path: root/external/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/oelib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'external/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/oelib/')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/oelib/ b/external/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/oelib/
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index 00000000..d7f91fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/oelib/
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+from import TestCase
+import oe.license
+class SeenVisitor(oe.license.LicenseVisitor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.seen = []
+ oe.license.LicenseVisitor.__init__(self)
+ def visit_Str(self, node):
+ self.seen.append(node.s)
+class TestSingleLicense(TestCase):
+ licenses = [
+ "GPLv2",
+ "LGPL-2.0",
+ "Artistic",
+ "MIT",
+ "GPLv3+",
+ "FOO_BAR",
+ ]
+ invalid_licenses = ["GPL/BSD"]
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(licensestr):
+ visitor = SeenVisitor()
+ visitor.visit_string(licensestr)
+ return visitor.seen
+ def test_single_licenses(self):
+ for license in self.licenses:
+ licenses = self.parse(license)
+ self.assertListEqual(licenses, [license])
+ def test_invalid_licenses(self):
+ for license in self.invalid_licenses:
+ with self.assertRaises(oe.license.InvalidLicense) as cm:
+ self.parse(license)
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.license, license)
+class TestSimpleCombinations(TestCase):
+ tests = {
+ "FOO&BAR": ["FOO", "BAR"],
+ "BAZ & MOO": ["BAZ", "MOO"],
+ "BAZ&MOO|FOO": ["FOO"],
+ "FOO&BAR|BAZ": ["FOO", "BAR"],
+ }
+ preferred = ["ALPHA", "FOO", "BAR"]
+ def test_tests(self):
+ def choose(a, b):
+ if all(lic in self.preferred for lic in b):
+ return b
+ else:
+ return a
+ for license, expected in self.tests.items():
+ licenses = oe.license.flattened_licenses(license, choose)
+ self.assertListEqual(licenses, expected)
+class TestComplexCombinations(TestSimpleCombinations):
+ tests = {
+ "FOO & (BAR | BAZ)&MOO": ["FOO", "BAR", "MOO"],
+ "((ALPHA|BETA)&FOO)|BAZ": ["BETA", "FOO"],
+ "(GPL-2.0|Proprietary)&BSD-4-clause&MIT": ["GPL-2.0", "BSD-4-clause", "MIT"],
+ }
+ preferred = ["BAR", "OMEGA", "BETA", "GPL-2.0"]
+class TestIsIncluded(TestCase):
+ tests = {
+ ("FOO | BAR", None, None):
+ [True, ["FOO"]],
+ ("FOO | BAR", None, "FOO"):
+ [True, ["BAR"]],
+ ("FOO | BAR", "BAR", None):
+ [True, ["BAR"]],
+ ("FOO | BAR & FOOBAR", "*BAR", None):
+ [True, ["BAR", "FOOBAR"]],
+ ("FOO | BAR & FOOBAR", None, "FOO*"):
+ [False, ["FOOBAR"]],
+ ("(FOO | BAR) & FOOBAR | BARFOO", None, "FOO"):
+ [True, ["BAR", "FOOBAR"]],
+ ("(FOO | BAR) & FOOBAR | BAZ & MOO & BARFOO", None, "FOO"):
+ [True, ["BAZ", "MOO", "BARFOO"]],
+ ("GPL-3.0 & GPL-2.0 & LGPL-2.1 | Proprietary", None, None):
+ [True, ["GPL-3.0", "GPL-2.0", "LGPL-2.1"]],
+ ("GPL-3.0 & GPL-2.0 & LGPL-2.1 | Proprietary", None, "GPL-3.0"):
+ [True, ["Proprietary"]],
+ ("GPL-3.0 & GPL-2.0 & LGPL-2.1 | Proprietary", None, "GPL-3.0 Proprietary"):
+ [False, ["GPL-3.0"]]
+ }
+ def test_tests(self):
+ for args, expected in self.tests.items():
+ is_included, licenses = oe.license.is_included(
+ args[0], (args[1] or '').split(), (args[2] or '').split())
+ self.assertEqual(is_included, expected[0])
+ self.assertListEqual(licenses, expected[1])