path: root/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src
diff options
authortakeshi_hoshina <>2020-10-27 11:16:21 +0900
committertakeshi_hoshina <>2020-10-27 11:16:21 +0900
commit947c78887e791596d4a5ec2d1079f8b1a049628b (patch)
tree3981e88eb8764d7180722f8466f36b756dc005af /nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src
parent706ad73eb02caf8532deaf5d38995bd258725cb8 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src')
25 files changed, 13747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/app_states.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/app_states.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c54508b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/app_states.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2684 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of internal transitions of state machine
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_notification.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "app_states.h"
+#include "ns_npp.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notification_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_personalization_manager.h"
+#include <ns_npp_profiling_protocols_internal.h>
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
+static size_t NppUIToA(unsigned int value, char *buf) {
+ static const char c[] = "0123456789";
+ char b[12];
+ char *p = b + sizeof(b);
+ int i = 0;
+ *--p = '\0';
+ do {
+ *--p = c[value % 10];
+ value /= 10;
+ ++i;
+ } while (value);
+ strcpy(buf, p); // NOLINT (runtime/printf)
+ return i;
+static size_t NppStrlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz) {
+ size_t ret = strlen(src);
+ if (siz) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: siz can't be 0
+ size_t len = (ret >= siz) ? siz - 1 : ret;
+ memcpy(dst, src, len);
+ dst[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ return ret;
+#define NPP_SET_FIXSTR(buf, str) \
+ do { \
+ strcpy(buf, str); /* NOLINT (runtime/printf) */ \
+ buf += sizeof(str) - 1; \
+ } while (0)
+#define NPP_SET_VARSTR(buf, str, siz) \
+ buf += NppStrlcpy(buf, str, siz)
+extern CHAR g_csendreadyackto[];
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterNotifications
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for registering notification is triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterNotifications) { // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_register_multiple_notif_msg *l_pMsg = NULL;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get app name of message source
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ if (l_uiMsgLength <= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't register notifications. Invalid message length received."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0 // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ std::vector<CHAR> l_vData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(
+ l_pHApp, &l_vData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(l_vData.size()), eSMRRelease))) {
+ l_pMsg = reinterpret_cast<NC_register_multiple_notif_msg *>(&l_vData[0]);
+ if (NULL != l_pMsg) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ NC_register_notif_msg *l_pEventInfo = NULL;
+ // register all the notifications
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_pMsg->numNotifications;
+ ++l_uiCount) {
+ l_pEventInfo = &l_pMsg->notifierList[l_uiCount];
+ if (NULL != l_pEventInfo) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "Register Notfn request, src=%s, name=%s, len=%d, type=%d",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_pEventInfo->notificationName, l_pEventInfo->maxLength, l_pEventInfo->persType);
+ // register the notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName,
+ l_pEventInfo->maxLength,
+ l_pEventInfo->persType)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents :: %s", l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't register notification from source %s. l_pEventInfo is NULL", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid src mq"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Can't register notifications from source %s, Unable to get message data. Error Status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotification
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for subscribing single notification is
+/// triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotification) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_subscribe_msg l_objSubscribeMsg;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ if (FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp) == sizeof(NC_subscribe_msg)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ // get the data received
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_objSubscribeMsg), sizeof(NC_subscribe_msg), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ char buf[128];
+ char *p = buf;
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, "Subscribing Notfn request, src=");
+ NPP_SET_VARSTR(p, l_cMsgSource, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf));
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, ", name=");
+ strcpy(p, l_objSubscribeMsg.notificationName); // NOLINT (runtime/printf)
+ * "Subscribing Notfn request, src=%s, name=%s",
+ * l_cMsgSource, l_objSubscribeMsg.notificationName);*/
+ // subscribe for notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnSubscribeToEvent(
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_objSubscribeMsg.notificationName)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnSubscribeToEvent :: %s", l_objSubscribeMsg.notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't subscribe to notification from source %s. Unable to get msg data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't subscribe to notification from source %s. Invalid message length received.",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't subscribe to notification from source %s. l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotifications
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for subscribing multiple notification is
+/// triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotifications) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_subscribe_multiple_notif_msg *l_pMsg = NULL;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ if (l_uiMsgLength <= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ } else {
+ std::vector<CHAR> l_vData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the data received
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &l_vData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(l_vData.size()), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pMsg = reinterpret_cast<NC_subscribe_multiple_notif_msg *>(&l_vData[0]);
+ if (NULL != l_pMsg) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ NC_subscribe_msg *l_pEventInfo = NULL;
+ // subscribe to multiple notifications
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_pMsg->numNotifications;
+ ++l_uiCount) {
+ l_pEventInfo = &l_pMsg->notificationList[l_uiCount];
+ if (NULL != l_pEventInfo) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ char buf[128];
+ char *p = buf;
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, "Subscribe Notfn request, src=");
+ NPP_SET_VARSTR(p, l_cMsgSource, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf));
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, ", name=");
+ strcpy(p, l_pEventInfo->notificationName); // NOLINT (runtime/printf)
+ "Subscribe Notfn request, src=%s, name=%s",
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName);*/
+ // subscribe to notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnSubscribeToEvent(
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnSubscribeToEvent :: %s", l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to subscribe to notifications from source %s, l_pEventInfo is NULL", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to subscribe to notifications from source %s, Invalid src mq", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ l_vData.clear();
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to subscribe to notifications from source %s, error retrieving message data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to subscribe to notifications from source %s, l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishNotification
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for publishing notification is triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishNotification) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get the app name of message source
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ // retrieve notification name
+ FrameworkunifiedGetSystemInfo(l_pHApp, l_cData);
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ char buf[144];
+ char *p = buf;
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, "Publish Notfn request, src=");
+ NPP_SET_VARSTR(p, l_cMsgSource, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf));
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, ", name=");
+ NPP_SET_VARSTR(p, l_cData, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf));
+ NPP_SET_FIXSTR(p, ", len=");
+ NppUIToA(l_uiMsgLength, p);
+ "Publish Notfn request, src=%s, name=%s, len=%d",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_cData, l_uiMsgLength);*/
+ if (0 != l_uiMsgLength) {
+ std::vector<CHAR> pMsgData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &pMsgData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(pMsgData.size()), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // publish the notification
+ (VOID)l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnPublishEvent(l_cMsgSource, l_cData,
+ (PVOID)&pMsgData[0], l_uiMsgLength);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't publish notification from source %s, Unable to get messsage data, Error Status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ // LCOV_EXCL_STOP 4: NSFW error case
+ }
+ } else {
+ // publish the notification
+ (VOID)l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnPublishEvent(l_cMsgSource, l_cData, NULL, l_uiMsgLength);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't publish notification from source %s. l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotification
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for unsubscribing notification is triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotification) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_unsubscribe_frm_notif_msg unsubscribeMsg;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get the msg source name
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ if (FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp) == sizeof(NC_unsubscribe_frm_notif_msg)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&unsubscribeMsg), sizeof(NC_unsubscribe_frm_notif_msg), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Source: %s is unsubscribing from notification: %s", l_cMsgSource,
+ unsubscribeMsg.notificationName);
+ // unsubscribe from notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnSubscribeFromEvent(
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ unsubscribeMsg.notificationName)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnSubscribeFromEvent :: %s",
+ unsubscribeMsg.notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "%s is unable to subscribe from notification, error getting message data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe to notification from source %s, Invalid Message size received.",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe to notification from source %s, l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotification
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for unsubscribing notification is triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotifications) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_unsubscribe_multiple_notif_msg *l_pMsg = NULL;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ if (l_uiMsgLength <= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe from notifications from source %s. Invalid message length received",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ std::vector<CHAR> l_vData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the data received
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &l_vData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(l_vData.size()), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pMsg = reinterpret_cast<NC_unsubscribe_multiple_notif_msg *>(&l_vData[0]);
+ if (NULL != l_pMsg) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ NC_unsubscribe_frm_notif_msg *l_pEventInfo = NULL;
+ // subscribe to multiple notifications
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_pMsg->numNotifications;
+ ++l_uiCount) {
+ l_pEventInfo = &l_pMsg->notificationList[l_uiCount];
+ if (NULL != l_pEventInfo) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Source: %s is unsubscribing from notification: %s", l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ // unsubscribe from notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnSubscribeFromEvent(
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnSubscribeFromEvent :: %s", l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe from notifications from source %s. l_pEventInfo is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe from notifications from source %s. Invalid src mq", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ l_vData.clear();
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe from notifications from source %s, error getting message data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unsubscribe from notifications from source %s. l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnRegisterNotifications
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for unregistering notifications is triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnRegisterNotifications) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_unregister_multiple_notif_msg *l_pMsg = NULL;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get the source name
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ if (l_uiMsgLength <= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unregister to notifications from source %s. Invalid message length received.",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ std::vector<CHAR>l_vData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &l_vData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(l_vData.size()), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pMsg = reinterpret_cast<NC_unregister_multiple_notif_msg *>(&l_vData[0]);
+ // unregister multiple notifications
+ if (NULL != l_cMsgSource && NULL != l_pMsg) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cMsgSource and l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ NC_unregister_notif_msg *l_pEventInfo = NULL;
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_pMsg->numNotifications;
+ ++l_uiCount) {
+ l_pEventInfo = &l_pMsg->notificationList[l_uiCount];
+ if (NULL != l_pEventInfo) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Source %s is unregistering to notification %s", l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ // unregister notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnRegisterEvents(
+ l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnRegisterEvents :: %s", l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unregister to notifications from source %s, l_pEventInfo is NULL", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_cMsgSource and l_pMsg can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unregister to notificationsfrom source %s, Invalid src mq ", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ l_vData.clear();
+ } else {
+ "Can't unregister to notifications from source %s, Unable to get message data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unregister to notifications from source %s, l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReadPersistedData
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for getting notification's persistent data
+/// is triggered.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReadPersistedData) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_get_pers_data_msg l_tMsg;
+ l_tMsg.notificationName[0] = '\0';
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ if (FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp) == sizeof(NC_get_pers_data_msg)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ // get the message data received
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(NC_get_pers_data_msg), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Source %s is requesting to read data for persistent notification %s",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_tMsg.notificationName);
+ // get persistent data related to notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnGetPersistentData(
+ l_tMsg.notificationName,
+ l_cMsgSource))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnGetPersistentData :: %s", l_tMsg.notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't read persistent data for source %s, Error getting message data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't read persistent data for source %s. Invalid Message size received.",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't read persistent data for source %s. l_pNotificationManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ // if any error occurs while reading persistent data, send failed ack to the requestor
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) {
+ HANDLE l_hReceiverMq = McOpenSender(l_cMsgSource);
+ if (NULL != l_hReceiverMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ NC_get_persdata_failed_ack gpdFailed = {};
+ std::strncpy(&gpdFailed.notificationName[0], l_tMsg.notificationName, MAX_STRING_SIZE_NOTIFICATION);
+ // send the failure ack to requester
+ l_estatus = McSend(l_hReceiverMq, AppName, NPS_GET_PERS_DATA_FAILED_ACK, sizeof(gpdFailed), &gpdFailed); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ "Sent NPS_GET_PERS_DATA_FAILED_ACK to %s. Status: %d.",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ McClose(l_hReceiverMq);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in opening sender queue of %s. Can't send NPS_GET_PERS_DATA_FAILED_ACK",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishImmediateNotification
+/// This transition is executed when service updates the immediate notification data
+/// using synchronous API
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishImmediateNotification) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ // get the app name of message source
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationManager);
+ CHAR l_cNotfName[MAX_SYS_INFO_SIZE] = {};
+ // retrieve notification name
+ (VOID)FrameworkunifiedGetSystemInfo(l_pHApp, l_cNotfName);
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ "Warning::Notification %s published using sync API by %s, Data length: %d",
+ l_cNotfName,
+ l_cMsgSource, l_uiMsgLength);
+ if (0 != l_uiMsgLength) {
+ std::vector<CHAR> pMsgData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &pMsgData[0], l_uiMsgLength, eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // publish the notification
+ (VOID)l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentservicePublishImmediateNotification(l_cMsgSource, l_cNotfName, (PVOID)&pMsgData[0],
+ l_uiMsgLength);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't publish notification %s from source %s, Unable to get messsage data, Error Status: 0x%x",
+ l_cNotfName,
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // publish the notification
+ (VOID)l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentservicePublishImmediateNotification(l_cMsgSource, l_cNotfName, NULL, l_uiMsgLength);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ f_pSourceState = NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPersistentSync
+/// Processing which synchronizes by NPPService (syncfs)
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPersistentSync) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ if (TRUE == l_pnsnpp->Syncfs()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return true
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "syncfs are processed."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: always return true
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReleaseFileAck) {
+ try {
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse l_tCpStatus = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, (PVOID)&l_tCpStatus, sizeof(l_tCpStatus), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s for tag: %s sender: %s, persist type:%d",
+ (l_tCpStatus.m_bpersistencechk ? "Successful copy" : "Non-Successful copy"),
+ l_tCpStatus.m_cpersistenttag, l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname, l_tCpStatus.m_eloadtype);
+ if (LOADTYPE_LOAD == l_tCpStatus.m_eloadtype) { // ack for load file/folder
+ NC_LoadPersistedAck l_tMsgAck = {};
+ // HANDLE hMq = McOpenSender(l_tCpStatus.sender);
+ hMq = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname);
+ // send NC_LoadPersistedAck to the requester
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = (TRUE == l_tCpStatus.m_bpersistencechk) ? eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK : eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tCpStatus.m_cpersistenttag, sizeof(l_tMsgAck.cTag));
+ if (NULL == hMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // catastrophic failure!
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McOpenSender failed for %s ", l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // send ack to requester for file successfully persisted
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(hMq, NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK, sizeof(l_tMsgAck), &l_tMsgAck)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "ERROR :: Sending NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK message to %s", l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname);
+ } else {
+ "NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK is sent to %s for file tag %s and load status: %d.",
+ l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname, l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tMsgAck.eStatus);
+ }
+ // send ack to requester for folder successfully persisted
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(hMq, NPS_GET_PERS_FOLDER_ACK, sizeof(l_tMsgAck), &l_tMsgAck)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "ERROR :: Sending NPS_GET_PERS_FOLDER_ACK message to %s", l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname);
+ } else {
+ "NPS_GET_PERS_FOLDER_ACK is sent to %s for folder tag %s and load status: %d.",
+ l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname, l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tMsgAck.eStatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ // close mq
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(hMq);
+ hMq = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update registry
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (l_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: unexpected branch can't be NULL
+ l_pPersistenceManager->AckReceivedFromWorker(l_tCpStatus.m_crequesterappname,
+ l_tCpStatus.m_cpersistenttag,
+ l_tCpStatus.m_epersisttype,
+ l_tCpStatus.m_bpersistencechk,
+ l_tCpStatus.m_eloadtype);
+ }
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == l_tCpStatus.m_eloadtype) {
+ f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedPostEvent(EVENT(evCheckAllFilesPersisted));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "ERROR ::invalid length FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize expected(%ld)", static_cast<long int>(sizeof(l_tCpStatus))); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnSaveDataAck) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: unused code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnUserChange
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event to set or change personality is received
+/// from the system.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnUserChange) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_User l_tMsg;
+ std::string l_cCurrentUsername;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ // TODO(my_username): Only accept user change from authorized app. Compare l_cMsgSource with authorized source.
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(NC_User), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ if (NULL != l_pnsnpp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pnsnpp can't be NULL
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager *l_pPersonalizationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersonalizationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersonalizationManager can't be NULL
+ l_pPersonalizationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceGetPersonality(l_cCurrentUsername);
+ }
+ // writes the temporary user files and folders to permanent memory
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ if (!l_cCurrentUsername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_cCurrentUsername can't be empty
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentservicePersistAllUserRequests()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: NotificationpersistentservicePersistAllUserRequests will always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while persisting user files and folders."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: NotificationpersistentservicePersistAllUserRequests will always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // save the user persistent notification data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pnsnpp->NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData(eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData");
+ }
+ }
+ // set new personality
+ SetPersonality(l_pHApp, l_tMsg);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Cannot set new personality, error getting message data, status: 0x%x", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+// ===========Shutdown
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnShutdownTimeout) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return f_pSourceState;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceCheckAllReleaseRequestsProcessed) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pPersistenceManager);
+ if (TRUE == l_pPersistenceManager->HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "All release requests are processed.");
+ f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedPostEvent(EVENT(evIdle));
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceReInitShutdownTimer) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: not be used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return f_pSourceState;
+CsNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart::CsNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart(std::string f_strName): CFrameworkunifiedOrthogonalState(f_strName) {
+CsNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart::~CsNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CsNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart::FrameworkunifiedOnEntry(CEventDataPtr f_peventdata) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ try {
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // Get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ NC_User l_tMsg = {};
+ // register the user change notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents(AppName, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ NTFY_NPPService_UserChange,
+ sizeof(NC_User),
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar)) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in user change notification registration."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ // Set initial user. By default, NS_NPPService will set the current user as last user. If no
+ // last user found set the default user.
+ UI_32 l_uiUserNotificationDataSize = 0;
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_eGetNotificationDataStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ l_eGetNotificationDataStatus = l_pNotificationManager->NPGetPersistentNotificationData(
+ NTFY_NPPService_UserChange,
+ (PVOID)&l_tMsg,
+ sizeof(l_tMsg));
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_eGetNotificationDataStatus) || (l_uiUserNotificationDataSize <= 0)) {
+ // set default user
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_tMsg.cUsername, DEFAULTUSERNAME, sizeof(l_tMsg.cUsername));
+ }
+ l_estatus = SetPersonality(l_pHApp, l_tMsg);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus SetPersonality(HANDLE l_pHApp, NC_User &f_tMsg) { // NOLINT (runtime/references)
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ if (NULL != l_pnsnpp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pnsnpp can't be NULL
+ // Get the instance of personalization manager
+ CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager *l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL
+ // send msg to all notificationpersistentservice apps that user has change.
+ // register user change notification
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Personality :: %s", f_tMsg.cUsername);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersonality(f_tMsg.cUsername))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Personality not set in Personality Manager :: user : %s", f_tMsg.cUsername);
+ } else {
+ // Get the instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ l_pPersistenceManager->SetUserPersistentPath(f_tMsg.cUsername);
+ // save the user persistent notification data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pnsnpp->NotificationpersistentserviceLoadPersistentNotificationData(eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while loading user specific notification data.");
+ }
+ // Get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = NULL;
+ l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ // publish the user change notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnPublishEvent(AppName, NTFY_NPPService_UserChange, (PVOID)&f_tMsg, sizeof(f_tMsg)))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in publish user change event."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CsNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart:: FrameworkunifiedOnExit(CEventDataPtr f_peventdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+CsNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave::CsNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave(std::string f_strName): CFrameworkunifiedLeafState(f_strName) {
+CsNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave::~CsNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CsNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave::FrameworkunifiedOnEntry(CEventDataPtr f_peventdata) {
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ m_cShutdownRequestor = l_cMsgSource;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "NS_NPP received STOP message from %s.", l_cMsgSource);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ if (NULL != l_pnsnpp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: can't be NULL
+ CShutDownMsgData *l_pMsgData = dynamic_cast<CShutDownMsgData *>(f_peventdata.get());
+ CHKNULL(l_pMsgData);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Shutdown Type=%d, Data received with shutdown message:: %x",
+ l_pMsgData->m_eShutdownType, l_pMsgData->m_uiMsgData);
+ // save the persistent data on shutdown
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pnsnpp->NotificationpersistentservicePersistAll(l_pMsgData->m_eShutdownType, l_pMsgData->m_uiMsgData)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceOnSavePersistentData"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: always return ok
+ }
+ }
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CsNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave:: FrameworkunifiedOnExit(CEventDataPtr f_peventdata) {
+ try {
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pPersistenceManager);
+ l_pPersistenceManager->ResetPersistFlag();
+ // before sending shutdown ack, synchronize all the modified block buffers by NPPService for writing
+ l_pnsnpp->Syncfs();
+ // Send shutdown ack response to requester
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Sending shutdown complete message to requestor %s.",
+ m_cShutdownRequestor.c_str());
+ HANDLE hMq = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, m_cShutdownRequestor.c_str());
+ if (NULL != hMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(hMq, NPS_NPP_STOP_ACK, 0, NULL)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error sending shutdown complete message to requestor %s.",
+ m_cShutdownRequestor.c_str());
+ }
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(hMq);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in OpenSender for requestor %s.", m_cShutdownRequestor.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ }
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFile
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for registering persistent file tag is
+/// received.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFile) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_RegisterPersistentFileMsg l_tMsg = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager && NULL != l_cMsgSource) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager and l_cMsgSource can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ std::string l_cName;
+ l_cName = l_tMsg.cFileTag;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceRegister(l_cMsgSource, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok
+ l_tMsg.cFileTag,
+ // l_tMsg.eRegisterType,
+ l_tMsg.bIsUserFile)) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in Registering Persitence File :: %s", l_tMsg.cFileTag); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_tMsg.cFileTag, l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't register persistent file. Invalid message size received."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager and l_cMsgSource can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't register persistent file. l_pPersistenceManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager and l_cMsgSource can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFile
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for releasing persistent file tag is
+/// received.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFile) {
+ try {
+ // Check if persistence has been disabled than return immediately
+ if (TRUE == CPersistenceManager::m_bPersistenceDisabled) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: custom command line options
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return f_pSourceState; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: custom command line options
+ }
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_ReleasePersistentFileMsg l_tMsg = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get the instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ // get the instance of persistence manager
+ CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager *l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager && NULL != l_cMsgSource && NULL != l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // Check if the filetag is registered as user specific persistence
+ if (TRUE == l_pPersistenceManager->IsUserPersistence(l_tMsg.cFileTag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE)) {
+ if (!l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceIsValidPersonality(l_tMsg.cUsername)) {
+ return f_pSourceState;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceRelease(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tMsg.cFileTag,
+ l_tMsg.cFilePath,
+ l_tMsg.eFrameworkunifiedReleaseType, // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ l_tMsg.cUsername)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in releasing persitence file :: %s", l_tMsg.cFileTag);
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Release file %s to tag %s for source %s",
+ l_tMsg.cFilePath, l_tMsg.cFileTag, l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't release persistent file. Invalid message size received"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't release persistent file. l_pPersistenceManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFile
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for loading persistent file is received.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFile) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_LoadPersistedFileMsg l_tMsg = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager *l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ // get the instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager && NULL != l_cMsgSource && NULL != l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Load file %s that was PERSISTED by %s with tag %s",
+ l_tMsg.cFilePath, l_cMsgSource, l_tMsg.cFileTag);
+ // Check if the filetag is registered as user specific persistence
+ if (TRUE == l_pPersistenceManager->IsUserPersistence(l_tMsg.cFileTag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE)) {
+ if (!l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceIsValidPersonality(l_tMsg.cUsername)) {
+ return f_pSourceState;
+ }
+ }
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ NC_LoadPersistedAck l_tMsgAck = {};
+ HANDLE l_hMq = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, l_cMsgSource);
+ if (NULL != l_hMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ //// Check if persistence has been disabled than send positive acknowledgement to the application
+ if (TRUE == CPersistenceManager::m_bPersistenceDisabled) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: custom command line options // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: custom command line options
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tMsg.cFileTag, sizeof(l_tMsgAck.cTag));
+ // send ack to requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(l_hMq, NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK, sizeof(l_tMsgAck), &l_tMsgAck))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error: FrameworkunifiedSendMsg returned l_estatus=%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceLoad(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tMsg.cFileTag,
+ l_tMsg.cFilePath,
+ l_tMsg.cUsername))) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusFileLoadSuccess == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus can't be eFrameworkunifiedStatusFileLoadSuccess // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_estatus can't be eFrameworkunifiedStatusFileLoadSuccess
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in Loading Persitence File :: %s", l_tMsg.cFileTag);
+ // return error to requester
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = l_estatus;
+ }
+ std::strncpy(l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tMsg.cFileTag, (MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1));
+ // send ack to requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(l_hMq, NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK, sizeof(l_tMsgAck), &l_tMsgAck))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error: FrameworkunifiedSendMsg returned l_estatus=%d", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK is sent to %s. File load status: %d, "
+ "message sent status: %d ", l_cMsgSource, l_tMsgAck.eStatus, l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(l_hMq);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // catastrophic failure!
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McOpenSender failed for %s", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't load persistent file. Invalid message size received."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't load persistent file. l_pNotificationManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFolder
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for registering persistent folder tag is
+/// received.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFolder) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_RegisterPersistentFolderMsg l_tMsg = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager && NULL != l_cMsgSource) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager and l_cMsgSource can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg),
+ sizeof(l_tMsg),
+ eSMRRelease)) {
+ std::string l_cName;
+ l_cName = l_tMsg.cFolderTag;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceRegister(l_cMsgSource, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok
+ l_tMsg.cFolderTag,
+ // l_tMsg.eRegisterType,
+ l_tMsg.bIsUserFolder)) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in Registering Persitence Folder :: %s", l_tMsg.cFolderTag); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_tMsg.cFolderTag, l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't register persistent folder. Invalid message size received.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't register persistent folder.. l_pPersistenceManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager and l_cMsgSource can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFolder
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for loading persistent folder is received.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFolder) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_LoadPersistedFolderMsg l_tMsg = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager *l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ // get the instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager && NULL != l_cMsgSource && NULL != l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Load folder %s that was PERSISTED by %s with tag %s",
+ l_tMsg.cFolderPath, l_cMsgSource, l_tMsg.cFolderTag);
+ // Check if the foldertag is registered as user specific persistence
+ if (TRUE == l_pPersistenceManager->IsUserPersistence(l_tMsg.cFolderTag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER)) {
+ if (!l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceIsValidPersonality(l_tMsg.cUsername)) {
+ return f_pSourceState;
+ }
+ }
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ NC_LoadPersistedAck l_tMsgAck = {};
+ HANDLE l_hMq = NULL;
+ l_hMq = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, l_cMsgSource);
+ if (NULL != l_hMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ //// Check if persistence has been disabled than send positive acknowledgement to the application
+ if (TRUE == CPersistenceManager::m_bPersistenceDisabled) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: custom command line options // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: custom command line options
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tMsg.cFolderTag, sizeof(l_tMsgAck.cTag));
+ // send ack to requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(l_hMq,
+ sizeof(l_tMsgAck), &l_tMsgAck))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error: FrameworkunifiedSendMsg returned l_estatus=%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceLoad(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tMsg.cFolderTag,
+ l_tMsg.cFolderPath,
+ l_tMsg.cUsername))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in Loading Persitence Folder :: %s", l_tMsg.cFolderTag);
+ // return error to requester
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = l_estatus;
+ std::strncpy(l_tMsgAck.cTag, l_tMsg.cFolderTag, (MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1));
+ // send ack to requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(l_hMq, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ sizeof(l_tMsgAck), &l_tMsgAck))) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error: FrameworkunifiedSendMsg returned l_estatus=%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(l_hMq);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't send ack NPS_GET_PERS_FOLDER_ACK. McOpenSender failed for %s ", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't load persistent folder. Invalid message size received.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't load persistent folder. l_pNotificationManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFolder
+/// The state machine executes this transition when event for releasing persistent folder tag is
+/// received.
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFolder) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ // Check if persistence has been disabled than return immediately
+ if (TRUE == CPersistenceManager::m_bPersistenceDisabled) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: custom command line options
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: custom command line options
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return f_pSourceState;
+ }
+ NC_ReleasePersistentFolderMsg l_tMsg = {};
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get the instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager *l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager && NULL != l_cMsgSource && NULL != l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // Check if the foldertag is registered as user specific persistence
+ if (TRUE == l_pPersistenceManager->IsUserPersistence(l_tMsg.cFolderTag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER)) {
+ if (!l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceIsValidPersonality(l_tMsg.cUsername)) {
+ return f_pSourceState;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceRelease(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tMsg.cFolderTag,
+ l_tMsg.cFolderPath,
+ l_tMsg.eFrameworkunifiedReleaseType, // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ l_tMsg.cUsername)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in releasing persitence folder :: %s", l_tMsg.cFolderTag);
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Release Folder %s to tag %s for source %s",
+ l_tMsg.cFolderPath, l_tMsg.cFolderTag, l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't release persistent folder. Invalid message size received.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't release persistent folder. l_pPersistenceManager is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager, l_cMsgSource and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPGetReadyStatus
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPGetReadyStatus) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ HANDLE l_hMq = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, l_cMsgSource);
+ if (NULL != l_hMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // send ack to requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(l_hMq, NPS_GET_READYSTATUS_ACK, 0, NULL))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "NPP ready status sent to %s.", l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(l_hMq);
+ l_hMq = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // catastrophic failure!
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McOpenSender failed for %s ", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterImmediateNotifications) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ NC_register_multiple_immediate_notif_msg *l_pMsg = NULL;
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ // get app name of message source
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ if (l_uiMsgLength <= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_uiMsgLength must be greater than 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't register immediate persistence notification from source %s. Invalid message length.",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ } else {
+ std::vector<CHAR> l_vData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &l_vData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(l_vData.size()), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pMsg = reinterpret_cast<NC_register_multiple_immediate_notif_msg *>(&l_vData[0]);
+ if (NULL != l_pMsg) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: reinterpret_cast's error case.
+ NC_register_immediate_notif_msg *l_pEventInfo = NULL;
+ UI_32 l_uiCount;
+ // register all the notifications
+ for (l_uiCount = 0 ; l_uiCount < l_pMsg->numNotifications; ++l_uiCount) {
+ l_pEventInfo = &l_pMsg->notifierList[l_uiCount];
+ if (NULL != l_pEventInfo) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Register immediate persistence notification: "
+ "NotificationName[%d] = %s, data length = %d ",
+ l_uiCount, l_pEventInfo->notificationName, l_pEventInfo->maxLength);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_pEventInfo->notificationName,
+ l_pEventInfo->maxLength,
+ l_pEventInfo->persType,
+ l_pEventInfo->delay)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents :: %s", l_pEventInfo->notificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pEventInfo can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't register immediate persistence notification from source %s. l_pEventInfo is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: reinterpret_cast's error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't register immediate persistence notification from source %s. Invalid src mq",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't register immediate persistence notification from source %s, "
+ "Error getting message data, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cMsgSource, l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't register immediate persistence notification from source %s. "
+ "l_pNotificationManager is NULL", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPClearPersistedData
+/// Deletes NPS Persistent Data and sends the ack back to requester
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPClearPersistedData) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ // requeter MsgQ handle for sending Ack
+ HANDLE hRequesterAck = NULL;
+ // Application Handle
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = NULL;
+ // Received request data
+ NC_ClearPersistedDataReq l_tMsg = {};
+ // Ack structure
+ NC_ClearPersisteDatadAck l_tMsgAck = {};
+ // requester name
+ PCSTR pRequester = NULL;
+ try {
+ l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ pRequester = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(pRequester);
+ if (sizeof(NC_ClearPersistedDataReq) == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, (PVOID)(&l_tMsg), sizeof(NC_ClearPersistedDataReq), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Request for deleting the persistent data of type %d received from %s",
+ l_tMsg.ePersistenceData, pRequester);
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pPersistenceManager);
+ l_estatus = l_pPersistenceManager->ClearPersistenceData(l_tMsg.ePersistenceData);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize Error");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't delete persistent data. Invalid message size received.");
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ f_pSourceState = NULL;
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ // sending acknowledgement to the requester
+ // create the requestor handle to send the ack
+ hRequesterAck = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp,
+ pRequester);
+ if (NULL != hRequesterAck) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ // set the status
+ l_tMsgAck.eStatus = l_estatus;
+ // send NC_ClearPersisteDatadAck to the requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(hRequesterAck, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ sizeof(l_tMsgAck),
+ &l_tMsgAck)) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error sending NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_ACK message to %s", pRequester);
+ }
+ // close handle
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(hRequesterAck);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender failed for %s ", pRequester);
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetDefaultPersistentData
+/// Sets the default value of the persistent notification
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetDefaultPersistentData) {
+ try {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ UI_32 l_uiMsgLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(l_pHApp);
+ CHAR l_cNotificationName[MAX_SYS_INFO_SIZE] = {};
+ // retrieve notification name
+ FrameworkunifiedGetSystemInfo(l_pHApp, l_cNotificationName);
+ if (0 != std::strlen(l_cNotificationName)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_cNotificationName can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ "Set default value request for Notification:: %s from :: %s", l_cNotificationName,
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ if (0 != l_uiMsgLength) {
+ std::vector<CHAR> pMsgData = std::vector<CHAR>(l_uiMsgLength);
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &pMsgData[0], static_cast<UI_32>(pMsgData.size()), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // set the default notification data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSetDefaultPersistentNotificationData(l_cNotificationName,
+ (PVOID)&pMsgData[0],
+ l_uiMsgLength)) {
+ "Error in NotificationpersistentserviceSetDefaultPersistentNotificationData :: %s", l_cNotificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to set default persistent notification data for %s, "
+ "Error retrieving data from message, status: 0x%x",
+ l_cNotificationName, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Not setting default persistent notification data for %s, Data length received is %d",
+ l_cNotificationName, l_uiMsgLength);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_cNotificationName can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to Set DefaultPersistentNotificationData from source %s, Notification name is blank",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't set default value for notification from source %s, l_pNotificationManager is NULL", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetNotfnPersistentType
+/// Sets the persist type of notification
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetNotfnPersistentType) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CHAR l_cNotificationName[MAX_SYS_INFO_SIZE] = {};
+ // retrieve notification name
+ FrameworkunifiedGetSystemInfo(l_pHApp,
+ l_cNotificationName);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager && 0 != std::strlen(l_cNotificationName)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL, l_cNotificationName can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Set persist type request for Notification:: %s", l_cNotificationName);
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory ePersistCategory = eFrameworkunifiedUserData;
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, &ePersistCategory, sizeof(EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // set the notification persist type
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory(l_cNotificationName, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ ePersistCategory))) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in Setting PersistentType for notification :: %s, Status: 0x%x",
+ l_cNotificationName, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error in getting the PersistentType message data for notification :: %s, Status: 0x%x",
+ l_cNotificationName, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager can't be NULL, l_cNotificationName can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't set persist type for notification :: %s", l_cNotificationName);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFilePersistentType
+/// Sets the persist type of file
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFilePersistentType) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ NC_SetFilePersistType l_tMsg = {};
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (0 != std::strlen(l_tMsg.cTag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_tMsg.cTag can't be empty
+ "Set persist type request for file tag:: %s from %s", l_tMsg.cTag, l_cMsgSource);
+ // set the file persist type
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tMsg.cTag,
+ l_tMsg.ePersistType,
+ "Error in Setting FilePersistentType for tag:: %s for request from:: %s", l_tMsg.cTag,
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_tMsg.cTag can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "set file persistent type request for NULL file tag from source:: %s", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't process request for setting persist type for file from source: %s, l_pPersistenceManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFolderPersistentType
+/// Sets the persist type of folder
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFolderPersistentType) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ NC_SetFolderPersistType l_tMsg = {};
+ // get the received data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tMsg), sizeof(l_tMsg), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (0 != std::strlen(l_tMsg.cTag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_tMsg.cTag can't be empty
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Set persist type request for folder tag:: %s", l_tMsg.cTag);
+ // set the file persist type
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_pPersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory(l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tMsg.cTag,
+ l_tMsg.ePersistType,
+ "Error in Setting FolderPersistentType for tag:: %s for request from:: %s", l_tMsg.cTag,
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_tMsg.cTag can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "set file persistent type request for NULL folder tag from source:: %s", l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't process request for setting persist type for folder from source: %s, l_pPersistenceManager is NULL",
+ l_cMsgSource);
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPShutdown
+/// Internal transition when NPP receives shutdown message
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPShutdown) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ NC_StopMsgData l_tStopMsgData = {};
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_tStopMsgData), sizeof(l_tStopMsgData), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // make a transition to sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave state and pass the message data through event
+ CShutDownMsgData *l_pMsgData = new(std::nothrow) CShutDownMsgData(EVENT(evNPShutdownDataSave),
+ l_tStopMsgData.eShutdownType,
+ l_tStopMsgData.uiStopMsgData);
+ CHKNULL(l_pMsgData);
+ CEventDataPtr l_pData(l_pMsgData);
+ f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedPostEvent(l_pData);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Shutdown Message received from %s with data: %d", l_cMsgSource,
+ l_tStopMsgData.uiStopMsgData);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't process shutdown request from:: %s, Invalid message data", l_cMsgSource); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ f_pSourceState = NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPNorDataSaveAck
+/// Internal transition when NPP receives shutdown ack message nor worker thread
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPNorDataSaveAck) {
+ try {
+ // data received with ack
+ UI_32 l_uiPersistCategoryFlag = 0;
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pPersistenceManager);
+ l_pPersistenceManager->SetImmediateDataPersistedStatus(TRUE);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(l_pHApp, static_cast<PVOID>(&l_uiPersistCategoryFlag), sizeof(l_uiPersistCategoryFlag), eSMRRelease)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "ShutdownAck received from %s with data: %d", l_cMsgSource,
+ l_uiPersistCategoryFlag);
+ }
+ // depending on the flag delete the persisted data from persistent memory
+ // which are not to be persisted during shutdown
+ l_pnsnpp->DeletePersistedDataFolder(l_uiPersistCategoryFlag);
+ if (TRUE == l_pPersistenceManager->HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return ok
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "All release requests are processed.");
+ f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedPostEvent(EVENT(evIdle));
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: exception error
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ f_pSourceState = NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+CsNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady::CsNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady(std::string f_strName): CFrameworkunifiedLeafState(f_strName) {
+CsNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady::~CsNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CsNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady::FrameworkunifiedOnEntry(CEventDataPtr f_peventdata) {
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ if (NULL != l_pHApp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ HANDLE l_hMq = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, g_csendreadyackto);
+ if (NULL != l_hMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // send ack to requester
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(l_hMq, NPS_NPP_READY_EVENT, 0, NULL))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "NPP ready status sent to %s.", g_csendreadyackto);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Error sending NPS_NPP_READY_EVENT to %s, status: %d", g_csendreadyackto,
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ FrameworkunifiedMcClose(l_hMq);
+ l_hMq = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // catastrophic failure!
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "McOpenSender failed for %s ", g_csendreadyackto); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CsNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady::FrameworkunifiedOnExit(CEventDataPtr f_peventdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPProfileNotifications) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ // get the application handle
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ // get the statemachine pointer of application
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ // get the message source name
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get the message queue handle for sending the response
+ HANDLE hSrcMqHandle = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, l_cMsgSource);
+ CHKNULL(hSrcMqHandle);
+ // get instance of notification manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pNotificationManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pNotificationManager);
+ std::string l_cNotificationProfileInfo = "";
+ // get the data from notification manager
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_pNotificationManager->GetNotificationProfilingData(l_cNotificationProfileInfo)) {
+ UI_32 l_uiLength = l_cNotificationProfileInfo.size();
+ PCHAR l_pData = new CHAR[l_uiLength];
+ std::memset(l_pData, '0', l_uiLength);
+ std::strncpy(l_pData, l_cNotificationProfileInfo.c_str(), l_cNotificationProfileInfo.size());
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(hSrcMqHandle,
+ l_uiLength,
+ l_pData)) {
+ "FrameworkunifiedSendMsg NPS_PROFILE_NOTIFICATION_RESP for Notification Profiling failed.");
+ }
+ delete[] l_pData;
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to get Notification profiling data from NSNPP.");
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ f_pSourceState = NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
+IMPLEMENT_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPProfilePersistence) {
+ try {
+ CHKNULL(f_pSourceState);
+ // get the application handle
+ HANDLE l_pHApp = f_pSourceState->FrameworkunifiedGetAppHandle();
+ CHKNULL(l_pHApp);
+ // get the statemachine pointer of application
+ CFrameworkunifiedHSM *l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM = FrameworkunifiedGetStateMachine(l_pHApp);
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = static_cast<CNSNPP *>(l_pNotificationpersistentserviceHSM);
+ CHKNULL(l_pnsnpp);
+ // get the message source name
+ PCSTR l_cMsgSource = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc(l_pHApp);
+ CHKNULL(l_cMsgSource);
+ // get the message queue handle for sending the response
+ HANDLE hSrcMqHandle = FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender(l_pHApp, l_cMsgSource);
+ CHKNULL(hSrcMqHandle);
+ // get instance of persistence manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pPersistenceManager = l_pnsnpp->m_pPersistenceManager;
+ CHKNULL(l_pPersistenceManager);
+ std::string l_cPersistenceProfileInfo = "";
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_pPersistenceManager->GetPersistenceProfilingData(l_cPersistenceProfileInfo)) {
+ UI_32 l_uiLength = l_cPersistenceProfileInfo.size();
+ PCHAR l_pData = new CHAR[l_uiLength];
+ std::memset(l_pData, '0', l_uiLength);
+ std::strncpy(l_pData, l_cPersistenceProfileInfo.c_str(), l_cPersistenceProfileInfo.size());
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedSendMsg(hSrcMqHandle,
+ l_uiLength,
+ l_pData)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedSendMsg NPS_PROFILE_PERSISTENCE_RESP for Persistence Profiling failed.");
+ }
+ delete[] l_pData;
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception %s", e.what());
+ f_pSourceState = NULL;
+ }
+ return f_pSourceState;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/notificationpersistentservice_application.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/notificationpersistentservice_application.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1b97f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/notificationpersistentservice_application.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief
+// Include Files
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_application.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_notification.h>
+#include "app_states.h"
+#include "ns_npp.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence_manager.h"
+using std::malloc;
+#include "ns_npp_profiling_protocols_internal.h"
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnInitialization
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnInitialization(HANDLE happ) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != happ) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: happ can't be null
+ FrameworkunifiedProtocolEvent ns_npp_protocol_handlers[] = {
+ {NPS_REGISTER_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPRegisterNotifications)},
+ {NPS_PUBLISH_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPPublishNotification)},
+ {NPS_SUBSCRIBE_TO_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPSubscribeToNotification)},
+ {NPS_BATCH_SUBSCRIBE_TO_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPSubscribeToNotifications)},
+ {NPS_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPUnSubscribeFromNotification)},
+ {NPS_UNREGISTER_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPUnRegisterNotifications)},
+ {NPS_GET_PERS_DATA_REQ, EVENT(evNPReadPersistedData)},
+ {NPS_SET_PERSIST_FILE_PATH_REQ, EVENT(evNPRegisterPersistentFile)},
+ {NPS_RELEASE_PERS_FILE_REQ, EVENT(evNPReleasePersistentFile)},
+ {NPS_GET_PERS_FILE_REQ, EVENT(evNPLoadPersistentFile)},
+ {NPS_SET_PERSIST_FOLDER_PATH_REQ, EVENT(evNPRegisterPersistentFolder)},
+ {NPS_GET_PERS_FOLDER_REQ, EVENT(evNPLoadPersistentFolder)},
+ {NPS_RELEASE_PERS_FOLDER_REQ, EVENT(evNPReleasePersistentFolder)},
+ {NPS_NPP_STOP_REQ, EVENT(evShutdown)},
+ {NPS_BATCH_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPUnSubscribeFromNotifications)},
+ {NPS_REGISTER_NOR_EV_REQ, EVENT(evNPRegisterImmediateNotifications)},
+ {NPS_SET_DEFAULT_PERS_DATA, EVENT(evNPSetDefaultPersistentData)},
+ {NPS_SYNCHRONOUS_WRITE_NOTIFY_REQ, EVENT(evNPPublishImmediateNotification)},
+ {NPS_NPP_SYNC_REQ, EVENT(evNPPersistentSync)}
+ };
+ FrameworkunifiedProtocolEvent ns_npp_profile_protocol_handlers[] = {
+ };
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == FrameworkunifiedAttachHSMEventsToDispatcher(happ,
+ "NSProfileUtil",
+ ns_npp_profile_protocol_handlers,
+ _countof(ns_npp_profile_protocol_handlers))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Profile info messages are attached to events");
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to attach profile info messages to events");
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedAttachHSMEventsToDispatcher(happ, FRAMEWORKUNIFIED_ANY_SOURCE, ns_npp_protocol_handlers, static_cast<UI_32>(_countof(ns_npp_protocol_handlers))))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ CNSNPP *l_pnsnpp = new(std::nothrow) CNSNPP(happ);
+ if (NULL != l_pnsnpp) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case.
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "l_pnsnpp object created");
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = l_pnsnpp->Init(happ))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can't test
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "l_pnsnpp object initialized");
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = l_pnsnpp->FrameworkunifiedCreate())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: the result of l_pnsnpp->FrameworkunifiedCreate() is always eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FrameworkunifiedSetStateMachine(happ, l_pnsnpp);
+ l_pnsnpp->FrameworkunifiedStart();
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "NSNPP statemachine not created, status: 0x%x", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: the result of l_pnsnpp->FrameworkunifiedCreate() is always eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: can't test
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pnsnpp object initialization error, status: %d", l_estatus);
+ // de-initialize the partially initialize object
+ l_pnsnpp->DeInit(happ);
+ delete l_pnsnpp;
+ l_pnsnpp = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: malloc's error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pnsnpp object not created");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedAttachHSMEventsToDispatcher Failed Status:0x%x ", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: happ can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Application handle happ is NULL");
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnDestroy(HANDLE happ) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, not called by NSFW
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ return l_estatus;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnDebugDump
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnDebugDump(HANDLE happ) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 7: debug code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ /// << Dump internal tables!
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedCreateStateMachine(HANDLE happ) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedSSFrameworkInterface(HANDLE happ) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnStart
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnStart(HANDLE happ) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnStop
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnStop(HANDLE happ) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnPreStart
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnPreStart(HANDLE hApp) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnPreStop
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnPreStop(HANDLE hApp) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStart
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStart(HANDLE hApp) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+// Function : FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStop
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStop(HANDLE hApp) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+extern const FrameworkunifiedDefaultCallbackHandler kDefaultCbHandler = { // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ FrameworkunifiedOnInitialization,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnDestroy,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnStart,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnStop,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnPreStart,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnPreStop,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStart,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStop,
+ FrameworkunifiedOnDebugDump,
+ FrameworkunifiedCreateStateMachine,
+ FrameworkunifiedSSFrameworkInterface
+}; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 10: The final line
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/notificationpersistentservice_main.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/notificationpersistentservice_main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd963c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/notificationpersistentservice_main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief
+// Include Files
+#include <native_service/ns_version.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_version_if.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_dispatcher.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "ns_npp.h" // for static members. Set thread prio.
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence_manager.h" // for static members. Set enable/disable persistence feature.
+const CHAR AppName[] = FRAMEWORKUNIFIED_NS_NPSERVICE; // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+CHAR g_csendreadyackto[MAX_QUEUE_NAME_SIZE];
+CFrameworkunifiedVersion g_FrameworkunifiedVersion(MAJORNO, MINORNO, REVISION); // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+// Argument Parser for NSNPP
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NPPArgumentParser(SI_32 f_iargument, PCHAR f_pargumentvalue);
+FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOGPARAM g_FrameworkunifiedLogParams = { // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ {
+ },
+extern const FrameworkunifiedDefaultCallbackHandler kDefaultCbHandler;
+// Function : main
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ CustomCommandLineOptions l_tcmdlineoptions = { "i:e:w:fa:v:", NULL, NPPArgumentParser};
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedDispatcherWithArguments(AppName, argc, argv, &kDefaultCbHandler, &l_tcmdlineoptions);
+ return static_cast<SI_32>(l_estatus);
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NPPArgumentParser(SI_32 f_iargument, PCHAR f_pargumentvalue) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ SI_32 l_iTmpArgValue = 0;
+ switch (f_iargument) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 8: cannot test
+ // Disable Persistence
+ case 'f': {
+ CPersistenceManager::m_bPersistenceDisabled = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'i': {
+ l_iTmpArgValue = atoi(f_pargumentvalue);
+ if (l_iTmpArgValue > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 8: cannot test
+ CNSNPP::m_siImmediatePersistenceThreadPrio = l_iTmpArgValue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'e': {
+ l_iTmpArgValue = atoi(f_pargumentvalue);
+ if (l_iTmpArgValue > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 8: cannot test
+ CNSNPP::m_siReadThreadPrio = l_iTmpArgValue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'w': {
+ l_iTmpArgValue = atoi(f_pargumentvalue);
+ if (l_iTmpArgValue > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 8: cannot test
+ CNSNPP::m_siWriteThreadPrio = l_iTmpArgValue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'a': {
+ std::memset(g_csendreadyackto, 0, MAX_QUEUE_NAME_SIZE);
+ std::strncpy(g_csendreadyackto, f_pargumentvalue, (MAX_QUEUE_NAME_SIZE - 1));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'v': {
+ l_iTmpArgValue = atoi(f_pargumentvalue);
+ CNSNPP::m_siCRCCheckCount = static_cast<UI_16>(l_iTmpArgValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ break;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25b64432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief
+// Include Files
+#include <time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/timeb.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_sm_leafstate.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_multithreading.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_nor_persistence_internal.h>
+#include "app_states.h"
+#include "ns_npp.h"
+#include "ns_npp_types.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_threads.h"
+#include "ns_npp_copy_worker.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persist_folder.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notification_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_personalization_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_nor_persistence_worker_thread.h"
+#define NPP_VERSION_0 0
+#define NPP_VERSION_1 1
+#define NPP_CONNECT_DEFAULTSTATE(parent, child) \
+ FrameworkunifiedConnect(l_p## parent, l_p## child, TRUE);
+#define NPP_CONNECT_STATE(parent, child) \
+ FrameworkunifiedConnect(l_p## parent, l_p## child);
+#define NPP_CONNECT_DEFERREDEVENT(state, eventid, reaction) \
+ FrameworkunifiedConnect(l_p## state, _## eventid, l_pTrn## reaction, #eventid, TRUE); \
+#define NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(state, eventid, reaction) \
+ FrameworkunifiedConnect(l_p## state, _## eventid, l_pTrn## reaction, #eventid);
+#define NPP_CONNECTROOT(state) \
+ FrameworkunifiedConnect(l_p## state);
+#define NPP_CONNECT_ORTHOGONAL_REGION(orthogonalstate, orthogonalregion) \
+ FrameworkunifiedConnectOrthogonal(l_p## orthogonalstate, l_p## orthogonalregion);
+#define NPP_CREATE_STATE(class_name) \
+ C## class_name *l_p## class_name = new (std::nothrow) C## class_name(#class_name);
+ FrameworkunifiedPrintAllStates();
+// typedef of vector of CNotificationsToPersist
+typedef std::vector<CNotificationsToPersist *> Persistent_Notification_List_Type;
+// iterator for CNotificationsToPersist vector
+typedef Persistent_Notification_List_Type::iterator Persistent_Notification_List_Iterator;
+// initialize static variables
+SI_32 CNSNPP::m_siWriteThreadPrio = NS_NPP_WRITE_THREAD_PRIO;
+SI_32 CNSNPP::m_siReadThreadPrio = NS_NPP_READ_THREAD_PRIO;
+SI_32 CNSNPP::m_siImmediatePersistenceThreadPrio = NS_NPP_IMMEDIATE_PERSIST_THREAD_PRIO;
+UI_16 CNSNPP::m_siCRCCheckCount = 0;
+/// Class Constructor
+CNSNPP::CNSNPP(PVOID f_happ) : CFrameworkunifiedHSM(f_happ),
+ m_cReadThreadName(NS_NPP_READ_THREAD_NAME),
+ m_cWriteThreadName(NS_NPP_WRITE_THREAD_NAME),
+ m_cImmediatePersistenceThreadName(NS_NPP_IMMEDIATE_PERSIST_THREAD_NAME) {
+ m_hNSReadThread = NULL;
+ m_hNSWriteThread = NULL;
+ m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = NULL;
+ m_pNotificationManager = NULL;
+ m_pPersonalizationManager = NULL;
+ m_pPersistenceManager = NULL;
+/// Class Destructor
+CNSNPP::~CNSNPP() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (NULL != m_pNotificationManager) {
+ delete m_pNotificationManager;
+ m_pNotificationManager = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pPersonalizationManager) {
+ delete m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ m_pPersonalizationManager = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pPersistenceManager) {
+ delete m_pPersistenceManager;
+ m_pPersistenceManager = NULL;
+ }
+/// Init
+/// This function is used to allocate dynamic memory for member variables of this class after
+/// creation of object.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::Init(HANDLE f_happ) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ FrameworkunifiedProtocolEvent ns_npp_internal_protocol_handlers[] = {
+ {CP_WRK_NTFY, EVENT(evNPReleaseLoadAck)}
+ };
+ FrameworkunifiedProtocolEvent immediate_thread_protocol_handlers[] = {
+ };
+ // initialize Notification Manager
+ m_pNotificationManager = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationManager();
+ // initialize Personalization Manager
+ m_pPersonalizationManager = new(std::nothrow) CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager();
+ // initialize Persistence Manager
+ m_pPersistenceManager = new(std::nothrow) CPersistenceManager();
+ if ((NULL == f_happ) || (NULL == m_pNotificationManager) || (NULL == m_pPersonalizationManager) || (NULL == m_pPersistenceManager)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: f_happ, m_pNotificationManager, m_pPersonalizationManager, m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: f_happ, m_pNotificationManager, m_pPersonalizationManager, m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "f_happ or m_pNotificationManager or m_pPersonalizationManager or m_pPersistenceManager is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ } else {
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher( // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ f_happ, m_cReadThreadName.c_str(),
+ NPServiceOnCpWorkerAckCmd))
+ || (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher(
+ f_happ, m_cWriteThreadName.c_str(),
+ NPServiceOnCpWorkerAckCmd))
+ || (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedAttachHSMEventsToDispatcher(
+ f_happ, m_cWriteThreadName.c_str(),
+ ns_npp_internal_protocol_handlers,
+ static_cast<UI_32>(_countof(ns_npp_internal_protocol_handlers))))
+ || (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedAttachHSMEventsToDispatcher(
+ f_happ, m_cReadThreadName.c_str(),
+ ns_npp_internal_protocol_handlers,
+ static_cast<UI_32>(_countof(ns_npp_internal_protocol_handlers))))
+ || (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != FrameworkunifiedAttachHSMEventsToDispatcher(
+ f_happ, m_cImmediatePersistenceThreadName.c_str(),
+ immediate_thread_protocol_handlers,
+ static_cast<UI_32>(_countof(immediate_thread_protocol_handlers))))) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Attaching callbacks and events failed for protocols CP_WRK_ACK_CMD_COMPLETE, CP_WRK_NTFY");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = CreateAndStartChildThreads(f_happ);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ if (NPP_VERSION_INVALID != (l_uiNPPVersion = GetNSNPPVersion())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_uiNPPVersion can't be NPP_VERSION_INVALID // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NPP_VERSION_0 == l_uiNPPVersion) {
+ l_estatus = SwitchToFileStructureVersion1(l_uiNPPVersion + 1);
+ l_estatus = SwitchToFileStructureVersion2(l_uiNPPVersion + 2);
+ } else if (NPP_VERSION_1 == l_uiNPPVersion) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: cannot test code in init sequence
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code in init sequence
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = SwitchToFileStructureVersion2(l_uiNPPVersion + 1);
+ // send the message to write worker thread to delete the persistent
+ /// which was requested for deletion during previous shutdown
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendChild(f_happ, m_hNSWriteThread, CMD_DELETE_OLD_DATA, 0, NULL);
+ } else {
+ // send the message to write worker thread to delete the persistent
+ /// which was requested for deletion during previous shutdown
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendChild(f_happ, m_hNSWriteThread, CMD_DELETE_OLD_DATA, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ // Try to load persisted notification data
+ NotificationpersistentserviceLoadPersistentNotificationData(eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar);
+ // load immediate persistence data as the respective thread is now started.
+ NotificationpersistentserviceLoadPersistentNotificationData(eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid version of NPPService");
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in creating child threads of NPPService"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// DeInit
+/// This function is used to deinitialize the NPP object
+VOID CNSNPP::DeInit(HANDLE f_happ) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (NULL != m_pNotificationManager) {
+ delete m_pNotificationManager;
+ m_pNotificationManager = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pPersonalizationManager) {
+ delete m_pPersonalizationManager;
+ m_pPersonalizationManager = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pPersistenceManager) {
+ delete m_pPersistenceManager;
+ m_pPersistenceManager = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != f_happ) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus;
+ if (NULL != m_hNSReadThread) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedStopChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSReadThread, 0, NULL))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedStopChildThread Read Thread Failed. status=%d", eStatus);
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedDestroyChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSReadThread))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedDestroyChildThread Read Thread Failed. status=%d", eStatus);
+ }
+ m_hNSReadThread = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_hNSWriteThread) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedStopChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSWriteThread, 0, NULL))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedStopChildThread Write Thread Failed. status=%d", eStatus);
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedDestroyChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSWriteThread))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedDestroyChildThread Write Thread Failed. status=%d", eStatus);
+ }
+ m_hNSWriteThread = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedStopChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, 0, NULL))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedStopChildThread ImmidatePersistence Thread Failed. status=%d", eStatus);
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedDestroyChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedDestroyChildThread ImmidatePersistence Thread Failed. status=%d", eStatus);
+ }
+ m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+/// SwitchToFileStructureVersion1
+/// Copy all the user data from old persistent path to new persistent path i.e. UserData folder
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::SwitchToFileStructureVersion1(const UI_32 f_uinppversion) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cSrcPath = "";
+ std::string l_cDestPath = "";
+ std::string l_cNSNPSPath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ std::string l_cUserDataPath = "";
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cNSNPSPath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cNSNPSPath must exist
+ DIR *l_pdir = NULL;
+ struct dirent *l_pdirent = NULL;
+ l_pdir = opendir(l_cNSNPSPath.c_str());
+ if (NULL != l_pdir) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ if (l_cNSNPSPath[l_cNSNPSPath.length() - 1] != '/') { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cNSNPSPath must has '/'
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_cNSNPSPath.append("/"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_cNSNPSPath must has '/'
+ }
+ // set the userdata folder path
+ l_cUserDataPath.assign(l_cNSNPSPath);
+ l_cUserDataPath.append(USERDATADIR);
+ l_cUserDataPath.append(ALLUSERAPPDATADIR);
+ // create the userdata directory
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cUserDataPath)) {
+ l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cUserDataPath);
+ }
+ // if directory successfully created or is already present on target
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ while (NULL != (l_pdirent = readdir(l_pdir))) {
+ if (0 != std::strcmp(l_pdirent->d_name, ".") &&
+ 0 != std::strcmp(l_pdirent->d_name, "..") &&
+ 0 != std::strcmp(l_pdirent->d_name, AppName) &&
+ 0 != std::strcmp(l_pdirent->d_name, USERDATA)) {
+ l_cSrcPath.assign(l_cNSNPSPath.c_str());
+ l_cSrcPath.append(l_pdirent->d_name);
+ if (CFSDirectory::IsDirectory(l_cSrcPath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: cannot test in init sequence
+ l_cDestPath.assign(l_cUserDataPath);
+ l_cDestPath.append(l_pdirent->d_name);
+ // move the old app user data to the UserData fodler
+ if (0 != rename(l_cSrcPath.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: rename must return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: rename must return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error renaming folder %s to %s",
+ l_cSrcPath.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to create directory:: %s", l_cDestPath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ closedir(l_pdir); // close the directory
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ l_estatus = SetNSNPPVersion(static_cast<UI_8>(f_uinppversion));
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SwitchToFileStructureVersion2
+/// Move immediate notification data files from IMMEDIATE_PERSISTENCE_STORAGE_V1 to
+//// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::SwitchToFileStructureVersion2(const UI_32 f_uinppversion) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // immediate notification persistent path for NPPService version 1
+ // immediate notification persistent path for NPPService version 2
+ std::string l_cDestDir = IMMEDIATE_PERSISTENCE_STORAGE_V2;
+ l_cDestDir.append(USERDATADIR);
+ l_cDestDir.append(ALLUSERAPPDATADIR);
+ l_cDestDir.append(IMMEDIATEDATADIR);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = SynchronousMovePersistentData(l_cSrcDir.c_str(), l_cDestDir.c_str()))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (!CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(l_cSrcDir)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: cannot test in init sequence
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Error deleting old immediate pers. dir %s", l_cSrcDir.c_str());
+ }
+ l_estatus = SetNSNPPVersion(static_cast<UI_8>(f_uinppversion));
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "SynchronousMovePersistentData faiure, status=%d", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// GetNSNPPVersion
+/// Get the version of NSNPP from version.txt
+UI_32 CNSNPP::GetNSNPPVersion() {
+ UI_32 l_uiVersion = NPP_VERSION_INVALID;
+ CHAR l_cVerStr[3] = {};
+ FILE *l_pFile = NULL;
+ std::string l_cVersion = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ if (l_cVersion[l_cVersion.length() - 1] != '/') { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: must has '/'
+ l_cVersion += "/";
+ }
+ l_cVersion.append(VERSION_TXT);
+ if (NULL != (l_pFile = fopen(l_cVersion.c_str(), "r"))) {
+ // read the version from file
+ if (NULL == fgets(l_cVerStr, 2, l_pFile)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: can't return NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "File empty: %s", l_cVersion.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: can't return NULL
+ } else {
+ errno = EOK;
+ l_uiVersion = static_cast<UI_32>(strtol(l_cVerStr, NULL, 10));
+ if (EOK != errno) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: errno always is EOK
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: errno always is EOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error converting string %s to hex, errno=%d", l_cVerStr, errno);
+ l_uiVersion = NPP_VERSION_0;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(l_pFile);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file: %s, errno=%d", l_cVersion.c_str(), errno);
+ l_uiVersion = NPP_VERSION_0;
+ }
+ return l_uiVersion;
+/// Syncfs
+/// Syncfs is carried out.
+/// \param
+/// \return EFrameworkunifiedStatus
+/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Returns status of operation
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::Syncfs() {
+ int dfd;
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cPath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ // create the file
+ dfd = open(l_cPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY);
+ if (-1 != dfd) {
+ // syncfs()
+ if (syncfs(dfd) < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: syncfs's error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to syncfs: %s errno=%d", l_cPath.c_str(), errno); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: syncfs's error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ close(dfd);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file: %s serrno=%d", l_cPath.c_str(), errno);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetNSNPPVersion
+/// Set the version of NSNPP in version.txt
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::SetNSNPPVersion(UI_8 f_uiversion) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ FILE *l_pFile = NULL;
+ std::string l_cVersion = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ if (l_cVersion[l_cVersion.length() - 1] != '/') { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: must has '/'
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_cVersion += "/"; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: must has '/'
+ }
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cVersion)) {
+ CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cVersion);
+ }
+ l_cVersion.append(VERSION_TXT);
+ // create the file and write
+ l_pFile = fopen(l_cVersion.c_str(), "w");
+ if (NULL != l_pFile) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pFile can't be NULL
+ // write the version to file
+ fprintf(l_pFile, "%d", f_uiversion);
+ fclose(l_pFile);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pFile can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file: %s", l_cVersion.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// FrameworkunifiedCreate
+/// In this function, states and events of StateMachine are created and connected.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::FrameworkunifiedCreate(PVOID f_peventdata) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // ========Create states
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPRoot)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPError)
+ CREATE_ORTHOGONALREGION(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistence)
+ CREATE_ORTHOGONALREGION(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdown)
+ CREATE_ORTHOGONALREGION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotification)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceError)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationError)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownIdle)
+ NPP_CREATE_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave)
+ // ========Connect states
+ NPP_CONNECT_DEFAULTSTATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPRoot, sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart)
+ NPP_CONNECT_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPRoot, sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart)
+ NPP_CONNECT_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPRoot, sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPError)
+ NPP_CONNECT_ORTHOGONAL_REGION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart, sNotificationpersistentservicePersistence)
+ NPP_CONNECT_ORTHOGONAL_REGION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart, sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdown)
+ NPP_CONNECT_ORTHOGONAL_REGION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart, sNotificationpersistentserviceNotification)
+ NPP_CONNECT_DEFAULTSTATE(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistence, sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady)
+ NPP_CONNECT_STATE(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistence, sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceError)
+ NPP_CONNECT_DEFAULTSTATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdown, sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownIdle)
+ NPP_CONNECT_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdown, sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave)
+ NPP_CONNECT_DEFAULTSTATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotification, sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady)
+ NPP_CONNECT_STATE(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotification, sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationError)
+ // ========Create external transitions
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPError)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceError)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownIdle)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady)
+ CREATE_EXTERNALTRANSITION(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationError)
+ // ========Create internal transitions
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReadPersistedData)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReleaseFileAck)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnUserChange)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPNorDataSaveAck)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFile)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFile)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFile)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFolder)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFolder)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFolder)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFilePersistentType)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFolderPersistentType)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPersistentSync)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPShutdown)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnShutdownTimeout)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceCheckAllReleaseRequestsProcessed)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishNotification)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterNotifications)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotification)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotifications)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnRegisterNotifications)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotification)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotifications)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPGetReadyStatus)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterImmediateNotifications)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPClearPersistedData)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetDefaultPersistentData)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetNotfnPersistentType)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishImmediateNotification)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPProfileNotifications)
+ CREATE_INTERNALTRANSITION(NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPProfilePersistence)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPProfileNotification, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPProfileNotifications)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPProfilePersistence, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPProfilePersistence)
+ // ========Connect events
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPRoot, evNPClearPersistedData, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPClearPersistedData)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart, evError, sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPError)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPError, evReady, sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPStart)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evError, sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceError)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceError, evReady, sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPReadPersistedData, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReadPersistedData)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPReleaseLoadAck, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPReleaseFileAck)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPRegisterPersistentFile, NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFile)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPReleasePersistentFile, NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFile)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPLoadPersistentFile, NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFile)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPRegisterPersistentFolder, NotificationpersistentserviceOnRegisterPersistentFolder)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPLoadPersistentFolder, NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentFolder)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPReleasePersistentFolder, NotificationpersistentserviceOnReleasePersistentFolder)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPGetReadyStatus, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPGetReadyStatus)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPSetFilePersistentType, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFilePersistentType)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPSetFolderPersistentType, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetFolderPersistentType)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evNPPersistentSync, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPersistentSync)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceReady, evUserChange, NotificationpersistentserviceOnUserChange)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownIdle, evShutdown, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPShutdown)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownIdle, evNPShutdownDataSave, sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave, evIdle, sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownIdle)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave, evShutdownTimeout, NotificationpersistentserviceOnShutdownTimeout)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave, evCheckAllFilesPersisted, NotificationpersistentserviceCheckAllReleaseRequestsProcessed)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceShutdownDataSave, evNPNorShutdownAck, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPNorDataSaveAck)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evError, sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationError)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationError, evReady, sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPPublishNotification, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishNotification)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPRegisterNotifications, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterNotifications)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPSubscribeToNotification, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotification)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPSubscribeToNotifications, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSubscribeToNotifications)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPUnRegisterNotifications, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnRegisterNotifications)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPUnSubscribeFromNotification, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotification)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPUnSubscribeFromNotifications, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPUnSubscribeFromNotifications)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPRegisterImmediateNotifications, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPRegisterImmediateNotifications)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPSetDefaultPersistentData, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetDefaultPersistentData)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPSetNotfnPersistentType, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPSetNotfnPersistentType)
+ NPP_CONNECT_EVENT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNotificationReady, evNPPublishImmediateNotification, NotificationpersistentserviceOnNPPublishImmediateNotification)
+ NPP_CONNECTROOT(sNotificationpersistentserviceNPPRoot)
+ NPP_PRINTSTATEMACHINE() // NOLINT (whitespace/empty_if_body)
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentservicePersistAll
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::NotificationpersistentservicePersistAll(EFrameworkunifiedShutdownType f_eshutdowntype, UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedQuickShutdown == f_eshutdowntype) {
+ if (NULL != m_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ // set all file persisted status as TRUE
+ m_pPersistenceManager->SetFilePersistedStatus(TRUE);
+ // send request to immediate persistence thread to stop all the immediate notification timer
+ m_pPersistenceManager->PersistNORData(f_eshutdowntype, f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedNormalShutdown == f_eshutdowntype) {
+ f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag = 0x0;
+ }
+ // save global notification data of persisted state notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData(eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar, f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData will always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData will always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while saving notification persistent data.");
+ }
+ // save user notification data for the current user
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData(eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar, f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData will always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData will always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while saving user notification persistent data.");
+ }
+ // NOR data is saved immediately,
+ // but during shutdown it can be possible that because of delay in consecutive save to NOR
+ // the latest data may not get persisted. So if we get shutdown we will need to persist the data immediately.
+ if (NULL != m_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ m_pPersistenceManager->PersistNORData(f_eshutdowntype, f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag);
+ }
+ // delete all persistent files and folders for all applications
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedUserData | eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData | eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData | eFrameworkunifiedDealerData) == f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ if (NULL != m_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ m_pPersistenceManager->SetFilePersistedStatus(TRUE);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ }
+ } else {
+ // writes the temporary global and user files to permanent memory
+ if (m_pPersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pPersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == m_pPersistenceManager->PersistAllReleaseRequests(f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: PersistAllReleaseRequests will always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // this is needed to check in case when there are no file to persist
+ if (TRUE == m_pPersistenceManager->HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted will always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted will always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "All file release requests processed");
+ m_pPersistenceManager->SetFilePersistedStatus(TRUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: PersistAllReleaseRequests will always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while persisting temporary files.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// DeletePersistedDataFolder
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::DeletePersistedDataFolder(UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ struct timeb timebuf;
+ struct tm *theTime;
+ ftime(&timebuf);
+ theTime = gmtime(&timebuf.time); // NOLINT (runtime/threadsafe_fn)
+ // get the current date and time to append to the folder name
+ snprintf(l_cDateTime, MAX_STRING_SIZE_TAG, "_%02d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d", theTime->tm_mon + 1, theTime->tm_mday,
+ theTime->tm_year + 1900, theTime->tm_hour, theTime->tm_min, theTime->tm_sec);
+ std::string l_cBasePath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ std::string l_cSrcPath = "";
+ std::string l_cDestPath = "";
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedUserData == (eFrameworkunifiedUserData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) {
+ l_cSrcPath.assign(l_cBasePath);
+ l_cSrcPath.append(USERDATA);
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cSrcPath)) {
+ l_cDestPath.assign(l_cSrcPath);
+ l_cDestPath.append(l_cDateTime);
+ // instead of deleting the data, rename the persistence folder before shutdown
+ if (0 != rename(l_cSrcPath.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: rename must return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: rename must return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error renaming folder %s to %s, errno = %d",
+ l_cSrcPath.c_str(),
+ l_cDestPath.c_str(),
+ errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData == (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) {
+ l_cSrcPath.assign(l_cBasePath);
+ l_cSrcPath.append(FACTORYDATA);
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cSrcPath)) {
+ l_cDestPath.assign(l_cSrcPath);
+ l_cDestPath.append(l_cDateTime);
+ // instead of deleting the data, rename the persistence folder before shutdown
+ if (0 != rename(l_cSrcPath.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: rename must return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: rename must return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error renaming folder %s to %s, errno = %d",
+ l_cSrcPath.c_str(),
+ l_cDestPath.c_str(),
+ errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData == (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) {
+ l_cSrcPath.assign(l_cBasePath);
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cSrcPath)) {
+ l_cDestPath.assign(l_cSrcPath);
+ l_cDestPath.append(l_cDateTime);
+ // instead of deleting the data, rename the persistence folder before shutdown
+ if (0 != rename(l_cSrcPath.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: rename must return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: rename must return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error renaming folder %s to %s, errno = %d",
+ l_cSrcPath.c_str(),
+ l_cDestPath.c_str(),
+ errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedDealerData == (eFrameworkunifiedDealerData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) {
+ l_cSrcPath.assign(l_cBasePath);
+ l_cSrcPath.append(DEALERDATA);
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cSrcPath)) {
+ l_cDestPath.assign(l_cSrcPath);
+ l_cDestPath.append(l_cDateTime);
+ // instead of deleting the data, rename the persistence folder before shutdown
+ if (0 != rename(l_cSrcPath.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: rename must return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: rename must return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error renaming folder %s to %s, errno = %d",
+ l_cSrcPath.c_str(),
+ l_cDestPath.c_str(),
+ errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_cDateTime) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cDateTime can't be NULL
+ delete[] l_cDateTime;
+ l_cDateTime = NULL;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData
+/// In this function, all the data related to persistent notification is retrieved from
+/// notification manager and stored in persistent file by persistent manager.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationPersistentData(EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_epersistenttype,
+ UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // pointer of Notification Manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = NULL;
+ // pointer of Persistence Manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager = NULL;
+ Persistent_Notification_List_Type *l_vPersistentNotificationList = NULL;
+ // get the instance of notification manager
+ l_pNotificationManager = m_pNotificationManager;
+ // get the instance of persistence manager
+ l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager = m_pPersistenceManager;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager && NULL != l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager and l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // create new vector to retrieve persistent notification data
+ l_vPersistentNotificationList = new(std::nothrow) Persistent_Notification_List_Type();
+ if (NULL != l_vPersistentNotificationList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: l_vPersistentNotificationList can't be NULL
+ // get all the persistent notification data in vector from notification manager
+ l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceGetPersistentNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList,
+ f_epersistenttype,
+ f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: l_vPersistentNotificationList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_vPersistentNotificationList is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_vPersistentNotificationList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: l_vPersistentNotificationList can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == f_epersistenttype) {
+ // save persistent notification data from vector to file
+ l_estatus = l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList);
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == f_epersistenttype) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_epersistenttype must be eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar or eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSaveUserNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_epersistenttype must be eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar or eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Save data for %d PersistentVarType not supported", f_epersistenttype);
+ }
+ // delete the locally created vector
+ if (!l_vPersistentNotificationList->empty()) {
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_vPersistentNotificationList->size();
+ l_uiCount++) {
+ if (NULL != l_vPersistentNotificationList->at(l_uiCount)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: can't be NULL
+ delete l_vPersistentNotificationList->at(l_uiCount);
+ }
+ }
+ // clear the vector
+ l_vPersistentNotificationList->clear();
+ }
+ delete l_vPersistentNotificationList;
+ l_vPersistentNotificationList = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: l_vPersistentNotificationList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_vPersistentNotificationList is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager and l_pCNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationManager is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceOnLoadPersistentData
+/// In this transition, persistent file is loaded by persistent manager and
+/// persistent notifications and its data is stored by notification manager.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::NotificationpersistentserviceLoadPersistentNotificationData(EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_epersistenttype) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // pointer of Notification Manager
+ CNotificationManager *l_pNotificationManager = NULL;
+ // pointer of Persistence Manager
+ CPersistenceManager *l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager = NULL;
+ // iterator of CNotificationToPersist vector
+ Persistent_Notification_List_Type *l_vPersistentNotificationList = NULL;
+ // get the instance of notification manager
+ l_pNotificationManager = m_pNotificationManager;
+ // get the instance of persistent manager
+ l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager = m_pPersistenceManager;
+ // create new vector for persistent notifications
+ l_vPersistentNotificationList = new(std::nothrow) Persistent_Notification_List_Type();
+ if (NULL != l_vPersistentNotificationList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: l_vPersistentNotificationList can't be NULL
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationManager && NULL != l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationManager and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == f_epersistenttype) {
+ // read persistent notification data from file and store in vector
+ l_estatus = l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceReadNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList);
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == f_epersistenttype) {
+ l_estatus = l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceReadUserNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList);
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == f_epersistenttype) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_epersistenttype must be eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar or eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar or eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager->NotificationpersistentserviceReadNorNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_epersistenttype must be eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar or eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar or eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Read data for %d PersistentVarType not supported", f_epersistenttype);
+ }
+ if (0 < l_vPersistentNotificationList->size()) {
+ // send the notification list to notification manager
+ l_estatus = l_pNotificationManager->NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentNotificationData(l_vPersistentNotificationList);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationManager and l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationManager or l_pNotificationpersistentservicePersistenceManager is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ if (!l_vPersistentNotificationList->empty()) {
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_vPersistentNotificationList->size();
+ l_uiCount++) {
+ if (NULL != l_vPersistentNotificationList->at(l_uiCount)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: can't be NULL
+ delete l_vPersistentNotificationList->at(l_uiCount);
+ }
+ }
+ // clear the vector
+ l_vPersistentNotificationList->clear();
+ }
+ delete l_vPersistentNotificationList;
+ l_vPersistentNotificationList = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: l_vPersistentNotificationList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error for l_vPersistentNotificationList");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// CreateAndStartChildThreads
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNSNPP::CreateAndStartChildThreads(HANDLE f_happ) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL == f_happ) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_happ can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_happ can't be NULL
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus is eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ // create reader thread
+ if (NULL != (m_hNSReadThread = FrameworkunifiedCreateChildThreadWithPriority(f_happ, m_cReadThreadName.c_str(), NSPCopyWorkerOnStart, NSPCopyWorkerOnStop, CNSNPP::m_siReadThreadPrio))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ "Thread %s created, Prio=%d",
+ m_cReadThreadName.c_str(),
+ CNSNPP::m_siReadThreadPrio);
+ // start the reader thread
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedStartChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSReadThread, 0, NULL))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_pPersistenceManager->SetReadThreadHandle(m_hNSReadThread);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Fail to Start Read Worker thread. Status:0x%x", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error creating NPP Read Worker thread");
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus is eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ // create writer thread
+ if (NULL != (m_hNSWriteThread = FrameworkunifiedCreateChildThreadWithPriority(f_happ, m_cWriteThreadName.c_str(), NSPCopyWorkerOnStart, NSPCopyWorkerOnStop, CNSNPP::m_siWriteThreadPrio))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ "Thread %s created, Prio=%d",
+ m_cWriteThreadName.c_str(),
+ CNSNPP::m_siWriteThreadPrio);
+ // start the writer thread
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedStartChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSWriteThread, 0, NULL))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_pPersistenceManager->SetWriteThreadHandle(m_hNSWriteThread);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Fail to Start Write Worker thread. Status:0x%x", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error creating NPP Write Worker thread");
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus is eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ // create immediate Persistence thread
+ if (NULL != (m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = FrameworkunifiedCreateChildThreadWithPriority(f_happ, m_cImmediatePersistenceThreadName.c_str(), NSPNorPersistenceWorkerOnStart, NSPNorPersistenceWorkerOnStop, CNSNPP::m_siImmediatePersistenceThreadPrio))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Thread %s created, Prio=%d", m_cImmediatePersistenceThreadName.c_str(),
+ CNSNPP::m_siImmediatePersistenceThreadPrio);
+ // start the immediate Persistence thread
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedStartChildThread(f_happ, m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, 0, NULL))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_pPersistenceManager->SetNorPersistenceThreadHandle(m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Fail to Start immediate persistence thread. Status:0x%x", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error creating NPP immediate persistence Worker thread");
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_archive.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_archive.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b54faebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_archive.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains the implementation for archiving and extracting files and folders.
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <zconf.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <libtar_listhash.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+#include "ns_npp_copy_worker.h"
+tartype_t g_gztype = { (openfunc_t) OpenArchive, (closefunc_t) CloseArchive,
+ (readfunc_t) ReadArchive, (writefunc_t) WriteArchive
+ };
+GZFiles g_gzfiles;
+// CHUNK Size 256 Kb
+// Buffer size for feeding data to and pulling data from the zlib routines
+const size_t kChunkSize = 1U << 18;
+// buff size 32KB
+const size_t kBufSize = 1U << 15;
+/// CArchive
+/// Constructor of CArchive class
+CCopyWorker::CArchive::CArchive() {
+/// CArchive
+/// Destructor of CArchive class
+CCopyWorker::CArchive::~CArchive() {
+/// FolderOperation
+/// Method to perform archive or extract operations
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::Archive(NSP_CopyInfoCmd &f_tarchiveinfocmd,
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse &f_tarchivestatusresponse) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_pSourcePath = f_tarchiveinfocmd.m_csourcepath;
+ std::string l_pDestPath = f_tarchiveinfocmd.m_cdestinationpath;
+ if (!l_pSourcePath.empty() || !l_pDestPath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pSourcePath and l_pDestPath can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ size_t l_ifound = l_pDestPath.rfind("/");
+ // get string from start to last occurrence of '/'. Which will return directory path
+ std::string l_cOutDirPath = l_pDestPath.substr(0, l_ifound);
+ // check for load file or release file
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == f_tarchiveinfocmd.m_eloadtype) {
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_pSourcePath)) {
+ // check if destination directory exist
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cOutDirPath)) {
+ l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cOutDirPath);
+ }
+ // Create archive
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = CreateTar(l_pSourcePath, l_pDestPath, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CreateTar always return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ f_tarchivestatusresponse))) {
+ // sync tar file to persistent memory
+ SI_32 l_iTarHandle = LIBTARFAIL;
+ if (LIBTARFAIL != (l_iTarHandle = open(l_pDestPath.c_str() , O_RDONLY))) {
+ struct stat l_objStat;
+ if (-1 != fstat(l_iTarHandle , &l_objStat)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: fstat always return ok
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO3, __FUNCTION__, "Bytes written in NAND memory, %ld, file=%s", l_objStat.st_size,
+ l_pDestPath.c_str());
+ }
+ close(l_iTarHandle);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: CreateTar always return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_pSourcePath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // check if destination directory exist
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_pDestPath)) {
+ l_pDestPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_pDestPath);
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus will be always eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ // Extract archive
+ l_estatus = ExtractTar(l_pSourcePath, l_pDestPath, f_tarchivestatusresponse);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pSourcePath and l_pDestPath can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source path or Dest Path empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// CreateTar
+/// Method to create tar
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::CreateTar(const std::string &f_csourepath,
+ const std::string &f_cdestpath,
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse &f_tarchivestatusresponse) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cDestPath = f_cdestpath;
+ std::string l_pcRootDirPath = f_csourepath;
+ libtar_list_t *l_pLibTarList = NULL;
+ l_pLibTarList = libtar_list_new(LIST_QUEUE, NULL);
+ libtar_list_add(l_pLibTarList, (void *)l_pcRootDirPath.c_str()); // NOLINT (readability/casting)
+ if (!l_cDestPath.empty() || !l_pcRootDirPath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_cDestPath and l_pcRootDirPath cannot be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != Create(l_cDestPath, l_pcRootDirPath, l_pLibTarList)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: Create always return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: Create always return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // not copied properly so remove temporary file
+ if (TRUE == CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(l_cDestPath)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Delete persistent directory successful.");
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Delete persistent directory unsuccessful.");
+ }
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Archiving fails for %s to %s", l_pcRootDirPath.c_str(),
+ l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Folder archived %s ", l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Source Path %s", l_pcRootDirPath.c_str());
+ if (TRUE == CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(l_pcRootDirPath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always return true
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Delete temporary directory successful.");
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Delete temporary directory unsuccessful."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: always return true // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_cDestPath and l_pcRootDirPath cannot be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source path or Dest Path empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ libtar_list_free(l_pLibTarList, NULL);
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ExtractTar
+/// Method to extract tar
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::ExtractTar(const std::string &f_csourepath,
+ const std::string &f_cdestpath,
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse &f_tarchivestatusresponse) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_pcTarFileDestPath = f_cdestpath;
+ std::string l_pcRootDirPath = f_csourepath;
+ if (!l_pcTarFileDestPath.empty() || !l_pcRootDirPath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pcTarFileDestPath and l_pcRootDirPath can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != Extract(l_pcRootDirPath, l_pcTarFileDestPath)) {
+ // not copied properly so remove temporary file
+ if (TRUE == CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(l_pcTarFileDestPath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: RemoveDirectory always return true // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Delete retrieved directory successful.");
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Delete retrieved directory unsuccessful."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: RemoveDirectory always return true // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Extraction fails for %s to %s",
+ l_pcTarFileDestPath.c_str(), l_pcTarFileDestPath.c_str());
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Folder extracted %s ", l_pcTarFileDestPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pcTarFileDestPath and l_pcRootDirPath can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source path or Dest Path empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Create
+/// Method to create tar
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::Create(std::string &f_pctarfiledestpath,
+ std::string &f_pcrootdirpath,
+ libtar_list_t *f_plibtarlist) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (FILEERROR == access(f_pcrootdirpath.c_str(), R_OK)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: access always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: access always return ok
+ }
+ TAR *l_pTarInfo = NULL;
+ libtar_listptr_t l_pTarListPtr;
+ PCHAR l_pcTarFileDestPath = const_cast<PCHAR >(f_pctarfiledestpath.c_str());
+ PCHAR l_pcRootDirPath = const_cast<PCHAR >(f_pcrootdirpath.c_str());
+ CHAR l_temp[] = "/";
+ if (l_pcTarFileDestPath || l_pcRootDirPath) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pcTarFileDestPath and l_pcRootDirPath can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // open tar archive
+ if (LIBTARFAIL == (tar_open(&l_pTarInfo, l_pcTarFileDestPath, &g_gztype, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: tar_open always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: tar_open always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "tar_open(): %s", std::strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ libtar_listptr_reset(&l_pTarListPtr);
+ while (libtar_list_next(f_plibtarlist, &l_pTarListPtr) != LIBTARSUCCESS) {
+ if (l_pcRootDirPath[0] != '/') { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pcRootDirPath must begin with '/'
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "%s", l_pcRootDirPath); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pcRootDirPath must begin with '/' // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_cBuffer, l_pcRootDirPath, sizeof(l_cBuffer));
+ }
+ if (tar_append_tree(l_pTarInfo, l_cBuffer, l_temp) != LIBTARSUCCESS) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: tar_append_tree always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: tar_append_tree always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "tar_append_tree(\"%s\", \"%s\"): %s", l_cBuffer,
+ l_temp, std::strerror(errno));
+ tar_close(l_pTarInfo);
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tar_append_eof(l_pTarInfo) != LIBTARSUCCESS) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: tar_append_eof always return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: tar_append_eof always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "tar_append_eof(): %s", std::strerror(errno));
+ tar_close(l_pTarInfo);
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (tar_close(l_pTarInfo) != LIBTARSUCCESS) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: tar_close always return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: tar_close always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "tar_close(): %s", std::strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pcTarFileDestPath and l_pcRootDirPath can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source path or Dest Path empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// create
+/// Method to extract tar
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::Extract(std::string &f_pcrootdirpath, std::string &f_pctarfiledestpath) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (FILEERROR == access(f_pcrootdirpath.c_str(), R_OK)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: access always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: access always return ok
+ }
+ PCHAR l_pcRootDirPath = const_cast<PCHAR >(f_pcrootdirpath.c_str());
+ PCHAR l_pcTarFileDestPath = const_cast<PCHAR >(f_pctarfiledestpath.c_str());
+ TAR *l_pTarInfo = NULL;
+ if (l_pcRootDirPath || l_pcTarFileDestPath) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pcRootDirPath and l_pcTarFileDestPath can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Extraction open for %s to ", l_pcRootDirPath);
+ if (LIBTARFAIL == (tar_open(&l_pTarInfo, l_pcRootDirPath, &g_gztype, O_RDONLY, LIBTARSUCCESS, TAR_GNU))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: tar_open always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: tar_open always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "tar_open(): %s", std::strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (LIBTARSUCCESS != tar_extract_all(l_pTarInfo, l_pcTarFileDestPath)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "tar_extract_all(): %s", std::strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (LIBTARSUCCESS != tar_close(l_pTarInfo)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: tar_close always return ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: tar_close always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "tar_close(): %s", std::strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pcRootDirPath and l_pcTarFileDestPath can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source path or Dest Path empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+SI_32 OpenArchive(PCHAR f_pcpathname, SI_32 f_sioflags, SI_32 f_simode) {
+ gzFile l_gzfile = Z_NULL;
+ SI_32 l_sifiledescriptor = LIBTARFAIL;
+ if (f_pcpathname) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_pcpathname can't be NULL
+ PCHAR l_pcgzoflags;
+ switch (f_sioflags & O_ACCMODE) {
+ case O_WRONLY: {
+ l_pcgzoflags = (PCHAR)"wb";
+ break;
+ }
+ case O_RDONLY: {
+ l_pcgzoflags = (PCHAR)"rb";
+ break;
+ }
+ case O_RDWR:
+ default: {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return LIBTARFAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ l_sifiledescriptor = open(f_pcpathname, f_sioflags, f_simode);
+ if (LIBTARFAIL == l_sifiledescriptor) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_sifiledescriptor always be ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return LIBTARFAIL; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_sifiledescriptor always be ok
+ }
+ if (((f_sioflags & O_CREAT) && fchmod(l_sifiledescriptor, f_simode))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: always be ok
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: always be ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ close(l_sifiledescriptor);
+ return LIBTARFAIL;
+ }
+ l_gzfile = gzdopen(l_sifiledescriptor, l_pcgzoflags);
+ if (!l_gzfile) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_gzfile always be not null
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_gzfile always be not null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ close(l_sifiledescriptor);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return LIBTARFAIL;
+ } else {
+ g_gzfiles.insert(std::make_pair(l_sifiledescriptor, l_gzfile));
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source Path empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, f_pcpathname can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_sifiledescriptor;
+int CloseArchive(int fd) {
+ int ret;
+ gzFile gzfile = Z_NULL;
+ /* checks */
+ if (g_gzfiles.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_gzfiles always be not empty
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: g_gzfiles always be not empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ GZFiles::iterator gzfiles_it = g_gzfiles.find(fd);
+ if (gzfiles_it == g_gzfiles.end()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: fd will always be found
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: fd will always be found
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* call zlib */
+ gzfile = gzfiles_it->second;
+ ret = gzclose(gzfile);
+ /* remove gzFile* association from our list */
+ g_gzfiles.erase(gzfiles_it);
+ return ret;
+ssize_t ReadArchive(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
+ gzFile gzfile = Z_NULL;
+ if (g_gzfiles.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_gzfiles always be not empty
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: g_gzfiles always be not empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ GZFiles::iterator gzfiles_it = g_gzfiles.find(fd);
+ if (gzfiles_it == g_gzfiles.end()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: fd will always be found
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: fd will always be found
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gzfile = gzfiles_it->second;
+ return gzread(gzfile, buf, static_cast<UI_32>(count));
+ssize_t WriteArchive(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) {
+ gzFile gzfile = Z_NULL;
+ if (g_gzfiles.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: g_gzfiles always be not empty
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: g_gzfiles always be not empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ GZFiles::iterator gzfiles_it = g_gzfiles.find(fd);
+ if (gzfiles_it == g_gzfiles.end()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: fd will always be found
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: fd will always be found
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gzfile = gzfiles_it->second;
+ return gzwrite(gzfile, buf, static_cast<UI_32>(count));
+// LCOV_EXCL_START 6: unused code
+/// FileOperationUsingLibz
+/// Method to determine whether to compress/decompress file using libz
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::FileOperationUsingLibz(NSP_CopyInfoCmd &f_toperainfocmd,
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse &f_toperarespstatus) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_pSourcePath = f_toperainfocmd.m_csourcepath;
+ std::string l_pDestPath = f_toperainfocmd.m_cdestinationpath;
+ if (!l_pSourcePath.empty() || !l_pDestPath.empty()) {
+ size_t l_ifound = l_pDestPath.rfind("/");
+ // get string from start to last occurrence of '/'. Which will return directory path
+ std::string l_cOutDirPath = l_pDestPath.substr(0, l_ifound);
+ // check if destination directory exist
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cOutDirPath)) {
+ l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cOutDirPath);
+ }
+ // check for load file or release file
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == f_toperainfocmd.m_eloadtype) {
+ // Zip
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = CompressUsingZlib(l_pSourcePath, l_pDestPath, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "File Compression successful.");
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "File Compression failed.");
+ f_toperarespstatus.m_bpersistencechk = FALSE;
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else if (LOADTYPE_LOAD == f_toperainfocmd.m_eloadtype) {
+ // Unzip
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = DeCompressUsingZlib(l_pSourcePath, l_pDestPath))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "File DeCompression successful.");
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "File DeCompression failed.");
+ f_toperarespstatus.m_bpersistencechk = FALSE;
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Wrong Request or No request for compression or decompression!");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source Path or Destination Path Empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+// LCOV_EXCL_START 6: unused code
+/// CompressUsingZlib
+/// Method to compress file using libz
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::CompressUsingZlib(const std::string &f_csourepath,
+ const std::string &f_cdestpath,
+ SI_32 f_iziplevel) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_csourepath.empty() || !f_cdestpath.empty()) {
+ std::string l_cSourePath = f_csourepath;
+ std::string l_cDestPath = f_cdestpath;
+ std::string l_TempFile = "";
+ l_TempFile.append(l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ l_TempFile.append(".nps_tmp");
+ FILE *l_pSrcFilePtr = fopen(l_cSourePath.c_str(), "rb");
+ if (NULL != l_pSrcFilePtr) {
+ FILE *l_pDestFilePtr = fopen(l_TempFile.c_str(), "wb");
+ if (NULL != l_pDestFilePtr) {
+ setvbuf(l_pSrcFilePtr, NULL, _IOFBF, kBufSize);
+ setvbuf(l_pDestFilePtr, NULL, _IOFBF, kBufSize);
+ // structure used to pass information to and from the zlib routines
+ z_stream l_tZstreamInfo = {};
+ // Allocate deflate state
+ l_tZstreamInfo.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.opaque = Z_NULL;
+ // Initialize deflates
+ SI_32 l_iDeflateStatus = deflateInit(&l_tZstreamInfo, f_iziplevel);
+ // Deflate Flush Status to determine end of input file
+ SI_32 l_iDeflateFlushState = Z_FINISH;
+ std::vector< UI_8 > l_vInBuffer(kChunkSize);
+ std::vector< UI_8 > l_vOutBuffer(kChunkSize);
+ // pointer to the read bytes from the input file
+ UI_8 *l_pReadBuffer = &l_vInBuffer[0];
+ // pointer to the next available byte space to write to output file
+ UI_8 *l_pWriteBuffer = &l_vOutBuffer[0];
+ size_t l_uiDeflateRetData = 0;
+ if (Z_OK == l_iDeflateStatus) {
+ do {
+ // bytes read from input file
+ l_tZstreamInfo.avail_in = static_cast<uInt>(fread(l_pReadBuffer, 1, kChunkSize, l_pSrcFilePtr));
+ if (0 == ferror(l_pSrcFilePtr)) {
+ // if the eof input file reached set the flush state to Z_FINISH
+ // Z_NO_FLUSH to indicate that we still have uncompressed data
+ l_iDeflateFlushState = feof(l_pSrcFilePtr) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.next_in = l_pReadBuffer;
+ // run deflate() on input until output buffer not full, finish
+ // compression if all of source has been read in
+ do {
+ l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out = kChunkSize;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.next_out = l_pWriteBuffer;
+ // no bad return value
+ l_iDeflateStatus = deflate(&l_tZstreamInfo, l_iDeflateFlushState);
+ // state not clobbered
+ if (Z_STREAM_ERROR == l_iDeflateStatus) {
+ } else {
+ l_uiDeflateRetData = kChunkSize - l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out;
+ if ((fwrite(l_pWriteBuffer, 1, l_uiDeflateRetData, l_pDestFilePtr) != l_uiDeflateRetData) ||
+ // all data not written properly
+ (0 != ferror(l_pDestFilePtr))) { // file error in writing
+ deflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out = 0;
+ l_iDeflateFlushState = Z_FINISH;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (0 == l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out); //<< check if deflate() has no more output
+ } else { // by seeing that it did not fill the output buffer
+ deflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo); // leaving avail_out greater than zero >>//
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ // all input will be used
+ if (0 != l_tZstreamInfo.avail_in) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "All inputs in z-stream avail_in not used");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ // done when last data in file processed
+ } while (Z_FINISH != l_iDeflateFlushState);
+ // stream will be complete
+ if (Z_STREAM_END != l_iDeflateStatus) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "z-stream not completed");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Compressed %lu bytes down to %lu bytes",
+ l_tZstreamInfo.total_in, l_tZstreamInfo.total_out);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO3, __FUNCTION__, "Bytes written in NAND memory, %lu, file=%s", l_tZstreamInfo.total_out,
+ f_cdestpath.c_str());
+ // clean up and return
+ deflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ fclose(l_pDestFilePtr);
+ if (0 != rename(l_TempFile.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Error renaming file %s to %s",
+ l_TempFile.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ fclose(l_pSrcFilePtr);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source Path or Destination Path Empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+// LCOV_EXCL_START 6: unused code
+/// DeCompressUsingZlib
+/// Method to decompress file using libz
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CArchive::DeCompressUsingZlib(const std::string &f_csourepath,
+ const std::string &f_cdestpath) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_csourepath.empty() || !f_cdestpath.empty()) {
+ std::string l_cSourePath = f_csourepath;
+ std::string l_cDestPath = f_cdestpath;
+ std::string l_TempFile = "";
+ l_TempFile.append(l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ l_TempFile.append(".nps_tmp");
+ FILE *l_pSrcFilePtr = fopen(l_cSourePath.c_str(), "rb");
+ if (NULL != l_pSrcFilePtr) {
+ FILE *l_pDestFilePtr = fopen(l_TempFile.c_str(), "wb");
+ if (NULL != l_pDestFilePtr) {
+ setvbuf(l_pSrcFilePtr, NULL, _IOFBF, kBufSize);
+ setvbuf(l_pDestFilePtr, NULL, _IOFBF, kBufSize);
+ z_stream l_tZstreamInfo = {};
+ // allocate inflate state
+ l_tZstreamInfo.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.opaque = Z_NULL;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.avail_in = 0;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.next_in = Z_NULL;
+ SI_32 l_iInflateStatus = inflateInit(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ if (Z_OK == l_iInflateStatus) {
+ std::vector< UI_8 > l_vInBuffer(kChunkSize);
+ std::vector< UI_8 > l_vOutBuffer(kChunkSize);
+ // pointer to the read bytes from the input file
+ UI_8 *l_pReadBuffer = &l_vInBuffer[0];
+ // pointer to the next available byte space to write to output file
+ UI_8 *l_pWriteBuffer = &l_vOutBuffer[0];
+ size_t l_uiDeflateRetData = 0;
+ do {
+ l_tZstreamInfo.avail_in = static_cast<uInt>(fread(l_pReadBuffer, 1, kChunkSize, l_pSrcFilePtr));
+ if (0 == ferror(l_pSrcFilePtr)) {
+ if (0 == l_tZstreamInfo.avail_in) {
+ break;
+ }
+ l_tZstreamInfo.next_in = l_pReadBuffer;
+ // run inflate() on input until output buffer not full
+ do {
+ l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out = kChunkSize;
+ l_tZstreamInfo.next_out = l_pWriteBuffer;
+ l_iInflateStatus = inflate(&l_tZstreamInfo, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ // state clobbered
+ if (Z_STREAM_ERROR == l_iInflateStatus) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else if (Z_NEED_DICT == l_iInflateStatus) {
+ l_iInflateStatus = Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else if (Z_MEM_ERROR == l_iInflateStatus) {
+ inflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ l_uiDeflateRetData = kChunkSize - l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out;
+ // all data not written
+ if ((fwrite(l_pWriteBuffer, 1, l_uiDeflateRetData, l_pDestFilePtr) != l_uiDeflateRetData) ||
+ (0 != ferror(l_pDestFilePtr))) { // or file writing error
+ inflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (0 == l_tZstreamInfo.avail_out);
+ } else {
+ inflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ // done when inflate() says it's done
+ } while (Z_STREAM_END != l_iInflateStatus);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, " De-compressed %lu bytes to %lu bytes",
+ l_tZstreamInfo.total_in, l_tZstreamInfo.total_out);
+ // clean up and return
+ inflateEnd(&l_tZstreamInfo);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ fclose(l_pDestFilePtr);
+ if (0 != rename(l_TempFile.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str())) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Error renaming file %s to %s",
+ l_TempFile.c_str(), l_cDestPath.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ fclose(l_pSrcFilePtr);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Source Path or Destination Path Empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0a749f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_binary_accesser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_NPPService
+/// \brief The file contains definition of CBinaryAccesser class.
+/// This class stores data in a file in binary format.
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+#include "ns_npp_binary_accesser.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_accesser.h"
+struct PersistFileHeder {
+ char check_code[4];
+ unsigned int crc;
+/// CBinaryAccesser
+/// Constructor of CBinaryAccesser class
+CBinaryAccesser::CBinaryAccesser() {
+ m_uiCurStrOffset = 0;
+ m_uiCurStrSize = 0;
+/// ~CBinaryAccesser
+/// Destructor of CBinaryAccesser class
+CBinaryAccesser::~CBinaryAccesser() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+/// PersistData
+/// Persist data in persistent memory in a file in binary format.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::PersistData(std::string f_cmemfilepath,
+ Persistent_Notification_List_Type *f_vdata,
+ EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_epersistenttype,
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ int l_OutFd;
+ if (NULL != f_vdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
+ // Open global file in write mode.
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == OpenFileForWriting(&l_OutFd, f_cmemfilepath))) {
+ Persistent_Notification_List_Iterator l_itNotificationList = f_vdata->begin();
+ // Iterate through a vector f_vdata
+ for (; l_itNotificationList != f_vdata->end(); l_itNotificationList++) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == (*l_itNotificationList)->m_ePersistentType) {
+ if (f_epersistcategory == (*l_itNotificationList)->m_ePersistCategory) {
+ // write header and data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != WriteHeaderAndData((*l_itNotificationList),
+ (*l_itNotificationList)->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage,
+ l_OutFd)) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // write header and data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != WriteHeaderAndData((*l_itNotificationList),
+ (*l_itNotificationList)->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage,
+ l_OutFd)) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != WriteFileHeaderAndDuplicate(l_OutFd, f_cmemfilepath)) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO3, __FUNCTION__, "Bytes written in NAND memory, %ld, file=%s",
+ static_cast<long int>(m_uiCurStrOffset - sizeof(PersistFileHeder)), f_cmemfilepath.c_str()); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ close(l_OutFd);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file %s", f_cmemfilepath.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// RetrieveData
+/// Retrieve data in persistent memory in a file in binary format.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::RetrieveData(std::string f_cmemfilepath,
+ Persistent_Notification_List_Type *&f_vdata,
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ int l_InFd;
+ if (NULL != f_vdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = OpenFileForReading(&l_InFd, f_cmemfilepath)))) {
+ l_estatus = FillNotificationList(l_InFd, f_vdata, f_epersistcategory);
+ close(l_InFd);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to open file %s, status=%d", f_cmemfilepath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// FillNotificationList
+/// This function retrieve the notification data from file and fill it in map.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::FillNotificationList(int f_infd,
+ Persistent_Notification_List_Type *&f_vdata,
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL == f_vdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_vdata can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ } else {
+ while (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ CPersistDataHeader l_objCPersistDataHeader;
+ CHAR *l_pData = NULL;
+ // Read header and data.
+ l_estatus = ReadHeaderAndData(l_objCPersistDataHeader, l_pData, f_infd);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ CNotificationsToPersist *l_objCNotificationsToPersist = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationsToPersist();
+ CPersistentData *l_objCPersistentData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData();
+ // fill the appropriate values in l_objCNotificationsToPersist
+ if ((NULL != l_objCPersistentData) && (NULL != l_objCNotificationsToPersist)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize];
+ if (NULL != l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ std::memcpy(l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage, l_pData, l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize);
+ l_objCPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_ePersistentType;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistCategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cNotificationName;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_cPublisherName = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cPublisherName;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData = l_objCPersistentData;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength = l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiMaxMsgLength;
+ f_vdata->push_back(l_objCNotificationsToPersist);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ std::memset(&l_objCPersistDataHeader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ std::memset(&l_objCPersistDataHeader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther == l_estatus) {
+ // EOF
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ std::memset(&l_objCPersistDataHeader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::OpenFileForReading(int *f_infd,
+ std::string f_cfilepath) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ // raw & raw.bak file unlink
+ std::string l_cUnlinkPath(f_cfilepath);
+ unlink(l_cUnlinkPath.c_str());
+ l_cUnlinkPath.append(".bak");
+ unlink(l_cUnlinkPath.c_str());
+ // add .valid
+ std::string l_cValidPath(f_cfilepath);
+ l_cValidPath.append(".valid");
+ if ((*f_infd = open(l_cValidPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == CheckFileHeader(*f_infd)) {
+ struct stat st;
+ if (fstat(*f_infd, &st) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ if (st.st_size == 0) {
+ // If original file is 0byte, to confirm bak file
+ int bak_fd;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == OpenBakFileForReading(&bak_fd, l_cValidPath)) {
+ close(*f_infd);
+ *f_infd = bak_fd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ close(*f_infd);
+ l_estatus = OpenBakFileForReading(f_infd, l_cValidPath);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "open(%s) fail: %s", l_cValidPath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = OpenBakFileForReading(f_infd, l_cValidPath);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OpenFileForWriting
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::OpenFileForWriting(int *f_outfd,
+ std::string f_cfilepath) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ std::string l_cPath(f_cfilepath);
+ size_t l_ifound = l_cPath.rfind("/");
+ std::string l_cOutDirPath = l_cPath.substr(0, l_ifound);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Path for persistence %s ", l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
+ // if parent directory path doesn't exists, create it
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cOutDirPath)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s DOESN'T exist, Creating...", l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cOutDirPath))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CreateDirectory always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to create %s ", l_cOutDirPath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: CreateDirectory always return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ // add .valid
+ std::string l_cValidPath(f_cfilepath);
+ l_cValidPath.append(".valid");
+ if ((*f_outfd = open(l_cValidPath.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0660)) >= 0) {
+ if (lseek(*f_outfd, sizeof(PersistFileHeder), SEEK_SET) == sizeof(PersistFileHeder)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ m_uiCurStrOffset = sizeof(PersistFileHeder);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: lseek's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno));
+ close(*f_outfd);
+ *f_outfd = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "open(%s) fail: %s", l_cValidPath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// WriteHeaderAndData
+/// Write header and data in a file.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::WriteHeaderAndData(CNotificationsToPersist *f_pnotificationstopersist,
+ PVOID f_pdata,
+ int f_outfd) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if ((NULL == f_pdata) || (NULL == f_pnotificationstopersist)) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ } else {
+ CPersistDataHeader l_objCPersistDataHeader;
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cNotificationName, f_pnotificationstopersist->m_cNotificationName.c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cNotificationName));
+ strlcpy(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cPublisherName, f_pnotificationstopersist->m_cPublisherName.c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_cPublisherName));
+ // size check
+ if (UINT32_MAX >= static_cast<size_t>(sizeof(CPersistDataHeader) + l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: the size is not bigger than UINT32_MAX // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiOffset = static_cast<UI_32>(m_uiCurStrOffset + sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize = f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize;
+ l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_ePersistentType = f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistentType;
+ l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiMaxMsgLength = f_pnotificationstopersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength;
+ // write header
+ if (write(f_outfd, (PCHAR)&l_objCPersistDataHeader, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader)) == sizeof(CPersistDataHeader)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // write data
+ if (write(f_outfd, (PCHAR)f_pdata, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case
+ l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize) == (ssize_t)l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize) {
+ // save offset of end of current record's data
+ m_uiCurStrOffset += static_cast<UI_32>(sizeof(CPersistDataHeader) + l_objCPersistDataHeader.m_uiSize);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while writing data: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while writing header: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::ReadHeaderAndData(CPersistDataHeader &f_objcpersistdataheader,
+ CHAR *&f_pdata, int f_infd) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ static UI_32 l_uisPrevAllocSz = 0;
+ ssize_t l_iRet;
+ // read header
+ l_iRet = read(f_infd, (PCHAR)&f_objcpersistdataheader, sizeof(f_objcpersistdataheader));
+ if (l_iRet != sizeof(f_objcpersistdataheader)) {
+ if (l_iRet < 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: read's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while reading header: %s", strerror(errno));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther; // TODO(my_username): set specific error as eNotificationpersistentserviceStatusEOFReadched
+ }
+ std::memset(&f_objcpersistdataheader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ } else { // read data
+ m_uiCurStrOffset += static_cast<UI_32>(sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ if (static_cast<int>(f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize) > 0 &&
+ m_uiCurStrOffset + f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize <= m_uiCurStrSize) {
+ // if f_pdata has space allocated and if the allocated size less than new size,
+ // free and reallocate
+ if ((NULL != f_pdata) && (l_uisPrevAllocSz < f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pdata must be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_pdata must be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ delete[] f_pdata;
+ f_pdata = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL == f_pdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_pdata must be null
+ f_pdata = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize];
+ } else {
+ // memory already allcoated.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ if (NULL != f_pdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pdata can't be null
+ l_uisPrevAllocSz = f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize;
+ l_iRet = read(f_infd, (PCHAR)f_pdata, f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize);
+ if (l_iRet == (ssize_t)f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case
+ m_uiCurStrOffset += f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize;
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error while reading data: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_pdata can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem Allocation failure");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invlide data size: %u", f_objcpersistdataheader.m_uiSize);
+ std::memset(&f_objcpersistdataheader, 0, sizeof(CPersistDataHeader));
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::WriteFileHeaderAndDuplicate(int f_outfd, std::string f_cfilepath) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ struct stat st;
+ if (fstat(f_outfd, &st) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ if (st.st_size > static_cast<long>(sizeof(PersistFileHeder))) { // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ size_t body_size = static_cast<size_t>(st.st_size - sizeof(PersistFileHeder));
+ char *buf = new(std::nothrow) char[body_size];
+ if (buf != NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ if (lseek(f_outfd, sizeof(PersistFileHeder), SEEK_SET) == sizeof(PersistFileHeder)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (read(f_outfd, buf, body_size) == static_cast<ssize_t>(body_size)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ PersistFileHeder f_header;
+ std::memcpy(&f_header.check_code, NPP_CHECK_CODE, sizeof(f_header.check_code));
+ f_header.crc = static_cast<UI_32>(CalcCRC(buf, static_cast<UI_32>(body_size)));
+ if (lseek(f_outfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case
+ if (write(f_outfd, &f_header, sizeof(f_header)) == sizeof(f_header)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // file duplicate
+ std::string bak_file_path = f_cfilepath;
+ bak_file_path.append(".valid.bak");
+ int bak_fd = open(bak_file_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0660);
+ if (bak_fd >= 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case
+ if (write(bak_fd, &f_header, sizeof(f_header)) == sizeof(f_header)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (write(bak_fd, buf, body_size) != static_cast<ssize_t>(body_size)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "write fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "write fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ close(bak_fd);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "open fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: open's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "write fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: write's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "read fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: read's error case
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case
+ }
+ delete[] buf;
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem Allocation failure"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: new's error case
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 0byte file through
+ eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ }
+ return eStatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::CheckFileHeader(int f_infd) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ struct stat st;
+ if (fstat(f_infd, &st) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ if (st.st_size > static_cast<long>(sizeof(PersistFileHeder))) { // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ size_t body_size = static_cast<size_t>(st.st_size - sizeof(PersistFileHeder));
+ char *buf = new(std::nothrow) char[body_size];
+ if (buf != NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ if (lseek(f_infd, sizeof(PersistFileHeder), SEEK_SET) == sizeof(PersistFileHeder)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (read(f_infd, buf, body_size) == static_cast<ssize_t>(body_size)) {
+ UI_32 crc32 = static_cast<UI_32>(CalcCRC(buf, static_cast<UI_32>(body_size)));
+ PersistFileHeder f_header;
+ if (lseek(f_infd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: lseek's error case
+ if (read(f_infd, &f_header, sizeof(f_header)) == sizeof(f_header)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (std::memcmp(&f_header.check_code, NPP_CHECK_CODE, sizeof(f_header.check_code)) == 0
+ && f_header.crc == crc32) {
+ m_uiCurStrOffset = sizeof(f_header);
+ m_uiCurStrSize = static_cast<UI_32>(st.st_size);
+ eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "file header fail: %02x %02x %02x %02x %#x:%#x",
+ f_header.check_code[0], f_header.check_code[1],
+ f_header.check_code[2], f_header.check_code[3], crc32, f_header.crc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "read fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: read's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "read fail: %s", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lseek fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: lseek's error case
+ }
+ delete[] buf;
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem Allocation failure"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: new's error case
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 0byte file through
+ eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat fail: %s", strerror(errno)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ }
+ return eStatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CBinaryAccesser::OpenBakFileForReading(int *f_infd, std::string f_cfilepath) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ std::string bak_file_path = f_cfilepath;
+ bak_file_path.append(".bak");
+ *f_infd = open(bak_file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+ if (*f_infd >= 0) {
+ struct stat st;
+ if (fstat(*f_infd, &st) == 0) {
+ // Error if bak file is 0byte
+ if (st.st_size > 0) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == CheckFileHeader(*f_infd)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s fail. bak file correct.", f_cfilepath.c_str());
+ eStatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ close(*f_infd);
+ *f_infd = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ close(*f_infd);
+ *f_infd = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat fail: %s", strerror(errno));
+ close(*f_infd);
+ *f_infd = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return eStatus;
+ * CRC-32C lookup table
+ *
+ * Polynomial 0x1EDC6F41
+ */
+static const UI_32 crc32_lookup[4][256] = { // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ {
+ },
+ {
+ },
+ {
+ },
+ {
+ }
+UI_32 CBinaryAccesser::CalcCRC(PVOID f_pdata, UI_32 f_size) {
+ UI_32 crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ const UI_32 *current = (const UI_32 *)f_pdata;
+ while (f_size >= 4) {
+ UI_32 one = *current++ ^ crc;
+ crc = crc32_lookup[0][(one >> 24) & 0xFF] ^
+ crc32_lookup[1][(one >> 16) & 0xFF] ^
+ crc32_lookup[2][(one >> 8) & 0xFF] ^
+ crc32_lookup[3][one & 0xFF];
+ f_size -= 4;
+ }
+ const UI_8 *current_char = (const UI_8 *)current;
+ while (f_size-- > 0) {
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc32_lookup[0][(crc & 0xFF) ^ *current_char++];
+ }
+ return ~crc;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_copy_worker.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_copy_worker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4638a7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_copy_worker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file implements the CCopyWorker class.
+#include <native_service/ns_util_crc.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_logger_if.h>
+// standard headers
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+// ns headers
+#include "ns_npp_copy_worker.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence.h"
+#include "ns_npp_threads.h"
+#include "ns_npp.h"
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
+/*#include "PosixBasedOS001legacy_types.h"*/
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#define NS_NPP_WRITESIZE1 4096
+#define NS_NPP_WRITESIZE2 32768
+#define NS_NPP_REMOVE_DIR_DELAY 100 // in ms
+#define NS_NPP_FILEWRITE_DELAY 50 // in ms
+pthread_mutex_t g_mutworkerthread = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+pthread_mutex_t CCopyWorker::m_sAbortMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+BOOL CCopyWorker::m_sbAbortCopy = FALSE;
+template <typename C, eFrameworkunifiedStatus(C::*M)(HANDLE)> EFrameworkunifiedStatus WorkerCallback(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ C *l_pClass = static_cast<C *>(FrameworkunifiedGetThreadSpecificData(hthread));
+ if (l_pClass) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pClass can't be NULL
+ l_estatus = (l_pClass->*M)(hthread);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+// Initialize static members
+TMServiceTagCRC CCopyWorker::CCopyWorker::g_mservicetagcrc;
+CMutex CCopyWorker::CCopyWorker::g_objmtxservicetag;
+static FrameworkunifiedProtocolCallbackHandler aServiceHandlers[] = { // NOLINT (readability/naming) // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ { CP_WRK_CMD_COPY, WorkerCallback<CCopyWorker, &CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdCopy> },
+ { CP_WRK_CMD_RESUME, WorkerCallback<CCopyWorker, &CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdResume> },
+ { AR_CMD_ARCHIVE, WorkerCallback<CCopyWorker, &CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdArchive> },
+ { CMD_WRK_SHUTDOWN_REQ, WorkerCallback<CCopyWorker, &CCopyWorker::OnCmdShutdownRequest>},
+/// CCopyWorker
+/// Constructor of CCopyWorker class
+CCopyWorker::CCopyWorker() {
+ pthread_mutex_init(&m_sAbortMutex, NULL);
+/// ~CCopyWorker
+/// Destructor of CCopyWorker class
+CCopyWorker::~CCopyWorker() {
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_sAbortMutex);
+/// Abort
+/// Method to abort worker thread.
+VOID CCopyWorker::Abort() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&m_sAbortMutex);
+ m_sbAbortCopy = TRUE;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_sAbortMutex);
+/// InAbortState
+/// Method to check for abort state.
+BOOL CCopyWorker::InAbortState() const {
+ BOOL l_bAbortStatus = FALSE;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&m_sAbortMutex);
+ l_bAbortStatus = m_sbAbortCopy;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_sAbortMutex);
+ return l_bAbortStatus;
+/// SetCopyStatusToFailure
+/// Method to set the copy status failure.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::SetCopyStatusToFailure(NSP_CopyStatusResponse &f_tcopystatusresponse, // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: not used // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ const ENPS_CopyWorkerFailures f_eworkerfailcmd) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ f_tcopystatusresponse.m_bpersistencechk = FALSE;
+ f_tcopystatusresponse.m_ecopyfailures = f_eworkerfailcmd;
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+/// OnWrkCmdCopy
+/// Callback method on copy command.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdCopy(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse l_tCopyStatus = {};
+ NSP_CopyInfoCmd l_tCopyInfo = {};
+ UI_32 l_uiFileSize = 0;
+ UI_32 l_ui32FileCRC = 0;
+ PSTR l_cTmpStorageFile = NULL;
+ if (NULL != hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ if (FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread) == sizeof(l_tCopyInfo)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: the size of msg must be sizeof(NSP_CopyInfoCmd) // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(hthread, &l_tCopyInfo, sizeof(NSP_CopyInfoCmd), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype = l_tCopyInfo.m_eloadtype;
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag, l_tCopyInfo.m_cpersistenttag, sizeof(l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag));
+ strlcpy(l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_crequesterappname,
+ sizeof(l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname));
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_epersisttype = l_tCopyInfo.m_epersisttype;
+ if (ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICECOMPRESSUSINGLIBZ == l_tCopyInfo.m_ecompressiontype) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_tCopyInfo.m_ecompressiontype can't be ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICECOMPRESSUSINGLIBZ // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ CCopyWorker::CArchive *l_pCArchive = new(std::nothrow) CCopyWorker::CArchive();
+ if (NULL != l_pCArchive) {
+ // Start the folder archive or extract operation
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = l_pCArchive->FileOperationUsingLibz(l_tCopyInfo, l_tCopyStatus))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Compress/Decompress Successful");
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // Set the archive status to failure
+ }
+ delete l_pCArchive;
+ l_pCArchive = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Tag: %s SourceFile: %s DestFile: %s",
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cpersistenttag != 0 ? l_tCopyInfo.m_cpersistenttag : NULL,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_csourcepath != 0 ? l_tCopyInfo.m_csourcepath : NULL,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath != 0 ? l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath : NULL);
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype) {
+ // if release, source file needs to check whether it's changed or not
+ l_cTmpStorageFile = l_tCopyInfo.m_csourcepath;
+ } else if (LOADTYPE_LOAD == l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_eloadtype must be LOADTYPE_RELEASE or LOADTYPE_LOAD // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // if load, dest file needs to check whether it's changed or not
+ l_cTmpStorageFile = l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath;
+ // check if file on temporary location exists, then no need to load from persistent memory
+ if (0 == access(l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath, F_OK)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: access's error case
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "File to load::%s for source::%s "
+ "is already present on path:: %s.",
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cpersistenttag != 0 ? l_tCopyInfo.m_cpersistenttag : NULL,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname : NULL,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath != 0 ? l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath : NULL);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFileLoadSuccess;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // let l_cTmpStorageFile be NULL.
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusFileLoadSuccess == l_estatus) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ if (NULL != l_cTmpStorageFile) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cTmpStorageFile can't be NULL
+ if (!VerifyWithStoredCRC(l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag,
+ l_cTmpStorageFile,
+ l_ui32FileCRC)) { // l_ui32FileCRC: out param
+ // Check if file release and CRC verification is enabled
+ if ((LOADTYPE_RELEASE == l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype) && (CNSNPP::m_siCRCCheckCount > 0)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: cannot test code // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = TryFileCopyWithCRCCheck(l_tCopyInfo.m_csourcepath,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath,
+ CNSNPP::m_siCRCCheckCount);
+ } else {
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype) {
+ l_estatus = CopyFile(l_tCopyInfo.m_csourcepath,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath,
+ l_uiFileSize,
+ TRUE);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = CopyFile(l_tCopyInfo.m_csourcepath,
+ l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath,
+ l_uiFileSize,
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO3, __FUNCTION__, "Bytes written:%d file=%s",
+ l_uiFileSize, l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath != 0 ? l_tCopyInfo.m_cdestinationpath : NULL);
+ if (0 == l_ui32FileCRC) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != CalculateCRC32(l_cTmpStorageFile, l_ui32FileCRC)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: CalculateCRC32() return ok // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: CalculateCRC32() return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warn: getting crc. File:%s, crc:%d",
+ l_cTmpStorageFile, l_ui32FileCRC);
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateTagCRC(l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname, l_tCopyInfo.m_cpersistenttag, l_ui32FileCRC);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FileCopy Error, status : 0x%x", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ "File %s not changed. No copy done. Load type:%d. Tag:%s for Requester:%s.",
+ l_cTmpStorageFile,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag : NULL,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname : NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_cTmpStorageFile can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unknown load type:%d, for tag:%s",
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_eloadtype,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag : NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) {
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_bpersistencechk = FALSE;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "COPY_FAILED_ID sending parent message. Tag:%s for Requester:%s.",
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag : NULL,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname : NULL);
+ FrameworkunifiedSendParent(hthread, CP_WRK_NTFY, sizeof(NSP_CopyStatusResponse), &l_tCopyStatus);
+ } else {
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_bpersistencechk = TRUE;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "COPY_COMPLETE_ID sending parent message. Tag:%s for Requester:%s.",
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_cpersistenttag : NULL,
+ l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname != 0 ? l_tCopyStatus.m_crequesterappname : NULL);
+ FrameworkunifiedSendParent(hthread, CP_WRK_NTFY, sizeof(NSP_CopyStatusResponse), &l_tCopyStatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error:FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize returned:%d", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: the size of msg must be sizeof(NSP_CopyInfoCmd)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error:MsgLength: Expected:%ld, Received:%d.",
+ static_cast<long int>(sizeof(l_tCopyInfo)), FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread)); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ l_estatus = SendAck(hthread, CP_WRK_CMD_COPY);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// GetCopyBufSize
+/// Get the proper buffer size.
+SI_32 CCopyWorker::GetCopyBufSize(SI_32 f_si32openfd, UI_32 &f_ui32filesize) {
+ UI_32 l_ui32BufSize = NS_NPP_WRITESIZE1;
+ // to get the size of file
+ struct stat l_tSrcFstat = {};
+ if (-1 == fstat(f_si32openfd , &l_tSrcFstat)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "fstat failure, errno:%d", errno); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: fstat's error case
+ } else {
+ f_ui32filesize = static_cast<UI_32>(l_tSrcFstat.st_size); // set out param
+ if (l_tSrcFstat.st_size < NS_NPP_WRITESIZE1) {
+ l_ui32BufSize = NS_NPP_WRITESIZE1;
+ } else {
+ l_ui32BufSize = NS_NPP_WRITESIZE2;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_ui32BufSize;
+/// CopyFile
+/// Copy the content of source file f_csrcpath to destination file f_cdestpath
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::CopyFile(PCSTR f_csrcpath, PCSTR f_cdestpath, UI_32 &f_uiNS_NPP_WRITESIZE, BOOL btmpfile) {
+ // declare variables
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ SI_32 l_iSourceFileFd = -1; // file descriptor of source file
+ SI_32 l_iDestFileFd = -1; // file descriptor of destination file
+ PSTR l_cWriteBuffer = NULL;
+ SI_32 l_si32BufSize = NS_NPP_WRITESIZE1;
+ size_t l_iReadBuffLength = 0; // size of data read from source file
+ UI_32 l_ui32SrcFileSize = 0;
+ std::string l_cTempDestPath; // temporary file path
+ if (btmpfile == FALSE) {
+ l_cTempDestPath = f_cdestpath;
+ } else {
+ l_cTempDestPath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ if (l_cTempDestPath.length() > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cTempDestPath.length() is bigger than 0
+ l_cTempDestPath.append(RELEASETEMP_DIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ // create the destination folder path if does not exists
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cTempDestPath)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s DOESN'T exist, Creating...", l_cTempDestPath.c_str());
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cTempDestPath))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: CreateDirectory() is eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: CreateDirectory() is eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to create %s, errno:%d", l_cTempDestPath.c_str(), errno);
+ return l_estatus;
+ }
+ }
+ l_cTempDestPath.append(RELEASETEMP_FILENAME);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_cTempDestPath.length() is bigger than 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_cTempDestPath.length():%ld", static_cast<long int>(l_cTempDestPath.length())); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ // get the destination folder path from full file path
+ std::string l_cOutDirPath(f_cdestpath);
+ size_t l_ifound = l_cOutDirPath.rfind("/");
+ l_cOutDirPath = l_cOutDirPath.substr(0, l_ifound);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Full Path for persistence %s.", f_cdestpath);
+ // create the destination folder path if does not exists
+ if (!CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cOutDirPath)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "%s DOESN'T exist, Creating...", l_cOutDirPath.c_str());
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(l_cOutDirPath))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to create %s, errno:%d", l_cOutDirPath.c_str(), errno);
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ // open source file
+ if (-1 == (l_iSourceFileFd = open(f_csrcpath, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: open's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ // open the destination file for writing or create if does not exists
+ if (-1 == (l_iDestFileFd = open(l_cTempDestPath.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: open's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: open's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ l_si32BufSize = GetCopyBufSize(l_iSourceFileFd, l_ui32SrcFileSize);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Src file:%s, size:%d", f_csrcpath, l_ui32SrcFileSize);
+ l_cWriteBuffer = (PSTR) std::malloc(l_si32BufSize);
+ if (NULL != l_cWriteBuffer) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: malloc's error case
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+ while (1) {
+ std::memset(l_cWriteBuffer, 0, l_si32BufSize);
+ l_iReadBuffLength = read(l_iSourceFileFd, l_cWriteBuffer, l_si32BufSize);
+ if (0 == l_iReadBuffLength) {
+ break;
+ } else if (0 < l_iReadBuffLength) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: read's error case
+ f_uiNS_NPP_WRITESIZE += static_cast<UI_32>(l_iReadBuffLength);
+ if (-1 == write(l_iDestFileFd, l_cWriteBuffer, l_iReadBuffLength)) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (InAbortState()) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: the state can't be aborted
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: read's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error reading from source file, errno:%d", errno);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (!eof(l_iSourceFileFd)) {
+ std::memset(l_cWriteBuffer, 0, l_si32BufSize);
+ if (-1 != (l_iReadBuffLength = read(l_iSourceFileFd, l_cWriteBuffer, l_si32BufSize))) {
+ f_uiNS_NPP_WRITESIZE += static_cast<UI_32>(l_iReadBuffLength);
+ if (-1 == write(l_iDestFileFd, l_cWriteBuffer, l_iReadBuffLength)) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (InAbortState()) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error reading from source file, errno:%d", errno);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free(l_cWriteBuffer);
+ l_cWriteBuffer = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: malloc's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Mem alloc error for l_cWriteBuffer");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ close(l_iDestFileFd);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ if (btmpfile == TRUE) {
+ if (0 != rename(l_cTempDestPath.c_str(), f_cdestpath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: rename's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ "Error renaming file %s to %s, errno: %d", l_cTempDestPath.c_str(), f_cdestpath,
+ errno);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // remove the source file after successful copy
+ if (0 != remove(l_cTempDestPath.c_str())) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Temporary file not deleted::%s, errno:%d", l_cTempDestPath.c_str(), errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(l_iSourceFileFd);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnWrkCmdResume
+/// Callback on resume worker thread command
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdResume(HANDLE hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (hthread) {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&m_sAbortMutex);
+ m_sbAbortCopy = FALSE;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_sAbortMutex);
+ l_estatus = SendAck(hthread, CP_WRK_CMD_RESUME);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnWrkCmdStart
+/// Callback method on start worker thread command.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdStart(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6:hthread can't be NULL
+ l_estatus = SendAck(hthread, CP_WRK_CMD_START);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6:hthread can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnWrkCmdStop
+/// Callback method on stop worker thread command.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdStop(HANDLE hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: can't test
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (hthread) {
+ l_estatus = SendAck(hthread, CP_WRK_CMD_STOP);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnCmdShutdownRequest
+/// Callback method for shutdown request command.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::OnCmdShutdownRequest(HANDLE hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (hthread) {
+ NSP_CopyShutdownAck l_tCopyShutdownAck = {};
+ if (FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread) == sizeof(l_tCopyShutdownAck)) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(hthread, &l_tCopyShutdownAck, sizeof(NSP_CopyShutdownAck),
+ eSMRRelease))) {
+ FrameworkunifiedSendParent(hthread, CMD_WRK_SHUTDOWN_ACK, sizeof(NSP_CopyShutdown), &l_tCopyShutdownAck);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error:FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize returned:%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error:MsgLength: Expected:%ld, Received:%d.",
+ static_cast<long int>(sizeof(l_tCopyShutdownAck)), FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread)); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SendAck
+/// Method to send ack to the parent thread
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::SendAck(HANDLE hthread, const ENSP_CopyWorkerProtocol &f_eworkercmd) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ NSP_CopyAckMsg l_tCopyAckMs = {};
+ l_tCopyAckMs.m_eworkerprotocol = f_eworkercmd;
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendParent(hthread, CP_WRK_ACK_CMD_COMPLETE, sizeof(l_tCopyAckMs), &l_tCopyAckMs);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnWrkCmdArchive
+/// Callback method on archive command
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::OnWrkCmdArchive(HANDLE f_hThread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Archive response struct
+ NSP_CopyStatusResponse l_tArchiveStatusResponse;
+ if (f_hThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_hThread can't be NULL
+ // Archive info struct
+ NSP_CopyInfoCmd l_tArchiveInfo = {};
+ if (FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(f_hThread) == sizeof(l_tArchiveInfo)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(f_hThread, &l_tArchiveInfo, sizeof(NSP_CopyInfoCmd), // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ eSMRRelease))) {
+ // Copy archive status response
+ l_tArchiveStatusResponse.m_eloadtype = l_tArchiveInfo.m_eloadtype;
+ l_tArchiveStatusResponse.m_epersisttype = l_tArchiveInfo.m_epersisttype;
+ std::strncpy(l_tArchiveStatusResponse.m_cpersistenttag, l_tArchiveInfo.m_cpersistenttag, (MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1));
+ std::strncpy(l_tArchiveStatusResponse.m_crequesterappname,
+ l_tArchiveInfo.m_crequesterappname, (MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1));
+ CCopyWorker::CArchive *l_pCArchive = new CCopyWorker::CArchive();
+ // Start the folder archive or extract operation
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = l_pCArchive->Archive(l_tArchiveInfo, l_tArchiveStatusResponse))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Archive/Extract Successful!");
+ } else {
+ // Set the archive status to failure
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_pCArchive) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: l_pCArchive can't be null
+ delete l_pCArchive;
+ l_pCArchive = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error:FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize returned:%d", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error:MsgLength: Expected:%ld, Received:%d.",
+ static_cast<long int>(sizeof(l_tArchiveInfo)), FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(f_hThread)); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) {
+ l_tArchiveStatusResponse.m_bpersistencechk = FALSE;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Archive/Extract fail.Sending parent message!");
+ } else {
+ l_tArchiveStatusResponse.m_bpersistencechk = TRUE;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Archive/Extract success.Sending parent message!");
+ }
+ FrameworkunifiedSendParent(f_hThread, CP_WRK_NTFY, sizeof(NSP_CopyStatusResponse), &l_tArchiveStatusResponse);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_hThread can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NSPCopyWorkerOnStart
+/// Callback method on start of worker thread
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSPCopyWorkerOnStart(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutworkerthread);
+ // Note: this variable is made static just to ignore the resource leak showing in coverity analysis
+ static CCopyWorker *l_pccopyworker = NULL;
+ l_pccopyworker = new(std::nothrow) CCopyWorker; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ if (NULL != l_pccopyworker) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: l_pccopyworker can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = l_pccopyworker->OnWrkCmdStart(hthread))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSetThreadSpecificData(hthread, l_pccopyworker);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbacksToDispatcher(
+ hthread, AppName, aServiceHandlers, static_cast<UI_32>(_countof(aServiceHandlers)));
+ if (0 == std::strcmp(NS_NPP_WRITE_THREAD_NAME, FrameworkunifiedGetAppName(hthread))) {
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher(hthread, AppName,
+ CMD_DELETE_OLD_DATA, NPServiceOnDeleteOldDataCmd);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ delete l_pccopyworker;
+ l_pccopyworker = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ delete l_pccopyworker;
+ l_pccopyworker = NULL;
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: l_pccopyworker can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutworkerthread);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NSPCopyWorkerOnStop
+/// Callback method on stop of worker thread
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSPCopyWorkerOnStop(HANDLE hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: can't test
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != hthread) {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutworkerthread);
+ CCopyWorker *l_pccopyworker = static_cast<CCopyWorker *>(FrameworkunifiedGetThreadSpecificData(hthread));
+ if (NULL != l_pccopyworker) {
+ l_pccopyworker->OnWrkCmdStop(hthread);
+ delete l_pccopyworker;
+ l_pccopyworker = NULL;
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSetThreadSpecificData(hthread, NULL))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedSetThreadSpecificData Error, status=%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ PCSTR l_cservice = FrameworkunifiedGetAppName(hthread);
+ if (NULL != l_cservice) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedDetachServiceFromDispatcher(hthread, l_cservice))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error Detaching service %s from dispatcher, status=%d", l_cservice, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedGetAppName returned NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutworkerthread);
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NPServiceOnDeleteOldDataCmd
+/// This callback is used to delete the data which was requested to be deleted during
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NPServiceOnDeleteOldDataCmd(HANDLE f_happ) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ SI_32 l_ithreadcreate = 0;
+ pthread_attr_t l_tattr;
+ struct sched_param l_tschedparam = {};
+ // thread id
+ pthread_t childthread = 0;
+ if (EOK == pthread_attr_init(&l_tattr)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ // detach the thread from parent thread
+ if (EOK != pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&l_tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 11:except,C++ STL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error setting detach state attribute for thread %s", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ // set the schedule property of thread
+ if (EOK != pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&l_tattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:except,C++ STL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5:except,C++ STL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error setting inherit schedule attribute for thread %s", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ if (EOK != pthread_attr_getschedparam(&l_tattr, &l_tschedparam)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:except,C++ STL
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5:except,C++ STL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error getting schedule param attribute for thread %s", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ // set the schedule priority of thread
+ l_tschedparam.sched_priority = NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_PRIO;
+ if (EOK != pthread_attr_setschedparam(&l_tattr, &l_tschedparam)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:except,C++ STL
+ "Error setting schedule param attribute for thread %s", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ // start the child thread
+ if (EOK == (l_ithreadcreate = pthread_create(&childthread, &l_tattr, NSPDataResetThreadCallback, NULL))) {
+ "Thread id %ld created, name=%s, prio=%d", childthread, NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME,
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "pthread_create failed for %s, error = %d", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME,
+ l_ithreadcreate);
+ }
+ }
+ // release the thread attribute object
+ pthread_attr_destroy(&l_tattr);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 11:except,C++ STL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to initialize attribute for thread %s", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NSPDataResetThreadCallback
+/// Callback of data reset thread.
+PVOID NSPDataResetThreadCallback(PVOID f_parg) {
+ std::string f_csourcepath = "";
+ std::string f_ctargetpath = "";
+ std::string l_ctargetdir = "";
+ DIR *l_pdir = NULL;
+ struct dirent *l_pdirent = NULL;
+ // set the name of thread
+ if (EOK == pthread_setname_np(0, NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:pthread_setname_np's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Name of thread id %ld set to %s",
+ syscall(__NR_gettid), NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Name of thread id %d set to %s", gettid(), NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5:pthread_setname_np's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Error setting name %s for thread-id %ld", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME,
+ syscall(__NR_gettid));
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Error setting name %s for thread-id %d", NS_NPP_DATA_RESET_THREAD_NAME, gettid());
+ }
+ f_csourcepath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ l_pdir = opendir(f_csourcepath.c_str());
+ if (NULL != l_pdir) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:opendir's error case
+ if ('/' != f_csourcepath[f_csourcepath.length() - 1]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: there must be '/' in f_csourcepath // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ f_csourcepath.append("/");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Old Persistent data folders which needs to be deleted are renamed with the orignal folder name
+ * followed by underscore and date and time.
+ */
+ std::string l_colduserdata = USERDATA;
+ l_colduserdata.append("_");
+ std::string l_coldfactorydata = FACTORYDATA;
+ l_coldfactorydata.append("_");
+ std::string l_coldfactorycustomerdata = FACTORYCUSTOMERDATA;
+ l_coldfactorycustomerdata.append("_");
+ std::string l_colddealerdata = DEALERDATA;
+ l_colddealerdata.append("_");
+ while (NULL != (l_pdirent = readdir(l_pdir))) {
+ l_ctargetdir = l_pdirent->d_name;
+ if (0 == l_ctargetdir.find(l_colduserdata) ||
+ 0 == l_ctargetdir.find(l_coldfactorydata) ||
+ 0 == l_ctargetdir.find(l_coldfactorycustomerdata) ||
+ 0 == l_ctargetdir.find(l_colddealerdata)) {
+ f_ctargetpath.assign(f_csourcepath);
+ f_ctargetpath.append(l_ctargetdir);
+ if (!CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(f_ctargetpath, NS_NPP_REMOVE_DIR_DELAY)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to delete directory :: %s", f_ctargetpath.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(l_pdir); // close the directory
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Directory does not exists :: %s", f_csourcepath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5:opendir's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/// VerifyWithStoredCRC
+/// Check if crc of the file passed matches with existing crc of a file
+BOOL CCopyWorker::VerifyWithStoredCRC(PCSTR f_crequesterappname, PCSTR f_cpersistenttag, PCSTR f_cFile,
+ UI_32 &f_ui32crc) {
+ UI_32 l_ui32StoredCrc = 0;
+ BOOL l_bRet = FALSE;
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ TMServiceTagCRC::iterator l_itServiceTag;
+ TMTagCRC::iterator l_itTagCRC;
+ f_ui32crc = 0; // initialize with default
+ if ((NULL != f_crequesterappname) && (NULL != f_cpersistenttag) && (NULL != f_cFile)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_crequesterappname, f_cpersistenttag, f_cFile can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // Get the existing crc of a file from the map
+ CCopyWorker::g_objmtxservicetag.ReadLock();
+ l_itServiceTag = CCopyWorker::g_mservicetagcrc.find(f_crequesterappname);
+ if (l_itServiceTag != CCopyWorker::g_mservicetagcrc.end()) {
+ l_itTagCRC = (l_itServiceTag->second).find(f_cpersistenttag);
+ if (l_itTagCRC != (l_itServiceTag->second).end()) {
+ l_ui32StoredCrc = (l_itTagCRC->second);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing.
+ }
+ CCopyWorker::g_objmtxservicetag.Unlock();
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ // get the crc of a file
+ l_estatus = CalculateCRC32(f_cFile, f_ui32crc);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: CalculateCRC32() return ok
+ if (f_ui32crc == l_ui32StoredCrc) {
+ l_bRet = TRUE;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "CRC matched. crc:%u", l_ui32StoredCrc);
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing. Return value already set.
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "CRC different. stored:%u, new:%u",
+ l_ui32StoredCrc, f_ui32crc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START: CalculateCRC32() return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warn: getting crc:file:%s, status:%d, errno:%d",
+ f_cFile, l_estatus, errno);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing. Return value already set.
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_crequesterappname, f_cpersistenttag, f_cFile can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid param::f_crequesterappname:%p, f_cpersistenttag:%p, f_cFile:%p",
+ f_crequesterappname, f_cpersistenttag, f_cFile);
+ }
+ return l_bRet;
+/// UpdateTagCRC
+/// Update the internal map with new crc
+VOID CCopyWorker::UpdateTagCRC(PCSTR f_crequesterappname, PCSTR f_cpersistenttag, UI_32 f_ui32crc) {
+ TMServiceTagCRC::iterator l_itServiceTag;
+ TMTagCRC::iterator l_itTagCRC;
+ CCopyWorker::g_objmtxservicetag.ReadLock();
+ l_itServiceTag = CCopyWorker::g_mservicetagcrc.find(f_crequesterappname);
+ if (l_itServiceTag != CCopyWorker::g_mservicetagcrc.end()) {
+ l_itTagCRC = (l_itServiceTag->second).find(f_cpersistenttag);
+ if (l_itTagCRC != (l_itServiceTag->second).end()) {
+ l_itTagCRC->second = f_ui32crc;
+ } else {
+ (l_itServiceTag->second).insert(std::make_pair(f_cpersistenttag, f_ui32crc));
+ }
+ } else {
+ TMTagCRC l_mTagCRC;
+ l_mTagCRC.insert(std::make_pair(f_cpersistenttag, f_ui32crc));
+ CCopyWorker::g_mservicetagcrc.insert(std::make_pair(f_crequesterappname, l_mTagCRC));
+ }
+ CCopyWorker::g_objmtxservicetag.Unlock();
+/// TryFileCopyWithCRCCheck
+/// Try file copy with CRC validation
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CCopyWorker::TryFileCopyWithCRCCheck(PCSTR f_csource, PCSTR f_cdest, UI_32 f_ui32checkcount) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: cannot test code // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ UI_32 l_uiSrcFileCrc = 0;
+ UI_32 l_uiDestFileCrc = 0;
+ UI_32 l_uiFileSize = 0;
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ for (UI_16 l_uiCrcCnt = 1; l_uiCrcCnt <= CNSNPP::m_siCRCCheckCount; l_uiCrcCnt++) {
+ l_uiSrcFileCrc = 0;
+ l_uiDestFileCrc = 0;
+ l_uiFileSize = 0;
+ l_estatus = CopyFile(f_csource, f_cdest, l_uiFileSize, TRUE);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ // calculate crc of file in temp memory(RAM)
+ l_estatus = CalculateCRC32(f_csource, l_uiSrcFileCrc);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ // calculate crc of file stored in persistent memory
+ l_estatus = CalculateCRC32(f_cdest, l_uiDestFileCrc);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ if (l_uiSrcFileCrc == l_uiDestFileCrc) { // if checksum matches for both the files
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "CRC Checksum matches for file:%s :: 0x%x", f_csource, l_uiSrcFileCrc);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO3, __FUNCTION__, "Bytes written:%d file=%s",
+ l_uiFileSize, f_cdest);
+ break;
+ } else { // else delete the file from target
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "CRC doesn't match for src:%s::0x%x and dest:%s::0x%x, CRC cnt=%d",
+ f_csource, l_uiSrcFileCrc, f_cdest, l_uiDestFileCrc, l_uiCrcCnt);
+ // if the checksum does not matches even for the last time, do not delete the file from target
+ if (l_uiCrcCnt < (CNSNPP::m_siCRCCheckCount)) {
+ if (0 != remove(f_cdest)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Error deleting file:%s, errno:%d", f_cdest, errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error Calculating Checksum for DestFile:%s",
+ f_cdest != 0 ? f_cdest : NULL);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error Calculating Checksum for SrcFile:%s",
+ f_csource != 0 ? f_csource : NULL);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FileCopy Error:%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_fs_directory.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_fs_directory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f4f98a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_fs_directory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains the implementation for class CFSDirectory.
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <other_service/PosixBasedOS001TimeApi.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_types.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+/// CFSDirectory
+/// Constructor of CFSDirectory class
+CFSDirectory::CFSDirectory() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: all methods are static
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+/// CFSDirectory
+/// Destructor of CFSDirectory class
+CFSDirectory::~CFSDirectory() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: all methods are static
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+/// CreateDirectory
+/// Method to create a directory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CFSDirectory::CreateDirectory(const std::string &f_cdirpath) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_cdirpath.empty()) {
+ PSTR l_cTempDirPath;
+ PSTR l_cParsedDirPath;
+ PCSTR l_cCopypath = f_cdirpath.c_str();
+ l_cTempDirPath = const_cast<PSTR >(f_cdirpath.c_str());
+ while (l_estatus == eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK && (l_cParsedDirPath = std::strchr(l_cTempDirPath, '/')) != 0) {
+ if (l_cParsedDirPath != l_cTempDirPath) {
+ /* Neither root nor double slash in path */
+ *l_cParsedDirPath = '\0';
+ if (0 != mkdir(l_cCopypath, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: mkdir's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (EEXIST != errno) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: errno can't be changed
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: errno can't be changed
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error Cannot Create directory %s", l_cCopypath);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ // file already exist
+ }
+ }
+ *l_cParsedDirPath = '/';
+ }
+ l_cTempDirPath = l_cParsedDirPath + 1;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ if (0 != mkdir(l_cCopypath, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: mkdir's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (EEXIST != errno) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: errno can't be changed
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: errno can't be changed
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error Cannot Create directory %s", l_cCopypath);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ // file already exist
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Directory path is empty.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// DoesDirecotryExist
+/// Method to check if a directory exists.
+BOOL CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(const std::string &f_cdirpath) {
+ DIR *l_pDirDescriptor = opendir(f_cdirpath.c_str());
+ if (NULL != l_pDirDescriptor) {
+ closedir(l_pDirDescriptor);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/// IsDirectory
+/// Method to check if the entity is a directory.
+BOOL CFSDirectory::IsDirectory(const std::string &f_cpath) {
+ BOOL l_bReturn = FALSE;
+ if (!f_cpath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_cpath can't be empty
+ struct stat st_buf;
+ if (0 == stat(f_cpath.c_str(), &st_buf)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: stat's error case
+ // Get the status of the file
+ if (S_ISREG(st_buf.st_mode)) {
+ l_bReturn = FALSE; // return false if f_cpath is a regular file
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(st_buf.st_mode)) {
+ l_bReturn = TRUE; // return true if f_cpath is a directory
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving status of path : %s", f_cpath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: stat's error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Directory path is empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: f_cpath can't be empty
+ }
+ return l_bReturn;
+/// RemoveDirectory
+/// Method to remove a directory.
+BOOL CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(std::string f_cpath, const UI_32 f_uidelay) {
+ BOOL l_bReturn = FALSE;
+ if (!f_cpath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_cpath can't be empty.
+ std::string l_cFilePath = "";
+ struct dirent *l_pdirent = NULL;
+ DIR *l_pdir = NULL;
+ l_pdir = opendir(f_cpath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch
+ if (NULL != l_pdir) {
+ if ('/' != f_cpath[f_cpath.length() - 1]) {
+ f_cpath.append("/");
+ }
+ while (NULL != (l_pdirent = readdir(l_pdir))) {
+ if (0 != std::strcmp(l_pdirent->d_name, ".") &&
+ 0 != std::strcmp(l_pdirent->d_name, "..")) {
+ l_cFilePath.assign(f_cpath);
+ l_cFilePath.append(l_pdirent->d_name); // concatenate the strings to get the complete f_cpath
+ if (TRUE == IsDirectory(l_cFilePath)) {
+ (void)RemoveDirectory(l_cFilePath, f_uidelay);
+ } else {
+ // it's a file, we can use unlink
+ unlink(l_cFilePath.c_str());
+ if (0 < f_uidelay) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_uidelay is 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ delay(f_uidelay);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(l_pdir); // close the directory
+ } else {
+ }
+ // delete the directory
+ if (0 == rmdir(f_cpath.c_str())) {
+ if (0 < f_uidelay) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_uidelay is 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ delay(f_uidelay);
+ }
+ l_bReturn = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_cpath can't be empty.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Directory path is empty.");
+ l_bReturn = FALSE;
+ }
+ return l_bReturn;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_handlelist.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_handlelist.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9e88a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_handlelist.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This class holds the message queue handles for notification subscribers
+/// This is a singleton class which holds the message queue handles for notification subscribers.
+/// This will ensure that NS_NPPService will hold only one handle per subscriber.
+#include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_handlelist.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+// define static member of class CHandleList
+CHandleList *CHandleList::m_psHandleList = NULL;
+/// CHandleList
+/// Class Constructor
+CHandleList::CHandleList() {
+/// CHandleList
+/// Class Destructor
+CHandleList::~CHandleList() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+/// GetHandleList
+/// This function is used to get the singleton instance of class.
+CHandleList *CHandleList::GetHandleList() {
+ // create the instance of class
+ if (NULL == m_psHandleList) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Creating handle list."); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h"
+ m_psHandleList = new(std::nothrow) CHandleList(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ }
+ return m_psHandleList;
+/// ReleaseHandleList
+/// This function is used to release the instance of class.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CHandleList::ReleaseHandleList() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 100: not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != m_psHandleList) {
+ delete m_psHandleList;
+ m_psHandleList = NULL;
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// AddHandleInList
+/// Add pair of subscriber name and corresponding handle in map.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CHandleList::AddHandleInList(std::string f_csubscribername, HANDLE f_hmqhandle) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ HandleListRetStatus_Type l_prRetValue;
+ l_prRetValue = m_mHandleList.insert(make_pair(f_csubscribername, f_hmqhandle));
+ if (false == l_prRetValue.second) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusDuplicate;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Handle exists in list for %s.", f_csubscribername.c_str());
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Handle added in list for %s.", f_csubscribername.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h"
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// RemoveHandleFromList
+/// Remove handle for subscriber from the list.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CHandleList::RemoveHandleFromList(std::string f_csubscribername) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 100: not used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // TODO(my_username): Implementation of this function.
+ // NOTE: Right now this feature is not required. Let the NS_NPPService hold one handle for
+ // each subscriber, even if all the notifications are unsubscribed by subscriber.
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+/// GetSubscriberMqHandle
+/// Get the message queue handle of a subscriber.
+HANDLE CHandleList::GetSubscriberMqHandle(std::string f_csubscribername) {
+ HANDLE l_hMqHandle = NULL;
+ HandleList_Type::iterator l_itHandleList;
+ l_itHandleList = m_mHandleList.find(f_csubscribername);
+ if (l_itHandleList != m_mHandleList.end()) {
+ l_hMqHandle = l_itHandleList->second;
+ }
+ return l_hMqHandle;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_nor_persistence_worker_thread.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_nor_persistence_worker_thread.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4b1604f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_nor_persistence_worker_thread.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contain declaration of class CNorPersistenceWorker and CArchive.
+/// Class CNorPersistenceWorker holds the implementation for worker thread.
+/// Class CArchive holds the implementation for archive.
+#include <native_service/ns_timer_if.hpp>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_utility_sys.hpp>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_multithreading.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_service_protocol.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_nor_persistence.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_nor_persistence_internal.h>
+#include "ns_npp_types.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_nor_persistence_worker_thread.h"
+typedef std::string NotificationName;
+typedef std::map<NotificationName, CTimerHelper *> TTimerList;
+static TTimerList g_mtimers; /// List of all the timers for immediate persistence notifications
+CMutex g_objmutextimerdata; /// Mutex object on g_mtimers
+// Template function for NorWorkerCallback
+template <typename C, eFrameworkunifiedStatus(C::*M)(HANDLE)> EFrameworkunifiedStatus NorWorkerCallback(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ C *l_pClass = static_cast<C *>(FrameworkunifiedGetThreadSpecificData(hthread));
+ if (l_pClass) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pClass can't be NULL
+ l_estatus = (l_pClass->*M)(hthread);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+static FrameworkunifiedProtocolCallbackHandler aServiceHandlers[] = { // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+ { NOR_PERSISTENCE_TIMER_START, NorWorkerCallback<CNorPersistenceWorker,
+ &CNorPersistenceWorker::OnNorPersistenceTimerStart>},
+ { NOR_PERSISTENCE_REGISTER, NorWorkerCallback<CNorPersistenceWorker,
+ &CNorPersistenceWorker::RegisterImmediatePersistNotification>},
+ { NOR_PERSISTENCE_UNREGISTER, NorWorkerCallback<CNorPersistenceWorker,
+ &CNorPersistenceWorker::UnregisterImmediatePersistNotification>},
+ { NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN, NorWorkerCallback<CNorPersistenceWorker,
+ &CNorPersistenceWorker::OnShutdown>},
+ { NOR_PERSISTENCE_CHANGE_CATEGORY, NorWorkerCallback<CNorPersistenceWorker,
+ &CNorPersistenceWorker::OnCategoryChange>}
+/// NSPNorPersistenceWorkerOnStart
+/// Callback method on start of worker thread
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSPNorPersistenceWorkerOnStart(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ // Note: this variable is made static just to ignore the resource leak showing in coverity analysis
+ static CNorPersistenceWorker *l_pcnorpersistenceworker = new(std::nothrow) CNorPersistenceWorker;
+ if (NULL != l_pcnorpersistenceworker) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSetThreadSpecificData(hthread, l_pcnorpersistenceworker);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbacksToDispatcher(
+ hthread, AppName, aServiceHandlers, static_cast<UI_32>(_countof(aServiceHandlers)));
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ delete l_pcnorpersistenceworker;
+ l_pcnorpersistenceworker = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: hthread can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NSPNorPersistenceWorkerOnStop
+/// Callback method on stop of worker thread
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSPNorPersistenceWorkerOnStop(HANDLE hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: can't test
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != hthread) {
+ CNorPersistenceWorker *l_pcnorpersistenceworker = static_cast<CNorPersistenceWorker *>(FrameworkunifiedGetThreadSpecificData(
+ hthread));
+ if (NULL != l_pcnorpersistenceworker) {
+ delete l_pcnorpersistenceworker;
+ l_pcnorpersistenceworker = NULL;
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSetThreadSpecificData(hthread, NULL))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedSetThreadSpecificData error, status=%d", l_estatus);
+ }
+ PCSTR l_cservice = FrameworkunifiedGetAppName(hthread);
+ if (NULL != l_cservice) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedDetachServiceFromDispatcher(hthread, l_cservice))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error detaching service %s from dispatcher, status=%d", l_cservice, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedGetAppName returned NULL");
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Class : CNorPersistenceWorker
+/// CNorPersistenceWorker
+/// Constructor of CNorPersistenceWorker class
+CNorPersistenceWorker::CNorPersistenceWorker() {
+/// ~CNorPersistenceWorker
+/// Destructor of CNorPersistenceWorker class
+CNorPersistenceWorker::~CNorPersistenceWorker() {
+/// OnNorPersistenceTimerStart
+/// This function starts the respective timer of the notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNorPersistenceWorker::OnNorPersistenceTimerStart(HANDLE f_hThread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *l_ptNorPersistentData = NULL;
+ UI_32 l_ui32ReceivedDataLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(f_hThread);
+ UI_8 *l_pui32ReceivedData = new(std::nothrow) UI_8[l_ui32ReceivedDataLength];
+ if (l_ui32ReceivedDataLength >= sizeof(TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_ui32ReceivedDataLength is bigger than sizeof(TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader) // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NULL != l_pui32ReceivedData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ std::memset(l_pui32ReceivedData, 0, l_ui32ReceivedDataLength);
+ l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(f_hThread, l_pui32ReceivedData, l_ui32ReceivedDataLength, eSMRRelease);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ TTimerList::iterator l_itTimerList;
+ l_ptNorPersistentData = static_cast<TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *>(static_cast<PVOID>(l_pui32ReceivedData));
+ g_objmutextimerdata.WriteLock();
+ // find the corresponding timer object in the list of timers
+ l_itTimerList = g_mtimers.find(l_ptNorPersistentData->m_cnotificationname);
+ if (g_mtimers.end() != l_itTimerList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: the notification must be registered
+ if (NULL != (l_itTimerList->second)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_itTimerList->second can't be null
+ if (NULL != (l_itTimerList->second)->m_pui8HeaderAndData) {
+ delete[](l_itTimerList->second)->m_pui8HeaderAndData;
+ (l_itTimerList->second)->m_pui8HeaderAndData = NULL;
+ }
+ // Update specific immediate persistence notification data
+ (l_itTimerList->second)->m_pui8HeaderAndData = l_pui32ReceivedData;
+ // if corresponding timer is not already running start it.
+ if (!(l_itTimerList->second)->IsRunning()) {
+ (l_itTimerList->second)->Start();
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Timer started, Notfn=%s", l_ptNorPersistentData->m_cnotificationname);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Timer already running for notfn %s. Data updated",
+ l_ptNorPersistentData->m_cnotificationname);
+ }
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: l_itTimerList->second can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Immediate persistence: Timer object NULL for Notfn:%s.",
+ l_ptNorPersistentData->m_cnotificationname);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: the notification must be registered
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Immediate persistence notification not registered. Notification: %s ",
+ l_ptNorPersistentData->m_cnotificationname != 0 ? l_ptNorPersistentData->m_cnotificationname : NULL);
+ }
+ g_objmutextimerdata.Unlock();
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ "FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize failed while retrieving immediate persistence notfn data. Status:0x%x ", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to allocate data. Can't persist.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: l_ui32ReceivedDataLength is bigger than sizeof(TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldBuf;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid data length received. Can't persist.");
+ }
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) && (NULL != l_pui32ReceivedData)) {
+ delete[] l_pui32ReceivedData;
+ l_pui32ReceivedData = NULL;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// RegisterImmediatePersistNotification
+/// It creates a timer corresponding to the notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNorPersistenceWorker::RegisterImmediatePersistNotification(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo l_tRegisterNotifInfo = {};
+ if (sizeof(l_tRegisterNotifInfo) == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: the size of msg must be sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo) // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(hthread, &l_tRegisterNotifInfo, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo), eSMRRelease))) {
+ g_objmutextimerdata.WriteLock();
+ TTimerList::iterator l_itTimerList = g_mtimers.find(l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname);
+ if (l_itTimerList != g_mtimers.end()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: notification can't be registered again
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: notification can't be registered again
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s is already registered for immediate data persistence ",
+ l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname);
+ } else {
+ // create timer corresponding to notification
+ CTimerHelper *l_pTimerHelper = new CTimerHelper();
+ if (NULL != l_pTimerHelper) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ l_pTimerHelper->SetTime(l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_uidelay, 0);
+ // todo: modify SetNotifyMethod of timer NSTimer class to accept sender handle as well.
+ // This will help to have only one handle, instead of one handle per timer.
+ l_pTimerHelper->SetNotifyMethod(static_cast<UI_16>(l_pTimerHelper->GetCmdId()), FrameworkunifiedGetAppName(hthread));
+ // associate timer's timeout with the callback function.
+ FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher(hthread, TIMER_QUE, l_pTimerHelper->GetCmdId(),
+ boost::bind(&CTimerHelper::OnTimeOut, l_pTimerHelper, hthread));
+ // add created timer in timers list
+ g_mtimers.insert(std::make_pair(l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname, l_pTimerHelper));
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s is registered for immediate data persistence ",
+ l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname != 0 ? l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname : NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ g_objmutextimerdata.Unlock();
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error getting message data for registering Immediate persistent notification, status: 0x%x", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: the size of msg must be sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength and size of TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo mismatched."
+ "Length received %d, buffer available: %ld ",
+ FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread), static_cast<long int>(sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo))); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// UnregisterImmediatePersistNotification
+/// It deletes a timer corresponding to the notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNorPersistenceWorker::UnregisterImmediatePersistNotification(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo l_tRegisterNotifInfo = {};
+ if (sizeof(l_tRegisterNotifInfo) == FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: the size of msg must be sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo) // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(hthread, &l_tRegisterNotifInfo, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo), eSMRRelease))) {
+ g_objmutextimerdata.WriteLock();
+ TTimerList::iterator l_itTimerList = g_mtimers.find(l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname);
+ if (l_itTimerList != g_mtimers.end()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: notification can't be unregistered again
+ if (NULL != (l_itTimerList->second)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_itTimerList->second can't be null
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus eStatus;
+ // detach callbacks
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (eStatus = FrameworkunifiedDetachCallbackFromDispatcher(hthread, TIMER_QUE, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ (l_itTimerList->second)->GetCmdId()))) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error: FrameworkunifiedDetachCallbackFromDispatcher Failed Status:0x%x ", eStatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ delete l_itTimerList->second;
+ l_itTimerList->second = NULL;
+ }
+ g_mtimers.erase(l_itTimerList);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: notification can't be registered again
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Can't unregister. Notification %s is not a registered notification for immediate data persistence.",
+ l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname != 0 ? l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname : NULL);
+ }
+ g_objmutextimerdata.Unlock();
+ "Notification %s is unregistered for immediate data persistence, FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize Error, status: 0x%x",
+ l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname != 0 ? l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname : NULL,
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: the size of msg must be sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength and size of TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo mismatched."
+ "Length received %d, buffer available: %ld ",
+ FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread), static_cast<long int>(sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo))); // NOLINT (runtime/int)
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnShutdown
+/// This API saves or deletes the data of NOR irrespective of delay depending on the message data
+/// received from parent thread during shutdown.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNorPersistenceWorker::OnShutdown(HANDLE f_hThread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ UI_32 l_uiPersistCategoryFlag = 0;
+ TImmediateShutdown l_tImmShutdown = {};
+ CTimerHelper *l_pTimerHelper = NULL;
+ // iterator of list of nor notifications and its timers
+ TTimerList::iterator l_itTimerList;
+ TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader = NULL;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(f_hThread, &l_tImmShutdown, sizeof(l_tImmShutdown), // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ eSMRRelease))) {
+ l_uiPersistCategoryFlag = l_tImmShutdown.f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag;
+ // if quick shutdown is received then just stop the timer and dont save the data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedQuickShutdown == l_tImmShutdown.f_eshutdowntype) {
+ for (l_itTimerList = g_mtimers.begin(); l_itTimerList != g_mtimers.end(); l_itTimerList++) {
+ l_pTimerHelper = l_itTimerList->second;
+ if (NULL != l_pTimerHelper && l_pTimerHelper->IsRunning()) {
+ // stop the timer
+ l_pTimerHelper->Stop();
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // stop the timer and save the data
+ for (l_itTimerList = g_mtimers.begin(); l_itTimerList != g_mtimers.end(); l_itTimerList++) {
+ l_pTimerHelper = l_itTimerList->second;
+ if (NULL != l_pTimerHelper && l_pTimerHelper->IsRunning()) {
+ // stop the timer
+ l_pTimerHelper->Stop();
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader = static_cast<TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *>
+ (static_cast<PVOID>(l_pTimerHelper->m_pui8HeaderAndData));
+ if (NULL != l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader can't be null
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedUserData != (l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory & l_uiPersistCategoryFlag) &&
+ eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData != (l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory & l_uiPersistCategoryFlag) &&
+ eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData != (l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory & l_uiPersistCategoryFlag) &&
+ eFrameworkunifiedDealerData != (l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory & l_uiPersistCategoryFlag)) {
+ // save the new data to persistent memory
+ l_pTimerHelper->OnTimeOut(f_hThread);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Immediate notification data header is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize failed for protocol NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN, status : %d",
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedSendParent(f_hThread, NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN_ACK, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ sizeof(l_uiPersistCategoryFlag), &l_uiPersistCategoryFlag))) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedSendParent failed for protocol NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN_ACK, status : %d",
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// OnCategoryChange
+/// This callback is called when category of immediate persistence is changed
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNorPersistenceWorker::OnCategoryChange(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != hthread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ UI_32 l_ui32ReceivedDataLength = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength(hthread);
+ if (l_ui32ReceivedDataLength >= sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_ui32ReceivedDataLength is bigger than sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory) // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ UI_8 *l_pui32ReceivedData = new(std::nothrow) UI_8[l_ui32ReceivedDataLength];
+ if (NULL != l_pui32ReceivedData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new's error case
+ std::memset(l_pui32ReceivedData, 0, l_ui32ReceivedDataLength);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(hthread, l_pui32ReceivedData, l_ui32ReceivedDataLength, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ eSMRRelease))) {
+ TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory *l_pChangePersistentCategory =
+ static_cast<TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory *>(static_cast<PVOID>(l_pui32ReceivedData));
+ PUI_8 l_pui8Data = l_pui32ReceivedData + sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory);
+ TTimerList::iterator l_itTimerList;
+ g_objmutextimerdata.WriteLock();
+ // find the corresponding timer object in the list of timers
+ l_itTimerList = g_mtimers.find(l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname);
+ if (g_mtimers.end() != l_itTimerList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: notification must be in list
+ CTimerHelper *l_pTimerHelper = l_itTimerList->second;
+ if (NULL != l_pTimerHelper && l_pTimerHelper->IsRunning()) {
+ TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader =
+ static_cast<TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *>(static_cast<PVOID>(l_pTimerHelper->m_pui8HeaderAndData));
+ if (NULL != l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader can't be null
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Changing category from %d to %d for notfn %s in dataHdr",
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory,
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_epersistcategory,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname);
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory =
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_epersistcategory;
+ }
+ }
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory l_eOldPersistCategory = l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_eoldpersistcategory;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Changing persist category of %s from %d to %d",
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname,
+ l_eOldPersistCategory,
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_epersistcategory);
+ // write data to emmc
+ l_estatus = SynchronousWritePersistentData(
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cpublishername,
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname,
+ static_cast<PVOID>(l_pui8Data),
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_uimsgsize,
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_uidelay,
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_uimaxmsglength,
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_epersistcategory);
+ // Create the old file path string to be removed
+ std::string l_cTempPath = l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname;
+ size_t l_uiTempPathSize = 0;
+ // replace all '/' by '_'
+ l_uiTempPathSize = l_cTempPath.find_first_of("/");
+ while (std::string::npos != l_uiTempPathSize) {
+ l_cTempPath[l_uiTempPathSize] = '_';
+ l_uiTempPathSize = l_cTempPath.find_first_of("/", l_uiTempPathSize + 1);
+ }
+ switch (l_eOldPersistCategory) {
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData:
+ l_cPath.append(FACTORYDATADIR);
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData:
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedDealerData:
+ l_cPath.append(DEALERDATADIR);
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedUserData:
+ default: {
+ l_cPath.append(USERDATADIR);
+ l_cPath.append(ALLUSERAPPDATADIR);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ l_cPath.append(IMMEDIATEDATADIR);
+ l_cPath.append(l_cTempPath);
+ l_cPath.append(l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cpublishername);
+ if (0 != unlink(l_cPath.c_str())) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error deleting file %s, errno=%d", l_cPath.c_str(), errno);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: notification must be in list
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't update persistent category, notfn %s not found in g_mtimers map",
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname != 0 ?
+ l_pChangePersistentCategory->m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname : NULL);
+ }
+ g_objmutextimerdata.Unlock();
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize failed while retrieving"
+ "immediate persistence notfn data. Status:0x%x ", l_estatus);
+ }
+ delete[] l_pui32ReceivedData;
+ l_pui32ReceivedData = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new's error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to allocate data. Can't persist, errno=%d", errno);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: l_ui32ReceivedDataLength is bigger than sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory)
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldBuf;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid data length received %d. Can't persist.", l_ui32ReceivedDataLength);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid param, hthread is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Class: CTimerHelper
+/// CTimerHelper
+/// Constructor of CTimerHelper class
+CTimerHelper::CTimerHelper() {
+ l_uiTimerCounter++;
+ m_uiCmdId = l_uiTimerCounter;
+ m_pui8HeaderAndData = NULL;
+/// ~CTimerHelper
+/// Destructor of CTimerHelper class
+CTimerHelper::~CTimerHelper() {
+ if (NULL != m_pui8HeaderAndData) {
+ delete[] m_pui8HeaderAndData;
+ m_pui8HeaderAndData = NULL;
+ }
+/// GetCmdId
+/// Returns id for timer
+UI_32 CTimerHelper::GetCmdId() {
+ return m_uiCmdId;
+/// OnTimeOut
+/// This function writes the corresponding data in NOR when timer expires.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CTimerHelper::OnTimeOut(HANDLE hthread) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ g_objmutextimerdata.ReadLock();
+ if (NULL != m_pui8HeaderAndData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: m_pui8HeaderAndData can't be null
+ TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader =
+ static_cast<TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader *>(static_cast<PVOID>(m_pui8HeaderAndData));
+ PUI_8 l_pui8Data = m_pui8HeaderAndData + sizeof(TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader);
+ HANDLE l_hReceiverMq = McOpenSender(l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cpublishername);
+ // write data to emmc
+ l_estatus = SynchronousWritePersistentData(l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cpublishername,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname,
+ static_cast<PVOID>(l_pui8Data),
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_uimsgsize,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_uidelay,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_uimaxmsglength,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_epersistcategory);
+ // update corresponding application about data written status.
+ if (NULL != l_hReceiverMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: NSFW error case
+ NC_ImmediateWriteAck l_tWriteAck = {};
+ std::strncpy(l_tWriteAck.notificationName, l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname,
+ sizeof(l_tWriteAck.notificationName) - 1);
+ l_tWriteAck.eStatus = l_estatus;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = McSend(l_hReceiverMq, AppName, NPS_IMMEDIATE_WRITE_ACK, sizeof(l_tWriteAck), // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ &l_tWriteAck))) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error Sending NPS_IMMEDIATE_WRITE_ACK to %s for %s, Status: %d",
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cpublishername != 0 ? l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cpublishername : NULL,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname != 0 ?
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname : NULL,
+ l_estatus);
+ }
+ McClose(l_hReceiverMq);
+ l_hReceiverMq = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error creating sender handle for service %s, Notification name %s Write Status: %d",
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cpublishername != 0 ? l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cpublishername : NULL,
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname != 0 ?
+ l_ptImmediateNotfnHeader->m_cnotificationname : NULL,
+ l_estatus);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: m_pui8HeaderAndData can't be null
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Not writing immediate persistence data. Data is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ g_objmutextimerdata.Unlock();
+ return l_estatus;
+/// EOF
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e2bb2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of CNotification class.
+/// It define functionalities common to all types of notification.
+// Include Files
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_message_center_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <native_service/ns_mc_system_info.h>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_handlelist.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notification.h"
+/// CNotification
+/// Constructor of CNotification class
+CNotification::CNotification() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: dead code
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ m_cNotificationName = "";
+ m_uiMaxMsgSize = 0;
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedUnknown;
+ m_cServiceName = "";
+ m_pmSubscribersList = NULL;
+/// CNotification
+/// Constructor of CNotification class
+CNotification::CNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimaxmsgsize) {
+ m_cNotificationName = "";
+ m_uiMaxMsgSize = 0;
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedUnknown;
+ m_pmSubscribersList = NULL;
+ if (!f_cnotificationname.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_cnotificationname can't be empty
+ m_cNotificationName = f_cnotificationname;
+ m_uiMaxMsgSize = f_uimaxmsgsize;
+// m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedUnknown;
+ m_cServiceName = "";
+ m_pmSubscribersList = new(std::nothrow) NotifReceiver_Type(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_cnotificationname can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification String is Empty");
+ CNotification();
+ }
+/// ~CNotification
+/// Destructor of CNotification class
+CNotification::~CNotification() {
+ // iterator of CNotificationReceiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_itNotifReceiver;
+ CNotificationReceiver *l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ if (NULL != m_pmSubscribersList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pmSubscribersList can't be NULL
+ if (!m_pmSubscribersList->empty()) {
+ for (l_itNotifReceiver = m_pmSubscribersList->begin();
+ l_itNotifReceiver != m_pmSubscribersList->end();
+ l_itNotifReceiver++) {
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = (*l_itNotifReceiver).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationReceiver) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ // NOTE: Uncomment following code when implementation of the function RemoveHandleFromList
+ // is available. To find the reason why it is not implemented, see the function definition.
+ // CHandleList *l_hHandleList = CHandleList::GetHandleList();
+ // l_hHandleList->RemoveHandleFromList((*l_itNotifReceiver).first);
+ delete l_pNotificationReceiver; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // clear the map
+ m_pmSubscribersList->clear();
+ }
+ delete m_pmSubscribersList; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ m_pmSubscribersList = NULL;
+ }
+/// AddEventReciever
+/// This function adds the name of the application to receiver list of particular notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::AddEventReciever(const std::string &f_csubscribername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_csubscribername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ l_estatus = AddReceiverInMap(f_csubscribername);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Publish
+/// This function publishes the notification to subscribed clients.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::Publish(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+/// DeleteEventReciever
+/// This function deletes the name of application from receivers list.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::DeleteEventReciever(const std::string &f_csubscribername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // iterator of CNotificationReceiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_iterator;
+ CNotificationReceiver *l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ if (!f_csubscribername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ l_iterator = m_pmSubscribersList->find(f_csubscribername);
+ if (l_iterator != m_pmSubscribersList->end()) {
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = (*l_iterator).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationReceiver) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ // NOTE: Uncomment following code when implementation of the function RemoveHandleFromList
+ // is available. To find the reason why it is not implemented, see the function definition.
+ // CHandleList *l_hHandleList = CHandleList::GetHandleList();
+ // l_hHandleList->RemoveHandleFromList((*l_iterator).first);
+ delete l_pNotificationReceiver; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ }
+ m_pmSubscribersList->erase(l_iterator);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Subscriber successfully deleted"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Subscriber Name String is Empty");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetNewSubscribersList
+/// This function sets the subscribers list of notification
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::SetNewSubscribersList(CNotification *f_pnotification) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // iterator of CNotificationReceiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_itNotifReceiver;
+ std::string l_cSubscriberName;
+ if (NULL != f_pnotification && NULL != f_pnotification->m_pmSubscribersList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pnotification and f_pnotification->m_pmSubscribersList can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (!f_pnotification->m_pmSubscribersList->empty()) {
+ for (l_itNotifReceiver = f_pnotification->m_pmSubscribersList->begin();
+ l_itNotifReceiver != f_pnotification->m_pmSubscribersList->end();
+ l_itNotifReceiver++) {
+ l_cSubscriberName = (*l_itNotifReceiver).first;
+ AddReceiverInMap(l_cSubscriberName); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_pnotification and f_pnotification->m_pmSubscribersList can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetEventPublisher
+/// This function set the publisher name to current received service name
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::SetEventPublisher(const std::string &f_cservicename) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_cservicename.empty()) {
+ m_cServiceName = f_cservicename;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Service successfully set"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15: marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Service Name String is Empty");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ResetEventPublisher
+/// This function resets the publisher name
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::ResetEventPublisher(const std::string &f_cservicename) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_cservicename.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_cservicename can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_cservicename can't be empty
+ } else {
+ if (0 == {
+ m_cServiceName = "";
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Service successfully reset"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15: marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Service Name Not Registered"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15: marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::AddReceiverInMap(const std::string &f_csubscribername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Message Queue Handle for passsing messages
+ HANDLE l_hMsgSenQueHandle = NULL;
+ // Pointer to class CNotificationReceiver
+ CNotificationReceiver *l_pCNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ // Iterator for Notification Receiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_itrNotifReceiver;
+ if (!f_csubscribername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Message Queue Handle Set"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ CHandleList *l_hHandleList = CHandleList::GetHandleList();
+ l_hMsgSenQueHandle = l_hHandleList->GetSubscriberMqHandle(f_csubscribername); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // If handle not found
+ if (NULL == l_hMsgSenQueHandle) {
+ // Open a handle for sending messages to another message queue
+ l_hMsgSenQueHandle = McOpenSender(f_csubscribername.c_str());
+ l_hHandleList->AddHandleInList(f_csubscribername, l_hMsgSenQueHandle); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pmSubscribersList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pmSubscribersList can't be NULL
+ l_pCNotificationReceiver = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationReceiver(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ if (NULL != l_pCNotificationReceiver) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: l_pCNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ l_pCNotificationReceiver->m_MsgQHandle = l_hMsgSenQueHandle;
+ // Insert Subscriber name and associated message queue handle in the map
+ m_pmSubscribersList->insert(make_pair(f_csubscribername, l_pCNotificationReceiver));
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: l_pCNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pCNotificationReceiver is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: m_pmSubscribersList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer == l_estatus) {
+ // close the queue handle
+ // NOTE: Uncomment following code when implementation of the function RemoveHandleFromList
+ // is available. To find the reason why it is not implemented, see the function definition.
+ // CHandleList *l_hHandleList = CHandleList::GetHandleList();
+ // l_hHandleList->RemoveHandleFromList(f_csubscribername);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// PublishData
+/// This function publishes the notification to client.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::PublishData(HANDLE f_hmsgqhandle,
+ const PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != f_hmsgqhandle) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_hmsgqhandle can't be NULL
+ // Notification Name
+ PSTR l_cNotificationName = const_cast<PSTR>(m_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = McSendWithSysInfo(f_hmsgqhandle, AppName, NPS_NOTIFY_EV_REQ, l_cNotificationName, f_uimsgsize, f_pmessage, 0))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "PublishData failed while McSend for Notification %s, Error Status: 0x%x",
+ l_cNotificationName, l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_hmsgqhandle can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// IsServiceRegistered
+/// This function checks whether the notification is registered with any service or not.
+BOOL CNotification::IsServiceRegistered() {
+ if (!m_cServiceName.empty()) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+/// IsSubscribersListEmpty
+/// This function is used to check whether any service is subscribed to notification
+BOOL CNotification::IsSubscribersListEmpty() {
+ if (NULL != m_pmSubscribersList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pmSubscribersList can't be NULL
+ if (m_pmSubscribersList->empty()) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/// GetNotificationName
+/// This function is used to get the notification name.
+std::string CNotification::GetNotificationName() {
+ return m_cNotificationName;
+/// GetPublisherName
+/// This function is used to get the publisher name of notification.
+std::string CNotification::GetPublisherName() {
+ return m_cServiceName;
+/// GetPersistenceType
+/// This function is used to get the type of notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType CNotification::GetNotificationType() {
+ return m_ePersistentType;
+/// GetMaxMessageSize
+/// This function is used to get the max size of data of notification message.
+UI_32 CNotification::GetMaxMessageSize() {
+ return m_uiMaxMsgSize;
+/// ResetMaxMessageSize
+/// This function reset the max size of data that can be published with notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotification::ResetMaxMessageSize(const UI_32 f_uilength) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ m_uiMaxMsgSize = f_uilength;
+ return l_estatus;
+/// GetSubscriberList
+/// Returns the list of subscribers subscribed to notification
+NotifReceiver_Type *CNotification::GetSubscriberList() {
+ return m_pmSubscribersList;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification_manager.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification_manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73ce8382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification_manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of singleton class CNotificationManager.
+// Include Files
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_message_center_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ns_npp_types.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_threads.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notification.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_notification.h"
+#include "ns_npp_regular_notification.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notification_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_persistence_notification.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_nor_persistence_notification.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_persistence_user_notification.h"
+#include <sstream>
+/// CNotificationManager
+/// Constructor of CNotificationManager class
+CNotificationManager::CNotificationManager() {
+ m_pmNotificationList = new(std::nothrow) Notification_Type(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ m_pvPersistentList = new(std::nothrow) std::vector<std::string>(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ m_pvUserPersistentList = new(std::nothrow) std::vector<std::string>(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ if (NULL == CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread =
+ }
+/// ~CNotificationManager
+/// Destructor of CNotificationManager class
+CNotificationManager::~CNotificationManager() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // iterator to find notification from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ // delete the members in map of Notification
+ if (NULL != m_pmNotificationList) {
+ if (!m_pmNotificationList->empty()) {
+ for (l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->begin();
+ l_itNotification != m_pmNotificationList->end();
+ l_itNotification++) {
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotification).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ delete l_pNotification;
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // clear the map
+ m_pmNotificationList->clear();
+ }
+ delete m_pmNotificationList;
+ m_pmNotificationList = NULL;
+ }
+ // delete the members in vector of persistent notification
+ if (NULL != m_pvPersistentList) {
+ if (!m_pvPersistentList->empty()) {
+ // clear the vector
+ m_pvPersistentList->clear();
+ }
+ delete m_pvPersistentList;
+ m_pvPersistentList = NULL;
+ }
+ // delete the members in vector of user persistent notification
+ if (NULL != m_pvUserPersistentList) {
+ if (!m_pvUserPersistentList->empty()) {
+ // clear the vector
+ m_pvUserPersistentList->clear();
+ }
+ delete m_pvUserPersistentList;
+ m_pvUserPersistentList = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) {
+ McClose(CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread);
+ CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = NULL;
+ }
+/// CreateNotificationObject
+/// This function is used to get notification object from map. If doesn't exists, it create new
+/// object as per type of notification.
+CNotification *CNotificationManager::CreateNotificationObject(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsglength,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_enotificationtype,
+ const UI_32 f_uidelay) {
+ // pointer of notification object
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ // iterator to find notification from map of CNotification
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ if (NULL == m_pmNotificationList || NULL == m_pvPersistentList || NULL == m_pvUserPersistentList) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, m_pmNotificationList, m_pvPersistentList, m_pvUserPersistentList can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "map/vector object is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_pmNotificationList, m_pvPersistentList, m_pvUserPersistentList can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // check if notification already exists
+ l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->find(f_cnotificationname);
+ // if exists remove previous entry
+ if (m_pmNotificationList->end() != l_itNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "Removing previous entry of notification %s from map", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ m_pmNotificationList->erase(l_itNotification);
+ }
+ switch (f_enotificationtype) {
+ // if notification is regular notification
+ case eFrameworkunifiedNotificationVar: {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "Regular Notification :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CRegularNotification(f_cnotificationname,
+ f_uimsglength); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ break;
+ }
+ // if notification is state notification
+ case eFrameworkunifiedStateVar: {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "State Notification :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStateNotification(f_cnotificationname,
+ f_uimsglength); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ break;
+ }
+ // if notification is persistence notification
+ case eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar: {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "PersistedState Notification :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStatePersistenceNotification(f_cnotificationname,
+ f_uimsglength); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function
+ // insert notification in persistent notification vector
+ m_pvPersistentList->push_back(f_cnotificationname);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory not allocated"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // if notification is user persistence notification
+ case eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar: {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "PersistedStateUser Notification :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStatePersistenceUserNotification(f_cnotificationname,
+ f_uimsglength); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function
+ // insert notification in user persistent notification vector
+ m_pvUserPersistentList->push_back(f_cnotificationname);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "NULL pointer error"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // if notification is immediate persistence notification
+ case eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar: {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Immediate PersistedState Notification :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStateNorPersistenceNotification(f_cnotificationname,
+ f_uimsglength,
+ f_uidelay); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ // insert notification in notification map
+ m_pmNotificationList->insert(make_pair(f_cnotificationname, l_pNotification));
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification object creation failed for %s.", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_pNotification;
+/// SearchNotification
+/// This function is used to search whether notification object is present in map or not.
+/// If present it sends the reference.
+CNotification *CNotificationManager::SearchNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname) {
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ // iterator to find notification from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ if (NULL == m_pmNotificationList || f_cnotificationname.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL and f_cnotificationname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "map pointer is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL and f_cnotificationname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // check if this notification's object present in map
+ l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->find(f_cnotificationname);
+ // if notification found in map
+ if (m_pmNotificationList->end() != l_itNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification found in map :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // get the notification object pointer from map
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotification).second;
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "Notification not found :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ return l_pNotification;
+/// SearchPersistenceNotification
+/// This function is used to search for the given persistent notification in map.
+CStateNotification *CNotificationManager::SearchPersistenceNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname) {
+ // pointer of notification object
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = NULL;
+ // search the notification in the map
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType() ||
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType() ||
+ eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType()) {
+ l_pStateNotification = static_cast<CStateNotification *>(l_pNotification);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "There is no persistence notification registered with name :: %s",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ return l_pStateNotification;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents
+/// This function creates notification object depending on its type and if already created it adds
+/// the service name to the list in the notification object.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnRegisterEvents(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsglength,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_enotificationtype,
+ const UI_32 f_uidelay) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ if (f_cservicename.empty() || f_cnotificationname.empty()) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // get the notification object from map or create new object
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ // if new notification is registered
+ if (NULL == l_pNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "Create new notification object :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ // create the new notification object depending on type and insert in map and vector
+ l_pNotification = CreateNotificationObject(f_cnotificationname,
+ f_uimsglength,
+ f_enotificationtype,
+ f_uidelay);
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Set Notification publisher %s for notification %s", f_cservicename.c_str(),
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h"
+ // set publisher name
+ l_estatus = l_pNotification->SetEventPublisher(f_cservicename);
+ }
+ } else { // if notification object already exists
+ EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType l_eNotificationType = l_pNotification->GetNotificationType();
+ // <<notification type is eFrameworkunifiedUnknown
+ // if some service had already subscribed to the notification before registering it.>>
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedUnknown == l_eNotificationType) {
+ // creates new notification object depending on the type and insert it in notification map
+ l_estatus = ChangeNotificationType(l_pNotification, f_cservicename, f_cnotificationname, f_uimsglength,
+ f_enotificationtype, f_uidelay);
+ // delete the old notification object
+ delete l_pNotification; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ } else { // notification is already registered by some service
+ // update the notification property, if re-registered by the same publisher
+ if (f_cservicename == l_pNotification->GetPublisherName() || // if re-register by service
+ "" == l_pNotification->GetPublisherName()) { // if previously unregistered by service
+ // if type is same just update the length of notification data
+ if (l_eNotificationType == f_enotificationtype) {
+ if (l_pNotification->GetMaxMessageSize() != f_uimsglength) {
+ "Updating max size of notification %s to %d from %d", f_cnotificationname.c_str(),
+ f_uimsglength, l_pNotification->GetMaxMessageSize());
+ l_estatus = l_pNotification->ResetMaxMessageSize(f_uimsglength);
+ }
+ if ("" == l_pNotification->GetPublisherName()) {
+ "Updating publisher name of notification %s to %s from %s", f_cservicename.c_str(),
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), l_pNotification->GetPublisherName().c_str());
+ l_pNotification->SetEventPublisher(f_cservicename);
+ }
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar != l_eNotificationType &&
+ eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar != f_enotificationtype) {
+ // else create new notification object depending on the type and delete the old one
+ // note: do not change immediate notification type
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Changing type of notfn %s from %d to %d", f_cnotificationname.c_str(),
+ l_eNotificationType, f_enotificationtype);
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator l_itNotificationName;
+ // remove the notification name from the persistent list of notification(if any)
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_eNotificationType) {
+ l_itNotificationName = find(m_pvPersistentList->begin(), m_pvPersistentList->end(), f_cnotificationname);
+ if (m_pvPersistentList->end() != l_itNotificationName) {
+ m_pvPersistentList->erase(l_itNotificationName);
+ }
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == l_eNotificationType) {
+ l_itNotificationName = find(m_pvUserPersistentList->begin(),
+ m_pvUserPersistentList->end(),
+ f_cnotificationname);
+ if (m_pvUserPersistentList->end() != l_itNotificationName) {
+ m_pvUserPersistentList->erase(l_itNotificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ // creates new notification object depending on the new type and insert it in map and delete the old one
+ l_estatus = ChangeNotificationType(l_pNotification, f_cservicename, f_cnotificationname, f_uimsglength,
+ f_enotificationtype, f_uidelay);
+ // delete the old notification object
+ delete l_pNotification;
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notfn: %s already registered by %s, skipping register request by %s",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), l_pNotification->GetPublisherName().c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ChangeNotificationType
+/// This function creates new notification object depending on the type and replaces the old one.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::ChangeNotificationType(CNotification *f_pnotification,
+ const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsglength,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_enotificationtype,
+ const UI_32 f_uidelay) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNewNotification = NULL;
+ if (NULL != f_pnotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pnotification can't be NULL
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Create New Notification :: %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // create new notification object as per notification type
+ l_pNewNotification = CreateNotificationObject(f_cnotificationname, f_uimsglength, f_enotificationtype, f_uidelay);
+ if (NULL != l_pNewNotification) {
+ l_estatus = l_pNewNotification->SetEventPublisher(f_cservicename);
+ // assign subscribers list to newly created notification
+ l_pNewNotification->SetNewSubscribersList(f_pnotification);
+ } else {
+ "Error creating notification object for notification:%s",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h"
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_pnotification can't be NULL
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnRegisterEvents
+/// This function removes the name of the service from the notification object.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnRegisterEvents(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ std::vector<std::string> *l_pvPersistentList = NULL;
+ // iterator to find notification from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ if (f_cservicename.empty() || f_cnotificationname.empty()) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // check if this notification's object present in map
+ l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->find(f_cnotificationname);
+ // if notification found in map
+ if (m_pmNotificationList->end() != l_itNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification found in map"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // get the notification object pointer from map
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotification).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pnotification can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType()) {
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvUserPersistentList;
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType()) {
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvPersistentList;
+ }
+ // reset the publisher name
+ l_estatus = l_pNotification->ResetEventPublisher(f_cservicename);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ // if no other service is subscribed to this notification and no service is registered
+ // to this notification remove the notification object from map
+ if (!l_pNotification->IsServiceRegistered() &&
+ l_pNotification->IsSubscribersListEmpty()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Deleting Notification Object"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // delete the notification
+ delete l_pNotification; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ m_pmNotificationList->erase(l_itNotification);
+ if (l_pvPersistentList) {
+ // find the notification in vector
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator l_itNotificationName;
+ l_itNotificationName = find(l_pvPersistentList->begin(),
+ l_pvPersistentList->end(),
+ f_cnotificationname);
+ if (l_pvPersistentList->end() != l_itNotificationName) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Deleting Notification name from vector");
+ l_pvPersistentList->erase(l_itNotificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent list empty"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Services still registered or subscriber list empty"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s is not registered by service %s",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_pnotification can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not registered", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not found.", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnPublishEvent
+/// This function stores the published data in the notification object in case of state and
+/// persistent notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnPublishEvent(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ if (f_cservicename.empty() || f_cnotificationname.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_cservicename and f_cnotificationname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_cservicename and f_cnotificationname can't be empty
+ } else {
+ // get the notification object from map
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ // publish the notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pNotification->Publish(f_cservicename,
+ f_pmessage,
+ f_uimsgsize))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error publishing notification %s published by %s, status: %d",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str(), l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification not registered"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnSubscribeToEvent
+/// This function adds the name of the application to subscribers list in notification object.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnSubscribeToEvent(const std::string &f_csubscribername,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // iterator to find notification from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ if (f_cnotificationname.empty() || f_csubscribername.empty()) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else if (NULL == m_pmNotificationList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6 m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ } else {
+ // get the notification object from map or create new object
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL == l_pNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "CNotification object created for %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CNotification(f_cnotificationname, 0); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_pmNotificationList->insert(make_pair(f_cnotificationname, l_pNotification));
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pNotification can't be NULL
+ // add subscribers name in subscribers list of notification
+ l_estatus = l_pNotification->AddEventReciever(f_csubscribername);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory not allocated for l_pNotification"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, l_pNotification can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnSubscribeFromEvent
+/// This function removes the name of the application from the subscribers list in notification object.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnUnSubscribeFromEvent(const std::string &f_csubscribername,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ // iterator to find notification from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotificationType;
+ std::vector<std::string> *l_pvPersistentList = NULL;
+ if (f_cnotificationname.empty() || f_csubscribername.empty()) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else if (NULL == m_pmNotificationList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification list pointer is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ } else {
+ // check if this notification's object present in map
+ l_itNotificationType = m_pmNotificationList->find(f_cnotificationname);
+ // if notification found in map
+ if (m_pmNotificationList->end() != l_itNotificationType) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s found in map", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotificationType).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotification can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType()) {
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvUserPersistentList;
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_pNotification->GetNotificationType()) {
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvPersistentList;
+ }
+ // removes the subscribers name from subscribers list of notification
+ l_estatus = l_pNotification->DeleteEventReciever(f_csubscribername);
+ // if no other service is subscribed to this notification and no service is registered
+ // to this notification remove the notification object from map
+ if (!l_pNotification->IsServiceRegistered() &&
+ l_pNotification->IsSubscribersListEmpty()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Deleting Notification Object from map"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // delete notification object from map
+ delete l_pNotification; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ m_pmNotificationList->erase(l_itNotificationType);
+ if (l_pvPersistentList) {
+ // find notification in vector
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator l_itNotificationName;
+ l_itNotificationName = find(l_pvPersistentList->begin(),
+ l_pvPersistentList->end(),
+ f_cnotificationname);
+ if (l_pvPersistentList->end() != l_itNotificationName) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Deleting Notification from vector"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pvPersistentList->erase(l_itNotificationName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent list Empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotification can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not registered", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not found.", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NPGetPersistentNotificationData
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NPGetPersistentNotificationData(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ PVOID f_pnotificationdata,
+ const UI_32 f_uidatasize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = NULL;
+ const CPersistentData *l_pPersistentData = NULL;
+ if (f_cnotificationname.empty() || NULL == f_pnotificationdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pnotificationdata can't be NULL and f_cnotificationname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_pnotificationdata can't be NULL and f_cnotificationname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: f_cnotificationname must be NTFY_NPPService_UserChange, NTFY_NPPService_UserChange must be registered in FrameworkunifiedOnEntry() by itself. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ const EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType l_eNotificationType = l_pNotification->GetNotificationType();
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStateVar == l_eNotificationType ||
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_eNotificationType ||
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == l_eNotificationType ||
+ eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == l_eNotificationType) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: NTFY_NPPService_UserChange's type is eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pStateNotification = static_cast<CStateNotification *>(l_pNotification);
+ l_pPersistentData = l_pStateNotification->GetPersistentData();
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistentData) {
+ if (f_uidatasize >= l_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Sending Data Size %d", l_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistentData->m_pMessage) {
+ std::memcpy(f_pnotificationdata, l_pPersistentData->m_pMessage, l_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Smaller buffer size %d is received for notification data of size %d", f_uidatasize,
+ l_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ "Persistent data object is NULL for notification %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: NTFY_NPPService_UserChange's type is eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Get notification data failed, Notification %s is registered as type %d",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), l_eNotificationType);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: f_cnotificationname must be NTFY_NPPService_UserChange, NTFY_NPPService_UserChange must be registered in FrameworkunifiedOnEntry() by itself. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not found.", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnGetPersistentData
+/// This function is used to get the persistent data stored related to notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceServiceOnGetPersistentData(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const std::string &f_creceivername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = NULL;
+ const CPersistentData *l_pPersistentData = NULL;
+ if (f_cnotificationname.empty() || f_creceivername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_creceivername can't be NULL and f_cnotificationname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_creceivername can't be NULL and f_cnotificationname can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // open the receiver message queue
+ HANDLE l_hReceiverMq = McOpenSender(f_creceivername.c_str());
+ if (NULL == l_hReceiverMq) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ // catastrophic failure!
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failed to open MessageQ %s ", f_creceivername.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ // get the notification object from map or create new object
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ l_pStateNotification = static_cast<CStateNotification *>(l_pNotification);
+ if (NULL != l_pStateNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: fail safe for static_cast<CStateNotification *>
+ l_pPersistentData = l_pStateNotification->GetPersistentData();
+ if (NULL != l_pPersistentData) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Sending Data Size %d", l_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ if (NULL == l_pPersistentData->m_pMessage) {
+ }
+ // sent the notification data to requester
+ l_estatus = McSend(l_hReceiverMq,
+ AppName,
+ l_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize,
+ l_pPersistentData->m_pMessage);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_PRD_INFO2, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent data found for notification %s. "
+ "Sent NPS_GET_PERS_DATA_ACK to %s. Status: %d."
+ , f_cnotificationname.c_str(), f_creceivername.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ } else { // In case of failure, we send back a failure ACK
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "No persistent data found for notification %s. "
+ , f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not found", f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ // Close the mq handle
+ McClose(l_hReceiverMq);
+ l_hReceiverMq = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceGetPersistentNotificationData
+/// This function is used to get the list of persistent notifications and data associated with it.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceGetPersistentNotificationData(std::vector<CNotificationsToPersist *>
+ *f_pvpersistnotification,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType f_enotificationtype,
+ UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = NULL;
+ CStatePersistenceNotification *l_pStatePersistenceNotification = NULL;
+ std::string l_cNotificationName = "";
+ CNotificationsToPersist *l_pNotificationsToPersist = NULL;
+ const CPersistentData *l_pPData = NULL;
+ std::vector<std::string> *l_pvPersistentList = NULL;
+ // iterator for retrieving notifications from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == f_enotificationtype) {
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvUserPersistentList;
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == f_enotificationtype) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_enotificationtype must be eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar or eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvPersistentList;
+ }
+ // copy all the notification data in map to received vector
+ if (NULL != f_pvpersistnotification && NULL != l_pvPersistentList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pvpersistnotification and l_pvPersistentList can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < l_pvPersistentList->size();
+ l_uiCount++) {
+ // get the persistent notification name from vector
+ l_cNotificationName = l_pvPersistentList->at(l_uiCount);
+ // search for notification in map
+ l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->find(l_cNotificationName);
+ // notification found in map
+ if (m_pmNotificationList->end() != l_itNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent Notification: %s", l_cNotificationName.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // get notification object from map
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotification).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotification can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == f_enotificationtype) {
+ l_pStatePersistenceNotification = static_cast<CStatePersistenceNotification *>(l_pNotification);
+ // get the notification's default data
+ if ((eFrameworkunifiedUserData == l_pStatePersistenceNotification->GetPersistentCategory() &&
+ (f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag & eFrameworkunifiedUserData)) ||
+ (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData == l_pStatePersistenceNotification->GetPersistentCategory() &&
+ (f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag & eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData)) ||
+ (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData == l_pStatePersistenceNotification->GetPersistentCategory() &&
+ (f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag & eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData)) ||
+ (eFrameworkunifiedDealerData == l_pStatePersistenceNotification->GetPersistentCategory() &&
+ (f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag & eFrameworkunifiedDealerData))) {
+ l_pPData = l_pStatePersistenceNotification->GetDefaultPersistentData();
+ } else {
+ l_pStateNotification = l_pStatePersistenceNotification;
+ // get the published notification data
+ if (l_pStateNotification->IsPublished()) {
+ l_pPData = l_pStateNotification->GetPersistentData();
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification not published");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_pStateNotification = static_cast<CStateNotification *>(l_pNotification);
+ // if not to reset userdata
+ if (0 == (f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag & eFrameworkunifiedUserData)) {
+ if (l_pStateNotification->IsPublished()) {
+ l_pPData = l_pStateNotification->GetPersistentData();
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification not published");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((NULL != l_pStateNotification) && (NULL != l_pPData)) {
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist = CreateNotificationObjectToPersist(l_pStateNotification, l_pPData); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // insert the persistent data in map
+ f_pvpersistnotification->push_back(l_pNotificationsToPersist); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_pPData = NULL;
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "no data is stored in notification %s", l_cNotificationName.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification object is NULL for %s", l_cNotificationName.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_pNotification can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Non Persistent Notification: %s", l_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_pvpersistnotification and l_pvPersistentList can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// CreateNotificationObjectToPersist
+/// Creates the CNotificationsToPersist object from notification object and the persistent data.
+CNotificationsToPersist *CNotificationManager::CreateNotificationObjectToPersist(CStateNotification
+ *f_pStateNotification,
+ const CPersistentData *f_pdata) {
+ CNotificationsToPersist *l_pNotificationsToPersist = NULL;
+ CPersistentData *l_pData = NULL;
+ if (NULL != f_pStateNotification && NULL != f_pdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_pStateNotification and f_pdata can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (f_pStateNotification->GetMaxMessageSize() >= f_pdata->m_uiMsgSize) {
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationsToPersist(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationsToPersist) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_pData = l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData;
+ if (NULL != l_pData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName = f_pStateNotification->GetNotificationName();
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength = f_pStateNotification->GetMaxMessageSize();
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType = f_pStateNotification->GetNotificationType();
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType) {
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistCategory = (static_cast<CStatePersistenceNotification *>
+ (f_pStateNotification))->GetPersistentCategory();
+ }
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cPublisherName = f_pStateNotification->GetPublisherName();
+ l_pData->m_uiMsgSize = f_pdata->m_uiMsgSize;
+ l_pData->m_pMessage = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength];
+ if (NULL != l_pData->m_pMessage) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function
+ std::memset(l_pData->m_pMessage, 0, l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength);
+ std::memcpy(l_pData->m_pMessage, f_pdata->m_pMessage, f_pdata->m_uiMsgSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "memory not allocated for l_pNotificationsToPersist"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Error persisting notfn, Data size of notification %s is %d greater than max registered size %d",
+ f_pStateNotification->GetNotificationName().c_str(),
+ f_pdata->m_uiMsgSize, f_pStateNotification->GetMaxMessageSize());
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid parameter received"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_pStateNotification and f_pdata can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_pNotificationsToPersist;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentNotificationData
+/// This function is used to create the persistent notifications object and fill the data related
+/// with it on system load.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentNotificationData(std::vector<CNotificationsToPersist *>
+ *f_pvpersistnotification) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CStateNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ CNotificationsToPersist *l_pNotificationsToPersist = NULL;
+ std::vector<std::string> *l_pvPersistentList = NULL;
+ Persistent_Iterator_Type l_itPersistentData;
+ // store all the notification data received in vector to map of CNotification and to vector of
+ // persistent notification in case of persistent and user persistent notification
+ if (NULL != f_pvpersistnotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_pvpersistnotification can't be NULL
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0;
+ l_uiCount < f_pvpersistnotification->size();
+ l_uiCount++) {
+ // get the persistent data object
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist = f_pvpersistnotification->at(l_uiCount);
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationsToPersist) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pNotificationsToPersist can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent Type %d", l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "PersistentState Notification");
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStatePersistenceNotification(
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistCategory);
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvPersistentList;
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar == l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "PersistentStateUser Notification");
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStatePersistenceUserNotification(
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength);
+ l_pvPersistentList = m_pvUserPersistentList;
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType must be eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar, eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar, eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "PersistentStateUser Notification");
+ l_pNotification = new(std::nothrow) CStateNorPersistenceNotification(
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_uiDelay,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistCategory);
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotification can't be NULL
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Insert persistent notification object in map");
+ l_pNotification->SetPersistentData(l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage,
+ l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ l_pNotification->SetEventPublisher(l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cPublisherName);
+ if (NULL != m_pmNotificationList) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL
+ m_pmNotificationList->insert(make_pair(l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName, l_pNotification));
+ if (NULL != l_pvPersistentList) {
+ l_pvPersistentList->push_back(l_pNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Inserted persistent notification object in map");
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Inserted persistent notification object in vector");
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, m_pmNotificationList can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ delete l_pNotification;
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification object not inserted in map/vector");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotification can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "notification object is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pNotificationsToPersist can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationsToPersist is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, f_pvpersistnotification can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent data pointer is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// RemoveUserSpecificNotificationEntry
+/// This function is used to remove the user persistent notifications entry
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::RemoveUserSpecificNotificationEntry() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 100: never be used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cNotificationName;
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator l_itNotificationName;
+ // iterator to find notification from map of notifications
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ for (l_itNotificationName = m_pvUserPersistentList->begin() ; l_itNotificationName < m_pvUserPersistentList->end() ;
+ l_itNotificationName++) {
+ l_cNotificationName = *(l_itNotificationName);
+ // check if this notification's object present in map
+ l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->find(l_cNotificationName);
+ if (m_pmNotificationList->end() != l_itNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification found in map");
+ // get the notification object pointer from map
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotification).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Deleting Notification Object");
+ // delete the notification
+ delete l_pNotification;
+ l_pNotification = NULL;
+ m_pmNotificationList->erase(l_itNotification);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Deleting Notification name from vector");
+ m_pvUserPersistentList->erase(l_itNotificationName);
+ l_itNotificationName = m_pvUserPersistentList->begin();
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification not found.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::GetNotificationInfo(const std::string &f_cnotificationname, // LCOV_EXCL_START 100: never be used // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ CNotificationsToPersist *&f_pnotificationstopersist) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = NULL;
+ const CPersistentData *l_pPData = NULL;
+ l_pNotification = SearchNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ l_pStateNotification = static_cast<CStateNotification *>(l_pNotification);
+ if (NULL != l_pStateNotification) {
+ if (l_pStateNotification->IsPublished()) {
+ l_pPData = l_pStateNotification->GetPersistentData();
+ if (NULL != l_pPData) {
+ f_pnotificationstopersist = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationsToPersist();
+ if (NULL == f_pnotificationstopersist) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error for f_pnotificationstopersist");
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData();
+ if (NULL == f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error for f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData");
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_cNotificationName = l_pStateNotification->GetNotificationName();
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength = l_pStateNotification->GetMaxMessageSize();
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_cPublisherName = l_pStateNotification->GetPublisherName();
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistentType = l_pStateNotification->GetNotificationType();
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistentType) {
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistCategory = (static_cast<CStatePersistenceNotification *>
+ (l_pStateNotification))->GetPersistentCategory();
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistentType) {
+ CStateNorPersistenceNotification *l_pStateNorPersistenceNotification =
+ static_cast<CStateNorPersistenceNotification *>(l_pStateNotification);
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_uiDelay = l_pStateNorPersistenceNotification->GetPersistenceDelay();
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_ePersistCategory = (static_cast<CStateNorPersistenceNotification *>
+ (l_pStateNotification))->GetPersistentCategory();
+ }
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage = new(std::nothrow)
+ CHAR[f_pnotificationstopersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength];
+ std::memset(f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage, 0,
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength);
+ std::memcpy(f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData->m_pMessage,
+ l_pPData->m_pMessage, l_pPData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ f_pnotificationstopersist->m_pPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize = l_pPData->m_uiMsgSize;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "No data is stored in notification %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not published", f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSetDefaultPersistentNotificationData
+/// This function is used to set the default data of persistent notification
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSetDefaultPersistentNotificationData(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // pointer of notification object
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = SearchPersistenceNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pStateNotification) {
+ l_estatus = l_pStateNotification->SetDefaultPersistentData(f_pmessage, f_uimsgsize);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to set default notification data for %s, notification does not exists",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str());
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory
+/// This function is used to set the persistent type of persistent notification
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // pointer of notification object
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotification = SearchPersistenceNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pStateNotification) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedNotificationType l_eNotificationType = l_pStateNotification->GetNotificationType();
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar == l_eNotificationType) {
+ l_estatus = (static_cast<CStatePersistenceNotification *>(l_pStateNotification))->SetPersistentCategory(
+ f_epersistcategory);
+ } else if (eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == l_eNotificationType) {
+ l_estatus = (static_cast<CStateNorPersistenceNotification *>(l_pStateNotification))->SetPersistentCategory(
+ f_epersistcategory);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Cannot set category %d for notification %s of type %d", f_epersistcategory,
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), l_eNotificationType);
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Cannot set category %d for %s, Either not registered or not a persistent notification",
+ f_epersistcategory, f_cnotificationname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentservicePublishImmediateNotification
+/// This function publish the immediate notification f_cnotificationname to all its subscribers.
+/// This API is called when service updates the immediate notification data in persistent memory
+/// using synchronous API.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::NotificationpersistentservicePublishImmediateNotification(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_cservicename.empty() || f_cnotificationname.empty()) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // get the notification object from map
+ CStateNotification *l_pStateNotf = SearchPersistenceNotification(f_cnotificationname);
+ if (NULL != l_pStateNotf) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar == l_pStateNotf->GetNotificationType()) {
+ CStateNorPersistenceNotification *l_pImmediateNotf =
+ static_cast<CStateNorPersistenceNotification *>(l_pStateNotf);
+ // publish the notification
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = l_pImmediateNotf->PublishNotification(f_cservicename,
+ f_pmessage,
+ f_uimsgsize))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error publishing notification %s published by %s, status: %d",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s is not registered as immediate persistence by service %s",
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification %s not registered by service %s", f_cnotificationname.c_str(),
+ f_cservicename.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CNotificationManager::GetNotificationProfilingData(std::string &f_cnotificationprofileInfo) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ Notification_Iterator_Type l_itNotification;
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_itNotifReceiver_Iterator;
+ CNotification *l_pNotification = NULL;
+ NotifReceiver_Type *l_pSubscriberList = NULL;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ UI_32 l_uiSubscriberCnt = 0;
+ std::string l_cPublisher = "";
+ std::string l_cNotification = "";
+ try {
+ if (NULL == m_pmNotificationList) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification List m_pmNotificationList is NULL in notification manager");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus && m_pmNotificationList->empty()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification List m_pmNotificationList Empty in notification manager");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Application Name,");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Notification Name,");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Type,");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Length,");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Subscribed By,");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Subscribers Count");
+ for (l_itNotification = m_pmNotificationList->begin();
+ l_itNotification != m_pmNotificationList->end();
+ l_itNotification++) {
+ l_pNotification = (*l_itNotification).second;
+ if (NULL == l_pNotification) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification object ptr is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ l_cPublisher = l_pNotification->GetPublisherName();
+ if (l_cPublisher.empty()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Publisher name empty");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ l_cNotification = l_pNotification->GetNotificationName();
+ if (l_cNotification.empty()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification name empty");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ l_pSubscriberList = l_pNotification->GetSubscriberList();
+ if (NULL == l_pSubscriberList) {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("\n");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(l_cPublisher);
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(",");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(l_cNotification);
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(",");
+ switch (l_pNotification->GetNotificationType()) {
+ case eFrameworkunifiedNotificationVar : {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Regular");
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedStateVar : {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("State");
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar : {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("PersistenceState");
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar : {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("UserPersistenceState");
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar : {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("ImmediatePersistenceState");
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedUnknown: {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("Unknown");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(",");
+ ss << l_pNotification->GetMaxMessageSize();
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(ss.str());
+ ss.str("");
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(",\"");
+ l_uiSubscriberCnt = 0;
+ for (l_itNotifReceiver_Iterator = l_pSubscriberList->begin();
+ l_pSubscriberList->end() != l_itNotifReceiver_Iterator;) {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(l_itNotifReceiver_Iterator->first);
+ ++l_uiSubscriberCnt;
+ ++l_itNotifReceiver_Iterator;
+ if (l_pSubscriberList->end() != l_itNotifReceiver_Iterator) {
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(",");
+ }
+ }
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append("\",");
+ ss << l_uiSubscriberCnt;
+ f_cnotificationprofileInfo.append(ss.str());
+ ss.str("");
+ }
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &exp) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Exception:: %s", exp.what());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification_receiver.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification_receiver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53b9eab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_notification_receiver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CNotificationReceiver.
+// Include Files
+#include "ns_npp_notification_receiver.h"
+/// CNotificationReceiver
+/// Constructor of CNotificationReceiver class
+CNotificationReceiver::CNotificationReceiver() {
+ m_MsgQHandle = NULL;
+/// ~CNotificationReceiver
+/// Destructor of CNotificationReceiver class
+CNotificationReceiver::~CNotificationReceiver() {
+ m_MsgQHandle = NULL;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persist_file.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persist_file.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b0e4522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persist_file.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_NPPService
+/// \brief The file contains definition of CFilePersistence class.
+/// This class is responsible for persisting and retrieving of files.
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_copy_worker.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persist_file.h"
+#include "ns_npp_registry_entry.h"
+/// CFilePersistence
+/// Constructor of CFilePersistence class
+CFilePersistence::CFilePersistence() {
+/// CFilePersistence
+/// Destructor of CFilePersistence class
+CFilePersistence::~CFilePersistence() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+/// Release
+/// Entry for the file is stored in map for persistence.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CFilePersistence::Release(std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ std::string f_cmempath,
+ EFrameworkunifiedReleaseType enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_cmempath.empty() || f_crequesterappname.empty() || f_ctag.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_cmempath, f_crequesterappname and f_ctag can't be empty
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_cmempath, f_crequesterappname and f_ctag can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid file path, requester or tag.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = ProcessReleaseRequest(f_crequesterappname, f_ctag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE, f_cmempath, enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ f_cusername); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "- l_estatus:0x%x", l_estatus);
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Load
+/// Load file from persistent memory to the specified location.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CFilePersistence::Load(std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ std::string f_cretrievepath,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_ctag.empty() && !f_crequesterappname.empty() && !f_cretrievepath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_ctag, f_crequesterappname and f_cretrievepath can't be empty
+ l_estatus = ProcessLoadRequest(f_crequesterappname, f_ctag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE, f_cretrievepath, f_cusername); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_ctag, f_crequesterappname and f_cretrievepath can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid argument passed (RetrievePath:%s ,tag:%s, requester:%s)",
+ f_cretrievepath.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequesterappname.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persist_folder.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persist_folder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87b1ed49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persist_folder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_multithreading.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_persistence.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persist_folder.h"
+#include "ns_npp_registry_entry.h"
+// Constructor of class CFolderPersistence
+CFolderPersistence::CFolderPersistence() {
+// Destructor of class CFolderPersistence
+CFolderPersistence::~CFolderPersistence() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+// Method to release folder for persistence.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CFolderPersistence::Release(std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ std::string f_cmempath,
+ EFrameworkunifiedReleaseType enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_cmempath.empty() || f_crequesterappname.empty() || f_ctag.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_cmempath, f_crequesterappname and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_ctag, f_crequesterappname and f_cmempath can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid folder path, requester or tag.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // Call to method requesting to release the folder for persistence.
+ l_estatus = ProcessReleaseRequest(f_crequesterappname, f_ctag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER, f_cmempath, enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ f_cusername);
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "- l_estatus:0x%x", l_estatus);
+ return l_estatus;
+// Method to load folder from persistent memory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CFolderPersistence::Load(std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ std::string f_cretrievepath,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_ctag.empty() && !f_crequesterappname.empty() && !f_cretrievepath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_cretrievepath, f_crequesterappname and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // Call to method requesting to load the folder from persistent memory.
+ l_estatus = ProcessLoadRequest(f_crequesterappname, f_ctag, ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER, f_cretrievepath, f_cusername);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_ctag, f_crequesterappname and f_cretrievepath can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid argument passed (RetrievePath:%s ,tag:%s, requester:%s)",
+ f_cretrievepath.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequesterappname.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistence.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistence.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a39b8360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistence.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CPersistence.
+// Include Files
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <other_service/strlcpy.h>
+// #include "frameworkunified_stub.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> // for getenv()
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_persistence.h"
+#include "ns_npp_registry_entry.h"
+/// CPersistence
+/// Constructor of CPersistence class
+ m_cStoragePath(GetStoragePath()),
+ m_hNSWriteToPersistentMem(NULL),
+ m_hNSReadFromPersistentMem(NULL),
+ m_hAppHandle(NULL),
+ m_bPersist(FALSE),
+ m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag(0) {
+/// ~CPersistence
+/// Destructor of CPersistence class
+CPersistence::~CPersistence() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+/// SetReadThreadHandle
+/// Set read thread handle.
+VOID CPersistence::SetReadThreadHandle(HANDLE f_hreadthread) {
+ m_hNSReadFromPersistentMem = f_hreadthread;
+/// SetWriteThreadHandle
+/// Set write thread handle.
+VOID CPersistence::SetWriteThreadHandle(HANDLE f_hwritethread) {
+ m_hNSWriteToPersistentMem = f_hwritethread;
+/// GetStoragePath
+std::string CPersistence::GetStoragePath() {
+ std::string l_cStoragePath(STORAGE_PATH);
+ return l_cStoragePath;
+/// Register
+/// Register tag for persistence.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::Register(std::string f_crequestorappname, std::string f_ctag, BOOL bisuserpersistence) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_ctag.empty() || f_crequestorappname.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_ctag and f_crequestorappname can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_ctag and f_crequestorappname can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid tag or requester.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ } else {
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itRegistry = m_mPersistRegistry.find(f_crequestorappname);
+ if (l_itRegistry != m_mPersistRegistry.end()) {
+ // source available, check for file/folder availability
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itRegistryList = (l_itRegistry->second).find(f_ctag);
+ if (l_itRegistryList != (l_itRegistry->second).end()) {
+ // found already in the registry
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Already exists %s , %s", f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequestorappname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // tag not found .. so add to the registry
+ CRegistryEntry l_objRegistryEntry(f_ctag, f_crequestorappname, m_cStoragePath,
+ bisuserpersistence); // f_eRegisterType, f_cUser);
+ (l_itRegistry->second).insert(make_pair(f_ctag, l_objRegistryEntry));
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, " %s found adding tag %s", f_crequestorappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // source not found, so creating a new entry
+ CRegistryEntry l_objRegistryEntry(f_ctag, f_crequestorappname, m_cStoragePath,
+ bisuserpersistence); // f_eRegisterType, f_cUser);
+ TTagRegistryList l_mRegList;
+ l_mRegList.insert(make_pair(f_ctag, l_objRegistryEntry)); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ m_mPersistRegistry.insert(std::make_pair(f_crequestorappname, l_mRegList)); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "none exists %s , %s. So, added entry.", // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequestorappname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ }
+ }
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "- l_estatus:0x%x", l_estatus);
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ProcessReleaseRequest
+/// Persist file/folder that need to be persisted.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::ProcessReleaseRequest(std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype,
+ std::string f_cmempath,
+ EFrameworkunifiedReleaseType enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_cmempath.empty() || f_crequesterappname.empty() || f_ctag.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6:f_cmempath, f_crequesterappname and f_ctag can`t be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_cmempath, f_crequesterappname and f_ctag can`t be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG0(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid file path, requester or tag.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // Persistence Registry map iterator
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTSourceRegistryListItr = m_mPersistRegistry.find(f_crequesterappname);
+ if (l_itTSourceRegistryListItr != m_mPersistRegistry.end()) {
+ // source available, check for file if registered
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegistryList = (l_itTSourceRegistryListItr->second).find(f_ctag);
+ if (l_itTRegistryList != (l_itTSourceRegistryListItr->second).end()) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedNotOnRelease != enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype) {
+ // Set release path
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetReleasePath(f_cmempath);
+ // Set persist path
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetPersistProperties(f_epersisttype, f_cusername); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // file/folder found in registry
+ "%s released %s. Found in registry. queued up to persist from %s",
+ f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str(), l_itTRegistryList->second.GetReleasePath().c_str());
+ // check if persist flag is set due to shutdown or user change
+ if ((m_bPersist // It will be set to TRUE either on shutdown or userchange
+ && l_itTRegistryList->second.HasntBeenPersisted()) // File/Folder persisted or not
+ || (eFrameworkunifiedPersistInstantly == enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype)) {
+ // reset the data
+ if (((eFrameworkunifiedUserData == l_itTRegistryList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedUserData & m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag)) ||
+ ((eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData == l_itTRegistryList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData & m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag)) ||
+ ((eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData == l_itTRegistryList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData & m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag)) ||
+ ((eFrameworkunifiedDealerData == l_itTRegistryList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedDealerData & m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag))) {
+ // set the status of file/folder persisted as reset has been called on these data
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetCurrentAction(LOADTYPE_RELEASE);
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetBeingPersisted();
+ } else { // persist the data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = Persist(static_cast<CRegistryEntry &>(l_itTRegistryList->second)))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Don't persist now. Persist on shutdown.
+ }
+ } else { // not on release
+ // set the status of file/folder as released and persisted as these data need not to be persisted on shutdown
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetReleasePath("");
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetCurrentAction(LOADTYPE_RELEASE);
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetBeingPersisted();
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warning: %s didn't register %s, not persisting",
+ f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // source not registered, cannot persist
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warning: %s is not registered ignoring release of %s",
+ f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequesterappname.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::Persist(CRegistryEntry &f_objregistryentry) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Persistence Info Structure
+ NSP_CopyInfoCmd l_tCpInfo = {};
+ std::string l_cSourcePath = f_objregistryentry.GetReleasePath();
+ std::string l_cPersistPath = f_objregistryentry.GetPersistPath(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ // Fill the persistence info structure
+ AddRequestData(l_tCpInfo,
+ l_cSourcePath,
+ l_cPersistPath,
+ f_objregistryentry.GetRequester(),
+ f_objregistryentry.GetTag(),
+ f_objregistryentry.GetPersistType());
+ // Persist only if file was released.
+ // Release means application has asked NPPService to persist file at shutdown.)
+ // Persist means actual persisting a file at persistent storage
+ if (f_objregistryentry.IsReleased()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Another job with source: %s and tag %s is in process. "
+ "Therefore adding release request to the pending queue.",
+ f_objregistryentry.GetRequester().c_str(), f_objregistryentry.GetTag().c_str());
+ // if job corresponding to the tag is already in process, add it in pending queue
+ m_lPendingJobs.push_back(l_tCpInfo);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (SendRequestMessage(l_tCpInfo))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Release message passed to writer thread."); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ f_objregistryentry.SetCurrentAction(LOADTYPE_RELEASE);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failure in passing release message to writer thread.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "File/Folder not released yet.");
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ProcessLoadRequest
+/// Load persisted file/folder.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::ProcessLoadRequest(std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype,
+ std::string f_cretrievepath,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // file/folder found in registry
+ "Load request received: Requester: %s and Tag: %s Load at: %s.",
+ f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str(), f_cretrievepath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ if (f_ctag.empty() || f_crequesterappname.empty() || f_cretrievepath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: both f_ctag and f_crequesterappname and f_cretrievepath can`t be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: both f_ctag and f_crequesterappname and f_cretrievepath can`t be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid argument passed (RetrievePath:%s ,tag:%s, requester:%s)",
+ f_cretrievepath.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequesterappname.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ } else {
+ // Persistence Registry Map Iterator
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTRegistry = m_mPersistRegistry.find(f_crequesterappname);
+ // Persistence Info Struct
+ NSP_CopyInfoCmd l_tCopyInfo = {};
+ if (l_itTRegistry != m_mPersistRegistry.end()) {
+ // source available, check for file/folder
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegistryList = (l_itTRegistry->second).find(f_ctag);
+ if (l_itTRegistryList != (l_itTRegistry->second).end()) {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ std::string l_cReleasePath(l_itTRegistryList->second.GetReleasePath());
+ // if job was aborted due to some reason like abort shutdown.
+ // Then persistent storage doesn't have updated file/folder. Just restore
+ // aborted released file.
+ // just rename it
+ if (0 == std::rename(l_cReleasePath.c_str(), f_cretrievepath.c_str())) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "File loaded at requested location.");
+ } else {
+ "Error while processing load request when tried to move. source: %s dest: %s",
+ l_cReleasePath.c_str(), f_cretrievepath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::string l_cLoadPath(l_itTRegistryList->second.GetLoadPath(f_epersisttype, f_cusername)); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (0 == access(l_cLoadPath.c_str(), R_OK)) {
+ // file/folder found in registry
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Found in registry. checking in persistence...(%s)", l_cLoadPath.c_str());
+ AddRequestData(l_tCopyInfo,
+ l_cLoadPath,
+ f_cretrievepath,
+ f_crequesterappname,
+ f_ctag,
+ f_epersisttype);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Another job with source: %s and tag %s is in process. "
+ "Therefore adding load request to the pending queue.",
+ f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str());
+ m_lPendingJobs.push_back(l_tCopyInfo);
+ } else if (ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTJObSTATEIDLE == (l_itTRegistryList->second).m_eJobState) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Found in persistence.");
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (SendRequestMessage(l_tCopyInfo))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Load message passed to reader thread. Retrieving..");
+ // file/folder is requested for loading so reset the persisted flag.
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.ResetPersistedFlag();
+ l_itTRegistryList->second.SetCurrentAction(LOADTYPE_LOAD);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failure in passing load message to reader thread.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "%s requested by %s. Not found in persistence memory.", // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ f_ctag.c_str(), f_crequesterappname.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusAccessError;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warning: %s requesting %s .. Tag not found",
+ f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // source not found
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warning: %s requesting %s .. Requester not found",
+ f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+VOID CPersistence::AddRequestData(NSP_CopyInfoCmd &f_tcpinfo,
+ std::string f_sourcepath,
+ std::string f_destpath,
+ std::string f_crequesterappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ ENPS_Loadtype f_eloadtype,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype) {
+#ifdef AGL_PosixBasedOS001LEGACY_USED
+ strlcpy(f_tcpinfo.m_csourcepath, f_sourcepath.c_str(), sizeof(f_tcpinfo.m_csourcepath));
+ strlcpy(f_tcpinfo.m_cdestinationpath, f_destpath.c_str(), sizeof(f_tcpinfo.m_cdestinationpath));
+ strlcpy(f_tcpinfo.m_crequesterappname, f_crequesterappname.c_str(), sizeof(f_tcpinfo.m_crequesterappname));
+ strlcpy(f_tcpinfo.m_cpersistenttag, f_ctag.c_str(), sizeof(f_tcpinfo.m_cpersistenttag));
+ f_tcpinfo.m_eloadtype = f_eloadtype;
+ f_tcpinfo.m_epersisttype = f_epersisttype;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::SendRequestMessage(NSP_CopyInfoCmd &f_tcpinfo) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ HANDLE l_hThreadHandle = NULL;
+ // Worker Command Protocol
+ ENSP_CopyWorkerProtocol l_eWorkerProtocol = CP_WRK_CMD_COPY;
+ l_eWorkerProtocol = CP_WRK_CMD_COPY;
+ } else if (ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER == f_tcpinfo.m_epersisttype) {
+ l_eWorkerProtocol = AR_CMD_ARCHIVE;
+ }
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == f_tcpinfo.m_eloadtype) {
+ l_hThreadHandle = m_hNSWriteToPersistentMem;
+ } else if (LOADTYPE_LOAD == f_tcpinfo.m_eloadtype) {
+ l_hThreadHandle = m_hNSReadFromPersistentMem;
+ }
+ if (l_hThreadHandle) {
+ // issue a copy to the worker thread
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = McSend(l_hThreadHandle, AppName, l_eWorkerProtocol, sizeof(NSP_CopyInfoCmd), &f_tcpinfo))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McSend for thread failed %d", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// AckReceivedFromWorker
+/// This is callback function for ack that file is released to persistenet memory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::AckReceivedFromWorker(PCSTR f_csource, PCSTR f_ctag, BOOL f_bcopystatus,
+ ENPS_Loadtype f_eloadtype) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus retVal = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cRequester(f_csource);
+ std::string l_cTag(f_ctag); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTReg = m_mPersistRegistry.find(l_cRequester);
+ if (l_itTReg != m_mPersistRegistry.end()) {
+ // source available, check for file
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegList = (l_itTReg->second).find(l_cTag);
+ if (l_itTRegList != (l_itTReg->second).end()) {
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == f_eloadtype) {
+ l_itTRegList->second.SetBeingPersisted(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ if (f_bcopystatus) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "File persisted %s / %s", f_csource, f_ctag);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h"
+ "File not persisted %s / %s, Negative ack received from copy worker thread",
+ f_csource,
+ f_ctag); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ }
+ }
+ // Job processed. Set job state as idle
+ // check if there are any pending jobs for corresponding source and tag
+ if (!m_lPendingJobs.empty()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Retrieving next pending job for persistence...");
+ TPendingJobsItr l_itrPendingJobs;
+ for (l_itrPendingJobs = m_lPendingJobs.begin(); l_itrPendingJobs != m_lPendingJobs.end(); ++l_itrPendingJobs) {
+ if (0 == std::strcmp((*l_itrPendingJobs).m_crequesterappname, f_csource)
+ && (0 == std::strcmp((*l_itrPendingJobs).m_cpersistenttag, f_ctag))) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (retVal = (SendRequestMessage((*l_itrPendingJobs))))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // set job state as processing
+ // set current action
+ l_itTRegList->second.SetCurrentAction((*l_itrPendingJobs).m_eloadtype);
+ // Reset persisted flag. It requires to process release request for this tag.
+ // Because, file will be persisted only once. Unless, anyone loads the file again.
+ if (LOADTYPE_LOAD == (*l_itrPendingJobs).m_eloadtype) {
+ l_itTRegList->second.ResetPersistedFlag();
+ }
+ // remove job from pending list
+ m_lPendingJobs.erase(l_itrPendingJobs);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Failure in passing load/release message to the worker threads.");
+ retVal = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "No pending jobs"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // tag not found ..
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, " ERROR %s, tag %s not found ", f_csource, f_ctag);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // source not found
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "ERROR none exists %s , %s", f_csource, f_ctag);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+/// PersistAllReleaseRequests
+/// Persist all files which are not persisted yet.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::PersistAllReleaseRequests(UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ m_bPersist = TRUE; // set to true because persist of all release requests have been triggered.
+ // Trigger reason: shutdown
+ m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag = f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag;
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTReg = m_mPersistRegistry.begin();
+ for (; l_itTReg != m_mPersistRegistry.end(); ++l_itTReg) {
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegList = (l_itTReg->second).begin();
+ for (; l_itTRegList != (l_itTReg->second).end(); ++l_itTRegList) {
+ if (l_itTRegList->second.HasntBeenPersisted()) {
+ // reset the data
+ if (((eFrameworkunifiedUserData == l_itTRegList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedUserData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) ||
+ ((eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData == l_itTRegList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) ||
+ ((eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData == l_itTRegList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) ||
+ ((eFrameworkunifiedDealerData == l_itTRegList->second.GetPersistentCategory()) &&
+ (eFrameworkunifiedDealerData & f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag))) {
+ // set the status of file/folder as released and persisted as these data need not to be persisted on shutdown
+ l_itTRegList->second.SetCurrentAction(LOADTYPE_RELEASE);
+ l_itTRegList->second.SetBeingPersisted();
+ } else { // persist the data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != Persist(static_cast<CRegistryEntry &>(l_itTRegList->second))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+BOOL CPersistence::HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted(std::string &f_ctagnotreleased) {
+ BOOL l_bRetVal = TRUE;
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTReg = m_mPersistRegistry.begin();
+ f_ctagnotreleased.assign("");
+ for (; l_itTReg != m_mPersistRegistry.end(); ++l_itTReg) {
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegList = (l_itTReg->second).begin();
+ for (; l_itTRegList != (l_itTReg->second).end(); ++l_itTRegList) {
+ if (l_itTRegList->second.HasntBeenPersisted()) {
+ l_bRetVal = FALSE;
+ if (!l_itTRegList->second.IsReleased()) {
+ f_ctagnotreleased.append("\n");
+ f_ctagnotreleased.append(l_itTRegList->second.GetTag());
+ f_ctagnotreleased.append(" [");
+ f_ctagnotreleased.append(l_itTRegList->second.GetRequester());
+ f_ctagnotreleased.append("]");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_bRetVal;
+/// PersistAllUserRequests
+/// Persist all user files which are not persisted yet.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::PersistAllUserRequests() {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // TODO(my_username): Persist data on userchange. Uncomment following.
+ // m_bPersist = TRUE; // set to true because persist of all user release requests have been triggered.
+ // Trigger reason: user change
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTReg = m_mPersistRegistry.begin();
+ for (; l_itTReg != m_mPersistRegistry.end(); ++l_itTReg) {
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegList = (l_itTReg->second).begin();
+ for (; l_itTRegList != (l_itTReg->second).end(); ++l_itTRegList) {
+ if (l_itTRegList->second.IsUserPersistence()) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != Persist(static_cast<CRegistryEntry &>(l_itTRegList->second))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+BOOL CPersistence::IsUserPersistence(std::string f_ctag) {
+ BOOL l_bUserPersistence = FALSE;
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTReg = m_mPersistRegistry.begin();
+ for (; l_itTReg != m_mPersistRegistry.end(); ++l_itTReg) {
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegList = (l_itTReg->second).begin();
+ for (; l_itTRegList != (l_itTReg->second).end(); ++l_itTRegList) {
+ if (l_itTRegList->second.GetTag() == f_ctag) {
+ if (l_itTRegList->second.IsUserPersistence()) {
+ l_bUserPersistence = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_bUserPersistence;
+/// SetPersistentCategory
+/// Sets the persist type of file/folder
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::SetPersistentCategory(const std::string &f_crequesterappname,
+ const std::string &f_ctag,
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Persistence Registry map iterator
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itTSourceRegistryListItr = m_mPersistRegistry.find(f_crequesterappname);
+ if (m_mPersistRegistry.end() != l_itTSourceRegistryListItr) {
+ // source available, check for file if registered
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itTRegistryList = (l_itTSourceRegistryListItr->second).find(f_ctag);
+ if ((l_itTSourceRegistryListItr->second).end() != l_itTRegistryList) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "AppName:: %s, Tag:: %s found in registry", f_crequesterappname.c_str(),
+ f_ctag.c_str());
+ l_estatus = (l_itTRegistryList->second).SetPersistentCategory(f_epersistcategory);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warning: %s didn't register %s", f_crequesterappname.c_str(), f_ctag.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // source not registered, cannot persist
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Warning: %s is not registered", f_ctag.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ResetPersistFlag
+/// Resets the persist flag.
+VOID CPersistence::ResetPersistFlag() {
+ m_bPersist = FALSE;
+ m_uiNotificationpersistentservicePersistCategoryFlag = 0;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistence::GetPersistenceProfilingData(std::string &f_cpersistenceprofileinfo) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ TSourceRegistryListItr l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr;
+ TTagRegistryListItr l_itrTTagRegistryListItr;
+ for (l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr = m_mPersistRegistry.begin();
+ l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr != m_mPersistRegistry.end();
+ l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr++) {
+ for (l_itrTTagRegistryListItr = (l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr->second).begin();
+ l_itrTTagRegistryListItr != (l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr->second).end();
+ l_itrTTagRegistryListItr++) {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("\n");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append((*l_itrTSourceRegistryListItr).first);
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append(",");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append(l_itrTTagRegistryListItr->first);
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append(",");
+ switch ((l_itrTTagRegistryListItr->second).GetPersistType()) {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("File,");
+ }
+ break;
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Folder,");
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append(",");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((l_itrTTagRegistryListItr->second).IsUserPersistence()) {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Yes,");
+ } else {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("No,");
+ }
+ if ((l_itrTTagRegistryListItr->second).IsReleased()) {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Yes,");
+ } else {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("No,");
+ }
+ if ((l_itrTTagRegistryListItr->second).IsPersisted()) {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Yes");
+ } else {
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("No");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistence_manager.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistence_manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f5d292f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistence_manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CPersistenceManager.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_util_directory.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_sm_framework_dispatch.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_nor_persistence_internal.h>
+#include "ns_npp.h"
+#include "ns_npp_types.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_copy_worker.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persist_file.h"
+#include "ns_npp_fs_directory.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persist_folder.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_binary_accesser.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistence_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_nor_persistence_worker_thread.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_nor_persistence_notification.h"
+extern const CHAR AppName[]; // NOLINT (readability/naming)
+// Initialisation of static class member for disabling persistence
+BOOL CPersistenceManager::m_bPersistenceDisabled = FALSE;
+/// CPersistenceManager
+/// Constructor of CPersistenceManager class
+CPersistenceManager::CPersistenceManager() {
+ m_cUserNotificationTag = USERNOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ m_poDataAccesser = NULL;
+ m_cNotificationPersistFilepath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Storage path for persistence=%s", m_cNotificationPersistFilepath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_cNotificationPersistFilepath += AppName;
+ m_cNotificationPersistFilepath += "/";
+ m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = NULL;
+ m_bAllFilePersisted = FALSE;
+ m_bImmediatedDataPersisted = FALSE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != Init()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: Init() must be return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to initialize Persistent Manager."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: Init() must be return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+/// CPersistenceManager
+/// Destructor of CPersistenceManager class
+CPersistenceManager::~CPersistenceManager() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (NULL != m_poDataAccesser) {
+ delete m_poDataAccesser;
+ }
+ Persist_Type_Iter l_itPersist_Type = m_mPersist_Type.begin();
+ // Remove memory allocated for persistence objects
+ for (; l_itPersist_Type != m_mPersist_Type.end(); ++l_itPersist_Type) {
+ if (NULL != (*l_itPersist_Type).second) {
+ delete(*l_itPersist_Type).second;
+ }
+ }
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::Init() {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ m_mPersist_Type[ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE] = new(std::nothrow) CFilePersistence(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch
+ m_mPersist_Type[ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFOLDER] = new(std::nothrow) CFolderPersistence(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_poDataAccesser = new(std::nothrow) CBinaryAccesser(); // Save data in binary format. // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // check if all object creation is successful
+ if (NULL != m_poDataAccesser) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5:m_poDataAccesser can`t be NULL
+ Persist_Type_Iter l_itPersist_Type = m_mPersist_Type.begin();
+ // check if all object creation is successful
+ for (; l_itPersist_Type != m_mPersist_Type.end();
+ ++l_itPersist_Type) {
+ if (NULL == (*l_itPersist_Type).second) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 6:(*l_itPersist_Type).second can`t be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 5: m_poDataAccesser can`t be NULL
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (NULL != m_poDataAccesser) {
+ delete m_poDataAccesser;
+ }
+ Persist_Type_Iter l_itPersist_Type = m_mPersist_Type.begin();
+ // check if all object creation is successful
+ for (; l_itPersist_Type != m_mPersist_Type.end(); ++l_itPersist_Type) {
+ if (NULL != (*l_itPersist_Type).second) {
+ delete(*l_itPersist_Type).second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string f_csourcepath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ if (f_csourcepath.length() > 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_csourcepath.length() is always bigger then 0
+ f_csourcepath.append(RELEASETEMP_DIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(f_csourcepath)) {
+ f_csourcepath.append(RELEASETEMP_FILENAME);
+ if (0 != remove(f_csourcepath.c_str())) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Temporary file not deleted::%s, errno:%d", f_csourcepath.c_str(), errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceRegister
+/// Registers a tag for the file/folder. This tag will be used for releasing or loading
+/// a file/folder.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceRegister(std::string f_cappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype,
+ BOOL bisuserpersistence) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if (f_cappname.empty() || f_ctag.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_cappname and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Appname & tag should not be empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_cappname and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // check boundary conditions
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // register tag
+ l_estatus = m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]->Register(f_cappname, f_ctag,
+ bisuserpersistence); // f_eRegisterType, f_cUser); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // m_mPersist_Type[f_ePersistFileType]->ListAllInMap();
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Enum value %d is out of bound.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_epersisttype is always biger then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST and less then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceRelease
+/// Entry for the file/folder is stored in map for persistence.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceRelease(std::string f_cappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ std::string f_cmempath,
+ EFrameworkunifiedReleaseType enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if (f_cappname.empty() || f_ctag.empty() || f_cmempath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_cappname, f_cmempath and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Appname & tag should not be empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, f_cappname, f_cmempath and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // check boundary conditions
+ // release file
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_estatus = m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]->Release(f_cappname,
+ f_ctag,
+ f_cmempath,
+ enotificationpersistentservicereleasetype,
+ f_cusername); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Enum value %d is out of bound.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_epersisttype is always bigger then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST and less then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceLoad
+/// Load file/folder from persistent memory to the specified location.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceLoad(std::string f_cappname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ std::string f_cretrievepath,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype,
+ std::string f_cusername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if (f_cappname.empty() || f_ctag.empty() || f_cretrievepath.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_cretrievepath, f_cappname and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Appname, tag & retrieve path should not be empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, f_cretrievepath, f_cappname and f_ctag can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // check boundary conditions
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // load file
+ l_estatus = m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]->Load(f_cappname, f_ctag, f_cretrievepath, f_cusername); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Enum value %d is out of bound.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_epersisttype is always bigger then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST and less then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// AckReceivedFromWorker
+/// Send release ack to file/folder persistence object.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::AckReceivedFromWorker(PCSTR f_csource, PCSTR f_ctag, ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype,
+ BOOL f_bcopystatus, ENPS_Loadtype f_eloadtype) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if ((NULL == f_csource) || (NULL == f_ctag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_csource and f_ctag can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "f_csource or f_ctag is NULL."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_csource and f_ctag can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // check boundary conditions
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]) {
+ // Send release ack to file/folder persistence object.
+ l_estatus = m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]->AckReceivedFromWorker(f_csource, f_ctag,
+ f_bcopystatus, f_eloadtype);
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", f_epersisttype);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Enum value %d is out of bound.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_epersisttype is always bigger then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST and less then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationData
+/// Save notification data in a persistent file.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSaveNotificationData(Persistent_Notification_List_Type
+ *f_vpersistentnotificationlist) {
+ if ((NULL == m_poDataAccesser) || (NULL == f_vpersistentnotificationlist)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_poDataAccesser and f_vpersistentnotificationlist would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "m_poDataAccesser or f_vpersistentnotificationlist is NULL."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_poDataAccesser and f_vpersistentnotificationlist would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cNotificationFilePath = "";
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ l_cNotificationFilePath += NOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->PersistData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar,
+ eFrameworkunifiedUserData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ l_cNotificationFilePath += FACTORYNOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->PersistData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar,
+ eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->PersistData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar,
+ eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ l_cNotificationFilePath += DEALERNOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->PersistData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar,
+ eFrameworkunifiedDealerData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSaveUserNotificationData
+/// Save user notification data in a persistent file.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSaveUserNotificationData(Persistent_Notification_List_Type
+ *f_vpersistentnotificationlist) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if ((NULL == m_poDataAccesser) || (NULL == f_vpersistentnotificationlist)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_poDataAccesser and f_vpersistentnotificationlist would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "m_poDataAccesser or f_vpersistentnotificationlist is NULL."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_poDataAccesser and f_vpersistentnotificationlist would not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->PersistData(m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceReadNotificationData
+/// Get the list of all persistent notifications from a persistent memory and store it in a map.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceReadNotificationData(Persistent_Notification_List_Type
+ * &f_vpersistentnotificationlist) {
+ if (NULL != m_poDataAccesser) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_poDataAccesser would not be null
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_cNotificationFilePath = "";
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ l_cNotificationFilePath += NOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->RetrieveData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedUserData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ l_cNotificationFilePath += FACTORYNOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->RetrieveData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->RetrieveData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ l_cNotificationFilePath = m_cNotificationPersistFilepath;
+ l_cNotificationFilePath += DEALERNOTIFICATIONFILE;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->RetrieveData(l_cNotificationFilePath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedDealerData))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error retrieving notification data from file : %s, status: %d",
+ l_cNotificationFilePath.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ }
+ return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceReadUserNotificationData
+/// Get the list of all user persistent notifications from a persistent memory and store it in a map.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceReadUserNotificationData(Persistent_Notification_List_Type
+ * &f_vpersistentnotificationlist) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ if (NULL != m_poDataAccesser) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_poDataAccesser would not be null
+ l_estatus = m_poDataAccesser->RetrieveData(m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath,
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ eFrameworkunifiedUserData); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// PersistAllReleaseRequests
+/// Persist all released files and folder contained in the map in persistent memory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::PersistAllReleaseRequests(UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType l_ePersistType = ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST;
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ // Persist all i.e files and folders
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail == m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]->PersistAllReleaseRequests(f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", l_ePersistType); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentservicePersistAllUserRequests
+/// Persist all user files and folder contained in the map in persistent memory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentservicePersistAllUserRequests() {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType l_ePersistType = ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST;
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ // Persist all i.e files and folders
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]) {
+ l_estatus = m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]->PersistAllUserRequests();
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", l_ePersistType);
+ }
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetReadThreadHandle
+/// Pass the handle of the read thread to the object of file/folder persistence
+VOID CPersistenceManager::SetReadThreadHandle(HANDLE f_hreadthread) {
+ if (f_hreadthread != NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_hreadthread would not be null
+ // Set thread handle for object persistfile objects. i.e. for file/folder
+ for (Persist_Type_Iter l_itPersist_Type = m_mPersist_Type.begin();
+ l_itPersist_Type != m_mPersist_Type.end();
+ ++l_itPersist_Type) {
+ if (NULL != (*l_itPersist_Type).second) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: (*l_itPersist_Type).second can't be NULL
+ (*l_itPersist_Type).second->SetReadThreadHandle(f_hreadthread);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// SetWriteThreadHandle
+/// Pass the handle of the write thread to the object of file/folder persistence
+VOID CPersistenceManager::SetWriteThreadHandle(HANDLE f_hwritethread) {
+ if (NULL != f_hwritethread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_hwritethread would not be null
+ // Set thread handle for object persist objects. i.e. for file/folder
+ for (Persist_Type_Iter l_itPersist_Type = m_mPersist_Type.begin();
+ l_itPersist_Type != m_mPersist_Type.end();
+ ++l_itPersist_Type) {
+ if (NULL != (*l_itPersist_Type).second) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: (*l_itPersist_Type).second can't be NULL
+ (*l_itPersist_Type).second->SetWriteThreadHandle(f_hwritethread);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// SetWriteThreadHandle
+/// Pass the handle of the write thread to the object of file/folder persistence
+VOID CPersistenceManager::SetNorPersistenceThreadHandle(HANDLE f_hwritethread) {
+ if (NULL != f_hwritethread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_hwritethread would not be null
+ m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = f_hwritethread;
+ }
+/// NPServiceOnCpWorkerAckCmd
+/// Handles when the CopyWorker sends an ack back for a message received .
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus NPServiceOnCpWorkerAckCmd(HANDLE f_happ) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ NSP_CopyAckMsg l_tack = {};
+ if (f_happ) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize(f_happ, (PVOID)&l_tack, sizeof(NSP_CopyAckMsg), eSMRRelease))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length] // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "CP_WRK_ACK_CMD_COMPLETE for cmd 0x%X", l_tack.m_eworkerprotocol); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to get message data in NPServiceOnCpWorkerAckCmd, status : 0x%x", l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetUserPersistentPath
+VOID CPersistenceManager::SetUserPersistentPath(std::string f_cusername) {
+ m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath = CPersistence::GetStoragePath();
+ m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath += AppName;
+ m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath += "/";
+ m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath += f_cusername;
+ m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath += "/";
+ m_cNotificationUserMemFilepath += m_cUserNotificationTag;
+/// IsUserPersistence
+/// Check if tag is user persistence
+BOOL CPersistenceManager::IsUserPersistence(std::string f_ctag, ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype) {
+ BOOL l_bUserPersistence = FALSE;
+ // check boundary conditions
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // load file
+ l_bUserPersistence = m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]->IsUserPersistence(f_ctag); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:unexpected branch // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Enum value %d is out of bound.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_epersisttype is always bigger then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST and less then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_bUserPersistence;
+/// HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted
+/// Check if all release requests processed or not
+BOOL CPersistenceManager::HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted() {
+ BOOL l_bRetVal = TRUE;
+ // check if all files are persisted
+ if (FALSE == m_bAllFilePersisted) {
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType l_ePersistType = ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST;
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ std::string l_cTagNotReleased = "";
+ std::string l_cTagList = ""; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ // Persist all i.e files and folders
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]) {
+ l_cTagNotReleased.assign(""); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ // if(eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail == m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]->PersistAllReleaseRequests())
+ if (FALSE == m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]->HaveAllReleaseRequestsPersisted(l_cTagNotReleased)) {
+ l_bRetVal = FALSE;
+ l_cTagList.append(l_cTagNotReleased);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", l_ePersistType); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ }
+ if (0 != l_cTagList.size()) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Tags not released:: %s", l_cTagList.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if (TRUE == l_bRetVal) {
+ m_bAllFilePersisted = TRUE;
+ // if all files are persisted set the return value to the status of immediate data persistency
+ l_bRetVal = m_bImmediatedDataPersisted;
+ }
+ return l_bRetVal;
+/// ResetPersistFlag
+VOID CPersistenceManager::ResetPersistFlag() {
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType l_ePersistType = ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST;
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ // Persist all i.e files and folders
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]) {
+ m_mPersist_Type[l_ePersistType]->ResetPersistFlag();
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", l_ePersistType); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ l_ePersistType = (ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType)(l_ePersistType + 1);
+ }
+ m_bAllFilePersisted = FALSE;
+ m_bImmediatedDataPersisted = FALSE;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceReadNorNotificationData
+/// Get the list of all user persistent notifications from a persistent memory and store it in a map.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceReadNorNotificationData(Persistent_Notification_List_Type
+ * &f_vpersistentnotificationlist) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != ReadImmediateNotificationData(f_vpersistentnotificationlist, eFrameworkunifiedUserData)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "No Immediate User data in persistent memory"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != ReadImmediateNotificationData(f_vpersistentnotificationlist, eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "No Immediate Factory data in persistent memory"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != ReadImmediateNotificationData(f_vpersistentnotificationlist, eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "No Immediate Factory Customer data in persistent memory"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != ReadImmediateNotificationData(f_vpersistentnotificationlist, eFrameworkunifiedDealerData)) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "No Immediate Dealer data in persistent memory"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// ClearPersistenceData
+/// Deletes the data from the persistent memory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::ClearPersistenceData(const EFrameworkunifiedClearPersistence &f_enotificationpersistentserviceclearpersistencescope) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // persistence memory path to be cleared
+ std::string l_cPath = "";
+ switch (f_enotificationpersistentserviceclearpersistencescope) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_enotificationpersistentserviceclearpersistencescope must be eFrameworkunifiedClearAllData, eFrameworkunifiedClearAllApplicationData, eFrameworkunifiedClearAllNotificationData, eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserData, eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserApplicationData, eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserNotificationData. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ case eFrameworkunifiedClearAllData: {
+ // clears all the data from the persistent memory
+ l_cPath.append(CPersistence::GetStoragePath());
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedClearAllApplicationData: {
+ // TODO(my_username): clears all the application folder in persistence memory
+ // don't delete the NS_NPS folder
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedClearAllNotificationData: {
+ // TODO(my_username): deletes the NS_NPS folder
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserData: {
+ // TODO(my_username): deletes the user folder from all the application folder in persisted memory
+ // as well as from the NS_NPS folder
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserApplicationData: {
+ // TODO(my_username): deletes the user folder from all the application folder
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserNotificationData: {
+ // TODO(my_username): deletes the user folder from the NS_NPS folder
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: f_enotificationpersistentserviceclearpersistencescope must be eFrameworkunifiedClearAllData, eFrameworkunifiedClearAllApplicationData, eFrameworkunifiedClearAllNotificationData, eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserData, eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserApplicationData, eFrameworkunifiedClearCurrentUserNotificationData. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NS_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid _EFrameworkunifiedClearPersistence Parameter:: %d", f_enotificationpersistentserviceclearpersistencescope);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (0 != l_cPath.size()) {
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cPath)) {
+ if (TRUE == CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(l_cPath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: RemoveDirectory always return ok
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Delete persistent directory successful : %s", l_cPath.c_str());
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: RemoveDirectory always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Delete persistent directory unsuccessful : %s", l_cPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther;
+ }
+ // delete NOR data
+ l_cPath.clear();
+ if (0 != l_cPath.size()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_cPath.size can't be 0
+ if (CFSDirectory::DoesDirecotryExist(l_cPath)) {
+ if (TRUE == CFSDirectory::RemoveDirectory(l_cPath)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: RemoveDirectory always return ok
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Delete nor persistent directory successful : %s", l_cPath.c_str());
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: RemoveDirectory always return ok
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Delete nor persistent directory unsuccessful : %s", l_cPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusErrOther; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_cPath.size can't be 0
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory
+/// Sets the persist type of file or folder.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersistentCategory(std::string f_crequestorname,
+ std::string f_ctag,
+ EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory,
+ ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_ctag.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_ctag.size can't be empty
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Tag name is empty."); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, f_ctag.size can't be empty
+ } else {
+ // check boundary conditions
+ if (NULL != m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // set the persist type
+ l_estatus = m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype]->SetPersistentCategory(f_crequestorname,
+ f_ctag,
+ f_epersistcategory);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistence object for %d is null.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_mPersist_Type[f_epersisttype] can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Enum value %d is out of bound.", f_epersisttype); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_epersisttype is always bigger then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST and less then ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// PersistNORData
+/// Sends the message to Immediate Persistence Thread to Persists the data immediately or reset
+/// the NOR data depending on persist category flag during shutdown irrespective of delay.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::PersistNORData(EFrameworkunifiedShutdownType f_eshutdowntype, UI_32 f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ TImmediateShutdown l_tImmShutdown = {};
+ l_tImmShutdown.f_eshutdowntype = f_eshutdowntype;
+ l_tImmShutdown.f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag = f_uinotificationpersistentservicepersistcategoryflag;
+ // send the message to NOR to persist or reset the data during shutdown
+ if (NULL != CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = McSend(CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, AppName, NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN, sizeof(l_tImmShutdown), &l_tImmShutdown))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McSend for cmd 0x%X failed", NOR_PERSISTENCE_ONSHUTDOWN); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetImmediateDataPersistedStatus
+/// Set/Reset the persistence status of immediate persistence data
+VOID CPersistenceManager::SetImmediateDataPersistedStatus(BOOL f_bstatus) {
+ m_bImmediatedDataPersisted = f_bstatus;
+/// SetFilePersistedStatus
+/// Set/Reset the persistence status of files and folders
+VOID CPersistenceManager::SetFilePersistedStatus(BOOL f_bstatus) {
+ m_bAllFilePersisted = f_bstatus;
+/// ReadImmediateNotificationData
+/// Get the list of all immediate persistent notifications of f_epersistcategory from a
+/// persistent memory and store it in a map.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::ReadImmediateNotificationData(Persistent_Notification_List_Type
+ * &f_vpersistentnotificationlist,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ std::string l_pcPath = IMMEDIATE_PERSISTENCE_STORAGE_V2;
+ std::string l_cNotificationName = ""; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ // stores the list of invalid immediate notification files at persistent location
+ std::string l_cInvalidFileList = ""; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ PCSTR l_pPublisherName = NULL;
+ PSTR l_pData = NULL;
+ UI_32 l_uiDataSize = 0;
+ NC_NorPersistentData l_ptNorPersistentData = {};
+ TFileList l_pTFileList;
+ if ('/' != l_pcPath[l_pcPath.length() - 1]) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: the last char is always '/'
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_pcPath.append("/"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: the last char is always '/'
+ }
+ switch (f_epersistcategory) {
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData: {
+ l_pcPath.append(FACTORYDATADIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData: {
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedDealerData: {
+ l_pcPath.append(DEALERDATADIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ }
+ break;
+ case eFrameworkunifiedUserData:
+ default: {
+ l_pcPath.append(USERDATADIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ l_pcPath.append(ALLUSERAPPDATADIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ l_pcPath.append(IMMEDIATEDATADIR); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11:except,C++ STL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == GetFileList(&l_pTFileList, l_pcPath.c_str())) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case.
+ if (!l_pTFileList.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: if GetFileList() returns eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK, l_pTFileList can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ for (UI_32 l_uiCount = 0; l_uiCount < l_pTFileList.size(); l_uiCount++) {
+ l_uiDataSize = 0;
+ // get the persistent notification name from vector
+ l_cNotificationName =;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == NPSynchronousGetPersistentDataSize(l_cNotificationName.c_str(), &l_uiDataSize, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ f_epersistcategory) && (0 != l_uiDataSize)) {
+ l_pData = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[l_uiDataSize];
+ std::memset(l_pData, 0, l_uiDataSize);
+ if (NULL != l_pData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pData can't be null
+ l_pPublisherName = NULL;
+ // clear the memory
+ std::memset(&l_ptNorPersistentData, 0, sizeof(NC_NorPersistentData));
+ // As NS_NPP does a recursive filename read from directory it has the complete filename.
+ // So it does not require to pass the Publisher name i.e. l_pPublisherName.So it is being passed as NULL.
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == NPSynchronousGetPersistentData(l_pPublisherName, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_cNotificationName.c_str(),
+ (PVOID)l_pData,
+ l_uiDataSize,
+ l_ptNorPersistentData,
+ f_epersistcategory)) {
+ CNotificationsToPersist *l_objCNotificationsToPersist = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationsToPersist();
+ if (NULL != l_objCNotificationsToPersist) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_objCNotificationsToPersist can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ CPersistentData *l_objCPersistentData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData();
+ // fill the appropriate values in l_objCNotificationsToPersist
+ if (NULL != l_objCPersistentData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_objCPersistentData can't be null
+ l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[l_ptNorPersistentData.dataSize];
+ std::memset(l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage, 0, l_ptNorPersistentData.dataSize);
+ if (NULL != l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ std::memcpy(l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage, l_pData, l_ptNorPersistentData.dataSize);
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_uiMaxMsgLength = l_ptNorPersistentData.uiMaxSize;
+ l_objCPersistentData->m_uiMsgSize = l_ptNorPersistentData.dataSize;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_cNotificationName = l_ptNorPersistentData.notificationName;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_cPublisherName = l_ptNorPersistentData.pPublisherName;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_uiDelay = l_ptNorPersistentData.uiDelay;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_pPersistentData = l_objCPersistentData;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist->m_ePersistCategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ f_vpersistentnotificationlist->push_back(l_objCNotificationsToPersist);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_objCPersistentData->m_pMessage can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error for notification data of size %d",
+ l_ptNorPersistentData.dataSize);
+ if (NULL != l_objCNotificationsToPersist) {
+ delete l_objCNotificationsToPersist;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_objCPersistentData) {
+ delete l_objCPersistentData;
+ l_objCPersistentData = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_objCPersistentData can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error for CPersistentData object");
+ if (NULL != l_objCNotificationsToPersist) {
+ delete l_objCNotificationsToPersist;
+ l_objCNotificationsToPersist = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error for CNotificationsToPersist object"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: l_objCNotificationsToPersist can't be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_cInvalidFileList.append(l_cNotificationName);
+ l_cInvalidFileList.append(",");
+ }
+ delete[] l_pData;
+ l_pData = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pData can't be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent data received as NULL from immediate notification file :: %s",
+ l_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case.
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_cInvalidFileList.append(l_cNotificationName);
+ l_cInvalidFileList.append(",");
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 != l_cInvalidFileList.size()) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: l_cInvalidFileList's size must be 0
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Unable to get persistent data for following immediate notification files :: %s",
+ l_cInvalidFileList.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_WARN, __FUNCTION__, "No Immediate persistence data available at :: %s", l_pcPath.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: if GetFileList() returns eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK, l_pTFileList can't be empty // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to get the list of files from Immediate persistent location :: %s",
+ l_pcPath.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CPersistenceManager::GetPersistenceProfilingData(std::string &f_cpersistenceprofileinfo) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Application Name,");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Tag Name,");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Type,");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("UserSpecific,");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Released,");
+ f_cpersistenceprofileinfo.append("Persisted");
+ CPersistence *l_pPersistence = m_mPersist_Type[ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFILE];
+ l_pPersistence->GetPersistenceProfilingData(f_cpersistenceprofileinfo);
+ l_pPersistence->GetPersistenceProfilingData(f_cpersistenceprofileinfo);
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistent_data.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistent_data.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a9127ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_persistent_data.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CPersistentData.
+// Include Files
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+/// CPersistentData
+/// Constructor of CPersistentData class
+CPersistentData::CPersistentData() {
+ m_pMessage = NULL;
+ m_uiMsgSize = 0;
+/// ~CPersistentData
+/// Destructor of CPersistentData class
+CPersistentData::~CPersistentData() {
+ if (NULL != m_pMessage) {
+ delete[](static_cast<PCHAR>(m_pMessage)); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ m_pMessage = NULL;
+ }
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_personalization_manager.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_personalization_manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43714653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_personalization_manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager.
+// Include Files
+#include <utility>
+#include <string>
+#ifdef AGL_STUB
+#include "ns_npp_personalization_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_Personalization_manager.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+/// CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager
+/// Constructor of CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager class
+CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager::CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager() {
+ m_uiUserId = 0;
+ m_cCurrentPersonality.clear();
+ m_pmPersonality = new(std::nothrow) Personality_Type(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: except,C++ STL
+/// ~CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager
+/// Destructor of CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager class
+CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager::~CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 14: Resident process, global instance not released // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (NULL != m_pmPersonality) {
+ m_pmPersonality->clear();
+ delete m_pmPersonality;
+ m_pmPersonality = NULL;
+ }
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceGetPersonality
+/// This function is used to get the current personality.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceGetPersonality(std::string &f_cpersonalityname) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ f_cpersonalityname = m_cCurrentPersonality;
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersonality
+/// This function is used to set the new personality.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceSetPersonality(const std::string f_cpersonalityname) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // iterator to find personality name from map of personality
+ Personality_Type::iterator l_itPersonality;
+ if (!f_cpersonalityname.empty()) {
+ if (NULL != m_pmPersonality) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, m_pmPersonality can't be NULL
+ l_itPersonality = m_pmPersonality->find(f_cpersonalityname);
+ // if personality found in map
+ if (m_pmPersonality->end() != l_itPersonality) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Personality found in map");
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Personality not found in map");
+ l_estatus = CreatePersonality(f_cpersonalityname);
+ }
+ m_cCurrentPersonality = f_cpersonalityname;
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "map object is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_pmPersonality can't be NULL
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// CreatePersonality
+/// This function is used to create new Personality.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager::CreatePersonality(const std::string &f_cpersonalityname) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != m_pmPersonality) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pmPersonality can't be NULL
+ CNotificationpersistentservicePersonality *l_pPersonality = new(std::nothrow) CNotificationpersistentservicePersonality(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ if (NULL != l_pPersonality) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: It's impossible to mock new() function
+ l_pPersonality->m_uiUserId = ++m_uiUserId;
+ l_pPersonality->m_cUserName = f_cpersonalityname;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Inserting new personality in map"); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ m_pmPersonality->insert(make_pair(f_cpersonalityname, l_pPersonality));
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "map object is NULL"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: m_pmPersonality can't be NULL
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// NotificationpersistentserviceIsValidPersonality
+BOOL CnotificationpersistentservicePersonalizationManager::NotificationpersistentserviceIsValidPersonality(const std::string f_cpersonalityname) {
+ BOOL l_bReturnValue = FALSE;
+ // iterator to find personality name from map of personality
+ Personality_Type::iterator l_itPersonality;
+ if (NULL != m_pmPersonality) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: m_pmPersonality can't be NULL
+ l_itPersonality = m_pmPersonality->find(f_cpersonalityname);
+ // if personality found in map
+ if (m_pmPersonality->end() != l_itPersonality) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Personality found in map");
+ l_bReturnValue = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Personality not found in map");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: m_pmPersonality can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ }
+ return l_bReturnValue;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_registry_entry.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_registry_entry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc745808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_registry_entry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \ingroup tag_NPPService
+/// \brief The file contains declaration of CRegistryEntry class.
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_registry_entry.h"
+/// Constructor
+CRegistryEntry::CRegistryEntry(const std::string &f_ctag, const std::string &f_crequester,
+ const std::string &f_cstoragepath,
+ const BOOL f_bisuserpersistence):
+ m_cTag(f_ctag),
+ m_cRequestor(f_crequester),
+ m_bIsReleased(FALSE),
+ m_bIsPersisted(FALSE),
+ m_bIsUserPersistence(f_bisuserpersistence),
+ m_eCurrentAction(LOADTYPE_NONE),
+ m_ePersistCategory(eFrameworkunifiedUserData) {
+ m_cBasePath.clear();
+ // set base path.
+ m_cBasePath += f_cstoragepath;
+/// Copy Constructor
+CRegistryEntry::CRegistryEntry(const CRegistryEntry &in):
+ m_cTag(in.m_cTag),
+ m_cRequestor(in.m_cRequestor),
+ m_bIsReleased(in.m_bIsReleased),
+ m_bIsPersisted(in.m_bIsPersisted),
+ m_cPersistPath(in.m_cPersistPath),
+ m_cBasePath(in.m_cBasePath),
+ m_bIsUserPersistence(in.m_bIsUserPersistence),
+ m_eCurrentAction(in.m_eCurrentAction),
+ m_ePersistType(in.m_ePersistType),
+ m_ePersistCategory(in.m_ePersistCategory) {
+/// Operator overload
+CRegistryEntry &CRegistryEntry::operator=(const CRegistryEntry &in) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8: never be used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ if (this != &in) {
+ m_eJobState = in.m_eJobState;
+ m_cTag = in.m_cTag;
+ m_cRequestor = in.m_cRequestor;
+ m_bIsReleased = in.m_bIsReleased;
+ m_bIsPersisted = in.m_bIsPersisted;
+ m_cPersistPath = in.m_cPersistPath;
+ m_cBasePath = in.m_cBasePath;
+ m_bIsUserPersistence = in.m_bIsUserPersistence;
+ m_ePersistType = in.m_ePersistType;
+ }
+ return *this;
+/// SetReleasePath
+/// Set release path.
+VOID CRegistryEntry::SetReleasePath(const std::string &f_creleasepath) {
+ m_bIsReleased = TRUE;
+ m_cReleasePath = f_creleasepath;
+/// SetBeingPersisted
+/// Set the file/folder is being persisted.
+VOID CRegistryEntry::SetBeingPersisted() {
+ if (LOADTYPE_RELEASE == m_eCurrentAction) {
+ m_bIsPersisted = TRUE;
+ }
+/// IsReleased
+/// File/folder released or not.
+BOOL CRegistryEntry::IsReleased() const {
+ return m_bIsReleased;
+/// HasntBeenPersisted
+/// File/Folder persisted or not
+BOOL CRegistryEntry::HasntBeenPersisted() const {
+ return !m_bIsPersisted;
+/// IsPersisted
+/// File persisted or not
+BOOL CRegistryEntry::IsPersisted() const {
+ return m_bIsPersisted;
+/// GetPersistPath
+/// Get the persist path.
+std::string CRegistryEntry::GetPersistPath() const {
+ return m_cPersistPath;
+/// GetReleasePath
+/// Get the release path.
+std::string CRegistryEntry::GetReleasePath() const {
+ return m_cReleasePath;
+/// GetLoadPath
+/// Get the load path.
+std::string CRegistryEntry::GetLoadPath(ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype, std::string f_cusername) const {
+ std::string l_cLoadPath = "";
+ if (f_epersisttype > ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST && f_epersisttype < ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_epersisttype must be in range. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_cLoadPath = m_cBasePath;
+ switch (m_ePersistCategory) {
+ case eFrameworkunifiedUserData: {
+ l_cLoadPath += USERDATADIR;
+ // Check if to persist for user
+ if (m_bIsUserPersistence) {
+ // if its a user file, user name can't be empty
+ if (!f_cusername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_cusername can't be empty
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Tag %s is registered for user %s", m_cTag.c_str(), f_cusername.c_str());
+ l_cLoadPath += f_cusername;
+ l_cLoadPath += "/";
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData: {
+ l_cLoadPath += FACTORYDATADIR;
+ break;
+ }
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData: {
+ break;
+ }
+ case eFrameworkunifiedDealerData: {
+ l_cLoadPath += DEALERDATADIR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ l_cLoadPath += m_cRequestor;
+ l_cLoadPath += "/";
+ // file and folder persistency has different storage paths mapped
+ l_cLoadPath += "NSFile/";
+ l_cLoadPath += "NSFolder/";
+ }
+ l_cLoadPath += m_cTag;
+ }
+ return l_cLoadPath;
+/// GetRequester
+/// Get the name of requester.
+std::string CRegistryEntry::GetRequester() const {
+ return m_cRequestor;
+/// GetTag
+/// Get the tag.
+std::string CRegistryEntry::GetTag() const {
+ return m_cTag;
+/// IsUserPersistence
+BOOL CRegistryEntry::IsUserPersistence() {
+ return m_bIsUserPersistence;
+/// SetCurrentAction
+VOID CRegistryEntry::SetCurrentAction(ENPS_Loadtype f_ecurrentaction) {
+ m_eCurrentAction = f_ecurrentaction;
+/// ResetPersistedFlag
+VOID CRegistryEntry::ResetPersistedFlag() {
+ m_bIsPersisted = FALSE;
+/// SetPersistProperties
+VOID CRegistryEntry::SetPersistProperties(ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType f_epersisttype, std::string f_cusername) {
+ if (f_epersisttype > ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTFIRST && f_epersisttype < ENOTIFICATIONPERSISTENTSERVICEPERSISTLAST) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_epersisttype must be in range. // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // set the persist type
+ m_ePersistType = f_epersisttype;
+ // set the persist file based on the persist type and username (if a user file)
+ m_cPersistPath = m_cBasePath;
+ switch (m_ePersistCategory) {
+ case eFrameworkunifiedUserData: {
+ m_cPersistPath += USERDATADIR;
+ // Check if to persist for user
+ if (m_bIsUserPersistence) {
+ // if its a user file, user name can't be empty
+ if (!f_cusername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: f_cusername can't be empty
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Tag %s is registered for user %s", m_cTag.c_str(), f_cusername.c_str());
+ m_cPersistPath += f_cusername;
+ m_cPersistPath += "/";
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_cPersistPath += ALLUSERAPPDATADIR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryData: {
+ m_cPersistPath += FACTORYDATADIR;
+ break;
+ }
+ case eFrameworkunifiedFactoryCustomerData: {
+ break;
+ }
+ case eFrameworkunifiedDealerData: {
+ m_cPersistPath += DEALERDATADIR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_cPersistPath += m_cRequestor;
+ m_cPersistPath += "/";
+ // file and folder persistency has different storage paths mapped
+ m_cPersistPath += "NSFile/";
+ m_cPersistPath += "NSFolder/";
+ }
+ m_cPersistPath += m_cTag;
+ }
+/// GetPersistType
+ENotificationpersistentservicePersistType CRegistryEntry::GetPersistType() const {
+ return m_ePersistType;
+/// SetPersistentCategory
+/// Sets the persistent type related to tag
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CRegistryEntry::SetPersistentCategory(EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ m_ePersistCategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ return l_estatus;
+/// GetPersistentCategory
+/// Gets the persistent type of a tag
+EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory CRegistryEntry::GetPersistentCategory() {
+ return m_ePersistCategory;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_regular_notification.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_regular_notification.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d75091e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_regular_notification.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CRegularNotification.
+// Include Files
+#include <native_service/frameworkunified_framework_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_message_center_if.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_np_service_protocol.h>
+#include <mqueue.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <native_service/ns_mc_system_info.h>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_regular_notification.h"
+/// CRegularNotification
+/// Constructor of CRegularNotification class
+CRegularNotification::CRegularNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimaxmsgsize):
+ CNotification(f_cnotificationname, f_uimaxmsgsize) {
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedNotificationVar;
+/// ~CRegularNotification
+/// Destructor of CRegularNotification class
+CRegularNotification::~CRegularNotification() {
+/// AddEventReciever
+/// This function adds the name of the application to receiver list of particular notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CRegularNotification::AddEventReciever(const std::string &f_csubscribername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (!f_csubscribername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ l_estatus = AddReceiverInMap(f_csubscribername);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Publish
+/// This function publishes the notification to subscribed clients.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CRegularNotification::Publish(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Message Queue Handle
+ HANDLE l_hMsgQHandle = NULL;
+ // Pointer to class CNotificationReceiver
+ CNotificationReceiver *l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ // Iterator for Notification Receiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_itrNotifReceiver;
+ if (m_uiMaxMsgSize >= f_uimsgsize) {
+ if (0 == {
+ for (l_itrNotifReceiver = m_pmSubscribersList->begin();
+ l_itrNotifReceiver != m_pmSubscribersList->end();
+ l_itrNotifReceiver++) {
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = l_itrNotifReceiver->second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationReceiver) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_pNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ l_hMsgQHandle = l_pNotificationReceiver->m_MsgQHandle;
+ if (NULL != l_hMsgQHandle) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_hMsgQHandle can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = PublishData(l_hMsgQHandle, f_pmessage, f_uimsgsize))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error Publishing notification %s to %s published by %s, error status: 0x%x",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), l_itrNotifReceiver->first.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_hMsgQHandle can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_pNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationReceiver is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't publish notification %s. Registered by %s and published by %s.",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), m_cServiceName.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15: marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h"
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Can't publish notification %s. Message data size (%d) is greater than maximum registered data size (%d)",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), f_uimsgsize, m_uiMaxMsgSize);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_nor_persistence_notification.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_nor_persistence_notification.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7898f38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_nor_persistence_notification.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CStateNorPersistenceNotification.
+// Include Files
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <native_service/ns_message_center_if.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "ns_npp_types.h"
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_nor_persistence_notification.h"
+HANDLE CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread = NULL;
+/// CStateNorPersistenceNotification
+/// Constructor of CStateNorPersistenceNotification class
+CStateNorPersistenceNotification::CStateNorPersistenceNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimaxmsgsize,
+ const UI_32 f_uidelay,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory):
+ CStateNotification(f_cnotificationname, f_uimaxmsgsize),
+ m_uiDelay(f_uidelay),
+ m_ePersistCategory(f_epersistcategory) {
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedImmediatePersistedStateVar;
+ // also, register the notification with worker thread responsible for writing notification data
+ if (NULL != CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ TImmediatePersistenceRegisterNotifInfo l_tRegisterNotifInfo = {};
+ std::strncpy(l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname,
+ f_cnotificationname.c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname) - 1);
+ l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_uidelay = f_uidelay;
+ l_tRegisterNotifInfo.m_epersistcategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != McSend(CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, AppName, NOR_PERSISTENCE_REGISTER, sizeof(l_tRegisterNotifInfo), &l_tRegisterNotifInfo)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McSend for cmd 0x%X failed", NOR_PERSISTENCE_REGISTER); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+/// ~CStateNorPersistenceNotification
+/// Constructor of CStateNorPersistenceNotification class
+CStateNorPersistenceNotification::~CStateNorPersistenceNotification() {
+ // also, unregister the notification with worker thread responsible for writing notification data
+ if (NULL != CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ TImmediatePersistenceUnregisterNotifInfo l_tUnregisterNotifInfo = {};
+ std::strncpy(l_tUnregisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname,
+ GetNotificationName().c_str(), // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: except,C++ STL
+ sizeof(l_tUnregisterNotifInfo.m_cnotificationname) - 1);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != McSend(CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, AppName, NOR_PERSISTENCE_UNREGISTER, sizeof(l_tUnregisterNotifInfo), &l_tUnregisterNotifInfo)) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McSend for cmd 0x%X failed", NOR_PERSISTENCE_UNREGISTER); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+/// GetPersistenceDelay
+/// Method to get the persistence time delay.
+UI_32 CStateNorPersistenceNotification::GetPersistenceDelay() {
+ return m_uiDelay;
+/// Publish
+/// This function publishes the notification to subscribed clients and saves the data
+/// immediately to persistent memory.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNorPersistenceNotification::Publish(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = PublishNotification(f_cservicename,
+ f_pmessage,
+ f_uimsgsize))) {
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = SaveDataToNor(f_pmessage, f_uimsgsize))) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error in saving persistent data on nor for %s published by %s, status: %d",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str(), l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// PublishNotification
+/// This function publishes the notification to subscribed clients.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNorPersistenceNotification::PublishNotification(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ l_estatus = CStateNotification::Publish(f_cservicename, f_pmessage, f_uimsgsize);
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SaveDataToNor
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNorPersistenceNotification::SaveDataToNor(PVOID f_pmessage, const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != f_pmessage && f_uimsgsize > 0) {
+ TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader l_tNorPersistentData = {};
+ UI_32 l_ui32SendDataTotalLength = static_cast<UI_32>(sizeof(TNorPersistenceNotifInfoHeader) + f_uimsgsize);
+ UI_8 *l_ui8SendData = new(std::nothrow) UI_8[l_ui32SendDataTotalLength];
+ UI_8 *l_ui8TmpOffset = l_ui8SendData;
+ if (NULL != l_ui8SendData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_ui8SendData can't be NULL
+ std::strncpy(l_tNorPersistentData.m_cnotificationname,
+ this->GetNotificationName().c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_tNorPersistentData.m_cnotificationname) - 1);
+ std::strncpy(l_tNorPersistentData.m_cpublishername,
+ this->GetPublisherName().c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_tNorPersistentData.m_cpublishername) - 1);
+ l_tNorPersistentData.m_epersistenttype = this->GetNotificationType();
+ l_tNorPersistentData.m_uimaxmsglength = this->GetMaxMessageSize();
+ l_tNorPersistentData.m_uidelay = this->GetPersistenceDelay();
+ l_tNorPersistentData.m_uimsgsize = f_uimsgsize;
+ l_tNorPersistentData.m_epersistcategory = m_ePersistCategory;
+ std::memset(l_ui8SendData, 0, l_ui32SendDataTotalLength);
+ std::memcpy(l_ui8SendData, &l_tNorPersistentData, sizeof(l_tNorPersistentData));
+ l_ui8TmpOffset += sizeof(l_tNorPersistentData);
+ std::memcpy(l_ui8TmpOffset, f_pmessage, f_uimsgsize);
+ // issue a copy to the worker thread
+ if (NULL != CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = McSend(CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, AppName, NOR_PERSISTENCE_TIMER_START, l_ui32SendDataTotalLength, l_ui8SendData))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "McSend for nor worker thread failed %d ", l_estatus); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread can not be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Sender handle of nor worker thread is NULL. Can't send message.");
+ }
+ delete[] l_ui8SendData; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ l_ui8SendData = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_ui8SendData can not be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Notification data is NULL, size is %d", f_uimsgsize); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// GetPersistentCategory
+/// Gets the persist type of notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory CStateNorPersistenceNotification::GetPersistentCategory() { // LCOV_EXCL_START 100: never be used
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ return m_ePersistCategory;
+/// SetPersistentCategory
+/// Sets the persist type of notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNorPersistenceNotification::SetPersistentCategory(const EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (f_epersistcategory != m_ePersistCategory) {
+ if (NULL != m_pData && NULL != m_pData->m_pMessage) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: if m_pData is not null, the m_pData->m_pMessage can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NULL != CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory l_tChangeCategory = {};
+ UI_32 l_ui32SendDataTotalLength =
+ static_cast<UI_32>(sizeof(TImmediatePersistenceChangeCategory) + m_pData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ UI_8 *l_ui8SendData = new(std::nothrow) UI_8[l_ui32SendDataTotalLength];
+ UI_8 *l_ui8TmpOffset = l_ui8SendData;
+ if (NULL != l_ui8SendData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_ui8SendData can't be NULL
+ std::strncpy(l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname, this->GetNotificationName().c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cnotificationname) - 1);
+ std::strncpy(l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cpublishername, this->GetPublisherName().c_str(),
+ sizeof(l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_cpublishername) - 1);
+ l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_epersistenttype = this->GetNotificationType();
+ l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_uimaxmsglength = this->GetMaxMessageSize();
+ l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_uidelay = this->GetPersistenceDelay();
+ l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_uimsgsize = m_pData->m_uiMsgSize;
+ l_tChangeCategory.m_tnornotifInfoheader.m_epersistcategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ l_tChangeCategory.m_eoldpersistcategory = m_ePersistCategory;
+ std::memset(l_ui8SendData, 0, l_ui32SendDataTotalLength);
+ std::memcpy(l_ui8SendData, &l_tChangeCategory, sizeof(l_tChangeCategory));
+ l_ui8TmpOffset += sizeof(l_tChangeCategory);
+ std::memcpy(l_ui8TmpOffset, m_pData->m_pMessage, m_pData->m_uiMsgSize);
+ // issue a copy to the worker thread
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = McSend(CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread, // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ AppName,
+ l_ui32SendDataTotalLength,
+ l_ui8SendData))) {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "McSend failed while changing category for notfn %s from %d to %d, status=%d",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), m_ePersistCategory, f_epersistcategory, l_estatus);
+ } else {
+ "Msg sent to immediate pers. thread to change persist category of %s from %d to %d",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), m_ePersistCategory, f_epersistcategory);
+ }
+ delete[] l_ui8SendData;
+ l_ui8SendData = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: l_ui8SendData can not be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory alloc error for l_ui8SendData, errno=%d", errno);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: CStateNorPersistenceNotification::m_hNSImmediatePersistenceThread can not be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Sender handle of nor worker thread is NULL. Can't send message.");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldHandle;
+ }
+ } else { // no data is persisted in emmc for this notfn, so no need to send msg to worker thread
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Notfn %s has no data to persist", m_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ }
+ m_ePersistCategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_notification.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_notification.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff8f054f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_notification.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CStateNotification.
+// Include Files
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_persistent_data.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_notification.h"
+/// CStateNotification
+/// Constructor of CStateNotification class
+CStateNotification::CStateNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimaxmsgsize):
+ CNotification(f_cnotificationname, f_uimaxmsgsize),
+ m_pData(NULL),
+ m_pDefaultData(NULL),
+ m_bWasPublished(FALSE) {
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedStateVar;
+/// ~CStateNotification
+/// Destructor of CStateNotification class
+CStateNotification::~CStateNotification() {
+ if (NULL != m_pData) {
+ delete m_pData; // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ m_pData = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pDefaultData) {
+ delete m_pDefaultData;
+ m_pDefaultData = NULL;
+ }
+/// GetPersistentData
+/// This function is used to get the persistent data pointer
+const CPersistentData *CStateNotification::GetPersistentData() {
+ return m_pData;
+/// SetPersistentData
+/// This function is used to set the data related to notification
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNotification::SetPersistentData(PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_msgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL == m_pData) {
+ m_pData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: unexpected branch
+ }
+ l_estatus = SetData(m_pData, f_pmessage, f_msgsize);
+ return l_estatus;
+/// GetDefaultPersistentData
+/// This function get the default data(if any) related to notification
+const CPersistentData *CStateNotification::GetDefaultPersistentData() {
+ return m_pDefaultData;
+/// SetDefaultPersistentData
+/// This function is used to set the default data related to notification
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNotification::SetDefaultPersistentData(PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_msgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL == m_pDefaultData) {
+ m_pDefaultData = new(std::nothrow) CPersistentData(); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 11: except,C++ STL
+ }
+ // set the default persistent data
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == (l_estatus = SetData(m_pDefaultData, f_pmessage, f_msgsize))) {
+ if (NULL == m_pData) {
+ // set the default data as persistent data if notification is not yet published
+ l_estatus = SetPersistentData(f_pmessage, f_msgsize);
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Setting Persistent data");
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent data already set");
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Error setting default persistent data for notification:: %s",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// SetData
+/// This function is used to set the persistent data
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNotification::SetData(CPersistentData *f_pdata,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_msgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ if (NULL != f_pdata) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_pdata can't be NULL
+ if (m_uiMaxMsgSize >= f_msgsize) {
+ f_pdata->m_uiMsgSize = f_msgsize;
+ if (NULL != f_pmessage && 0 != f_msgsize) {
+ if (NULL == f_pdata->m_pMessage) {
+ f_pdata->m_pMessage = new(std::nothrow) CHAR[m_uiMaxMsgSize];
+ }
+ if (NULL != f_pdata->m_pMessage) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 5: new error case
+ std::memset(f_pdata->m_pMessage, 0, m_uiMaxMsgSize);
+ std::memcpy(f_pdata->m_pMessage, f_pmessage, f_msgsize);
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 5: new error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Memory allocation error, unable to set persistent data for notification: %s",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (NULL != f_pdata->m_pMessage) {
+ delete[](static_cast<PCHAR>(f_pdata->m_pMessage));
+ f_pdata->m_pMessage = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ m_bWasPublished = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ "Can't set notification data. Message data size (%d) is greater than maximum registered data size (%d)"
+ " of notification (%s).", f_msgsize, m_uiMaxMsgSize, GetNotificationName().c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, f_pdata can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Unable to set persistent data for notification: %s, persistent object is NULL",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// AddEventReciever
+/// This function adds the name of the application to receiver list of particular notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNotification::AddEventReciever(const std::string &f_csubscribername) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Message Queue Handle
+ HANDLE l_hMsgQHandle = NULL;
+ // iterator of CNotificationReceiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_iterator;
+ CNotificationReceiver *l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ if (!f_csubscribername.empty()) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ l_estatus = AddReceiverInMap(f_csubscribername);
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, f_csubscribername can't be empty
+ }
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ if (m_bWasPublished) {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_NPP_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "Republish Notification to subscriber :: %s", f_csubscribername.c_str()); // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 15:marco defined in "native_service/ns_logger_if.h" // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (NULL != m_pData) {
+ l_iterator = m_pmSubscribersList->find(f_csubscribername);
+ if (m_pmSubscribersList->end() != l_iterator) {
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = (*l_iterator).second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationReceiver) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_pNotificationReceiver can't be NULL // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_hMsgQHandle = l_pNotificationReceiver->m_MsgQHandle;
+ if (NULL != l_hMsgQHandle) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: double check, l_hMsgQHandle can't be NULL
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = PublishData(l_pNotificationReceiver->m_MsgQHandle, m_pData->m_pMessage, m_pData->m_uiMsgSize))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error Publishing notification %s to %s published by %s, error status: 0x%x",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(), l_iterator->first.c_str(), m_cServiceName.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_hMsgQHandle can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pNotificationReceiver can't be NULL
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationReceiver is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_FUNC, __FUNCTION__, "Subscribing Notfn, src=%s name=%s. Notification not published.",
+ f_csubscribername.c_str(), m_cNotificationName.c_str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_estatus must be eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Receiver Not Added in map");
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// Publish
+/// This function publishes the notification to subscribed clients.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNotification::Publish(const std::string &f_cservicename,
+ PVOID f_pmessage,
+ const UI_32 f_uimsgsize) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ // Message Queue Handle
+ HANDLE l_hMsgQHandle = NULL;
+ // Pointer to class CNotificationReceiver
+ CNotificationReceiver *l_pNotificationReceiver = NULL;
+ // Iterator for Notification Receiver map
+ NotifReceiver_Iterator_Type l_itrNotifReceiver;
+ if (m_uiMaxMsgSize >= f_uimsgsize) {
+ if (0 == {
+ l_estatus = SetPersistentData(f_pmessage,
+ f_uimsgsize);
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK == l_estatus) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: l_estatus is always eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK
+ for (l_itrNotifReceiver = m_pmSubscribersList->begin();
+ l_itrNotifReceiver != m_pmSubscribersList->end();
+ l_itrNotifReceiver++) {
+ l_pNotificationReceiver = l_itrNotifReceiver->second;
+ if (NULL != l_pNotificationReceiver) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6:double check, l_pNotificationReceiver can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ l_hMsgQHandle = l_pNotificationReceiver->m_MsgQHandle;
+ if (NULL != l_hMsgQHandle && NULL != m_pData) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6:double check, l_hMsgQHandle and m_pData can not be null // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ if (eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK != (l_estatus = PublishData(l_hMsgQHandle, m_pData->m_pMessage, f_uimsgsize))) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 4: NSFW error case // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 4: NSFW error case
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ "Error Publishing notification %s to %s published by %s, error status: 0x%x",
+ m_cNotificationName.c_str(),
+ l_itrNotifReceiver->first.c_str(),
+ f_cservicename.c_str(), l_estatus);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_hMsgQHandle and m_pData can not be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // LCOV_EXCL_START 6: double check, l_pNotificationReceiver can not be null
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "l_pNotificationReceiver is NULL");
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusNullPointer;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Persistent Data Not Set"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: double check, l_estatus is always eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK // NOLINT[whitespace/line_length]
+ }
+ } else {
+ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Can't publish notification %s. Registered by %s and published by %s.",
+ GetNotificationName().c_str(), m_cServiceName.c_str(), f_cservicename.c_str());
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusInvldParam;
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Can't publish notification %s. Message data size (%d) is greater than maximum registered data size (%d)",
+ GetNotificationName().c_str(), f_uimsgsize, m_uiMaxMsgSize);
+ l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
+/// IsPublished
+/// This functions returns the published status of notification.
+BOOL CStateNotification::IsPublished() {
+ return m_bWasPublished;
+/// ResetMaxMessageSize
+/// This function reset the max size of data that can be published with notification.
+/// Also deletes the old persistent data and default data.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStateNotification::ResetMaxMessageSize(const UI_32 f_uilength) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ CNotification::ResetMaxMessageSize(f_uilength);
+ // delete the old data as the size is changed the data may become invalid
+ if (NULL != m_pData) {
+ delete m_pData;
+ m_pData = NULL;
+ }
+ if (NULL != m_pDefaultData) {
+ delete m_pDefaultData;
+ m_pDefaultData = NULL;
+ }
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_persistence_notification.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_persistence_notification.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bb9dd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_persistence_notification.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CStatePersistenceNotification.
+// Include Files
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_persistence_notification.h"
+/// CStatePersistenceNotification
+/// Constructor of CStatePersistenceNotification class
+CStatePersistenceNotification::CStatePersistenceNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimaxmsgsize,
+ const EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory):
+ CStateNotification(f_cnotificationname, f_uimaxmsgsize),
+ m_ePersistCategory(f_epersistcategory) {
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateVar;
+/// ~CStatePersistenceNotification
+/// Constructor of CStatePersistenceNotification class
+CStatePersistenceNotification::~CStatePersistenceNotification() {
+/// GetPersistentCategory
+/// Gets the persist type of notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory CStatePersistenceNotification::GetPersistentCategory() {
+ return m_ePersistCategory;
+/// SetPersistentCategory
+/// Sets the persist type of notification.
+EFrameworkunifiedStatus CStatePersistenceNotification::SetPersistentCategory(const EFrameworkunifiedPersistCategory f_epersistcategory) {
+ EFrameworkunifiedStatus l_estatus = eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK;
+ m_ePersistCategory = f_epersistcategory;
+ return l_estatus;
diff --git a/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_persistence_user_notification.cpp b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_persistence_user_notification.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..222ada31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsframework/notification_persistent_service/server/src/ns_npp_state_persistence_user_notification.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// \defgroup <<Group Tag>> <<Group Name>>
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// .
+/// \ingroup tag_NS_NPPService
+/// \brief This file contains implementation of class CStatePersistenceUserNotification.
+// Include Files
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "ns_npp_notificationpersistentservicelog.h"
+#include "ns_npp_state_persistence_user_notification.h"
+/// CStatePersistenceUserNotification
+/// Constructor of CStatePersistenceUserNotification class
+CStatePersistenceUserNotification::CStatePersistenceUserNotification(const std::string &f_cnotificationname,
+ const UI_32 f_uimaxmsgsize):
+ CStateNotification(f_cnotificationname, f_uimaxmsgsize) {
+ m_ePersistentType = eFrameworkunifiedPersistedStateUserVar;
+/// ~CStatePersistenceUserNotification
+/// Destructor of CStatePersistenceUserNotification class
+CStatePersistenceUserNotification::~CStatePersistenceUserNotification() {