tizen-application-manager, how to port into agl-demom-platform for Automotive Grade Linux ========================================================================== Release note Application Manager is responsible for * install/uninstall application * launch/suspend/resume/kill application * lifecycle management(event) * manage application data * provide application information The current version of tizen-application-manager provides the following common APIs to developers * manage the application - to launch/stop application - to manage application information of database * It doesn't provide efl event ToDo ------------------ * Documentation * Dynamicaly enable to install applications * Support multiple runtime engine - make event distributions selectable in accordance with runtime engines Layer Dependencies ------------------ URI: git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky > branch: jethro, > revision: 118380bc5d01e52b5edc574abb4176f6e70a54a6 URI: git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded > layer: meta-oe, meta-multimedia, meta-efl, meta-networking, meta-python > branch: jethro-next or jethro or master > revision: 8ab04afbffb4bc5184cfe0655049de6f44269990 URI: https://github.com/meta-qt5/meta-qt5.git > branch: master or jethro > revision: ea37a0bc987aa9484937ad68f762b4657c198617 URI: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/meta-agl > layer: meta-agl, meta-ivi-common > branch: master > revision: baa986abe444dbbfd59b63f6111a058b80891474 > (or later) URI: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/meta-agl-demo > branch: master > revision: 9a319937529cca7e263e987b85cb9d6fca0b468c > (or later) URI: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/meta-renesas > layer: meta-rcar-gen2 > branch: agl-1.0-bsp-1.8.0 > revision: 82611ccadef36ab0b8a6fd6fb1cf055e115f1ef5 > (or later) ## The Renesas R-Car Gen2 (Porter) board depends in addition on: ## URI: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/meta-renesas > branch: agl-1.0-bsp-1.8.0 > revision: 82611ccadef36ab0b8a6fd6fb1cf055e115f1ef5 > (or later) Supported Machine ----------------- * Renesas R-Car Gen2 (R-Car M2) - machine: porter Supported Target of bitbake ------------------------ * `agl-demo-platform-plus-application-manager` The image into which add tizen-application-manager Downloading the Source -------------------- You can use repo tool to get all layers which are needed to build AGL Distribution. Please refer to README in meta-agl-demo or meta-agl After that getting modified tizen-application-manager $ git clone https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/staging/tizen-application-manager Build a R-Car M2 (porter) image ------------------------------- Please refer to README in meta-agl-demo or meta-agl Build image ------------------------------- You can build an image for porter using the following steps: 1. Run the following command: $ cd ${METADIR} $ source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -m porter [-b build-porter] agl-demo 2. Modify conf/bblayers Add following environment variables in conf/bblayers.conf BBLAYERS =+ " \ ${METADIR}/tizen-application-manager/meta-application-manager \ " 3. Modify conf/local.conf If you would like to integrate with HomeScreen please add HomeScreen to IMAGE_INSTALL_append in conf/local.conf IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "HomeScreen" 4. bitbake the image $ bitbake agl-demo-platform-plus-application-manager Deploying to SD card ------------------------------- The process to refer to README in meta-agl-demo. Please change file name to agl-demo-platform-plus-application-manager from agl-demo-platform. -> --file=agl-demo-platform-plus-application-manager-porter.tar.bz2 How to use application manager ------------------------------- The following process is how to launch sample application trying whether sample package can be searched from database. 1. Start up porter board and open the weston-terminal 2. Setting # passwd aglglobalapp You can put any password you like. # chown aglglobalapp:root /run/user/0 /run/user/0/wayland-0 3. Launch sample application from user # login aglglobalapp (or # su aglglobalapp) $ launch_app org.tizen.amhelloworld Successfull message is shown. 4. How to start native application # cp <your-manifest-file> /usr/share/packages Note:How to write manifest file is here. Put your an application or a script to proper locale designated in manifest file. If you get the message, "Failed to create display (No such file or directory)", confirm XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to /run/user/0 https://developer.tizen.org/development/tools/native-tools/manifest-text-editor/additional-manifest-text-editor-elements#bg-category # pkg_initdb # ail_initdb $ pkgcmd -l // to list all applications available. $ ail_list is also available $ app_launcher -s <appid> For more information, please access the following URL https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/IVI/Tizen-IVI_3.0