path: root/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af05d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+### 1. Requirement
+Supported version is as followings.
+- Eclipse: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
+- Xtend: 2.13.0.v20171020-0920
+- Xtext: 2.13.0.v20171020-0920
+- java: openjdk-8-jre-headless
+### 2. How to prepare Eclipse
+#### 2-1. Download Eclipse Modeling Tools x86_64
+ https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/oxygen/3a/eclipse-modeling-tools
+#### 2-2. Prepare the source code
+ git clone https://git.automotivelinux.org/staging/rba-tool
+#### 2-3. Boot Eclipse
+- Extract the zip, then boot eclipse.
+### 3. How to prepare Eclipse plugin
+#### 3-1. Download tmf-xtext-2.13
+- Download Xtext 2.13.0 (2017/10/20) from the following site.
+ https://www.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/downloads/index.php?showAll=1&hlbuild=R201710200920&project=xtext#R201710200920
+- Extract the downloaded zip.
+#### 3-2. Install tmf-xtext-2.13
+- Eclipse -> Help -> install new software -> Add -> Local
+- Select the folder extracted from the zip on the step 2-1.
+- Set 'Local' to 'Name:' of 'Add Repository' dialog. Any name is OK. Then, push 'OK'.
+- After that, follow the sequence of the wizard, as for settings designated as bellow.
+ - For 'Install Remediation Page' dialog, select the following.
+ - 'Update my installation to be compatible with the items being installed.'
+ - For, the license term agreement, select the following.
+ - 'I accept the terms of the license agreement'.
+#### 3-3. Check the installed plugins
+- Eclipse -> Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details
+- Check that followings are present.
+ - Xtend IDE 2.13.0.v20171020-0920 org.eclipse.xtend.sdk.feature.group Eclipse Xtend
+ - Xtext Complete SDK 2.13.0.v20171020-0920 org.eclipse.xtext.sdk.feature.group Eclipse Xtext
+### 4. How to build
+#### 4-1. Prepare to import
+- File -> Import -> General -> 'Existing Projects into Workspace' -> Next
+#### 4-2. Designate the import target directory
+- Set the rba-tool on the step 1-2. for 'Select root directory'.
+- Check 'Copy projects into workspace', then push 'Finish'.
+#### 4-3. Right click the following, and select 'Debug As -> MWE2Workflow'
+- rba.tool.editor -> src -> rba.tool.editor -> GenerateRBAModel.mwe2
+#### 4-4. Clean the entire workspace
+- Eclipse -> Project -> Clean
+#### 4-5. Auto-Build begins
+- Wait until the processing messages disappears in the right bottom corner of Eclipse.
+### 5. How to export JSONGenerator.jar
+#### 5-1. Prepare the entry point
+- Right click rba.tool.editor.endpoint -> xtend-gen -> rba.tool.editor.endpoint -> ServerLauncher.java.
+- Click 'Run As' -> '1 Java Application'.
+#### 5-2. Begin the export settings
+- Right click 'rba.tool.editor.endpoint'.
+- Export -> Java -> 'Runnable JAR file' -> Next
+#### 5-3. Fill out the export dialog
+- Set 'ServerLauncher - rba.tool.editor.endpoint' for 'Launch confinguration'.
+- Set 'any_folder\JSONGenerator.jar' for 'Export destination'.
+- Set 'Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR' for 'Library handling'.
+#### 5-4. Push the 'finish' button
+- After 'finish' pushed, there is warning message as following, but ignore it.
+- 'JAR export finished with warnings. See details for additional information.'
+#### 5-5. Outputted file
+- 'JSONGenerator_lib' and 'JSONGenerator.jar' is outputted to the folder designated on the step 5-3.
+### 6. Preparing the environment for execution
+#### 6-1. lib
+- Copy rba.tool.editor.endpoint->lib to the folder in which 'JSONGenerator_lib' and 'JSONGenerator.jar' is contained.
+#### 6-2. script
+- Copy rba.tool.editor.endpoint->script to the folder in which 'JSONGenerator_lib' and 'JSONGenerator.jar' is contained.
+#### 6-3. template
+- Copy rba.tool.editor.endpoint->template to the folder in which 'JSONGenerator_lib' and 'JSONGenerator.jar' is contained.
+### 7. Usage
+- If some errors occur, RBAModel.json is not generated (exit code 1).
+java -cp ./ -jar JSONGenerator.jar "[path to model directory]" "[path to output directory]"
+### 8. Example
+- RBAModel.json file is generated in directory same as JSONGenerator.jar
+java -cp ./ -jar JSONGenerator.jar "./model"
+- RBAModel.json file is generated in ~/ directory
+java -cp ./ -jar JSONGenerator.jar "./model" "~/"