path: root/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch
diff options
authorToshikazuOhiwa <>2020-03-30 09:37:19 +0900
committerToshikazuOhiwa <>2020-03-30 09:37:19 +0900
commitaacd1728939f2b6f4c811cd93502966265cd8203 (patch)
tree623084114944a78f72a0ee02e14549ef8e5ddea7 /communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch
parent706ad73eb02caf8532deaf5d38995bd258725cb8 (diff)
ps-communication branch
Diffstat (limited to 'communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch')
2 files changed, 715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch/CAN_CommWatch.cpp b/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch/CAN_CommWatch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abb727bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch/CAN_CommWatch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2019 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * FILE :CAN_CommWatch.cpp
+ * SYSTEM :_CWORD107_
+ * SUBSYSTEM :EXL process
+ * PROGRAM :CAN Thread CAN Data Communication Disruption Monitoring Management Process
+ * Module configuration :CANCommWatchTimeoutMsg() CANDataCommunication Disruption Timeout Message Processing
+ * :CAN_CommWatch() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Message Processing
+ * :CANCommWatchClear() CANDataCommunication interruption clear processing
+ * :CANVehicleInfoMsg() Vehicle sensor information notification message processing
+ * :CANIgStatGet() IG reception status acquisition processing
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "CAN_CommWatch.h"
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_types.h> // NOLINT (build/include)
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <peripheral_service/Canif_API.h>
+#include "CAN_Thread.h"
+#include "CAN_CommWatchData.h"
+#include "CAN_TxMsg.h"
+#include "CAN_TimerCtrl.h"
+/* Global variable */
+static uint8_t g_uc_comm_watch_ig_stat; /* IG receive mode */
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchInit
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Initialization Process
+ * FUNCTION : CANDataInitialize communication interruption monitoring
+ * ARGUMENT : void
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchInit(void) {
+ g_uc_comm_watch_ig_stat = CAN_COMM_IG_NORCV; /* Initialization of IG reception status */
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchTimeoutMsg
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Timeout Message Processing
+ * FUNCTION : Send communication interruption message when communication interruption of monitored CAN data is detected.
+ * ARGUMENT : us_timer_seq_no : Timer sequence number that timed out
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : RET_CAN_NORMAL :Normal completion
+ * : RET_CAN_ERROR_CANCEL :Data destruction
+ ******************************************************************************/
+RET_CAN CANCommWatchTimeoutMsg(HANDLE h_app, uint16_t us_timer_seq_no) {
+ RET_CAN ret = RET_CAN_ERROR_CANCEL; /* Return value of this function */
+ uint8_t uc_index; /* Index of the corresponding timer sequence number */
+ uint8_t uc_comm_stop; /* Communication status of the corresponding timer sequence number */
+ /* Determine whether communication interruption monitoring of the corresponding sequence number is registered. */
+ /* Timer Sequence Number Search*/
+ if (TRUE == CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoEntryCheck(us_timer_seq_no, &uc_index, &uc_comm_stop, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN)) {
+ /* Determining whether communication is in progress */
+ if ((uint8_t)CAN_COMM_NORMAL == uc_comm_stop) {
+ /* Change the communication status to "Communication interrupted" */
+ (void)CANCommWatchCtrl(uc_index, CAN_COMM_STOP, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN); /* Communication interruption state control processing */
+ /* Send Communication Disruption Detection Message */
+ (void)CANCommWatchSndMsg(h_app, uc_index); /* Transmission of communication interruption detection/recovery message */
+ }
+ }
+ return (ret);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatch
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Message Processing
+ * FUNCTION : CANDataRegister/delete communication disruption monitoring management table
+ * ARGUMENT : pst_rcv_msg :Received Message Reference Pointer
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : RET_CAN_NORMAL :Normal completion
+ * : RET_CAN_ERROR_SNDID :Distribution destination ID mismatch
+ * : RET_CAN_ERROR_UNDEF :Unregistered ID
+ * : RET_CAN_ERROR_TIMER :Timer acquisition failed
+ * : RET_CAN_ERROR_BUFFULL :Communication Disruption Monitoring Registered Number FULL
+ ******************************************************************************/
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CANCommWatch(HANDLE h_app) {
+ return CANCommWatchCore(h_app, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN);
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CANCommWatchCore(HANDLE h_app, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ RET_CAN ret = RET_CAN_NORMAL; /* Return value of this function */
+ uint8_t uc_cnt; /* Generic counters */
+ uint8_t uc_index; /* Indexed */
+ uint8_t uc_comm_stop = CAN_COMM_OFF; /* Communication status */
+ BOOL b_id_flag = FALSE; /* Variables for Stopping Monitoring */ /* ID match flag */
+ BOOL b_snd_id_flag = FALSE; /* Variables for Stopping Monitoring */ /* Destination ID match flag */
+ uint16_t us_timer_seq_no; /* Variables for Starting Monitoring */ /* Acquisition Timer Sequence Number */
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus e_status = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_CAN_DEBUG, __func__, "##### CAN COMMWATCH START #####"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ e_status = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(h_app, &rcv_msg, sizeof(rcv_msg), eSMRRelease);
+ if (e_status != eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __func__, "#CAN_thread# FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize Error");
+ if (e_status == eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldBufSize) {
+ FrameworkunifiedClearMsgData(h_app);
+ }
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 4: NSFW error case.
+ /* Monitor Registration/Suspension Determination */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 == rcv_msg.usWatchTime) { /* Is the communication interruption time zero? */
+ /*** Suspend Monitoring(Communication interruption time = 0) ***/
+ /* Is the delivery destination ID and CANID, DID registered in the disruption monitoring table? */
+ for (uc_cnt = 0; uc_cnt < (uint8_t)COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM; uc_cnt++) {
+ /* Are data with matching CANID and data IDs registered? ? */
+ if (FALSE == CANCommWatchCanidDidEntryCheck(uc_cnt, rcv_msg.ulCanid, rcv_msg.ulDid, mode)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ b_id_flag = TRUE; /* Set the ID match flag */
+ /* Does the shipping ID match? */
+ if (FALSE == CANCommWatchSndCheck(uc_cnt, rcv_msg.notifyName, mode)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ b_snd_id_flag = TRUE; /* Set the delivery destination ID match flag */
+ uc_index = uc_cnt; /* Store the index subject to monitoring termination. */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (TRUE != b_id_flag) { /* No matching data */
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __func__, "#CAN_thread# CAN CommWatchStop CanID Error"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ ret = RET_CAN_ERROR_UNDEF; /* Undefined ID error */
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (TRUE != b_snd_id_flag) { /* Distribution destination ID mismatch */
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __func__, "#CAN_thread# CAN CommWatchStop SNDID Error"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ ret = RET_CAN_ERROR_SNDID; /* Distribution destination ID mismatch */
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Suspend Monitoring */
+ /* Communication interruption timer stop processing */
+ if (RET_CAN_NORMAL == CANCommWatchTimerStop(uc_index, mode)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200:the function is always returned to RET_CAN_NORMAL //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ /* Successful stop -> delete from communication disconnection monitoring management table */
+ CANCommWatchDelete(uc_index, mode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Storage status can be checked? */
+ /* No free space */
+ if (TRUE != CANCommWatchEntryCheck(rcv_msg.ulCanid, rcv_msg.ulDid, rcv_msg.notifyName, &uc_index, mode)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __func__, "#CAN_thread# CAN CommWatch BufferFull"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Timer stop */
+ (void)CANCommWatchTimerStop(uc_index, mode);
+ /* IG linkage OFF or IG linkage ON and IG reception in progress */
+ if ((rcv_msg.ucIg == (uint8_t)CAN_IG_COOPERATION_OFF) || ((rcv_msg.ucIg == (uint8_t)CAN_IG_COOPERATION_ON) && (g_uc_comm_watch_ig_stat == (uint8_t)CAN_COMM_IG_ON))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: rcv_msg.ucIg is always be CAN_IG_COOPERATION_OFF //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ /* Timer activation */
+ /* Communication interruption monitoring timer start processing */
+ if (RET_CAN_NORMAL != CANCommWatchTimerStart(uc_index, rcv_msg.usWatchTime, mode)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200:the function is always returned to RET_CAN_NORMAL //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: the function is always returned to RET_CAN_NORMAL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ ret = RET_CAN_ERROR_TIMER; /* Timer start failure -> Return value setting: Timer acquisition error */
+ goto exit;
+ } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 200: the function is always returned to RET_CAN_NORMAL
+ /* Communication type = set during communication */
+ uc_comm_stop = CAN_COMM_NORMAL;
+ }
+ /* Timer sequence number acquisition */
+ us_timer_seq_no = CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoGet(uc_index, mode);
+ /* CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Process */
+ CANCommWatchEntry(uc_index, &rcv_msg, us_timer_seq_no, uc_comm_stop, mode);
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_CAN_DEBUG, __func__, "END(ret=%x)", ret); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ if (ret == RET_CAN_NORMAL)
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ else
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ // return RET_CAN_NORMAL;
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchClear
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication interruption clear processing
+ * FUNCTION : Sends a communication recovery message and restarts the timer.
+ * ARGUMENT : can_id :Received CAN ID
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchClear(HANDLE h_app, CANID can_id) {
+ uint8_t uc_cnt; /* Counter */
+ uint8_t uc_comm_stop; /* Communication status */
+ BOOL ret;
+ uint16_t us_tbl_chk_cnt = 0; /* Number of effective data checks for communication disruption table */
+ /* Corresponding CAN ID retrieval in communication interruption monitoring control table */
+ for (uc_cnt = 0; uc_cnt < (uint8_t)COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM; uc_cnt++) {
+ ret = CANCommWatchCanidEntryCheck(uc_cnt, can_id, &uc_comm_stop, &us_tbl_chk_cnt, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN);
+ /* CAN ID matching ? */
+ if (TRUE == ret) {
+ /* Is communication interrupted? */
+ if ((uint8_t)CAN_COMM_STOP == uc_comm_stop) {
+ /* Change the communication state to "Communicating" */
+ (void)CANCommWatchCtrl(uc_cnt, CAN_COMM_NORMAL, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN); /* Communication interruption state control processing */
+ uc_comm_stop = CAN_COMM_NORMAL;
+ /* Send communication disruption recovery message */
+ (void)CANCommWatchSndMsg(h_app, uc_cnt); /* Transmission of communication interruption detection/recovery message */
+ }
+ /* Timer restart only when communication status is in progress */
+ if (uc_comm_stop == (uint8_t)CAN_COMM_NORMAL) {
+ /* Timer restart */
+ (void)CANCommWatchTimerRenewal(uc_cnt, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN); /* Communication interruption monitoring timer update processing */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for completion of retrieval of all valid table data */
+ if (us_tbl_chk_cnt >= g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_CAN]) {
+ /* Completion of retrieval of all valid data for the table */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ * MODULE : CANIgStatGet
+ * ABSTRACT : IG reception status acquisition processing
+ * FUNCTION : Obtain IG reception information
+ * ARGUMENT : void
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : IG Information Received
+ ******************************************************************************/
+uint8_t CANIgStatGet(void) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: for dead code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return (g_uc_comm_watch_ig_stat);
diff --git a/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch/CAN_CommWatchData.cpp b/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch/CAN_CommWatchData.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b5a4681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communication/server/src/CAN/CommWatch/CAN_CommWatchData.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2019 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * FILE :CAN_CommWatchData.cpp
+ * SYSTEM :_CWORD107_
+ * SUBSYSTEM :EXL process
+ * PROGRAM :CAN thread CAN data communication interruption monitoring data management
+ * Module configuration :Can_CommWatchData_Init() CAN Data Communication Disruption Monitoring Management Data Initialization Process
+ * :CANCommWatchCanidDidEntryCheck() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Control Table Registration Status Checking Process (CAN ID and DataID Retrieval)
+ * :CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoEntryCheck() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Status Checking Process (Timer Sequence Number Search)
+ * :CANCommWatchEntryCheck() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Destination Confirmation Process
+ * :CANCommWatchEntry() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Process
+ * :CANCommWatchDelete() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Deletion Processing
+ * :CANCommWatchCtrl() Communication interruption state control processing
+ * :CANCommWatchDataGet() Communication interruption data acquisition process
+ * :CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoGet() Acquisition of Communication Disruption Monitor Timer Sequence Number
+ * :CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoRenwal() Communication interruption monitoring timer sequence number update processing
+ * :CANCommWatchSndCheck() CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Delivery Destination ID Confirmation Process
+ * :CANCommWatchIgcoopGet() IG linkage information acquisition processing of the communication disruption monitoring management table
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "CAN_CommWatchData.h"
+#include <string.h> // NOLINT (build/include)
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_types.h>
+#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
+#include <peripheral_service/Canif_API.h>
+#include "CAN_Thread.h"
+/* Global variables */
+/* Timer sequence number increment counter */
+static uint16_t g_us_comm_watch_timer_seq_no = COMM_WATICH_TIMER_SEQ_NO_MIN;
+CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT g_st_comm_watch_dat[CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_TERMINATE][COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM]; /* Communication disruption monitoring management table */
+uint16_t g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_TERMINATE]; /* Number of effective registrations of communication disruption monitoring management table */
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchDataInit
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Data Initialization Process
+ * FUNCTION : CANDataInitializing management data for communication disruption monitoring
+ * ARGUMENT : void
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchDataInit(void) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_TERMINATE; i++) {
+ /* Communication disruption monitoring management table */
+ memset(g_st_comm_watch_dat[i], 0x00, sizeof(CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT) * COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM);
+ g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[i] = 0; /* Number of effective registrations of communication disruption monitoring management table */
+ }
+ return;
+ * MODULE : CAN_CommWatchCanidDidIDEntryCheck
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Control Table Registration Status Checking Process (CAN ID and DataID Retrieval)
+ * FUNCTION : Compares the specified indexes of the communication interruption monitoring control table with the CAN ID and data IDs.
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Indexed
+ * can_id :CAN ID
+ * ul_did :Data ID
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : TRUE :Data consistency
+ * FALSE :Data mismatch
+ ******************************************************************************/
+BOOL CANCommWatchCanidDidEntryCheck(uint8_t uc_index, CANID can_id, DID ul_did, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* Is the specified index monitoring interrupted? */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 != ptr->us_watch_time) {
+ /* The CANID and data identifier of the named index data matches the arguments? */
+ if (can_id == ptr->ul_can_id) {
+ if (ul_did == ptr->ul_did) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (ret);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoEntryCheck
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Status Checking Process (Timer Sequence Number Search)
+ * FUNCTION : Returns the index of the communication interruption monitoring management table with the specified timer sequence number
+ * ARGUMENT : us_timer_seq_no :Search timer sequence number
+ * puc_index :Index return pointer
+ * puc_comm_stop :Communication status return pointer
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : TRUE :Registered
+ * FALSE :No registration
+ ******************************************************************************/
+BOOL CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoEntryCheck(uint16_t us_timer_seq_no, uint8_t *puc_index,
+ uint8_t *puc_comm_stop, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ uint32_t ul_cnt;
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][0];
+ /* Timer Sequence Number Search */
+ for (ul_cnt = 0; ul_cnt < COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM; ul_cnt++) {
+ /* Is monitoring interrupted? */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 != ptr[ul_cnt].us_watch_time) {
+ /* Match Timer Sequence Number */
+ if (us_timer_seq_no == ptr[ul_cnt].us_timer_seq_no) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ *puc_index = (uint8_t)ul_cnt;
+ *puc_comm_stop = ptr[ul_cnt].uc_comm_stop;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (ret);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchEntryCheck
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Destination Confirmation Process
+ * FUNCTION : Returns the registerable index in the communication disconnection monitoring management table
+ * ARGUMENT : can_id :CAN ID
+ * ul_did :Data ID
+ * notifyId :Addresses for delivery ID
+ * puc_index :Index return pointer
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : TRUE :Can be registered
+ * FALSE :Unable to register
+ ******************************************************************************/
+BOOL CANCommWatchEntryCheck(CANID can_id, DID ul_did, PCSTR notify_name, uint8_t *puc_index, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ uint32_t ul_cnt;
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][0];
+ /* Search duplicate data */
+ for (ul_cnt = 0; ul_cnt < COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM; ul_cnt++) {
+ /* CANID, DataID, Shipping ID Matching? */
+ if ((can_id == ptr[ul_cnt].ul_can_id) &&
+ (ul_did == ptr[ul_cnt].ul_did) &&
+ (strcmp(notify_name, ptr[ul_cnt].notify_name) == 0)) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ *puc_index = (uint8_t)ul_cnt;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (FALSE == ret) {
+ /* Search for free table */
+ for (ul_cnt = 0; ul_cnt < COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM; ul_cnt++) {
+ /* Free (communication interruption time = 0)? */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 == ptr[ul_cnt].us_watch_time) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ *puc_index = (uint8_t)ul_cnt;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (ret);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchEntry
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Registration Process
+ * FUNCTION : Register data in the communication interruption monitoring management table
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Index of registration destination
+ * ul_did :Data to register ID
+ * notifyId :Process ID to register
+ * ulCanid :CAN ID to register
+ * usWatchTime :Communication interruption time to register
+ * ucIg :IG linkage flag to be registered
+ * us_timer_seq_no :Timer sequence number to register
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchEntry(uint8_t uc_index, const CAN_COMM_WATCHEXT_MSG_DAT *pst_msg_data,
+ uint16_t us_timer_seq_no, uint8_t uc_comm_stop, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* Confirm whether overwriting or addition of communication disruption monitoring management table */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 == ptr->us_watch_time) {
+ /* In case of additional registration, update the number of registered data */
+ g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[mode]++;
+ }
+ /* Register new monitoring data in communication interruption monitoring management table */
+ strlcpy(ptr->notify_name, pst_msg_data->notifyName, sizeof(ptr->notify_name)); /* Store Destination Thread Name */
+ ptr->ul_did = pst_msg_data->ulDid; /* Data ID storage */
+ ptr->ul_can_id = pst_msg_data->ulCanid; /* CAN ID storage */
+ ptr->us_watch_time = pst_msg_data->usWatchTime; /* Communication interruption time storage */
+ ptr->uc_comm_stop = uc_comm_stop; /* Communication state storage */
+ ptr->uc_ig = pst_msg_data->ucIg; /* IG linkage information storage */
+ ptr->us_timer_seq_no = us_timer_seq_no; /* Store timer sequence number */
+ /* Log output */
+ // LCOV_EXCL_BR_START 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ "##### COMMWaitTable [Index:0x%04x, SndId:0x%s, Did:0x%08x, CanID:0x%08x, Tim:0x%04x, Comm:0x%04x, IG:0x%04x, TimSeq:0x%04x] ##### ", // NOLINT (whitespace/line_length)
+ uc_index, ptr->notify_name, ptr->ul_did, ptr->ul_can_id,
+ ptr->us_watch_time, ptr->uc_comm_stop, ptr->uc_ig, ptr->us_timer_seq_no);
+ // LCOV_EXCL_BR_STOP 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ return;
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchDelete
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Deletion Processing
+ * FUNCTION : Delete the data in the communication disconnection monitoring management table.
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Destination index
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchDelete(uint8_t uc_index, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* To 0 all members of the data for the specified index */
+ memset(ptr->notify_name, 0x00, sizeof(ptr->notify_name)); /* Initialization of delivery destination thread name */
+ ptr->ul_did = 0; /* Data ID initialization */
+ ptr->ul_can_id = 0; /* CAN ID initialization */
+ ptr->us_watch_time = 0; /* Communication interruption time initialization */
+ ptr->uc_comm_stop = 0; /* Communication status initialization */
+ ptr->uc_ig = 0; /* Initialization of IG linkage information */
+ ptr->us_timer_seq_no = 0; /* Initialization of timer sequence number */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 != g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[mode]) {
+ g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[mode]--; /* Updating the number of registered data */
+ }
+ /* Log output */
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_CAN_DEBUG, __func__, "##### COMMWaitTableDel [Index:0x%04x] #####", uc_index); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ return;
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchCtrl
+ * ABSTRACT : Communication interruption state control processing
+ * FUNCTION : Setting communication interruption status
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Index to set
+ * uc_comm_stop :Communication status to be set
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchCtrl(uint8_t uc_index, uint8_t uc_comm_stop, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* Change communication status */
+ ptr->uc_comm_stop = uc_comm_stop;
+ /* Log output */
+ // LCOV_EXCL_BR_START 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ "##### COMMWaitTable [Index:0x%04x, SndId:0x%s, Did:0x%08x, CanID:0x%08x, Tim:0x%04x, Comm:0x%04x, IG:0x%04x, TimSeq:0x%04x] #####", // NOLINT (whitespace/line_length)
+ uc_index, ptr->notify_name, ptr->ul_did, ptr->ul_can_id,
+ ptr->us_watch_time, ptr->uc_comm_stop, ptr->uc_ig, ptr->us_timer_seq_no);
+ // LCOV_EXCL_BR_STOP 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ return;
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchDataGet
+ * ABSTRACT : Communication interruption data acquisition process
+ * FUNCTION : Returns the disconnected data for the specified index
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Indexed
+ * pNotifyId :Destination ID Return Pointer
+ * pul_did :Data ID return pointer
+ * puc_comm_stop :Communication status return pointer
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : void
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchDataGet(uint8_t uc_index, char *p_notify_name, DID *pul_did,
+ uint8_t *puc_comm_stop, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ snprintf(p_notify_name, strlen(ptr->notify_name) + 1, "%s", ptr->notify_name);
+ *pul_did = ptr->ul_did; /* Data ID */
+ *puc_comm_stop = ptr->uc_comm_stop; /* Communication status */
+ return;
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoGet
+ * ABSTRACT : Acquisition of Communication Disruption Monitor Timer Sequence Number
+ * FUNCTION : Returns the timer sequence number at the specified index
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Indexed
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : Timer Sequence Number
+ ******************************************************************************/
+uint16_t CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoGet(uint8_t uc_index, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ uint16_t us_timer_seq_no;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* Timer sequence number of the target index */
+ us_timer_seq_no = ptr->us_timer_seq_no;
+ return (us_timer_seq_no);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoRenwal
+ * ABSTRACT : Communication interruption monitoring timer sequence number update processing
+ * FUNCTION : Updates the timer sequence number at the specified index
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Indexed
+ * pus_watch_time :Communication interruption time return pointer
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : Timer Sequence Number
+ ******************************************************************************/
+uint16_t CANCommWatchTimerSeqNoRenwal(uint8_t uc_index, uint16_t *pus_watch_time, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ uint16_t us_timer_seq_no;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* Updating the timer sequence number of the target index */
+ ptr->us_timer_seq_no = g_us_comm_watch_timer_seq_no;
+ /* Timer sequence number increment counter + 1 */
+ g_us_comm_watch_timer_seq_no++;
+ /* Check whether it is within the range of the sequence number used for communication interruption monitoring */
+ if (g_us_comm_watch_timer_seq_no > (uint16_t)COMM_WATICH_TIMER_SEQ_NO_MAX) {
+ g_us_comm_watch_timer_seq_no = COMM_WATICH_TIMER_SEQ_NO_MIN;
+ }
+ /* Return value setting */
+ us_timer_seq_no = ptr->us_timer_seq_no;
+ *pus_watch_time = ptr->us_watch_time;
+ /* Log output */
+ // LCOV_EXCL_BR_START 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ "##### COMMWaitTable [Index:0x%04x, SndId:0x%s, Did:0x%08x, CanID:0x%08x, Tim:0x%04x, Comm:0x%04x, IG:0x%04x, TimSeq:0x%04x] #####", // NOLINT (whitespace/line_length)
+ uc_index, ptr->notify_name, ptr->ul_did, ptr->ul_can_id,
+ ptr->us_watch_time, ptr->uc_comm_stop, ptr->uc_ig, ptr->us_timer_seq_no);
+ // LCOV_EXCL_BR_STOP 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" //NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ return (us_timer_seq_no);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchSndCheck
+ * ABSTRACT : CANDataCommunication Disruption Monitoring Management Table Delivery Destination ID Confirmation Process
+ * FUNCTION : Compare the specified index of the communication interruption monitoring management table with the delivery destination ID.
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Indexed
+ * notifyId :Addresses for delivery ID
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : TRUE :Data consistency
+ * FALSE :Data mismatch
+ ******************************************************************************/
+BOOL CANCommWatchSndCheck(uint8_t uc_index, PCSTR notify_name, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) {
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* Destination ID of specified index data matches argument? */
+ if (strcmp(notify_name, ptr->notify_name) == 0) {
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ return (ret);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchIgcoopGet
+ * ABSTRACT : IG linkage information acquisition processing of the communication disruption monitoring management table
+ * FUNCTION : Returns the IG linkage value of the specified index
+ * ARGUMENT : uc_index :Indexed
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN : CAN_IG_COOPERATION_OFF :IG no collaboration
+ * CAN_IG_COOPERATION_ON :IG Has collaborations
+ ******************************************************************************/
+uint8_t CANCommWatchIgcoopGet(uint8_t uc_index, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:the function is not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ uint8_t uc_ig_cooperation;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][uc_index];
+ /* IG linkage value of the target index */
+ uc_ig_cooperation = ptr->uc_ig;
+ return (uc_ig_cooperation);
+ * MODULE : CANCommWatchBufferOut
+ * ABSTRACT : CAN communication interruption table log output processing
+ * FUNCTION : Output CAN communication disruption table log
+ * ARGUMENT : FILE *fp_log : File pointer of the log output file
+ * NOTE :
+ * RETURN :
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CANCommWatchBufferOut(FILE *fp_log, CAN_PROTOCOL_TYPE mode) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:the function is not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ int32_t usage_rate;
+ uint16_t i;
+ uint16_t data_cnt = 0;
+ CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT *ptr = &g_st_comm_watch_dat[mode][0];
+ if (NULL != fp_log) {
+ /* Output of communication disruption management table */
+ (void)fprintf(fp_log, "CAN CommWatch Buffer \n");
+ (void)fprintf(fp_log, "CanID: SNDID: DID: Time: State: IG_mode: TimeSeq:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < (uint16_t)COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM; i++) {
+ /* Free (communication interruption time = 0)? */
+ if ((uint16_t)0 != ptr[i].us_watch_time) {
+ (void)fprintf(fp_log, "%08x %s %08x %04x %04x %04x %04x\n",
+ ptr[i].ul_can_id,
+ ptr[i].notify_name,
+ ptr[i].ul_did,
+ ptr[i].us_watch_time,
+ ptr[i].uc_comm_stop,
+ ptr[i].uc_ig,
+ ptr[i].us_timer_seq_no);
+ data_cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ usage_rate = (((int32_t)data_cnt * 100) / COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM);
+ (void)fprintf(fp_log, "BUFFER_Use: %04d BUFFER_Max: %04d Usage_Rate: %04d \n",
+ data_cnt, COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM, usage_rate);
+ if (usage_rate >= CAN_USAGE_RATE_THRESHOLD) {
+ (void)fprintf(fp_log, "Warning: Buffer utilization exceeds a threshold.\n");
+ }
+ }
+// LCOV_EXCL_START 7: debug code
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CANCommWatchAllClearDebug(HANDLE h_app) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (access("/tmp/communication_debug", F_OK) == 0) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __func__, "g_st_comm_watch_dat[CAN].");
+ /* Communication disruption monitoring management table */
+ memset(g_st_comm_watch_dat[0], 0x00, sizeof(CAN_COMM_WATCH_DAT) * COMM_WATCH_LIST_NUM);
+ g_us_comm_watch_dat_cnt[0] = 0; /* Number of effective registrations of communication disruption monitoring management table */
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __func__, "/tmp/communication_debug Not found.");
+ }
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// LCOV_EXCL_STOP 7: debug code