path: root/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/include/native_service/frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/include/native_service/frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/include/native_service/frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h b/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/include/native_service/frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c189a7..0000000
--- a/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/include/native_service/frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/// \ingroup tag_HMI_CWORD77_Controller
-/// \brief
- * @file frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h
- * @brief \~english This file provides API for operating session
- *
- */
-/** @addtogroup BaseSystem
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup native_service
- * @ingroup BaseSystem
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup framework_unified
- * @ingroup native_service
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup _CWORD77_
- * @ingroup framework_unified
- * @{
- */
-#ifndef _FRAMEWORKUNIFIED__CWORD77_SESSION_H_ // NOLINT (build/header_guard)
-#include <native_service/ns__CWORD77__common.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-class CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session {
- protected:
- HANDLE m_hSession; ///< Handle to session
- HANDLE m_hApp; ///< Handle to Framework
- HANDLE m_hService; ///< Handle to Service
- UI_32 m_uiSessionType; ///< Session Type
- ResponseServiceTo_CWORD77_ m_ResponseTo_CWORD77_; ///< Call back function pointer
- std::vector<FrameworkunifiedProtocolCallbackHandler> m_vSessionProtocolHanlder;
- std::vector<UI_32> m_vEventVector;
- std::vector<FrameworkunifiedProtocolCallbackHandler> m_vSessionEventHandler;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// AddProtocol
- /// Function to add notification
- ///
- /// \param[in] f_uiCmdId
- /// UI_32 - Command id
- /// \param[in] f_cbFuncPtr
- /// CbFuncPtr - Callback function pointer
- /// \return None
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void AddProtocolHandler(UI_32 f_uiCmdId, CbFuncPtr f_cbFuncPtr);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// AttachProtocolwithDispatcher
- /// API to Register Session 1 of Service A protocols with Dispatcher
- ///
- /// \param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to the Framework
- /// \return status
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus AttachProtocolwithDispatcher(HANDLE f_hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// DetachProtocolwithDispatcher
- /// API to Un Register Session 1 of Service A protocols with Dispatcher
- ///
- /// \param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to the Framework
- /// \return status
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus DetachProtocolwithDispatcher(HANDLE f_hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// AttachEventswithDispatcher
- /// Function to register events with dispatcher
- ///
- /// \param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to the Framework
- /// \return status
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus AttachEventswithDispatcher(HANDLE f_hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// RegisterEvents
- /// Function to register events
- ///
- /// \param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to the Framework
- /// \return status
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus RegisterEvents(HANDLE f_hApp); // Function: added by Shyam to overcome
- /// the naming conflict in registering the event
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// AttachEventHandlerswithDispatcher
- /// API to Register Session 1 of Service A protocols with Dispatcher
- ///
- /// \param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to the Framework
- /// \return status
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus AttachEventHandlerswithDispatcher(HANDLE f_hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// DetachEventHandlerswithDispatcher
- /// API to Un Register Session 1 of Service A protocols with Dispatcher
- ///
- /// \param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to the Framework
- /// \return status
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus DetachEventHandlerswithDispatcher(HANDLE f_hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// AddEventHandler
- /// Function to add event handler
- ///
- /// \param[in] f_uiCmdId
- /// UI_32 - Command id
- /// \param[in] f_cbFuncPtr
- /// CbFuncPtr - Callback function pointer
- /// \return None
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void AddEventHandler(UI_32 f_uiCmdId, CbFuncPtr f_cbFuncPtr);
- public:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// Constructor for CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @retval none
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// Create CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session instance and initialize the member parameter(m_hSession, m_hApp,m_hService,\n
- /// m_uiSessionType)
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see ~CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// Destructor for CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @retval none
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session is decleared in constructor
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// Release CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session class instance
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual ~CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// send specific command by session
- /// \~english @param [in] cmdID
- /// cmdID - commond id
- /// \~english @par
- /// cmdID UI_32
- /// \~english @retval EFrameworkunifiedStatus
- /// eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK or failed
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - GetReqDataFrom_CWORD77_DataPool() failed [eFrameworkunifiedStatusDbRecNotFound]
- /// - FrameworkunifiedSendMsg() failed
- /// - if m_hSession is NULL. [eFrameworkunifiedStatusSessionErr]
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// send specified commond by session.
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// sync only
- /// \~english @see GetReqDataFrom_CWORD77_DataPool
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // virtual EFrameworkunifiedStatus HandleSessionMessage(UI_32 cmdID);
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus HandleSessionMessage(UI_32 cmdID);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// Set Call back function in Session
- /// \~english @param [in] fptr
- /// fptr - Pointer to call back function
- /// \~english @par
- /// fptr ResponseServiceTo_CWORD77_*
- /// \~english @retval none
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - set callback into m_ResponseTo_CWORD77_.
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// Set Call back function in Session
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// sync only
- /// \~english @see
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SetResponseCallback(ResponseServiceTo_CWORD77_ fptr);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// function to Open Session.(pure virtual function)
- /// \~english @param [in] f_hApp
- /// f_hApp - Handle of framework
- /// \~english @par
- /// f_hApp HANDLE*
- /// \~english @param [in] f_sServiceName
- /// f_sServiceName - Service Name
- /// \~english @par
- /// f_sServiceName std::string
- /// \~english @retval EFrameworkunifiedStatus
- /// Success or Error
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual EFrameworkunifiedStatus OpenSession(HANDLE f_hApp, std::string f_sServiceName) = 0;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// function to close Session.(pure virtual function)
- /// \~english @param [in] f_hApp
- /// f_hApp - Handle of framework
- /// \~english @par
- /// f_hApp HANDLE*
- /// \~english @retval EFrameworkunifiedStatus
- /// Success or Error
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual EFrameworkunifiedStatus CloseSession(HANDLE f_hApp) = 0;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// Open Session acknowledge.(pure virtual function)
- /// \~english @param [in] f_hApp
- /// f_hApp - Handle of framework
- /// \~english @par
- /// f_hApp HANDLE*
- /// \~english @retval EFrameworkunifiedStatus
- /// Success or Error
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// -none
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual EFrameworkunifiedStatus OpenSessionAcknowledge(HANDLE f_hApp) = 0;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// GetSessionType
- /// API to get session type
- ///
- /// \return UI_32 - Session type
- /// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Success or Error
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// API to get session type
- /// \~english @param none
- /// \~english @retval UI_32 - Session type
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// API to get session type.\n
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// sync only
- /// \~english @see
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- UI_32 GetSessionType();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// API to set session type into class CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session object.
- /// \~english @param[in] sessioType
- /// const UI_32& - Session type
- /// \~english @retval none
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// API to set session type into class CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session object.
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// sync only
- /// \~english @see
- /// none
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SetSessionType(const UI_32 &sessioType);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// declear callback funcion into Dispatcher
- /// \~english @param[in] hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to Application
- /// \~english @retval none
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// no precondition
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// declear OnResponse() of callback function by calling FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher()\n
- /// get decleared protocol ID through GetResponseProtocolArray()\n
- /// get decleared event ID through GetEventArray() and regist event-sending instance in FrameworkunifiedRegisterEvent
- /// \~english @par
- /// cautions in using this API:\n
- /// -Registrition will fail without msg When Application handle is uncorrect set by parameter\n
- /// -Registrition process in FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher() will not commit when
- /// GetResponseProtocolArray()\n
- /// or GetEventArray() returns NULL or NULL list
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedRegisterEvent,
- /// GetResponseProtocolArray, GetEventArray, OnResponse
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void AttachResponseCallbacks(HANDLE hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// unscrible dispatcher callback function
- /// \~english @param[in] hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to Application
- /// \~english @retval none
- /// \~english @par Preconditons
- /// no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// declear OnResponse() of callback function by calling FrameworkunifiedDetachCallbackFromDispatcher()\n
- /// get unregistrition protocol ID through GetResponseProtocolArray()\n
- /// get unregistrition event ID through GetEventArray() and unregist event-sending instance in \n
- /// FrameworkunifiedUnRegisterEvent()
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// cautions in using this API:\n
- /// -Unregistrition will fail without msg When Application handle is uncorrect set by parameter\n
- /// -Unregistrition process in FrameworkunifiedDetachCallbackFromDispatcher() will not commit when
- /// GetResponseProtocolArray()\n
- /// or GetEventArray() returns NULL or NULL list
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see FrameworkunifiedDetachCallbackFromDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedUnRegisterEvent,
- /// GetResponseProtocolArray, GetEventArray
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void DetachResponseCallbacks(HANDLE hApp);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// OnResponse
- /// Callback function on receiving response protocol or event specified in the list, returned
- /// by either \ref GetResponseProtocolArray or \ref GetEventArray
- ///
- /// \param [in] hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle to framework
- /// \return None
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// \ingroup CFrameworkunified_CWORD77_Session
- /// \~english @par Brief
- /// Callback function on receiving response protocol or event specified in the list, returned
- /// by either \ref GetResponseProtocolArray or \ref GetEventArray
- /// \~english @param [in] f_hApp
- /// HANDLE - Handle of framework
- /// \~english @retval EFrameworkunifiedStatus
- /// SuceFrameworkunifiedStatusOK or eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer
- /// \~english @par Preconditions
- /// - no preconditions
- /// \~english @par Change of internal status
- /// - framework handler is invalid handler.[eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer]
- /// \~english @par Conditions of processing failure
- /// - none
- /// \~english @par Detail
- /// Callback function on receiving response protocol or event specified in the list, returned
- /// by either \ref GetResponseProtocolArray or \ref GetEventArray
- /// \~english @par Classification
- /// public
- /// \~english @par Type
- /// none
- /// \~english @see FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- EFrameworkunifiedStatus OnResponse(HANDLE hApp);
- // FIXME: Following set of functions should be pure virtual functions.
- // But, in order to avoid build errors for HMI__CWORD77_, it is defined as virtual functions only.
- // Because nobody who is currently deriving off of frameworkunified__CWORD77__session_if.h has these functions implemented.
- virtual UI_32 const *GetResponseProtocolArray() = 0;
- virtual UI_32 const GetResponseProtocolArrayLength() = 0;
- virtual UI_32 const *GetEventArray() = 0;
- virtual UI_32 const GetEventArrayLength() = 0;
-#endif // _FRAMEWORKUNIFIED__CWORD77_SESSION_H_ NOLINT (build/header_guard)
-/** @}*/
-/** @}*/
-/** @}*/
-/** @}*/