path: root/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator
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Diffstat (limited to 'rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator')
16 files changed, 4051 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/RBAModelGeneratorDelegate.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/RBAModelGeneratorDelegate.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d0b582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/RBAModelGeneratorDelegate.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator
+import java.util.Set
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.GeneratorContext
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.OutputConfiguration
+import org.eclipse.xtext.util.CancelIndicator
+import rba.tool.editor.generator.json.IJSONGenerator
+import rba.tool.editor.generator.rtmodel.IRTModelUpdater
+import rba.tool.editor.generator.z3.IConstraintGenerator
+import rba.tool.editor.generator.z3.ISortValueGenerator
+class RBAModelGeneratorDelegate implements IGenerator, IGenerator2 {
+ @Inject(optional=true)
+ private ISortValueGenerator sortValueGenerator;
+ private ThreadLocal<Boolean> sortValueGeneratorInBuilding = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
+ override protected initialValue() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ @Inject(optional=true)
+ private IRTModelUpdater rtModelUpdater;
+ private ThreadLocal<Boolean> rtModelUpdaterInBuilding = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
+ override protected initialValue() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ @Inject(optional=true)
+ private IConstraintGenerator constraintGenerator;
+ private ThreadLocal<Boolean> constraintGeneratorInBuilding = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
+ override protected initialValue() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ @Inject(optional=true)
+ private IJSONGenerator jsonGenerator;
+ private ThreadLocal<Boolean> jsonGeneratorInBuilding = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
+ override protected initialValue() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ def public void generate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ generate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ def public void generate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ if (sortValueGenerator !== null && !sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.set(true);
+ }
+ if (rtModelUpdater !== null && !rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.set(true);
+ }
+ if (constraintGenerator !== null && !constraintGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ constraintGeneratorInBuilding.set(true);
+ }
+ if (jsonGenerator !== null && !jsonGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ jsonGeneratorInBuilding.set(true);
+ }
+ try {
+ beforeGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ doGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ } finally {
+ afterGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ }
+ override doGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ doGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ def void doGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ if (sortValueGenerator !== null && sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ sortValueGenerator.doGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (rtModelUpdater !== null && rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ rtModelUpdater.doGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (constraintGenerator !== null && constraintGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ constraintGenerator.doGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (jsonGenerator !== null && jsonGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ jsonGenerator.doGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ }
+ override beforeGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ beforeGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ def void beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ if (sortValueGenerator !== null && sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ sortValueGenerator.beforeGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (rtModelUpdater !== null && rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ rtModelUpdater.beforeGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (constraintGenerator !== null && constraintGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ constraintGenerator.beforeGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (jsonGenerator !== null && jsonGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ jsonGenerator.beforeGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ }
+ override afterGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ afterGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ def void afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ if (sortValueGenerator !== null && sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ sortValueGenerator.afterGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (rtModelUpdater !== null && rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ rtModelUpdater.afterGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (constraintGenerator !== null && constraintGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ constraintGenerator.afterGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ if (jsonGenerator !== null && jsonGeneratorInBuilding.get.booleanValue) {
+ jsonGenerator.afterGenerate(input, fsa, context);
+ }
+ }
+ override doGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess fsa) {
+ doGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa);
+ }
+ def void doGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess fsa) {
+ val casted = fsa as IFileSystemAccess2;
+ val context = new GeneratorContext();
+ context.setCancelIndicator(CancelIndicator.NullImpl);
+ try {
+ beforeGenerate(input, casted, context);
+ doGenerate(input, casted, context);
+ } finally {
+ afterGenerate(input, casted, context);
+ }
+ }
+ def public void setRBAModelInBuilding(boolean value) {
+ sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.set(value);
+ rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.set(value);
+ constraintGeneratorInBuilding.set(value);
+ jsonGeneratorInBuilding.set(value);
+ }
+ def public boolean isRBAModelInBuilding() {
+ if (sortValueGeneratorInBuilding.get().booleanValue) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (rtModelUpdaterInBuilding.get().booleanValue) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (constraintGeneratorInBuilding.get().booleanValue) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (jsonGeneratorInBuilding.get().booleanValue) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ def public Set<OutputConfiguration> getRBAModelGeneratorOutputConfigurations() {
+ return newHashSet(IJSONGenerator.OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION);
+ }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/RBAModelGeneratorExtensions.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/RBAModelGeneratorExtensions.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8666e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/RBAModelGeneratorExtensions.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator
+import java.util.HashMap
+import java.util.Map
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
+import rba.core.AbstractProperty
+import rba.core.AllocatedContent
+import rba.core.AndOperator
+import rba.core.Content
+import rba.core.ContentSet
+import rba.core.ContentValue
+import rba.core.ExistsOperator
+import rba.core.Expression
+import rba.core.ForAllOperator
+import rba.core.GetAllocatables
+import rba.core.GetContentsList
+import rba.core.GetProperty
+import rba.core.IfActionOperator
+import rba.core.IfStatement
+import rba.core.ImpliesOperator
+import rba.core.IntegerValue
+import rba.core.IsActive
+import rba.core.IsCanceled
+import rba.core.IsDisappeared
+import rba.core.IsEqualToOperator
+import rba.core.IsGreaterThanEqualOperator
+import rba.core.IsGreaterThanOperator
+import rba.core.IsLowerThanEqualOperator
+import rba.core.IsLowerThanOperator
+import rba.core.IsOn
+import rba.core.LambdaExpression
+import rba.core.MaxValue
+import rba.core.MinValue
+import rba.core.NoneValue
+import rba.core.NotOperator
+import rba.core.ObjectCompare
+import rba.core.ObjectReference
+import rba.core.OffScene
+import rba.core.OnScene
+import rba.core.OrOperator
+import rba.core.PreviousModifier
+import rba.core.Scene
+import rba.core.SetOfOperator
+import rba.core.SetProperty
+import rba.core.StandardValue
+import rba.core.Variable
+import rba.sound.AllInstanceOfSoundContent
+import rba.sound.AllInstanceOfZone
+import rba.sound.IsAttenuated
+import rba.sound.IsMuted
+import rba.sound.IsOutputted
+import rba.sound.IsSounding
+import rba.sound.OutputtingSound
+import rba.sound.Zone
+import rba.sound.ZoneSet
+import rba.view.AllInstanceOfArea
+import rba.view.AllInstanceOfViewContent
+import rba.view.Area
+import rba.view.AreaSet
+import rba.view.DisplayingContent
+import rba.view.IsDisplayed
+import rba.view.IsHidden
+import rba.view.IsVisible
+import rba.core.ContentState
+import rba.core.State
+class RBAModelGeneratorExtensions {
+ public int operandIndex = 1;
+ public Map<EObject, String> variableNames = new HashMap<EObject, String>();
+ def public compile(Expression e, String text) '''
+ «e.compile(null, text, null)»
+ '''
+ def public compile(Expression e, LambdaExpression le, String text1, String text2) '''
+ «IF e instanceof IsEqualToOperator »
+ «(e as IsEqualToOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsGreaterThanOperator »
+ «(e as IsGreaterThanOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsLowerThanOperator »
+ «(e as IsLowerThanOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsGreaterThanEqualOperator »
+ «(e as IsGreaterThanEqualOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsLowerThanEqualOperator »
+ «(e as IsLowerThanEqualOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof AndOperator »
+ «(e as AndOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof OrOperator»
+ «(e as OrOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof NotOperator»
+ «(e as NotOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof ImpliesOperator»
+ «(e as ImpliesOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsActive»
+ «(e as IsActive).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsVisible»
+ «(e as IsVisible).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof GetAllocatables»
+ «(e as GetAllocatables).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsDisplayed»
+ «(e as IsDisplayed).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsHidden»
+ «(e as IsHidden).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof DisplayingContent»
+ «(e as DisplayingContent).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof AllocatedContent»
+ «(e as AllocatedContent).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof GetContentsList»
+ «(e as GetContentsList).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof ContentValue»
+ «(e as ContentValue).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof ObjectReference»
+ «(e as ObjectReference).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof PreviousModifier»
+ «(e as PreviousModifier).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof ObjectCompare»
+ «(e as ObjectCompare).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof ForAllOperator»
+ «(e as ForAllOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof ExistsOperator»
+ «(e as ExistsOperator).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof AllInstanceOfArea»
+ «(e as AllInstanceOfArea).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof AllInstanceOfViewContent»
+ «(e as AllInstanceOfViewContent).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof AllInstanceOfZone»
+ «(e as AllInstanceOfZone).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof AllInstanceOfSoundContent»
+ «(e as AllInstanceOfSoundContent).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof SetOfOperator»
+ «(e as SetOfOperator).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IfStatement»
+ «(e as IfStatement).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsOn»
+ «(e as IsOn).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsDisappeared»
+ «(e as IsDisappeared).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsCanceled»
+ «(e as IsCanceled).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof GetProperty»
+ «(e as GetProperty).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof SetProperty»
+ «(e as SetProperty).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof OffScene»
+ «(e as OffScene).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof OnScene»
+ «(e as OnScene).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsSounding»
+ «(e as IsSounding).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsOutputted»
+ «(e as IsOutputted).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsMuted»
+ «(e as IsMuted).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof OutputtingSound»
+ «(e as OutputtingSound).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IsAttenuated»
+ «(e as IsAttenuated).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IfActionOperator»
+ «(e as IfActionOperator).compile(le, text1, text2)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof MaxValue»
+ «(e as MaxValue).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof MinValue»
+ «(e as MinValue).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof NoneValue»
+ «(e as NoneValue).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof StandardValue»
+ «(e as StandardValue).compile(text1)»
+ «ELSEIF e instanceof IntegerValue»
+ «(e as IntegerValue).compile(text1)»
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsEqualToOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isEqualToOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsEqualToOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsEqualToOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsGreaterThanOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isGreaterThanOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsGreaterThanOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsGreaterThanOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsLowerThanOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isLowerThanOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsLowerThanOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsLowerThanOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsGreaterThanEqualOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isGreaterThanEqualOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsGreaterThanEqualOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsGreaterThanEqualOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsLowerThanEqualOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isLowerThanEqualOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsLowerThanEqualOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsLowerThanEqualOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(AndOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "andOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBAndOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBAndOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(OrOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "orOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBOrOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBOrOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(NotOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "notOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBNotOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBNotOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(ImpliesOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "impliesOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBImpliesOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBImpliesOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(ObjectCompare o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "objectCompair_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBObjectCompare «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBObjectCompare();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsActive o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isActive_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsActive «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsActive();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsVisible o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isVisible_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsVisible «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsVisible();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(GetAllocatables o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "getAllocatables_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBGetAllocatables «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBGetAllocatables();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsDisplayed o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isDisplayed_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsDisplayed «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsDisplayed();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsHidden o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isHidden_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsHidden «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsHidden();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(DisplayingContent o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "displayingContent_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBDisplayingContent «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBDisplayingContent();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(AllocatedContent o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "allocatedContent_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBAllocatedContent «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBAllocatedContent();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(GetContentsList o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "getContentsList_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBGetContentsList «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBGetContentsList();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(ContentValue o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "contentValue_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBContentValue «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBContentValue();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ public static final String DummyIndicateCharacter = "|"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ def public compile(ObjectReference o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "objectReference_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBObjectReference «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBObjectReference();
+ «name».setRefObject(«IF o.refObject instanceof Scene »model.getScene("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof ContentState »model.getContentState("«(o.refObject as ContentState)»", "«»"));
+ «ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof AbstractProperty »model.getProperty("«(o.refObject as AbstractProperty)»", "«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof Zone »model.getAllocatable("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof ZoneSet»model.getAllocatableSet("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof Area »model.getAllocatable("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof Content»model.getContent("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof AreaSet»model.getAllocatableSet("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof ContentSet»model.getContentSet("«»"));«ELSEIF o.refObject instanceof Variable»«IF variableNames.containsKey(o.refObject)»«variableNames.get(o.refObject)»«ELSE»null«ENDIF»);«ENDIF»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(PreviousModifier o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "previousModifier_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBPreviousModifier «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBPreviousModifier();
+ «IF o.objReference !== null»
+ «o.objReference.compile(name + ".setObjReference")»
+ «ELSE»
+ «name».setObjReference(null);
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(ForAllOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "forAllOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBForAllOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBForAllOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0 && o.lambda !== null»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(o.lambda, name + ".getOperands().add", name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(ExistsOperator o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "existsOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBExistsOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBExistsOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0 && o.lambda !== null»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(o.lambda, name + ".getOperands().add", name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(LambdaExpression o, String addExpressionStatement, String refContextObjectName, String setExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "lambdaExpression_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBLambdaExpression «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBLambdaExpression();
+ «name».setContext(«refContextObjectName»);
+ «IF o.x !== null && o.bodyText !== null»
+ «(o.x).compile(name + ".setX", setExpressionStatement)»
+ «(o.bodyText).compile(name + ".setBodyText")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(Variable v, String addExpressionStatement, String refExpressionObjectName) '''
+ «var name = "variable_" + operandIndex++»
+ «variableNames.put(v, name)»
+ ARBVariable «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBVariable();
+ «name».setDescription(«IF v.description === null»""«ELSEIF v.description.empty»""«ELSE»«v.description»«ENDIF»);
+ «name».setName("«»");
+ «name».setType(ARB«v.expressionType.class.simpleName».«v.expressionType.getName»);
+ «name».setExpression(«refExpressionObjectName»);
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(AllInstanceOfArea o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "allInstanceOfArea_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBAllInstanceOfArea «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBAllInstanceOfArea();
+ «name».setRefObject(model.getAllArea());
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(AllInstanceOfViewContent o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "allInstanceOfViewContent_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBAllInstanceOfContent «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBAllInstanceOfContent();
+ «name».setRefObject(model.getAllViewContent());
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(AllInstanceOfZone o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "allInstanceOfZone_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBAllInstanceOfZone «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBAllInstanceOfZone();
+ «name».setRefObject(model.getAllZone());
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(AllInstanceOfSoundContent o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "allInstanceOfSoundContent_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBAllInstanceOfSoundContent «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBAllInstanceOfSoundContent();
+ «name».setRefObject(model.getAllSoundContent());
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(SetOfOperator o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "setOfOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBSetOfOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBSetOfOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IfStatement o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "ifStatement_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIfStatement «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIfStatement();
+ «IF o.condition !== null»
+ «(o.condition).compile(name + ".setCondition")»
+ «IF o.thenExpression !== null»
+ «(o.thenExpression).compile(name + ".setThenExpression")»
+ «IF o.elseExpression !== null»
+ «(o.elseExpression).compile(name + ".setElseExpression")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsOn o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isOn_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsOn «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsOn();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsDisappeared o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isDisappeared_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsDisappeared «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsDisappeared();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsCanceled o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isCanceled_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsCanceled «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsCanceled();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(GetProperty o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "getProperty_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBGetProperty «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBGetProperty();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(SetProperty o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "setProperty_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBSetProperty «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBSetProperty();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(OffScene o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "offScene_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBOffScene «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBOffScene();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(OnScene o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "onScene_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBOnScene «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBOnScene();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsSounding o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isSounding_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsSounding «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsSounding();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsOutputted o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isOutputted_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsOutputted «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsOutputted();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsMuted o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isMuted_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsMuted «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsMuted();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(OutputtingSound o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "outputtingSound_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBOutputtingSound «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBOutputtingSound();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IsAttenuated o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "isAttenuated_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIsAttenuated «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIsAttenuated();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «(o.operand.get(0)).compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IfActionOperator o, LambdaExpression le, String addExpressionStatement, String parentName) '''
+ «var name = "ifActionOperator_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIfActionOperator «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIfActionOperator();
+ «IF o.operand !== null && o.operand.size > 0»
+ «FOR op : o.operand»
+ «op.compile(name + ".getOperands().add")»
+ «IF le !== null && parentName !== null && !parentName.empty»
+ «le.compile(parentName + ".setLambda", parentName, name)»
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(MaxValue o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "maxValue_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBMaxValue «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBMaxValue();
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(MinValue o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "minValue_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBMinValue «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBMinValue();
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(NoneValue o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "noneValue_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBNoneValue «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBNoneValue();
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(StandardValue o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "standardValue_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBStandardValue «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBStandardValue();
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+ def public compile(IntegerValue o, String addExpressionStatement) '''
+ «var name = "integerValue_" + operandIndex++»
+ ARBIntegerValue «name» = ArbFactory.eINSTANCE.createARBIntegerValue();
+ «name».setValue(«o.value»);
+ «addExpressionStatement»(«name»);
+ '''
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/AbstractJSONGenerator.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/AbstractJSONGenerator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5715e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/AbstractJSONGenerator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.json
+import java.util.List
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.emf.workspace.util.WorkspaceSynchronizer
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.AbstractFileSystemAccess
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.AbstractGenerator
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+import rba.tool.editor.model.manager.ResourceManager
+import rba.view.Display
+abstract class AbstractJSONGenerator extends AbstractGenerator implements IJSONGenerator {
+ override doGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ doGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ override beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override doGenerate(ResourceSet resourceSet, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ if (resourceSet.resources.empty) {
+ return;
+ }
+ val resource = resourceSet.resources.get(0);
+ val file = WorkspaceSynchronizer.getFile(resource);
+ if (!file.exists) {
+ return;
+ }
+ val project = file.project;
+ if (project === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(fsa instanceof AbstractFileSystemAccess)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ val allDisplays = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaDisplays(resourceSet);
+ fsa.generateFile("data.js",, createJSONFile(allDisplays));
+ }
+ def abstract public String createJSONFile(List<Display> displays);
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/IJSONGenerator.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/IJSONGenerator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e65c130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/IJSONGenerator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.json
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.OutputConfiguration
+interface IJSONGenerator extends IGenerator2 {
+ static OutputConfiguration OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION = new JSONGeneratorOutputConfiguration();
+ def void doGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/JSONGeneratorOutputConfiguration.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/JSONGeneratorOutputConfiguration.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6a73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/json/JSONGeneratorOutputConfiguration.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.json
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.OutputConfiguration
+class JSONGeneratorOutputConfiguration extends OutputConfiguration {
+ new() {
+ setDescription("Output Folder");
+ setOutputDirectory("./.RBATool/graphicalview/data");
+ setOverrideExistingResources(true);
+ setCreateOutputDirectory(true);
+ setCleanUpDerivedResources(true);
+ setSetDerivedProperty(true);
+ setKeepLocalHistory(true);
+ }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/rtmodel/AbstractRTModelUpdater.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/rtmodel/AbstractRTModelUpdater.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4435813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/rtmodel/AbstractRTModelUpdater.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.rtmodel
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.AbstractGenerator
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+abstract class AbstractRTModelUpdater extends AbstractGenerator implements IRTModelUpdater {
+ override doGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ doGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ override beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+// override doGenerate(ResourceSet resourceSet, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+// }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/rtmodel/IRTModelUpdater.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/rtmodel/IRTModelUpdater.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010e508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/rtmodel/IRTModelUpdater.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.rtmodel
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+interface IRTModelUpdater extends IGenerator2 {
+ def void doGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b587cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import rba.core.AbstractAllocatable;
+import rba.core.AbstractConstraint;
+import rba.core.AbstractContent;
+import rba.core.ActiveContents;
+import rba.core.Allocatable;
+import rba.core.AllocatableSet;
+import rba.core.AllocatedContent;
+import rba.core.AndOperator;
+import rba.core.ComplexExpression;
+import rba.core.Constraint;
+import rba.core.Content;
+import rba.core.ContentSet;
+import rba.core.ContentValue;
+import rba.core.ExistsOperator;
+import rba.core.Expression;
+import rba.core.ExpressionType;
+import rba.core.ForAllOperator;
+import rba.core.GetAllocatables;
+import rba.core.GetContentsList;
+import rba.core.GetProperty;
+import rba.core.HasBeenDisplayed;
+import rba.core.HasComeEarlierThan;
+import rba.core.HasComeLaterThan;
+import rba.core.IfStatement;
+import rba.core.ImpliesOperator;
+import rba.core.IntegerProperty;
+import rba.core.IntegerValue;
+import rba.core.IsActive;
+import rba.core.IsCanceled;
+import rba.core.IsDisappeared;
+import rba.core.IsEqualToOperator;
+import rba.core.IsGreaterThanEqualOperator;
+import rba.core.IsGreaterThanOperator;
+import rba.core.IsLowerThanEqualOperator;
+import rba.core.IsLowerThanOperator;
+import rba.core.IsOn;
+import rba.core.LambdaContext;
+import rba.core.LambdaExpression;
+import rba.core.NotOperator;
+import rba.core.ObjectCompare;
+import rba.core.ObjectReference;
+import rba.core.OrOperator;
+import rba.core.PreviousModifier;
+import rba.core.RuleObject;
+import rba.core.Scene;
+import rba.core.SetOfOperator;
+import rba.core.SugarExpression;
+import rba.core.Variable;
+import rba.sound.AllInstanceOfSoundContent;
+import rba.sound.AllInstanceOfZone;
+import rba.sound.IsAttenuated;
+import rba.sound.IsMuted;
+import rba.sound.IsOutputted;
+import rba.sound.IsSounding;
+import rba.sound.OutputtingSound;
+import rba.sound.SoundContent;
+import rba.sound.SoundContentSet;
+import rba.sound.Zone;
+import rba.sound.ZoneSet;
+import rba.view.AllInstanceOfArea;
+import rba.view.AllInstanceOfViewContent;
+import rba.view.Area;
+import rba.view.AreaSet;
+import rba.view.DisplayingContent;
+import rba.view.IsDisplayed;
+import rba.view.IsHidden;
+import rba.view.IsVisible;
+import rba.view.ViewContent;
+import rba.view.ViewContentSet;
+public class ConstraintCodeGenerationSupporter implements GeneratorConstants {
+ static ConstraintCodeTemplate template = new ConstraintCodeTemplate();
+ private List<Allocatable> allocatableList = new ArrayList<Allocatable>();
+ private int areaListEndIndex;
+ private List<Content> contentList = new ArrayList<Content>();
+ private int viewContentListEndIndex;
+ private int soundContentListEndIndex;
+ private List<ContentSet> contentSetList = new ArrayList<ContentSet>();
+ private int viewContentSetListEndIndex;
+ private List<AllocatableSet> allocatableSetList = new ArrayList<AllocatableSet>();
+ private int areaSetListEndIndex;
+ private List<Variable> variableList;
+ private List<Constraint> constraintList;
+ private List<Scene> sceneList;
+ private List<SetOfOperator> setOfOpeList;
+ private Map<Variable, String> variableNameMap = new HashMap<Variable, String>();
+ private Map<AllocatableSet, String> allocatableSetNameMap = new HashMap<AllocatableSet, String>();
+ private Map<ContentSet, String> contentSetNameMap = new HashMap<ContentSet, String>();
+ private Map<String, String> SetOfNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ private List<ImpliseConstraintInfo> impliseMethodList = new ArrayList<ImpliseConstraintInfo>();
+ private List<ImpliseConstraintInfo> postImpliseMethodList = new ArrayList<ImpliseConstraintInfo>();
+ public String generate(List<ViewContent> viewContentList, List<SoundContent> soundContentList, List<Area> areaList, List<Zone> zoneList,
+ List<ViewContentSet> viewContentSetList, List<SoundContentSet> soundContentSetList, List<AreaSet> areaSetList, List<ZoneSet> zoneSetList, List<Variable> variables,
+ List<Constraint> constraints, List<Scene> scenes, List<SetOfOperator> setOfOperators) {
+ this.variableList = variables;
+ this.constraintList = constraints;
+ this.sceneList = scenes;
+ this.setOfOpeList = setOfOperators;
+ variableNameMap.clear();
+ allocatableSetNameMap.clear();
+ contentSetNameMap.clear();
+ SetOfNameMap.clear();
+ impliseMethodList.clear();
+ postImpliseMethodList.clear();
+ allocatableList.clear();
+ contentList.clear();
+ allocatableSetList.clear();
+ contentSetList.clear();
+ areaListEndIndex = areaList.size();
+ allocatableList.addAll(areaList);
+ allocatableList.addAll(zoneList);
+ viewContentListEndIndex = viewContentList.size();
+ soundContentListEndIndex = viewContentListEndIndex + soundContentList.size();
+ contentList.addAll(viewContentList);
+ contentList.addAll(soundContentList);
+ areaSetListEndIndex = areaSetList.size();
+ allocatableSetList.addAll(areaSetList);
+ allocatableSetList.addAll(zoneSetList);
+ viewContentSetListEndIndex = viewContentSetList.size();
+ contentSetList.addAll(viewContentSetList);
+ contentSetList.addAll(soundContentSetList);
+ StringBuilder setupList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder init_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder fieldVariableAdding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder allocatable_content_sizeAdding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder constraintList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder impliesConstraintMethodList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ setAllocatableContext(allocatableList.subList(0, areaListEndIndex), init_Adding, "Area");
+ setAllocatableContext(allocatableList.subList(areaListEndIndex, allocatableList.size()), init_Adding, "Zone");
+ setContetContext(contentList.subList(0, viewContentListEndIndex), init_Adding, "ViewContent");
+ setContetContext(contentList.subList(viewContentListEndIndex, soundContentListEndIndex), init_Adding, "SoundContent");
+ setAllocatableSetContext(AREASET_VAR_NAME, allocatableSetList.subList(0, areaSetListEndIndex), init_Adding, fieldVariableAdding, setupList_Adding);
+ setAllocatableSetContext(ZONESET_VAR_NAME, allocatableSetList.subList(areaSetListEndIndex, allocatableSetList.size()), init_Adding, fieldVariableAdding, setupList_Adding);
+ setContentSetContext(VIEW_CONTENTSET_VAR_NAME, contentSetList.subList(0, viewContentSetListEndIndex), init_Adding, fieldVariableAdding, setupList_Adding);
+ setContentSetContext(SOUND_CONTENTSET_VAR_NAME, contentSetList.subList(viewContentSetListEndIndex, contentSetList.size()), init_Adding, fieldVariableAdding,
+ setupList_Adding);
+ allocatable_content_sizeAdding.append(_8SPACES + "allocatableSize = ctx.mkInt(" + allocatableList.size() + ");" + NL);
+ allocatable_content_sizeAdding.append(_8SPACES + "contentSize = ctx.mkInt(" + contentList.size() + ");");
+ for (int i = 0; i < variableList.size(); i++) {
+ Variable variable = variableList.get(i);
+ String varName = VARIABLE_VAR_NAME + (i + 1);
+ String define = String.format(VARIABLE_DEFINE, varName);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + VARIABLE_CMT + variable.getName() + NL);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + define + NL);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + varName + ARRAY_TOP + String.format(SET_VARIABLE_VALUE, variable.getName()) + NL);
+ variableNameMap.put(variable, varName);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < setOfOpeList.size(); i++) {
+ SetOfOperator setOfOp = setOfOpeList.get(i);
+ String varName = SETOF_OP_VAR_NAME + (i + 1);
+ String expressionText = setOfOp.getExpressionText();
+ String string = SetOfNameMap.get(expressionText);
+ if (string != null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ SetOfNameMap.put(expressionText, varName);
+ String label = STR_QUOTE + CONSTRAINT_PREFIX + varName + STR_QUOTE;
+ String storeStr = getStoreExpr(setOfOp);
+ fieldVariableAdding.append(_4SPACES + ARRAY_EXPR_SORT + varName + END + NL);
+ setupList_Adding
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + varName + EQUAL + expressionText + NL);
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + varName + COMMA + storeStr + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ constraintList_Adding.append(NL);
+ for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.size(); i++) {
+ Constraint constraint = constraintList.get(i);
+ if (constraint.getExpression() == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ setConstraintList(constraintList_Adding, impliesConstraintMethodList_Adding, constraint, constraint.isRuntime(), i);
+ }
+ for (ImpliseConstraintInfo info : impliseMethodList) {
+ setImpliesConstraintMethod(impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding, info);
+ }
+ String invarianceConstraintStr = getInvarianceConstraintStr(false);
+ String invariancePreConstraintStr = getInvarianceConstraintStr(true);
+ template.allocatable_content_set_code = fieldVariableAdding.toString();
+ template.allocatable_content_size_code = allocatable_content_sizeAdding.toString();
+ template.setup_code = setupList_Adding.toString();
+ template.init_code = init_Adding.toString();
+ template.constraints_code = constraintList_Adding.toString();
+ template.implies_constraints_call_code = impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.toString();
+ template.implies_constraints_method_code = impliesConstraintMethodList_Adding.toString();
+ template.invariance_constr_code = invarianceConstraintStr;
+ template.invariance_pre_constr_code = invariancePreConstraintStr;
+ return template.getCompleteCode();
+ }
+ private void setAllocatableContext(List<Allocatable> list, StringBuilder init_Adding, String elementId) {
+ if (list.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable area = list.get(i);
+ String contents = getContents(area);
+ String storeStr = getStoreExpr(area);
+ int index = allocatableList.indexOf(area);
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + area.getName() + " = { " + contents + " }" + NL);
+ String selectLeft = EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_CONTENTS_LIST + COMMA + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (index + 1) + CLOSE + CLOSE;
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + selectLeft + COMMA + storeStr + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ String labelContentList = STR_QUOTE + CONSTRAINT_PREFIX + area.getName() + DOT + OP_CONTENTS_LIST + STR_QUOTE;
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + labelContentList + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ init_Adding.append(NL);
+ }
+ private void setContetContext(List<Content> list, StringBuilder init_Adding, String elementId) {
+ if (list.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = list.get(i);
+ String allocatable = getAllocatables(content);
+ String storeStr = getStoreExpr(content);
+ int index = contentList.indexOf(content);
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + content.getName() + " = { " + allocatable + " }" + NL);
+ String selectLeft = EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_ALLOCATABLE + COMMA + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (index + 1) + CLOSE + CLOSE;
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + selectLeft + COMMA + storeStr + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ String labelContentList = STR_QUOTE + CONSTRAINT_PREFIX + content.getName() + DOT + OP_ALLOCATABLE + STR_QUOTE;
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + labelContentList + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ init_Adding.append(NL);
+ }
+ private void setAllocatableSetContext(String name, List<AllocatableSet> list, StringBuilder init_Adding, StringBuilder fieldVariableAdding, StringBuilder setupList_Adding) {
+ if (list.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ AllocatableSet set = list.get(i);
+ String varName = name + (i + 1);
+ String label = STR_QUOTE + CONSTRAINT_PREFIX + set.getName() + STR_QUOTE;
+ String areas = getAreas(set);
+ String storeStr = getStoreExpr(set);
+ fieldVariableAdding.append(_4SPACES + ARRAY_EXPR_SORT + varName + END + NL);
+ setupList_Adding
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + set.getName() + " = { " + areas + " }" + NL);
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + varName + COMMA + storeStr + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ allocatableSetNameMap.put(set, varName);
+ }
+ setupList_Adding.append(NL);
+ init_Adding.append(NL);
+ }
+ private void setContentSetContext(String name, List<ContentSet> list, StringBuilder init_Adding, StringBuilder fieldVariableAdding, StringBuilder setupList_Adding) {
+ if (list.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ ContentSet contentSet = list.get(i);
+ String varName = name + (i + 1);
+ String label = STR_QUOTE + CONSTRAINT_PREFIX + contentSet.getName() + STR_QUOTE;
+ String contents = getContents(contentSet);
+ String storeStr = getStoreExpr(contentSet);
+ fieldVariableAdding.append(_4SPACES + ARRAY_EXPR_SORT + varName + END + NL);
+ setupList_Adding
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + contentSet.getName() + " = { " + contents + " }" + NL);
+ init_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + varName + COMMA + storeStr + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ contentSetNameMap.put(contentSet, varName);
+ }
+ init_Adding.append(NL);
+ }
+ private void setConstraintList(StringBuilder constraintList_Adding, StringBuilder impliesConstraintMethodList_Adding, AbstractConstraint constraint, boolean runtime,
+ int index) {
+ String label = STR_QUOTE + NUMBER + String.valueOf(index + 1) + ":" + constraint.getName() + STR_QUOTE;
+ String expressionText = constraint.getExpression().getExpressionText();
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + expressionText + NL);
+ String constraintContextString = "";
+ try {
+ constraintContextString = getContextString(constraint.getExpression());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ constraintList_Adding.append(NL);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ Expression targetExpression = constraint.getExpression() instanceof ComplexExpression ? ((ComplexExpression)constraint.getExpression()).getOtherExpression() : constraint.getExpression();
+ if (isBoolOperator(targetExpression)) {
+ constraintContextString = EX_BOOL_EXPR + constraintContextString;
+ }
+ String indent = "";
+ if (!runtime) {
+ indent = _4SPACES;
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + IF_OFFLINE + NL);
+ }
+ constraintList_Adding.append(indent + _8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + constraintContextString + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(indent + _8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + label + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ if (!runtime) {
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + BLOCK_CLOSE + NL);
+ }
+ constraintList_Adding.append(NL);
+ if (isImplieseOperator(targetExpression)) {
+ impliesConstraintMethodList_Adding.append(getimpliesConstraintMethodsStr(constraint, index));
+ }
+ }
+ private void setImpliesConstraintMethod(StringBuilder impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding, ImpliseConstraintInfo info) {
+ int index = info.getIndex() + 1;
+ String indent = "";
+ if (!info.isRuntime()) {
+ indent = _4SPACES;
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + IF_OFFLINE + NL);
+ }
+ String methodName = info.getMethodName();
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(indent + _8SPACES + String.format(IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL1, index) + methodName + END + NL);
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(indent + _8SPACES + String.format(IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL2, index, index) + NL);
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding
+ .append(indent + _4SPACES + _8SPACES + String.format(IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL3, index, info.getConstraint().getName(), index) + END + NL);
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(indent + _4SPACES + _8SPACES + String.format(IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL4, index) + NL);
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(indent + _8SPACES + _8SPACES + IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL5 + END + NL);
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(indent + _4SPACES + _8SPACES + BLOCK_CLOSE + NL);
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(indent + _8SPACES + BLOCK_CLOSE + NL);
+ if (!info.isRuntime()) {
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + BLOCK_CLOSE + NL);
+ }
+ impliesConstraintMethodCallList_Adding.append(NL);
+ }
+ private String getimpliesConstraintMethodsStr(AbstractConstraint constraint, int index) {
+ StringBuilder methodsCommentList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder constraintList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ Expression targetExpression = constraint.getExpression() instanceof ComplexExpression ? ((ComplexExpression)constraint.getExpression()).getOtherExpression() : constraint.getExpression();
+ Expression leftExpression = ((ImpliesOperator) targetExpression).getOperand().get(0);
+ ImpliseConstraintInfo info = new ImpliseConstraintInfo();
+ info.setIndex(index);
+ info.setConstraint(constraint);
+ String methodName = "";
+ String allConstMethodName = "";
+ if (constraint instanceof Constraint) {
+ // method name
+ methodName = String.format(IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_NAME, (index + 1));
+ allConstMethodName = "setAllConstraintContext";
+ info.setMethodName(methodName);
+ impliseMethodList.add(info);
+ }
+ // comment
+ methodsCommentList_Adding.append(_4SPACES + CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD1 + NL);
+ String leftText = leftExpression.getExpressionText();
+ methodsCommentList_Adding.append(_4SPACES + String.format(CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD2, leftText) + NL);
+ methodsCommentList_Adding.append(_4SPACES + CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD3 + constraint.getName() + NL);
+ methodsCommentList_Adding.append(_4SPACES + CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD4 + constraint.getExpression().getExpressionText());
+ if (isIncludeLambdaExpression(leftExpression)) {
+ List<Variable> list = getVariables(leftExpression);
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+ Variable variable = list.get(i);
+ String varName = variableNameMap.get(variable);
+ String define = String.format(VARIABLE_DEFINE, varName);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + VARIABLE_CMT + variable.getName() + NL);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + define + NL);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + varName + ARRAY_TOP + String.format(SET_VARIABLE_VALUE, variable.getName()) + NL);
+ }
+ constraintList_Adding.append(NL);
+ }
+ // constraint
+ String expression = getContextString(leftExpression);
+ String label = STR_QUOTE + NUMBER_ZERO + constraint.getName() + STR_QUOTE;
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + expression + COMMA + EX_CTX_MK_TRUE + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ constraintList_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + label + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ template.implies_constrName = label;
+ template.implies_constraints_comment_code = methodsCommentList_Adding.toString();
+ template.implies_constraints_methodName_code = _4SPACES + String.format(IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD, methodName);
+ template.implies_constraints_true_code = constraintList_Adding.toString();
+ return template.getImpliesConstraintMethodCode(allConstMethodName);
+ }
+ private String getInvarianceConstraintStr(boolean isPre) {
+ StringBuilder invariance_constr_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN01(isPre));
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(NL);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN02(isPre));
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(NL);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN03(isPre));
+ return invariance_constr_Adding.toString();
+ }
+ private String getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN01(boolean isPre) {
+ String preLabel = "";
+ String opDisplayingContent = OP_DISPLAYING_CONTENT;
+ if (isPre) {
+ opDisplayingContent = OP_PRE_DISPLAYING_CONTENT;
+ preLabel = "(pre)";
+ }
+ return getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN01_IN03_Impl(preLabel, opDisplayingContent, "IN01");
+ }
+ private String getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN01_IN03_Impl(String preLabel, String expr, String inKind) {
+ StringBuilder invariance_constr_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(_8SPACES + "// Area." + expr + " == contentsList.get(n) OR Area." + expr + " == contentsList.get(n+1) ...)");
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(NL);
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable mainArea = allocatableList.get(i);
+ String leftLabel = mainArea.getName() + "." + expr + " == ";
+ String areaMkInt = EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + String.valueOf(i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ String leftconstr = EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + expr + COMMA + areaMkInt + CLOSE + COMMA;
+ StringBuffer constrLabel = new StringBuffer();
+ StringBuffer constr = new StringBuffer();
+ constrLabel.append(STR_QUOTE + inKind +":Constraint " + preLabel + "_" + String.valueOf(i + 1) + " - (" + leftLabel);
+ List<Content> mainContents = mainArea.getContentsList();
+ int childSize = mainContents.size();
+ if (childSize == 0) {
+ constrLabel.append("NULL");
+ constr.append(leftconstr + "defNull" + CLOSE);
+ } else {
+ for (int k = 0; k < mainContents.size(); k++) {
+ Content content = mainContents.get(k);
+ String contentName = content.getName();
+ int index = contentList.indexOf(content);
+ String contentMkInt = EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + String.valueOf(index + 1) + CLOSE;
+ String subConstr = "";
+ if (k == 0 && k != mainContents.size() - 1) {
+ subConstr = EX_CTX_MK_OR + OPEN;
+ }
+ constrLabel.append(contentName);
+ constr.append(subConstr + leftconstr + contentMkInt + CLOSE);
+ if (k != mainContents.size() - 1) {
+ constrLabel.append(" OR ");
+ constr.append(COMMA);
+ } else {
+ if (mainContents.size() != 1) {
+ constr.append(CLOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ constrLabel.append(")" + STR_QUOTE);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + constr.toString() + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + constrLabel.toString() + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ return invariance_constr_Adding.toString();
+ }
+ private String getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN02(boolean isPre) {
+ int constNum = 1;
+ StringBuilder invariance_constr_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ String opIsDisplayed = OP_IS_DISPLAYED;
+ String opIsVisible = OP_IS_VISIBLE;
+ String preLabel = "";
+ if (isPre) {
+ opIsDisplayed = OP_PRE_IS_DISPLAYED;
+ opIsVisible = OP_PRE_IS_VISIBLE;
+ preLabel = "(pre)";
+ }
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(_8SPACES + "// a." + opIsDisplayed + "->c." + opIsVisible + " AND c." + opIsVisible + "->a." + opIsDisplayed);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(NL);
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable mainArea = allocatableList.get(i);
+ String areaIsDisplayed = mainArea.getName() + "." + opIsDisplayed;
+ String areaMkInt = EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + String.valueOf(i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ List<Content> mainContents = mainArea.getContentsList();
+ if (mainContents.size() != 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < mainContents.size(); j++) {
+ StringBuffer constrLabel = new StringBuffer();
+ StringBuffer constr = new StringBuffer();
+ Content mainContent = mainContents.get(j);
+ if (mainContent.getAllocatableList().size() != 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int index = contentList.indexOf(mainContent);
+ String contentIsVisible = mainContent.getName() + "." + opIsVisible;
+ String mainContentMkInt = EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + String.valueOf(index + 1) + CLOSE;
+ constrLabel.append(STR_QUOTE + "IN02:Constraint" + preLabel + "_" + String.valueOf(constNum) + " - " + areaIsDisplayed + " -> " + contentIsVisible + " AND "
+ + contentIsVisible + " -> " + areaIsDisplayed + STR_QUOTE);
+ constNum++;
+ constr.append(EX_CTX_MK_AND + OPEN);
+ constr.append(EX_CTX_MK_IMPLIES + OPEN + EX_BOOL_EXPR + EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + opIsDisplayed + COMMA + areaMkInt + CLOSE + COMMA + EX_BOOL_EXPR
+ + EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + opIsVisible + COMMA + mainContentMkInt + CLOSE + CLOSE);
+ constr.append(COMMA);
+ constr.append(EX_CTX_MK_IMPLIES + OPEN + EX_BOOL_EXPR + EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + opIsVisible + COMMA + mainContentMkInt + CLOSE + COMMA + EX_BOOL_EXPR
+ + EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + opIsDisplayed + COMMA + areaMkInt + CLOSE + CLOSE);
+ constr.append(CLOSE);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + constr.toString() + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ invariance_constr_Adding.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + constrLabel.toString() + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ }
+ return invariance_constr_Adding.toString();
+ }
+ private String getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN03(boolean isPre) {
+ String preLabel = "";
+ String opAllocatedContent = OP_ALLOCATED_CONTENT;
+ if (isPre) {
+ opAllocatedContent = OP_PRE_ALLOCATED_CONTENT;
+ preLabel = "(pre)";
+ }
+ return getInvarianceConstraintStr_IN01_IN03_Impl(preLabel, opAllocatedContent, "IN03");
+ }
+ private boolean isIncludeLambdaExpression(Expression expression) {
+ for (Iterator<EObject> iterator = expression.eAllContents(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ EObject object =;
+ if (object instanceof LambdaContext | object instanceof LambdaExpression) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private List<Variable> getVariables(Expression expression) {
+ List<Variable> list = new ArrayList<Variable>();
+ for (Iterator<EObject> iterator = expression.eAllContents(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ EObject object =;
+ if (object instanceof Variable) {
+ list.add((Variable) object);
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ private boolean isImplieseOperator(Expression expression) {
+ if (expression instanceof ImpliesOperator) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private boolean isBoolOperator(Expression expression) {
+ if (expression instanceof IsVisible) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsDisplayed) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsActive) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsHidden) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IfStatement) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsDisappeared) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsCanceled) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsMuted) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsOutputted) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsAttenuated) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsSounding) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsOn) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof HasBeenDisplayed) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof HasComeEarlierThan) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (expression instanceof HasComeLaterThan) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private String getStoreExpr(Allocatable allocatable) {
+ String context = EMP_ARRAY_CONST;
+ List<Content> contentsList = allocatable.getContentsList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ if (contentsList.contains(content)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String getStoreExpr(Content content) {
+ String context = EMP_ARRAY_CONST;
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable area = allocatableList.get(i);
+ if (content.getAllocatableList().contains(area)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String getStoreExpr(AllocatableSet allocatableSet) {
+ String context = EMP_ARRAY_CONST;
+ List<RuleObject> set = getRuleObjectsBySet(allocatableSet, new ArrayList<RuleObject>());
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable area = allocatableList.get(i);
+ if (set.contains(area)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String getStoreExpr(ContentSet contentSet) {
+ String context = EMP_ARRAY_CONST;
+ List<RuleObject> set = getRuleObjectsBySet(contentSet, new ArrayList<RuleObject>());
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ if (set.contains(content)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String getStoreExpr(SetOfOperator op) {
+ String context = EMP_ARRAY_CONST;
+ List<RuleObject> objects = new ArrayList<RuleObject>();
+ EList<Expression> operand = op.getOperand();
+ if (operand.isEmpty()) {
+ return context;
+ }
+ for (Expression expression : operand) {
+ if (!(expression instanceof ObjectReference)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RuleObject refObject = ((ObjectReference) expression).getRefObject();
+ if (refObject instanceof Content || refObject instanceof Allocatable) {
+ objects.add(refObject);
+ } else if (refObject instanceof ContentSet | refObject instanceof AllocatableSet) {
+ objects.addAll(getRuleObjectsBySet(refObject, new ArrayList<RuleObject>()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (objects.isEmpty()) {
+ return context;
+ }
+ if (objects.get(0) instanceof Area) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable area = allocatableList.get(i);
+ if (objects.contains(area)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (objects.get(0) instanceof Zone) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable zone = allocatableList.get(i);
+ if (objects.contains(zone)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (objects.get(0) instanceof ViewContent) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ if (objects.contains(content)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (objects.get(0) instanceof SoundContent) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ if (objects.contains(content)) {
+ context = String.format(STORE_TEMPLATE, context, (i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ private List<RuleObject> getRuleObjectsBySet(RuleObject refObject, List<RuleObject> elementSetList) {
+ Set<RuleObject> sets = new HashSet<RuleObject>();
+ if (refObject instanceof AllocatableSet) {
+ AllocatableSet set = (AllocatableSet) refObject;
+ for (AbstractAllocatable abst : set.getTarget()) {
+ if (abst instanceof Allocatable) {
+ sets.add(abst);
+ } else if (abst instanceof AllocatableSet) {
+ if (!elementSetList.contains(abst)) {
+ elementSetList.add(abst);
+ sets.addAll(getRuleObjectsBySet(abst, elementSetList));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (refObject instanceof ContentSet) {
+ ContentSet set = (ContentSet) refObject;
+ for (AbstractContent abst : set.getTarget()) {
+ if (abst instanceof Content) {
+ sets.add(abst);
+ } else if (abst instanceof ContentSet) {
+ if (!elementSetList.contains(abst)) {
+ elementSetList.add(abst);
+ sets.addAll(getRuleObjectsBySet(abst, elementSetList));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new ArrayList<RuleObject>(sets);
+ }
+ private String getContents(Allocatable allocatable) {
+ String contentStr = "";
+ List<Content> contents = allocatable.getContentsList();
+ for (Content content : contents) {
+ contentStr += content.getName();
+ if (contents.indexOf(content) != contents.size() - 1) {
+ contentStr += COMMA + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ return contentStr;
+ }
+ private String getAllocatables(Content content) {
+ String areas = "";
+ EList<Allocatable> allocatables = content.getAllocatableList();
+ for (AbstractAllocatable allocatable : allocatables) {
+ areas += allocatable.getName();
+ if (allocatables.indexOf(allocatable) != allocatables.size() - 1) {
+ areas += COMMA + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ return areas;
+ }
+ private String getAreas(AllocatableSet set) {
+ String areas = "";
+ for (AbstractAllocatable area : set.getTarget()) {
+ areas += area.getName();
+ if (set.getTarget().indexOf(area) != set.getTarget().size() - 1) {
+ areas += COMMA + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ return areas;
+ }
+ private String getContents(ContentSet contentSet) {
+ String contents = "";
+ for (AbstractContent content : contentSet.getTarget()) {
+ contents += content.getName();
+ if (contentSet.getTarget().indexOf(content) != contentSet.getTarget().size() - 1) {
+ contents += COMMA + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ return contents;
+ }
+ private String getContextString(Expression expression) {
+ String contextString = null;
+ if (expression instanceof ComplexExpression) {
+ contextString = getContextString(((ComplexExpression) expression).getOtherExpression());
+ } else if (expression instanceof AndOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((AndOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof OrOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((OrOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof NotOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((NotOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ImpliesOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ImpliesOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ObjectCompare) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ObjectCompare) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsEqualToOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsEqualToOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsGreaterThanOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsGreaterThanOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsGreaterThanEqualOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsGreaterThanEqualOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsLowerThanOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsLowerThanOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsLowerThanEqualOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsLowerThanEqualOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsDisplayed) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsDisplayed) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof DisplayingContent) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((DisplayingContent) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof AllocatedContent) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((AllocatedContent) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof GetContentsList) {
+ System.out.println("GetContentsList is not supported yet!");
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsHidden) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsHidden) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsActive) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsActive) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsVisible) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsVisible) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof GetAllocatables) {
+ System.out.println("GetAllocatables is not supported yet!");
+ } else if (expression instanceof ContentValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ContentValue) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ExistsOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ExistsOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ForAllOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ForAllOperator) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IfStatement) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IfStatement) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsOn) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsOn) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((PreviousModifier) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsDisappeared) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsDisappeared) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsCanceled) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsCanceled) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsMuted) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsMuted) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsSounding) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsSounding) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof OutputtingSound) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((OutputtingSound) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsAttenuated) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsAttenuated) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IsOutputted) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IsOutputted) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof GetProperty) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((GetProperty) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IntegerValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IntegerValue) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof HasComeEarlierThan) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((HasComeEarlierThan) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof HasComeLaterThan) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((HasComeLaterThan) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof HasBeenDisplayed) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((HasBeenDisplayed) expression);
+ } else if (expression instanceof SugarExpression) {
+ contextString = getContextString(((SugarExpression) expression).getExpanded());
+ } else {
+ // TODO Specification not found
+ throw new RuntimeException("Expected Expression type is not supported yet! : " + expression.getExpressionText());
+ }
+ return contextString;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(AndOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String context = EX_CTX_MK_AND + OPEN;
+ for (int i = 0; i < operand.size(); i++) {
+ Expression op = operand.get(i);
+ String opContext = getContextString(op);
+ context += EX_BOOL_EXPR + opContext;
+ if (i != operand.size() - 1) {
+ context += COMMA;
+ }
+ }
+ return context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(OrOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String context = EX_CTX_MK_OR + OPEN;
+ for (int i = 0; i < operand.size(); i++) {
+ Expression op = operand.get(i);
+ String opContext = getContextString(op);
+ context += EX_BOOL_EXPR + opContext;
+ if (i != operand.size() - 1) {
+ context += COMMA;
+ }
+ }
+ return context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(NotOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = ((NotOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ String context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_NOT + OPEN + EX_BOOL_EXPR + context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ImpliesOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = ((ImpliesOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_IMPLIES + OPEN + EX_BOOL_EXPR + leftContext + COMMA + EX_BOOL_EXPR + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ObjectCompare expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String leftCast = EX_BOOL_EXPR;
+ String rightCast = EX_BOOL_EXPR;
+ if ((operand.get(0) instanceof ContentValue) || (operand.get(0) instanceof DisplayingContent) || (operand.get(0) instanceof AllocatedContent)
+ || (operand.get(0) instanceof OutputtingSound) || (operand.get(0) instanceof GetProperty) || (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference)) {
+ leftCast = EX_INT_EXPR;
+ }
+ if ((operand.get(1) instanceof ContentValue) || (operand.get(1) instanceof DisplayingContent) || (operand.get(1) instanceof AllocatedContent)
+ || (operand.get(1) instanceof OutputtingSound) || (operand.get(1) instanceof GetProperty) || (operand.get(1) instanceof ObjectReference)) {
+ rightCast = EX_INT_EXPR;
+ }
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + leftCast + leftContext + COMMA + rightCast + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsLowerThanEqualOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_LE + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + leftContext + COMMA + EX_INT_EXPR + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsLowerThanOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_LT + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + leftContext + COMMA + EX_INT_EXPR + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsGreaterThanEqualOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_GE + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + leftContext + COMMA + EX_INT_EXPR + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsGreaterThanOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_GT + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + leftContext + COMMA + EX_INT_EXPR + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsEqualToOperator expression) {
+ List<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String cast = EX_INT_EXPR;
+ String leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ String rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + cast + leftContext + COMMA + cast + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ExistsOperator expression) {
+ return resolveExpression(expression, EX_CTX_MK_EXISTS, "");
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ForAllOperator expression) {
+ return resolveExpression(expression, EX_CTX_MK_FORALL, EX_CTX_MK_IMPLIES);
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(LambdaContext expression, String mkMethod, String implies) {
+ LambdaExpression lambda = expression.getLambda();
+ Variable x = lambda.getX();
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String size = "";
+ String setName = "";
+ String variableName = variableNameMap.get(x);
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ ObjectReference ref = (ObjectReference) operand.get(0);
+ if (ref.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_AREA || ref.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_ZONE) {
+ } else if (ref.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_CONTENT || ref.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_SOUND) {
+ size = CONTENT_SIZE;
+ }
+ setName = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof GetAllocatables) {
+ size = CONTENT_SIZE;
+ GetAllocatables getAllocatable = (GetAllocatables) operand.get(0);
+ if (getAllocatable.getOperand().get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) getAllocatable.getOperand().get(0);
+ String select = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ String select = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) getAllocatable.getOperand().get(0));
+ }
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof GetContentsList) {
+ GetContentsList getContentsList = (GetContentsList) operand.get(0);
+ if (getContentsList.getOperand().get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) getContentsList.getOperand().get(0);
+ String select = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ String select = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) getContentsList.getOperand().get(0));
+ }
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof AllInstanceOfArea) {
+ setName = ALL_AREA_CONST;
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof AllInstanceOfZone) {
+ setName = ALL_ZONE_CONST;
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof AllInstanceOfViewContent) {
+ size = CONTENT_SIZE;
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof AllInstanceOfSoundContent) {
+ size = CONTENT_SIZE;
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof SetOfOperator) {
+ SetOfOperator setOfOp = (SetOfOperator) operand.get(0);
+ if (setOfOp.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_AREA || setOfOp.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_ZONE) {
+ } else if (setOfOp.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_CONTENT || setOfOp.getUnderlyingType() == ExpressionType.SET_OF_SOUND) {
+ size = CONTENT_SIZE;
+ }
+ String expressionText = setOfOp.getExpressionText();
+ setName = SetOfNameMap.get(expressionText);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ActiveContents) {
+ size = CONTENT_SIZE;
+ ActiveContents activeContents = (ActiveContents) operand.get(0);
+ if (activeContents.getOperand().get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) activeContents.getOperand().get(0);
+ String select = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ String select = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) activeContents.getOperand().get(0));
+ }
+ }
+ String setContext = EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + setName + COMMA + variableName + ARRAY_TOP + CLOSE;
+ String expContext = getContextString(lambda.getBodyText());
+ String rangeContext = EX_CTX_MK_AND + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_LE + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + 1 + CLOSE + COMMA + EX_ARITH_EXPR + variableName + ARRAY_TOP + CLOSE + COMMA
+ + EX_CTX_MK_LE + OPEN + EX_ARITH_EXPR + variableName + ARRAY_TOP + COMMA + size + CLOSE + CLOSE;
+ String bodyContext = EX_CTX_MK_AND + OPEN + rangeContext + COMMA + EX_BOOL_EXPR + setContext;
+ if (!implies.isEmpty()) {
+ bodyContext = implies + OPEN + bodyContext + CLOSE + COMMA + EX_BOOL_EXPR + expContext + CLOSE;
+ } else {
+ bodyContext += COMMA + EX_BOOL_EXPR + expContext + CLOSE;
+ }
+ String context = mkMethod + OPEN + variableName + COMMA + bodyContext + COMMA + 1 + COMMA + NULL_STRING + COMMA + NULL_STRING + COMMA + NULL_STRING + COMMA + NULL_STRING
+ + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsDisplayed expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsVisible expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsHidden expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_IS_HIDDEN + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsActive expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_IS_ACTIVE + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(DisplayingContent expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(AllocatedContent expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ContentValue expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsMuted expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_IS_MUTED + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsOutputted expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsAttenuated expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(OutputtingSound expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsSounding expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ String context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(GetProperty expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ return String.format(context, OP_PRE_GET_PROPERTY);
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ return String.format(context, OP_GET_PROPERTY);
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IntegerValue expression) {
+ int value = expression.getValue();
+ return EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + String.valueOf(value) + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IfStatement expression) {
+ Expression condition = expression.getCondition();
+ Expression thenExpression = expression.getThenExpression();
+ Expression elseExpression = expression.getElseExpression();
+ String conditionContext = getContextString(condition);
+ String thenContext = getContextString(thenExpression);
+ String elseContext = getContextString(elseExpression);
+ String context = EX_CTX_MK_ITE + OPEN + EX_BOOL_EXPR + conditionContext + COMMA + thenContext + COMMA + elseContext + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsOn expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ String context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_PRE_IS_ON + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ } else if (!(operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference)) {
+ String context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_IS_ON + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ String context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0));
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + OP_IS_ON + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ObjectReference expression) {
+ if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof Area) {
+ Area target = (Area) expression.getRefObject();
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable area = allocatableList.get(i);
+ if (target == area) {
+ return EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof Zone) {
+ Zone target = (Zone) expression.getRefObject();
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocatableList.size(); i++) {
+ Allocatable allocatable = allocatableList.get(i);
+ if (target == allocatable) {
+ return EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof ViewContent) {
+ Content target = (Content) expression.getRefObject();
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ if (target == content) {
+ return EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof SoundContent) {
+ Content target = (Content) expression.getRefObject();
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ if (target == content) {
+ return EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof Variable) {
+ Variable target = (Variable) expression.getRefObject();
+ if ((expression.eContainer() instanceof GetAllocatables) || (expression.eContainer() instanceof GetContentsList)) {
+ }
+ return variableNameMap.get(target) + ARRAY_TOP;
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof AllocatableSet) {
+ AllocatableSet target = (AllocatableSet) expression.getRefObject();
+ return allocatableSetNameMap.get(target);
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof ContentSet) {
+ ContentSet target = (ContentSet) expression.getRefObject();
+ return contentSetNameMap.get(target);
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof Scene) {
+ Scene target = (Scene) expression.getRefObject();
+ for (int i = 0; i < sceneList.size(); i++) {
+ Scene scene = sceneList.get(i);
+ if (target == scene) {
+ return EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (i + 1) + CLOSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expression.getRefObject() instanceof IntegerProperty) {
+ IntegerProperty target = (IntegerProperty) expression.getRefObject();
+ Scene parent = (Scene) target.eContainer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < sceneList.size(); i++) {
+ Scene scene = sceneList.get(i);
+ if (parent == scene) {
+ int propIndex = scene.getProperties().indexOf(target) + 1;
+ String propContext = EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + "%s" + COMMA + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + propIndex + CLOSE + CLOSE;
+ return EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + EX_ARRAY_EXPR_CATS + propContext + COMMA + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + (i + 1) + CLOSE + CLOSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(PreviousModifier expression) {
+ String context = resolveExpression(expression.getObjReference());
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsDisappeared expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String context = "";
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IsCanceled expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String context = "";
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(HasBeenDisplayed expression) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ String context = "";
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ context = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ }
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(HasComeEarlierThan expression) {
+ String context = "";
+ String leftContext = "";
+ String rightContext = "";
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ leftContext = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ if (operand.get(1) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(1);
+ rightContext = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ }
+ context = EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + context1 + COMMA + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(HasComeLaterThan expression) {
+ String context = "";
+ String leftContext = "";
+ String rightContext = "";
+ EList<Expression> operand = expression.getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(0);
+ leftContext = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ leftContext = getContextString(operand.get(0));
+ }
+ if (operand.get(1) instanceof PreviousModifier) {
+ PreviousModifier pre = (PreviousModifier) operand.get(1);
+ rightContext = resolveExpression(pre.getObjReference());
+ } else {
+ rightContext = getContextString(operand.get(1));
+ }
+ context = EX_CTX_MK_SELECT + OPEN + context1 + COMMA + rightContext + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ class ImpliseConstraintInfo {
+ int index;
+ AbstractConstraint constraint;
+ String methodName;
+ public int getIndex() {
+ return index;
+ }
+ public String getMethodName() {
+ return methodName;
+ }
+ public boolean isRuntime() {
+ if (constraint instanceof Constraint) {
+ return ((Constraint) constraint).isRuntime();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void setMethodName(String methodName) {
+ this.methodName = methodName;
+ }
+ public void setIndex(int index) {
+ this.index = index;
+ }
+ public AbstractConstraint getConstraint() {
+ return constraint;
+ }
+ public void setConstraint(AbstractConstraint constraint) {
+ this.constraint = constraint;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f96853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3;
+public class ConstraintCodeTemplate {
+ String allocatable_content_set_code;
+ String allocatable_content_size_code;
+ String init_code;
+ String setup_code;
+ String constraints_code;
+ String implies_constraints_call_code;
+ String implies_constraints_method_code;
+ String implies_constraints_comment_code;
+ String implies_constraints_methodName_code;
+ String implies_constraints_true_code;
+ String implies_constrName;
+ String invariance_constr_code;
+ String invariance_pre_constr_code;
+ private static final String NL = "\r\n";
+ String getCompleteCode() {
+ return "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic;" + NL + NL
+ + "import java.util.ArrayList;" + NL
+ + "import java.util.LinkedHashMap;" + NL
+ + "import java.util.List;" + NL
+ + "import java.util.Map;" + NL + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL + NL
+ + "import;" + NL + NL
+ + "import rba.tool.core.z3.Z3CodeManager;" + NL + NL
+ + "@CompileStatic" + NL
+ + "public class ConstraintCalculation implements rba.tool.core.constraint.IConstraintCalculation {" + NL + NL
+ + " boolean onlyOnline;" + NL
+ + " IntNum defNull;" + NL
+ + " IntNum allocatableSize;" + NL
+ + " IntNum contentSize;" + NL
+ + " Context ctx;" + NL
+ + " Sort int_type;" + NL
+ + " Sort bool_type;" + NL
+ + " Sort array_int_bool_type;" + NL
+ + " Sort array_int_int_type;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr displayingContent;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allocatedContent;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isDisplayed;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isHidden;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr contentsList;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr contentValue;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isVisible;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isActive;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allocatable;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preDisplayingContent;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preAllocatedContent;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsDisplayed;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsHidden;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preContentsList;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preContentValue;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsVisible;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsActive;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preAllocatable;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isMuted;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isOutputted;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isAttenuated;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr outputtingSound;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isSounding;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsMuted;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsOutputted;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsAttenuated;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preOutputtingSound;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsSounding;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isOn;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr getProperty;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsOn;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preGetProperty;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isDefeatedBy;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr defeats;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isDisappeared;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr isCanceled;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr hasBeenDisplayed;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr hasComeEarlierThan;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr hasComeLaterThan;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsDefeatedBy;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preDefeats;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsDisappeared;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preIsCanceled;" + NL + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr activeContents;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preActiveContents;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr preHasBeenDisplayed;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr emp;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr empArrayConst;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfArea;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfAreaConst;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfZone;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfZoneConst;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfViewContent;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfViewContentConst;" + NL + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfSoundContent;" + NL
+ + " ArrayExpr allInstanceOfSoundContentConst;" + NL + NL
+ + allocatable_content_set_code + NL
+ + " public void setUp(boolean onlyOnline) {" + NL
+ + " this.onlyOnline = onlyOnline;" + NL
+ + " ctx = new Context();" + NL
+ + " defNull = ctx.mkInt(0);" + NL
+ + allocatable_content_size_code + NL
+ + " int_type = ctx.getIntSort();" + NL
+ + " bool_type = ctx.getBoolSort();" + NL
+ + " array_int_bool_type = ctx.mkArraySort(int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " array_int_int_type = ctx.mkArraySort(int_type, int_type);" + NL + NL
+ + " displayingContent = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"displayingContent\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " allocatedContent = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"allocatedContent\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " isDisplayed = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isDisplayed\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " contentsList = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"contentsList\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " contentValue = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"contentValue\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " isHidden = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isHidden\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isVisible = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isVisible\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isActive = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isActive\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " allocatable = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"allocatable\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL + NL
+ + " outputtingSound = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"outputtingSound\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " isOutputted = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isOutputted\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isMuted = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isMuted\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isAttenuated = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isAttenuated\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isSounding = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isSounding\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preDisplayingContent = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preDisplayingContent\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " preAllocatedContent = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preAllocatedContent\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsDisplayed = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsDisplayed\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preContentsList = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preContentsList\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preContentValue = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preContentValue\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsHidden = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsHidden\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsVisible = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsVisible\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsActive = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsActive\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preAllocatable = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preAllocatable\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL +NL
+ + " preOutputtingSound = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preOutputtingSound\", int_type, int_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsOutputted = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsOutputted\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsMuted = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsMuted\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsAttenuated = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsAttenuated\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsSounding = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsSounding\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isOn = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isOn\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " getProperty = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"getProperty\", int_type, array_int_int_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsOn = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsOn\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preGetProperty = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preGetProperty\", int_type, array_int_int_type);" + NL
+ + " isDefeatedBy = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isDefeatedBy\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " defeats = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"defeats\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isDisappeared = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isDisappeared\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " isCanceled = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"isCanceled\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " hasBeenDisplayed = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"hasBeenDisplayed\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " hasComeEarlierThan = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"hasComeEarlierThan\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " hasComeLaterThan = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"hasComeLaterThan\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsDefeatedBy = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsDefeatedBy\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preDefeats = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preDefeats\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsDisappeared = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsDisappeared\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preIsCanceled = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preIsCanceled\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL + NL
+ + " preHasBeenDisplayed = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preHasBeenDisplayed\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " activeContents = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"activeContents\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " preActiveContents = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"preActiveContents\", int_type, array_int_bool_type);" + NL
+ + " emp = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"emp\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " empArrayConst = ctx.mkConstArray(int_type, ctx.mkFalse());" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfArea = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"allInstanceOfArea\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfAreaConst = ctx.mkConstArray(int_type, ctx.mkTrue());" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfZone = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"allInstanceOfZone\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfZoneConst = ctx.mkConstArray(int_type, ctx.mkTrue());" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfViewContent = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"allInstanceOfViewContent\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfViewContentConst = ctx.mkConstArray(int_type, ctx.mkTrue());" + NL +NL
+ + " allInstanceOfSoundContent = ctx.mkArrayConst(\"allInstanceOfSoundContent\", int_type, bool_type);" + NL
+ + " allInstanceOfSoundContentConst = ctx.mkConstArray(int_type, ctx.mkTrue());" + NL +NL
+ + setup_code + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " public void close() {" + NL
+ + " ctx.close();" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Initialization of constraint list" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " private void initConstraintList(List<BoolExpr> constrList, List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList) {" + NL
+ + " constrList.add(ctx.mkEq(emp, empArrayConst));" + NL
+ + " constrLabelList.add(ctx.mkBoolConst(\"Constraint : Emp \"));" + NL
+ + " constrList.add(ctx.mkEq(allInstanceOfArea, allInstanceOfAreaConst));" + NL
+ + " constrLabelList.add(ctx.mkBoolConst(\"Constraint : AllInstanceOfArea \"));" + NL
+ + " constrList.add(ctx.mkEq(allInstanceOfZone, allInstanceOfZoneConst));" + NL
+ + " constrLabelList.add(ctx.mkBoolConst(\"Constraint : AllInstanceOfZone \"));" + NL
+ + " constrList.add(ctx.mkEq(allInstanceOfViewContent, allInstanceOfViewContentConst));" + NL
+ + " constrLabelList.add(ctx.mkBoolConst(\"Constraint : AllInstanceOfViewContent \"));" + NL + NL
+ + " constrList.add(ctx.mkEq(allInstanceOfSoundContent, allInstanceOfSoundContentConst));" + NL
+ + " constrLabelList.add(ctx.mkBoolConst(\"Constraint : AllInstanceOfSoundContent \"));" + NL + NL
+ + init_code + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Contradiction verification of all constraints" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public List<String> calculateAllConstraint() {" + NL
+ + " Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();" + NL
+ + " s.push();" + NL + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL + NL
+ + " setAllConstraintContext(constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL + NL
+ + " for (int i = 0; i < constrList.size(); i++) {" + NL
+// + " s.assertAndTrack(constrList.get(i), constrLabelList.get(i));" + NL
+ + " s.assertAndTrack((BoolExpr) constrList.get(i).simplify(), constrLabelList.get(i));" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " Status st = s.check();" + NL
+ + " List<String> list = Z3CodeManager.INSTNACE.getErrors(ctx, s, st,\"allConstr\" ,constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL
+ + " s.pop();" + NL
+ + " return list;" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Contradiction verification execution" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public void setAllConstraintContext(List<BoolExpr> constrList, List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList) {" + NL
+ + " initConstraintList(constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL
+ + constraints_code + NL
+ + " setInvarianceConstraintContext(constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL
+ + " setInvariancePreConstraintContext(constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Model invariant constraints" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public void setInvarianceConstraintContext(List<BoolExpr> constrList, List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList) {" + NL
+ + invariance_constr_code + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Model invariant constraint (pre constraint)" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public void setInvariancePreConstraintContext(List<BoolExpr> constrList, List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList) {" + NL
+ + invariance_pre_constr_code + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Contradiction verification of implication partial constraints" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public Map<String, List<String>> calculateImpliesConstraints() {" + NL
+ + " Map<String, List<String>> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();" + NL
+ + implies_constraints_call_code + NL
+ + " return map;" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + implies_constraints_method_code + NL
+ + "}" + NL;
+ }
+ String getImpliesConstraintMethodCode(String allConstMethodName) {
+ return " /**" + NL
+ + implies_constraints_comment_code + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + implies_constraints_methodName_code + NL
+ + " System.out.println(\"Calculate:\" + "+implies_constrName+");" + NL + NL
+ + " Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();" + NL
+ + " s.push();" + NL + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL + NL
+ + implies_constraints_true_code + NL
+ + " "+allConstMethodName+"(constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL + NL
+ + " for (int i = 0; i < constrList.size(); i++) {" + NL
+ + " s.assertAndTrack((BoolExpr) constrList.get(i).simplify(), constrLabelList.get(i));" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " Status st = s.check();" + NL
+ + " List<String> list = Z3CodeManager.INSTNACE.getErrors(ctx, s, st, "+implies_constrName+",constrList, constrLabelList);" + NL
+ + " s.pop();" + NL
+ + " return list;" + NL
+ + " }" + NL;
+ }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ConstraintGeneratorImpl.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ConstraintGeneratorImpl.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..907f8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ConstraintGeneratorImpl.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.AbstractGenerator
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+import rba.tool.editor.model.manager.ResourceManager
+ * Generates code from your model files on save.
+ *
+ * See
+ */
+class ConstraintGeneratorImpl extends AbstractGenerator implements IConstraintGenerator {
+ private static ConstraintCodeGenerationSupporter generationSupporter = new ConstraintCodeGenerationSupporter();
+ override doGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ doGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ override beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override void doGenerate(ResourceSet resourceSet, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ fsa.generateFile("", resourceSet.compile);
+ }
+ def compile(ResourceSet resourceSet) '''
+ «val allAreas = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaAreas(resourceSet)»
+ «val allZones = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaZones(resourceSet)»
+ «val allVContents = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaViewContents(resourceSet)»
+ «val allSContents = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaSoundContents(resourceSet)»
+ «val allAreaSets = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaAreaSets(resourceSet)»
+ «val allZoneSets = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaZoneSets(resourceSet)»
+ «val allVContentSets = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaViewContentSets(resourceSet)»
+ «val allSContentSets = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaSoundContentSets(resourceSet)»
+ «val allValiables = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaVariables(resourceSet)»
+ «val allConstraints = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaConstraints(resourceSet)»
+ «val allScenes = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaScenes(resourceSet)»
+ «val allSetOfOperators = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaSetOfOperators(resourceSet)»
+ «generationSupporter.generate(allVContents,allSContents, allAreas,allZones, allVContentSets,allSContentSets, allAreaSets,allZoneSets, allValiables, allConstraints, allScenes, allSetOfOperators)»
+ '''
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ca3b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3;
+interface GeneratorConstants {
+ static final String CMT_AREA_LIST = "// Area definition";
+ static final String CMT_AREA_VISIBILITY_LABEL_LIST = "// Visibility-constrained labeling";
+ static final String CMT_AREA_ZORDER_LABEL_LIST = "// Constraint expression labeling";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_STATE_LIST = "// Content definition";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_STATE_LABEL_LIST = "// Labeling Priority Constraint Expressions";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_STATE_PRIORITY_COMMENT_CONNECTOR = "Priority conditional expression";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_MULTI_START = "/**";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_MULTI_END = " */";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD1 = " * Contradiction verification of implication partial constraints";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD2 = " * %s == TRUE holds";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD3 = " * target name : ";
+ static final String CMT_CONTENT_IMPLIES_METHOD4 = " * expression text : ";
+ static final String CMT_NAME_CLOSE = "]";
+ static final String CMT_NAME_OPEN = "[";
+ static final String EX_NON = "non";
+ static final String EX_STD = "std";
+ static final String EX_MAX = "max";
+ static final String EX_MIN = "min";
+ static final String FUNC_ALLO_LIST = "createAlloList";
+ static final String FUNC_ALLO_VIS_CONSTR = "createAlloVisConstrList";
+ static final String FUNC_ALLO_VIS_CONSTR_LBL = "createAlloVisConstrLbl";
+ static final String FUNC_AREA_LIST = "createAreaList";
+ static final String FUNC_AREA_ZORDR_CONSTR = "createAreaZorderConstrList";
+ static final String FUNC_AREA_ZORDR_CONSTR_LBL = "createAreaZorderConstrLbl";
+ static final String FUNC_CST_LIST = "createContentList";
+ static final String FUNC_CST_CONSTR = "createConstrList";
+ static final String FUNC_CST_CONSTR_LBL = "createConstrLabelList";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_EQ = "ctx.mkEq";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_GT = "ctx.mkGt";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_LT = "ctx.mkLt";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_AND = "ctx.mkAnd";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_ADD = "ctx.mkAdd";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_INT = "ctx.mkInt";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_OR = "ctx.mkOr";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_XOR = "ctx.mkXor";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_NOT = "ctx.mkNot";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_IMPLIES = "ctx.mkImplies";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_GE = "ctx.mkGe";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_LE = "ctx.mkLe";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_SELECT = "ctx.mkSelect";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_STORE = "ctx.mkStore";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_EXISTS = "ctx.mkExists";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_FORALL = "ctx.mkForall";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_SYMBOL = "ctx.mkSymbol";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_ITE = "ctx.mkITE";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_TRUE = "ctx.mkTrue()";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_FALSE = "ctx.mkFalse()";
+ static final String EX_INT_EXPR = "(IntExpr) ";
+ static final String EX_BOOL_EXPR = "(BoolExpr) ";
+ static final String EX_ARITH_EXPR = "(ArithExpr) ";
+ static final String EX_ARRAY_EXPR_CATS = "(ArrayExpr) ";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST = "ctx.mkBoolConst";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_INT_CONST = "ctx.mkIntConst";
+ static final String EX_CTX_MK_ARRAY_CONST = "ctx.mkArrayConst";
+ static final String AREA_LIST_NAME = "areaList";
+ static final String CONSTR_LIST_NAME = "constrList";
+ static final String CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_NAME = "constrLabelList";
+ static final String CONTENT_LIST_NAME = "contentList";
+ static final String CONTENT_LIST_ADD = "contentList.add";
+ static final String CONSTR_LIST_ADD = "constrList.add";
+ static final String AREA_LIST_ADD = "areaList.add";
+ static final String CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD = "constrLabelList.add";
+ static final String VISIBILITY = " Visibility : ";
+ static final String ZORDER = " Zorder : ";
+ static final String GET = ".get";
+ static final String CONST_ADDED_VALUE = "10";
+ static final String STR_QUOTE = "\"";
+ static final String _4SPACES = " ";
+ static final String _8SPACES = " ";
+ static final String OPEN = "(";
+ static final String CLOSE = ")";
+ static final String NAME_SEPARATOR = "_";
+ static final String COMMA = ", ";
+ static final String DOT = ".";
+ static final String NULL_STRING = "null";
+ static final String SL_COMMENT = "//";
+ static final String NL = "\r\n";
+ static final String END = ";";
+ static final String NUMBER = "#";
+ static final String NUMBER_ZERO = "#0:";
+ static final String VARIABLE_CMT = "// Variable ";
+ static final String VARIABLE_DEFINE = "Expr[] %s = new Expr[1];";
+ static final String VARIABLE_VAR_NAME = "variable_";
+ static final String AREASET_VAR_NAME = "areaSet_";
+ static final String ZONESET_VAR_NAME = "zoneSet_";
+ static final String VIEW_CONTENTSET_VAR_NAME = "vcontentSet_";
+ static final String SOUND_CONTENTSET_VAR_NAME = "scontentSet_";
+ static final String SETOF_OP_VAR_NAME = "setOfOperator_";
+ static final String ARRAY_TOP = "[0]";
+ static final String SET_VARIABLE_VALUE = " = ctx.mkConst(ctx.mkSymbol(\"%s\"), ctx.getIntSort());";
+ static final String OP_IS_DISPLAYED = "isDisplayed";
+ static final String OP_DISPLAYING_CONTENT = "displayingContent";
+ static final String OP_ALLOCATED_CONTENT = "allocatedContent";
+ static final String OP_CONTENTS_LIST = "contentsList";
+ static final String OP_IS_HIDDEN = "isHidden";
+ static final String OP_IS_ACTIVE = "isActive";
+ static final String OP_IS_VISIBLE = "isVisible";
+ static final String OP_ALLOCATABLE = "allocatable";
+ static final String OP_CONTENT_VALUE = "contentValue";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_DISPLAYED = "preIsDisplayed";
+ static final String OP_PRE_DISPLAYING_CONTENT = "preDisplayingContent";
+ static final String OP_PRE_ALLOCATED_CONTENT = "preAllocatedContent";
+ static final String OP_PRE_CONTENTS_LIST = "preContentsList";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_HIDDEN = "preIsHidden";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_ACTIVE = "preIsActive";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_VISIBLE = "preIsVisible";
+ static final String OP_PRE_ALLOCATABLE = "preAllocatable";
+ static final String OP_PRE_CONTENT_VALUE = "preContentValue";
+ static final String OP_IS_MUTED = "isMuted";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_MUTED = "preIsMuted";
+ static final String OP_IS_ATTENUATED = "isAttenuated";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_ATTENUATED = "preIsAttenuated";
+ static final String OP_IS_SOUNDING = "isSounding";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_SOUNDING = "preIsSounding";
+ static final String OP_OUTPUTTING_SOUND = "outputtingSound";
+ static final String OP_PRE_OUTPUTTING_SOUND = "preOutputtingSound";
+ static final String OP_IS_OUTPUTTED = "isOutputted";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_OUTPUTTED = "preIsOutputted";
+ static final String OP_GET_PROPERTY = "getProperty";
+ static final String OP_PRE_GET_PROPERTY = "preGetProperty";
+ static final String OP_IS_ON = "isOn";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_ON = "preIsOn";
+ static final String OP_IS_DEFEATED_BY = "isDefeatedBy";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_DEFEATED_BY = "preIsDefeatedBy\"";
+ static final String OP_DEFEATS = "defeats";
+ static final String OP_PRE_DEFEATS = "preDefeats";
+ static final String OP_IS_DISAPPEARED = "isDisappeared";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_DISAPPEARED = "preIsDisappeared";
+ static final String OP_IS_CANCELED = "isCanceled";
+ static final String OP_PRE_IS_CANCELED = "preIsCanceled";
+ static final String OP_HAS_BEEN_DISPLAYED = "hasBeenDisplayed";
+ static final String OP_PRE_HAS_BEEN_DISPLAYED = "preHasBeenDisplayed";
+ static final String OP_HAS_COME_EARLIER_THAN = "hasComeEarlierThan";
+ static final String OP_HAS_COME_LATER_THAN = "hasComeLaterThan";
+ static final String OP_ACTIVE_CONTENTS = "activeContents";
+ static final String OP_PRE_ACTIVE_CONTENTS = "preActiveContents";
+ static final String EMP_ARRAY_CONST = "empArrayConst";
+ static final String ALL_AREA_CONST = "allInstanceOfAreaConst";
+ static final String ALL_ZONE_CONST = "allInstanceOfZoneConst";
+ static final String ALL_SOUNDCONTENT_CONST = "allInstanceOfSoundContentConst";
+ static final String ALL_VIEWCONTENT_CONST = "allInstanceOfViewContentConst";
+ static final String ALLOCATABLE_SIZE = "allocatableSize";
+ static final String CONTENT_SIZE = "contentSize";
+ static final String ARRAY_EXPR_SORT = "ArrayExpr ";
+ static final String CONSTRAINT_PREFIX = "Constraint:";
+ static final String EQUAL = " = ";
+ static final String INT_TYPE = "int_type";
+ static final String BOOL_TYPE = "bool_type";
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_NAME = "doCalculateImpliesConstraint_%s()";
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD = "private List<String> %s {";
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL1 = "List<String> constraint_%s" + EQUAL;
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL2 = "if(!constraint_%s.isEmpty() && !constraint_%s.get(0).equals(\"SAT\")) {";
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL3 = "map.put(\"#%s:%s\", constraint_%s)";
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL4 = "if(constraint_%s.get(0).equals(\"UNSAT\")) {";
+ static final String IMPLIES_CONSTRAINT_METHOD_DETAIL5 = "return map";
+ static final String BLOCK_CLOSE = "}";
+ static final String IF_OFFLINE = "if(!onlyOnline) {";
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/IConstraintGenerator.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/IConstraintGenerator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1e01a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/IConstraintGenerator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+interface IConstraintGenerator extends IGenerator2 {
+ def void doGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ISortValueGenerator.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ISortValueGenerator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..044ceae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ISortValueGenerator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+interface ISortValueGenerator extends IGenerator2 {
+ def void doGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+ def void afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e872a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import rba.core.Allocatable;
+import rba.core.ComparisonAnd;
+import rba.core.ComparisonOperator;
+import rba.core.Content;
+import rba.core.ContentState;
+import rba.core.EqualToOperator;
+import rba.core.Expression;
+import rba.core.GreaterThanOperator;
+import rba.core.IfStatement;
+import rba.core.IntegerValue;
+import rba.core.LowerThanOperator;
+import rba.core.MaxValue;
+import rba.core.MinValue;
+import rba.core.MuchGreaterThanOperator;
+import rba.core.NoneValue;
+import rba.core.ObjectReference;
+import rba.core.Operator;
+import rba.core.PlusOperator;
+import rba.core.RuleObject;
+import rba.core.StandardValue;
+import rba.core.ThatOfOperator;
+import rba.core.ValueExpression;
+import rba.tool.editor.util.RBAModelEditorToolUtil;
+import rba.view.Area;
+public class SortValueCodeGenerationSupporter implements GeneratorConstants {
+ static final int LIST_LIMIT = 1000;
+ static SortValueCodeTemplate template = new SortValueCodeTemplate();
+ private List<Area> areaList;
+ private List<Allocatable> allocatableList;
+ private List<Content> contentList;
+ private List<ContentState> contentStateList;
+ public String generate(List<Content> contents, List<Allocatable> allocatables, List<Area> areas) {
+ this.contentList = contents;
+ this.allocatableList = allocatables;
+ this.areaList = areas;
+ this.contentStateList = new ArrayList<ContentState>();
+ // for common
+ StringBuilder method_code_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ // for calculateArea_zorder
+ StringBuilder area_zorder_code = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder areaListZorder_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder zorder_comment = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder zorderConstrList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder areaConstrLabelListZorder_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder calculateArea_zorder_Method = new StringBuilder();
+ List<StringBuilder> calculateAreaZorderMethidList = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>();
+ // for calculateAllocatable_visibility
+ StringBuilder allocatable_visibility_code = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder allocatableList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder visibility_comment = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder visibilityConstrList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder allocatableConstrLabelList_Adding = new StringBuilder();
+ List<StringBuilder> calculateAllocatableVisibilityMethidList = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>();
+ // for calculateContentState_priority
+ StringBuilder content_state_priority_code = new StringBuilder();
+ List<StringBuilder> contentStateMethidList = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>();
+ StringBuilder content_state_priority_method_code = new StringBuilder();
+ area_zorder_code.append(_8SPACES + CMT_AREA_LIST + NL);
+ allocatable_visibility_code.append(_8SPACES + CMT_AREA_LIST + NL);
+ content_state_priority_code.append(_8SPACES + CMT_CONTENT_STATE_LIST + NL);
+ /////////////////// Area/Zone Visibility Code Prepare @Start
+ List<List<Allocatable>> limitedAlloList = new ArrayList<>();
+ ListHelper.extract(allocatableList, LIST_LIMIT, _list -> {
+ limitedAlloList.add(_list);
+ });
+ int visMethodNum = 0;
+ for (List<Allocatable> _list : limitedAlloList) {
+ method_code_Adding.append(getAllocatableVisibilityMethodString(_list, visMethodNum));
+ allocatable_visibility_code.append(getAllocatableVisibilityMethodCallString(visMethodNum));
+ visMethodNum++;
+ }
+ /////////////////// Area/Zone Visibility Code Prepare @End
+ /////////////////// Area Zorder Code Prepare @Start
+ List<List<Area>> limitedAreaList = new ArrayList<>();
+ ListHelper.extract(areaList, LIST_LIMIT, _list -> {
+ limitedAreaList.add(_list);
+ });
+ int zoMethodNum = 0;
+ for (List<Area> _list : limitedAreaList) {
+ method_code_Adding.append(getAreaZorderMethodString(_list, zoMethodNum));
+ area_zorder_code.append(getAreaZorderMethodCallString(zoMethodNum));
+ zoMethodNum++;
+ }
+ /////////////////// Area Zorder Code Prepare @End
+ /////////////////// Content State Priority Code Prepare @Start
+ for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) {
+ Content content = contentList.get(i);
+ for (ContentState cState : content.getStates()) {
+ contentStateList.add(cState);
+ }
+ }
+ List<List<ContentState>> limitedContentList = new ArrayList<>();
+ ListHelper.extract(contentStateList, LIST_LIMIT, _list -> {
+ limitedContentList.add(_list);
+ });
+ int ctMethodNum = 0;
+ for (List<ContentState> _list : limitedContentList) {
+ method_code_Adding.append(getContentStateMethodString(_list, ctMethodNum));
+ content_state_priority_code.append(getContentStateMethodCallString(ctMethodNum));
+ ctMethodNum++;
+ }
+// int num = 0;
+// StringBuilder content_state_priority_code_main = new StringBuilder();
+// for (int i = 0; i < contentStateList.size(); i += LIST_LIMIT) {
+// int toIdx = ((i + LIST_LIMIT) >= contentStateList.size() ? contentStateList.size() : (i + LIST_LIMIT));
+// StringBuilder contentStateMethod = getContentStateMethodString(contentStateList.subList(i, toIdx), num, content_state_priority_code_main);
+// contentStateMethidList.add(contentStateMethod);
+// num++;
+// }
+// content_state_priority_code.append(content_state_priority_code_main).append(NL);
+// for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
+// content_state_priority_code.append(_8SPACES + "createContentList" + j + "(contentList);" + NL);
+// }
+// for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
+// content_state_priority_code.append(_8SPACES + "createConstrList" + j + "(contentList, constrList);" + NL);
+// }
+// for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
+// content_state_priority_code.append(_8SPACES + "createConstrLabelList" + j + "(constrLabelList);" + NL);
+// }
+// for (StringBuilder method : contentStateMethidList) {
+// method_code_Adding.append(method);
+// }
+ /////////////////// Content State Priority Code Prepare @End
+ template.area_zorder_code = area_zorder_code.toString();
+ template.area_visibility_code = allocatable_visibility_code.toString();
+ template.content_state_priority_code = content_state_priority_code.toString();
+ template.method_code = method_code_Adding.toString();
+ // calculateAllocatableVisibilityMethidList
+ return template.getCompleteCode();
+ }
+ private String getContextString(Expression expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz, Expression eContainer) {
+ String contextString = null;
+ if (expression instanceof MinValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((MinValue) expression, index, listName, eContainer);
+ } else if (expression instanceof MaxValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((MaxValue) expression, index, listName, eContainer);
+ } else if (expression instanceof StandardValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((StandardValue) expression, index, listName, eContainer);
+ } else if (expression instanceof NoneValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((NoneValue) expression, index, listName, eContainer);
+ } else if (expression instanceof IntegerValue) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((IntegerValue) expression, index, listName, eContainer);
+ } else if (expression instanceof EqualToOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((EqualToOperator) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof GreaterThanOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((GreaterThanOperator) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof MuchGreaterThanOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((MuchGreaterThanOperator) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof LowerThanOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((LowerThanOperator) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ThatOfOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ThatOfOperator) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof PlusOperator) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((PlusOperator) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ComparisonAnd) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ComparisonAnd) expression, index, listName, clazz);
+ } else if (expression instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ contextString = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) expression, listName, clazz);
+ } else {
+ // TODO Specification not found
+ System.out.println("Expected Expression type is not supported yet!");
+ }
+ return contextString;
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getAllocatableVisibilityMethodCallString(int num) {
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ ret.append(_8SPACES + FUNC_ALLO_LIST + num + OPEN + AREA_LIST_NAME + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getAllocatableVisibilityMethodString(List<Allocatable> allocatableLimitedList, int num) {
+ StringBuilder createAlloVisListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createAlloVisListMethodName = FUNC_ALLO_LIST + num;
+ StringBuilder createConstrListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createConstrListMethodName = FUNC_ALLO_VIS_CONSTR + num;
+ StringBuilder createConstrLabelListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createConstrLabelListMethodName = FUNC_ALLO_VIS_CONSTR_LBL + num;
+ createAlloVisListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createAlloVisListMethodName + "(List<Expr> " + AREA_LIST_NAME + ") {" + NL);
+ createConstrListMethod
+ .append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createConstrListMethodName + "(List<Expr> " + AREA_LIST_NAME + ", List<BoolExpr> " + CONSTR_LIST_NAME + ") {" + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createConstrLabelListMethodName + "(List<BoolExpr> " + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_NAME + ") {" + NL);
+ int i = num * 1000;
+ for (Allocatable allocatable : allocatableLimitedList) {
+ /////////////////// Area List & Label List @Start
+ createAlloVisListMethod.append(_8SPACES + AREA_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_INT_CONST + OPEN + STR_QUOTE + allocatable.getName() + STR_QUOTE + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod
+ /////////////////// Area/Zone Visibility Code Prepare @Start
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + allocatable.getName() + VISIBILITY + RBAModelEditorToolUtil.getExpressionText(allocatable.getVisibility()) + NL);
+ String visibilityContextString = getContextString(allocatable.getVisibility(), i, AREA_LIST_NAME, Allocatable.class, null);
+ if (visibilityContextString != null) {
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + visibilityContextString + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ createAlloVisListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL + NL);
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL + NL);
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ ret.append(createAlloVisListMethod);
+ ret.append(createConstrListMethod);
+ ret.append(createConstrLabelListMethod);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getAreaZorderMethodCallString(int num) {
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ ret.append(_8SPACES + FUNC_AREA_LIST + num + OPEN + AREA_LIST_NAME + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getAreaZorderMethodString(List<Area> areaLimitedList, int num) {
+ StringBuilder createAreaZodrListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createAreaZodrListMethodName = FUNC_AREA_LIST + num;
+ StringBuilder createConstrListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createConstrListMethodName = FUNC_AREA_ZORDR_CONSTR + num;
+ StringBuilder createConstrLabelListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createConstrLabelListMethodName = FUNC_AREA_ZORDR_CONSTR_LBL + num;
+ createAreaZodrListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createAreaZodrListMethodName + "(List<Expr> " + AREA_LIST_NAME + ") {" + NL);
+ createConstrListMethod
+ .append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createConstrListMethodName + "(List<Expr> " + AREA_LIST_NAME + ", List<BoolExpr> " + CONSTR_LIST_NAME + ") {" + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createConstrLabelListMethodName + "(List<BoolExpr> " + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_NAME + ") {" + NL);
+ int i = num * 1000;
+ for (Area area : areaLimitedList) {
+ /////////////////// Area List & Label List @Start
+ createAreaZodrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + AREA_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_INT_CONST + OPEN + STR_QUOTE + area.getName() + STR_QUOTE + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod
+ /////////////////// Area Zorder Code Prepare @Start
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + area.getName() + ZORDER + RBAModelEditorToolUtil.getExpressionText(area.getZorder()) + NL);
+ String zorderContextString = getContextString(area.getZorder(), i, AREA_LIST_NAME, Area.class, null);
+ if (zorderContextString != null) {
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + zorderContextString + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ createAreaZodrListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL + NL);
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL + NL);
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ ret.append(createAreaZodrListMethod);
+ ret.append(createConstrListMethod);
+ ret.append(createConstrLabelListMethod);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getContentStateMethodCallString(int num) {
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private StringBuilder getContentStateMethodString(List<ContentState> contentStateLimitedList, int num) {
+ StringBuilder createContentListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createContentListMethodName = "createContentList" + num;
+ StringBuilder createConstrListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createConstrListMethodName = "createConstrList" + num;
+ StringBuilder createConstrLabelListMethod = new StringBuilder();
+ String createConstrLabelListMethodName = "createConstrLabelList" + num;
+ createContentListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createContentListMethodName + "(List<Expr> contentList) {" + NL);
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createConstrListMethodName + "(List<Expr> contentList, List<BoolExpr> constrList) {" + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "private void " + createConstrLabelListMethodName + "(List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList) {" + NL);
+ int i = num * 1000;
+ for (ContentState contentState: contentStateLimitedList) {
+ Content content = (Content) contentState.eContainer();
+ String content_cState_Name = content.getName() + NAME_SEPARATOR + contentState.getName();
+ /////////////////// ContentState List & Label List @Start
+ createContentListMethod.append(_8SPACES + CONTENT_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_INT_CONST + OPEN + STR_QUOTE + content_cState_Name + STR_QUOTE + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LABEL_LIST_ADD + OPEN + EX_CTX_MK_BOOL_CONST + OPEN + STR_QUOTE + content_cState_Name + STR_QUOTE + CLOSE + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ /////////////////// ContentState Code Prepare @Start
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + SL_COMMENT + content_cState_Name + CMT_CONTENT_STATE_PRIORITY_COMMENT_CONNECTOR + CMT_NAME_OPEN + contentState.getValue().getExpression()
+ String contentContextString = getContextString(contentState.getValue(), i, CONTENT_LIST_NAME, Content.class, null);
+ if (contentContextString != null) {
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_8SPACES + CONSTR_LIST_ADD + OPEN + contentContextString + CLOSE + END + NL);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ createContentListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL);
+ createConstrListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL);
+ createConstrLabelListMethod.append(_4SPACES + "}" + NL);
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ ret.append(createContentListMethod);
+ ret.append(createConstrListMethod);
+ ret.append(createConstrLabelListMethod);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(MinValue expression, int index, String listName, Expression eContainer) {
+ if ((eContainer instanceof ComparisonOperator && !(eContainer instanceof ComparisonAnd)) || eContainer instanceof PlusOperator) {
+ return EX_MIN;
+ }
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + EX_MIN + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(MaxValue expression, int index, String listName, Expression eContainer) {
+ if ((eContainer instanceof ComparisonOperator && !(eContainer instanceof ComparisonAnd)) || eContainer instanceof PlusOperator) {
+ return EX_MAX;
+ }
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + EX_MAX + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(StandardValue expression, int index, String listName, Expression eContainer) {
+ if ((eContainer instanceof ComparisonOperator && !(eContainer instanceof ComparisonAnd)) || eContainer instanceof PlusOperator) {
+ return EX_STD;
+ }
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + EX_STD + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(NoneValue expression, int index, String listName, Expression eContainer) {
+ if ((eContainer instanceof ComparisonOperator && !(eContainer instanceof ComparisonAnd)) || eContainer instanceof PlusOperator) {
+ return EX_NON;
+ }
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + EX_NON + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(IntegerValue expression, int index, String listName, Expression eContainer) {
+ String context = null;
+ if ((eContainer instanceof ComparisonOperator && !(eContainer instanceof ComparisonAnd)) || eContainer instanceof PlusOperator) {
+ context = EX_INT_EXPR + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + ((IntegerValue) expression).getValue() + CLOSE;
+ } else if (eContainer == null) {
+ // TODO may be mismatch with specification. need confirmation
+ context = EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + EX_INT_EXPR + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN + ((IntegerValue) expression).getValue()
+ } else {
+ // TODO may be new feature that was not specified yet for SortValueGeneration
+ System.out.println("Not supported yet.");
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(EqualToOperator expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((EqualToOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ String context = null;
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof Operator) {
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0), listName, clazz);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ValueExpression) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof IfStatement) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ System.out.println("Not supported yet");
+ }
+ context = (context == null) ? null : EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(GreaterThanOperator expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((GreaterThanOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ String context = null;
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof Operator) {
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0), listName, clazz);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ValueExpression) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof IfStatement) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ }
+ context = (context == null) ? null : EX_CTX_MK_GT + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(MuchGreaterThanOperator expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((MuchGreaterThanOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ String context = null;
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof Operator) {
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0), listName, clazz);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ValueExpression) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof IfStatement) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ }
+ context = (context == null) ? null
+ : EX_CTX_MK_GT + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + EX_INT_EXPR + EX_CTX_MK_ADD + OPEN + context + COMMA + EX_CTX_MK_INT + OPEN
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(LowerThanOperator expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((LowerThanOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ String context = null;
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof Operator) {
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ context = resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0), listName, clazz);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof ValueExpression) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ context = getContextString(operand.get(0), index, listName, clazz, expression);
+ } else if (operand.get(0) instanceof IfStatement) {
+ // TODO To confirm, specification not found
+ }
+ context = (context == null) ? null : EX_CTX_MK_LT + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + context + CLOSE;
+ return context;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ThatOfOperator expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((ThatOfOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ if (operand.get(0) instanceof ObjectReference) {
+ if (expression.eContainer() instanceof RuleObject) { // Area, Content
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0), listName, clazz) + CLOSE;
+ } else {
+ return resolveExpression((ObjectReference) operand.get(0), listName, clazz);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ObjectReference expression, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ if ((clazz == Allocatable.class && expression.getRefObject() instanceof Allocatable)) {
+ return EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, allocatableList.indexOf(expression.getRefObject()));
+ } else if ((clazz == Area.class && expression.getRefObject() instanceof Area)) {
+ return EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, areaList.indexOf(expression.getRefObject()));
+ } else if ((clazz == Content.class && expression.getRefObject() instanceof ContentState)) {
+ return EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, contentStateList.indexOf(expression.getRefObject()));
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(PlusOperator expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((PlusOperator) expression).getOperand();
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder context = new StringBuilder();
+ String operandContext = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < operand.size(); i++) {
+ if (i != 0) {
+ builder.append(EX_CTX_MK_ADD);
+ builder.append(OPEN);
+ context.append(COMMA);
+ if ((operandContext = getContextString(operand.get(i), index, listName, clazz, expression)) == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ context.append(operandContext);
+ context.append(CLOSE);
+ } else {
+ if ((operandContext = getContextString(operand.get(i), index, listName, clazz, expression)) == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ context.append(operandContext);
+ }
+ }
+ builder.append(context);
+ if (expression.eContainer() instanceof RuleObject) { // Area, Content
+ return EX_CTX_MK_EQ + OPEN + EX_INT_EXPR + getListString(listName, index) + COMMA + builder.toString() + CLOSE;
+ } else {
+ return builder.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ private String resolveExpression(ComparisonAnd expression, int index, String listName, Class<?> clazz) {
+ EList<Expression> operand = ((ComparisonAnd) expression).getOperand();
+ if (operand.size() >= 2) {
+ StringBuilder beginContext = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder endContext = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < operand.size(); i++) {
+ String context = getContextString(operand.get(i), index, listName, clazz, null);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ beginContext.append(EX_CTX_MK_AND + OPEN);
+ endContext.append(context);
+ } else if (i == operand.size() - 1) {
+ endContext.append(COMMA).append(" ") // Include space or not, it is ok
+ .append(context).append(CLOSE);
+ } else {
+ beginContext.append(EX_CTX_MK_AND + OPEN);
+ endContext.append(COMMA).append(" ") // Include space or not, it is ok
+ .append(context).append(CLOSE);
+ }
+ }
+ return beginContext.toString() + endContext.toString();
+ }
+ return null; // It may be rba model problem.
+ }
+ private String getListString(String listName, int index) {
+ return listName + GET + OPEN + index + CLOSE;
+ }
+ private interface ListHelper<T> extends Iterable<T> {
+ public static <T> void extract(List<T> list, int size, Consumer<? super List<T>> bulkList) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += size) {
+ List<T> _list = new ArrayList<>(list.subList(i, Integer.min(i + size, list.size())));
+ bulkList.accept(_list);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011c684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3;
+public class SortValueCodeTemplate {
+ String area_zorder_code;
+ String area_visibility_code;
+ String content_state_priority_code;
+ String method_code;
+ private static final String NL = "\r\n";
+ String getCompleteCode() {
+ return "import groovy.transform.CompileStatic;" + NL + NL
+ + "import java.util.ArrayList;" + NL
+ + "import java.util.HashMap;" + NL
+ + "import java.util.List;" + NL
+ + "import java.util.Map;" + NL + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL
+ + "import;" + NL + NL
+ + "import rba.tool.core.z3.Z3CodeManager;" + NL + NL
+ + "@CompileStatic" + NL
+ + "public class SortValueCalculation implements rba.tool.core.sort.ISortValueCalculation {" + NL + NL
+ + " Context ctx;" + NL
+ + " IntExpr std;" + NL
+ + " IntExpr min;" + NL
+ + " IntExpr max;" + NL
+ + " IntExpr non;" + NL + NL
+ + " BoolExpr stdConstr;" + NL
+ + " BoolExpr minConstr;" + NL
+ + " BoolExpr maxConstr;" + NL
+ + " BoolExpr nonConstr;" + NL + NL
+ + " public void setUp() {" + NL
+ + " ctx = new Context();" + NL
+ + " std = ctx.mkIntConst(\"STANDARD\");" + NL
+ + " stdConstr = ctx.mkEq(std, ctx.mkInt(10));" + NL + NL
+ + " min = ctx.mkIntConst(\"MIN_VALUE\");" + NL
+ + " minConstr = ctx.mkEq(min, ctx.mkInt(0));" + NL + NL
+ + " max = ctx.mkIntConst(\"MAX_VALUE\");" + NL
+ + " maxConstr = ctx.mkEq(max, ctx.mkInt(9999));" + NL + NL
+ + " non = ctx.mkIntConst(\"NONE_VALUE\");" + NL
+ + " nonConstr = ctx.mkEq(non, ctx.mkInt(-1));" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " public void close() {" + NL
+ + " ctx.close();" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Derived the value of Zorder" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public Map<String, Integer> calculateArea_zorder() {" + NL
+ + " Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();" + NL
+ + " s.push();" + NL + NL
+ + " List<Expr> areaList = new ArrayList<Expr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL + NL
+ + area_zorder_code + NL
+ + " s.add(stdConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(minConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(maxConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(nonConstr);" + NL + NL
+ + " for (int i = 0; i < constrList.size(); i++) {" + NL
+ + " s.assertAndTrack(constrList.get(i), constrLabelList.get(i));" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " Status st = s.check();" + NL
+ + " Map<String, Integer> map = Z3CodeManager.INSTNACE.setModel(s, areaList, st);" + NL
+ + " s.pop();" + NL
+ + " return map;" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Derivation of Visibility value" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public Map<String, Integer> calculateAllocatable_visibility() {" + NL
+ + " Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();" + NL
+ + " s.push();" + NL + NL
+ + " List<Expr> areaList = new ArrayList<Expr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL + NL
+ + area_visibility_code + NL
+ + " s.add(stdConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(minConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(maxConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(nonConstr);" + NL + NL
+ + " for (int i = 0; i < constrList.size(); i++) {" + NL
+ + " s.assertAndTrack(constrList.get(i), constrLabelList.get(i));" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " Status st = s.check();" + NL
+ + " Map<String, Integer> map = Z3CodeManager.INSTNACE.setModel(s, areaList, st); \r\n" + NL
+ + " s.pop();" + NL
+ + " return map;" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " /**" + NL
+ + " * Derived the value of priority" + NL
+ + " */" + NL
+ + " public Map<String, Integer> calculateContentState_priority() {" + NL
+ + " Solver s = ctx.mkSolver();" + NL
+ + " s.push();" + NL + NL
+ + " List<Expr> contentList = new ArrayList<Expr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL
+ + " List<BoolExpr> constrLabelList = new ArrayList<BoolExpr>();" + NL + NL
+ + content_state_priority_code + NL
+ + " s.add(stdConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(minConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(maxConstr);" + NL
+ + " s.add(nonConstr);" + NL + NL
+ + " for (int i = 0; i < constrList.size(); i++) {" + NL
+ + " s.assertAndTrack(constrList.get(i), constrLabelList.get(i));" + NL
+ + " }" + NL + NL
+ + " Status st = s.check();" + NL
+ + " Map<String, Integer> map = Z3CodeManager.INSTNACE.setModel(s, contentList, st);" + NL
+ + " s.pop();" + NL
+ + " return map;" + NL
+ + " }" + NL
+ + method_code + NL
+ + "}" + NL;
+ }
diff --git a/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/SortValueGeneratorImpl.xtend b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/SortValueGeneratorImpl.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef3691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rba.tool.editor/src/rba/tool/editor/generator/z3/SortValueGeneratorImpl.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package rba.tool.editor.generator.z3
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.AbstractGenerator
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IFileSystemAccess2
+import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGeneratorContext
+import rba.tool.editor.model.manager.ResourceManager
+ * Generates code from your model files on save.
+ *
+ * See
+ */
+class SortValueGeneratorImpl extends AbstractGenerator implements ISortValueGenerator {
+ private static SortValueCodeGenerationSupporter generationSupporter = new SortValueCodeGenerationSupporter();
+ override doGenerate(Resource input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ doGenerate(input.resourceSet, fsa, context);
+ }
+ override beforeGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override afterGenerate(ResourceSet input, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ }
+ override void doGenerate(ResourceSet resourceSet, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
+ fsa.generateFile("", resourceSet.compile);
+ }
+ def compile(ResourceSet resourceSet) '''
+ «val allAllocatables = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaAllocatables(resourceSet)»
+ «val allAreas = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaAreas(resourceSet)»
+««« «FOR area : allAreas»
+««« «» : [ «FOR content : area.contents»«», «ENDFOR»]
+««« «ENDFOR»
+ «val allContents = ResourceManager.INSTANCE.getRbaContents(resourceSet)»
+««« «FOR content : allContents»
+««« «» : [ «FOR area : content.allocatable»«», «ENDFOR»]
+««« «ENDFOR»
+ «generationSupporter.generate(allContents, allAllocatables, allAreas)»
+ '''