], errno);
- } else if (waitret == 0) {
- // NOT exited
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to terminate perf record, pid=%d",
- c_pids[i]);
- pids[i] = -2; // Skip following sequences
- do_sigkill = true;
- } else if (WEXITSTATUS(*status) != 0 && WEXITSTATUS(*status) != 2) {
-// "perf record %d exited abnormally, target=%s(%d), status=%d",
-// c_pids[i], pnames[i], pids[i], WEXITSTATUS(*status));
- "perf record %d exited abnormally, target=(%d), status=%d",
- c_pids[i], pids[i], WEXITSTATUS(*status));
- pids[i] = -2; // Skip following sequences
- do_sigkill = false;
- }
- if (pids[i] == -2) {
- if ((term_pid = fork()) == 0) {
- const struct timespec delay = { PERF_RECORD_SPAN, 0 };
- if (setuid(0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: setuid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: setuid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to setuid(0)-2B, errno=%d",
- errno);
- exit(1);
- }
- // Kill "perf record" by SIGKILL signal
- if (do_sigkill) {
- int sigret = kill(c_pids[i], SIGKILL);
- if (sigret == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: kill case
- "SIGKILL has been sent to perf record process, pid=%d",
- c_pids[i]);
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: kill case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "sending SIGKILL to perf record failed, pid=%d, errno=%d",
- c_pids[i], errno);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: kill case
- }
- }
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
- // remove perf data file possibly made
- unlink(perf_file);
- exit(0);
- } else if (term_pid == (pid_t) -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to fork-2B, errno=%d", errno);
- } else {
- if (waitpid(term_pid, status, 0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to waitpid of killer-2 %d, errno=%d", term_pid, errno);
- }
- if (do_sigkill) {
- if ((waitret = waitpid(c_pids[i], status, WNOHANG)) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to waitpid of RECORD(2) %d, errno=%d", c_pids[i],
- errno);
- } else if (waitret == 0) {
- "Failed to terminate perf record by SIGKILL, pid=%d",
- c_pids[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * exec_perf sub function make perf file available to default user processing
- *********************************************************************************/
-//static int32_t exec_perf_Make_Perf_File(pid_t* c_pids, char* perf_file) {
-static int32_t exec_perf_Make_Perf_File(pid_t* c_pids, char* perf_file, pid_t pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS]) {
- int i;
- /* make perf file available to default user */
- if ((c_pids[0] = fork()) == 0) {
- if (setuid(0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: setuid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: setuid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to setuid(0)-3, errno=%d", errno);
- exit(1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < PERF_MAX_PROCS; i++) {
- if (pids[i] == -2) {
- // killed by SIGKILL
- continue;
- }
- if (pids[i] <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- sprintf(perf_file, PERF_FILE"%06d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- if (chmod(perf_file, 0666) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: chmod's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: chmod's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to chmod %s, errno=%d\n",
- perf_file, errno);
- }
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- if (c_pids[0] == (pid_t) -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to fork-3, errno=%d", errno);
- return -1;
- }
- if (waitpid(c_pids[0], NULL, 0) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to waitpid of CHMOD %d, errno=%d\n",
- c_pids[0], errno);
- }
- return 0;
- * exec_perf sub function REPORT perf data into dump file processing
- *********************************************************************************/
-static void exec_perf_Report_Perf_Data(pid_t* c_pids, char* perf_file,
-// char* perf_dump, int* status) {
- char* perf_dump, int* status, pid_t pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS]) {
- int i;
- int fd;
- int waitret;
- /* REPORT perf data into dump file */
- for (i = 0; i < PERF_MAX_PROCS; i++) {
- const struct timespec delay = { PERF_REPORT_DELAY, 0 };
- if (pids[i] == -2) {
- // killed by SIGKILL
- continue;
- }
- if (pids[i] <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- sprintf(perf_file, PERF_FILE"%06d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- sprintf(perf_dump, PERF_DUMP"%06d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- if ((c_pids[i] = fork()) == 0) {
- if (lower_sched_priority(CPULOAD_NICEVAL) == false) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: lower_sched_priority() will not return false
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: lower_sched_priority() will not return false
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to lower scheduler-2");
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((fd = open(perf_dump, (O_CREAT | O_WRONLY), 0666)) < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: open error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to open %s, errno=%d\n",
- perf_dump, errno);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: open error case
- } else {
- // Redirect STDOUT
- dup2(fd, 1);
- close(fd);
- // Redirect STDERR
- fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
- if (fd > 0) { // redirect stderr // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case
- dup2(fd, 2);
- close(fd);
- }
- // Exec perf
- execl(PERF_PATH, basename(PERF_PATH), "report", "-i", perf_file, NULL);
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to execl %s report, errno=%d",
- errno);
- }
- exit(1);
- }
- if (c_pids[i] == (pid_t) -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to fork-4, errno=%d", errno);
- continue;
- }
- int ii = 0;
- for (; ii < PERF_REPORT_RETRY; ii++) {
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL); // Make sure waitpid() to killer returns after perf process exited.
- if ((waitret = waitpid(c_pids[i], status, WNOHANG)) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to waitpid for REPORT %d, errno=%d", c_pids[i], errno);
- pids[i] = -2; // Skip FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG perf data
- break;
- } else if (waitret == c_pids[i]) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ii >= PERF_REPORT_RETRY) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "perf report Failed to exit, pid=%d",
- c_pids[i]);
- pids[i] = -2; // Skip FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG perf data
- }
- if (pids[i] == -2) {
- // Terminate perf report with SIGKILL
- const struct timespec delay = { PERF_RECORD_SPAN, 0 };
- int sigret = kill(c_pids[i], SIGKILL);
- if (sigret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: kill's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: kill's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed in sending SIGKILL to perf report, pid=%d, errno=%d",
- c_pids[i], errno);
- } else {
- "SIGKILL has been sent to perf report process, pid=%d",
- c_pids[i]);
- }
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL); // Make sure waitpid() to killer returns after perf process exited.
- if ((waitret = waitpid(c_pids[i], status, WNOHANG)) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to waitpid of REPORT(2) %d, errno=%d", c_pids[i], errno);
- } else if (waitret == 0) {
- "Failed to terminate perf report by SIGKILL, pid=%d", c_pids[i]);
- }
- // Cleanup
- unlink(perf_dump);
- unlink(perf_file);
- }
- }
- * exec_perf FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG perf data processing
- *********************************************************************************/
-static void exec_perf_Resourcemanagerlog_Perf_Data(
- char* perf_file, char* perf_dump,
-// char pnames[PERF_MAX_PROCS][PERF_PNAME_MAX]) {
- pid_t pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS]) {
- int i;
- int perf_lines;
- char buf[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- FILE *rfd;
- for (i = 0; i < PERF_MAX_PROCS; i++) {
- if (pids[i] == -2) {
- // killed by SIGKILL
- continue;
- }
- if (pids[i] <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- sprintf(perf_file, PERF_FILE"%06d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- sprintf(perf_dump, PERF_DUMP"%06d", pids[i]); // NOLINT
- if ((rfd = fopen(perf_dump, "r")) == NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fopen error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fopen error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to open-2 %s, errno=%d\n",
- perf_dump, errno);
- continue;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: fopen error case
- }
- perf_lines = 0;
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), rfd) > 0) {
- if (perf_lines >= PERF_MAX_LINES) {
- break;
- }
- /* skip header */
- if (buf[0] == '#') {
- continue;
- }
- if (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '\r') {
- continue;
- }
- trim_end(buf);
- if (perf_lines == 0) {
-// FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "[CpuHLPerf:%s(%d)]report by result of 'perf record -p %d'",
-// pnames[i], pids[i], pids[i]);
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "[CpuHLPerf:(%d)]report by result of 'perf record -p %d'",
- pids[i], pids[i]);
- }
- perf_lines++;
- }
- fclose(rfd);
- // Check if no line is acquired
- if (perf_lines == 0) {
-// pnames[i], pids[i]);
- pids[i]);
- }
- // Cleanup
- unlink(perf_dump);
- unlink(perf_file);
- }
- * exec_perf Main processing
- *********************************************************************************/
-//static void exec_perf(char pnames[PERF_MAX_PROCS][PERF_PNAME_MAX]) {
-static void exec_perf(int32_t t_pid) {
- pid_t c_pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS]; // max process to exec perf(forked child pids)
- pid_t pids[PERF_MAX_PROCS];
- char perf_file[128];
- char perf_dump[128];
- char pidstr[64];
- struct stat statbuf;
- int status;
- /* Check existance of perf exec file */
- if (stat(PERF_PATH, &statbuf) == -1 || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) {
- return;
- }
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG (ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "[CpuHighLoad]Please check User backtrace of following processes in kernel.log");
-// print_backtrace_pid(t_pid);
- for (int i = 0; i < PERF_MAX_PROCS; i++) {
- pids[i] = -1;
- }
- pids[0] = t_pid;
- /* RECORD perf data */
-// exec_perf_Record_Perf_Data(c_pids, perf_file, pidstr, &status, pnames);
- exec_perf_Record_Perf_Data(c_pids, perf_file, pidstr, &status, pids);
- /* make perf file available to default user */
-// if (exec_perf_Make_Perf_File(c_pids, perf_file) != 0)
- if (exec_perf_Make_Perf_File(c_pids, perf_file, pids) != 0)
- return;
- /* REPORT perf data into dump file */
-// exec_perf_Report_Perf_Data(c_pids, perf_file, perf_dump, &status);
- exec_perf_Report_Perf_Data(c_pids, perf_file, perf_dump, &status, pids);
-// exec_perf_Resourcemanagerlog_Perf_Data(perf_file, perf_dump, pnames);
- exec_perf_Resourcemanagerlog_Perf_Data(perf_file, perf_dump, pids);
-// Logging at CPU overload
-#define WAIT_RETRY 3 // 3sec
-#if 0
-static void logging_cpuload(void) {
- int32_t pipe_fd[2]; // 0:stdin,1:stdout
- pid_t c_pid;
- char buf[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- char buf2[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- char tmp[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- int32_t logLine = 0;
- char* ptr;
- int32_t ret;
- int32_t status;
- int32_t perfNum = 0;
- char pnames[PERF_MAX_PROCS][PERF_PNAME_MAX] = { };
- int save_0 = -1;
- int kill_flag = 1;
- int waitret;
- // Create pipe
- ret = pipe(pipe_fd);
- if (ret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: pipe error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: pipe error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr logging_cpuload() pipe Error");
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: pipe error case
- }
- // Create child process
- c_pid = fork();
- if (c_pid < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "ResMgr logging_cpuload() fork Error");
- close(pipe_fd[0]);
- close(pipe_fd[1]);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: fork error case
- }
- if (c_pid == 0) {
- /*******************************************************
- * Child-process
- * The use of dup() and Close() between fork()-> exec() has been
- * confirmed no probrem.
- *******************************************************/
- if (lower_sched_priority(CPULOAD_NICEVAL) == false) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to lower scheduler");
- exit(1);
- }
- close(pipe_fd[0]); // Unneeded pipes (close stdin)
- close(1); // Close stdout
- dup2(pipe_fd[1], 1); // Duplicate stdout to pipe_fd[1]
- close(pipe_fd[1]);
- execl("/usr/bin/top", "top", "-n", "1", "-b", NULL);
- // error
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "ResMgr logging_cpuload() execl Error");
- exit(1);
- } else {
- close(pipe_fd[1]); // Unneeded pipes(Close stdout)
- save_0 = dup(0);
- close(0); // Close stdin
- dup2(pipe_fd[0], 0); // Duplicate stdin to pipe_fd[0]
- close(pipe_fd[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < PERF_MAX_PROCS; i++) {
- pids[i] = -1;
- }
- {
- fd_set fds;
- int32_t maxFd;
- int ret;
- struct timeval tmout = { TOP_TIMEOUT, 0 };
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- ret = select(maxFd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tmout);
- if (ret < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: select error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "[RESM]Handle Error errno:%d", errno); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: select error case
- } else if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) {
- kill_flag = 0;
- } else {
- "[RESM]'top': No response during %d seconds", TOP_TIMEOUT);
- }
- if (kill_flag) {
- // Kill top after TOP_TIMEOUT sec
- // (Killed by child process to avoid making resm process super-user with setuid.)
- if (kill(c_pid, SIGKILL) == -1) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: kill error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: kill error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to kill(SIGKILL), pid=%d, errno=%d", (int) c_pid,
- errno);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: kill error case
- }
- } else {
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) > 0) {
- // Save ProcessName and Process ID to exec perf
- if (logLine >= 2 && perfNum < PERF_MAX_PROCS) {
- buf2[0] = 0;
- strncat(buf2, buf, sizeof(buf2) - 1);
- buf2[sizeof(buf2) - 1] = 0;
- if (valid_perf_cmd(buf2)) {
- pids[perfNum] = atoi(buf2);
- trim_end(buf2);
- strncat(pnames[perfNum], rindex(buf2, ' ') + 1,
- sizeof(pnames[0]) - 1);
- if (pids[perfNum] >= 0
- && strnlen(pnames[perfNum], sizeof(pnames[perfNum]) - 1)) {
- perfNum++;
- } else {
- pids[perfNum] = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (logLine == 0) {
- if ((buf[0] != 'C') && (buf[0] != '%')) {
- continue;
- }
- ptr = strstr(buf, "sy");
- if (ptr == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- while (isalpha(*ptr)) {
- ptr++;
- }
- *ptr = '\0';
- escape_percent(buf, tmp);
- logLine++;
- } else if (logLine == 1) {
- ptr = strstr(buf, "PID");
- if (ptr == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- trim_end(buf);
- escape_percent(buf, tmp);
- logLine++;
- } else if (logLine < (CPU_HIGH_LOAD_P_LOG_NUM + 2)) {
- trim_end(buf);
- logLine++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "wait pid(%d) kill_flag(%d)", c_pid, kill_flag);
- if (kill_flag) {
- const struct timespec delay = {1, 0};
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < WAIT_RETRY; i++) {
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
- if ((waitret = waitpid(c_pid, &status, WNOHANG)) == -1) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to waitpid for top %d, errno=%d", c_pid, errno);
- break;
- } else if (waitret == c_pid) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i >= WAIT_RETRY) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "top Failed to exit, pid=%d", c_pid);
- }
- } else {
- if ((waitret = waitpid(static_cast<int>(c_pid), &status, 0)) < 0) {
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "waitpid(%d) Error errno(%d)", c_pid, errno);
- }
- }
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "waitpid(%d) returned (%d) errno(%d) status=%d",
- c_pid, waitret, errno, WEXITSTATUS(*status));
- if (save_0 >= 0) {
- dup2(save_0, 0); // Reset the stdin to 0
- close(save_0);
- }
- if (!kill_flag) {
- exec_perf(pnames);
- }
- }
- return;
-// Tail adjustment
-static void trim_end(char* buf) {
- int32_t len;
- len = strlen(buf);
- while (len > 0) {
- if (isspace(buf[len - 1])) {
- buf[len - 1] = '\0';
- len--;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return;
-#if 0
-// Escape character "%"
-static void escape_percent(char* in, char* out) {
- char* head;
- char* tail;
- head = in;
- out[0] = '\0';
- while (1) {
- tail = strchr(head, '%');
- if (tail == NULL) {
- strcat(out, head); // NOLINT
- break;
- }
- *tail = '\0';
- strcat(out, head); // NOLINT
- strcat(out, "%%"); // NOLINT
- tail++;
- head = tail;
- }
- return;
- * Output debug information display
- *********************************************************************************/
-void outputResouceInfo(void) {
- static bool madedir = false;
- struct stat sbuf;
- FILE *wfp;
- // Create directory
- if (!madedir) {
- if (stat(DEBUG_INFO_DIRPATH, &sbuf) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: stat's error case
- if (mkdir(DEBUG_INFO_DIRPATH, 0777) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: mkdir's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: mkdir's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to mkdir %s, errno=%d",
- errno);
- return;
- }
- }
- madedir = true;
- }
- // Open files to work
- if ((wfp = fopen(DEBUG_INFO_TMPPATH, "w")) == NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fopen error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fopen error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to open %s, errno=%d",
- errno);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: fopen error case
- }
- // Output memory information work
- if (write_meminfo_work(wfp) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: write_meminfo_work will not be error
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: write_meminfo_work will not be error
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to edit and output in write_meminfo_work()");
- fclose(wfp);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 6: write_meminfo_work will not be error
- }
- // Get CMA MEMORY information and output working info
- if (write_cmainfo_work(wfp) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: write_cmainfo_work will not be error
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: write_cmainfo_work will not be error
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to edit and output in write_cmainfo_work()");
- fclose(wfp);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 6: write_cmainfo_work will not be error
- }
- // Get top information and output work info
- if (write_cpuinfo_work(wfp) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: write_cpuinfo_work will not be error
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: write_cpuinfo_work will not be error
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to edit and output in write_cpuinfo_work()");
- fclose(wfp);
- return;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 6: write_cpuinfo_work will not be error
- }
- fclose(wfp);
- // Create output file
- if (rename(DEBUG_INFO_TMPPATH, DEBUG_INFO_FPATH) != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:rename error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5:rename error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to make output file %s, errno=%d",
- errno);
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5:rename error case
- }
- // Write information and output FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG
- if (write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work() != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work will not be error
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work will not be error
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "Failed to output in write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work()");
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 6: write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work will not be error
- }
-// Output memory information work
-static int write_meminfo_work(FILE *wfp) {
- float total;
- float avail;
- float used;
- float min_remain;
- uint32_t used_rate;
- uint32_t used_letters;
- // Output meminfo: Getting info from the proc/meminfo is performed at 5-second intervals in watchMem, so it is diverted.
- avail = static_cast<float>((mainFree_kib + inactFile_kib));
- total = static_cast<float>(memTotal_kib);
- used = total - avail;
- min_remain = static_cast<float>(minRestMem);
- // "*MEMORY @@@@@@ Warning!! @@@@@"
- fprintf(wfp, "*MEMORY");
- if (avail * 10 < total) { // (Less than 1/10)
- fprintf(wfp, " @@@@@@ Warning!! @@@@@\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(wfp, " \n");
- }
- // "used/avail/total/used max xxx.xMB / xxx.xMB / xxx.xMB(xx.x%) / xxx.xMB
- used /= 1024;
- avail /= 1024;
- total /= 1024;
- min_remain /= 1024;
- if (total == 0) {
- used_rate = 0;
- } else {
- used_rate = (uint32_t) (used * 1000 / total);
- if (used_rate >= 1000) {
- used_rate = 999;
- }
- }
- fprintf(
- wfp,
- " used/avail/total/min remain %5.1fMB / %5.1fMB / %5.1fMB(%2d.%d%%) / %5.1fMB\n",
- used, avail, total, used_rate / 10, used_rate % 10, min_remain);
- if (total == 0) {
- used_letters = 0;
- } else {
- used_letters = (uint32_t) (DEBUG_INFO_MEM_LETTERS * used / total);
- if (used_letters > DEBUG_INFO_MEM_LETTERS) {
- used_letters = DEBUG_INFO_MEM_LETTERS;
- }
- }
- // "------------------*******"
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(used_letters); i++) {
- fprintf(wfp, "-");
- }
- for (; i < DEBUG_INFO_MEM_LETTERS; i++) {
- fprintf(wfp, "*");
- }
- fprintf(wfp, "\n\n");
- return 0;
-// Get top information and Output work
-static int write_cpuinfo_work(FILE *wfp) {
- int32_t pipe_fd[2]; // 0:stdin,1:stdout
- pid_t c_pid;
- char buf[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- int32_t logLine = 0;
- char* ptr;
- int32_t ret;
- int32_t status;
- int save_0 = -1;
- int32_t cpu_rate;
- char fields[12][128];
- int kill_flag = 1;
- int waitret;
- // Output CPU load
- cpu_rate = g_cpuloadRate1000 < 0 ? 0 : g_cpuloadRate1000;
- fprintf(wfp, "*CPU %2d.%d%%\n", cpu_rate / 10, cpu_rate % 10);
- // Create pipe
- ret = pipe(pipe_fd);
- if (ret != 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: pipe error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: pipe error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- return -1;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: pipe error case
- }
- // Create child process
- c_pid = fork();
- if (c_pid < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fork error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fork error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- close(pipe_fd[0]);
- close(pipe_fd[1]);
- return -1;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: fork error case
- }
- if (c_pid == 0) {
- /*******************************************************
- * Child process
- *******************************************************/
- if (lower_sched_priority(CPULOAD_NICEVAL) == false) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: lower_sched_priority can't be false
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: lower_sched_priority can't be false
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to lower scheduler");
- exit(1);
- }
- close(pipe_fd[0]); // Unneeded pipes (close stdin)
- close(1); // Close stdout
- dup2(pipe_fd[1], 1); // Duplicate stdout to pipe_fd[1]
- close(pipe_fd[1]);
- execl("/usr/bin/top", "top", "-n", "1", "-b", NULL);
- // error
- exit(1);
- } else {
- close(pipe_fd[1]); // Unneeded pipes(Close stdout)
- save_0 = dup(0);
- close(0); // Close stdin
- dup2(pipe_fd[0], 0); // Duplicate stdin to pipe_fd[0]
- close(pipe_fd[0]);
- {
- fd_set fds;
- int32_t maxFd;
- int ret;
- struct timeval tmout = { TOP_TIMEOUT, 0 };
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- ret = select(maxFd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tmout);
- if (ret < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: select error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "[RESM]Handle Error errno:%d", errno); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: select error case
- } else if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: FD_ISSET's error case
- kill_flag = 0;
- } else {
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: FD_ISSET's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- "[RESM]'top': No response during %d seconds", TOP_TIMEOUT);
- }
- if (kill_flag) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: kill_flag must be 0
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: kill_flag must be 0
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- // Kill top after TOP_TIMEOUT sec
- // (Killed by child process to avoid making resm process super-user with setuid.)
- if (kill(c_pid, SIGKILL) == -1) {
- "Failed to kill(SIGKILL), pid=%d, errno=%d", (int) c_pid,
- errno);
- }
- } else {
- while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) > 0) {
- if (logLine == 0) {
- if (buf[0] != 'C') {
- continue;
- }
- if (strstr(buf, "Cpu(s)") == NULL || strstr(buf, "sy") == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- logLine++;
- } else if (logLine == 1) {
- ptr = strstr(buf, "PID");
- if (ptr == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- logLine++;
- } else if (logLine < (DEBUG_INFO_CPU_TOP_LINES + 2)) {
- ret = sscanf(buf, "%128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s %128s", fields[0],
- fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4], fields[5],
- fields[6], fields[7], fields[8], fields[9], fields[10],
- fields[11]);
- fprintf(wfp, "%4s%% %s\n", fields[8], fields[11]);
- logLine++;
- }
- }
- fprintf(wfp, "\n\n");
- }
- }
- ret = 0;
- if (kill_flag) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: kill_flag must be 0
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: kill_flag must be 0
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- const struct timespec delay = {1, 0};
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < WAIT_RETRY; i++) {
- nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
- if ((waitret = waitpid(c_pid, &status, WNOHANG)) == -1) {
- ret = -1;
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to waitpid for top %d, errno=%d", c_pid, errno);
- break;
- } else if (waitret == c_pid) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i >= WAIT_RETRY) {
- ret = -1;
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "top Failed to exit, pid=%d", c_pid);
- }
- } else {
- if ((waitret = waitpid(static_cast<int>(c_pid), &status, 0)) < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: waitpid's error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: waitpid's error case
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- ret = -1;
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_RESM_DEBUG, __FUNCTION__, "waitpid(%d) Error errno(%d)", c_pid, errno);
- }
- }
- if (ret < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: ret must be 0
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: ret must be 0
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- if (save_0 >= 0) {
- close(save_0);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- if (save_0 >= 0) {
- dup2(save_0, 0); // Reset the stdin to 0
- close(save_0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// Get CMA information and Output work
-static int write_cmainfo_work(FILE *wfp) {
- float total;
- float avail;
- float used;
- float min_remain;
- uint32_t used_rate;
- uint32_t used_letters;
- avail = static_cast<float>(cmaFree_kib);
- total = static_cast<float>(cmaTotal_kib);
- used = total - avail;
- min_remain = static_cast<float>(minRestCma);
- // "*CMA MEMORY @@@@@@ Warning!! @@@@@"
- fprintf(wfp, "*CMA MEMORY");
- if (used * 5 > total * 4) { // (4/5 Or more)
- fprintf(wfp, " @@@@@@ Warning!! @@@@@\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(wfp, " \n");
- }
- // "used/avail/total xxx.xMB / xxx.xMB / xxx.xMB(xx.x%)
- used /= 1024;
- avail /= 1024;
- total /= 1024;
- min_remain /= 1024;
- if (total != 0) {
- used_rate = (uint32_t) (used * 1000 / total);
- } else {
- used_rate = 0;
- }
- if (used_rate >= 1000) {
- used_rate = 999;
- }
- fprintf(
- wfp,
- " used/avail/total/min remain %5.1fMB / %5.1fMB / %5.1fMB(%2d.%d%%) / %5.1fMB\n",
- used, avail, total, used_rate / 10, used_rate % 10, min_remain);
- if (total == 0) {
- used_letters = 0;
- } else {
- used_letters = (uint32_t) (DEBUG_INFO_CMA_LETTERS * used / total);
- if (used_letters > DEBUG_INFO_CMA_LETTERS) {
- used_letters = DEBUG_INFO_CMA_LETTERS;
- }
- }
- // "------------------*******"
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(used_letters); i++) {
- fprintf(wfp, "-");
- }
- for (; i < DEBUG_INFO_CMA_LETTERS; i++) {
- fprintf(wfp, "*");
- }
- fprintf(wfp, "\n\n");
- return 0;
-// Write information and Output FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG
-static int write_resourcemanagerloginfo_work(void) {
- FILE *wfp;
- char l_read[READLINE_MAX_SIZE];
- int ret;
- wfp = fopen(DEBUG_INFO_FPATH, "r");
- if (wfp == NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fopen error case
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: fopen case error
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to open %s, errno=%d",
- errno);
- return -1;
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: fopen case error
- }
- while (1) {
- if (fgets(l_read, READLINE_MAX_SIZE, wfp) == NULL) {
- ret = feof(wfp);
- if (ret == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: feof case error
- // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: feof case error
- AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
- // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 5: feof case error
- }
- break;
- } else {
- char *line;
- line = strchr(l_read, '\n');
- if (line != NULL) {
- *line = '\0';
- }
- if (l_read[0] != '\0') {
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(wfp);
- return 0;