path: root/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include
diff options
authorKenji Hosokawa <>2021-08-26 22:48:28 +0900
committerKenji Hosokawa <>2021-08-26 22:58:27 +0900
commit44a3da18a257cc46aa0dbfd01947deeb377ab049 (patch)
tree854c7a5f1e1d671ddcccc7f1f60e55080e50ec43 /rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include
parent6166bddbc4c94c4e0da3c884e1a592dfa1faa4ad (diff)
Signed-off-by: Kenji Hosokawa <>
Diffstat (limited to 'rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include')
14 files changed, 12566 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3++.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3++.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d45c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3++.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3332 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
+ Thin C++ layer on top of the Z3 C API.
+ Main features:
+ - Smart pointers for all Z3 objects.
+ - Object-Oriented interface.
+ - Operator overloading.
+ - Exceptions for signining Z3 errors
+ The C API can be used simultaneously with the C++ layer.
+ However, if you use the C API directly, you will have to check the error conditions manually.
+ Of course, you can invoke the method check_error() of the context object.
+ Leonardo (leonardo) 2012-03-28
+#ifndef Z3PP_H_
+#define Z3PP_H_
+#undef min
+#undef max
+ \defgroup cppapi C++ API
+ @name C++ API classes and functions
+ \brief Z3 C++ namespace
+namespace z3 {
+ class exception;
+ class config;
+ class context;
+ class symbol;
+ class params;
+ class param_descrs;
+ class ast;
+ class sort;
+ class func_decl;
+ class expr;
+ class solver;
+ class goal;
+ class tactic;
+ class probe;
+ class model;
+ class func_interp;
+ class func_entry;
+ class statistics;
+ class apply_result;
+ template<typename T> class ast_vector_tpl;
+ typedef ast_vector_tpl<ast> ast_vector;
+ typedef ast_vector_tpl<expr> expr_vector;
+ typedef ast_vector_tpl<sort> sort_vector;
+ typedef ast_vector_tpl<func_decl> func_decl_vector;
+ inline void set_param(char const * param, char const * value) { Z3_global_param_set(param, value); }
+ inline void set_param(char const * param, bool value) { Z3_global_param_set(param, value ? "true" : "false"); }
+ inline void set_param(char const * param, int value) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << value; Z3_global_param_set(param, oss.str().c_str()); }
+ inline void reset_params() { Z3_global_param_reset_all(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Exception used to sign API usage errors.
+ */
+ class exception {
+ std::string m_msg;
+ public:
+ exception(char const * msg):m_msg(msg) {}
+ char const * msg() const { return m_msg.c_str(); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, exception const & e);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, exception const & e) { out << e.msg(); return out; }
+#if !defined(Z3_THROW)
+#if __cpp_exceptions || _CPPUNWIND || __EXCEPTIONS
+#define Z3_THROW(x) throw x
+#define Z3_THROW(x) {}
+#endif // !defined(Z3_THROW)
+ /**
+ \brief Z3 global configuration object.
+ */
+ class config {
+ Z3_config m_cfg;
+ config(config const & s);
+ config & operator=(config const & s);
+ public:
+ config() { m_cfg = Z3_mk_config(); }
+ ~config() { Z3_del_config(m_cfg); }
+ operator Z3_config() const { return m_cfg; }
+ /**
+ \brief Set global parameter \c param with string \c value.
+ */
+ void set(char const * param, char const * value) { Z3_set_param_value(m_cfg, param, value); }
+ /**
+ \brief Set global parameter \c param with Boolean \c value.
+ */
+ void set(char const * param, bool value) { Z3_set_param_value(m_cfg, param, value ? "true" : "false"); }
+ /**
+ \brief Set global parameter \c param with integer \c value.
+ */
+ void set(char const * param, int value) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << value;
+ Z3_set_param_value(m_cfg, param, oss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ };
+ enum check_result {
+ unsat, sat, unknown
+ };
+ enum rounding_mode {
+ RNA,
+ RNE,
+ RTP,
+ RTN,
+ };
+ inline check_result to_check_result(Z3_lbool l) {
+ if (l == Z3_L_TRUE) return sat;
+ else if (l == Z3_L_FALSE) return unsat;
+ return unknown;
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief A Context manages all other Z3 objects, global configuration options, etc.
+ */
+ class context {
+ private:
+ bool m_enable_exceptions;
+ rounding_mode m_rounding_mode;
+ Z3_context m_ctx;
+ void init(config & c) {
+ m_ctx = Z3_mk_context_rc(c);
+ m_enable_exceptions = true;
+ m_rounding_mode = RNA;
+ Z3_set_error_handler(m_ctx, 0);
+ Z3_set_ast_print_mode(m_ctx, Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT);
+ }
+ context(context const & s);
+ context & operator=(context const & s);
+ public:
+ context() { config c; init(c); }
+ context(config & c) { init(c); }
+ ~context() { Z3_del_context(m_ctx); }
+ operator Z3_context() const { return m_ctx; }
+ /**
+ \brief Auxiliary method used to check for API usage errors.
+ */
+ Z3_error_code check_error() const {
+ Z3_error_code e = Z3_get_error_code(m_ctx);
+ if (e != Z3_OK && enable_exceptions())
+ Z3_THROW(exception(Z3_get_error_msg(m_ctx, e)));
+ return e;
+ }
+ void check_parser_error() const {
+ check_error();
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief The C++ API uses by defaults exceptions on errors.
+ For applications that don't work well with exceptions (there should be only few)
+ you have the ability to turn off exceptions. The tradeoffs are that applications
+ have to be very careful about using check_error() after calls that may result in an
+ erroneous state.
+ */
+ void set_enable_exceptions(bool f) { m_enable_exceptions = f; }
+ bool enable_exceptions() const { return m_enable_exceptions; }
+ /**
+ \brief Update global parameter \c param with string \c value.
+ */
+ void set(char const * param, char const * value) { Z3_update_param_value(m_ctx, param, value); }
+ /**
+ \brief Update global parameter \c param with Boolean \c value.
+ */
+ void set(char const * param, bool value) { Z3_update_param_value(m_ctx, param, value ? "true" : "false"); }
+ /**
+ \brief Update global parameter \c param with Integer \c value.
+ */
+ void set(char const * param, int value) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << value;
+ Z3_update_param_value(m_ctx, param, oss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Interrupt the current procedure being executed by any object managed by this context.
+ This is a soft interruption: there is no guarantee the object will actually stop.
+ */
+ void interrupt() { Z3_interrupt(m_ctx); }
+ /**
+ \brief Create a Z3 symbol based on the given string.
+ */
+ symbol str_symbol(char const * s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a Z3 symbol based on the given integer.
+ */
+ symbol int_symbol(int n);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the Boolean sort.
+ */
+ sort bool_sort();
+ /**
+ \brief Return the integer sort.
+ */
+ sort int_sort();
+ /**
+ \brief Return the Real sort.
+ */
+ sort real_sort();
+ /**
+ \brief Return the Bit-vector sort of size \c sz. That is, the sort for bit-vectors of size \c sz.
+ */
+ sort bv_sort(unsigned sz);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort for ASCII strings.
+ */
+ sort string_sort();
+ /**
+ \brief Return a sequence sort over base sort \c s.
+ */
+ sort seq_sort(sort& s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a regular expression sort over sequences \c seq_sort.
+ */
+ sort re_sort(sort& seq_sort);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an array sort for arrays from \c d to \c r.
+ Example: Given a context \c c, <tt>c.array_sort(c.int_sort(), c.bool_sort())</tt> is an array sort from integer to Boolean.
+ */
+ sort array_sort(sort d, sort r);
+ sort array_sort(sort_vector const& d, sort r);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a floating point sort.
+ \c ebits is a number of exponent bits,
+ \c sbits is a number of significand bits,
+ \pre where ebits must be larger than 1 and sbits must be larger than 2.
+ */
+ sort fpa_sort(unsigned ebits, unsigned sbits);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a FloatingPoint sort with given precision bitwidth (16, 32, 64 or 128).
+ */
+ template<size_t precision>
+ sort fpa_sort();
+ /**
+ \brief Return a RoundingMode sort.
+ */
+ sort fpa_rounding_mode();
+ /**
+ \brief Sets RoundingMode of FloatingPoints.
+ */
+ void set_rounding_mode(rounding_mode rm);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an enumeration sort: enum_names[0], ..., enum_names[n-1].
+ \c cs and \c ts are output parameters. The method stores in \c cs the constants corresponding to the enumerated elements,
+ and in \c ts the predicates for testing if terms of the enumeration sort correspond to an enumeration.
+ */
+ sort enumeration_sort(char const * name, unsigned n, char const * const * enum_names, func_decl_vector & cs, func_decl_vector & ts);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tuple constructor.
+ \c name is the name of the returned constructor,
+ \c n are the number of arguments, \c names and \c sorts are their projected sorts.
+ \c projs is an output parameter. It contains the set of projection functions.
+ */
+ func_decl tuple_sort(char const * name, unsigned n, char const * const * names, sort const* sorts, func_decl_vector & projs);
+ /**
+ \brief create an uninterpreted sort with the name given by the string or symbol.
+ */
+ sort uninterpreted_sort(char const* name);
+ sort uninterpreted_sort(symbol const& name);
+ func_decl function(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range);
+ func_decl function(symbol const& name, sort_vector const& domain, sort const& range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, sort_vector const& domain, sort const& range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & domain, sort const & range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & d4, sort const & range);
+ func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & d4, sort const & d5, sort const & range);
+ func_decl recfun(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range);
+ func_decl recfun(char const * name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range);
+ func_decl recfun(char const * name, sort const & domain, sort const & range);
+ func_decl recfun(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & range);
+ void recdef(func_decl, expr_vector const& args, expr const& body);
+ expr constant(symbol const & name, sort const & s);
+ expr constant(char const * name, sort const & s);
+ expr bool_const(char const * name);
+ expr int_const(char const * name);
+ expr real_const(char const * name);
+ expr bv_const(char const * name, unsigned sz);
+ expr fpa_const(char const * name, unsigned ebits, unsigned sbits);
+ template<size_t precision>
+ expr fpa_const(char const * name);
+ expr bool_val(bool b);
+ expr int_val(int n);
+ expr int_val(unsigned n);
+ expr int_val(int64_t n);
+ expr int_val(uint64_t n);
+ expr int_val(char const * n);
+ expr real_val(int n, int d);
+ expr real_val(int n);
+ expr real_val(unsigned n);
+ expr real_val(int64_t n);
+ expr real_val(uint64_t n);
+ expr real_val(char const * n);
+ expr bv_val(int n, unsigned sz);
+ expr bv_val(unsigned n, unsigned sz);
+ expr bv_val(int64_t n, unsigned sz);
+ expr bv_val(uint64_t n, unsigned sz);
+ expr bv_val(char const * n, unsigned sz);
+ expr bv_val(unsigned n, bool const* bits);
+ expr fpa_val(double n);
+ expr fpa_val(float n);
+ expr string_val(char const* s);
+ expr string_val(std::string const& s);
+ expr num_val(int n, sort const & s);
+ /**
+ \brief parsing
+ */
+ expr_vector parse_string(char const* s);
+ expr_vector parse_file(char const* file);
+ expr_vector parse_string(char const* s, sort_vector const& sorts, func_decl_vector const& decls);
+ expr_vector parse_file(char const* s, sort_vector const& sorts, func_decl_vector const& decls);
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ class array {
+ T * m_array;
+ unsigned m_size;
+ array(array const & s);
+ array & operator=(array const & s);
+ public:
+ array(unsigned sz):m_size(sz) { m_array = new T[sz]; }
+ template<typename T2>
+ array(ast_vector_tpl<T2> const & v);
+ ~array() { delete[] m_array; }
+ unsigned size() const { return m_size; }
+ T & operator[](int i) { assert(0 <= i); assert(static_cast<unsigned>(i) < m_size); return m_array[i]; }
+ T const & operator[](int i) const { assert(0 <= i); assert(static_cast<unsigned>(i) < m_size); return m_array[i]; }
+ T const * ptr() const { return m_array; }
+ T * ptr() { return m_array; }
+ };
+ class object {
+ protected:
+ context * m_ctx;
+ public:
+ object(context & c):m_ctx(&c) {}
+ object(object const & s):m_ctx(s.m_ctx) {}
+ context & ctx() const { return *m_ctx; }
+ Z3_error_code check_error() const { return m_ctx->check_error(); }
+ friend void check_context(object const & a, object const & b);
+ };
+ inline void check_context(object const & a, object const & b) { (void)a; (void)b; assert(a.m_ctx == b.m_ctx); }
+ class symbol : public object {
+ Z3_symbol m_sym;
+ public:
+ symbol(context & c, Z3_symbol s):object(c), m_sym(s) {}
+ symbol(symbol const & s):object(s), m_sym(s.m_sym) {}
+ symbol & operator=(symbol const & s) { m_ctx = s.m_ctx; m_sym = s.m_sym; return *this; }
+ operator Z3_symbol() const { return m_sym; }
+ Z3_symbol_kind kind() const { return Z3_get_symbol_kind(ctx(), m_sym); }
+ std::string str() const { assert(kind() == Z3_STRING_SYMBOL); return Z3_get_symbol_string(ctx(), m_sym); }
+ int to_int() const { assert(kind() == Z3_INT_SYMBOL); return Z3_get_symbol_int(ctx(), m_sym); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, symbol const & s);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, symbol const & s) {
+ if (s.kind() == Z3_INT_SYMBOL)
+ out << "k!" << s.to_int();
+ else
+ out << s.str().c_str();
+ return out;
+ }
+ class param_descrs : public object {
+ Z3_param_descrs m_descrs;
+ public:
+ param_descrs(context& c, Z3_param_descrs d): object(c), m_descrs(d) { Z3_param_descrs_inc_ref(c, d); }
+ param_descrs(param_descrs const& o): object(o.ctx()), m_descrs(o.m_descrs) { Z3_param_descrs_inc_ref(ctx(), m_descrs); }
+ param_descrs& operator=(param_descrs const& o) {
+ Z3_param_descrs_inc_ref(o.ctx(), o.m_descrs);
+ Z3_param_descrs_dec_ref(ctx(), m_descrs);
+ m_descrs = o.m_descrs;
+ m_ctx = o.m_ctx;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~param_descrs() { Z3_param_descrs_dec_ref(ctx(), m_descrs); }
+ static param_descrs simplify_param_descrs(context& c) { return param_descrs(c, Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs(c)); }
+ unsigned size() { return Z3_param_descrs_size(ctx(), m_descrs); }
+ symbol name(unsigned i) { return symbol(ctx(), Z3_param_descrs_get_name(ctx(), m_descrs, i)); }
+ Z3_param_kind kind(symbol const& s) { return Z3_param_descrs_get_kind(ctx(), m_descrs, s); }
+ std::string documentation(symbol const& s) { char const* r = Z3_param_descrs_get_documentation(ctx(), m_descrs, s); check_error(); return r; }
+ std::string to_string() const { return Z3_param_descrs_to_string(ctx(), m_descrs); }
+ };
+ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & out, param_descrs const & d) { return out << d.to_string(); }
+ class params : public object {
+ Z3_params m_params;
+ public:
+ params(context & c):object(c) { m_params = Z3_mk_params(c); Z3_params_inc_ref(ctx(), m_params); }
+ params(params const & s):object(s), m_params(s.m_params) { Z3_params_inc_ref(ctx(), m_params); }
+ ~params() { Z3_params_dec_ref(ctx(), m_params); }
+ operator Z3_params() const { return m_params; }
+ params & operator=(params const & s) {
+ Z3_params_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_params);
+ Z3_params_dec_ref(ctx(), m_params);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_params = s.m_params;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void set(char const * k, bool b) { Z3_params_set_bool(ctx(), m_params, ctx().str_symbol(k), b); }
+ void set(char const * k, unsigned n) { Z3_params_set_uint(ctx(), m_params, ctx().str_symbol(k), n); }
+ void set(char const * k, double n) { Z3_params_set_double(ctx(), m_params, ctx().str_symbol(k), n); }
+ void set(char const * k, symbol const & s) { Z3_params_set_symbol(ctx(), m_params, ctx().str_symbol(k), s); }
+ void set(char const * k, char const* s) { Z3_params_set_symbol(ctx(), m_params, ctx().str_symbol(k), ctx().str_symbol(s)); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, params const & p);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, params const & p) {
+ out << Z3_params_to_string(p.ctx(), p); return out;
+ }
+ class ast : public object {
+ protected:
+ Z3_ast m_ast;
+ public:
+ ast(context & c):object(c), m_ast(0) {}
+ ast(context & c, Z3_ast n):object(c), m_ast(n) { Z3_inc_ref(ctx(), m_ast); }
+ ast(ast const & s):object(s), m_ast(s.m_ast) { Z3_inc_ref(ctx(), m_ast); }
+ ~ast() { if (m_ast) Z3_dec_ref(*m_ctx, m_ast); }
+ operator Z3_ast() const { return m_ast; }
+ operator bool() const { return m_ast != 0; }
+ ast & operator=(ast const & s) { Z3_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_ast); if (m_ast) Z3_dec_ref(ctx(), m_ast); m_ctx = s.m_ctx; m_ast = s.m_ast; return *this; }
+ Z3_ast_kind kind() const { Z3_ast_kind r = Z3_get_ast_kind(ctx(), m_ast); check_error(); return r; }
+ unsigned hash() const { unsigned r = Z3_get_ast_hash(ctx(), m_ast); check_error(); return r; }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, ast const & n);
+ std::string to_string() const { return std::string(Z3_ast_to_string(ctx(), m_ast)); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the ASTs are structurally identical.
+ */
+ friend bool eq(ast const & a, ast const & b);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, ast const & n) {
+ out << Z3_ast_to_string(n.ctx(), n.m_ast); return out;
+ }
+ inline bool eq(ast const & a, ast const & b) { return Z3_is_eq_ast(a.ctx(), a, b); }
+ /**
+ \brief A Z3 sort (aka type). Every expression (i.e., formula or term) in Z3 has a sort.
+ */
+ class sort : public ast {
+ public:
+ sort(context & c):ast(c) {}
+ sort(context & c, Z3_sort s):ast(c, reinterpret_cast<Z3_ast>(s)) {}
+ sort(context & c, Z3_ast a):ast(c, a) {}
+ sort(sort const & s):ast(s) {}
+ operator Z3_sort() const { return reinterpret_cast<Z3_sort>(m_ast); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort and \c s are equal.
+ */
+ sort & operator=(sort const & s) { return static_cast<sort&>(ast::operator=(s)); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the internal sort kind.
+ */
+ Z3_sort_kind sort_kind() const { return Z3_get_sort_kind(*m_ctx, *this); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return name of sort.
+ */
+ symbol name() const { Z3_symbol s = Z3_get_sort_name(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return symbol(ctx(), s); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is the Boolean sort.
+ */
+ bool is_bool() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_BOOL_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is the Integer sort.
+ */
+ bool is_int() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_INT_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is the Real sort.
+ */
+ bool is_real() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_REAL_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is the Integer or Real sort.
+ */
+ bool is_arith() const { return is_int() || is_real(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Bit-vector sort.
+ */
+ bool is_bv() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_BV_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Array sort.
+ */
+ bool is_array() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_ARRAY_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Datatype sort.
+ */
+ bool is_datatype() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Relation sort.
+ */
+ bool is_relation() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_RELATION_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Sequence sort.
+ */
+ bool is_seq() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_SEQ_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a regular expression sort.
+ */
+ bool is_re() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_RE_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Finite domain sort.
+ */
+ bool is_finite_domain() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_FINITE_DOMAIN_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this sort is a Floating point sort.
+ */
+ bool is_fpa() const { return sort_kind() == Z3_FLOATING_POINT_SORT; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the size of this Bit-vector sort.
+ \pre is_bv()
+ */
+ unsigned bv_size() const { assert(is_bv()); unsigned r = Z3_get_bv_sort_size(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return r; }
+ unsigned fpa_ebits() const { assert(is_fpa()); unsigned r = Z3_fpa_get_ebits(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return r; }
+ unsigned fpa_sbits() const { assert(is_fpa()); unsigned r = Z3_fpa_get_sbits(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return r; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the domain of this Array sort.
+ \pre is_array()
+ */
+ sort array_domain() const { assert(is_array()); Z3_sort s = Z3_get_array_sort_domain(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return sort(ctx(), s); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the range of this Array sort.
+ \pre is_array()
+ */
+ sort array_range() const { assert(is_array()); Z3_sort s = Z3_get_array_sort_range(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return sort(ctx(), s); }
+ };
+ /**
+ \brief Function declaration (aka function definition). It is the signature of interpreted and uninterpreted functions in Z3.
+ The basic building block in Z3 is the function application.
+ */
+ class func_decl : public ast {
+ public:
+ func_decl(context & c):ast(c) {}
+ func_decl(context & c, Z3_func_decl n):ast(c, reinterpret_cast<Z3_ast>(n)) {}
+ func_decl(func_decl const & s):ast(s) {}
+ operator Z3_func_decl() const { return reinterpret_cast<Z3_func_decl>(m_ast); }
+ func_decl & operator=(func_decl const & s) { return static_cast<func_decl&>(ast::operator=(s)); }
+ unsigned arity() const { return Z3_get_arity(ctx(), *this); }
+ sort domain(unsigned i) const { assert(i < arity()); Z3_sort r = Z3_get_domain(ctx(), *this, i); check_error(); return sort(ctx(), r); }
+ sort range() const { Z3_sort r = Z3_get_range(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return sort(ctx(), r); }
+ symbol name() const { Z3_symbol s = Z3_get_decl_name(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return symbol(ctx(), s); }
+ Z3_decl_kind decl_kind() const { return Z3_get_decl_kind(ctx(), *this); }
+ bool is_const() const { return arity() == 0; }
+ expr operator()() const;
+ expr operator()(unsigned n, expr const * args) const;
+ expr operator()(expr_vector const& v) const;
+ expr operator()(expr const & a) const;
+ expr operator()(int a) const;
+ expr operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2) const;
+ expr operator()(expr const & a1, int a2) const;
+ expr operator()(int a1, expr const & a2) const;
+ expr operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2, expr const & a3) const;
+ expr operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2, expr const & a3, expr const & a4) const;
+ expr operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2, expr const & a3, expr const & a4, expr const & a5) const;
+ };
+ /**
+ \brief A Z3 expression is used to represent formulas and terms. For Z3, a formula is any expression of sort Boolean.
+ Every expression has a sort.
+ */
+ class expr : public ast {
+ public:
+ expr(context & c):ast(c) {}
+ expr(context & c, Z3_ast n):ast(c, reinterpret_cast<Z3_ast>(n)) {}
+ expr(expr const & n):ast(n) {}
+ expr & operator=(expr const & n) { return static_cast<expr&>(ast::operator=(n)); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort of this expression.
+ */
+ sort get_sort() const { Z3_sort s = Z3_get_sort(*m_ctx, m_ast); check_error(); return sort(*m_ctx, s); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a Boolean expression.
+ */
+ bool is_bool() const { return get_sort().is_bool(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is an integer expression.
+ */
+ bool is_int() const { return get_sort().is_int(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a real expression.
+ */
+ bool is_real() const { return get_sort().is_real(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is an integer or real expression.
+ */
+ bool is_arith() const { return get_sort().is_arith(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a Bit-vector expression.
+ */
+ bool is_bv() const { return get_sort().is_bv(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a Array expression.
+ */
+ bool is_array() const { return get_sort().is_array(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a Datatype expression.
+ */
+ bool is_datatype() const { return get_sort().is_datatype(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a Relation expression.
+ */
+ bool is_relation() const { return get_sort().is_relation(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a sequence expression.
+ */
+ bool is_seq() const { return get_sort().is_seq(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a regular expression.
+ */
+ bool is_re() const { return get_sort().is_re(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a Finite-domain expression.
+ \remark Finite-domain is special kind of interpreted sort:
+ is_bool(), is_bv() and is_finite_domain() are mutually
+ exclusive.
+ */
+ bool is_finite_domain() const { return get_sort().is_finite_domain(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this is a FloatingPoint expression. .
+ */
+ bool is_fpa() const { return get_sort().is_fpa(); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is a numeral.
+ Specialized functions also return representations for the numerals as
+ small integers, 64 bit integers or rational or decimal strings.
+ */
+ bool is_numeral() const { return kind() == Z3_NUMERAL_AST; }
+ bool is_numeral_i64(int64_t& i) const { bool r = Z3_get_numeral_int64(ctx(), m_ast, &i); check_error(); return r;}
+ bool is_numeral_u64(uint64_t& i) const { bool r = Z3_get_numeral_uint64(ctx(), m_ast, &i); check_error(); return r;}
+ bool is_numeral_i(int& i) const { bool r = Z3_get_numeral_int(ctx(), m_ast, &i); check_error(); return r;}
+ bool is_numeral_u(unsigned& i) const { bool r = Z3_get_numeral_uint(ctx(), m_ast, &i); check_error(); return r;}
+ bool is_numeral(std::string& s) const { if (!is_numeral()) return false; s = Z3_get_numeral_string(ctx(), m_ast); check_error(); return true; }
+ bool is_numeral(std::string& s, unsigned precision) const { if (!is_numeral()) return false; s = Z3_get_numeral_decimal_string(ctx(), m_ast, precision); check_error(); return true; }
+ bool is_numeral(double& d) const { if (!is_numeral()) return false; d = Z3_get_numeral_double(ctx(), m_ast); check_error(); return true; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is an application.
+ */
+ bool is_app() const { return kind() == Z3_APP_AST || kind() == Z3_NUMERAL_AST; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is a constant (i.e., an application with 0 arguments).
+ */
+ bool is_const() const { return is_app() && num_args() == 0; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is a quantifier.
+ */
+ bool is_quantifier() const { return kind() == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is a universal quantifier.
+ */
+ bool is_forall() const { return Z3_is_quantifier_forall(ctx(), m_ast); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is an existential quantifier.
+ */
+ bool is_exists() const { return Z3_is_quantifier_exists(ctx(), m_ast); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is a lambda expression.
+ */
+ bool is_lambda() const { return Z3_is_lambda(ctx(), m_ast); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is a variable.
+ */
+ bool is_var() const { return kind() == Z3_VAR_AST; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if expression is an algebraic number.
+ */
+ bool is_algebraic() const { return Z3_is_algebraic_number(ctx(), m_ast); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if this expression is well sorted (aka type correct).
+ */
+ bool is_well_sorted() const { bool r = Z3_is_well_sorted(ctx(), m_ast); check_error(); return r; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return string representation of numeral or algebraic number
+ This method assumes the expression is numeral or algebraic
+ \pre is_numeral() || is_algebraic()
+ */
+ std::string get_decimal_string(int precision) const {
+ assert(is_numeral() || is_algebraic());
+ return std::string(Z3_get_numeral_decimal_string(ctx(), m_ast, precision));
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Return int value of numeral, throw if result cannot fit in
+ machine int
+ It only makes sense to use this function if the caller can ensure that
+ the result is an integer or if exceptions are enabled.
+ If exceptions are disabled, then use the is_numeral_i function.
+ \pre is_numeral()
+ */
+ int get_numeral_int() const {
+ int result = 0;
+ if (!is_numeral_i(result)) {
+ assert(ctx().enable_exceptions());
+ if (!ctx().enable_exceptions()) return 0;
+ Z3_THROW(exception("numeral does not fit in machine int"));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Return uint value of numeral, throw if result cannot fit in
+ machine uint
+ It only makes sense to use this function if the caller can ensure that
+ the result is an integer or if exceptions are enabled.
+ If exceptions are disabled, then use the is_numeral_u function.
+ \pre is_numeral()
+ */
+ unsigned get_numeral_uint() const {
+ assert(is_numeral());
+ unsigned result = 0;
+ if (!is_numeral_u(result)) {
+ assert(ctx().enable_exceptions());
+ if (!ctx().enable_exceptions()) return 0;
+ Z3_THROW(exception("numeral does not fit in machine uint"));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c int64_t value of numeral, throw if result cannot fit in
+ \c int64_t.
+ \pre is_numeral()
+ */
+ int64_t get_numeral_int64() const {
+ assert(is_numeral());
+ int64_t result = 0;
+ if (!is_numeral_i64(result)) {
+ assert(ctx().enable_exceptions());
+ if (!ctx().enable_exceptions()) return 0;
+ Z3_THROW(exception("numeral does not fit in machine int64_t"));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c uint64_t value of numeral, throw if result cannot fit in
+ \c uint64_t.
+ \pre is_numeral()
+ */
+ uint64_t get_numeral_uint64() const {
+ assert(is_numeral());
+ uint64_t result = 0;
+ if (!is_numeral_u64(result)) {
+ assert(ctx().enable_exceptions());
+ if (!ctx().enable_exceptions()) return 0;
+ Z3_THROW(exception("numeral does not fit in machine uint64_t"));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ Z3_lbool bool_value() const {
+ return Z3_get_bool_value(ctx(), m_ast);
+ }
+ expr numerator() const {
+ assert(is_numeral());
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_get_numerator(ctx(), m_ast);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(),r);
+ }
+ expr denominator() const {
+ assert(is_numeral());
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_get_denominator(ctx(), m_ast);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(),r);
+ }
+ operator Z3_app() const { assert(is_app()); return reinterpret_cast<Z3_app>(m_ast); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return a RoundingMode sort.
+ */
+ sort fpa_rounding_mode() {
+ assert(is_fpa());
+ Z3_sort s = ctx().fpa_rounding_mode();
+ check_error();
+ return sort(ctx(), s);
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the declaration associated with this application.
+ This method assumes the expression is an application.
+ \pre is_app()
+ */
+ func_decl decl() const { Z3_func_decl f = Z3_get_app_decl(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return func_decl(ctx(), f); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of arguments in this application.
+ This method assumes the expression is an application.
+ \pre is_app()
+ */
+ unsigned num_args() const { unsigned r = Z3_get_app_num_args(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return r; }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the i-th argument of this application.
+ This method assumes the expression is an application.
+ \pre is_app()
+ \pre i < num_args()
+ */
+ expr arg(unsigned i) const { Z3_ast r = Z3_get_app_arg(ctx(), *this, i); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return the 'body' of this quantifier.
+ \pre is_quantifier()
+ */
+ expr body() const { assert(is_quantifier()); Z3_ast r = Z3_get_quantifier_body(ctx(), *this); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>not(a)</tt>.
+ \pre a.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator!(expr const & a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>a and b</tt>.
+ \pre a.is_bool()
+ \pre b.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator&&(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>a and b</tt>.
+ The C++ Boolean value \c b is automatically converted into a Z3 Boolean constant.
+ \pre a.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator&&(expr const & a, bool b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>a and b</tt>.
+ The C++ Boolean value \c a is automatically converted into a Z3 Boolean constant.
+ \pre b.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator&&(bool a, expr const & b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>a or b</tt>.
+ \pre a.is_bool()
+ \pre b.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator||(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>a or b</tt>.
+ The C++ Boolean value \c b is automatically converted into a Z3 Boolean constant.
+ \pre a.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator||(expr const & a, bool b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an expression representing <tt>a or b</tt>.
+ The C++ Boolean value \c a is automatically converted into a Z3 Boolean constant.
+ \pre b.is_bool()
+ */
+ friend expr operator||(bool a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr implies(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr implies(expr const & a, bool b);
+ friend expr implies(bool a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr mk_or(expr_vector const& args);
+ friend expr mk_and(expr_vector const& args);
+ friend expr ite(expr const & c, expr const & t, expr const & e);
+ bool is_true() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_TRUE == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_false() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_FALSE == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_not() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_NOT == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_and() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_AND == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_or() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_OR == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_xor() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_XOR == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_implies() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_IMPLIES == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_eq() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_EQ == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ bool is_ite() const { return is_app() && Z3_OP_ITE == decl().decl_kind(); }
+ friend expr distinct(expr_vector const& args);
+ friend expr concat(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr concat(expr_vector const& args);
+ friend expr operator==(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator==(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator==(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator!=(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator!=(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator!=(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator+(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator+(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator+(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr sum(expr_vector const& args);
+ friend expr operator*(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator*(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator*(int a, expr const & b);
+ /* \brief Power operator */
+ friend expr pw(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr pw(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr pw(int a, expr const & b);
+ /* \brief mod operator */
+ friend expr mod(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr mod(expr const& a, int b);
+ friend expr mod(int a, expr const& b);
+ /* \brief rem operator */
+ friend expr rem(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr rem(expr const& a, int b);
+ friend expr rem(int a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr is_int(expr const& e);
+ friend expr operator/(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator/(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator/(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator-(expr const & a);
+ friend expr operator-(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator-(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator-(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator<=(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator<=(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator<=(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator>=(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator>=(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator>=(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator<(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator<(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator<(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator>(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator>(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator>(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr pble(expr_vector const& es, int const * coeffs, int bound);
+ friend expr pbge(expr_vector const& es, int const * coeffs, int bound);
+ friend expr pbeq(expr_vector const& es, int const * coeffs, int bound);
+ friend expr atmost(expr_vector const& es, unsigned bound);
+ friend expr atleast(expr_vector const& es, unsigned bound);
+ friend expr operator&(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator&(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator&(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator^(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator^(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator^(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator|(expr const & a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr operator|(expr const & a, int b);
+ friend expr operator|(int a, expr const & b);
+ friend expr nand(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr nor(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr xnor(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr min(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ friend expr max(expr const& a, expr const& b);
+ expr rotate_left(unsigned i) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_rotate_left(ctx(), i, *this); ctx().check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ expr rotate_right(unsigned i) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_rotate_right(ctx(), i, *this); ctx().check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ expr repeat(unsigned i) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_repeat(ctx(), i, *this); ctx().check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ friend expr abs(expr const & a);
+ friend expr sqrt(expr const & a, expr const & rm);
+ friend expr operator~(expr const & a);
+ expr extract(unsigned hi, unsigned lo) const { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_extract(ctx(), hi, lo, *this); ctx().check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ unsigned lo() const { assert (is_app() && Z3_get_decl_num_parameters(ctx(), decl()) == 2); return static_cast<unsigned>(Z3_get_decl_int_parameter(ctx(), decl(), 1)); }
+ unsigned hi() const { assert (is_app() && Z3_get_decl_num_parameters(ctx(), decl()) == 2); return static_cast<unsigned>(Z3_get_decl_int_parameter(ctx(), decl(), 0)); }
+ /**
+ \brief FloatingPoint fused multiply-add.
+ */
+ friend expr fma(expr const& a, expr const& b, expr const& c);
+ /**
+ \brief sequence and regular expression operations.
+ + is overloaded as sequence concatenation and regular expression union.
+ concat is overloaded to handle sequences and regular expressions
+ */
+ expr extract(expr const& offset, expr const& length) const {
+ check_context(*this, offset); check_context(offset, length);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_extract(ctx(), *this, offset, length); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr replace(expr const& src, expr const& dst) const {
+ check_context(*this, src); check_context(src, dst);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_replace(ctx(), *this, src, dst);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr unit() const {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_unit(ctx(), *this);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr contains(expr const& s) {
+ check_context(*this, s);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_contains(ctx(), *this, s);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr at(expr const& index) const {
+ check_context(*this, index);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_at(ctx(), *this, index);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr length() const {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_length(ctx(), *this);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr stoi() const {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_str_to_int(ctx(), *this);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr itos() const {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int_to_str(ctx(), *this);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ friend expr range(expr const& lo, expr const& hi);
+ /**
+ \brief create a looping regular expression.
+ */
+ expr loop(unsigned lo) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_re_loop(ctx(), m_ast, lo, 0);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr loop(unsigned lo, unsigned hi) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_re_loop(ctx(), m_ast, lo, hi);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Return a simplified version of this expression.
+ */
+ expr simplify() const { Z3_ast r = Z3_simplify(ctx(), m_ast); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ /**
+ \brief Return a simplified version of this expression. The parameter \c p is a set of parameters for the Z3 simplifier.
+ */
+ expr simplify(params const & p) const { Z3_ast r = Z3_simplify_ex(ctx(), m_ast, p); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ /**
+ \brief Apply substitution. Replace src expressions by dst.
+ */
+ expr substitute(expr_vector const& src, expr_vector const& dst);
+ /**
+ \brief Apply substitution. Replace bound variables by expressions.
+ */
+ expr substitute(expr_vector const& dst);
+ };
+#define _Z3_MK_BIN_(a, b, binop) \
+ check_context(a, b); \
+ Z3_ast r = binop(a.ctx(), a, b); \
+ a.check_error(); \
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r); \
+ inline expr implies(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ assert(a.is_bool() && b.is_bool());
+ _Z3_MK_BIN_(a, b, Z3_mk_implies);
+ }
+ inline expr implies(expr const & a, bool b) { return implies(a, a.ctx().bool_val(b)); }
+ inline expr implies(bool a, expr const & b) { return implies(b.ctx().bool_val(a), b); }
+ inline expr pw(expr const & a, expr const & b) { _Z3_MK_BIN_(a, b, Z3_mk_power); }
+ inline expr pw(expr const & a, int b) { return pw(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr pw(int a, expr const & b) { return pw(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ inline expr mod(expr const& a, expr const& b) { _Z3_MK_BIN_(a, b, Z3_mk_mod); }
+ inline expr mod(expr const & a, int b) { return mod(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr mod(int a, expr const & b) { return mod(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ inline expr rem(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ _Z3_MK_BIN_(a, b, Z3_mk_fpa_rem);
+ } else {
+ _Z3_MK_BIN_(a, b, Z3_mk_rem);
+ }
+ }
+ inline expr rem(expr const & a, int b) { return rem(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr rem(int a, expr const & b) { return rem(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+#undef _Z3_MK_BIN_
+#define _Z3_MK_UN_(a, mkun) \
+ Z3_ast r = mkun(a.ctx(), a); \
+ a.check_error(); \
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r); \
+ inline expr operator!(expr const & a) { assert(a.is_bool()); _Z3_MK_UN_(a, Z3_mk_not); }
+ inline expr is_int(expr const& e) { _Z3_MK_UN_(e, Z3_mk_is_int); }
+#undef _Z3_MK_UN_
+ inline expr operator&&(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ assert(a.is_bool() && b.is_bool());
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a, b };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_and(a.ctx(), 2, args);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator&&(expr const & a, bool b) { return a && a.ctx().bool_val(b); }
+ inline expr operator&&(bool a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().bool_val(a) && b; }
+ inline expr operator||(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ assert(a.is_bool() && b.is_bool());
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a, b };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_or(a.ctx(), 2, args);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator||(expr const & a, bool b) { return a || a.ctx().bool_val(b); }
+ inline expr operator||(bool a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().bool_val(a) || b; }
+ inline expr operator==(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_eq(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator==(expr const & a, int b) { assert(a.is_arith() || a.is_bv() || a.is_fpa()); return a == a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator==(int a, expr const & b) { assert(b.is_arith() || b.is_bv() || b.is_fpa()); return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) == b; }
+ inline expr operator!=(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a, b };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_distinct(a.ctx(), 2, args);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator!=(expr const & a, int b) { assert(a.is_arith() || a.is_bv() || a.is_fpa()); return a != a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator!=(int a, expr const & b) { assert(b.is_arith() || b.is_bv() || b.is_fpa()); return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) != b; }
+ inline expr operator+(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a, b };
+ r = Z3_mk_add(a.ctx(), 2, args);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvadd(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_seq() && b.is_seq()) {
+ return concat(a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_re() && b.is_re()) {
+ Z3_ast _args[2] = { a, b };
+ r = Z3_mk_re_union(a.ctx(), 2, _args);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_add(a.ctx(), a.ctx().fpa_rounding_mode(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator+(expr const & a, int b) { return a + a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator+(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) + b; }
+ inline expr operator*(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a, b };
+ r = Z3_mk_mul(a.ctx(), 2, args);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvmul(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_mul(a.ctx(), a.ctx().fpa_rounding_mode(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator*(expr const & a, int b) { return a * a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator*(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) * b; }
+ inline expr operator>=(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_ge(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvsge(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator/(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_div(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvsdiv(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_div(a.ctx(), a.ctx().fpa_rounding_mode(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator/(expr const & a, int b) { return a / a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator/(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) / b; }
+ inline expr operator-(expr const & a) {
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_unary_minus(a.ctx(), a);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvneg(a.ctx(), a);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_neg(a.ctx(), a);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator-(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a, b };
+ r = Z3_mk_sub(a.ctx(), 2, args);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvsub(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_sub(a.ctx(), a.ctx().fpa_rounding_mode(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator-(expr const & a, int b) { return a - a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator-(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) - b; }
+ inline expr operator<=(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_le(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvsle(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_leq(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator<=(expr const & a, int b) { return a <= a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator<=(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) <= b; }
+ inline expr operator>=(expr const & a, int b) { return a >= a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator>=(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) >= b; }
+ inline expr operator<(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_lt(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvslt(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_lt(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator<(expr const & a, int b) { return a < a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator<(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) < b; }
+ inline expr operator>(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ if (a.is_arith() && b.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_gt(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv() && b.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_bvsgt(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_gt(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ // operator is not supported by given arguments.
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator>(expr const & a, int b) { return a > a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator>(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) > b; }
+ inline expr operator&(expr const & a, expr const & b) { check_context(a, b); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvand(a.ctx(), a, b); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr operator&(expr const & a, int b) { return a & a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator&(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) & b; }
+ inline expr operator^(expr const & a, expr const & b) { check_context(a, b); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvxor(a.ctx(), a, b); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr operator^(expr const & a, int b) { return a ^ a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator^(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) ^ b; }
+ inline expr operator|(expr const & a, expr const & b) { check_context(a, b); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvor(a.ctx(), a, b); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr operator|(expr const & a, int b) { return a | a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort()); }
+ inline expr operator|(int a, expr const & b) { return b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()) | b; }
+ inline expr nand(expr const& a, expr const& b) { check_context(a, b); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvnand(a.ctx(), a, b); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr nor(expr const& a, expr const& b) { check_context(a, b); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvnor(a.ctx(), a, b); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr xnor(expr const& a, expr const& b) { check_context(a, b); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvxnor(a.ctx(), a, b); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr min(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r;
+ if (a.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_ite(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_ge(a.ctx(), a, b), b, a);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_ite(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvuge(a.ctx(), a, b), b, a);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(a.is_fpa());
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_min(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr max(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r;
+ if (a.is_arith()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_ite(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_ge(a.ctx(), a, b), a, b);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_bv()) {
+ r = Z3_mk_ite(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvuge(a.ctx(), a, b), a, b);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(a.is_fpa());
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_max(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr abs(expr const & a) {
+ Z3_ast r;
+ if (a.is_int()) {
+ expr zero = a.ctx().int_val(0);
+ r = Z3_mk_ite(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_ge(a.ctx(), a, zero), a, -a);
+ }
+ else if (a.is_real()) {
+ expr zero = a.ctx().real_val(0);
+ r = Z3_mk_ite(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_ge(a.ctx(), a, zero), a, -a);
+ }
+ else {
+ r = Z3_mk_fpa_abs(a.ctx(), a);
+ }
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr sqrt(expr const & a, expr const& rm) {
+ check_context(a, rm);
+ assert(a.is_fpa());
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_fpa_sqrt(a.ctx(), rm, a);
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr operator~(expr const & a) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bvnot(a.ctx(), a); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline expr fma(expr const& a, expr const& b, expr const& c, expr const& rm) {
+ check_context(a, b); check_context(a, c); check_context(a, rm);
+ assert(a.is_fpa() && b.is_fpa() && c.is_fpa());
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_fpa_fma(a.ctx(), rm, a, b, c);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Create the if-then-else expression <tt>ite(c, t, e)</tt>
+ \pre c.is_bool()
+ */
+ inline expr ite(expr const & c, expr const & t, expr const & e) {
+ check_context(c, t); check_context(c, e);
+ assert(c.is_bool());
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_ite(c.ctx(), c, t, e);
+ c.check_error();
+ return expr(c.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief Wraps a Z3_ast as an expr object. It also checks for errors.
+ This function allows the user to use the whole C API with the C++ layer defined in this file.
+ */
+ inline expr to_expr(context & c, Z3_ast a) {
+ c.check_error();
+ assert(Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_APP_AST ||
+ Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST ||
+ Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_VAR_AST ||
+ Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST);
+ return expr(c, a);
+ }
+ inline sort to_sort(context & c, Z3_sort s) {
+ c.check_error();
+ return sort(c, s);
+ }
+ inline func_decl to_func_decl(context & c, Z3_func_decl f) {
+ c.check_error();
+ return func_decl(c, f);
+ }
+ /**
+ \brief unsigned less than or equal to operator for bitvectors.
+ */
+ inline expr ule(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvule(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr ule(expr const & a, int b) { return ule(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr ule(int a, expr const & b) { return ule(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief unsigned less than operator for bitvectors.
+ */
+ inline expr ult(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvult(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr ult(expr const & a, int b) { return ult(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr ult(int a, expr const & b) { return ult(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief unsigned greater than or equal to operator for bitvectors.
+ */
+ inline expr uge(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvuge(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr uge(expr const & a, int b) { return uge(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr uge(int a, expr const & b) { return uge(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief unsigned greater than operator for bitvectors.
+ */
+ inline expr ugt(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvugt(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr ugt(expr const & a, int b) { return ugt(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr ugt(int a, expr const & b) { return ugt(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief unsigned division operator for bitvectors.
+ */
+ inline expr udiv(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvudiv(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr udiv(expr const & a, int b) { return udiv(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr udiv(int a, expr const & b) { return udiv(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief signed remainder operator for bitvectors
+ */
+ inline expr srem(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvsrem(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr srem(expr const & a, int b) { return srem(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr srem(int a, expr const & b) { return srem(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief signed modulus operator for bitvectors
+ */
+ inline expr smod(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvsmod(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr smod(expr const & a, int b) { return smod(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr smod(int a, expr const & b) { return smod(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief unsigned reminder operator for bitvectors
+ */
+ inline expr urem(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvurem(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr urem(expr const & a, int b) { return urem(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr urem(int a, expr const & b) { return urem(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief shift left operator for bitvectors
+ */
+ inline expr shl(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvshl(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr shl(expr const & a, int b) { return shl(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr shl(int a, expr const & b) { return shl(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief logic shift right operator for bitvectors
+ */
+ inline expr lshr(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvlshr(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr lshr(expr const & a, int b) { return lshr(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr lshr(int a, expr const & b) { return lshr(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief arithmetic shift right operator for bitvectors
+ */
+ inline expr ashr(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_bvashr(a.ctx(), a, b)); }
+ inline expr ashr(expr const & a, int b) { return ashr(a, a.ctx().num_val(b, a.get_sort())); }
+ inline expr ashr(int a, expr const & b) { return ashr(b.ctx().num_val(a, b.get_sort()), b); }
+ /**
+ \brief Extend the given bit-vector with zeros to the (unsigned) equivalent bitvector of size m+i, where m is the size of the given bit-vector.
+ */
+ inline expr zext(expr const & a, unsigned i) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_zero_ext(a.ctx(), i, a)); }
+ /**
+ \brief Sign-extend of the given bit-vector to the (signed) equivalent bitvector of size m+i, where m is the size of the given bit-vector.
+ */
+ inline expr sext(expr const & a, unsigned i) { return to_expr(a.ctx(), Z3_mk_sign_ext(a.ctx(), i, a)); }
+ template<typename T> class cast_ast;
+ template<> class cast_ast<ast> {
+ public:
+ ast operator()(context & c, Z3_ast a) { return ast(c, a); }
+ };
+ template<> class cast_ast<expr> {
+ public:
+ expr operator()(context & c, Z3_ast a) {
+ assert(Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST ||
+ Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_APP_AST ||
+ Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST ||
+ Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_VAR_AST);
+ return expr(c, a);
+ }
+ };
+ template<> class cast_ast<sort> {
+ public:
+ sort operator()(context & c, Z3_ast a) {
+ assert(Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_SORT_AST);
+ return sort(c, reinterpret_cast<Z3_sort>(a));
+ }
+ };
+ template<> class cast_ast<func_decl> {
+ public:
+ func_decl operator()(context & c, Z3_ast a) {
+ assert(Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_FUNC_DECL_AST);
+ return func_decl(c, reinterpret_cast<Z3_func_decl>(a));
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ class ast_vector_tpl : public object {
+ Z3_ast_vector m_vector;
+ void init(Z3_ast_vector v) { Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(ctx(), v); m_vector = v; }
+ public:
+ ast_vector_tpl(context & c):object(c) { init(Z3_mk_ast_vector(c)); }
+ ast_vector_tpl(context & c, Z3_ast_vector v):object(c) { init(v); }
+ ast_vector_tpl(ast_vector_tpl const & s):object(s), m_vector(s.m_vector) { Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(ctx(), m_vector); }
+ ~ast_vector_tpl() { Z3_ast_vector_dec_ref(ctx(), m_vector); }
+ operator Z3_ast_vector() const { return m_vector; }
+ unsigned size() const { return Z3_ast_vector_size(ctx(), m_vector); }
+ T operator[](int i) const { assert(0 <= i); Z3_ast r = Z3_ast_vector_get(ctx(), m_vector, i); check_error(); return cast_ast<T>()(ctx(), r); }
+ void push_back(T const & e) { Z3_ast_vector_push(ctx(), m_vector, e); check_error(); }
+ void resize(unsigned sz) { Z3_ast_vector_resize(ctx(), m_vector, sz); check_error(); }
+ T back() const { return operator[](size() - 1); }
+ void pop_back() { assert(size() > 0); resize(size() - 1); }
+ bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
+ ast_vector_tpl & operator=(ast_vector_tpl const & s) {
+ Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_vector);
+ Z3_ast_vector_dec_ref(ctx(), m_vector);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_vector = s.m_vector;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /*
+ Disabled pending C++98 build upgrade
+ bool contains(T const& x) const {
+ for (T y : *this) if (eq(x, y)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ */
+ class iterator {
+ ast_vector_tpl const* m_vector;
+ unsigned m_index;
+ public:
+ iterator(ast_vector_tpl const* v, unsigned i): m_vector(v), m_index(i) {}
+ iterator(iterator& other): m_vector(other.m_vector), m_index(other.m_index) {}
+ iterator operator=(iterator const& other) { m_vector = other.m_vector; m_index = other.m_index; return *this; }
+ bool operator==(iterator const& other) {
+ return other.m_index == m_index;
+ };
+ bool operator!=(iterator const& other) {
+ return other.m_index != m_index;
+ };
+ iterator& operator++() {
+ ++m_index;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++m_index; return tmp; }
+ T * operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
+ T operator*() const { return (*m_vector)[m_index]; }
+ };
+ iterator begin() const { return iterator(this, 0); }
+ iterator end() const { return iterator(this, size()); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, ast_vector_tpl const & v) { out << Z3_ast_vector_to_string(v.ctx(), v); return out; }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ template<typename T2>
+ array<T>::array(ast_vector_tpl<T2> const & v) {
+ m_array = new T[v.size()];
+ m_size = v.size();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; i++) {
+ m_array[i] = v[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // Basic functions for creating quantified formulas.
+ // The C API should be used for creating quantifiers with patterns, weights, many variables, etc.
+ inline expr forall(expr const & x, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x};
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_forall_const(b.ctx(), 0, 1, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr forall(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2};
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_forall_const(b.ctx(), 0, 2, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr forall(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & x3, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b); check_context(x3, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2, (Z3_app) x3 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_forall_const(b.ctx(), 0, 3, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr forall(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & x3, expr const & x4, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b); check_context(x3, b); check_context(x4, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2, (Z3_app) x3, (Z3_app) x4 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_forall_const(b.ctx(), 0, 4, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr forall(expr_vector const & xs, expr const & b) {
+ array<Z3_app> vars(xs);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_forall_const(b.ctx(), 0, vars.size(), vars.ptr(), 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr exists(expr const & x, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x};
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_exists_const(b.ctx(), 0, 1, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr exists(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2};
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_exists_const(b.ctx(), 0, 2, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr exists(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & x3, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b); check_context(x3, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2, (Z3_app) x3 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_exists_const(b.ctx(), 0, 3, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr exists(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & x3, expr const & x4, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b); check_context(x3, b); check_context(x4, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2, (Z3_app) x3, (Z3_app) x4 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_exists_const(b.ctx(), 0, 4, vars, 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr exists(expr_vector const & xs, expr const & b) {
+ array<Z3_app> vars(xs);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_exists_const(b.ctx(), 0, vars.size(), vars.ptr(), 0, 0, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr lambda(expr const & x, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x};
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_lambda_const(b.ctx(), 1, vars, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr lambda(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2};
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_lambda_const(b.ctx(), 2, vars, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr lambda(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & x3, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b); check_context(x3, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2, (Z3_app) x3 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_lambda_const(b.ctx(), 3, vars, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr lambda(expr const & x1, expr const & x2, expr const & x3, expr const & x4, expr const & b) {
+ check_context(x1, b); check_context(x2, b); check_context(x3, b); check_context(x4, b);
+ Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x1, (Z3_app) x2, (Z3_app) x3, (Z3_app) x4 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_lambda_const(b.ctx(), 4, vars, b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr lambda(expr_vector const & xs, expr const & b) {
+ array<Z3_app> vars(xs);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_lambda_const(b.ctx(), vars.size(), vars.ptr(), b); b.check_error(); return expr(b.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr pble(expr_vector const& es, int const* coeffs, int bound) {
+ assert(es.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = es[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _es(es);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_pble(ctx, _es.size(), _es.ptr(), coeffs, bound);
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr pbge(expr_vector const& es, int const* coeffs, int bound) {
+ assert(es.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = es[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _es(es);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_pbge(ctx, _es.size(), _es.ptr(), coeffs, bound);
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr pbeq(expr_vector const& es, int const* coeffs, int bound) {
+ assert(es.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = es[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _es(es);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_pbeq(ctx, _es.size(), _es.ptr(), coeffs, bound);
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr atmost(expr_vector const& es, unsigned bound) {
+ assert(es.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = es[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _es(es);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_atmost(ctx, _es.size(), _es.ptr(), bound);
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr atleast(expr_vector const& es, unsigned bound) {
+ assert(es.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = es[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _es(es);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_atleast(ctx, _es.size(), _es.ptr(), bound);
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr sum(expr_vector const& args) {
+ assert(args.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = args[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_add(ctx, _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr distinct(expr_vector const& args) {
+ assert(args.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = args[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_distinct(ctx, _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr concat(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r;
+ if (Z3_is_seq_sort(a.ctx(), a.get_sort())) {
+ Z3_ast _args[2] = { a, b };
+ r = Z3_mk_seq_concat(a.ctx(), 2, _args);
+ }
+ else if (Z3_is_re_sort(a.ctx(), a.get_sort())) {
+ Z3_ast _args[2] = { a, b };
+ r = Z3_mk_re_concat(a.ctx(), 2, _args);
+ }
+ else {
+ r = Z3_mk_concat(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ }
+ a.ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr concat(expr_vector const& args) {
+ Z3_ast r;
+ assert(args.size() > 0);
+ if (args.size() == 1) {
+ return args[0];
+ }
+ context& ctx = args[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args);
+ if (Z3_is_seq_sort(ctx, args[0].get_sort())) {
+ r = Z3_mk_seq_concat(ctx, _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ }
+ else if (Z3_is_re_sort(ctx, args[0].get_sort())) {
+ r = Z3_mk_re_concat(ctx, _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ }
+ else {
+ r = _args[args.size()-1];
+ for (unsigned i = args.size()-1; i > 0; ) {
+ --i;
+ r = Z3_mk_concat(ctx, _args[i], r);
+ ctx.check_error();
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr mk_or(expr_vector const& args) {
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_or(args.ctx(), _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ args.check_error();
+ return expr(args.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr mk_and(expr_vector const& args) {
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_and(args.ctx(), _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ args.check_error();
+ return expr(args.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ class func_entry : public object {
+ Z3_func_entry m_entry;
+ void init(Z3_func_entry e) {
+ m_entry = e;
+ Z3_func_entry_inc_ref(ctx(), m_entry);
+ }
+ public:
+ func_entry(context & c, Z3_func_entry e):object(c) { init(e); }
+ func_entry(func_entry const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_entry); }
+ ~func_entry() { Z3_func_entry_dec_ref(ctx(), m_entry); }
+ operator Z3_func_entry() const { return m_entry; }
+ func_entry & operator=(func_entry const & s) {
+ Z3_func_entry_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_entry);
+ Z3_func_entry_dec_ref(ctx(), m_entry);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_entry = s.m_entry;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ expr value() const { Z3_ast r = Z3_func_entry_get_value(ctx(), m_entry); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ unsigned num_args() const { unsigned r = Z3_func_entry_get_num_args(ctx(), m_entry); check_error(); return r; }
+ expr arg(unsigned i) const { Z3_ast r = Z3_func_entry_get_arg(ctx(), m_entry, i); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ };
+ class func_interp : public object {
+ Z3_func_interp m_interp;
+ void init(Z3_func_interp e) {
+ m_interp = e;
+ Z3_func_interp_inc_ref(ctx(), m_interp);
+ }
+ public:
+ func_interp(context & c, Z3_func_interp e):object(c) { init(e); }
+ func_interp(func_interp const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_interp); }
+ ~func_interp() { Z3_func_interp_dec_ref(ctx(), m_interp); }
+ operator Z3_func_interp() const { return m_interp; }
+ func_interp & operator=(func_interp const & s) {
+ Z3_func_interp_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_interp);
+ Z3_func_interp_dec_ref(ctx(), m_interp);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_interp = s.m_interp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ expr else_value() const { Z3_ast r = Z3_func_interp_get_else(ctx(), m_interp); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ unsigned num_entries() const { unsigned r = Z3_func_interp_get_num_entries(ctx(), m_interp); check_error(); return r; }
+ func_entry entry(unsigned i) const { Z3_func_entry e = Z3_func_interp_get_entry(ctx(), m_interp, i); check_error(); return func_entry(ctx(), e); }
+ void add_entry(expr_vector const& args, expr& value) {
+ Z3_func_interp_add_entry(ctx(), m_interp, args, value);
+ check_error();
+ }
+ void set_else(expr& value) {
+ Z3_func_interp_set_else(ctx(), m_interp, value);
+ check_error();
+ }
+ };
+ class model : public object {
+ Z3_model m_model;
+ void init(Z3_model m) {
+ m_model = m;
+ Z3_model_inc_ref(ctx(), m);
+ }
+ public:
+ struct translate {};
+ model(context & c):object(c) { init(Z3_mk_model(c)); }
+ model(context & c, Z3_model m):object(c) { init(m); }
+ model(model const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_model); }
+ model(model& src, context& dst, translate) : object(dst) { init(Z3_model_translate(src.ctx(), src, dst)); }
+ ~model() { Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx(), m_model); }
+ operator Z3_model() const { return m_model; }
+ model & operator=(model const & s) {
+ Z3_model_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_model);
+ Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx(), m_model);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_model = s.m_model;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ expr eval(expr const & n, bool model_completion=false) const {
+ check_context(*this, n);
+ Z3_ast r = 0;
+ bool status = Z3_model_eval(ctx(), m_model, n, model_completion, &r);
+ check_error();
+ if (status == false && ctx().enable_exceptions())
+ Z3_THROW(exception("failed to evaluate expression"));
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ unsigned num_consts() const { return Z3_model_get_num_consts(ctx(), m_model); }
+ unsigned num_funcs() const { return Z3_model_get_num_funcs(ctx(), m_model); }
+ func_decl get_const_decl(unsigned i) const { Z3_func_decl r = Z3_model_get_const_decl(ctx(), m_model, i); check_error(); return func_decl(ctx(), r); }
+ func_decl get_func_decl(unsigned i) const { Z3_func_decl r = Z3_model_get_func_decl(ctx(), m_model, i); check_error(); return func_decl(ctx(), r); }
+ unsigned size() const { return num_consts() + num_funcs(); }
+ func_decl operator[](int i) const {
+ assert(0 <= i);
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(i) < num_consts() ? get_const_decl(i) : get_func_decl(i - num_consts());
+ }
+ // returns interpretation of constant declaration c.
+ // If c is not assigned any value in the model it returns
+ // an expression with a null ast reference.
+ expr get_const_interp(func_decl c) const {
+ check_context(*this, c);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_model_get_const_interp(ctx(), m_model, c);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ func_interp get_func_interp(func_decl f) const {
+ check_context(*this, f);
+ Z3_func_interp r = Z3_model_get_func_interp(ctx(), m_model, f);
+ check_error();
+ return func_interp(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ // returns true iff the model contains an interpretation
+ // for function f.
+ bool has_interp(func_decl f) const {
+ check_context(*this, f);
+ return Z3_model_has_interp(ctx(), m_model, f);
+ }
+ func_interp add_func_interp(func_decl& f, expr& else_val) {
+ Z3_func_interp r = Z3_add_func_interp(ctx(), m_model, f, else_val);
+ check_error();
+ return func_interp(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ void add_const_interp(func_decl& f, expr& value) {
+ Z3_add_const_interp(ctx(), m_model, f, value);
+ check_error();
+ }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, model const & m);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, model const & m) { out << Z3_model_to_string(m.ctx(), m); return out; }
+ class stats : public object {
+ Z3_stats m_stats;
+ void init(Z3_stats e) {
+ m_stats = e;
+ Z3_stats_inc_ref(ctx(), m_stats);
+ }
+ public:
+ stats(context & c):object(c), m_stats(0) {}
+ stats(context & c, Z3_stats e):object(c) { init(e); }
+ stats(stats const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_stats); }
+ ~stats() { if (m_stats) Z3_stats_dec_ref(ctx(), m_stats); }
+ operator Z3_stats() const { return m_stats; }
+ stats & operator=(stats const & s) {
+ Z3_stats_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_stats);
+ if (m_stats) Z3_stats_dec_ref(ctx(), m_stats);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_stats = s.m_stats;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ unsigned size() const { return Z3_stats_size(ctx(), m_stats); }
+ std::string key(unsigned i) const { Z3_string s = Z3_stats_get_key(ctx(), m_stats, i); check_error(); return s; }
+ bool is_uint(unsigned i) const { bool r = Z3_stats_is_uint(ctx(), m_stats, i); check_error(); return r; }
+ bool is_double(unsigned i) const { bool r = Z3_stats_is_double(ctx(), m_stats, i); check_error(); return r; }
+ unsigned uint_value(unsigned i) const { unsigned r = Z3_stats_get_uint_value(ctx(), m_stats, i); check_error(); return r; }
+ double double_value(unsigned i) const { double r = Z3_stats_get_double_value(ctx(), m_stats, i); check_error(); return r; }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, stats const & s);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, stats const & s) { out << Z3_stats_to_string(s.ctx(), s); return out; }
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, check_result r) {
+ if (r == unsat) out << "unsat";
+ else if (r == sat) out << "sat";
+ else out << "unknown";
+ return out;
+ }
+ class solver : public object {
+ Z3_solver m_solver;
+ void init(Z3_solver s) {
+ m_solver = s;
+ Z3_solver_inc_ref(ctx(), s);
+ }
+ public:
+ struct simple {};
+ struct translate {};
+ solver(context & c):object(c) { init(Z3_mk_solver(c)); }
+ solver(context & c, simple):object(c) { init(Z3_mk_simple_solver(c)); }
+ solver(context & c, Z3_solver s):object(c) { init(s); }
+ solver(context & c, char const * logic):object(c) { init(Z3_mk_solver_for_logic(c, c.str_symbol(logic))); }
+ solver(context & c, solver const& src, translate): object(c) { init(Z3_solver_translate(src.ctx(), src, c)); }
+ solver(solver const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_solver); }
+ ~solver() { Z3_solver_dec_ref(ctx(), m_solver); }
+ operator Z3_solver() const { return m_solver; }
+ solver & operator=(solver const & s) {
+ Z3_solver_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_solver);
+ Z3_solver_dec_ref(ctx(), m_solver);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_solver = s.m_solver;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void set(params const & p) { Z3_solver_set_params(ctx(), m_solver, p); check_error(); }
+ void set(char const * k, bool v) { params p(ctx()); p.set(k, v); set(p); }
+ void set(char const * k, unsigned v) { params p(ctx()); p.set(k, v); set(p); }
+ void set(char const * k, double v) { params p(ctx()); p.set(k, v); set(p); }
+ void set(char const * k, symbol const & v) { params p(ctx()); p.set(k, v); set(p); }
+ void set(char const * k, char const* v) { params p(ctx()); p.set(k, v); set(p); }
+ void push() { Z3_solver_push(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); }
+ void pop(unsigned n = 1) { Z3_solver_pop(ctx(), m_solver, n); check_error(); }
+ void reset() { Z3_solver_reset(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); }
+ void add(expr const & e) { assert(e.is_bool()); Z3_solver_assert(ctx(), m_solver, e); check_error(); }
+ void add(expr const & e, expr const & p) {
+ assert(e.is_bool()); assert(p.is_bool()); assert(p.is_const());
+ Z3_solver_assert_and_track(ctx(), m_solver, e, p);
+ check_error();
+ }
+ void add(expr const & e, char const * p) {
+ add(e, ctx().bool_const(p));
+ }
+ // fails for some compilers:
+ // void add(expr_vector const& v) { check_context(*this, v); for (expr e : v) add(e); }
+ void from_file(char const* file) { Z3_solver_from_file(ctx(), m_solver, file); ctx().check_parser_error(); }
+ void from_string(char const* s) { Z3_solver_from_string(ctx(), m_solver, s); ctx().check_parser_error(); }
+ check_result check() { Z3_lbool r = Z3_solver_check(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return to_check_result(r); }
+ check_result check(unsigned n, expr * const assumptions) {
+ array<Z3_ast> _assumptions(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ check_context(*this, assumptions[i]);
+ _assumptions[i] = assumptions[i];
+ }
+ Z3_lbool r = Z3_solver_check_assumptions(ctx(), m_solver, n, _assumptions.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return to_check_result(r);
+ }
+ check_result check(expr_vector assumptions) {
+ unsigned n = assumptions.size();
+ array<Z3_ast> _assumptions(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ check_context(*this, assumptions[i]);
+ _assumptions[i] = assumptions[i];
+ }
+ Z3_lbool r = Z3_solver_check_assumptions(ctx(), m_solver, n, _assumptions.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return to_check_result(r);
+ }
+ model get_model() const { Z3_model m = Z3_solver_get_model(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return model(ctx(), m); }
+ check_result consequences(expr_vector& assumptions, expr_vector& vars, expr_vector& conseq) {
+ Z3_lbool r = Z3_solver_get_consequences(ctx(), m_solver, assumptions, vars, conseq);
+ check_error();
+ return to_check_result(r);
+ }
+ std::string reason_unknown() const { Z3_string r = Z3_solver_get_reason_unknown(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return r; }
+ stats statistics() const { Z3_stats r = Z3_solver_get_statistics(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return stats(ctx(), r); }
+ expr_vector unsat_core() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_solver_get_unsat_core(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ expr_vector assertions() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_solver_get_assertions(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ expr_vector non_units() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_solver_get_non_units(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ expr_vector units() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_solver_get_units(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ expr proof() const { Z3_ast r = Z3_solver_get_proof(ctx(), m_solver); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, solver const & s);
+ std::string to_smt2(char const* status = "unknown") {
+ array<Z3_ast> es(assertions());
+ Z3_ast const* fmls = es.ptr();
+ Z3_ast fml = 0;
+ unsigned sz = es.size();
+ if (sz > 0) {
+ --sz;
+ fml = fmls[sz];
+ }
+ else {
+ fml = ctx().bool_val(true);
+ }
+ return std::string(Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(
+ ctx(),
+ "", "", status, "",
+ sz,
+ fmls,
+ fml));
+ }
+ param_descrs get_param_descrs() { return param_descrs(ctx(), Z3_solver_get_param_descrs(ctx(), m_solver)); }
+ expr_vector cube(expr_vector& vars, unsigned cutoff) {
+ Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_solver_cube(ctx(), m_solver, vars, cutoff);
+ check_error();
+ return expr_vector(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ class cube_iterator {
+ solver& m_solver;
+ unsigned& m_cutoff;
+ expr_vector& m_vars;
+ expr_vector m_cube;
+ bool m_end;
+ bool m_empty;
+ void inc() {
+ assert(!m_end && !m_empty);
+ m_cube = m_solver.cube(m_vars, m_cutoff);
+ m_cutoff = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if (m_cube.size() == 1 && m_cube[0].is_false()) {
+ m_cube = z3::expr_vector(m_solver.ctx());
+ m_end = true;
+ }
+ else if (m_cube.empty()) {
+ m_empty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ cube_iterator(solver& s, expr_vector& vars, unsigned& cutoff, bool end):
+ m_solver(s),
+ m_cutoff(cutoff),
+ m_vars(vars),
+ m_cube(s.ctx()),
+ m_end(end),
+ m_empty(false) {
+ if (!m_end) {
+ inc();
+ }
+ }
+ cube_iterator& operator++() {
+ assert(!m_end);
+ if (m_empty) {
+ m_end = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ inc();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ cube_iterator operator++(int) { assert(false); return *this; }
+ expr_vector const * operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
+ expr_vector const& operator*() const { return m_cube; }
+ bool operator==(cube_iterator const& other) {
+ return other.m_end == m_end;
+ };
+ bool operator!=(cube_iterator const& other) {
+ return other.m_end != m_end;
+ };
+ };
+ class cube_generator {
+ solver& m_solver;
+ unsigned m_cutoff;
+ expr_vector m_default_vars;
+ expr_vector& m_vars;
+ public:
+ cube_generator(solver& s):
+ m_solver(s),
+ m_cutoff(0xFFFFFFFF),
+ m_default_vars(s.ctx()),
+ m_vars(m_default_vars)
+ {}
+ cube_generator(solver& s, expr_vector& vars):
+ m_solver(s),
+ m_cutoff(0xFFFFFFFF),
+ m_default_vars(s.ctx()),
+ m_vars(vars)
+ {}
+ cube_iterator begin() { return cube_iterator(m_solver, m_vars, m_cutoff, false); }
+ cube_iterator end() { return cube_iterator(m_solver, m_vars, m_cutoff, true); }
+ void set_cutoff(unsigned c) { m_cutoff = c; }
+ };
+ cube_generator cubes() { return cube_generator(*this); }
+ cube_generator cubes(expr_vector& vars) { return cube_generator(*this, vars); }
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, solver const & s) { out << Z3_solver_to_string(s.ctx(), s); return out; }
+ class goal : public object {
+ Z3_goal m_goal;
+ void init(Z3_goal s) {
+ m_goal = s;
+ Z3_goal_inc_ref(ctx(), s);
+ }
+ public:
+ goal(context & c, bool models=true, bool unsat_cores=false, bool proofs=false):object(c) { init(Z3_mk_goal(c, models, unsat_cores, proofs)); }
+ goal(context & c, Z3_goal s):object(c) { init(s); }
+ goal(goal const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_goal); }
+ ~goal() { Z3_goal_dec_ref(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ operator Z3_goal() const { return m_goal; }
+ goal & operator=(goal const & s) {
+ Z3_goal_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_goal);
+ Z3_goal_dec_ref(ctx(), m_goal);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_goal = s.m_goal;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void add(expr const & f) { check_context(*this, f); Z3_goal_assert(ctx(), m_goal, f); check_error(); }
+ // void add(expr_vector const& v) { check_context(*this, v); for (expr e : v) add(e); }
+ unsigned size() const { return Z3_goal_size(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ expr operator[](int i) const { assert(0 <= i); Z3_ast r = Z3_goal_formula(ctx(), m_goal, i); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ Z3_goal_prec precision() const { return Z3_goal_precision(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ bool inconsistent() const { return Z3_goal_inconsistent(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ unsigned depth() const { return Z3_goal_depth(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ void reset() { Z3_goal_reset(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ unsigned num_exprs() const { return Z3_goal_num_exprs(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ bool is_decided_sat() const { return Z3_goal_is_decided_sat(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ bool is_decided_unsat() const { return Z3_goal_is_decided_unsat(ctx(), m_goal); }
+ model convert_model(model const & m) const {
+ check_context(*this, m);
+ Z3_model new_m = Z3_goal_convert_model(ctx(), m_goal, m);
+ check_error();
+ return model(ctx(), new_m);
+ }
+ model get_model() const {
+ Z3_model new_m = Z3_goal_convert_model(ctx(), m_goal, 0);
+ check_error();
+ return model(ctx(), new_m);
+ }
+ expr as_expr() const {
+ unsigned n = size();
+ if (n == 0)
+ return ctx().bool_val(true);
+ else if (n == 1)
+ return operator[](0);
+ else {
+ array<Z3_ast> args(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ args[i] = operator[](i);
+ return expr(ctx(), Z3_mk_and(ctx(), n, args.ptr()));
+ }
+ }
+ std::string dimacs() const { return std::string(Z3_goal_to_dimacs_string(ctx(), m_goal)); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, goal const & g);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, goal const & g) { out << Z3_goal_to_string(g.ctx(), g); return out; }
+ class apply_result : public object {
+ Z3_apply_result m_apply_result;
+ void init(Z3_apply_result s) {
+ m_apply_result = s;
+ Z3_apply_result_inc_ref(ctx(), s);
+ }
+ public:
+ apply_result(context & c, Z3_apply_result s):object(c) { init(s); }
+ apply_result(apply_result const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_apply_result); }
+ ~apply_result() { Z3_apply_result_dec_ref(ctx(), m_apply_result); }
+ operator Z3_apply_result() const { return m_apply_result; }
+ apply_result & operator=(apply_result const & s) {
+ Z3_apply_result_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_apply_result);
+ Z3_apply_result_dec_ref(ctx(), m_apply_result);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_apply_result = s.m_apply_result;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ unsigned size() const { return Z3_apply_result_get_num_subgoals(ctx(), m_apply_result); }
+ goal operator[](int i) const { assert(0 <= i); Z3_goal r = Z3_apply_result_get_subgoal(ctx(), m_apply_result, i); check_error(); return goal(ctx(), r); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, apply_result const & r);
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, apply_result const & r) { out << Z3_apply_result_to_string(r.ctx(), r); return out; }
+ class tactic : public object {
+ Z3_tactic m_tactic;
+ void init(Z3_tactic s) {
+ m_tactic = s;
+ Z3_tactic_inc_ref(ctx(), s);
+ }
+ public:
+ tactic(context & c, char const * name):object(c) { Z3_tactic r = Z3_mk_tactic(c, name); check_error(); init(r); }
+ tactic(context & c, Z3_tactic s):object(c) { init(s); }
+ tactic(tactic const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_tactic); }
+ ~tactic() { Z3_tactic_dec_ref(ctx(), m_tactic); }
+ operator Z3_tactic() const { return m_tactic; }
+ tactic & operator=(tactic const & s) {
+ Z3_tactic_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_tactic);
+ Z3_tactic_dec_ref(ctx(), m_tactic);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_tactic = s.m_tactic;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ solver mk_solver() const { Z3_solver r = Z3_mk_solver_from_tactic(ctx(), m_tactic); check_error(); return solver(ctx(), r); }
+ apply_result apply(goal const & g) const {
+ check_context(*this, g);
+ Z3_apply_result r = Z3_tactic_apply(ctx(), m_tactic, g);
+ check_error();
+ return apply_result(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ apply_result operator()(goal const & g) const {
+ return apply(g);
+ }
+ std::string help() const { char const * r = Z3_tactic_get_help(ctx(), m_tactic); check_error(); return r; }
+ friend tactic operator&(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2);
+ friend tactic operator|(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2);
+ friend tactic repeat(tactic const & t, unsigned max);
+ friend tactic with(tactic const & t, params const & p);
+ friend tactic try_for(tactic const & t, unsigned ms);
+ friend tactic par_or(unsigned n, tactic const* tactics);
+ friend tactic par_and_then(tactic const& t1, tactic const& t2);
+ param_descrs get_param_descrs() { return param_descrs(ctx(), Z3_tactic_get_param_descrs(ctx(), m_tactic)); }
+ };
+ inline tactic operator&(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) {
+ check_context(t1, t2);
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_and_then(t1.ctx(), t1, t2);
+ t1.check_error();
+ return tactic(t1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic operator|(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) {
+ check_context(t1, t2);
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_or_else(t1.ctx(), t1, t2);
+ t1.check_error();
+ return tactic(t1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic repeat(tactic const & t, unsigned max=UINT_MAX) {
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_repeat(t.ctx(), t, max);
+ t.check_error();
+ return tactic(t.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic with(tactic const & t, params const & p) {
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_using_params(t.ctx(), t, p);
+ t.check_error();
+ return tactic(t.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic try_for(tactic const & t, unsigned ms) {
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_try_for(t.ctx(), t, ms);
+ t.check_error();
+ return tactic(t.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic par_or(unsigned n, tactic const* tactics) {
+ if (n == 0) {
+ Z3_THROW(exception("a non-zero number of tactics need to be passed to par_or"));
+ }
+ array<Z3_tactic> buffer(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) buffer[i] = tactics[i];
+ return tactic(tactics[0].ctx(), Z3_tactic_par_or(tactics[0].ctx(), n, buffer.ptr()));
+ }
+ inline tactic par_and_then(tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) {
+ check_context(t1, t2);
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_par_and_then(t1.ctx(), t1, t2);
+ t1.check_error();
+ return tactic(t1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ class probe : public object {
+ Z3_probe m_probe;
+ void init(Z3_probe s) {
+ m_probe = s;
+ Z3_probe_inc_ref(ctx(), s);
+ }
+ public:
+ probe(context & c, char const * name):object(c) { Z3_probe r = Z3_mk_probe(c, name); check_error(); init(r); }
+ probe(context & c, double val):object(c) { Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_const(c, val); check_error(); init(r); }
+ probe(context & c, Z3_probe s):object(c) { init(s); }
+ probe(probe const & s):object(s) { init(s.m_probe); }
+ ~probe() { Z3_probe_dec_ref(ctx(), m_probe); }
+ operator Z3_probe() const { return m_probe; }
+ probe & operator=(probe const & s) {
+ Z3_probe_inc_ref(s.ctx(), s.m_probe);
+ Z3_probe_dec_ref(ctx(), m_probe);
+ m_ctx = s.m_ctx;
+ m_probe = s.m_probe;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ double apply(goal const & g) const { double r = Z3_probe_apply(ctx(), m_probe, g); check_error(); return r; }
+ double operator()(goal const & g) const { return apply(g); }
+ friend probe operator<=(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator<=(probe const & p1, double p2);
+ friend probe operator<=(double p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator>=(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator>=(probe const & p1, double p2);
+ friend probe operator>=(double p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator<(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator<(probe const & p1, double p2);
+ friend probe operator<(double p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator>(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator>(probe const & p1, double p2);
+ friend probe operator>(double p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator==(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator==(probe const & p1, double p2);
+ friend probe operator==(double p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator&&(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator||(probe const & p1, probe const & p2);
+ friend probe operator!(probe const & p);
+ };
+ inline probe operator<=(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_le(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator<=(probe const & p1, double p2) { return p1 <= probe(p1.ctx(), p2); }
+ inline probe operator<=(double p1, probe const & p2) { return probe(p2.ctx(), p1) <= p2; }
+ inline probe operator>=(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_ge(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator>=(probe const & p1, double p2) { return p1 >= probe(p1.ctx(), p2); }
+ inline probe operator>=(double p1, probe const & p2) { return probe(p2.ctx(), p1) >= p2; }
+ inline probe operator<(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_lt(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator<(probe const & p1, double p2) { return p1 < probe(p1.ctx(), p2); }
+ inline probe operator<(double p1, probe const & p2) { return probe(p2.ctx(), p1) < p2; }
+ inline probe operator>(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_gt(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator>(probe const & p1, double p2) { return p1 > probe(p1.ctx(), p2); }
+ inline probe operator>(double p1, probe const & p2) { return probe(p2.ctx(), p1) > p2; }
+ inline probe operator==(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_eq(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator==(probe const & p1, double p2) { return p1 == probe(p1.ctx(), p2); }
+ inline probe operator==(double p1, probe const & p2) { return probe(p2.ctx(), p1) == p2; }
+ inline probe operator&&(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_and(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator||(probe const & p1, probe const & p2) {
+ check_context(p1, p2); Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_or(p1.ctx(), p1, p2); p1.check_error(); return probe(p1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline probe operator!(probe const & p) {
+ Z3_probe r = Z3_probe_not(p.ctx(), p); p.check_error(); return probe(p.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ class optimize : public object {
+ Z3_optimize m_opt;
+ public:
+ class handle {
+ unsigned m_h;
+ public:
+ handle(unsigned h): m_h(h) {}
+ unsigned h() const { return m_h; }
+ };
+ optimize(context& c):object(c) { m_opt = Z3_mk_optimize(c); Z3_optimize_inc_ref(c, m_opt); }
+ optimize(optimize& o):object(o) {
+ Z3_optimize_inc_ref(o.ctx(), o.m_opt);
+ m_opt = o.m_opt;
+ }
+ optimize& operator=(optimize const& o) {
+ Z3_optimize_inc_ref(o.ctx(), o.m_opt);
+ Z3_optimize_dec_ref(ctx(), m_opt);
+ m_opt = o.m_opt;
+ m_ctx = o.m_ctx;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~optimize() { Z3_optimize_dec_ref(ctx(), m_opt); }
+ operator Z3_optimize() const { return m_opt; }
+ void add(expr const& e) {
+ assert(e.is_bool());
+ Z3_optimize_assert(ctx(), m_opt, e);
+ }
+ handle add(expr const& e, unsigned weight) {
+ assert(e.is_bool());
+ std::stringstream strm;
+ strm << weight;
+ return handle(Z3_optimize_assert_soft(ctx(), m_opt, e, strm.str().c_str(), 0));
+ }
+ handle add(expr const& e, char const* weight) {
+ assert(e.is_bool());
+ return handle(Z3_optimize_assert_soft(ctx(), m_opt, e, weight, 0));
+ }
+ handle maximize(expr const& e) {
+ return handle(Z3_optimize_maximize(ctx(), m_opt, e));
+ }
+ handle minimize(expr const& e) {
+ return handle(Z3_optimize_minimize(ctx(), m_opt, e));
+ }
+ void push() {
+ Z3_optimize_push(ctx(), m_opt);
+ }
+ void pop() {
+ Z3_optimize_pop(ctx(), m_opt);
+ }
+ check_result check() { Z3_lbool r = Z3_optimize_check(ctx(), m_opt, 0, 0); check_error(); return to_check_result(r); }
+ check_result check(expr_vector const& asms) {
+ unsigned n = asms.size();
+ array<Z3_ast> _asms(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ check_context(*this, asms[i]);
+ _asms[i] = asms[i];
+ }
+ Z3_lbool r = Z3_optimize_check(ctx(), m_opt, n, _asms.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return to_check_result(r);
+ }
+ model get_model() const { Z3_model m = Z3_optimize_get_model(ctx(), m_opt); check_error(); return model(ctx(), m); }
+ expr_vector unsat_core() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_optimize_get_unsat_core(ctx(), m_opt); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ void set(params const & p) { Z3_optimize_set_params(ctx(), m_opt, p); check_error(); }
+ expr lower(handle const& h) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_optimize_get_lower(ctx(), m_opt, h.h());
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr upper(handle const& h) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_optimize_get_upper(ctx(), m_opt, h.h());
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ expr_vector assertions() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_optimize_get_assertions(ctx(), m_opt); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ expr_vector objectives() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_optimize_get_objectives(ctx(), m_opt); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ stats statistics() const { Z3_stats r = Z3_optimize_get_statistics(ctx(), m_opt); check_error(); return stats(ctx(), r); }
+ friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, optimize const & s);
+ void from_file(char const* filename) { Z3_optimize_from_file(ctx(), m_opt, filename); check_error(); }
+ void from_string(char const* constraints) { Z3_optimize_from_string(ctx(), m_opt, constraints); check_error(); }
+ std::string help() const { char const * r = Z3_optimize_get_help(ctx(), m_opt); check_error(); return r; }
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, optimize const & s) { out << Z3_optimize_to_string(s.ctx(), s.m_opt); return out; }
+ class fixedpoint : public object {
+ Z3_fixedpoint m_fp;
+ public:
+ fixedpoint(context& c):object(c) { m_fp = Z3_mk_fixedpoint(c); Z3_fixedpoint_inc_ref(c, m_fp); }
+ ~fixedpoint() { Z3_fixedpoint_dec_ref(ctx(), m_fp); }
+ operator Z3_fixedpoint() const { return m_fp; }
+ void from_string(char const* s) { Z3_fixedpoint_from_string(ctx(), m_fp, s); check_error(); }
+ void from_file(char const* s) { Z3_fixedpoint_from_file(ctx(), m_fp, s); check_error(); }
+ void add_rule(expr& rule, symbol const& name) { Z3_fixedpoint_add_rule(ctx(), m_fp, rule, name); check_error(); }
+ void add_fact(func_decl& f, unsigned * args) { Z3_fixedpoint_add_fact(ctx(), m_fp, f, f.arity(), args); check_error(); }
+ check_result query(expr& q) { Z3_lbool r = Z3_fixedpoint_query(ctx(), m_fp, q); check_error(); return to_check_result(r); }
+ check_result query(func_decl_vector& relations) {
+ array<Z3_func_decl> rs(relations);
+ Z3_lbool r = Z3_fixedpoint_query_relations(ctx(), m_fp, rs.size(), rs.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return to_check_result(r);
+ }
+ expr get_answer() { Z3_ast r = Z3_fixedpoint_get_answer(ctx(), m_fp); check_error(); return expr(ctx(), r); }
+ std::string reason_unknown() { return Z3_fixedpoint_get_reason_unknown(ctx(), m_fp); }
+ void update_rule(expr& rule, symbol const& name) { Z3_fixedpoint_update_rule(ctx(), m_fp, rule, name); check_error(); }
+ unsigned get_num_levels(func_decl& p) { unsigned r = Z3_fixedpoint_get_num_levels(ctx(), m_fp, p); check_error(); return r; }
+ expr get_cover_delta(int level, func_decl& p) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_fixedpoint_get_cover_delta(ctx(), m_fp, level, p);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ void add_cover(int level, func_decl& p, expr& property) { Z3_fixedpoint_add_cover(ctx(), m_fp, level, p, property); check_error(); }
+ stats statistics() const { Z3_stats r = Z3_fixedpoint_get_statistics(ctx(), m_fp); check_error(); return stats(ctx(), r); }
+ void register_relation(func_decl& p) { Z3_fixedpoint_register_relation(ctx(), m_fp, p); }
+ expr_vector assertions() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_fixedpoint_get_assertions(ctx(), m_fp); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ expr_vector rules() const { Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_fixedpoint_get_rules(ctx(), m_fp); check_error(); return expr_vector(ctx(), r); }
+ void set(params const & p) { Z3_fixedpoint_set_params(ctx(), m_fp, p); check_error(); }
+ std::string help() const { return Z3_fixedpoint_get_help(ctx(), m_fp); }
+ param_descrs get_param_descrs() { return param_descrs(ctx(), Z3_fixedpoint_get_param_descrs(ctx(), m_fp)); }
+ std::string to_string() { return Z3_fixedpoint_to_string(ctx(), m_fp, 0, 0); }
+ std::string to_string(expr_vector const& queries) {
+ array<Z3_ast> qs(queries);
+ return Z3_fixedpoint_to_string(ctx(), m_fp, qs.size(), qs.ptr());
+ }
+ void push() { Z3_fixedpoint_push(ctx(), m_fp); check_error(); }
+ void pop() { Z3_fixedpoint_pop(ctx(), m_fp); check_error(); }
+ };
+ inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, fixedpoint const & f) { return out << Z3_fixedpoint_to_string(f.ctx(), f, 0, 0); }
+ inline tactic fail_if(probe const & p) {
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_fail_if(p.ctx(), p);
+ p.check_error();
+ return tactic(p.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic when(probe const & p, tactic const & t) {
+ check_context(p, t);
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_when(t.ctx(), p, t);
+ t.check_error();
+ return tactic(t.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline tactic cond(probe const & p, tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) {
+ check_context(p, t1); check_context(p, t2);
+ Z3_tactic r = Z3_tactic_cond(t1.ctx(), p, t1, t2);
+ t1.check_error();
+ return tactic(t1.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline symbol context::str_symbol(char const * s) { Z3_symbol r = Z3_mk_string_symbol(m_ctx, s); check_error(); return symbol(*this, r); }
+ inline symbol context::int_symbol(int n) { Z3_symbol r = Z3_mk_int_symbol(m_ctx, n); check_error(); return symbol(*this, r); }
+ inline sort context::bool_sort() { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_bool_sort(m_ctx); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ inline sort context::int_sort() { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_int_sort(m_ctx); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ inline sort context::real_sort() { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_real_sort(m_ctx); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ inline sort context::bv_sort(unsigned sz) { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_bv_sort(m_ctx, sz); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ inline sort context::string_sort() { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_string_sort(m_ctx); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ inline sort context::seq_sort(sort& s) { Z3_sort r = Z3_mk_seq_sort(m_ctx, s); check_error(); return sort(*this, r); }
+ inline sort context::re_sort(sort& s) { Z3_sort r = Z3_mk_re_sort(m_ctx, s); check_error(); return sort(*this, r); }
+ inline sort context::fpa_sort(unsigned ebits, unsigned sbits) { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_fpa_sort(m_ctx, ebits, sbits); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ template<>
+ inline sort context::fpa_sort<16>() { return fpa_sort(5, 11); }
+ template<>
+ inline sort context::fpa_sort<32>() { return fpa_sort(8, 24); }
+ template<>
+ inline sort context::fpa_sort<64>() { return fpa_sort(11, 53); }
+ template<>
+ inline sort context::fpa_sort<128>() { return fpa_sort(15, 113); }
+ inline sort context::fpa_rounding_mode() {
+ switch (m_rounding_mode) {
+ case RNA: return sort(*this, Z3_mk_fpa_rna(m_ctx));
+ case RNE: return sort(*this, Z3_mk_fpa_rne(m_ctx));
+ case RTP: return sort(*this, Z3_mk_fpa_rtp(m_ctx));
+ case RTN: return sort(*this, Z3_mk_fpa_rtn(m_ctx));
+ case RTZ: return sort(*this, Z3_mk_fpa_rtz(m_ctx));
+ default: return sort(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void context::set_rounding_mode(rounding_mode rm) { m_rounding_mode = rm; }
+ inline sort context::array_sort(sort d, sort r) { Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_array_sort(m_ctx, d, r); check_error(); return sort(*this, s); }
+ inline sort context::array_sort(sort_vector const& d, sort r) {
+ array<Z3_sort> dom(d);
+ Z3_sort s = Z3_mk_array_sort_n(m_ctx, dom.size(), dom.ptr(), r); check_error(); return sort(*this, s);
+ }
+ inline sort context::enumeration_sort(char const * name, unsigned n, char const * const * enum_names, func_decl_vector & cs, func_decl_vector & ts) {
+ array<Z3_symbol> _enum_names(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { _enum_names[i] = Z3_mk_string_symbol(*this, enum_names[i]); }
+ array<Z3_func_decl> _cs(n);
+ array<Z3_func_decl> _ts(n);
+ Z3_symbol _name = Z3_mk_string_symbol(*this, name);
+ sort s = to_sort(*this, Z3_mk_enumeration_sort(*this, _name, n, _enum_names.ptr(), _cs.ptr(), _ts.ptr()));
+ check_error();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { cs.push_back(func_decl(*this, _cs[i])); ts.push_back(func_decl(*this, _ts[i])); }
+ return s;
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::tuple_sort(char const * name, unsigned n, char const * const * names, sort const* sorts, func_decl_vector & projs) {
+ array<Z3_symbol> _names(n);
+ array<Z3_sort> _sorts(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { _names[i] = Z3_mk_string_symbol(*this, names[i]); _sorts[i] = sorts[i]; }
+ array<Z3_func_decl> _projs(n);
+ Z3_symbol _name = Z3_mk_string_symbol(*this, name);
+ Z3_func_decl tuple;
+ sort _ignore_s = to_sort(*this, Z3_mk_tuple_sort(*this, _name, n, _names.ptr(), _sorts.ptr(), &tuple, _projs.ptr()));
+ check_error();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { projs.push_back(func_decl(*this, _projs[i])); }
+ return func_decl(*this, tuple);
+ }
+ inline sort context::uninterpreted_sort(char const* name) {
+ Z3_symbol _name = Z3_mk_string_symbol(*this, name);
+ return to_sort(*this, Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort(*this, _name));
+ }
+ inline sort context::uninterpreted_sort(symbol const& name) {
+ return to_sort(*this, Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort(*this, name));
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ array<Z3_sort> args(arity);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
+ check_context(domain[i], range);
+ args[i] = domain[i];
+ }
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, name, arity, args.ptr(), range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ return function(range.ctx().str_symbol(name), arity, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(symbol const& name, sort_vector const& domain, sort const& range) {
+ array<Z3_sort> args(domain.size());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < domain.size(); i++) {
+ check_context(domain[i], range);
+ args[i] = domain[i];
+ }
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, name, domain.size(), args.ptr(), range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, sort_vector const& domain, sort const& range) {
+ return function(range.ctx().str_symbol(name), domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, sort const & domain, sort const & range) {
+ check_context(domain, range);
+ Z3_sort args[1] = { domain };
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, str_symbol(name), 1, args, range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & range) {
+ check_context(d1, range); check_context(d2, range);
+ Z3_sort args[2] = { d1, d2 };
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, str_symbol(name), 2, args, range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & range) {
+ check_context(d1, range); check_context(d2, range); check_context(d3, range);
+ Z3_sort args[3] = { d1, d2, d3 };
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, str_symbol(name), 3, args, range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & d4, sort const & range) {
+ check_context(d1, range); check_context(d2, range); check_context(d3, range); check_context(d4, range);
+ Z3_sort args[4] = { d1, d2, d3, d4 };
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, str_symbol(name), 4, args, range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & d4, sort const & d5, sort const & range) {
+ check_context(d1, range); check_context(d2, range); check_context(d3, range); check_context(d4, range); check_context(d5, range);
+ Z3_sort args[5] = { d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 };
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_func_decl(m_ctx, str_symbol(name), 5, args, range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::recfun(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ array<Z3_sort> args(arity);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
+ check_context(domain[i], range);
+ args[i] = domain[i];
+ }
+ Z3_func_decl f = Z3_mk_rec_func_decl(m_ctx, name, arity, args.ptr(), range);
+ check_error();
+ return func_decl(*this, f);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::recfun(char const * name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ return recfun(str_symbol(name), arity, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::recfun(char const * name, sort const& d1, sort const & range) {
+ return recfun(str_symbol(name), 1, &d1, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl context::recfun(char const * name, sort const& d1, sort const& d2, sort const & range) {
+ sort dom[2] = { d1, d2 };
+ return recfun(str_symbol(name), 2, dom, range);
+ }
+ inline void context::recdef(func_decl f, expr_vector const& args, expr const& body) {
+ check_context(f, args); check_context(f, body);
+ array<Z3_ast> vars(args);
+ Z3_add_rec_def(f.ctx(), f, vars.size(), vars.ptr(), body);
+ }
+ inline expr context::constant(symbol const & name, sort const & s) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_const(m_ctx, name, s);
+ check_error();
+ return expr(*this, r);
+ }
+ inline expr context::constant(char const * name, sort const & s) { return constant(str_symbol(name), s); }
+ inline expr context::bool_const(char const * name) { return constant(name, bool_sort()); }
+ inline expr context::int_const(char const * name) { return constant(name, int_sort()); }
+ inline expr context::real_const(char const * name) { return constant(name, real_sort()); }
+ inline expr context::bv_const(char const * name, unsigned sz) { return constant(name, bv_sort(sz)); }
+ inline expr context::fpa_const(char const * name, unsigned ebits, unsigned sbits) { return constant(name, fpa_sort(ebits, sbits)); }
+ template<size_t precision>
+ inline expr context::fpa_const(char const * name) { return constant(name, fpa_sort<precision>()); }
+ inline expr context::bool_val(bool b) { return b ? expr(*this, Z3_mk_true(m_ctx)) : expr(*this, Z3_mk_false(m_ctx)); }
+ inline expr context::int_val(int n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int(m_ctx, n, int_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::int_val(unsigned n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_unsigned_int(m_ctx, n, int_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::int_val(int64_t n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int64(m_ctx, n, int_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::int_val(uint64_t n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_unsigned_int64(m_ctx, n, int_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::int_val(char const * n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_numeral(m_ctx, n, int_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::real_val(int n, int d) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_real(m_ctx, n, d); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::real_val(int n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int(m_ctx, n, real_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::real_val(unsigned n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_unsigned_int(m_ctx, n, real_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::real_val(int64_t n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int64(m_ctx, n, real_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::real_val(uint64_t n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_unsigned_int64(m_ctx, n, real_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::real_val(char const * n) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_numeral(m_ctx, n, real_sort()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::bv_val(int n, unsigned sz) { sort s = bv_sort(sz); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::bv_val(unsigned n, unsigned sz) { sort s = bv_sort(sz); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_unsigned_int(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::bv_val(int64_t n, unsigned sz) { sort s = bv_sort(sz); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int64(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::bv_val(uint64_t n, unsigned sz) { sort s = bv_sort(sz); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_unsigned_int64(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::bv_val(char const * n, unsigned sz) { sort s = bv_sort(sz); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_numeral(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::bv_val(unsigned n, bool const* bits) {
+ array<bool> _bits(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) _bits[i] = bits[i] ? 1 : 0;
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_bv_numeral(m_ctx, n, _bits.ptr()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r);
+ }
+ inline expr context::fpa_val(double n) { sort s = fpa_sort<64>(); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_double(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::fpa_val(float n) { sort s = fpa_sort<32>(); Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_float(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::string_val(char const* s) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_string(m_ctx, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::string_val(std::string const& s) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_string(m_ctx, s.c_str()); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr context::num_val(int n, sort const & s) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int(m_ctx, n, s); check_error(); return expr(*this, r); }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(unsigned n, expr const * args) const {
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(n);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ check_context(*this, args[i]);
+ _args[i] = args[i];
+ }
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, n, _args.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr_vector const& args) const {
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args.size());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
+ check_context(*this, args[i]);
+ _args[i] = args[i];
+ }
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()() const {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 0, 0);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr const & a) const {
+ check_context(*this, a);
+ Z3_ast args[1] = { a };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 1, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(int a) const {
+ Z3_ast args[1] = { ctx().num_val(a, domain(0)) };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 1, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2) const {
+ check_context(*this, a1); check_context(*this, a2);
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a1, a2 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 2, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr const & a1, int a2) const {
+ check_context(*this, a1);
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { a1, ctx().num_val(a2, domain(1)) };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 2, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(int a1, expr const & a2) const {
+ check_context(*this, a2);
+ Z3_ast args[2] = { ctx().num_val(a1, domain(0)), a2 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 2, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2, expr const & a3) const {
+ check_context(*this, a1); check_context(*this, a2); check_context(*this, a3);
+ Z3_ast args[3] = { a1, a2, a3 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 3, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2, expr const & a3, expr const & a4) const {
+ check_context(*this, a1); check_context(*this, a2); check_context(*this, a3); check_context(*this, a4);
+ Z3_ast args[4] = { a1, a2, a3, a4 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 4, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr func_decl::operator()(expr const & a1, expr const & a2, expr const & a3, expr const & a4, expr const & a5) const {
+ check_context(*this, a1); check_context(*this, a2); check_context(*this, a3); check_context(*this, a4); check_context(*this, a5);
+ Z3_ast args[5] = { a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_app(ctx(), *this, 5, args);
+ ctx().check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr to_real(expr const & a) { Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_int2real(a.ctx(), a); a.check_error(); return expr(a.ctx(), r); }
+ inline func_decl function(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, arity, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const * name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, arity, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & domain, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, d1, d2, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, d1, d2, d3, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & d4, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, d1, d2, d3, d4, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const * name, sort const & d1, sort const & d2, sort const & d3, sort const & d4, sort const & d5, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(char const* name, sort_vector const& domain, sort const& range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl function(std::string const& name, sort_vector const& domain, sort const& range) {
+ return range.ctx().function(name.c_str(), domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl recfun(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().recfun(name, arity, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl recfun(char const * name, unsigned arity, sort const * domain, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().recfun(name, arity, domain, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl recfun(char const * name, sort const& d1, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().recfun(name, d1, range);
+ }
+ inline func_decl recfun(char const * name, sort const& d1, sort const& d2, sort const & range) {
+ return range.ctx().recfun(name, d1, d2, range);
+ }
+ inline expr select(expr const & a, expr const & i) {
+ check_context(a, i);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_select(a.ctx(), a, i);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr select(expr const & a, int i) {
+ return select(a, a.ctx().num_val(i, a.get_sort().array_domain()));
+ }
+ inline expr select(expr const & a, expr_vector const & i) {
+ check_context(a, i);
+ array<Z3_ast> idxs(i);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_select_n(a.ctx(), a, idxs.size(), idxs.ptr());
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr store(expr const & a, expr const & i, expr const & v) {
+ check_context(a, i); check_context(a, v);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_store(a.ctx(), a, i, v);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr store(expr const & a, int i, expr const & v) { return store(a, a.ctx().num_val(i, a.get_sort().array_domain()), v); }
+ inline expr store(expr const & a, expr i, int v) { return store(a, i, a.ctx().num_val(v, a.get_sort().array_range())); }
+ inline expr store(expr const & a, int i, int v) {
+ return store(a, a.ctx().num_val(i, a.get_sort().array_domain()), a.ctx().num_val(v, a.get_sort().array_range()));
+ }
+ inline expr store(expr const & a, expr_vector const & i, expr const & v) {
+ check_context(a, i); check_context(a, v);
+ array<Z3_ast> idxs(i);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_store_n(a.ctx(), a, idxs.size(), idxs.ptr(), v);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr as_array(func_decl & f) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_as_array(f.ctx(), f);
+ f.check_error();
+ return expr(f.ctx(), r);
+ }
+#define MK_EXPR1(_fn, _arg) \
+ Z3_ast r = _fn(_arg.ctx(), _arg); \
+ _arg.check_error(); \
+ return expr(_arg.ctx(), r);
+#define MK_EXPR2(_fn, _arg1, _arg2) \
+ check_context(_arg1, _arg2); \
+ Z3_ast r = _fn(_arg1.ctx(), _arg1, _arg2); \
+ _arg1.check_error(); \
+ return expr(_arg1.ctx(), r);
+ inline expr const_array(sort const & d, expr const & v) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_const_array, d, v);
+ }
+ inline expr empty_set(sort const& s) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_empty_set, s);
+ }
+ inline expr full_set(sort const& s) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_full_set, s);
+ }
+ inline expr set_add(expr const& s, expr const& e) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_set_add, s, e);
+ }
+ inline expr set_del(expr const& s, expr const& e) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_set_del, s, e);
+ }
+ inline expr set_union(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast es[2] = { a, b };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_set_union(a.ctx(), 2, es);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr set_intersect(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast es[2] = { a, b };
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_set_intersect(a.ctx(), 2, es);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr set_difference(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_set_difference, a, b);
+ }
+ inline expr set_complement(expr const& a) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_set_complement, a);
+ }
+ inline expr set_member(expr const& s, expr const& e) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_set_member, s, e);
+ }
+ inline expr set_subset(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_set_subset, a, b);
+ }
+ // sequence and regular expression operations.
+ // union is +
+ // concat is overloaded to handle sequences and regular expressions
+ inline expr empty(sort const& s) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_empty(s.ctx(), s);
+ s.check_error();
+ return expr(s.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr suffixof(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_suffix(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr prefixof(expr const& a, expr const& b) {
+ check_context(a, b);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_prefix(a.ctx(), a, b);
+ a.check_error();
+ return expr(a.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr indexof(expr const& s, expr const& substr, expr const& offset) {
+ check_context(s, substr); check_context(s, offset);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_seq_index(s.ctx(), s, substr, offset);
+ s.check_error();
+ return expr(s.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr to_re(expr const& s) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_seq_to_re, s);
+ }
+ inline expr in_re(expr const& s, expr const& re) {
+ MK_EXPR2(Z3_mk_seq_in_re, s, re);
+ }
+ inline expr plus(expr const& re) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_re_plus, re);
+ }
+ inline expr option(expr const& re) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_re_option, re);
+ }
+ inline expr star(expr const& re) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_re_star, re);
+ }
+ inline expr re_empty(sort const& s) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_re_empty(s.ctx(), s);
+ s.check_error();
+ return expr(s.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr re_full(sort const& s) {
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_re_full(s.ctx(), s);
+ s.check_error();
+ return expr(s.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr re_intersect(expr_vector const& args) {
+ assert(args.size() > 0);
+ context& ctx = args[0].ctx();
+ array<Z3_ast> _args(args);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_re_intersect(ctx, _args.size(), _args.ptr());
+ ctx.check_error();
+ return expr(ctx, r);
+ }
+ inline expr re_complement(expr const& a) {
+ MK_EXPR1(Z3_mk_re_complement, a);
+ }
+ inline expr range(expr const& lo, expr const& hi) {
+ check_context(lo, hi);
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_re_range(lo.ctx(), lo, hi);
+ lo.check_error();
+ return expr(lo.ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr_vector context::parse_string(char const* s) {
+ Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_parse_smtlib2_string(*this, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ check_error();
+ return expr_vector(*this, r);
+ }
+ inline expr_vector context::parse_file(char const* s) {
+ Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_parse_smtlib2_file(*this, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ check_error();
+ return expr_vector(*this, r);
+ }
+ inline expr_vector context::parse_string(char const* s, sort_vector const& sorts, func_decl_vector const& decls) {
+ array<Z3_symbol> sort_names(sorts.size());
+ array<Z3_symbol> decl_names(decls.size());
+ array<Z3_sort> sorts1(sorts);
+ array<Z3_func_decl> decls1(decls);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sorts.size(); ++i) {
+ sort_names[i] = sorts[i].name();
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < decls.size(); ++i) {
+ decl_names[i] = decls[i].name();
+ }
+ Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_parse_smtlib2_string(*this, s, sorts.size(), sort_names.ptr(), sorts1.ptr(), decls.size(), decl_names.ptr(), decls1.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return expr_vector(*this, r);
+ }
+ inline expr_vector context::parse_file(char const* s, sort_vector const& sorts, func_decl_vector const& decls) {
+ array<Z3_symbol> sort_names(sorts.size());
+ array<Z3_symbol> decl_names(decls.size());
+ array<Z3_sort> sorts1(sorts);
+ array<Z3_func_decl> decls1(decls);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sorts.size(); ++i) {
+ sort_names[i] = sorts[i].name();
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < decls.size(); ++i) {
+ decl_names[i] = decls[i].name();
+ }
+ Z3_ast_vector r = Z3_parse_smtlib2_file(*this, s, sorts.size(), sort_names.ptr(), sorts1.ptr(), decls.size(), decl_names.ptr(), decls1.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return expr_vector(*this, r);
+ }
+ inline expr expr::substitute(expr_vector const& src, expr_vector const& dst) {
+ assert(src.size() == dst.size());
+ array<Z3_ast> _src(src.size());
+ array<Z3_ast> _dst(dst.size());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) {
+ _src[i] = src[i];
+ _dst[i] = dst[i];
+ }
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_substitute(ctx(), m_ast, src.size(), _src.ptr(), _dst.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+ inline expr expr::substitute(expr_vector const& dst) {
+ array<Z3_ast> _dst(dst.size());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < dst.size(); ++i) {
+ _dst[i] = dst[i];
+ }
+ Z3_ast r = Z3_substitute_vars(ctx(), m_ast, dst.size(), _dst.ptr());
+ check_error();
+ return expr(ctx(), r);
+ }
+#undef Z3_THROW
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382bc4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Copyright (c) 2007 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3.h
+ Z3 API.
+ Nikolaj Bjorner (nbjorner)
+ Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2007-06-8
+#ifndef Z3_H_
+#define Z3_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "z3_macros.h"
+#include "z3_api.h"
+#include "z3_ast_containers.h"
+#include "z3_algebraic.h"
+#include "z3_polynomial.h"
+#include "z3_rcf.h"
+#include "z3_fixedpoint.h"
+#include "z3_optimization.h"
+#include "z3_fpa.h"
+#include "z3_spacer.h"
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_algebraic.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_algebraic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ebc1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_algebraic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_algebraic.h
+ Additional APIs for handling Z3 algebraic numbers encoded as
+ Z3_ASTs
+ Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-12-07
+#ifndef Z3_ALGEBRAIC_H_
+#define Z3_ALGEBRAIC_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Algebraic Numbers */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \c a can be used as value in the Z3 real algebraic
+ number package.
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_is_value', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_is_value(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \c a is positive, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_is_pos', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_is_pos(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \c a is negative, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_is_neg', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_is_neg(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \c a is zero, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_is_zero', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_is_zero(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return 1 if \c a is positive, 0 if \c a is zero, and -1 if \c a is negative.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_sign', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ int Z3_API Z3_algebraic_sign(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value a + b.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ \post Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_add', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_algebraic_add(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value a - b.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ \post Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_sub', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_algebraic_sub(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value a * b.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ \post Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_mul', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_algebraic_mul(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value a / b.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ \pre !Z3_algebraic_is_zero(c, b)
+ \post Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_div', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_algebraic_div(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the a^(1/k)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre k is even => !Z3_algebraic_is_neg(c, a)
+ \post Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_root', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_algebraic_root(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned k);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the a^k
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \post Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_power', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_algebraic_power(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned k);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if a < b, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_lt', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_lt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if a > b, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_gt', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_gt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if a <= b, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_le', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_le(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if a >= b, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_ge', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_ge(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if a == b, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_eq', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_eq(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if a != b, and \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a)
+ \pre Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, b)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_neq', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_algebraic_neq(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast b);
+ /**
+ \brief Given a multivariate polynomial p(x_0, ..., x_{n-1}, x_n), returns the
+ roots of the univariate polynomial p(a[0], ..., a[n-1], x_n).
+ \pre p is a Z3 expression that contains only arithmetic terms and free variables.
+ \pre forall i in [0, n) Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a[i])
+ \post forall r in result Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, result)
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_roots', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_algebraic_roots(Z3_context c, Z3_ast p, unsigned n, Z3_ast a[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Given a multivariate polynomial p(x_0, ..., x_{n-1}), return the
+ sign of p(a[0], ..., a[n-1]).
+ \pre p is a Z3 expression that contains only arithmetic terms and free variables.
+ \pre forall i in [0, n) Z3_algebraic_is_value(c, a[i])
+ def_API('Z3_algebraic_eval', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ int Z3_API Z3_algebraic_eval(Z3_context c, Z3_ast p, unsigned n, Z3_ast a[]);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_api.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_api.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d61c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6464 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
+#ifndef Z3_API_H_
+#define Z3_API_H_
+#define Z3_sort_opt Z3_sort
+#define Z3_ast_opt Z3_ast
+#define Z3_func_interp_opt Z3_func_interp
+/** \defgroup capi C API */
+/** @name Types
+ @{
+ Most of the types in the C API are opaque pointers.
+ - \c Z3_config: configuration object used to initialize logical contexts.
+ - \c Z3_context: manager of all other Z3 objects, global configuration options, etc.
+ - \c Z3_symbol: Lisp-like symbol used to name types, constants, and functions. A symbol can be created using string or integers.
+ - \c Z3_ast: abstract syntax tree node. That is, the data-structure used in Z3 to represent terms, formulas and types.
+ - \c Z3_sort: kind of AST used to represent types.
+ - \c Z3_func_decl: kind of AST used to represent function symbols.
+ - \c Z3_app: kind of AST used to represent function applications.
+ - \c Z3_pattern: kind of AST used to represent pattern and multi-patterns used to guide quantifier instantiation.
+ - \c Z3_constructor: type constructor for a (recursive) datatype.
+ - \c Z3_constructor_list: list of constructors for a (recursive) datatype.
+ - \c Z3_params: parameter set used to configure many components such as: simplifiers, tactics, solvers, etc.
+ - \c Z3_param_descrs: provides a collection of parameter names, their types, default values and documentation strings. Solvers, tactics, and other objects accept different collection of parameters.
+ - \c Z3_model: model for the constraints asserted into the logical context.
+ - \c Z3_func_interp: interpretation of a function in a model.
+ - \c Z3_func_entry: representation of the value of a \c Z3_func_interp at a particular point.
+ - \c Z3_fixedpoint: context for the recursive predicate solver.
+ - \c Z3_optimize: context for solving optimization queries.
+ - \c Z3_ast_vector: vector of \c Z3_ast objects.
+ - \c Z3_ast_map: mapping from \c Z3_ast to \c Z3_ast objects.
+ - \c Z3_goal: set of formulas that can be solved and/or transformed using tactics and solvers.
+ - \c Z3_tactic: basic building block for creating custom solvers for specific problem domains.
+ - \c Z3_probe: function/predicate used to inspect a goal and collect information that may be used to decide which solver and/or preprocessing step will be used.
+ - \c Z3_apply_result: collection of subgoals resulting from applying of a tactic to a goal.
+ - \c Z3_solver: (incremental) solver, possibly specialized by a particular tactic or logic.
+ - \c Z3_stats: statistical data for a solver.
+ \brief Z3 Boolean type. It is just an alias for \c bool.
+typedef bool Z3_bool;
+ \brief Z3 string type. It is just an alias for \ccode{const char *}.
+typedef const char * Z3_string;
+typedef Z3_string * Z3_string_ptr;
+ \brief True value. It is just an alias for \c true.
+#define Z3_TRUE true
+ \brief False value. It is just an alias for \c false.
+#define Z3_FALSE false
+ \brief Lifted Boolean type: \c false, \c undefined, \c true.
+typedef enum
+ Z3_L_FALSE = -1,
+} Z3_lbool;
+ \brief The different kinds of symbol.
+ In Z3, a symbol can be represented using integers and strings (See #Z3_get_symbol_kind).
+ \sa Z3_mk_int_symbol
+ \sa Z3_mk_string_symbol
+typedef enum
+} Z3_symbol_kind;
+ \brief The different kinds of parameters that can be associated with function symbols.
+ \sa Z3_get_decl_num_parameters
+ \sa Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_INT is used for integer parameters.
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_DOUBLE is used for double parameters.
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_RATIONAL is used for parameters that are rational numbers.
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_SYMBOL is used for parameters that are symbols.
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_SORT is used for sort parameters.
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_AST is used for expression parameters.
+ - Z3_PARAMETER_FUNC_DECL is used for function declaration parameters.
+typedef enum
+} Z3_parameter_kind;
+ \brief The different kinds of Z3 types (See #Z3_get_sort_kind).
+typedef enum
+ Z3_UNKNOWN_SORT = 1000
+} Z3_sort_kind;
+ \brief
+ The different kinds of Z3 AST (abstract syntax trees). That is, terms, formulas and types.
+ - Z3_APP_AST: constant and applications
+ - Z3_NUMERAL_AST: numeral constants
+ - Z3_VAR_AST: bound variables
+ - Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST: quantifiers
+ - Z3_SORT_AST: sort
+ - Z3_FUNC_DECL_AST: function declaration
+ - Z3_UNKNOWN_AST: internal
+typedef enum
+ Z3_UNKNOWN_AST = 1000
+} Z3_ast_kind;
+ \brief The different kinds of interpreted function kinds.
+ - Z3_OP_TRUE The constant true.
+ - Z3_OP_FALSE The constant false.
+ - Z3_OP_EQ The equality predicate.
+ - Z3_OP_DISTINCT The n-ary distinct predicate (every argument is mutually distinct).
+ - Z3_OP_ITE The ternary if-then-else term.
+ - Z3_OP_AND n-ary conjunction.
+ - Z3_OP_OR n-ary disjunction.
+ - Z3_OP_IFF equivalence (binary).
+ - Z3_OP_XOR Exclusive or.
+ - Z3_OP_NOT Negation.
+ - Z3_OP_IMPLIES Implication.
+ - Z3_OP_OEQ Binary equivalence modulo namings. This binary predicate is used in proof terms.
+ It captures equisatisfiability and equivalence modulo renamings.
+ - Z3_OP_ANUM Arithmetic numeral.
+ - Z3_OP_AGNUM Arithmetic algebraic numeral. Algebraic numbers are used to represent irrational numbers in Z3.
+ - Z3_OP_LE <=.
+ - Z3_OP_GE >=.
+ - Z3_OP_LT <.
+ - Z3_OP_GT >.
+ - Z3_OP_ADD Addition - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_SUB Binary subtraction.
+ - Z3_OP_UMINUS Unary minus.
+ - Z3_OP_MUL Multiplication - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_DIV Division - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_IDIV Integer division - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_REM Remainder - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_MOD Modulus - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_TO_REAL Coercion of integer to real - Unary.
+ - Z3_OP_TO_INT Coercion of real to integer - Unary.
+ - Z3_OP_IS_INT Check if real is also an integer - Unary.
+ - Z3_OP_POWER Power operator x^y.
+ - Z3_OP_STORE Array store. It satisfies select(store(a,i,v),j) = if i = j then v else select(a,j).
+ Array store takes at least 3 arguments.
+ - Z3_OP_SELECT Array select.
+ - Z3_OP_CONST_ARRAY The constant array. For example, select(const(v),i) = v holds for every v and i. The function is unary.
+ - Z3_OP_ARRAY_DEFAULT Default value of arrays. For example default(const(v)) = v. The function is unary.
+ - Z3_OP_ARRAY_MAP Array map operator.
+ It satisfies map[f](a1,..,a_n)[i] = f(a1[i],...,a_n[i]) for every i.
+ - Z3_OP_SET_UNION Set union between two Boolean arrays (two arrays whose range type is Boolean). The function is binary.
+ - Z3_OP_SET_INTERSECT Set intersection between two Boolean arrays. The function is binary.
+ - Z3_OP_SET_DIFFERENCE Set difference between two Boolean arrays. The function is binary.
+ - Z3_OP_SET_COMPLEMENT Set complement of a Boolean array. The function is unary.
+ - Z3_OP_SET_SUBSET Subset predicate between two Boolean arrays. The relation is binary.
+ - Z3_OP_AS_ARRAY An array value that behaves as the function graph of the
+ function passed as parameter.
+ - Z3_OP_ARRAY_EXT Array extensionality function. It takes two arrays as arguments and produces an index, such that the arrays
+ are different if they are different on the index.
+ - Z3_OP_BNUM Bit-vector numeral.
+ - Z3_OP_BIT1 One bit bit-vector.
+ - Z3_OP_BIT0 Zero bit bit-vector.
+ - Z3_OP_BNEG Unary minus.
+ - Z3_OP_BADD Binary addition.
+ - Z3_OP_BSUB Binary subtraction.
+ - Z3_OP_BMUL Binary multiplication.
+ - Z3_OP_BSDIV Binary signed division.
+ - Z3_OP_BUDIV Binary unsigned division.
+ - Z3_OP_BSREM Binary signed remainder.
+ - Z3_OP_BUREM Binary unsigned remainder.
+ - Z3_OP_BSMOD Binary signed modulus.
+ - Z3_OP_BSDIV0 Unary function. bsdiv(x,0) is congruent to bsdiv0(x).
+ - Z3_OP_BUDIV0 Unary function. budiv(x,0) is congruent to budiv0(x).
+ - Z3_OP_BSREM0 Unary function. bsrem(x,0) is congruent to bsrem0(x).
+ - Z3_OP_BUREM0 Unary function. burem(x,0) is congruent to burem0(x).
+ - Z3_OP_BSMOD0 Unary function. bsmod(x,0) is congruent to bsmod0(x).
+ - Z3_OP_ULEQ Unsigned bit-vector <= - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_SLEQ Signed bit-vector <= - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_UGEQ Unsigned bit-vector >= - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_SGEQ Signed bit-vector >= - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_ULT Unsigned bit-vector < - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_SLT Signed bit-vector < - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_UGT Unsigned bit-vector > - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_SGT Signed bit-vector > - Binary relation.
+ - Z3_OP_BAND Bit-wise and - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_BOR Bit-wise or - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_BNOT Bit-wise not - Unary.
+ - Z3_OP_BXOR Bit-wise xor - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_BNAND Bit-wise nand - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_BNOR Bit-wise nor - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_BXNOR Bit-wise xnor - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_CONCAT Bit-vector concatenation - Binary.
+ - Z3_OP_SIGN_EXT Bit-vector sign extension.
+ - Z3_OP_ZERO_EXT Bit-vector zero extension.
+ - Z3_OP_EXTRACT Bit-vector extraction.
+ - Z3_OP_REPEAT Repeat bit-vector n times.
+ - Z3_OP_BREDOR Bit-vector reduce or - Unary.
+ - Z3_OP_BREDAND Bit-vector reduce and - Unary.
+ - Z3_OP_BCOMP .
+ - Z3_OP_BSHL Shift left.
+ - Z3_OP_BLSHR Logical shift right.
+ - Z3_OP_BASHR Arithmetical shift right.
+ - Z3_OP_ROTATE_LEFT Left rotation.
+ - Z3_OP_ROTATE_RIGHT Right rotation.
+ - Z3_OP_EXT_ROTATE_LEFT (extended) Left rotation. Similar to Z3_OP_ROTATE_LEFT, but it is a binary operator instead of a parametric one.
+ - Z3_OP_EXT_ROTATE_RIGHT (extended) Right rotation. Similar to Z3_OP_ROTATE_RIGHT, but it is a binary operator instead of a parametric one.
+ - Z3_OP_INT2BV Coerce integer to bit-vector. NB. This function
+ is not supported by the decision procedures. Only the most
+ rudimentary simplification rules are applied to this function.
+ - Z3_OP_BV2INT Coerce bit-vector to integer. NB. This function
+ is not supported by the decision procedures. Only the most
+ rudimentary simplification rules are applied to this function.
+ - Z3_OP_CARRY Compute the carry bit in a full-adder.
+ The meaning is given by the equivalence
+ (carry l1 l2 l3) <=> (or (and l1 l2) (and l1 l3) (and l2 l3)))
+ - Z3_OP_XOR3 Compute ternary XOR.
+ The meaning is given by the equivalence
+ (xor3 l1 l2 l3) <=> (xor (xor l1 l2) l3)
+ - Z3_OP_BSMUL_NO_OVFL: a predicate to check that bit-wise signed multiplication does not overflow.
+ Signed multiplication overflows if the operands have the same sign and the result of multiplication
+ does not fit within the available bits. \sa Z3_mk_bvmul_no_overflow.
+ - Z3_OP_BUMUL_NO_OVFL: check that bit-wise unsigned multiplication does not overflow.
+ Unsigned multiplication overflows if the result does not fit within the available bits.
+ \sa Z3_mk_bvmul_no_overflow.
+ - Z3_OP_BSMUL_NO_UDFL: check that bit-wise signed multiplication does not underflow.
+ Signed multiplication underflows if the operands have opposite signs and the result of multiplication
+ does not fit within the available bits. Z3_mk_bvmul_no_underflow.
+ - Z3_OP_BSDIV_I: Binary signed division.
+ It has the same semantics as Z3_OP_BSDIV, but created in a context where the second operand can be assumed to be non-zero.
+ - Z3_OP_BUDIV_I: Binary unsigned division.
+ It has the same semantics as Z3_OP_BUDIV, but created in a context where the second operand can be assumed to be non-zero.
+ - Z3_OP_BSREM_I: Binary signed remainder.
+ It has the same semantics as Z3_OP_BSREM, but created in a context where the second operand can be assumed to be non-zero.
+ - Z3_OP_BUREM_I: Binary unsigned remainder.
+ It has the same semantics as Z3_OP_BUREM, but created in a context where the second operand can be assumed to be non-zero.
+ - Z3_OP_BSMOD_I: Binary signed modulus.
+ It has the same semantics as Z3_OP_BSMOD, but created in a context where the second operand can be assumed to be non-zero.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_UNDEF: Undef/Null proof object.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_TRUE: Proof for the expression 'true'.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_ASSERTED: Proof for a fact asserted by the user.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_GOAL: Proof for a fact (tagged as goal) asserted by the user.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_MODUS_PONENS: Given a proof for p and a proof for (implies p q), produces a proof for q.
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: p
+ T2: (implies p q)
+ [mp T1 T2]: q
+ }
+ The second antecedents may also be a proof for (iff p q).
+ - Z3_OP_PR_REFLEXIVITY: A proof for (R t t), where R is a reflexive relation. This proof object has no antecedents.
+ The only reflexive relations that are used are
+ equivalence modulo namings, equality and equivalence.
+ That is, R is either '~', '=' or 'iff'.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_SYMMETRY: Given an symmetric relation R and a proof for (R t s), produces a proof for (R s t).
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (R t s)
+ [symmetry T1]: (R s t)
+ }
+ T1 is the antecedent of this proof object.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_TRANSITIVITY: Given a transitive relation R, and proofs for (R t s) and (R s u), produces a proof
+ for (R t u).
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (R t s)
+ T2: (R s u)
+ [trans T1 T2]: (R t u)
+ }
+ - Z3_OP_PR_TRANSITIVITY_STAR: Condensed transitivity proof.
+ It combines several symmetry and transitivity proofs.
+ Example:
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (R a b)
+ T2: (R c b)
+ T3: (R c d)
+ [trans* T1 T2 T3]: (R a d)
+ }
+ R must be a symmetric and transitive relation.
+ Assuming that this proof object is a proof for (R s t), then
+ a proof checker must check if it is possible to prove (R s t)
+ using the antecedents, symmetry and transitivity. That is,
+ if there is a path from s to t, if we view every
+ antecedent (R a b) as an edge between a and b.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_MONOTONICITY: Monotonicity proof object.
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (R t_1 s_1)
+ ...
+ Tn: (R t_n s_n)
+ [monotonicity T1 ... Tn]: (R (f t_1 ... t_n) (f s_1 ... s_n))
+ }
+ Remark: if t_i == s_i, then the antecedent Ti is suppressed.
+ That is, reflexivity proofs are suppressed to save space.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_QUANT_INTRO: Given a proof for (~ p q), produces a proof for (~ (forall (x) p) (forall (x) q)).
+ T1: (~ p q)
+ [quant-intro T1]: (~ (forall (x) p) (forall (x) q))
+ - Z3_OP_PR_BIND: Given a proof p, produces a proof of lambda x . p, where x are free variables in p.
+ T1: f
+ [proof-bind T1] forall (x) f
+ - Z3_OP_PR_DISTRIBUTIVITY: Distributivity proof object.
+ Given that f (= or) distributes over g (= and), produces a proof for
+ (= (f a (g c d))
+ (g (f a c) (f a d)))
+ If f and g are associative, this proof also justifies the following equality:
+ (= (f (g a b) (g c d))
+ (g (f a c) (f a d) (f b c) (f b d)))
+ where each f and g can have arbitrary number of arguments.
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ Remark. This rule is used by the CNF conversion pass and
+ instantiated by f = or, and g = and.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_AND_ELIM: Given a proof for (and l_1 ... l_n), produces a proof for l_i
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (and l_1 ... l_n)
+ [and-elim T1]: l_i
+ }
+ - Z3_OP_PR_NOT_OR_ELIM: Given a proof for (not (or l_1 ... l_n)), produces a proof for (not l_i).
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (not (or l_1 ... l_n))
+ [not-or-elim T1]: (not l_i)
+ }
+ - Z3_OP_PR_REWRITE: A proof for a local rewriting step (= t s).
+ The head function symbol of t is interpreted.
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ The conclusion of a rewrite rule is either an equality (= t s),
+ an equivalence (iff t s), or equi-satisfiability (~ t s).
+ Remark: if f is bool, then = is iff.
+ Examples:
+ \nicebox{
+ (= (+ x 0) x)
+ (= (+ x 1 2) (+ 3 x))
+ (iff (or x false) x)
+ }
+ - Z3_OP_PR_REWRITE_STAR: A proof for rewriting an expression t into an expression s.
+ This proof object can have n antecedents.
+ The antecedents are proofs for equalities used as substitution rules.
+ The proof rule is used in a few cases. The cases are:
+ - When applying contextual simplification (CONTEXT_SIMPLIFIER=true)
+ - When converting bit-vectors to Booleans (BIT2BOOL=true)
+ - Z3_OP_PR_PULL_QUANT: A proof for (iff (f (forall (x) q(x)) r) (forall (x) (f (q x) r))). This proof object has no antecedents.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_PUSH_QUANT: A proof for:
+ \nicebox{
+ (iff (forall (x_1 ... x_m) (and p_1[x_1 ... x_m] ... p_n[x_1 ... x_m]))
+ (and (forall (x_1 ... x_m) p_1[x_1 ... x_m])
+ ...
+ (forall (x_1 ... x_m) p_n[x_1 ... x_m])))
+ }
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ A proof for (iff (forall (x_1 ... x_n y_1 ... y_m) p[x_1 ... x_n])
+ (forall (x_1 ... x_n) p[x_1 ... x_n]))
+ It is used to justify the elimination of unused variables.
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_DER: A proof for destructive equality resolution:
+ (iff (forall (x) (or (not (= x t)) P[x])) P[t])
+ if x does not occur in t.
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ Several variables can be eliminated simultaneously.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_QUANT_INST: A proof of (or (not (forall (x) (P x))) (P a))
+ - Z3_OP_PR_HYPOTHESIS: Mark a hypothesis in a natural deduction style proof.
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: false
+ [lemma T1]: (or (not l_1) ... (not l_n))
+ }
+ This proof object has one antecedent: a hypothetical proof for false.
+ It converts the proof in a proof for (or (not l_1) ... (not l_n)),
+ when T1 contains the open hypotheses: l_1, ..., l_n.
+ The hypotheses are closed after an application of a lemma.
+ Furthermore, there are no other open hypotheses in the subtree covered by
+ the lemma.
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (or l_1 ... l_n l_1' ... l_m')
+ T2: (not l_1)
+ ...
+ T(n+1): (not l_n)
+ [unit-resolution T1 ... T(n+1)]: (or l_1' ... l_m')
+ }
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: p
+ [iff-true T1]: (iff p true)
+ }
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (not p)
+ [iff-false T1]: (iff p false)
+ }
+ [comm]: (= (f a b) (f b a))
+ f is a commutative operator.
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ Remark: if f is bool, then = is iff.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_DEF_AXIOM: Proof object used to justify Tseitin's like axioms:
+ \nicebox{
+ (or (not (and p q)) p)
+ (or (not (and p q)) q)
+ (or (not (and p q r)) p)
+ (or (not (and p q r)) q)
+ (or (not (and p q r)) r)
+ ...
+ (or (and p q) (not p) (not q))
+ (or (not (or p q)) p q)
+ (or (or p q) (not p))
+ (or (or p q) (not q))
+ (or (not (iff p q)) (not p) q)
+ (or (not (iff p q)) p (not q))
+ (or (iff p q) (not p) (not q))
+ (or (iff p q) p q)
+ (or (not (ite a b c)) (not a) b)
+ (or (not (ite a b c)) a c)
+ (or (ite a b c) (not a) (not b))
+ (or (ite a b c) a (not c))
+ (or (not (not a)) (not a))
+ (or (not a) a)
+ }
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ Note: all axioms are propositional tautologies.
+ Note also that 'and' and 'or' can take multiple arguments.
+ You can recover the propositional tautologies by
+ unfolding the Boolean connectives in the axioms a small
+ bounded number of steps (=3).
+ - Z3_OP_PR_DEF_INTRO: Introduces a name for a formula/term.
+ Suppose e is an expression with free variables x, and def-intro
+ introduces the name n(x). The possible cases are:
+ When e is of Boolean type:
+ [def-intro]: (and (or n (not e)) (or (not n) e))
+ or:
+ [def-intro]: (or (not n) e)
+ when e only occurs positively.
+ When e is of the form (ite cond th el):
+ [def-intro]: (and (or (not cond) (= n th)) (or cond (= n el)))
+ Otherwise:
+ [def-intro]: (= n e)
+ [apply-def T1]: F ~ n
+ F is 'equivalent' to n, given that T1 is a proof that
+ n is a name for F.
+ T1: (iff p q)
+ [iff~ T1]: (~ p q)
+ - Z3_OP_PR_NNF_POS: Proof for a (positive) NNF step. Example:
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (not s_1) ~ r_1
+ T2: (not s_2) ~ r_2
+ T3: s_1 ~ r_1'
+ T4: s_2 ~ r_2'
+ [nnf-pos T1 T2 T3 T4]: (~ (iff s_1 s_2)
+ (and (or r_1 r_2') (or r_1' r_2)))
+ }
+ The negation normal form steps NNF_POS and NNF_NEG are used in the following cases:
+ (a) When creating the NNF of a positive force quantifier.
+ The quantifier is retained (unless the bound variables are eliminated).
+ Example
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: q ~ q_new
+ [nnf-pos T1]: (~ (forall (x T) q) (forall (x T) q_new))
+ }
+ (b) When recursively creating NNF over Boolean formulas, where the top-level
+ connective is changed during NNF conversion. The relevant Boolean connectives
+ for NNF_POS are 'implies', 'iff', 'xor', 'ite'.
+ NNF_NEG furthermore handles the case where negation is pushed
+ over Boolean connectives 'and' and 'or'.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_NNF_NEG: Proof for a (negative) NNF step. Examples:
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: (not s_1) ~ r_1
+ ...
+ Tn: (not s_n) ~ r_n
+ [nnf-neg T1 ... Tn]: (not (and s_1 ... s_n)) ~ (or r_1 ... r_n)
+ and
+ T1: (not s_1) ~ r_1
+ ...
+ Tn: (not s_n) ~ r_n
+ [nnf-neg T1 ... Tn]: (not (or s_1 ... s_n)) ~ (and r_1 ... r_n)
+ and
+ T1: (not s_1) ~ r_1
+ T2: (not s_2) ~ r_2
+ T3: s_1 ~ r_1'
+ T4: s_2 ~ r_2'
+ [nnf-neg T1 T2 T3 T4]: (~ (not (iff s_1 s_2))
+ (and (or r_1 r_2) (or r_1' r_2')))
+ }
+ - Z3_OP_PR_SKOLEMIZE: Proof for:
+ \nicebox{
+ [sk]: (~ (not (forall x (p x y))) (not (p (sk y) y)))
+ [sk]: (~ (exists x (p x y)) (p (sk y) y))
+ }
+ This proof object has no antecedents.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_MODUS_PONENS_OEQ: Modus ponens style rule for equi-satisfiability.
+ \nicebox{
+ T1: p
+ T2: (~ p q)
+ [mp~ T1 T2]: q
+ }
+ - Z3_OP_PR_TH_LEMMA: Generic proof for theory lemmas.
+ The theory lemma function comes with one or more parameters.
+ The first parameter indicates the name of the theory.
+ For the theory of arithmetic, additional parameters provide hints for
+ checking the theory lemma.
+ The hints for arithmetic are:
+ - farkas - followed by rational coefficients. Multiply the coefficients to the
+ inequalities in the lemma, add the (negated) inequalities and obtain a contradiction.
+ - triangle-eq - Indicates a lemma related to the equivalence:
+ \nicebox{
+ (iff (= t1 t2) (and (<= t1 t2) (<= t2 t1)))
+ }
+ - gcd-test - Indicates an integer linear arithmetic lemma that uses a gcd test.
+ - Z3_OP_PR_HYPER_RESOLVE: Hyper-resolution rule.
+ The premises of the rules is a sequence of clauses.
+ The first clause argument is the main clause of the rule.
+ with a literal from the first (main) clause.
+ Premises of the rules are of the form
+ \nicebox{
+ (or l0 l1 l2 .. ln)
+ }
+ or
+ \nicebox{
+ (=> (and l1 l2 .. ln) l0)
+ }
+ or in the most general (ground) form:
+ \nicebox{
+ (=> (and ln+1 ln+2 .. ln+m) (or l0 l1 .. ln))
+ }
+ In other words we use the following (Prolog style) convention for Horn
+ implications:
+ The head of a Horn implication is position 0,
+ the first conjunct in the body of an implication is position 1
+ the second conjunct in the body of an implication is position 2
+ For general implications where the head is a disjunction, the
+ first n positions correspond to the n disjuncts in the head.
+ The next m positions correspond to the m conjuncts in the body.
+ The premises can be universally quantified so that the most
+ general non-ground form is:
+ \nicebox{
+ (forall (vars) (=> (and ln+1 ln+2 .. ln+m) (or l0 l1 .. ln)))
+ }
+ The hyper-resolution rule takes a sequence of parameters.
+ The parameters are substitutions of bound variables separated by pairs
+ of literal positions from the main clause and side clause.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_STORE: Insert a record into a relation.
+ The function takes \c n+1 arguments, where the first argument is the relation and the remaining \c n elements
+ correspond to the \c n columns of the relation.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_EMPTY: Creates the empty relation.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_IS_EMPTY: Tests if the relation is empty.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_JOIN: Create the relational join.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_UNION: Create the union or convex hull of two relations.
+ The function takes two arguments.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_WIDEN: Widen two relations.
+ The function takes two arguments.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_PROJECT: Project the columns (provided as numbers in the parameters).
+ The function takes one argument.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_FILTER: Filter (restrict) a relation with respect to a predicate.
+ The first argument is a relation.
+ The second argument is a predicate with free de-Bruijn indices
+ corresponding to the columns of the relation.
+ So the first column in the relation has index 0.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_NEGATION_FILTER: Intersect the first relation with respect to negation
+ of the second relation (the function takes two arguments).
+ Logically, the specification can be described by a function
+ target = filter_by_negation(pos, neg, columns)
+ where columns are pairs c1, d1, .., cN, dN of columns from pos and neg, such that
+ target are elements in x in pos, such that there is no y in neg that agrees with
+ x on the columns c1, d1, .., cN, dN.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_RENAME: rename columns in the relation.
+ The function takes one argument.
+ The parameters contain the renaming as a cycle.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_COMPLEMENT: Complement the relation.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_SELECT: Check if a record is an element of the relation.
+ The function takes \c n+1 arguments, where the first argument is a relation,
+ and the remaining \c n arguments correspond to a record.
+ - Z3_OP_RA_CLONE: Create a fresh copy (clone) of a relation.
+ The function is logically the identity, but
+ in the context of a register machine allows
+ for #Z3_OP_RA_UNION to perform destructive updates to the first argument.
+ - Z3_OP_FD_LT: A less than predicate over the finite domain Z3_FINITE_DOMAIN_SORT.
+ - Z3_OP_LABEL: A label (used by the Boogie Verification condition generator).
+ The label has two parameters, a string and a Boolean polarity.
+ It takes one argument, a formula.
+ - Z3_OP_LABEL_LIT: A label literal (used by the Boogie Verification condition generator).
+ A label literal has a set of string parameters. It takes no arguments.
+ - Z3_OP_DT_CONSTRUCTOR: datatype constructor.
+ - Z3_OP_DT_RECOGNISER: datatype recognizer.
+ - Z3_OP_DT_IS: datatype recognizer.
+ - Z3_OP_DT_ACCESSOR: datatype accessor.
+ - Z3_OP_DT_UPDATE_FIELD: datatype field update.
+ - Z3_OP_PB_AT_MOST: Cardinality constraint.
+ E.g., x + y + z <= 2
+ - Z3_OP_PB_AT_LEAST: Cardinality constraint.
+ E.g., x + y + z >= 2
+ - Z3_OP_PB_LE: Generalized Pseudo-Boolean cardinality constraint.
+ Example 2*x + 3*y <= 4
+ - Z3_OP_PB_GE: Generalized Pseudo-Boolean cardinality constraint.
+ Example 2*x + 3*y + 2*z >= 4
+ - Z3_OP_PB_EQ: Generalized Pseudo-Boolean equality constraint.
+ Example 2*x + 1*y + 2*z + 1*u = 4
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_RM_NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN: Floating-point rounding mode RNE
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_RM_NEAREST_TIES_TO_AWAY: Floating-point rounding mode RNA
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_POSITIVE: Floating-point rounding mode RTP
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_NEGATIVE: Floating-point rounding mode RTN
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_ZERO: Floating-point rounding mode RTZ
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_NUM: Floating-point value
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_PLUS_INF: Floating-point +oo
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_MINUS_INF: Floating-point -oo
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_NAN: Floating-point NaN
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_PLUS_ZERO: Floating-point +zero
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_MINUS_ZERO: Floating-point -zero
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_ADD: Floating-point addition
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_SUB: Floating-point subtraction
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_NEG: Floating-point negation
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_MUL: Floating-point multiplication
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_DIV: Floating-point division
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_REM: Floating-point remainder
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_ABS: Floating-point absolute value
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_MIN: Floating-point minimum
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_MAX: Floating-point maximum
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_FMA: Floating-point fused multiply-add
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_SQRT: Floating-point square root
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_ROUND_TO_INTEGRAL: Floating-point round to integral
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_EQ: Floating-point equality
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_LT: Floating-point less than
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_GT: Floating-point greater than
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_LE: Floating-point less than or equal
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_GE: Floating-point greater than or equal
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_NAN: Floating-point isNaN
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_INF: Floating-point isInfinite
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_ZERO: Floating-point isZero
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_NORMAL: Floating-point isNormal
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_SUBNORMAL: Floating-point isSubnormal
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_NEGATIVE: Floating-point isNegative
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_IS_POSITIVE: Floating-point isPositive
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_FP: Floating-point constructor from 3 bit-vectors
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_TO_FP: Floating-point conversion (various)
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_TO_FP_UNSIGNED: Floating-point conversion from unsigned bit-vector
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_TO_UBV: Floating-point conversion to unsigned bit-vector
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_TO_SBV: Floating-point conversion to signed bit-vector
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_TO_REAL: Floating-point conversion to real number
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_TO_IEEE_BV: Floating-point conversion to IEEE-754 bit-vector
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_BVWRAP: (Implicitly) represents the internal bitvector-
+ representation of a floating-point term (used for the lazy encoding
+ of non-relevant terms in theory_fpa)
+ - Z3_OP_FPA_BV2RM: Conversion of a 3-bit bit-vector term to a
+ floating-point rounding-mode term
+ The conversion uses the following values:
+ 4 = 100 = Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_ZERO.
+ - Z3_OP_INTERNAL: internal (often interpreted) symbol, but no additional
+ information is exposed. Tools may use the string representation of the
+ function declaration to obtain more information.
+ - Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED: kind used for uninterpreted symbols.
+typedef enum {
+ // Basic
+ Z3_OP_TRUE = 0x100,
+ Z3_OP_EQ,
+ Z3_OP_ITE,
+ Z3_OP_AND,
+ Z3_OP_OR,
+ Z3_OP_IFF,
+ Z3_OP_XOR,
+ Z3_OP_NOT,
+ Z3_OP_OEQ,
+ // Arithmetic
+ Z3_OP_ANUM = 0x200,
+ Z3_OP_LE,
+ Z3_OP_GE,
+ Z3_OP_LT,
+ Z3_OP_GT,
+ Z3_OP_ADD,
+ Z3_OP_SUB,
+ Z3_OP_MUL,
+ Z3_OP_DIV,
+ Z3_OP_REM,
+ Z3_OP_MOD,
+ // Arrays & Sets
+ Z3_OP_STORE = 0x300,
+ // Bit-vectors
+ Z3_OP_BNUM = 0x400,
+ Z3_OP_BIT1,
+ Z3_OP_BIT0,
+ // special functions to record the division by 0 cases
+ // these are internal functions
+ Z3_OP_ULT,
+ Z3_OP_SLT,
+ Z3_OP_UGT,
+ Z3_OP_SGT,
+ Z3_OP_BOR,
+ Z3_OP_XOR3,
+ // Proofs
+ Z3_OP_PR_UNDEF = 0x500,
+ // Relational algebra
+ Z3_OP_RA_STORE = 0x600,
+ Z3_OP_FD_LT,
+ // Sequences
+ // strings
+ // regular expressions
+ // Auxiliary
+ Z3_OP_LABEL = 0x700,
+ // Datatypes
+ Z3_OP_DT_IS,
+ // Pseudo Booleans
+ Z3_OP_PB_AT_MOST=0x900,
+ Z3_OP_PB_LE,
+ Z3_OP_PB_GE,
+ Z3_OP_PB_EQ,
+ // Floating-Point Arithmetic
+} Z3_decl_kind;
+ \brief The different kinds of parameters that can be associated with parameter sets.
+ (see #Z3_mk_params).
+ - Z3_PK_UINT integer parameters.
+ - Z3_PK_BOOL boolean parameters.
+ - Z3_PK_DOUBLE double parameters.
+ - Z3_PK_SYMBOL symbol parameters.
+ - Z3_PK_STRING string parameters.
+ - Z3_PK_OTHER all internal parameter kinds which are not exposed in the API.
+ - Z3_PK_INVALID invalid parameter.
+typedef enum {
+} Z3_param_kind;
+ \brief Z3 pretty printing modes (See #Z3_set_ast_print_mode).
+ - Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB_FULL: Print AST nodes in SMTLIB verbose format.
+ - Z3_PRINT_LOW_LEVEL: Print AST nodes using a low-level format.
+ - Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT: Print AST nodes in SMTLIB 2.x compliant format.
+typedef enum {
+} Z3_ast_print_mode;
+ \brief Z3 error codes (See #Z3_get_error_code).
+ - Z3_OK: No error.
+ - Z3_SORT_ERROR: User tried to build an invalid (type incorrect) AST.
+ - Z3_IOB: Index out of bounds.
+ - Z3_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument was provided.
+ - Z3_PARSER_ERROR: An error occurred when parsing a string or file.
+ - Z3_NO_PARSER: Parser output is not available, that is, user didn't invoke #Z3_parse_smtlib2_string or #Z3_parse_smtlib2_file.
+ - Z3_INVALID_PATTERN: Invalid pattern was used to build a quantifier.
+ - Z3_MEMOUT_FAIL: A memory allocation failure was encountered.
+ - Z3_FILE_ACCESS_ERRROR: A file could not be accessed.
+ - Z3_INVALID_USAGE: API call is invalid in the current state.
+ - Z3_INTERNAL_FATAL: An error internal to Z3 occurred.
+ - Z3_DEC_REF_ERROR: Trying to decrement the reference counter of an AST that was deleted or the reference counter was not initialized with #Z3_inc_ref.
+ - Z3_EXCEPTION: Internal Z3 exception. Additional details can be retrieved using #Z3_get_error_msg.
+typedef enum
+ Z3_OK,
+ Z3_IOB,
+} Z3_error_code;
+ Definitions for
+ def_Type('CONFIG', 'Z3_config', 'Config')
+ def_Type('CONTEXT', 'Z3_context', 'ContextObj')
+ def_Type('AST', 'Z3_ast', 'Ast')
+ def_Type('APP', 'Z3_app', 'Ast')
+ def_Type('SORT', 'Z3_sort', 'Sort')
+ def_Type('FUNC_DECL', 'Z3_func_decl', 'FuncDecl')
+ def_Type('PATTERN', 'Z3_pattern', 'Pattern')
+ def_Type('MODEL', 'Z3_model', 'Model')
+ def_Type('LITERALS', 'Z3_literals', 'Literals')
+ def_Type('CONSTRUCTOR', 'Z3_constructor', 'Constructor')
+ def_Type('CONSTRUCTOR_LIST', 'Z3_constructor_list', 'ConstructorList')
+ def_Type('SOLVER', 'Z3_solver', 'SolverObj')
+ def_Type('GOAL', 'Z3_goal', 'GoalObj')
+ def_Type('TACTIC', 'Z3_tactic', 'TacticObj')
+ def_Type('PARAMS', 'Z3_params', 'Params')
+ def_Type('PROBE', 'Z3_probe', 'ProbeObj')
+ def_Type('STATS', 'Z3_stats', 'StatsObj')
+ def_Type('AST_VECTOR', 'Z3_ast_vector', 'AstVectorObj')
+ def_Type('AST_MAP', 'Z3_ast_map', 'AstMapObj')
+ def_Type('APPLY_RESULT', 'Z3_apply_result', 'ApplyResultObj')
+ def_Type('FUNC_INTERP', 'Z3_func_interp', 'FuncInterpObj')
+ def_Type('FUNC_ENTRY', 'Z3_func_entry', 'FuncEntryObj')
+ def_Type('FIXEDPOINT', 'Z3_fixedpoint', 'FixedpointObj')
+ def_Type('OPTIMIZE', 'Z3_optimize', 'OptimizeObj')
+ def_Type('PARAM_DESCRS', 'Z3_param_descrs', 'ParamDescrs')
+ def_Type('RCF_NUM', 'Z3_rcf_num', 'RCFNumObj')
+ \brief Z3 custom error handler (See #Z3_set_error_handler).
+typedef void Z3_error_handler(Z3_context c, Z3_error_code e);
+ \brief A Goal is essentially a set of formulas.
+ Z3 provide APIs for building strategies/tactics for solving and transforming Goals.
+ Some of these transformations apply under/over approximations.
+ - Z3_GOAL_PRECISE: Approximations/Relaxations were not applied on the goal (sat and unsat answers were preserved).
+ - Z3_GOAL_UNDER: Goal is the product of a under-approximation (sat answers are preserved).
+ - Z3_GOAL_OVER: Goal is the product of an over-approximation (unsat answers are preserved).
+ - Z3_GOAL_UNDER_OVER: Goal is garbage (it is the product of over- and under-approximations, sat and unsat answers are not preserved).
+typedef enum
+} Z3_goal_prec;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** @name Global Parameters */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Set a global (or module) parameter.
+ This setting is shared by all Z3 contexts.
+ When a Z3 module is initialized it will use the value of these parameters
+ when Z3_params objects are not provided.
+ The name of parameter can be composed of characters [a-z][A-Z], digits [0-9], '-' and '_'.
+ The character '.' is a delimiter (more later).
+ The parameter names are case-insensitive. The character '-' should be viewed as an "alias" for '_'.
+ Thus, the following parameter names are considered equivalent: "pp.decimal-precision" and "PP.DECIMAL_PRECISION".
+ This function can be used to set parameters for a specific Z3 module.
+ This can be done by using <module-name>.<parameter-name>.
+ For example:
+ Z3_global_param_set('pp.decimal', 'true')
+ will set the parameter "decimal" in the module "pp" to true.
+ def_API('Z3_global_param_set', VOID, (_in(STRING), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_global_param_set(Z3_string param_id, Z3_string param_value);
+ /**
+ \brief Restore the value of all global (and module) parameters.
+ This command will not affect already created objects (such as tactics and solvers).
+ \sa Z3_global_param_set
+ def_API('Z3_global_param_reset_all', VOID, ())
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_global_param_reset_all(void);
+ /**
+ \brief Get a global (or module) parameter.
+ Returns \c false if the parameter value does not exist.
+ \sa Z3_global_param_set
+ \remark This function cannot be invoked simultaneously from different threads without synchronization.
+ The result string stored in param_value is stored in shared location.
+ def_API('Z3_global_param_get', BOOL, (_in(STRING), _out(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_bool_opt Z3_API Z3_global_param_get(Z3_string param_id, Z3_string_ptr param_value);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Create configuration */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a configuration object for the Z3 context object.
+ Configurations are created in order to assign parameters prior to creating
+ contexts for Z3 interaction. For example, if the users wishes to use proof
+ generation, then call:
+ \ccode{Z3_set_param_value(cfg\, "proof"\, "true")}
+ \remark In previous versions of Z3, the \c Z3_config was used to store
+ global and module configurations. Now, we should use \c Z3_global_param_set.
+ The following parameters can be set:
+ - proof (Boolean) Enable proof generation
+ - debug_ref_count (Boolean) Enable debug support for Z3_ast reference counting
+ - trace (Boolean) Tracing support for VCC
+ - trace_file_name (String) Trace out file for VCC traces
+ - timeout (unsigned) default timeout (in milliseconds) used for solvers
+ - well_sorted_check type checker
+ - auto_config use heuristics to automatically select solver and configure it
+ - model model generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver
+ - model_validate validate models produced by solvers
+ - unsat_core unsat-core generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver
+ \sa Z3_set_param_value
+ \sa Z3_del_config
+ def_API('Z3_mk_config', CONFIG, ())
+ */
+ Z3_config Z3_API Z3_mk_config(void);
+ /**
+ \brief Delete the given configuration object.
+ \sa Z3_mk_config
+ def_API('Z3_del_config', VOID, (_in(CONFIG),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_del_config(Z3_config c);
+ /**
+ \brief Set a configuration parameter.
+ The following parameters can be set for
+ \sa Z3_mk_config
+ def_API('Z3_set_param_value', VOID, (_in(CONFIG), _in(STRING), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_set_param_value(Z3_config c, Z3_string param_id, Z3_string param_value);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Context and AST Reference Counting */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a context using the given configuration.
+ After a context is created, the configuration cannot be changed,
+ although some parameters can be changed using #Z3_update_param_value.
+ All main interaction with Z3 happens in the context of a \c Z3_context.
+ In contrast to #Z3_mk_context_rc, the life time of \c Z3_ast objects
+ are determined by the scope level of #Z3_solver_push and #Z3_solver_pop.
+ In other words, a \c Z3_ast object remains valid until there is a
+ call to #Z3_solver_pop that takes the current scope below the level where
+ the object was created.
+ Note that all other reference counted objects, including \c Z3_model,
+ \c Z3_solver, \c Z3_func_interp have to be managed by the caller.
+ Their reference counts are not handled by the context.
+ Further remarks:
+ - \c Z3_sort, \c Z3_func_decl, \c Z3_app, \c Z3_pattern are \c Z3_ast's.
+ - Z3 uses hash-consing, i.e., when the same \c Z3_ast is created twice,
+ Z3 will return the same pointer twice.
+ \sa Z3_del_context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_context', CONTEXT, (_in(CONFIG),))
+ */
+ Z3_context Z3_API Z3_mk_context(Z3_config c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a context using the given configuration.
+ This function is similar to #Z3_mk_context. However,
+ in the context returned by this function, the user
+ is responsible for managing \c Z3_ast reference counters.
+ Managing reference counters is a burden and error-prone,
+ but allows the user to use the memory more efficiently.
+ The user must invoke #Z3_inc_ref for any \c Z3_ast returned
+ by Z3, and #Z3_dec_ref whenever the \c Z3_ast is not needed
+ anymore. This idiom is similar to the one used in
+ BDD (binary decision diagrams) packages such as CUDD.
+ Remarks:
+ - \c Z3_sort, \c Z3_func_decl, \c Z3_app, \c Z3_pattern are \c Z3_ast's.
+ - After a context is created, the configuration cannot be changed.
+ - All main interaction with Z3 happens in the context of a \c Z3_context.
+ - Z3 uses hash-consing, i.e., when the same \c Z3_ast is created twice,
+ Z3 will return the same pointer twice.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_context_rc', CONTEXT, (_in(CONFIG),))
+ */
+ Z3_context Z3_API Z3_mk_context_rc(Z3_config c);
+ /**
+ \brief Delete the given logical context.
+ \sa Z3_mk_context
+ def_API('Z3_del_context', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_del_context(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given AST.
+ The context \c c should have been created using #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ This function is a NOOP if \c c was created using #Z3_mk_context.
+ def_API('Z3_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given AST.
+ The context \c c should have been created using #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ This function is a NOOP if \c c was created using #Z3_mk_context.
+ def_API('Z3_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Set a value of a context parameter.
+ \sa Z3_global_param_set
+ def_API('Z3_update_param_value', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_update_param_value(Z3_context c, Z3_string param_id, Z3_string param_value);
+ /**
+ \brief Interrupt the execution of a Z3 procedure.
+ This procedure can be used to interrupt: solvers, simplifiers and tactics.
+ def_API('Z3_interrupt', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_interrupt(Z3_context c);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Parameters */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a Z3 (empty) parameter set.
+ Starting at Z3 4.0, parameter sets are used to configure many components such as:
+ simplifiers, tactics, solvers, etc.
+ \remark Reference counting must be used to manage parameter sets, even when the \c Z3_context was
+ created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_params', PARAMS, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_params Z3_API Z3_mk_params(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given parameter set.
+ def_API('Z3_params_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given parameter set.
+ def_API('Z3_params_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a Boolean parameter \c k with value \c v to the parameter set \c p.
+ def_API('Z3_params_set_bool', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS), _in(SYMBOL), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_set_bool(Z3_context c, Z3_params p, Z3_symbol k, bool v);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a unsigned parameter \c k with value \c v to the parameter set \c p.
+ def_API('Z3_params_set_uint', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_set_uint(Z3_context c, Z3_params p, Z3_symbol k, unsigned v);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a double parameter \c k with value \c v to the parameter set \c p.
+ def_API('Z3_params_set_double', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS), _in(SYMBOL), _in(DOUBLE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_set_double(Z3_context c, Z3_params p, Z3_symbol k, double v);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a symbol parameter \c k with value \c v to the parameter set \c p.
+ def_API('Z3_params_set_symbol', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS), _in(SYMBOL), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_set_symbol(Z3_context c, Z3_params p, Z3_symbol k, Z3_symbol v);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a parameter set into a string. This function is mainly used for printing the
+ contents of a parameter set.
+ def_API('Z3_params_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_params_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Validate the parameter set \c p against the parameter description set \c d.
+ The procedure invokes the error handler if \c p is invalid.
+ def_API('Z3_params_validate', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAMS), _in(PARAM_DESCRS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_params_validate(Z3_context c, Z3_params p, Z3_param_descrs d);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Parameter Descriptions */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given parameter description set.
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given parameter description set.
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the kind associated with the given parameter name \c n.
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_get_kind', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_param_kind Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_get_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p, Z3_symbol n);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of parameters in the given parameter description set.
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_size(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the name of the parameter at given index \c i.
+ \pre i < Z3_param_descrs_size(c, p)
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_get_name', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_get_name(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve documentation string corresponding to parameter name \c s.
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_get_documentation', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_get_documentation(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p, Z3_symbol s);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a parameter description set into a string. This function is mainly used for printing the
+ contents of a parameter description set.
+ def_API('Z3_param_descrs_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PARAM_DESCRS)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_param_descrs_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_param_descrs p);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Symbols */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a Z3 symbol using an integer.
+ Symbols are used to name several term and type constructors.
+ NB. Not all integers can be passed to this function.
+ The legal range of unsigned integers is 0 to 2^30-1.
+ \sa Z3_get_symbol_int
+ \sa Z3_mk_string_symbol
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int_symbol', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(INT)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_mk_int_symbol(Z3_context c, int i);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a Z3 symbol using a C string.
+ Symbols are used to name several term and type constructors.
+ \sa Z3_get_symbol_string
+ \sa Z3_mk_int_symbol
+ def_API('Z3_mk_string_symbol', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_mk_string_symbol(Z3_context c, Z3_string s);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Sorts */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a free (uninterpreted) type using the given name (symbol).
+ Two free types are considered the same iff the have the same name.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the Boolean type.
+ This type is used to create propositional variables and predicates.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bool_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_bool_sort(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the integer type.
+ This type is not the int type found in programming languages.
+ A machine integer can be represented using bit-vectors. The function
+ #Z3_mk_bv_sort creates a bit-vector type.
+ \sa Z3_mk_bv_sort
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_int_sort(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the real type.
+ Note that this type is not a floating point number.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_real_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_real_sort(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a bit-vector type of the given size.
+ This type can also be seen as a machine integer.
+ \remark The size of the bit-vector type must be greater than zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bv_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_bv_sort(Z3_context c, unsigned sz);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a named finite domain sort.
+ To create constants that belong to the finite domain,
+ use the APIs for creating numerals and pass a numeric
+ constant together with the sort returned by this call.
+ The numeric constant should be between 0 and the less
+ than the size of the domain.
+ \sa Z3_get_finite_domain_sort_size
+ def_API('Z3_mk_finite_domain_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT64)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_finite_domain_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol name, uint64_t size);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an array type.
+ We usually represent the array type as: \ccode{[domain -> range]}.
+ Arrays are usually used to model the heap/memory in software verification.
+ \sa Z3_mk_select
+ \sa Z3_mk_store
+ def_API('Z3_mk_array_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_array_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain, Z3_sort range);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an array type with N arguments
+ \sa Z3_mk_select_n
+ \sa Z3_mk_store_n
+ def_API('Z3_mk_array_sort_n', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, SORT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_array_sort_n(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_sort const * domain, Z3_sort range);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a tuple type.
+ A tuple with \c n fields has a constructor and \c n projections.
+ This function will also declare the constructor and projection functions.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param mk_tuple_name name of the constructor function associated with the tuple type.
+ \param num_fields number of fields in the tuple type.
+ \param field_names name of the projection functions.
+ \param field_sorts type of the tuple fields.
+ \param mk_tuple_decl output parameter that will contain the constructor declaration.
+ \param proj_decl output parameter that will contain the projection function declarations. This field must be a buffer of size \c num_fields allocated by the user.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_tuple_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SYMBOL), _in_array(2, SORT), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out_array(2, FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_tuple_sort(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_symbol mk_tuple_name,
+ unsigned num_fields,
+ Z3_symbol const field_names[],
+ Z3_sort const field_sorts[],
+ Z3_func_decl * mk_tuple_decl,
+ Z3_func_decl proj_decl[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a enumeration sort.
+ An enumeration sort with \c n elements.
+ This function will also declare the functions corresponding to the enumerations.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param name name of the enumeration sort.
+ \param n number of elements in enumeration sort.
+ \param enum_names names of the enumerated elements.
+ \param enum_consts constants corresponding to the enumerated elements.
+ \param enum_testers predicates testing if terms of the enumeration sort correspond to an enumeration.
+ For example, if this function is called with three symbols A, B, C and the name S, then
+ \c s is a sort whose name is S, and the function returns three terms corresponding to A, B, C in
+ \c enum_consts. The array \c enum_testers has three predicates of type \ccode{(s -> Bool)}.
+ The first predicate (corresponding to A) is true when applied to A, and false otherwise.
+ Similarly for the other predicates.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_enumeration_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SYMBOL), _out_array(2, FUNC_DECL), _out_array(2, FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_enumeration_sort(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_symbol name,
+ unsigned n,
+ Z3_symbol const enum_names[],
+ Z3_func_decl enum_consts[],
+ Z3_func_decl enum_testers[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a list sort
+ A list sort over \c elem_sort
+ This function declares the corresponding constructors and testers for lists.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param name name of the list sort.
+ \param elem_sort sort of list elements.
+ \param nil_decl declaration for the empty list.
+ \param is_nil_decl test for the empty list.
+ \param cons_decl declaration for a cons cell.
+ \param is_cons_decl cons cell test.
+ \param head_decl list head.
+ \param tail_decl list tail.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_list_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(SORT), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_list_sort(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_symbol name,
+ Z3_sort elem_sort,
+ Z3_func_decl* nil_decl,
+ Z3_func_decl* is_nil_decl,
+ Z3_func_decl* cons_decl,
+ Z3_func_decl* is_cons_decl,
+ Z3_func_decl* head_decl,
+ Z3_func_decl* tail_decl
+ );
+ /**
+ \brief Create a constructor.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param name constructor name.
+ \param recognizer name of recognizer function.
+ \param num_fields number of fields in constructor.
+ \param field_names names of the constructor fields.
+ \param sorts field sorts, 0 if the field sort refers to a recursive sort.
+ \param sort_refs reference to datatype sort that is an argument to the constructor; if the corresponding
+ sort reference is 0, then the value in sort_refs should be an index referring to
+ one of the recursive datatypes that is declared.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_constructor', CONSTRUCTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(3, SYMBOL), _in_array(3, SORT), _in_array(3, UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_constructor Z3_API Z3_mk_constructor(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_symbol name,
+ Z3_symbol recognizer,
+ unsigned num_fields,
+ Z3_symbol const field_names[],
+ Z3_sort_opt const sorts[],
+ unsigned sort_refs[]
+ );
+ /**
+ \brief Reclaim memory allocated to constructor.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param constr constructor.
+ def_API('Z3_del_constructor', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(CONSTRUCTOR)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_del_constructor(Z3_context c, Z3_constructor constr);
+ /**
+ \brief Create datatype, such as lists, trees, records, enumerations or unions of records.
+ The datatype may be recursive. Return the datatype sort.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param name name of datatype.
+ \param num_constructors number of constructors passed in.
+ \param constructors array of constructor containers.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_datatype', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _inout_array(2, CONSTRUCTOR)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_datatype(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_symbol name,
+ unsigned num_constructors,
+ Z3_constructor constructors[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create list of constructors.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param num_constructors number of constructors in list.
+ \param constructors list of constructors.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_constructor_list', CONSTRUCTOR_LIST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, CONSTRUCTOR)))
+ */
+ Z3_constructor_list Z3_API Z3_mk_constructor_list(Z3_context c,
+ unsigned num_constructors,
+ Z3_constructor const constructors[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Reclaim memory allocated for constructor list.
+ Each constructor inside the constructor list must be independently reclaimed using #Z3_del_constructor.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param clist constructor list container.
+ def_API('Z3_del_constructor_list', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(CONSTRUCTOR_LIST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_del_constructor_list(Z3_context c, Z3_constructor_list clist);
+ /**
+ \brief Create mutually recursive datatypes.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param num_sorts number of datatype sorts.
+ \param sort_names names of datatype sorts.
+ \param sorts array of datatype sorts.
+ \param constructor_lists list of constructors, one list per sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_datatypes', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, SYMBOL), _out_array(1, SORT), _inout_array(1, CONSTRUCTOR_LIST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_mk_datatypes(Z3_context c,
+ unsigned num_sorts,
+ Z3_symbol const sort_names[],
+ Z3_sort sorts[],
+ Z3_constructor_list constructor_lists[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Query constructor for declared functions.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param constr constructor container. The container must have been passed in to a #Z3_mk_datatype call.
+ \param num_fields number of accessor fields in the constructor.
+ \param constructor constructor function declaration, allocated by user.
+ \param tester constructor test function declaration, allocated by user.
+ \param accessors array of accessor function declarations allocated by user. The array must contain num_fields elements.
+ def_API('Z3_query_constructor', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(CONSTRUCTOR), _in(UINT), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out(FUNC_DECL), _out_array(2, FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_query_constructor(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_constructor constr,
+ unsigned num_fields,
+ Z3_func_decl* constructor,
+ Z3_func_decl* tester,
+ Z3_func_decl accessors[]);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Constants and Applications */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Declare a constant or function.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param s name of the constant or function.
+ \param domain_size number of arguments. It is 0 when declaring a constant.
+ \param domain array containing the sort of each argument. The array must contain domain_size elements. It is 0 when declaring a constant.
+ \param range sort of the constant or the return sort of the function.
+ After declaring a constant or function, the function
+ #Z3_mk_app can be used to create a constant or function
+ application.
+ \sa Z3_mk_app
+ def_API('Z3_mk_func_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SORT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s,
+ unsigned domain_size, Z3_sort const domain[],
+ Z3_sort range);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a constant or function application.
+ \sa Z3_mk_func_decl
+ def_API('Z3_mk_app', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_app(
+ Z3_context c,
+ Z3_func_decl d,
+ unsigned num_args,
+ Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Declare and create a constant.
+ This function is a shorthand for:
+ \code
+ Z3_func_decl d = Z3_mk_func_decl(c, s, 0, 0, ty);
+ Z3_ast n = Z3_mk_app(c, d, 0, 0);
+ \endcode
+ \sa Z3_mk_func_decl
+ \sa Z3_mk_app
+ def_API('Z3_mk_const', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_const(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Declare a fresh constant or function.
+ Z3 will generate an unique name for this function declaration.
+ If prefix is different from \c NULL, then the name generate by Z3 will start with \c prefix.
+ \remark If \c prefix is \c NULL, then it is assumed to be the empty string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_func_decl
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fresh_func_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SORT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_fresh_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_string prefix,
+ unsigned domain_size, Z3_sort const domain[],
+ Z3_sort range);
+ /**
+ \brief Declare and create a fresh constant.
+ This function is a shorthand for:
+ \code Z3_func_decl d = Z3_mk_fresh_func_decl(c, prefix, 0, 0, ty); Z3_ast n = Z3_mk_app(c, d, 0, 0); \endcode
+ \remark If \c prefix is \c NULL, then it is assumed to be the empty string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_func_decl
+ \sa Z3_mk_app
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fresh_const', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fresh_const(Z3_context c, Z3_string prefix, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Declare a recursive function
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param s name of the function.
+ \param domain_size number of arguments. It should be greater than 0.
+ \param domain array containing the sort of each argument. The array must contain domain_size elements.
+ \param range sort of the constant or the return sort of the function.
+ After declaring recursive function, it should be associated with a recursive definition #Z3_add_rec_def.
+ The function #Z3_mk_app can be used to create a constant or function
+ application.
+ \sa Z3_mk_app
+ \sa Z3_add_rec_def
+ def_API('Z3_mk_rec_func_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SORT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_rec_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s,
+ unsigned domain_size, Z3_sort const domain[],
+ Z3_sort range);
+ /**
+ \brief Define the body of a recursive function.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param f function declaration.
+ \param n number of arguments to the function
+ \param args constants that are used as arguments to the recursive function in the definition.
+ \param body body of the recursive function
+ After declaring a recursive function or a collection of mutually recursive functions, use
+ this function to provide the definition for the recursive function.
+ \sa Z3_mk_rec_func_decl
+ def_API('Z3_add_rec_def', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_add_rec_def(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f, unsigned n, Z3_ast args[], Z3_ast body);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Propositional Logic and Equality */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \c true.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_true', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_true(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \c false.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_false', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_false(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{l = r}.
+ The nodes \c l and \c r must have the same type.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_eq', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_eq(Z3_context c, Z3_ast l, Z3_ast r);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{distinct(args[0], ..., args[num_args-1])}.
+ The \c distinct construct is used for declaring the arguments pairwise distinct.
+ That is, \ccode{Forall 0 <= i < j < num_args. not args[i] = args[j]}.
+ All arguments must have the same sort.
+ \remark The number of arguments of a distinct construct must be greater than one.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_distinct', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_distinct(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{not(a)}.
+ The node \c a must have Boolean sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_not', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_not(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing an if-then-else: \ccode{ite(t1, t2, t3)}.
+ The node \c t1 must have Boolean sort, \c t2 and \c t3 must have the same sort.
+ The sort of the new node is equal to the sort of \c t2 and \c t3.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_ite', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ite(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, Z3_ast t3);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{t1 iff t2}.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have Boolean sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_iff', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_iff(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{t1 implies t2}.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have Boolean sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_implies', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_implies(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{t1 xor t2}.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have Boolean sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_xor', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_xor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{args[0] and ... and args[num_args-1]}.
+ The array \c args must have \c num_args elements.
+ All arguments must have Boolean sort.
+ \remark The number of arguments must be greater than zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_and', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_and(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{args[0] or ... or args[num_args-1]}.
+ The array \c args must have \c num_args elements.
+ All arguments must have Boolean sort.
+ \remark The number of arguments must be greater than zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_or', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_or(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Integers and Reals */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{args[0] + ... + args[num_args-1]}.
+ The array \c args must have \c num_args elements.
+ All arguments must have int or real sort.
+ \remark The number of arguments must be greater than zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_add', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_add(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{args[0] * ... * args[num_args-1]}.
+ The array \c args must have \c num_args elements.
+ All arguments must have int or real sort.
+ \remark Z3 has limited support for non-linear arithmetic.
+ \remark The number of arguments must be greater than zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_mul', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_mul(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{args[0] - ... - args[num_args - 1]}.
+ The array \c args must have \c num_args elements.
+ All arguments must have int or real sort.
+ \remark The number of arguments must be greater than zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_sub', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_sub(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{- arg}.
+ The arguments must have int or real type.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_unary_minus', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_unary_minus(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{arg1 div arg2}.
+ The arguments must either both have int type or both have real type.
+ If the arguments have int type, then the result type is an int type, otherwise the
+ the result type is real.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_div', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_div(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{arg1 mod arg2}.
+ The arguments must have int type.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_mod', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_mod(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{arg1 rem arg2}.
+ The arguments must have int type.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_rem', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_rem(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an AST node representing \ccode{arg1 ^ arg2}.
+ The arguments must have int or real type.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_power', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_power(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create less than.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same sort, and must be int or real.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_lt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_lt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create less than or equal to.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same sort, and must be int or real.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_le', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_le(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create greater than.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same sort, and must be int or real.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_gt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_gt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create greater than or equal to.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same sort, and must be int or real.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_ge', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ge(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Coerce an integer to a real.
+ There is also a converse operation exposed.
+ It follows the semantics prescribed by the SMT-LIB standard.
+ You can take the floor of a real by
+ creating an auxiliary integer constant \c k and
+ and asserting \ccode{mk_int2real(k) <= t1 < mk_int2real(k)+1}.
+ The node \c t1 must have sort integer.
+ \sa Z3_mk_real2int
+ \sa Z3_mk_is_int
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int2real', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int2real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Coerce a real to an integer.
+ The semantics of this function follows the SMT-LIB standard
+ for the function to_int
+ \sa Z3_mk_int2real
+ \sa Z3_mk_is_int
+ def_API('Z3_mk_real2int', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_real2int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if a real number is an integer.
+ \sa Z3_mk_int2real
+ \sa Z3_mk_real2int
+ def_API('Z3_mk_is_int', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_is_int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Bit-vectors */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise negation.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvnot', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvnot(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Take conjunction of bits in vector, return vector of length 1.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvredand', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvredand(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Take disjunction of bits in vector, return vector of length 1.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvredor', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvredor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise and.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvand', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvand(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise or.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvor', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise exclusive-or.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvxor', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvxor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise nand.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvnand', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvnand(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise nor.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvnor', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvnor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Bitwise xnor.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvxnor', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvxnor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Standard two's complement unary minus.
+ The node \c t1 must have bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvneg', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvneg(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Standard two's complement addition.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvadd', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvadd(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Standard two's complement subtraction.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsub', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsub(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Standard two's complement multiplication.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvmul', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvmul(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Unsigned division.
+ It is defined as the \c floor of \ccode{t1/t2} if \c t2 is
+ different from zero. If \ccode{t2} is zero, then the result
+ is undefined.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvudiv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvudiv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed division.
+ It is defined in the following way:
+ - The \c floor of \ccode{t1/t2} if \c t2 is different from zero, and \ccode{t1*t2 >= 0}.
+ - The \c ceiling of \ccode{t1/t2} if \c t2 is different from zero, and \ccode{t1*t2 < 0}.
+ If \ccode{t2} is zero, then the result is undefined.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsdiv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsdiv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Unsigned remainder.
+ It is defined as \ccode{t1 - (t1 /u t2) * t2}, where \ccode{/u} represents unsigned division.
+ If \ccode{t2} is zero, then the result is undefined.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvurem', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvurem(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed remainder (sign follows dividend).
+ It is defined as \ccode{t1 - (t1 /s t2) * t2}, where \ccode{/s} represents signed division.
+ The most significant bit (sign) of the result is equal to the most significant bit of \c t1.
+ If \ccode{t2} is zero, then the result is undefined.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ \sa Z3_mk_bvsmod
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsrem', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsrem(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed remainder (sign follows divisor).
+ If \ccode{t2} is zero, then the result is undefined.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ \sa Z3_mk_bvsrem
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsmod', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsmod(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Unsigned less than.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvult', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvult(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed less than.
+ It abbreviates:
+ \code
+ (or (and (= (extract[|m-1|:|m-1|] t1) bit1)
+ (= (extract[|m-1|:|m-1|] t2) bit0))
+ (and (= (extract[|m-1|:|m-1|] t1) (extract[|m-1|:|m-1|] t2))
+ (bvult t1 t2)))
+ \endcode
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvslt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvslt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Unsigned less than or equal to.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvule', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvule(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed less than or equal to.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsle', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsle(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Unsigned greater than or equal to.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvuge', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvuge(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed greater than or equal to.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsge', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsge(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Unsigned greater than.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvugt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvugt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Two's complement signed greater than.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsgt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsgt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Concatenate the given bit-vectors.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have (possibly different) bit-vector sorts
+ The result is a bit-vector of size \ccode{n1+n2}, where \c n1 (\c n2) is the size
+ of \c t1 (\c t2).
+ def_API('Z3_mk_concat', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_concat(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Extract the bits \c high down to \c low from a bit-vector of
+ size \c m to yield a new bit-vector of size \c n, where \ccode{n = high - low + 1}.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_extract', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_extract(Z3_context c, unsigned high, unsigned low, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Sign-extend of the given bit-vector to the (signed) equivalent bit-vector of
+ size \ccode{m+i}, where \c m is the size of the given
+ bit-vector.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_sign_ext', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_sign_ext(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Extend the given bit-vector with zeros to the (unsigned) equivalent
+ bit-vector of size \ccode{m+i}, where \c m is the size of the
+ given bit-vector.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_zero_ext', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_zero_ext(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Repeat the given bit-vector up length \ccode{i}.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_repeat', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_repeat(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Shift left.
+ It is equivalent to multiplication by \ccode{2^x} where \c x is the value of the
+ third argument.
+ NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
+ definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
+ programming language or assembly architecture you are modeling.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvshl', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvshl(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Logical shift right.
+ It is equivalent to unsigned division by \ccode{2^x} where \c x is the
+ value of the third argument.
+ NB. The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
+ definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
+ programming language or assembly architecture you are modeling.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvlshr', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvlshr(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Arithmetic shift right.
+ It is like logical shift right except that the most significant
+ bits of the result always copy the most significant bit of the
+ second argument.
+ The semantics of shift operations varies between environments. This
+ definition does not necessarily capture directly the semantics of the
+ programming language or assembly architecture you are modeling.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvashr', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvashr(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Rotate bits of \c t1 to the left \c i times.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_rotate_left', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_rotate_left(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Rotate bits of \c t1 to the right \c i times.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_rotate_right', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_rotate_right(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Rotate bits of \c t1 to the left \c t2 times.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_ext_rotate_left', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ext_rotate_left(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Rotate bits of \c t1 to the right \c t2 times.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_ext_rotate_right', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ext_rotate_right(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an \c n bit bit-vector from the integer argument \c t1.
+ The resulting bit-vector has \c n bits, where the i'th bit (counting
+ from 0 to \c n-1) is 1 if \c (t1 div 2^i) mod 2 is 1.
+ The node \c t1 must have integer sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int2bv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int2bv(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an integer from the bit-vector argument \c t1.
+ If \c is_signed is false, then the bit-vector \c t1 is treated as unsigned.
+ So the result is non-negative
+ and in the range \ccode{[0..2^N-1]}, where N are the number of bits in \c t1.
+ If \c is_signed is true, \c t1 is treated as a signed bit-vector.
+ The node \c t1 must have a bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bv2int', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bv2int(Z3_context c,Z3_ast t1, bool is_signed);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise addition
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not overflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvadd_no_overflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvadd_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, bool is_signed);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed addition
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not underflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvadd_no_underflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvadd_no_underflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed subtraction
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not overflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsub_no_overflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsub_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise subtraction
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not underflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsub_no_underflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsub_no_underflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, bool is_signed);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed division
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not overflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvsdiv_no_overflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsdiv_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Check that bit-wise negation does not overflow when
+ \c t1 is interpreted as a signed bit-vector.
+ The node \c t1 must have bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvneg_no_overflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvneg_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise multiplication
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not overflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvmul_no_overflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvmul_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, bool is_signed);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed multiplication
+ of \c t1 and \c t2 does not underflow.
+ The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bvmul_no_underflow', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvmul_no_underflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Arrays */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Array read.
+ The argument \c a is the array and \c i is the index of the array that gets read.
+ The node \c a must have an array sort \ccode{[domain -> range]},
+ and \c i must have the sort \c domain.
+ The sort of the result is \c range.
+ \sa Z3_mk_array_sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_store
+ def_API('Z3_mk_select', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_select(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast i);
+ /**
+ \brief n-ary Array read.
+ The argument \c a is the array and \c idxs are the indices of the array that gets read.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_select_n', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_select_n(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned n, Z3_ast const* idxs);
+ /**
+ \brief Array update.
+ The node \c a must have an array sort \ccode{[domain -> range]}, \c i must have sort \c domain,
+ \c v must have sort range. The sort of the result is \ccode{[domain -> range]}.
+ The semantics of this function is given by the theory of arrays described in the SMT-LIB
+ standard. See for more details.
+ The result of this function is an array that is equal to \c a (with respect to \c select)
+ on all indices except for \c i, where it maps to \c v (and the \c select of \c a with
+ respect to \c i may be a different value).
+ \sa Z3_mk_array_sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_select
+ def_API('Z3_mk_store', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_store(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast i, Z3_ast v);
+ /**
+ \brief n-ary Array update.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_store_n', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_store_n(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned n, Z3_ast const* idxs, Z3_ast v);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the constant array.
+ The resulting term is an array, such that a \c select on an arbitrary index
+ produces the value \c v.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param domain domain sort for the array.
+ \param v value that the array maps to.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_const_array', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_const_array(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain, Z3_ast v);
+ /**
+ \brief Map f on the argument arrays.
+ The \c n nodes \c args must be of array sorts \ccode{[domain_i -> range_i]}.
+ The function declaration \c f must have type \ccode{ range_1 .. range_n -> range}.
+ \c v must have sort range. The sort of the result is \ccode{[domain_i -> range]}.
+ \sa Z3_mk_array_sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_store
+ \sa Z3_mk_select
+ def_API('Z3_mk_map', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_map(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f, unsigned n, Z3_ast const* args);
+ /**
+ \brief Access the array default value.
+ Produces the default range value, for arrays that can be represented as
+ finite maps with a default range value.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param array array value whose default range value is accessed.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_array_default', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_array_default(Z3_context c, Z3_ast array);
+ /**
+ \brief Create array with the same interpretation as a function.
+ The array satisfies the property (f x) = (select (_ as-array f) x)
+ for every argument x.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_as_array', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_as_array(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Sets */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create Set type.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_set_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the empty set.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_empty_set', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_empty_set(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the full set.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_full_set', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_full_set(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain);
+ /**
+ \brief Add an element to a set.
+ The first argument must be a set, the second an element.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_add', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_add(Z3_context c, Z3_ast set, Z3_ast elem);
+ /**
+ \brief Remove an element to a set.
+ The first argument must be a set, the second an element.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_del', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_del(Z3_context c, Z3_ast set, Z3_ast elem);
+ /**
+ \brief Take the union of a list of sets.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_union', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_union(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Take the intersection of a list of sets.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_intersect', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_intersect(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Take the set difference between two sets.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_difference', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_difference(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /**
+ \brief Take the complement of a set.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_complement', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_complement(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg);
+ /**
+ \brief Check for set membership.
+ The first argument should be an element type of the set.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_member', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_member(Z3_context c, Z3_ast elem, Z3_ast set);
+ /**
+ \brief Check for subsetness of sets.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_set_subset', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_subset(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /**
+ \brief Create array extensionality index given two arrays with the same sort.
+ The meaning is given by the axiom:
+ (=> (= (select A (array-ext A B)) (select B (array-ext A B))) (= A B))
+ def_API('Z3_mk_array_ext', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_array_ext(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Numerals */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of a given sort.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param numeral A string representing the numeral value in decimal notation. The string may be of the form `[num]*[.[num]*][E[+|-][num]+]`.
+ If the given sort is a real, then the numeral can be a rational, that is, a string of the form `[num]* / [num]*` .
+ \param ty The sort of the numeral. In the current implementation, the given sort can be an int, real, finite-domain, or bit-vectors of arbitrary size.
+ \sa Z3_mk_int
+ \sa Z3_mk_unsigned_int
+ def_API('Z3_mk_numeral', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_numeral(Z3_context c, Z3_string numeral, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a real from a fraction.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param num numerator of rational.
+ \param den denominator of rational.
+ \pre den != 0
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ \sa Z3_mk_int
+ \sa Z3_mk_unsigned_int
+ def_API('Z3_mk_real', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(INT), _in(INT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_real(Z3_context c, int num, int den);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of an int, bit-vector, or finite-domain sort.
+ This function can be used to create numerals that fit in a machine integer.
+ It is slightly faster than #Z3_mk_numeral since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(INT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int(Z3_context c, int v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of a int, bit-vector, or finite-domain sort.
+ This function can be used to create numerals that fit in a machine unsigned integer.
+ It is slightly faster than #Z3_mk_numeral since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_unsigned_int', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_unsigned_int(Z3_context c, unsigned v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of a int, bit-vector, or finite-domain sort.
+ This function can be used to create numerals that fit in a machine \c int64_t integer.
+ It is slightly faster than #Z3_mk_numeral since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int64', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(INT64), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int64(Z3_context c, int64_t v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of a int, bit-vector, or finite-domain sort.
+ This function can be used to create numerals that fit in a machine \c uint64_t integer.
+ It is slightly faster than #Z3_mk_numeral since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_unsigned_int64', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT64), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_unsigned_int64(Z3_context c, uint64_t v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief create a bit-vector numeral from a vector of Booleans.
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bv_numeral', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bv_numeral(Z3_context c, unsigned sz, bool const* bits);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Sequences and regular expressions */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a sequence sort out of the sort for the elements.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c s is a sequence sort.
+ def_API('Z3_is_seq_sort', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_seq_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a regular expression sort out of a sequence sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_re_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort seq);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c s is a regular expression sort.
+ def_API('Z3_is_re_sort', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_re_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a sort for 8 bit strings.
+ This function creates a sort for ASCII strings.
+ Each character is 8 bits.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_string_sort', SORT ,(_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_string_sort(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c s is a string sort.
+ def_API('Z3_is_string_sort', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_string_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a string constant out of the string that is passed in
+ def_API('Z3_mk_string' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_string(Z3_context c, Z3_string s);
+ /**
+ \brief Determine if \c s is a string constant.
+ def_API('Z3_is_string', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve the string constant stored in \c s.
+ \pre Z3_is_string(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_get_string' ,STRING ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an empty sequence of the sequence sort \c seq.
+ \pre s is a sequence sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_empty' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_empty(Z3_context c, Z3_sort seq);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a unit sequence of \c a.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_unit' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_unit(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Concatenate sequences.
+ \pre n > 0
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_concat' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_concat(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c prefix is a prefix of \c s.
+ \pre prefix and s are the same sequence sorts.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_prefix' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_prefix(Z3_context c, Z3_ast prefix, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c suffix is a suffix of \c s.
+ \pre \c suffix and \c s are the same sequence sorts.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_suffix' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_suffix(Z3_context c, Z3_ast suffix, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c container contains \c containee.
+ \pre \c container and \c containee are the same sequence sorts.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_contains' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_contains(Z3_context c, Z3_ast container, Z3_ast containee);
+ /**
+ \brief Extract subsequence starting at \c offset of \c length.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_extract' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_extract(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast offset, Z3_ast length);
+ /**
+ \brief Replace the first occurrence of \c src with \c dst in \c s.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_replace' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_replace(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast src, Z3_ast dst);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve from \c s the unit sequence positioned at position \c index.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_at' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_at(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast index);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the length of the sequence \c s.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_length' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_length(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return index of first occurrence of \c substr in \c s starting from offset \c offset.
+ If \c s does not contain \c substr, then the value is -1, if \c offset is the length of \c s, then the value is -1 as well.
+ The function is under-specified if \c offset is negative or larger than the length of \c s.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_index' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_index(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast substr, Z3_ast offset);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert string to integer.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_str_to_int' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_str_to_int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Integer to string conversion.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_int_to_str' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int_to_str(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a regular expression that accepts the sequence \c seq.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_to_re' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_to_re(Z3_context c, Z3_ast seq);
+ /**
+ \brief Check if \c seq is in the language generated by the regular expression \c re.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_seq_in_re' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_in_re(Z3_context c, Z3_ast seq, Z3_ast re);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the regular language \c re+.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_plus' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_plus(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the regular language \c re*.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_star' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_star(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the regular language \c [re].
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_option' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_option(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the union of the regular languages.
+ \pre n > 0
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_union' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_union(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the concatenation of the regular languages.
+ \pre n > 0
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_concat' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_concat(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the range regular expression over two sequences of length 1.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_range' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_range(Z3_context c, Z3_ast lo, Z3_ast hi);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a regular expression loop. The supplied regular expression \c r is repeated
+ between \c lo and \c hi times. The \c lo should be below \c hi with one exception: when
+ supplying the value \c hi as 0, the meaning is to repeat the argument \c r at least
+ \c lo number of times, and with an unbounded upper bound.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_loop', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_loop(Z3_context c, Z3_ast r, unsigned lo, unsigned hi);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the intersection of the regular languages.
+ \pre n > 0
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_intersect' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_intersect(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the complement of the regular language \c re.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_complement' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_complement(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an empty regular expression of sort \c re.
+ \pre re is a regular expression sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_empty' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_empty(Z3_context c, Z3_sort re);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an universal regular expression of sort \c re.
+ \pre re is a regular expression sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_re_full' ,AST ,(_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_full(Z3_context c, Z3_sort re);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Quantifiers */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a pattern for quantifier instantiation.
+ Z3 uses pattern matching to instantiate quantifiers. If a
+ pattern is not provided for a quantifier, then Z3 will
+ automatically compute a set of patterns for it. However, for
+ optimal performance, the user should provide the patterns.
+ Patterns comprise a list of terms. The list should be
+ non-empty. If the list comprises of more than one term, it is
+ a called a multi-pattern.
+ In general, one can pass in a list of (multi-)patterns in the
+ quantifier constructor.
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_exists
+ def_API('Z3_mk_pattern', PATTERN, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_pattern Z3_API Z3_mk_pattern(Z3_context c, unsigned num_patterns, Z3_ast const terms[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a bound variable.
+ Bound variables are indexed by de-Bruijn indices. It is perhaps easiest to explain
+ the meaning of de-Bruijn indices by indicating the compilation process from
+ non-de-Bruijn formulas to de-Bruijn format.
+ \verbatim
+ abs(forall (x1) phi) = forall (x1) abs1(phi, x1, 0)
+ abs(forall (x1, x2) phi) = abs(forall (x1) abs(forall (x2) phi))
+ abs1(x, x, n) = b_n
+ abs1(y, x, n) = y
+ abs1(f(t1,...,tn), x, n) = f(abs1(t1,x,n), ..., abs1(tn,x,n))
+ abs1(forall (x1) phi, x, n) = forall (x1) (abs1(phi, x, n+1))
+ \endverbatim
+ The last line is significant: the index of a bound variable is different depending
+ on the scope in which it appears. The deeper x appears, the higher is its
+ index.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param index de-Bruijn index
+ \param ty sort of the bound variable
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_exists
+ def_API('Z3_mk_bound', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bound(Z3_context c, unsigned index, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a forall formula. It takes an expression \c body that contains bound variables
+ of the same sorts as the sorts listed in the array \c sorts. The bound variables are de-Bruijn indices created
+ using #Z3_mk_bound. The array \c decl_names contains the names that the quantified formula uses for the
+ bound variables. Z3 applies the convention that the last element in the \c decl_names and \c sorts array
+ refers to the variable with index 0, the second to last element of \c decl_names and \c sorts refers
+ to the variable with index 1, etc.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param weight quantifiers are associated with weights indicating the importance of using the quantifier during instantiation. By default, pass the weight 0.
+ \param num_patterns number of patterns.
+ \param patterns array containing the patterns created using #Z3_mk_pattern.
+ \param num_decls number of variables to be bound.
+ \param sorts the sorts of the bound variables.
+ \param decl_names names of the bound variables
+ \param body the body of the quantifier.
+ \sa Z3_mk_pattern
+ \sa Z3_mk_bound
+ \sa Z3_mk_exists
+ def_API('Z3_mk_forall', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, PATTERN), _in(UINT), _in_array(4, SORT), _in_array(4, SYMBOL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_forall(Z3_context c, unsigned weight,
+ unsigned num_patterns, Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ unsigned num_decls, Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an exists formula. Similar to #Z3_mk_forall.
+ \sa Z3_mk_pattern
+ \sa Z3_mk_bound
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_quantifier
+ def_API('Z3_mk_exists', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, PATTERN), _in(UINT), _in_array(4, SORT), _in_array(4, SYMBOL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_exists(Z3_context c, unsigned weight,
+ unsigned num_patterns, Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ unsigned num_decls, Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a quantifier - universal or existential, with pattern hints.
+ See the documentation for #Z3_mk_forall for an explanation of the parameters.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param is_forall flag to indicate if this is a universal or existential quantifier.
+ \param weight quantifiers are associated with weights indicating the importance of using the quantifier during instantiation. By default, pass the weight 0.
+ \param num_patterns number of patterns.
+ \param patterns array containing the patterns created using #Z3_mk_pattern.
+ \param num_decls number of variables to be bound.
+ \param sorts array of sorts of the bound variables.
+ \param decl_names names of the bound variables.
+ \param body the body of the quantifier.
+ \sa Z3_mk_pattern
+ \sa Z3_mk_bound
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_exists
+ def_API('Z3_mk_quantifier', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(3, PATTERN), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, SORT), _in_array(5, SYMBOL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_quantifier(
+ Z3_context c,
+ bool is_forall,
+ unsigned weight,
+ unsigned num_patterns, Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ unsigned num_decls, Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a quantifier - universal or existential, with pattern hints, no patterns, and attributes
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param is_forall flag to indicate if this is a universal or existential quantifier.
+ \param quantifier_id identifier to identify quantifier
+ \param skolem_id identifier to identify skolem constants introduced by quantifier.
+ \param weight quantifiers are associated with weights indicating the importance of using the quantifier during instantiation. By default, pass the weight 0.
+ \param num_patterns number of patterns.
+ \param patterns array containing the patterns created using #Z3_mk_pattern.
+ \param num_no_patterns number of no_patterns.
+ \param no_patterns array containing subexpressions to be excluded from inferred patterns.
+ \param num_decls number of variables to be bound.
+ \param sorts array of sorts of the bound variables.
+ \param decl_names names of the bound variables.
+ \param body the body of the quantifier.
+ \sa Z3_mk_pattern
+ \sa Z3_mk_bound
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_exists
+ def_API('Z3_mk_quantifier_ex', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(UINT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, PATTERN), _in(UINT), _in_array(7, AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(9, SORT), _in_array(9, SYMBOL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_quantifier_ex(
+ Z3_context c,
+ bool is_forall,
+ unsigned weight,
+ Z3_symbol quantifier_id,
+ Z3_symbol skolem_id,
+ unsigned num_patterns, Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ unsigned num_no_patterns, Z3_ast const no_patterns[],
+ unsigned num_decls, Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a universal quantifier using a list of constants that
+ will form the set of bound variables.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param weight quantifiers are associated with weights indicating the importance of using
+ the quantifier during instantiation. By default, pass the weight 0.
+ \param num_bound number of constants to be abstracted into bound variables.
+ \param bound array of constants to be abstracted into bound variables.
+ \param num_patterns number of patterns.
+ \param patterns array containing the patterns created using #Z3_mk_pattern.
+ \param body the body of the quantifier.
+ \sa Z3_mk_pattern
+ \sa Z3_mk_exists_const
+ def_API('Z3_mk_forall_const', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, APP), _in(UINT), _in_array(4, PATTERN), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_forall_const(
+ Z3_context c,
+ unsigned weight,
+ unsigned num_bound,
+ Z3_app const bound[],
+ unsigned num_patterns,
+ Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ Z3_ast body
+ );
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_mk_forall_const.
+ \brief Create an existential quantifier using a list of constants that
+ will form the set of bound variables.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param weight quantifiers are associated with weights indicating the importance of using
+ the quantifier during instantiation. By default, pass the weight 0.
+ \param num_bound number of constants to be abstracted into bound variables.
+ \param bound array of constants to be abstracted into bound variables.
+ \param num_patterns number of patterns.
+ \param patterns array containing the patterns created using #Z3_mk_pattern.
+ \param body the body of the quantifier.
+ \sa Z3_mk_pattern
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall_const
+ def_API('Z3_mk_exists_const', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, APP), _in(UINT), _in_array(4, PATTERN), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_exists_const(
+ Z3_context c,
+ unsigned weight,
+ unsigned num_bound,
+ Z3_app const bound[],
+ unsigned num_patterns,
+ Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ Z3_ast body
+ );
+ /**
+ \brief Create a universal or existential quantifier using a list of
+ constants that will form the set of bound variables.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_quantifier_const', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(UINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(3, APP), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, PATTERN), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_quantifier_const(
+ Z3_context c,
+ bool is_forall,
+ unsigned weight,
+ unsigned num_bound, Z3_app const bound[],
+ unsigned num_patterns, Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ Z3_ast body
+ );
+ /**
+ \brief Create a universal or existential quantifier using a list of
+ constants that will form the set of bound variables.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_quantifier_const_ex', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(UINT), _in(SYMBOL), _in(SYMBOL), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, APP), _in(UINT), _in_array(7, PATTERN), _in(UINT), _in_array(9, AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_quantifier_const_ex(
+ Z3_context c,
+ bool is_forall,
+ unsigned weight,
+ Z3_symbol quantifier_id,
+ Z3_symbol skolem_id,
+ unsigned num_bound, Z3_app const bound[],
+ unsigned num_patterns, Z3_pattern const patterns[],
+ unsigned num_no_patterns, Z3_ast const no_patterns[],
+ Z3_ast body
+ );
+ /**
+ \brief Create a lambda expression. It takes an expression \c body that contains bound variables
+ of the same sorts as the sorts listed in the array \c sorts. The bound variables are de-Bruijn indices created
+ using #Z3_mk_bound. The array \c decl_names contains the names that the quantified formula uses for the
+ bound variables. Z3 applies the convention that the last element in the \c decl_names and \c sorts array
+ refers to the variable with index 0, the second to last element of \c decl_names and \c sorts refers
+ to the variable with index 1, etc.
+ The sort of the resulting expression is \c (Array sorts range) where \c range is the sort of \c body.
+ For example, if the lambda binds two variables of sort \c Int and \c Bool, and the \c body has sort \c Real,
+ the sort of the expression is \c (Array Int Bool Real).
+ \param c logical context
+ \param num_decls number of variables to be bound.
+ \param sorts the sorts of the bound variables.
+ \param decl_names names of the bound variables
+ \param body the body of the lambda expression.
+ \sa Z3_mk_bound
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_lambda_const
+ def_API('Z3_mk_lambda', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, SORT), _in_array(1, SYMBOL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_lambda(Z3_context c,
+ unsigned num_decls, Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a lambda expression using a list of constants that form the set
+ of bound variables
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param num_bound number of constants to be abstracted into bound variables.
+ \param bound array of constants to be abstracted into bound variables.
+ \param body the body of the lambda expression.
+ \sa Z3_mk_bound
+ \sa Z3_mk_forall
+ \sa Z3_mk_lambda
+ def_API('Z3_mk_lambda_const', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, APP), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_lambda_const(Z3_context c,
+ unsigned num_bound, Z3_app const bound[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Accessors */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c Z3_INT_SYMBOL if the symbol was constructed
+ using #Z3_mk_int_symbol, and \c Z3_STRING_SYMBOL if the symbol
+ was constructed using #Z3_mk_string_symbol.
+ def_API('Z3_get_symbol_kind', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol_kind Z3_API Z3_get_symbol_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the symbol int value.
+ \pre Z3_get_symbol_kind(s) == Z3_INT_SYMBOL
+ \sa Z3_mk_int_symbol
+ def_API('Z3_get_symbol_int', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ int Z3_API Z3_get_symbol_int(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the symbol name.
+ \pre Z3_get_symbol_kind(s) == Z3_STRING_SYMBOL
+ \warning The returned buffer is statically allocated by Z3. It will
+ be automatically deallocated when #Z3_del_context is invoked.
+ So, the buffer is invalidated in the next call to \c Z3_get_symbol_string.
+ \sa Z3_mk_string_symbol
+ def_API('Z3_get_symbol_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_symbol_string(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort name as a symbol.
+ def_API('Z3_get_sort_name', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_get_sort_name(Z3_context c, Z3_sort d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a unique identifier for \c s.
+ def_API('Z3_get_sort_id', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_sort_id(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a \c Z3_sort into \c Z3_ast. This is just type casting.
+ def_API('Z3_sort_to_ast', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_sort_to_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief compare sorts.
+ def_API('Z3_is_eq_sort', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_eq_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s1, Z3_sort s2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort kind (e.g., array, tuple, int, bool, etc).
+ \sa Z3_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_sort_kind', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort_kind Z3_API Z3_get_sort_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the size of the given bit-vector sort.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(c, t) == Z3_BV_SORT
+ \sa Z3_mk_bv_sort
+ \sa Z3_get_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_bv_sort_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_bv_sort_size(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Store the size of the sort in \c r. Return \c false if the call failed.
+ That is, Z3_get_sort_kind(s) == Z3_FINITE_DOMAIN_SORT
+ def_API('Z3_get_finite_domain_sort_size', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _out(UINT64)))
+ */
+ Z3_bool_opt Z3_API Z3_get_finite_domain_sort_size(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s, uint64_t* r);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the domain of the given array sort.
+ In the case of a multi-dimensional array, this function returns the sort of the first dimension.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(c, t) == Z3_ARRAY_SORT
+ \sa Z3_mk_array_sort
+ \sa Z3_get_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_array_sort_domain', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_array_sort_domain(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the range of the given array sort.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(c, t) == Z3_ARRAY_SORT
+ \sa Z3_mk_array_sort
+ \sa Z3_get_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_array_sort_range', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_array_sort_range(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the constructor declaration of the given tuple
+ sort.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(c, t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \sa Z3_mk_tuple_sort
+ \sa Z3_get_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_tuple_sort_mk_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_tuple_sort_mk_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of fields of the given tuple sort.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(c, t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \sa Z3_mk_tuple_sort
+ \sa Z3_get_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_tuple_sort_num_fields', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_tuple_sort_num_fields(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the i-th field declaration (i.e., projection function declaration)
+ of the given tuple sort.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \pre i < Z3_get_tuple_sort_num_fields(c, t)
+ \sa Z3_mk_tuple_sort
+ \sa Z3_get_sort_kind
+ def_API('Z3_get_tuple_sort_field_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_tuple_sort_field_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return number of constructors for datatype.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_recognizer
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor_accessor
+ def_API('Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors(
+ Z3_context c, Z3_sort t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return idx'th constructor.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \pre idx < Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors(c, t)
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_recognizer
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor_accessor
+ def_API('Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor(
+ Z3_context c, Z3_sort t, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return idx'th recognizer.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \pre idx < Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors(c, t)
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor_accessor
+ def_API('Z3_get_datatype_sort_recognizer', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_datatype_sort_recognizer(
+ Z3_context c, Z3_sort t, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return idx_a'th accessor for the idx_c'th constructor.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(t) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \pre idx_c < Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors(c, t)
+ \pre idx_a < Z3_get_domain_size(c, Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor(c, idx_c))
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_num_constructors
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor
+ \sa Z3_get_datatype_sort_recognizer
+ def_API('Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor_accessor', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_datatype_sort_constructor_accessor(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_sort t,
+ unsigned idx_c,
+ unsigned idx_a);
+ /**
+ \brief Update record field with a value.
+ This corresponds to the 'with' construct in OCaml.
+ It has the effect of updating a record field with a given value.
+ The remaining fields are left unchanged. It is the record
+ equivalent of an array store (see \sa Z3_mk_store).
+ If the datatype has more than one constructor, then the update function
+ behaves as identity if there is a miss-match between the accessor and
+ constructor. For example ((_ update-field car) nil 1) is nil,
+ while ((_ update-field car) (cons 2 nil) 1) is (cons 1 nil).
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(Z3_get_sort(c, t)) == Z3_get_domain(c, field_access, 1) == Z3_DATATYPE_SORT
+ \pre Z3_get_sort(c, value) == Z3_get_range(c, field_access)
+ def_API('Z3_datatype_update_field', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_datatype_update_field(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl field_access,
+ Z3_ast t, Z3_ast value);
+ /**
+ \brief Return arity of relation.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(s) == Z3_RELATION_SORT
+ \sa Z3_get_relation_column
+ def_API('Z3_get_relation_arity', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_relation_arity(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return sort at i'th column of relation sort.
+ \pre Z3_get_sort_kind(c, s) == Z3_RELATION_SORT
+ \pre col < Z3_get_relation_arity(c, s)
+ \sa Z3_get_relation_arity
+ def_API('Z3_get_relation_column', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_relation_column(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s, unsigned col);
+ /**
+ \brief Pseudo-Boolean relations.
+ Encode p1 + p2 + ... + pn <= k
+ def_API('Z3_mk_atmost', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1,AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_atmost(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args,
+ Z3_ast const args[], unsigned k);
+ /**
+ \brief Pseudo-Boolean relations.
+ Encode p1 + p2 + ... + pn >= k
+ def_API('Z3_mk_atleast', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1,AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_atleast(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args,
+ Z3_ast const args[], unsigned k);
+ /**
+ \brief Pseudo-Boolean relations.
+ Encode k1*p1 + k2*p2 + ... + kn*pn <= k
+ def_API('Z3_mk_pble', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1,AST), _in_array(1,INT), _in(INT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_pble(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args,
+ Z3_ast const args[], int const coeffs[],
+ int k);
+ /**
+ \brief Pseudo-Boolean relations.
+ Encode k1*p1 + k2*p2 + ... + kn*pn >= k
+ def_API('Z3_mk_pbge', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1,AST), _in_array(1,INT), _in(INT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_pbge(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args,
+ Z3_ast const args[], int const coeffs[],
+ int k);
+ /**
+ \brief Pseudo-Boolean relations.
+ Encode k1*p1 + k2*p2 + ... + kn*pn = k
+ def_API('Z3_mk_pbeq', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1,AST), _in_array(1,INT), _in(INT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_pbeq(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args,
+ Z3_ast const args[], int const coeffs[],
+ int k);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a \c Z3_func_decl into \c Z3_ast. This is just type casting.
+ def_API('Z3_func_decl_to_ast', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_func_decl_to_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f);
+ /**
+ \brief Compare terms.
+ def_API('Z3_is_eq_func_decl', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_eq_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f1, Z3_func_decl f2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a unique identifier for \c f.
+ def_API('Z3_get_func_decl_id', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_func_decl_id(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the constant declaration name as a symbol.
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_name', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_get_decl_name(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return declaration kind corresponding to declaration.
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_kind', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_decl_kind Z3_API Z3_get_decl_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of parameters of the given declaration.
+ \sa Z3_get_arity
+ def_API('Z3_get_domain_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_domain_size(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Alias for \c Z3_get_domain_size.
+ \sa Z3_get_domain_size
+ def_API('Z3_get_arity', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_arity(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort of the i-th parameter of the given function declaration.
+ \pre i < Z3_get_domain_size(d)
+ \sa Z3_get_domain_size
+ def_API('Z3_get_domain', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_domain(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the range of the given declaration.
+ If \c d is a constant (i.e., has zero arguments), then this
+ function returns the sort of the constant.
+ def_API('Z3_get_range', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_range(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of parameters associated with a declaration.
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_num_parameters', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_decl_num_parameters(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the parameter type associated with a declaration.
+ \param c the context
+ \param d the function declaration
+ \param idx is the index of the named parameter it should be between 0 and the number of parameters.
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_parameter_kind Z3_API Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the integer value associated with an integer parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_INT
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_int_parameter', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ int Z3_API Z3_get_decl_int_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the double value associated with an double parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_DOUBLE
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_double_parameter', DOUBLE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ double Z3_API Z3_get_decl_double_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the double value associated with an double parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_SYMBOL
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_symbol_parameter', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_get_decl_symbol_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort value associated with a sort parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_SORT
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_sort_parameter', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_decl_sort_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the expression value associated with an expression parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_ast_parameter', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_decl_ast_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the expression value associated with an expression parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_FUNC_DECL
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_func_decl_parameter', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_decl_func_decl_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the rational value, as a string, associated with a rational parameter.
+ \pre Z3_get_decl_parameter_kind(c, d, idx) == Z3_PARAMETER_RATIONAL
+ def_API('Z3_get_decl_rational_parameter', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_decl_rational_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a \c Z3_app into \c Z3_ast. This is just type casting.
+ def_API('Z3_app_to_ast', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APP)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_app_to_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_app a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the declaration of a constant or function application.
+ def_API('Z3_get_app_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APP)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_app_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_app a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of argument of an application. If \c t
+ is an constant, then the number of arguments is 0.
+ def_API('Z3_get_app_num_args', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APP)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_app_num_args(Z3_context c, Z3_app a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the i-th argument of the given application.
+ \pre i < Z3_get_app_num_args(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_get_app_arg', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APP), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_app_arg(Z3_context c, Z3_app a, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Compare terms.
+ def_API('Z3_is_eq_ast', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_eq_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a unique identifier for \c t.
+ The identifier is unique up to structural equality. Thus, two ast nodes
+ created by the same context and having the same children and same function symbols
+ have the same identifiers. Ast nodes created in the same context, but having
+ different children or different functions have different identifiers.
+ Variables and quantifiers are also assigned different identifiers according to
+ their structure.
+ def_API('Z3_get_ast_id', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_ast_id(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a hash code for the given AST.
+ The hash code is structural. You can use Z3_get_ast_id interchangeably with
+ this function.
+ def_API('Z3_get_ast_hash', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_ast_hash(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the sort of an AST node.
+ The AST node must be a constant, application, numeral, bound variable, or quantifier.
+ def_API('Z3_get_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the given expression \c t is well sorted.
+ def_API('Z3_is_well_sorted', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_well_sorted(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c Z3_L_TRUE if \c a is true, \c Z3_L_FALSE if it is false, and \c Z3_L_UNDEF otherwise.
+ def_API('Z3_get_bool_value', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_get_bool_value(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the kind of the given AST.
+ def_API('Z3_get_ast_kind', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_kind Z3_API Z3_get_ast_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ def_API('Z3_is_app', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_app(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ def_API('Z3_is_numeral_ast', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_numeral_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the given AST is a real algebraic number.
+ def_API('Z3_is_algebraic_number', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_algebraic_number(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert an \c ast into an \c APP_AST. This is just type casting.
+ \pre \code Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == \c Z3_APP_AST \endcode
+ def_API('Z3_to_app', APP, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_app Z3_API Z3_to_app(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert an AST into a FUNC_DECL_AST. This is just type casting.
+ \pre \code Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_FUNC_DECL_AST \endcode
+ def_API('Z3_to_func_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_to_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return numeral value, as a string of a numeric constant term
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return numeral as a string in decimal notation.
+ The result has at most \c precision decimal places.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST || Z3_is_algebraic_number(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_decimal_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_decimal_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned precision);
+ /**
+ \brief Return numeral as a double.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST || Z3_is_algebraic_number(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_double', DOUBLE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ double Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_double(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the numerator (as a numeral AST) of a numeral AST of sort Real.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_numerator', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_numerator(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the denominator (as a numeral AST) of a numeral AST of sort Real.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_denominator', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_denominator(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return numeral value, as a pair of 64 bit numbers if the representation fits.
+ \param c logical context.
+ \param a term.
+ \param num numerator.
+ \param den denominator.
+ Return \c true if the numeral value fits in 64 bit numerals, \c false otherwise.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_small', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(INT64), _out(INT64)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_small(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, int64_t* num, int64_t* den);
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_get_numeral_string, but only succeeds if
+ the value can fit in a machine int. Return \c true if the call succeeded.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, v) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ \sa Z3_get_numeral_string
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_int', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(INT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast v, int* i);
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_get_numeral_string, but only succeeds if
+ the value can fit in a machine unsigned int. Return \c true if the call succeeded.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, v) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ \sa Z3_get_numeral_string
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_uint', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(UINT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_uint(Z3_context c, Z3_ast v, unsigned* u);
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_get_numeral_string, but only succeeds if
+ the value can fit in a machine \c uint64_t int. Return \c true if the call succeeded.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, v) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ \sa Z3_get_numeral_string
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_uint64', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(UINT64)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_uint64(Z3_context c, Z3_ast v, uint64_t* u);
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_get_numeral_string, but only succeeds if
+ the value can fit in a machine \c int64_t int. Return \c true if the call succeeded.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, v) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ \sa Z3_get_numeral_string
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_int64', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(INT64)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_int64(Z3_context c, Z3_ast v, int64_t* i);
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_get_numeral_string, but only succeeds if
+ the value can fit as a rational number as machine \c int64_t int. Return \c true if the call succeeded.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(c, v) == Z3_NUMERAL_AST
+ \sa Z3_get_numeral_string
+ def_API('Z3_get_numeral_rational_int64', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(INT64), _out(INT64)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_get_numeral_rational_int64(Z3_context c, Z3_ast v, int64_t* num, int64_t* den);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a lower bound for the given real algebraic number.
+ The interval isolating the number is smaller than 1/10^precision.
+ The result is a numeral AST of sort Real.
+ \pre Z3_is_algebraic_number(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_get_algebraic_number_lower', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_algebraic_number_lower(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned precision);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a upper bound for the given real algebraic number.
+ The interval isolating the number is smaller than 1/10^precision.
+ The result is a numeral AST of sort Real.
+ \pre Z3_is_algebraic_number(c, a)
+ def_API('Z3_get_algebraic_number_upper', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_algebraic_number_upper(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned precision);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a Z3_pattern into Z3_ast. This is just type casting.
+ def_API('Z3_pattern_to_ast', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PATTERN)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_pattern_to_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_pattern p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return number of terms in pattern.
+ def_API('Z3_get_pattern_num_terms', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PATTERN)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_pattern_num_terms(Z3_context c, Z3_pattern p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return i'th ast in pattern.
+ def_API('Z3_get_pattern', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PATTERN), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_pattern(Z3_context c, Z3_pattern p, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return index of de-Bruijn bound variable.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_VAR_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_index_value', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_index_value(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Determine if an ast is a universal quantifier.
+ def_API('Z3_is_quantifier_forall', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_quantifier_forall(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Determine if ast is an existential quantifier.
+ def_API('Z3_is_quantifier_exists', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_quantifier_exists(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Determine if ast is a lambda expression.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_is_lambda', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_lambda(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Obtain weight of quantifier.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_weight', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_weight(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return number of patterns used in quantifier.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_num_patterns', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_num_patterns(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return i'th pattern.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_pattern_ast', PATTERN, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_pattern Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_pattern_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return number of no_patterns used in quantifier.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_num_no_patterns', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_num_no_patterns(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return i'th no_pattern.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_no_pattern_ast', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_no_pattern_ast(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return number of bound variables of quantifier.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_num_bound', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_num_bound(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return symbol of the i'th bound variable.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_bound_name', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_bound_name(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return sort of the i'th bound variable.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_bound_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_bound_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return body of quantifier.
+ \pre Z3_get_ast_kind(a) == Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST
+ def_API('Z3_get_quantifier_body', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_quantifier_body(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Interface to simplifier.
+ Provides an interface to the AST simplifier used by Z3.
+ It returns an AST object which is equal to the argument.
+ The returned AST is simplified using algebraic simplification rules,
+ such as constant propagation (propagating true/false over logical connectives).
+ \sa Z3_simplify_ex
+ def_API('Z3_simplify', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_simplify(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Interface to simplifier.
+ Provides an interface to the AST simplifier used by Z3.
+ This procedure is similar to #Z3_simplify, but the behavior of the simplifier
+ can be configured using the given parameter set.
+ \sa Z3_simplify
+ \sa Z3_simplify_get_help
+ \sa Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs
+ def_API('Z3_simplify_ex', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_simplify_ex(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string describing all available parameters.
+ \sa Z3_simplify_ex
+ \sa Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs
+ def_API('Z3_simplify_get_help', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_simplify_get_help(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the parameter description set for the simplify procedure.
+ \sa Z3_simplify_ex
+ \sa Z3_simplify_get_help
+ def_API('Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs', PARAM_DESCRS, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_param_descrs Z3_API Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs(Z3_context c);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Modifiers */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Update the arguments of term \c a using the arguments \c args.
+ The number of arguments \c num_args should coincide
+ with the number of arguments to \c a.
+ If \c a is a quantifier, then num_args has to be 1.
+ def_API('Z3_update_term', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_update_term(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Substitute every occurrence of \ccode{from[i]} in \c a with \ccode{to[i]}, for \c i smaller than \c num_exprs.
+ The result is the new AST. The arrays \c from and \c to must have size \c num_exprs.
+ For every \c i smaller than \c num_exprs, we must have that sort of \ccode{from[i]} must be equal to sort of \ccode{to[i]}.
+ def_API('Z3_substitute', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_substitute(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_ast a,
+ unsigned num_exprs,
+ Z3_ast const from[],
+ Z3_ast const to[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Substitute the free variables in \c a with the expressions in \c to.
+ For every \c i smaller than \c num_exprs, the variable with de-Bruijn index \c i is replaced with term \ccode{to[i]}.
+ def_API('Z3_substitute_vars', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_substitute_vars(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_ast a,
+ unsigned num_exprs,
+ Z3_ast const to[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Translate/Copy the AST \c a from context \c source to context \c target.
+ AST \c a must have been created using context \c source.
+ \pre source != target
+ def_API('Z3_translate', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(CONTEXT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_translate(Z3_context source, Z3_ast a, Z3_context target);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Models */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a fresh model object. It has reference count 0.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_model', MODEL, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_model Z3_API Z3_mk_model(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given model.
+ def_API('Z3_model_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_model_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given model.
+ def_API('Z3_model_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_model_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Evaluate the AST node \c t in the given model.
+ Return \c true if succeeded, and store the result in \c v.
+ If \c model_completion is \c true, then Z3 will assign an interpretation for any constant or function that does
+ not have an interpretation in \c m. These constants and functions were essentially don't cares.
+ If \c model_completion is \c false, then Z3 will not assign interpretations to constants for functions that do
+ not have interpretations in \c m. Evaluation behaves as the identify function in this case.
+ The evaluation may fail for the following reasons:
+ - \c t contains a quantifier.
+ - the model \c m is partial, that is, it doesn't have a complete interpretation for uninterpreted functions.
+ That is, the option \ccode{MODEL_PARTIAL=true} was used.
+ - \c t is type incorrect.
+ - \c Z3_interrupt was invoked during evaluation.
+ def_API('Z3_model_eval', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(AST), _in(BOOL), _out(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_bool_opt Z3_API Z3_model_eval(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_ast t, bool model_completion, Z3_ast * v);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the interpretation (i.e., assignment) of constant \c a in the model \c m.
+ Return \c NULL, if the model does not assign an interpretation for \c a.
+ That should be interpreted as: the value of \c a does not matter.
+ \pre Z3_get_arity(c, a) == 0
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_const_interp', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_opt Z3_API Z3_model_get_const_interp(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_func_decl a);
+ /**
+ \brief Test if there exists an interpretation (i.e., assignment) for \c a in the model \c m.
+ def_API('Z3_model_has_interp', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_model_has_interp(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_func_decl a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the interpretation of the function \c f in the model \c m.
+ Return \c NULL, if the model does not assign an interpretation for \c f.
+ That should be interpreted as: the \c f does not matter.
+ \pre Z3_get_arity(c, f) > 0
+ \remark Reference counting must be used to manage Z3_func_interp objects, even when the Z3_context was
+ created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_func_interp', FUNC_INTERP, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_interp_opt Z3_API Z3_model_get_func_interp(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_func_decl f);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of constants assigned by the given model.
+ \sa Z3_model_get_const_decl
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_num_consts', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_model_get_num_consts(Z3_context c, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the i-th constant in the given model.
+ \pre i < Z3_model_get_num_consts(c, m)
+ \sa Z3_model_eval
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_const_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_model_get_const_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of function interpretations in the given model.
+ A function interpretation is represented as a finite map and an 'else' value.
+ Each entry in the finite map represents the value of a function given a set of arguments.
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_num_funcs', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_model_get_num_funcs(Z3_context c, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the declaration of the i-th function in the given model.
+ \pre i < Z3_model_get_num_funcs(c, m)
+ \sa Z3_model_get_num_funcs
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_func_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_model_get_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of uninterpreted sorts that \c m assigns an interpretation to.
+ Z3 also provides an interpretation for uninterpreted sorts used in a formula.
+ The interpretation for a sort \c s is a finite set of distinct values. We say this finite set is
+ the "universe" of \c s.
+ \sa Z3_model_get_sort
+ \sa Z3_model_get_sort_universe
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_num_sorts', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_model_get_num_sorts(Z3_context c, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a uninterpreted sort that \c m assigns an interpretation.
+ \pre i < Z3_model_get_num_sorts(c, m)
+ \sa Z3_model_get_num_sorts
+ \sa Z3_model_get_sort_universe
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_model_get_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the finite set of distinct values that represent the interpretation for sort \c s.
+ \sa Z3_model_get_num_sorts
+ \sa Z3_model_get_sort
+ def_API('Z3_model_get_sort_universe', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_model_get_sort_universe(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief translate model from context \c c to context \c dst.
+ def_API('Z3_model_translate', MODEL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(CONTEXT)))
+ */
+ Z3_model Z3_API Z3_model_translate(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_context dst);
+ /**
+ \brief The \ccode{(_ as-array f)} AST node is a construct for assigning interpretations for arrays in Z3.
+ It is the array such that forall indices \c i we have that \ccode{(select (_ as-array f) i)} is equal to \ccode{(f i)}.
+ This procedure returns \c true if the \c a is an \c as-array AST node.
+ Z3 current solvers have minimal support for \c as_array nodes.
+ \sa Z3_get_as_array_func_decl
+ def_API('Z3_is_as_array', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_is_as_array(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the function declaration \c f associated with a \ccode{(_ as_array f)} node.
+ \sa Z3_is_as_array
+ def_API('Z3_get_as_array_func_decl', FUNC_DECL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_as_array_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a fresh func_interp object, add it to a model for a specified function.
+ It has reference count 0.
+ \param c context
+ \param m model
+ \param f function declaration
+ \param default_value default value for function interpretation
+ def_API('Z3_add_func_interp', FUNC_INTERP, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_interp Z3_API Z3_add_func_interp(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_func_decl f, Z3_ast default_value);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a constant interpretation.
+ def_API('Z3_add_const_interp', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_add_const_interp(Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_func_decl f, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given Z3_func_interp object.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_func_interp_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given Z3_func_interp object.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_func_interp_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of entries in the given function interpretation.
+ A function interpretation is represented as a finite map and an 'else' value.
+ Each entry in the finite map represents the value of a function given a set of arguments.
+ This procedure return the number of element in the finite map of \c f.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_get_num_entries', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_func_interp_get_num_entries(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a "point" of the given function interpretation. It represents the
+ value of \c f in a particular point.
+ \pre i < Z3_func_interp_get_num_entries(c, f)
+ \sa Z3_func_interp_get_num_entries
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_get_entry', FUNC_ENTRY, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_func_entry Z3_API Z3_func_interp_get_entry(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the 'else' value of the given function interpretation.
+ A function interpretation is represented as a finite map and an 'else' value.
+ This procedure returns the 'else' value.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_get_else', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_func_interp_get_else(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the 'else' value of the given function interpretation.
+ A function interpretation is represented as a finite map and an 'else' value.
+ This procedure can be used to update the 'else' value.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_set_else', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_func_interp_set_else(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f, Z3_ast else_value);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the arity (number of arguments) of the given function interpretation.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_get_arity', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_func_interp_get_arity(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp f);
+ /**
+ \brief add a function entry to a function interpretation.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param fi a function interpretation to be updated.
+ \param args list of arguments. They should be constant values (such as integers) and be of the same types as the domain of the function.
+ \param value value of the function when the parameters match args.
+ It is assumed that entries added to a function cover disjoint arguments.
+ If an two entries are added with the same arguments, only the second insertion survives and the
+ first inserted entry is removed.
+ def_API('Z3_func_interp_add_entry', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_INTERP), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_func_interp_add_entry(Z3_context c, Z3_func_interp fi, Z3_ast_vector args, Z3_ast value);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given Z3_func_entry object.
+ def_API('Z3_func_entry_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_ENTRY)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_func_entry_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_func_entry e);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given Z3_func_entry object.
+ def_API('Z3_func_entry_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_ENTRY)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_func_entry_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_func_entry e);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value of this point.
+ A Z3_func_entry object represents an element in the finite map used to encode
+ a function interpretation.
+ \sa Z3_func_interp_get_entry
+ def_API('Z3_func_entry_get_value', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_ENTRY)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_func_entry_get_value(Z3_context c, Z3_func_entry e);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of arguments in a Z3_func_entry object.
+ \sa Z3_func_interp_get_entry
+ def_API('Z3_func_entry_get_num_args', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_ENTRY)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_func_entry_get_num_args(Z3_context c, Z3_func_entry e);
+ /**
+ \brief Return an argument of a Z3_func_entry object.
+ \pre i < Z3_func_entry_get_num_args(c, e)
+ \sa Z3_func_interp_get_entry
+ def_API('Z3_func_entry_get_arg', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_ENTRY), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_func_entry_get_arg(Z3_context c, Z3_func_entry e, unsigned i);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Interaction logging */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Log interaction to a file.
+ extra_API('Z3_open_log', INT, (_in(STRING),))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_open_log(Z3_string filename);
+ /**
+ \brief Append user-defined string to interaction log.
+ The interaction log is opened using Z3_open_log.
+ It contains the formulas that are checked using Z3.
+ You can use this command to append comments, for instance.
+ extra_API('Z3_append_log', VOID, (_in(STRING),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_append_log(Z3_string string);
+ /**
+ \brief Close interaction log.
+ extra_API('Z3_close_log', VOID, ())
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_close_log(void);
+ /**
+ \brief Enable/disable printing warning messages to the console.
+ Warnings are printed after passing \c true, warning messages are
+ suppressed after calling this method with \c false.
+ def_API('Z3_toggle_warning_messages', VOID, (_in(BOOL),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_toggle_warning_messages(bool enabled);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name String conversion */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Select mode for the format used for pretty-printing AST nodes.
+ The default mode for pretty printing AST nodes is to produce
+ SMT-LIB style output where common subexpressions are printed
+ at each occurrence. The mode is called Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB_FULL.
+ To print shared common subexpressions only once,
+ use the Z3_PRINT_LOW_LEVEL mode.
+ To print in way that conforms to SMT-LIB standards and uses let
+ expressions to share common sub-expressions use Z3_PRINT_SMTLIB2_COMPLIANT.
+ \sa Z3_ast_to_string
+ \sa Z3_pattern_to_string
+ \sa Z3_func_decl_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_set_ast_print_mode', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PRINT_MODE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_set_ast_print_mode(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_print_mode mode);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the given AST node into a string.
+ \warning The result buffer is statically allocated by Z3. It will
+ be automatically deallocated when #Z3_del_context is invoked.
+ So, the buffer is invalidated in the next call to \c Z3_ast_to_string.
+ \sa Z3_pattern_to_string
+ \sa Z3_sort_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_ast_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_ast_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ def_API('Z3_pattern_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PATTERN)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_pattern_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_pattern p);
+ /**
+ def_API('Z3_sort_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_sort_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ def_API('Z3_func_decl_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_func_decl_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the given model into a string.
+ \warning The result buffer is statically allocated by Z3. It will
+ be automatically deallocated when #Z3_del_context is invoked.
+ So, the buffer is invalidated in the next call to \c Z3_model_to_string.
+ def_API('Z3_model_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_model_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the given benchmark into SMT-LIB formatted string.
+ \warning The result buffer is statically allocated by Z3. It will
+ be automatically deallocated when #Z3_del_context is invoked.
+ So, the buffer is invalidated in the next call to \c Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param name - name of benchmark. The argument is optional.
+ \param logic - the benchmark logic.
+ \param status - the status string (sat, unsat, or unknown)
+ \param attributes - other attributes, such as source, difficulty or category.
+ \param num_assumptions - number of assumptions.
+ \param assumptions - auxiliary assumptions.
+ \param formula - formula to be checked for consistency in conjunction with assumptions.
+ def_API('Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(STRING), _in(STRING), _in(STRING), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_string name,
+ Z3_string logic,
+ Z3_string status,
+ Z3_string attributes,
+ unsigned num_assumptions,
+ Z3_ast const assumptions[],
+ Z3_ast formula);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Parser interface */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Parse the given string using the SMT-LIB2 parser.
+ It returns a formula comprising of the conjunction of assertions in the scope
+ (up to push/pop) at the end of the string.
+ def_API('Z3_parse_smtlib2_string', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SYMBOL), _in_array(2, SORT), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, SYMBOL), _in_array(5, FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_parse_smtlib2_string(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_string str,
+ unsigned num_sorts,
+ Z3_symbol const sort_names[],
+ Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ unsigned num_decls,
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_func_decl const decls[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Similar to #Z3_parse_smtlib2_string, but reads the benchmark from a file.
+ def_API('Z3_parse_smtlib2_file', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, SYMBOL), _in_array(2, SORT), _in(UINT), _in_array(5, SYMBOL), _in_array(5, FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_parse_smtlib2_file(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_string file_name,
+ unsigned num_sorts,
+ Z3_symbol const sort_names[],
+ Z3_sort const sorts[],
+ unsigned num_decls,
+ Z3_symbol const decl_names[],
+ Z3_func_decl const decls[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Parse and evaluate and SMT-LIB2 command sequence. The state from a previous call is saved so the next
+ evaluation builds on top of the previous call.
+ \returns output generated from processing commands.
+ def_API('Z3_eval_smtlib2_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING),))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_eval_smtlib2_string(Z3_context, Z3_string str);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Error Handling */
+ /*@{*/
+#ifndef SAFE_ERRORS
+ /**
+ \brief Return the error code for the last API call.
+ A call to a Z3 function may return a non Z3_OK error code,
+ when it is not used correctly.
+ \sa Z3_set_error_handler
+ def_API('Z3_get_error_code', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_error_code Z3_API Z3_get_error_code(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Register a Z3 error handler.
+ A call to a Z3 function may return a non Z3_OK error code, when
+ it is not used correctly. An error handler can be registered
+ and will be called in this case. To disable the use of the
+ error handler, simply register with \c h=NULL.
+ \warning Log files, created using #Z3_open_log, may be potentially incomplete/incorrect if error handlers are used.
+ \sa Z3_get_error_code
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_set_error_handler(Z3_context c, Z3_error_handler h);
+ /**
+ \brief Set an error.
+ def_API('Z3_set_error', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(ERROR_CODE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_set_error(Z3_context c, Z3_error_code e);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string describing the given error code.
+ def_API('Z3_get_error_msg', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(ERROR_CODE)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_error_msg(Z3_context c, Z3_error_code err);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Miscellaneous */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return Z3 version number information.
+ def_API('Z3_get_version', VOID, (_out(UINT), _out(UINT), _out(UINT), _out(UINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_get_version(unsigned * major, unsigned * minor, unsigned * build_number, unsigned * revision_number);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string that fully describes the version of Z3 in use.
+ def_API('Z3_get_full_version', STRING, ())
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_full_version(void);
+ /**
+ \brief Enable tracing messages tagged as \c tag when Z3 is compiled in debug mode.
+ It is a NOOP otherwise
+ def_API('Z3_enable_trace', VOID, (_in(STRING),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_enable_trace(Z3_string tag);
+ /**
+ \brief Disable tracing messages tagged as \c tag when Z3 is compiled in debug mode.
+ It is a NOOP otherwise
+ def_API('Z3_disable_trace', VOID, (_in(STRING),))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_disable_trace(Z3_string tag);
+ /**
+ \brief Reset all allocated resources.
+ Use this facility on out-of memory errors.
+ It allows discharging the previous state and resuming afresh.
+ Any pointers previously returned by the API
+ become invalid.
+ def_API('Z3_reset_memory', VOID, ())
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_reset_memory(void);
+ /**
+ \brief Destroy all allocated resources.
+ Any pointers previously returned by the API become invalid.
+ Can be used for memory leak detection.
+ def_API('Z3_finalize_memory', VOID, ())
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_finalize_memory(void);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Goals */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a goal (aka problem). A goal is essentially a set
+ of formulas, that can be solved and/or transformed using
+ tactics and solvers.
+ If models == true, then model generation is enabled for the new goal.
+ If unsat_cores == true, then unsat core generation is enabled for the new goal.
+ If proofs == true, then proof generation is enabled for the new goal. Remark, the
+ Z3 context c must have been created with proof generation support.
+ \remark Reference counting must be used to manage goals, even when the Z3_context was
+ created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_goal', GOAL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(BOOL), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_goal Z3_API Z3_mk_goal(Z3_context c, bool models, bool unsat_cores, bool proofs);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_goal_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_goal_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the "precision" of the given goal. Goals can be transformed using over and under approximations.
+ A under approximation is applied when the objective is to find a model for a given goal.
+ An over approximation is applied when the objective is to find a proof for a given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_precision', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ Z3_goal_prec Z3_API Z3_goal_precision(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a new formula \c a to the given goal.
+ The formula is split according to the following procedure that is applied
+ until a fixed-point:
+ Conjunctions are split into separate formulas.
+ Negations are distributed over disjunctions, resulting in separate formulas.
+ If the goal is \c false, adding new formulas is a no-op.
+ If the formula \c a is \c true, then nothing is added.
+ If the formula \c a is \c false, then the entire goal is replaced by the formula \c false.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_assert', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_goal_assert(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the given goal contains the formula \c false.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_inconsistent', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_goal_inconsistent(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the depth of the given goal. It tracks how many transformations were applied to it.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_depth', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_goal_depth(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Erase all formulas from the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_reset', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_goal_reset(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of formulas in the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_goal_size(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a formula from the given goal.
+ \pre idx < Z3_goal_size(c, g)
+ def_API('Z3_goal_formula', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_goal_formula(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of formulas, subformulas and terms in the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_num_exprs', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_goal_num_exprs(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the goal is empty, and it is precise or the product of a under approximation.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_is_decided_sat', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_goal_is_decided_sat(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the goal contains false, and it is precise or the product of an over approximation.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_is_decided_unsat', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_goal_is_decided_unsat(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Copy a goal \c g from the context \c source to the context \c target.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_translate', GOAL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL), _in(CONTEXT)))
+ */
+ Z3_goal Z3_API Z3_goal_translate(Z3_context source, Z3_goal g, Z3_context target);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a model of the formulas of a goal to a model of an original goal.
+ The model may be null, in which case the returned model is valid if the goal was
+ established satisfiable.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_convert_model', MODEL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL), _in(MODEL)))
+ */
+ Z3_model Z3_API Z3_goal_convert_model(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g, Z3_model m);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a goal into a string.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_goal_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a goal into a DIMACS formatted string.
+ The goal must be in CNF. You can convert a goal to CNF
+ by applying the tseitin-cnf tactic. Bit-vectors are not automatically
+ converted to Booleans either, so if the caller intends to
+ preserve satisfiability, it should apply bit-blasting tactics.
+ Quantifiers and theory atoms will not be encoded.
+ def_API('Z3_goal_to_dimacs_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_goal_to_dimacs_string(Z3_context c, Z3_goal g);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Tactics and Probes */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic associated with the given name.
+ The complete list of tactics may be obtained using the procedures #Z3_get_num_tactics and #Z3_get_tactic_name.
+ It may also be obtained using the command \ccode{(help-tactic)} in the SMT 2.0 front-end.
+ Tactics are the basic building block for creating custom solvers for specific problem domains.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_tactic', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_mk_tactic(Z3_context c, Z3_string name);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given tactic.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_tactic_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given tactic.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_tactic_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic g);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe associated with the given name.
+ The complete list of probes may be obtained using the procedures #Z3_get_num_probes and #Z3_get_probe_name.
+ It may also be obtained using the command \ccode{(help-tactic)} in the SMT 2.0 front-end.
+ Probes are used to inspect a goal (aka problem) and collect information that may be used to decide
+ which solver and/or preprocessing step will be used.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_probe', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_mk_probe(Z3_context c, Z3_string name);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given probe.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_probe_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given probe.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_probe_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies \c t1 to a given goal and \c t2
+ to every subgoal produced by t1.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_and_then', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_and_then(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t1, Z3_tactic t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that first applies \c t1 to a given goal,
+ if it fails then returns the result of \c t2 applied to the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_or_else', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_or_else(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t1, Z3_tactic t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies the given tactics in parallel.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_par_or', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_par_or(Z3_context c, unsigned num, Z3_tactic const ts[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies \c t1 to a given goal and then \c t2
+ to every subgoal produced by t1. The subgoals are processed in parallel.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_par_and_then', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_par_and_then(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t1, Z3_tactic t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies \c t to a given goal for \c ms milliseconds.
+ If \c t does not terminate in \c ms milliseconds, then it fails.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_try_for', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_try_for(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, unsigned ms);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies \c t to a given goal is the probe \c p evaluates to true.
+ If \c p evaluates to false, then the new tactic behaves like the skip tactic.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_when', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_when(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p, Z3_tactic t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies \c t1 to a given goal if the probe \c p evaluates to true,
+ and \c t2 if \c p evaluates to false.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_cond', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(TACTIC), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_cond(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p, Z3_tactic t1, Z3_tactic t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that keeps applying \c t until the goal is not modified anymore or the maximum
+ number of iterations \c max is reached.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_repeat', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_repeat(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, unsigned max);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that just return the given goal.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_skip', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_skip(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that always fails.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_fail', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_fail(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that fails if the probe \c p evaluates to false.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_fail_if', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_fail_if(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that fails if the goal is not trivially satisfiable (i.e., empty) or
+ trivially unsatisfiable (i.e., contains false).
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_fail_if_not_decided', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_fail_if_not_decided(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a tactic that applies \c t using the given set of parameters.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_using_params', TACTIC, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_using_params(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that always evaluates to val.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_const', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(DOUBLE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_const(Z3_context x, double val);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned by \c p1 is less than the value returned by \c p2.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_lt', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_lt(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned by \c p1 is greater than the value returned by \c p2.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_gt', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_gt(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned by \c p1 is less than or equal to the value returned by \c p2.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_le', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_le(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned by \c p1 is greater than or equal to the value returned by \c p2.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_ge', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_ge(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned by \c p1 is equal to the value returned by \c p2.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_eq', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_eq(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when \c p1 and \c p2 evaluates to true.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_and', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_and(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when \c p1 or \c p2 evaluates to true.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_or', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_or(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p1, Z3_probe p2);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when \c p does not evaluate to true.
+ \remark For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_not', PROBE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE)))
+ */
+ Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_not(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of builtin tactics available in Z3.
+ def_API('Z3_get_num_tactics', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_num_tactics(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the name of the idx tactic.
+ \pre i < Z3_get_num_tactics(c)
+ def_API('Z3_get_tactic_name', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_tactic_name(Z3_context c, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of builtin probes available in Z3.
+ def_API('Z3_get_num_probes', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_num_probes(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the name of the i probe.
+ \pre i < Z3_get_num_probes(c)
+ def_API('Z3_get_probe_name', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_probe_name(Z3_context c, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string containing a description of parameters accepted by the given tactic.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_get_help', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_tactic_get_help(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the parameter description set for the given tactic object.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_get_param_descrs', PARAM_DESCRS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_param_descrs Z3_API Z3_tactic_get_param_descrs(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string containing a description of the tactic with the given name.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_get_descr', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_tactic_get_descr(Z3_context c, Z3_string name);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string containing a description of the probe with the given name.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_get_descr', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_probe_get_descr(Z3_context c, Z3_string name);
+ /**
+ \brief Execute the probe over the goal. The probe always produce a double value.
+ "Boolean" probes return 0.0 for false, and a value different from 0.0 for true.
+ def_API('Z3_probe_apply', DOUBLE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(PROBE), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ double Z3_API Z3_probe_apply(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Apply tactic \c t to the goal \c g.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_apply', APPLY_RESULT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(GOAL)))
+ */
+ Z3_apply_result Z3_API Z3_tactic_apply(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, Z3_goal g);
+ /**
+ \brief Apply tactic \c t to the goal \c g using the parameter set \c p.
+ def_API('Z3_tactic_apply_ex', APPLY_RESULT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC), _in(GOAL), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ Z3_apply_result Z3_API Z3_tactic_apply_ex(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, Z3_goal g, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given \c Z3_apply_result object.
+ def_API('Z3_apply_result_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APPLY_RESULT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_apply_result_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_apply_result r);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given \c Z3_apply_result object.
+ def_API('Z3_apply_result_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APPLY_RESULT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_apply_result_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_apply_result r);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the \c Z3_apply_result object returned by #Z3_tactic_apply into a string.
+ def_API('Z3_apply_result_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APPLY_RESULT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_apply_result_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_apply_result r);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of subgoals in the \c Z3_apply_result object returned by #Z3_tactic_apply.
+ def_API('Z3_apply_result_get_num_subgoals', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APPLY_RESULT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_apply_result_get_num_subgoals(Z3_context c, Z3_apply_result r);
+ /**
+ \brief Return one of the subgoals in the \c Z3_apply_result object returned by #Z3_tactic_apply.
+ \pre i < Z3_apply_result_get_num_subgoals(c, r)
+ def_API('Z3_apply_result_get_subgoal', GOAL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(APPLY_RESULT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_goal Z3_API Z3_apply_result_get_subgoal(Z3_context c, Z3_apply_result r, unsigned i);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Solvers*/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a new solver. This solver is a "combined solver" (see
+ combined_solver module) that internally uses a non-incremental (solver1) and an
+ incremental solver (solver2). This combined solver changes its behaviour based
+ on how it is used and how its parameters are set.
+ If the solver is used in a non incremental way (i.e. no calls to
+ #Z3_solver_push() or #Z3_solver_pop(), and no calls to
+ #Z3_solver_assert() or #Z3_solver_assert_and_track() after checking
+ satisfiability without an intervening #Z3_solver_reset()) then solver1
+ will be used. This solver will apply Z3's "default" tactic.
+ The "default" tactic will attempt to probe the logic used by the
+ assertions and will apply a specialized tactic if one is supported.
+ Otherwise the general `(and-then simplify smt)` tactic will be used.
+ If the solver is used in an incremental way then the combined solver
+ will switch to using solver2 (which behaves similarly to the general
+ "smt" tactic).
+ Note however it is possible to set the `solver2_timeout`,
+ `solver2_unknown`, and `ignore_solver1` parameters of the combined
+ solver to change its behaviour.
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_model retrieves a model if the
+ assertions is satisfiable (i.e., the result is \c
+ Z3_L_TRUE) and model construction is enabled.
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_model can also be used even
+ if the result is \c Z3_L_UNDEF, but the returned model
+ is not guaranteed to satisfy quantified assertions.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_solver_inc_ref and #Z3_solver_dec_ref to manage solver objects.
+ Even if the context was created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_solver', SOLVER, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_mk_solver(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a new incremental solver.
+ This is equivalent to applying the "smt" tactic.
+ Unlike #Z3_mk_solver() this solver
+ - Does not attempt to apply any logic specific tactics.
+ - Does not change its behaviour based on whether it used
+ incrementally/non-incrementally.
+ Note that these differences can result in very different performance
+ compared to #Z3_mk_solver().
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_model retrieves a model if the
+ assertions is satisfiable (i.e., the result is \c
+ Z3_L_TRUE) and model construction is enabled.
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_model can also be used even
+ if the result is \c Z3_L_UNDEF, but the returned model
+ is not guaranteed to satisfy quantified assertions.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_solver_inc_ref and #Z3_solver_dec_ref to manage solver objects.
+ Even if the context was created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_simple_solver', SOLVER, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_mk_simple_solver(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a new solver customized for the given logic.
+ It behaves like #Z3_mk_solver if the logic is unknown or unsupported.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_solver_inc_ref and #Z3_solver_dec_ref to manage solver objects.
+ Even if the context was created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_solver_for_logic', SOLVER, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_mk_solver_for_logic(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol logic);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a new solver that is implemented using the given tactic.
+ The solver supports the commands #Z3_solver_push and #Z3_solver_pop, but it
+ will always solve each #Z3_solver_check from scratch.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_solver_inc_ref and #Z3_solver_dec_ref to manage solver objects.
+ Even if the context was created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_solver_from_tactic', SOLVER, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(TACTIC)))
+ */
+ Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_mk_solver_from_tactic(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t);
+ /**
+ \brief Copy a solver \c s from the context \c source to the context \c target.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_translate', SOLVER, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(CONTEXT)))
+ */
+ Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_solver_translate(Z3_context source, Z3_solver s, Z3_context target);
+ /**
+ \brief Ad-hoc method for importing model conversion from solver.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_import_model_converter', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_import_model_converter(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver src, Z3_solver dst);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string describing all solver available parameters.
+ \sa Z3_solver_get_param_descrs
+ \sa Z3_solver_set_params
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_help', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_solver_get_help(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the parameter description set for the given solver object.
+ \sa Z3_solver_get_help
+ \sa Z3_solver_set_params
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_param_descrs', PARAM_DESCRS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_param_descrs Z3_API Z3_solver_get_param_descrs(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Set the given solver using the given parameters.
+ \sa Z3_solver_get_help
+ \sa Z3_solver_get_param_descrs
+ def_API('Z3_solver_set_params', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_set_params(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given solver.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given solver.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a backtracking point.
+ The solver contains a stack of assertions.
+ \sa Z3_solver_get_num_scopes
+ \sa Z3_solver_pop
+ def_API('Z3_solver_push', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_push(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Backtrack \c n backtracking points.
+ \sa Z3_solver_get_num_scopes
+ \sa Z3_solver_push
+ \pre n <= Z3_solver_get_num_scopes(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_solver_pop', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_pop(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, unsigned n);
+ /**
+ \brief Remove all assertions from the solver.
+ \sa Z3_solver_assert
+ \sa Z3_solver_assert_and_track
+ def_API('Z3_solver_reset', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_reset(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of backtracking points.
+ \sa Z3_solver_push
+ \sa Z3_solver_pop
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_num_scopes', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_solver_get_num_scopes(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Assert a constraint into the solver.
+ The functions #Z3_solver_check and #Z3_solver_check_assumptions should be
+ used to check whether the logical context is consistent or not.
+ \sa Z3_solver_assert_and_track
+ \sa Z3_solver_reset
+ def_API('Z3_solver_assert', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_assert(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Assert a constraint \c a into the solver, and track it (in the unsat) core using
+ the Boolean constant \c p.
+ This API is an alternative to #Z3_solver_check_assumptions for extracting unsat cores.
+ Both APIs can be used in the same solver. The unsat core will contain a combination
+ of the Boolean variables provided using Z3_solver_assert_and_track and the Boolean literals
+ provided using #Z3_solver_check_assumptions.
+ \pre \c a must be a Boolean expression
+ \pre \c p must be a Boolean constant (aka variable).
+ \sa Z3_solver_assert
+ \sa Z3_solver_reset
+ def_API('Z3_solver_assert_and_track', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_assert_and_track(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast p);
+ /**
+ \brief load solver assertions from a file.
+ \sa Z3_solver_from_string
+ \sa Z3_solver_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_solver_from_file', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_from_file(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, Z3_string file_name);
+ /**
+ \brief load solver assertions from a string.
+ \sa Z3_solver_from_file
+ \sa Z3_solver_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_solver_from_string', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_solver_from_string(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, Z3_string file_name);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the set of asserted formulas on the solver.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_assertions', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_solver_get_assertions(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the set of units modulo model conversion.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_units', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_solver_get_units(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the set of non units in the solver state.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_non_units', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_solver_get_non_units(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Check whether the assertions in a given solver are consistent or not.
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_model retrieves a model if the
+ assertions is satisfiable (i.e., the result is \c
+ Z3_L_TRUE) and model construction is enabled.
+ Note that if the call returns \c Z3_L_UNDEF, Z3 does not
+ ensure that calls to #Z3_solver_get_model succeed and any models
+ produced in this case are not guaranteed to satisfy the assertions.
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_proof retrieves a proof if proof
+ generation was enabled when the context was created, and the
+ assertions are unsatisfiable (i.e., the result is \c Z3_L_FALSE).
+ \sa Z3_solver_check_assumptions
+ def_API('Z3_solver_check', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_solver_check(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Check whether the assertions in the given solver and
+ optional assumptions are consistent or not.
+ The function #Z3_solver_get_unsat_core retrieves the subset of the
+ assumptions used in the unsatisfiability proof produced by Z3.
+ \sa Z3_solver_check
+ def_API('Z3_solver_check_assumptions', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_solver_check_assumptions(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s,
+ unsigned num_assumptions, Z3_ast const assumptions[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve congruence class representatives for terms.
+ The function can be used for relying on Z3 to identify equal terms under the current
+ set of assumptions. The array of terms and array of class identifiers should have
+ the same length. The class identifiers are numerals that are assigned to the same
+ value for their corresponding terms if the current context forces the terms to be
+ equal. You cannot deduce that terms corresponding to different numerals must be all different,
+ (especially when using non-convex theories).
+ All implied equalities are returned by this call.
+ This means that two terms map to the same class identifier if and only if
+ the current context implies that they are equal.
+ A side-effect of the function is a satisfiability check on the assertions on the solver that is passed in.
+ The function return \c Z3_L_FALSE if the current assertions are not satisfiable.
+ def_API('Z3_get_implied_equalities', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST), _out_array(2, UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_get_implied_equalities(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_solver s,
+ unsigned num_terms,
+ Z3_ast const terms[],
+ unsigned class_ids[]);
+ /**
+ \brief retrieve consequences from solver that determine values of the supplied function symbols.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_consequences', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(AST_VECTOR)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_solver_get_consequences(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_solver s,
+ Z3_ast_vector assumptions,
+ Z3_ast_vector variables,
+ Z3_ast_vector consequences);
+ /**
+ \brief extract a next cube for a solver. The last cube is the constant \c true or \c false.
+ The number of (non-constant) cubes is by default 1. For the sat solver cubing is controlled
+ using parameters sat.lookahead.cube.cutoff and sat.lookahead.cube.fraction.
+ The third argument is a vector of variables that may be used for cubing.
+ The contents of the vector is only used in the first call. The initial list of variables
+ is used in subsequent calls until it returns the unsatisfiable cube.
+ The vector is modified to contain a set of Autarky variables that occur in clauses that
+ are affected by the (last literal in the) cube. These variables could be used by a different
+ cuber (on a different solver object) for further recursive cubing.
+ The last argument is a backtracking level. It instructs the cube process to backtrack below
+ the indicated level for the next cube.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_cube', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_solver_cube(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s, Z3_ast_vector vars, unsigned backtrack_level);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve the model for the last #Z3_solver_check or #Z3_solver_check_assumptions
+ The error handler is invoked if a model is not available because
+ the commands above were not invoked for the given solver, or if the result was \c Z3_L_FALSE.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_model', MODEL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_model Z3_API Z3_solver_get_model(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve the proof for the last #Z3_solver_check or #Z3_solver_check_assumptions
+ The error handler is invoked if proof generation is not enabled,
+ or if the commands above were not invoked for the given solver,
+ or if the result was different from \c Z3_L_FALSE.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_proof', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_solver_get_proof(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve the unsat core for the last #Z3_solver_check_assumptions
+ The unsat core is a subset of the assumptions \c a.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_unsat_core', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_solver_get_unsat_core(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a brief justification for an "unknown" result (i.e., \c Z3_L_UNDEF) for
+ the commands #Z3_solver_check and #Z3_solver_check_assumptions
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_reason_unknown', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_solver_get_reason_unknown(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return statistics for the given solver.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_stats_inc_ref and #Z3_stats_dec_ref to manage Z3_stats objects.
+ def_API('Z3_solver_get_statistics', STATS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_stats Z3_API Z3_solver_get_statistics(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a solver into a string.
+ \sa Z3_solver_from_file
+ \sa Z3_solver_from_string
+ def_API('Z3_solver_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_solver_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_solver s);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name Statistics */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Convert a statistics into a string.
+ def_API('Z3_stats_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_stats_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given statistics object.
+ def_API('Z3_stats_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_stats_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given statistics object.
+ def_API('Z3_stats_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_stats_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the number of statistical data in \c s.
+ def_API('Z3_stats_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_stats_size(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the key (a string) for a particular statistical data.
+ \pre idx < Z3_stats_size(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_stats_get_key', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_stats_get_key(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if the given statistical data is a unsigned integer.
+ \pre idx < Z3_stats_size(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_stats_is_uint', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_stats_is_uint(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if the given statistical data is a double.
+ \pre idx < Z3_stats_size(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_stats_is_double', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_stats_is_double(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the unsigned value of the given statistical data.
+ \pre idx < Z3_stats_size(c, s) && Z3_stats_is_uint(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_stats_get_uint_value', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_stats_get_uint_value(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the double value of the given statistical data.
+ \pre idx < Z3_stats_size(c, s) && Z3_stats_is_double(c, s)
+ def_API('Z3_stats_get_double_value', DOUBLE, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STATS), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ double Z3_API Z3_stats_get_double_value(Z3_context c, Z3_stats s, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the estimated allocated memory in bytes.
+ def_API('Z3_get_estimated_alloc_size', UINT64, ())
+ */
+ uint64_t Z3_API Z3_get_estimated_alloc_size(void);
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_ast_containers.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_ast_containers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8438a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_ast_containers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_ast_containers.h
+ AST Containers
+ Christoph M. Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2015-12-03
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name AST vectors */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return an empty AST vector.
+ \remark Reference counting must be used to manage AST vectors, even when the Z3_context was
+ created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_ast_vector', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_mk_ast_vector(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given AST vector.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given AST vector.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the size of the given AST vector.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_size(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the AST at position \c i in the AST vector \c v.
+ \pre i < Z3_ast_vector_size(c, v)
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_get', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_get(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v, unsigned i);
+ /**
+ \brief Update position \c i of the AST vector \c v with the AST \c a.
+ \pre i < Z3_ast_vector_size(c, v)
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_set', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(UINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_set(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v, unsigned i, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Resize the AST vector \c v.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_resize', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_resize(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v, unsigned n);
+ /**
+ \brief Add the AST \c a in the end of the AST vector \c v. The size of \c v is increased by one.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_push', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_push(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Translate the AST vector \c v from context \c s into an AST vector in context \c t.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_translate', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(CONTEXT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_translate(Z3_context s, Z3_ast_vector v, Z3_context t);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert AST vector into a string.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_vector_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_ast_vector_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_vector v);
+ /*@}*/
+ /** @name AST maps */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return an empty mapping from AST to AST
+ \remark Reference counting must be used to manage AST maps, even when the Z3_context was
+ created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_ast_map', AST_MAP, (_in(CONTEXT),) )
+ */
+ Z3_ast_map Z3_API Z3_mk_ast_map(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given AST map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_map_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given AST map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_map_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m);
+ /**
+ \brief Return true if the map \c m contains the AST key \c k.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_contains', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_ast_map_contains(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m, Z3_ast k);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value associated with the key \c k.
+ The procedure invokes the error handler if \c k is not in the map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_find', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_ast_map_find(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m, Z3_ast k);
+ /**
+ \brief Store/Replace a new key, value pair in the given map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_insert', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_map_insert(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m, Z3_ast k, Z3_ast v);
+ /**
+ \brief Erase a key from the map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_erase', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_map_erase(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m, Z3_ast k);
+ /**
+ \brief Remove all keys from the given map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_reset', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_ast_map_reset(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the size of the given map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_size', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_ast_map_size(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the keys stored in the given map.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_keys', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_ast_map_keys(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the given map into a string.
+ def_API('Z3_ast_map_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_ast_map_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast_map m);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_fixedpoint.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_fixedpoint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54a42e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_fixedpoint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_fixedpoint.h
+ Fixedpoint API
+ Christoph M. Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2015-12-03
+#ifndef Z3_FIXEDPOINT_H_
+#define Z3_FIXEDPOINT_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Fixedpoint facilities */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a new fixedpoint context.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_fixedpoint_inc_ref and #Z3_fixedpoint_dec_ref to manage fixedpoint objects.
+ Even if the context was created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fixedpoint', FIXEDPOINT, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_fixedpoint Z3_API Z3_mk_fixedpoint(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given fixedpoint context
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given fixedpoint context.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a universal Horn clause as a named rule.
+ The \c horn_rule should be of the form:
+ \code
+ horn_rule ::= (forall (bound-vars) horn_rule)
+ | (=> atoms horn_rule)
+ | atom
+ \endcode
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_add_rule', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(AST), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_add_rule(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_ast rule, Z3_symbol name);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a Database fact.
+ \param c - context
+ \param d - fixed point context
+ \param r - relation signature for the row.
+ \param num_args - number of columns for the given row.
+ \param args - array of the row elements.
+ The number of arguments \c num_args should be equal to the number
+ of sorts in the domain of \c r. Each sort in the domain should be an integral
+ (bit-vector, Boolean or or finite domain sort).
+ The call has the same effect as adding a rule where \c r is applied to the arguments.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_add_fact', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT), _in_array(3, UINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_add_fact(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d,
+ Z3_func_decl r,
+ unsigned num_args, unsigned args[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Assert a constraint to the fixedpoint context.
+ The constraints are used as background axioms when the fixedpoint engine uses the PDR mode.
+ They are ignored for standard Datalog mode.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_assert', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_assert(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_ast axiom);
+ /**
+ \brief Pose a query against the asserted rules.
+ \code
+ query ::= (exists (bound-vars) query)
+ | literals
+ \endcode
+ query returns
+ - \c Z3_L_FALSE if the query is unsatisfiable.
+ - \c Z3_L_TRUE if the query is satisfiable. Obtain the answer by calling #Z3_fixedpoint_get_answer.
+ - \c Z3_L_UNDEF if the query was interrupted, timed out or otherwise failed.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_query', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_query(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_ast query);
+ /**
+ \brief Pose multiple queries against the asserted rules.
+ The queries are encoded as relations (function declarations).
+ query returns
+ - \c Z3_L_FALSE if the query is unsatisfiable.
+ - \c Z3_L_TRUE if the query is satisfiable. Obtain the answer by calling #Z3_fixedpoint_get_answer.
+ - \c Z3_L_UNDEF if the query was interrupted, timed out or otherwise failed.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_query_relations', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_query_relations(
+ Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d,
+ unsigned num_relations, Z3_func_decl const relations[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve a formula that encodes satisfying answers to the query.
+ When used in Datalog mode, the returned answer is a disjunction of conjuncts.
+ Each conjunct encodes values of the bound variables of the query that are satisfied.
+ In PDR mode, the returned answer is a single conjunction.
+ When used in Datalog mode the previous call to #Z3_fixedpoint_query must have returned \c Z3_L_TRUE.
+ When used with the PDR engine, the previous call must have been either \c Z3_L_TRUE or \c Z3_L_FALSE.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_answer', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_answer(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve a string that describes the last status returned by #Z3_fixedpoint_query.
+ Use this method when #Z3_fixedpoint_query returns \c Z3_L_UNDEF.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_reason_unknown', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT) ))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_reason_unknown(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Update a named rule.
+ A rule with the same name must have been previously created.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_update_rule', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(AST), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_update_rule(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_ast a, Z3_symbol name);
+ /**
+ \brief Query the PDR engine for the maximal levels properties are known about predicate.
+ This call retrieves the maximal number of relevant unfoldings
+ of \c pred with respect to the current exploration state.
+ Note: this functionality is PDR specific.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_num_levels', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_num_levels(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_func_decl pred);
+ /**
+ Retrieve the current cover of \c pred up to \c level unfoldings.
+ Return just the delta that is known at \c level. To
+ obtain the full set of properties of \c pred one should query
+ at \c level+1 , \c level+2 etc, and include \c level=-1.
+ Note: this functionality is PDR specific.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_cover_delta', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(INT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_cover_delta(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, int level, Z3_func_decl pred);
+ /**
+ \brief Add property about the predicate \c pred.
+ Add a property of predicate \c pred at \c level.
+ It gets pushed forward when possible.
+ Note: level = -1 is treated as the fixedpoint. So passing -1 for the \c level
+ means that the property is true of the fixed-point unfolding with respect to \c pred.
+ Note: this functionality is PDR specific.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_add_cover', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(INT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_add_cover(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, int level, Z3_func_decl pred, Z3_ast property);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve statistics information from the last call to #Z3_fixedpoint_query.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_statistics', STATS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_stats Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_statistics(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Register relation as Fixedpoint defined.
+ Fixedpoint defined relations have least-fixedpoint semantics.
+ For example, the relation is empty if it does not occur
+ in a head or a fact.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_register_relation', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_register_relation(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_func_decl f);
+ /**
+ \brief Configure the predicate representation.
+ It sets the predicate to use a set of domains given by the list of symbols.
+ The domains given by the list of symbols must belong to a set
+ of built-in domains.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_set_predicate_representation', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(UINT), _in_array(3, SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_set_predicate_representation(
+ Z3_context c,
+ Z3_fixedpoint d,
+ Z3_func_decl f,
+ unsigned num_relations,
+ Z3_symbol const relation_kinds[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve set of rules from fixedpoint context.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_rules', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_rules(
+ Z3_context c,
+ Z3_fixedpoint f);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve set of background assertions from fixedpoint context.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_assertions', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_assertions(
+ Z3_context c,
+ Z3_fixedpoint f);
+ /**
+ \brief Set parameters on fixedpoint context.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_get_help
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_get_param_descrs
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_set_params', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_set_params(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint f, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string describing all fixedpoint available parameters.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_get_param_descrs
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_set_params
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_help', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_help(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint f);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the parameter description set for the given fixedpoint object.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_get_help
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_set_params
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_param_descrs', PARAM_DESCRS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_param_descrs Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_param_descrs(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint f);
+ /**
+ \brief Print the current rules and background axioms as a string.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param f - fixedpoint context.
+ \param num_queries - number of additional queries to print.
+ \param queries - additional queries.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_from_file
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_from_string
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_to_string(
+ Z3_context c,
+ Z3_fixedpoint f,
+ unsigned num_queries,
+ Z3_ast queries[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Parse an SMT-LIB2 string with fixedpoint rules.
+ Add the rules to the current fixedpoint context.
+ Return the set of queries in the string.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param f - fixedpoint context.
+ \param s - string containing SMT2 specification.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_from_file
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_from_string', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_from_string(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_fixedpoint f,
+ Z3_string s);
+ /**
+ \brief Parse an SMT-LIB2 file with fixedpoint rules.
+ Add the rules to the current fixedpoint context.
+ Return the set of queries in the file.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param f - fixedpoint context.
+ \param s - path to file containing SMT2 specification.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_from_string
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_from_file', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_from_file(Z3_context c,
+ Z3_fixedpoint f,
+ Z3_string s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a backtracking point.
+ The fixedpoint solver contains a set of rules, added facts and assertions.
+ The set of rules, facts and assertions are restored upon calling #Z3_fixedpoint_pop.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_pop
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_push', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_push(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Backtrack one backtracking point.
+ \sa Z3_fixedpoint_push
+ \pre The number of calls to pop cannot exceed calls to push.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_pop', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_pop(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /** \brief The following utilities allows adding user-defined domains. */
+ typedef void Z3_fixedpoint_reduce_assign_callback_fptr(
+ void*, Z3_func_decl,
+ unsigned, Z3_ast const [],
+ unsigned, Z3_ast const []);
+ typedef void Z3_fixedpoint_reduce_app_callback_fptr(
+ void*, Z3_func_decl,
+ unsigned, Z3_ast const [],
+ Z3_ast*);
+ /** \brief Initialize the context with a user-defined state. */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_init(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, void* state);
+ /**
+ \brief Register a callback to destructive updates.
+ Registers are identified with terms encoded as fresh constants,
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_set_reduce_assign_callback(
+ Z3_context c ,Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_fixedpoint_reduce_assign_callback_fptr cb);
+ /** \brief Register a callback for building terms based on the relational operators. */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_set_reduce_app_callback(
+ Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_fixedpoint_reduce_app_callback_fptr cb);
+ typedef void (*Z3_fixedpoint_new_lemma_eh)(void *state, Z3_ast lemma, unsigned level);
+ typedef void (*Z3_fixedpoint_predecessor_eh)(void *state);
+ typedef void (*Z3_fixedpoint_unfold_eh)(void *state);
+ /** \brief set export callback for lemmas */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_add_callback(Z3_context ctx, Z3_fixedpoint f, void *state,
+ Z3_fixedpoint_new_lemma_eh new_lemma_eh,
+ Z3_fixedpoint_predecessor_eh predecessor_eh,
+ Z3_fixedpoint_unfold_eh unfold_eh);
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_add_constraint (Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_ast e, unsigned lvl);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_fpa.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_fpa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eaa1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_fpa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_fpa.h
+ Additional APIs for floating-point arithmetic (FP).
+ Christoph M. Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2013-06-05
+#ifndef Z3_FPA_H_
+#define Z3_FPA_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Floating-Point Arithmetic */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create the RoundingMode sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rounding_mode_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rounding_mode_sort(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToEven rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToEven rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rne', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rne(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToAway rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToAway rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rna', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rna(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardPositive rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_positive', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_positive(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardPositive rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rtp', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rtp(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardNegative rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_negative', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_negative(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardNegative rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rtn', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rtn(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardZero rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_zero', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_zero(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardZero rounding mode.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rtz', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rtz(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param ebits number of exponent bits
+ \param sbits number of significand bits
+ \remark \c ebits must be larger than 1 and \c sbits must be larger than 2.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort(Z3_context c, unsigned ebits, unsigned sbits);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_half', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_half(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_16', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_16(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the single-precision (32-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_single', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_single(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the single-precision (32-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_32', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_32(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the double-precision (64-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_double', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_double(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the double-precision (64-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_64', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_64(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the quadruple-precision (128-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_quadruple', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_quadruple(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create the quadruple-precision (128-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sort_128', SORT, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_128(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a floating-point NaN of sort \c s.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param s target sort
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_nan', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_nan(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a floating-point infinity of sort \c s.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param s target sort
+ \param negative indicates whether the result should be negative
+ When \c negative is \c true, -oo will be generated instead of +oo.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_inf', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(SORT),_in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_inf(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s, bool negative);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a floating-point zero of sort \c s.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param s target sort
+ \param negative indicates whether the result should be negative
+ When \c negative is \c true, -zero will be generated instead of +zero.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_zero', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(SORT),_in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_zero(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s, bool negative);
+ /**
+ \brief Create an expression of FloatingPoint sort from three bit-vector expressions.
+ This is the operator named `fp' in the SMT FP theory definition.
+ Note that \c sgn is required to be a bit-vector of size 1. Significand and exponent
+ are required to be longer than 1 and 2 respectively. The FloatingPoint sort
+ of the resulting expression is automatically determined from the bit-vector sizes
+ of the arguments. The exponent is assumed to be in IEEE-754 biased representation.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param sgn sign
+ \param exp exponent
+ \param sig significand
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_fp', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_fp(Z3_context c, Z3_ast sgn, Z3_ast exp, Z3_ast sig);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a float.
+ This function is used to create numerals that fit in a float value.
+ It is slightly faster than #Z3_mk_numeral since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param v value
+ \param ty sort
+ \c ty must be a FloatingPoint sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_float', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FLOAT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_float(Z3_context c, float v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a double.
+ This function is used to create numerals that fit in a double value.
+ It is slightly faster than #Z3_mk_numeral since it is not necessary to parse a string.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param v value
+ \param ty sort
+ \c ty must be a FloatingPoint sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_double', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(DOUBLE), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_double(Z3_context c, double v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a signed integer.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param v value
+ \param ty result sort
+ \c ty must be a FloatingPoint sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_int', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(INT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_int(Z3_context c, signed v, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a sign bit and two integers.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param sgn sign bit (true == negative)
+ \param sig significand
+ \param exp exponent
+ \param ty result sort
+ \c ty must be a FloatingPoint sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_int_uint', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(INT), _in(UINT), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_int_uint(Z3_context c, bool sgn, signed exp, unsigned sig, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a numeral of FloatingPoint sort from a sign bit and two 64-bit integers.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param sgn sign bit (true == negative)
+ \param sig significand
+ \param exp exponent
+ \param ty result sort
+ \c ty must be a FloatingPoint sort
+ \sa Z3_mk_numeral
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_int64_uint64', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(BOOL), _in(INT64), _in(UINT64), _in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_numeral_int64_uint64(Z3_context c, bool sgn, int64_t exp, uint64_t sig, Z3_sort ty);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point absolute value
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_abs', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_abs(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point negation
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_neg', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_neg(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point addition
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_add', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_add(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point subtraction
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sub', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sub(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point multiplication
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_mul', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_mul(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point division
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ The nodes \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_div', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_div(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point fused multiply-add.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t3 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ The result is \ccode{round((t1 * t2) + t3)}.
+ \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t1, \c t2, and \c t3 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_fma', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_fma(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, Z3_ast t3);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point square root
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_sqrt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sqrt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point remainder
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_rem', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_rem(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point roundToIntegral. Rounds a floating-point number to
+ the closest integer, again represented as a floating-point number.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must be of FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_round_to_integral', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_to_integral(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Minimum of floating-point numbers.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1, \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_min', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_min(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Maximum of floating-point numbers.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1, \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_max', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_max(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point less than or equal.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_leq', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_leq(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point less than.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_lt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_lt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point greater than or equal.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_geq', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_geq(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point greater than.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_gt', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_gt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Floating-point equality.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t1 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param t2 term of FloatingPoint sort
+ Note that this is IEEE 754 equality (as opposed to SMT-LIB \ccode{=}).
+ \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_eq', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_eq(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a normal floating-point number.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_normal', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_normal(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a subnormal floating-point number.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_subnormal', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_subnormal(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a floating-point number with zero value, i.e., +zero or -zero.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_zero', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_zero(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a floating-point number representing +oo or -oo.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_infinite', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_infinite(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a NaN.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_nan', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_nan(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a negative floating-point number.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_negative', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_negative(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Predicate indicating whether \c t is a positive floating-point number.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_is_positive', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_is_positive(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a single IEEE 754-2008 bit-vector into a floating-point number.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of a bit-vector term \c bv to a
+ floating-point term of sort \c s.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param bv a bit-vector term
+ \param s floating-point sort
+ \c s must be a FloatingPoint sort, \c t must be of bit-vector sort, and the bit-vector
+ size of \c bv must be equal to \ccode{ebits+sbits} of \c s. The format of the bit-vector is
+ as defined by the IEEE 754-2008 interchange format.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_bv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast bv, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a FloatingPoint term into another term of different FloatingPoint sort.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of a floating-point term \c t to a
+ floating-point term of sort \c s. If necessary, the result will be rounded according
+ to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param s floating-point sort
+ \c s must be a FloatingPoint sort, \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t must be of floating-point sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_float', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_float(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a term of real sort into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of term \c t of real sort into a
+ floating-point term of sort \c s. If necessary, the result will be rounded according
+ to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of Real sort
+ \param s floating-point sort
+ \c s must be a FloatingPoint sort, \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t must be of real sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_real', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a 2's complement signed bit-vector term into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of the bit-vector term \c t into a
+ floating-point term of sort \c s. The bit-vector \c t is taken to be in signed
+ 2's complement format. If necessary, the result will be rounded according
+ to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of bit-vector sort
+ \param s floating-point sort
+ \c s must be a FloatingPoint sort, \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t must be of bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_signed', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_signed(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a 2's complement unsigned bit-vector term into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of the bit-vector term \c t into a
+ floating-point term of sort \c s. The bit-vector \c t is taken to be in unsigned
+ 2's complement format. If necessary, the result will be rounded according
+ to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of bit-vector sort
+ \param s floating-point sort
+ \c s must be a FloatingPoint sort, \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c t must be of bit-vector sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a floating-point term into an unsigned bit-vector.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of the floating-point term \c t into a
+ bit-vector term of size \c sz in unsigned 2's complement format. If necessary, the result
+ will be rounded according to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param sz size of the resulting bit-vector
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_ubv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_ubv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, unsigned sz);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a floating-point term into a signed bit-vector.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of the floating-point term \c t into a
+ bit-vector term of size \c sz in signed 2's complement format. If necessary, the result
+ will be rounded according to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \param sz size of the resulting bit-vector
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_sbv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_sbv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, unsigned sz);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a floating-point term into a real-numbered term.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of the floating-point term \c t into a
+ real number. Note that this type of conversion will often result in non-linear
+ constraints over real terms.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_real', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /** @name Z3-specific floating-point extensions */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieves the number of bits reserved for the exponent in a FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param s FloatingPoint sort
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_ebits', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_ebits(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieves the number of bits reserved for the significand in a FloatingPoint sort.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param s FloatingPoint sort
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_sbits', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_sbits(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is a NaN.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_nan', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_nan(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is a +oo or -oo.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_inf', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_inf(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is +zero or -zero.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_zero', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_zero(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is normal.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_normal', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_normal(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is subnormal.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_subnormal', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_subnormal(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is positive.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_positive', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_positive(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Checks whether a given floating-point numeral is negative.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_is_numeral_negative', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_is_numeral_negative(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieves the sign of a floating-point literal as a bit-vector expression.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ Remarks: NaN is an invalid argument.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_sign_bv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_sign_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieves the significand of a floating-point literal as a bit-vector expression.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ Remarks: NaN is an invalid argument.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_significand_bv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_significand_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieves the sign of a floating-point literal.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ \param sgn sign
+ Remarks: sets \c sgn to 0 if `t' is positive and to 1 otherwise, except for
+ NaN, which is an invalid argument.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_sign', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(INT)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_sign(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t, int * sgn);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the significand value of a floating-point numeral as a string.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ Remarks: The significand \c s is always \ccode{0.0 <= s < 2.0}; the resulting string is long
+ enough to represent the real significand precisely.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_significand_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_significand_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the significand value of a floating-point numeral as a uint64.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ \param n pointer to output uint64
+ Remarks: This function extracts the significand bits in `t`, without the
+ hidden bit or normalization. Sets the \c Z3_INVALID_ARG error code if the
+ significand does not fit into a \c uint64. NaN is an invalid argument.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_significand_uint64', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(UINT64)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_significand_uint64(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t, uint64_t * n);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the exponent value of a floating-point numeral as a string.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ \param biased flag to indicate whether the result is in biased representation
+ Remarks: This function extracts the exponent in `t`, without normalization.
+ NaN is an invalid argument.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_exponent_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_exponent_string(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t, bool biased);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the exponent value of a floating-point numeral as a signed 64-bit integer
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ \param n exponent
+ \param biased flag to indicate whether the result is in biased representation
+ Remarks: This function extracts the exponent in `t`, without normalization.
+ NaN is an invalid argument.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_exponent_int64', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _out(INT64), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_exponent_int64(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t, int64_t * n, bool biased);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieves the exponent of a floating-point literal as a bit-vector expression.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t a floating-point numeral
+ \param biased flag to indicate whether the result is in biased representation
+ Remarks: This function extracts the exponent in `t`, without normalization.
+ NaN is an invalid arguments.
+ def_API('Z3_fpa_get_numeral_exponent_bv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fpa_get_numeral_exponent_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t, bool biased);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a floating-point term into a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param t term of FloatingPoint sort
+ \c t must have FloatingPoint sort. The size of the resulting bit-vector is automatically
+ determined.
+ Note that IEEE 754-2008 allows multiple different representations of NaN. This conversion
+ knows only one NaN and it will always produce the same bit-vector representation of
+ that NaN.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Conversion of a real-sorted significand and an integer-sorted exponent into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
+ Produces a term that represents the conversion of \ccode{sig * 2^exp} into a
+ floating-point term of sort \c s. If necessary, the result will be rounded
+ according to rounding mode \c rm.
+ \param c logical context
+ \param rm term of RoundingMode sort
+ \param exp exponent term of Int sort
+ \param sig significand term of Real sort
+ \param s FloatingPoint sort
+ \c s must be a FloatingPoint sort, \c rm must be of RoundingMode sort, \c exp must be of int sort, \c sig must be of real sort.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_int_real', AST, (_in(CONTEXT),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(AST),_in(SORT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_int_real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast exp, Z3_ast sig, Z3_sort s);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_macros.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1ac188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
+#ifndef Z3_bool_opt
+#define Z3_bool_opt Z3_bool
+#ifndef Z3_API
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+# define Z3_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
+# else
+# define Z3_API
+# endif
+#ifndef DEFINE_TYPE
+#define DEFINE_TYPE(T) typedef struct _ ## T *T
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_optimization.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_optimization.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ffd45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_optimization.h
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_optimization.h
+ Optimization facilities
+ Christoph M. Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2015-12-03
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Optimization facilities */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Create a new optimize context.
+ \remark User must use #Z3_optimize_inc_ref and #Z3_optimize_dec_ref to manage optimize objects.
+ Even if the context was created using #Z3_mk_context instead of #Z3_mk_context_rc.
+ def_API('Z3_mk_optimize', OPTIMIZE, (_in(CONTEXT), ))
+ */
+ Z3_optimize Z3_API Z3_mk_optimize(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Increment the reference counter of the given optimize context
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_inc_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_inc_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize d);
+ /**
+ \brief Decrement the reference counter of the given optimize context.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_dec_ref', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_dec_ref(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize d);
+ /**
+ \brief Assert hard constraint to the optimization context.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_assert_soft
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_assert', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_assert(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_ast a);
+ /**
+ \brief Assert soft constraint to the optimization context.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param a - formula
+ \param weight - a positive weight, penalty for violating soft constraint
+ \param id - optional identifier to group soft constraints
+ \sa Z3_optimize_assert
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_assert_soft', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(AST), _in(STRING), _in(SYMBOL)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_optimize_assert_soft(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_ast a, Z3_string weight, Z3_symbol id);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a maximization constraint.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param t - arithmetical term
+ \sa Z3_optimize_minimize
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_maximize', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_optimize_maximize(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Add a minimization constraint.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param t - arithmetical term
+ \sa Z3_optimize_maximize
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_minimize', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_optimize_minimize(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_ast t);
+ /**
+ \brief Create a backtracking point.
+ The optimize solver contains a set of rules, added facts and assertions.
+ The set of rules, facts and assertions are restored upon calling #Z3_optimize_pop.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_pop
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_push', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_push(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize d);
+ /**
+ \brief Backtrack one level.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_push
+ \pre The number of calls to pop cannot exceed calls to push.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_pop', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_pop(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize d);
+ /**
+ \brief Check consistency and produce optimal values.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param num_assumptions - number of additional assumptions
+ \param assumptions - the additional assumptions
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_reason_unknown
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_model
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_statistics
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_unsat_core
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_check', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_optimize_check(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, unsigned num_assumptions, Z3_ast const assumptions[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve a string that describes the last status returned by #Z3_optimize_check.
+ Use this method when #Z3_optimize_check returns \c Z3_L_UNDEF.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_reason_unknown', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE) ))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_reason_unknown(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize d);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve the model for the last #Z3_optimize_check
+ The error handler is invoked if a model is not available because
+ the commands above were not invoked for the given optimization
+ solver, or if the result was \c Z3_L_FALSE.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_model', MODEL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_model Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_model(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve the unsat core for the last #Z3_optimize_check
+ The unsat core is a subset of the assumptions \c a.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_unsat_core', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_unsat_core(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o);
+ /**
+ \brief Set parameters on optimization context.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param p - parameters
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_help
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_param_descrs
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_set_params', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(PARAMS)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_set_params(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_params p);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the parameter description set for the given optimize object.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_help
+ \sa Z3_optimize_set_params
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_param_descrs', PARAM_DESCRS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_param_descrs Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_param_descrs(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve lower bound value or approximation for the i'th optimization objective.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param idx - index of optimization objective
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_upper
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_lower_as_vector
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_upper_as_vector
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_lower', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_lower(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve upper bound value or approximation for the i'th optimization objective.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param idx - index of optimization objective
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_lower
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_lower_as_vector
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_upper_as_vector
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_upper', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_upper(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve lower bound value or approximation for the i'th optimization objective.
+ The returned vector is of length 3. It always contains numerals.
+ The three numerals are coefficients \c a, \c b, \c c and encode the result of
+ #Z3_optimize_get_lower \ccode{a * infinity + b + c * epsilon}.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param idx - index of optimization objective
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_lower
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_upper
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_upper_as_vector
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_lower_as_vector', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_lower_as_vector(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve upper bound value or approximation for the i'th optimization objective.
+ \param c - context
+ \param o - optimization context
+ \param idx - index of optimization objective
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_lower
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_upper
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_lower_as_vector
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_upper_as_vector', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_upper_as_vector(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, unsigned idx);
+ /**
+ \brief Print the current context as a string.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param o - optimization context.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_from_file
+ \sa Z3_optimize_from_string
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_optimize_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o);
+ /**
+ \brief Parse an SMT-LIB2 string with assertions,
+ soft constraints and optimization objectives.
+ Add the parsed constraints and objectives to the optimization context.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param o - optimize context.
+ \param s - string containing SMT2 specification.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_from_file
+ \sa Z3_optimize_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_from_string', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_from_string(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_string s);
+ /**
+ \brief Parse an SMT-LIB2 file with assertions,
+ soft constraints and optimization objectives.
+ Add the parsed constraints and objectives to the optimization context.
+ \param c - context.
+ \param o - optimize context.
+ \param s - path to file containing SMT2 specification.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_from_string
+ \sa Z3_optimize_to_string
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_from_file', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_optimize_from_file(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o, Z3_string s);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a string containing a description of parameters accepted by optimize.
+ \sa Z3_optimize_get_param_descrs
+ \sa Z3_optimize_set_params
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_help', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_help(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize t);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve statistics information from the last call to #Z3_optimize_check
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_statistics', STATS, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_stats Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_statistics(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize d);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the set of asserted formulas on the optimization context.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_assertions', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_assertions(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o);
+ /**
+ \brief Return objectives on the optimization context.
+ If the objective function is a max-sat objective it is returned
+ as a Pseudo-Boolean (minimization) sum of the form \ccode{(+ (if f1 w1 0) (if f2 w2 0) ...)}
+ If the objective function is entered as a maximization objective, then return
+ the corresponding minimization objective. In this way the resulting objective
+ function is always returned as a minimization objective.
+ def_API('Z3_optimize_get_objectives', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(OPTIMIZE)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_optimize_get_objectives(Z3_context c, Z3_optimize o);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_polynomial.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_polynomial.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f4815d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_polynomial.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_polynomial.h
+ Additional APIs for polynomials.
+ Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-12-09
+#ifndef Z3_POLYNOMIAL_H_
+#define Z3_POLYNOMIAL_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Polynomials */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Return the nonzero subresultants of \c p and \c q with respect to the "variable" \c x.
+ \pre \c p, \c q and \c x are Z3 expressions where \c p and \c q are arithmetic terms.
+ Note that, any subterm that cannot be viewed as a polynomial is assumed to be a variable.
+ Example: \ccode{f(a)} is a considered to be a variable in the polynomial \ccode{
+ f(a)*f(a) + 2*f(a) + 1}
+ def_API('Z3_polynomial_subresultants', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_polynomial_subresultants(Z3_context c, Z3_ast p, Z3_ast q, Z3_ast x);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_rcf.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_rcf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4ecbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_rcf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_rcf.h
+ Additional APIs for handling elements of the Z3 real closed field that contains:
+ - transcendental extensions
+ - infinitesimal extensions
+ - algebraic extensions
+ Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-01-05
+#ifndef Z3_RCF_H_
+#define Z3_RCF_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Real Closed Fields */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Delete a RCF numeral created using the RCF API.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_del', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_rcf_del(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a RCF rational using the given string.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mk_rational', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(STRING)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_mk_rational(Z3_context c, Z3_string val);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a RCF small integer.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mk_small_int', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(INT)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_mk_small_int(Z3_context c, int val);
+ /**
+ \brief Return Pi
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mk_pi', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_mk_pi(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return e (Euler's constant)
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mk_e', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_mk_e(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Return a new infinitesimal that is smaller than all elements in the Z3 field.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT),))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_mk_infinitesimal(Z3_context c);
+ /**
+ \brief Store in roots the roots of the polynomial \ccode{a[n-1]*x^{n-1} + ... + a[0]}.
+ The output vector \c roots must have size \c n.
+ It returns the number of roots of the polynomial.
+ \pre The input polynomial is not the zero polynomial.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mk_roots', UINT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(UINT), _in_array(1, RCF_NUM), _out_array(1, RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ unsigned Z3_API Z3_rcf_mk_roots(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_rcf_num const a[], Z3_rcf_num roots[]);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{a + b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_add', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_add(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{a - b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_sub', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_sub(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{a * b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_mul', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_mul(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{a / b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_div', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_div(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{-a}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_neg', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_neg(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{1/a}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_inv', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_inv(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a);
+ /**
+ \brief Return the value \ccode{a^k}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_power', RCF_NUM, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_rcf_num Z3_API Z3_rcf_power(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, unsigned k);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \ccode{a < b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_lt', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_rcf_lt(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \ccode{a > b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_gt', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_rcf_gt(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \ccode{a <= b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_le', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_rcf_le(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \ccode{a >= b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_ge', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_rcf_ge(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \ccode{a == b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_eq', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_rcf_eq(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Return \c true if \ccode{a != b}.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_neq', BOOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ bool Z3_API Z3_rcf_neq(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num b);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the RCF numeral into a string.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_num_to_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(BOOL), _in(BOOL)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_rcf_num_to_string(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, bool compact, bool html);
+ /**
+ \brief Convert the RCF numeral into a string in decimal notation.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_num_to_decimal_string', STRING, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_string Z3_API Z3_rcf_num_to_decimal_string(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, unsigned prec);
+ /**
+ \brief Extract the "numerator" and "denominator" of the given RCF numeral.
+ We have that \ccode{a = n/d}, moreover \c n and \c d are not represented using rational functions.
+ def_API('Z3_rcf_get_numerator_denominator', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(RCF_NUM), _out(RCF_NUM), _out(RCF_NUM)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_rcf_get_numerator_denominator(Z3_context c, Z3_rcf_num a, Z3_rcf_num * n, Z3_rcf_num * d);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_spacer.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_spacer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09cbe6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_spacer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017 Arie Gurfinkel
+Module Name:
+ z3_spacer.h
+ Spacer API
+ Arie Gurfinkel (arie)
+#ifndef Z3_SPACER_H_
+#define Z3_SPACER_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ /** \defgroup capi C API */
+ /*@{*/
+ /** @name Spacer facilities */
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+ \brief Pose a query against the asserted rules at the given level.
+ \code
+ query ::= (exists (bound-vars) query)
+ | literals
+ \endcode
+ query returns
+ - \c Z3_L_FALSE if the query is unsatisfiable.
+ - \c Z3_L_TRUE if the query is satisfiable. Obtain the answer by calling #Z3_fixedpoint_get_answer.
+ - \c Z3_L_UNDEF if the query was interrupted, timed out or otherwise failed.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_query_from_lvl', INT, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(AST), _in(UINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_lbool Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_query_from_lvl (Z3_context c,Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_ast query, unsigned lvl);
+ /**
+ \brief Retrieve a bottom-up (from query) sequence of ground facts
+ The previous call to #Z3_fixedpoint_query must have returned \c Z3_L_TRUE.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_ground_sat_answer', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_ground_sat_answer(Z3_context c,Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Obtain the list of rules along the counterexample trace.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_rules_along_trace', AST_VECTOR, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_rules_along_trace(Z3_context c,Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Obtain the list of rules along the counterexample trace.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_rule_names_along_trace', SYMBOL, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT)))
+ */
+ Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_rule_names_along_trace(Z3_context c,Z3_fixedpoint d);
+ /**
+ \brief Add an invariant for the predicate \c pred.
+ Add an assumed invariant of predicate \c pred.
+ Note: this functionality is Spacer specific.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_add_invariant', VOID, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(FUNC_DECL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ void Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_add_invariant(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_func_decl pred, Z3_ast property);
+ /**
+ Retrieve reachable states of a predicate.
+ Note: this functionality is Spacer specific.
+ def_API('Z3_fixedpoint_get_reachable', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(FIXEDPOINT), _in(FUNC_DECL)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_fixedpoint_get_reachable(Z3_context c, Z3_fixedpoint d, Z3_func_decl pred);
+ /**
+ \brief Project variables given a model
+ def_API('Z3_qe_model_project', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, APP), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_qe_model_project
+ (Z3_context c,
+ Z3_model m,
+ unsigned num_bounds,
+ Z3_app const bound[],
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /**
+ \brief Project variables given a model
+ def_API('Z3_qe_model_project_skolem', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(UINT), _in_array(2, APP), _in(AST), _in(AST_MAP)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_qe_model_project_skolem
+ (Z3_context c,
+ Z3_model m,
+ unsigned num_bounds,
+ Z3_app const bound[],
+ Z3_ast body,
+ Z3_ast_map map);
+ /**
+ \brief Extrapolates a model of a formula
+ def_API('Z3_model_extrapolate', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(MODEL), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_model_extrapolate
+ (Z3_context c,
+ Z3_model m,
+ Z3_ast fml);
+ /**
+ \brief Best-effort quantifier elimination
+ def_API ('Z3_qe_lite', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST_VECTOR), _in(AST)))
+ */
+ Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_qe_lite
+ (Z3_context c,
+ Z3_ast_vector vars,
+ Z3_ast body);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_v1.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_v1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66de943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_v1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ z3_v1.h
+ Z3 1.x backwards compatibility macros.
+ These macros are used to simulate the Z3 API using in the 1.x versions.
+ This file should only be used by users still using the Z3 1.x API.
+ Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2011-09-22
+#ifndef Z3_V1_H_
+#define Z3_V1_H_
+#include "api/z3.h"
+// Backwards compatibility
+#define Z3_type_ast Z3_sort
+#define Z3_const_decl_ast Z3_func_decl
+#define Z3_const Z3_app
+#define Z3_pattern_ast Z3_pattern
+#define Z3_INT_TYPE Z3_INT_SORT
+#define Z3_BV_TYPE Z3_BV_SORT
+#define Z3_TYPE_AST Z3_SORT_AST
+#define Z3_mk_uninterpreted_type Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort
+#define Z3_mk_bool_type Z3_mk_bool_sort
+#define Z3_mk_int_type Z3_mk_int_sort
+#define Z3_mk_real_type Z3_mk_real_sort
+#define Z3_mk_bv_type Z3_mk_bv_sort
+#define Z3_mk_array_type Z3_mk_array_sort
+#define Z3_mk_tuple_type Z3_mk_tuple_sort
+#define Z3_get_type Z3_get_sort
+#define Z3_get_pattern_ast Z3_get_pattern
+#define Z3_get_type_kind Z3_get_sort_kind
+#define Z3_get_type_name Z3_get_sort_name
+#define Z3_get_bv_type_size Z3_get_bv_sort_size
+#define Z3_get_array_type_domain Z3_get_array_sort_domain
+#define Z3_get_array_type_range Z3_get_array_sort_range
+#define Z3_get_tuple_type_num_fields Z3_get_tuple_sort_num_fields
+#define Z3_get_tuple_type_field_decl Z3_get_tuple_sort_field_decl
+#define Z3_get_tuple_type_mk_decl Z3_get_tuple_sort_mk_decl
+#define Z3_to_const_ast Z3_to_app
+#define Z3_get_numeral_value_string Z3_get_numeral_string
+#define Z3_get_const_ast_decl Z3_get_app_decl
+#define Z3_get_value Z3_eval_func_decl
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_version.h b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_version.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9ad68a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor.endpoint/lib/linux/z3/include/z3_version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// automatically generated file.
+#define Z3_MAJOR_VERSION 4
+#define Z3_MINOR_VERSION 8
+#define Z3_BUILD_NUMBER 4
+#define Z3_REVISION_NUMBER 10272
+#define Z3_FULL_VERSION "Z3 d6df51951f4c master z3-4.8.4"