path: root/homescreen/qml/images/Home/video_active.svg
diff options
authorTadao Tanikawa <>2017-12-22 14:18:17 +0900
committerTadao Tanikawa <>2017-12-25 07:14:21 +0000
commit58e41da173b4ee63309ce94d20471e00fec2ea9a (patch)
treea9a86db03a0d43457b339eb789b2ee0a112cb447 /homescreen/qml/images/Home/video_active.svg
parent675661fa51a0092805cbd47dcaaffa84ee65e5c1 (diff)
Improve management icons of homescreen
- sort out filenames of icons - remove unnecessary margins of icon - fix rule of converting metadata of app to icon's filename Before: filename is made from id returns appfw After: filename is lowercase of name defined in config.xml - Add 2 new builtin icons, VIDEO and WEBBROWSER Bug-AGL: SPEC-673 Change-Id: I606841b19c884687237c92012724f5a1a3f6f603 Signed-off-by: Tadao Tanikawa <> (cherry picked from commit 8b2fa00276456759fffdd97e210f643b46a0cb1e)
Diffstat (limited to 'homescreen/qml/images/Home/video_active.svg')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/homescreen/qml/images/Home/video_active.svg b/homescreen/qml/images/Home/video_active.svg
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