path: root/external/meta-updater/classes/image_types_ostree.bbclass
diff options
authorToshikazuOhiwa <>2020-03-30 09:24:26 +0900
committerToshikazuOhiwa <>2020-03-30 09:24:26 +0900
commit5b80bfd7bffd4c20d80b7c70a7130529e9a755dd (patch)
treeb4bb18dcd1487dbf1ea8127e5671b7bb2eded033 /external/meta-updater/classes/image_types_ostree.bbclass
parent706ad73eb02caf8532deaf5d38995bd258725cb8 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'external/meta-updater/classes/image_types_ostree.bbclass')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/meta-updater/classes/image_types_ostree.bbclass b/external/meta-updater/classes/image_types_ostree.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56d4d76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/meta-updater/classes/image_types_ostree.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# OSTree deployment
+inherit distro_features_check
+OSTREE_ROOTFS ??= "${WORKDIR}/ostree-rootfs"
+SYSTEMD_USED = "${@oe.utils.ifelse(d.getVar('VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager') == 'systemd', 'true', '')}"
+IMAGE_CMD_TAR = "tar --xattrs --xattrs-include=*"
+CONVERSION_CMD_tar = "touch ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}; ${IMAGE_CMD_TAR} --numeric-owner -cf ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}.tar -C ${OTA_IMAGE_ROOTFS} . || [ $? -eq 1 ]"
+CONVERSIONTYPES_append = " tar"
+OTA_IMAGE_ROOTFS_task-image-ostree = "${OSTREE_ROOTFS}"
+do_image_ostree[dirs] = "${OSTREE_ROOTFS}"
+do_image_ostree[cleandirs] = "${OSTREE_ROOTFS}"
+do_image_ostree[depends] = "coreutils-native:do_populate_sysroot virtual/kernel:do_deploy ${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}:do_image_complete"
+IMAGE_CMD_ostree () {
+ chmod a+rx ${OSTREE_ROOTFS}
+ sync
+ for d in var/*; do
+ if [ "${d}" != "var/local" ]; then
+ rm -rf ${d}
+ fi
+ done
+ # Create sysroot directory to which physical sysroot will be mounted
+ mkdir sysroot
+ ln -sf sysroot/ostree ostree
+ rm -rf tmp/*
+ ln -sf sysroot/tmp tmp
+ mkdir -p usr/rootdirs
+ mv etc usr/
+ if [ -n "${SYSTEMD_USED}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p usr/etc/tmpfiles.d
+ tmpfiles_conf=usr/etc/tmpfiles.d/00ostree-tmpfiles.conf
+ echo "d /var/rootdirs 0755 root root -" >>${tmpfiles_conf}
+ echo "L /var/rootdirs/home - - - - /sysroot/home" >>${tmpfiles_conf}
+ else
+ mkdir -p usr/etc/init.d
+ tmpfiles_conf=usr/etc/init.d/
+ echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${tmpfiles_conf}
+ echo "mkdir -p /var/rootdirs; chmod 755 /var/rootdirs" >> ${tmpfiles_conf}
+ echo "ln -sf /sysroot/home /var/rootdirs/home" >> ${tmpfiles_conf}
+ ln -s ../init.d/ usr/etc/rcS.d/
+ fi
+ # Preserve OSTREE_BRANCHNAME for future information
+ mkdir -p usr/share/sota/
+ echo -n "${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME}" > usr/share/sota/branchname
+ # Preserve data in /home to be later copied to /sysroot/home by sysroot
+ # generating procedure
+ mkdir -p usr/homedirs
+ if [ -d "home" ] && [ ! -L "home" ]; then
+ mv home usr/homedirs/home
+ ln -sf var/rootdirs/home home
+ fi
+ # Move persistent directories to /var
+ dirs="opt mnt media srv"
+ for dir in ${dirs}; do
+ if [ -d ${dir} ] && [ ! -L ${dir} ]; then
+ if [ "$(ls -A $dir)" ]; then
+ bbwarn "Data in /$dir directory is not preserved by OSTree. Consider moving it under /usr"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${SYSTEMD_USED}" ]; then
+ echo "d /var/rootdirs/${dir} 0755 root root -" >>${tmpfiles_conf}
+ else
+ echo "mkdir -p /var/rootdirs/${dir}; chown 755 /var/rootdirs/${dir}" >>${tmpfiles_conf}
+ fi
+ rm -rf ${dir}
+ ln -sf var/rootdirs/${dir} ${dir}
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -d root ] && [ ! -L root ]; then
+ if [ "$(ls -A root)" ]; then
+ bbfatal "Data in /root directory is not preserved by OSTree."
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${SYSTEMD_USED}" ]; then
+ echo "d /var/roothome 0755 root root -" >>${tmpfiles_conf}
+ else
+ echo "mkdir -p /var/roothome; chown 755 /var/roothome" >>${tmpfiles_conf}
+ fi
+ rm -rf root
+ ln -sf var/roothome root
+ fi
+ if [ "${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}" = "fitImage" ]; then
+ # this is a hack for ostree not to override init= in kernel cmdline -
+ # make it think that the initramfs is present (while it is in FIT image)
+ # since initramfs is fake file, it does not need to be included in checksum
+ checksum=$(sha256sum ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${OSTREE_KERNEL} | cut -f 1 -d " ")
+ touch boot/initramfs-${checksum}
+ else
+ if [ "${OSTREE_DEPLOY_DEVICETREE}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" ]; then
+ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${DTS_FILE_BASENAME} boot/devicetree-${DTS_FILE_BASENAME}-${checksum}
+ done
+ else
+ checksum=$(cat ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${OSTREE_KERNEL} ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}-${MACHINE}.${INITRAMFS_FSTYPES} | sha256sum | cut -f 1 -d " ")
+ fi
+ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}-${MACHINE}.${INITRAMFS_FSTYPES} boot/initramfs-${checksum}
+ fi
+ cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${OSTREE_KERNEL} boot/vmlinuz-${checksum}
+ # Copy image manifest
+ cat ${IMAGE_MANIFEST} | cut -d " " -f1,3 > usr/package.manifest
+IMAGE_TYPEDEP_ostreecommit = "ostree"
+do_image_ostreecommit[depends] += "ostree-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+do_image_ostreecommit[lockfiles] += "${OSTREE_REPO}/ostree.lock"
+IMAGE_CMD_ostreecommit () {
+ if ! ostree --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} refs 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
+ ostree --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} init --mode=archive-z2
+ fi
+ # Commit the result
+ ostree --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} commit \
+ --tree=dir=${OSTREE_ROOTFS} \
+ --skip-if-unchanged \
+ --branch=${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME} \
+ --subject="${OSTREE_COMMIT_SUBJECT}" \
+ --body="${OSTREE_COMMIT_BODY}"
+ if [ "${OSTREE_UPDATE_SUMMARY}" = "1" ]; then
+ ostree --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} summary -u
+ fi
+ # To enable simultaneous bitbaking of two images with the same branch name,
+ # create a new ref in the repo using the basename of the image. (This first
+ # requires deleting it if it already exists.) Fixes OTA-2211.
+ ostree --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} refs --delete ${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME}-${IMAGE_BASENAME}
+ ostree_target_hash=$(cat ${OSTREE_REPO}/refs/heads/${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME})
+ ostree --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} refs --create=${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME}-${IMAGE_BASENAME} ${ostree_target_hash}
+IMAGE_TYPEDEP_ostreepush = "ostreecommit"
+do_image_ostreepush[depends] += "aktualizr-native:do_populate_sysroot ca-certificates-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+IMAGE_CMD_ostreepush () {
+ # Print warnings if credetials are not set or if the file has not been found.
+ if [ -n "${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS}" ]; then
+ if [ -e ${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS} ]; then
+ garage-push -vv --repo=${OSTREE_REPO} \
+ --credentials=${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS} \
+ --cacert=${STAGING_ETCDIR_NATIVE}/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+ else
+ bbwarn "SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS file does not exist."
+ fi
+ else
+ fi
+IMAGE_TYPEDEP_garagesign = "ostreepush"
+do_image_garagesign[depends] += "unzip-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+# This lock solves OTA-1866, which is that removing GARAGE_SIGN_REPO while using
+# garage-sign simultaneously for two images often causes problems.
+do_image_garagesign[lockfiles] += "${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/garagesign.lock"
+IMAGE_CMD_garagesign () {
+ if [ -n "${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS}" ]; then
+ # if credentials are issued by a server that doesn't support offline signing, exit silently
+ unzip -p ${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS} root.json targets.sec tufrepo.url 2>&1 >/dev/null || exit 0
+ java_version=$( java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' )
+ if [ "${java_version}" = "" ]; then
+ bbfatal "Java is required for synchronization with update backend, but is not installed on the host machine"
+ elif [ "${java_version}" \< "1.8" ]; then
+ bbfatal "Java version >= 8 is required for synchronization with update backend"
+ fi
+ rm -rf ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO}
+ garage-sign init --repo tufrepo \
+ --home-dir ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO} \
+ --credentials ${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS}
+ ostree_target_hash=$(cat ${OSTREE_REPO}/refs/heads/${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME}-${IMAGE_BASENAME})
+ # Use OSTree target hash as version if none was provided by the user
+ target_version=${ostree_target_hash}
+ if [ -n "${GARAGE_TARGET_VERSION}" ]; then
+ target_version=${GARAGE_TARGET_VERSION}
+ bbwarn "Target version is overriden with GARAGE_TARGET_VERSION variable. It is a dangerous operation, make sure you've read the respective secion in meta-updater/README.adoc"
+ elif [ -e "${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/target_version" ]; then
+ target_version=$(cat "${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/target_version")
+ bbwarn "Target version is overriden with target_version file. It is a dangerous operation, make sure you've read the respective secion in meta-updater/README.adoc"
+ fi
+ # Push may fail due to race condition when multiple build machines try to push simultaneously
+ # in which case targets.json should be pulled again and the whole procedure repeated
+ push_success=0
+ target_url=""
+ if [ -n "${GARAGE_TARGET_URL}" ]; then
+ target_url='--url ${GARAGE_TARGET_URL}'
+ fi
+ for push_retries in $( seq 3 ); do
+ garage-sign targets pull --repo tufrepo \
+ --home-dir ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO}
+ garage-sign targets add --repo tufrepo \
+ --home-dir ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO} \
+ --name ${GARAGE_TARGET_NAME} \
+ --format OSTREE \
+ --version ${target_version} \
+ --length 0 \
+ ${target_url} \
+ --sha256 ${ostree_target_hash} \
+ --hardwareids ${SOTA_HARDWARE_ID}
+ garage-sign targets sign --repo tufrepo \
+ --home-dir ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO} \
+ --key-name=targets
+ errcode=0
+ garage-sign targets push --repo tufrepo \
+ --home-dir ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO} || errcode=$?
+ if [ "$errcode" -eq "0" ]; then
+ push_success=1
+ break
+ else
+ bbwarn "Push to garage repository has failed, retrying"
+ fi
+ done
+ rm -rf ${GARAGE_SIGN_REPO}
+ if [ "$push_success" -ne "1" ]; then
+ bbfatal "Couldn't push to garage repository"
+ fi
+ fi
+IMAGE_TYPEDEP_garagecheck = "garagesign"
+IMAGE_CMD_garagecheck () {
+ if [ -n "${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS}" ]; then
+ # if credentials are issued by a server that doesn't support offline signing, exit silently
+ unzip -p ${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS} root.json targets.sec tufrepo.url 2>&1 >/dev/null || exit 0
+ ostree_target_hash=$(cat ${OSTREE_REPO}/refs/heads/${OSTREE_BRANCHNAME}-${IMAGE_BASENAME})
+ garage-check --ref=${ostree_target_hash} \
+ --credentials=${SOTA_PACKED_CREDENTIALS} \
+ --cacert=${STAGING_ETCDIR_NATIVE}/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+ fi
+# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab: