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2 files changed, 4 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f7146a9..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-This is a WindowManager implementation for the AGL Project.
----------- ----- -- - -
-Currently no configuration of where the ids.json and layouts.json
-files are to be found is implemented, they will be searched in "..".
-See "Building" and "Running" for more details.
----------- ----- -- - -
-The application source is located in src/ and is loosely structured c++.
-The code base is c++14, and uses nlohmanns json implementation[1]. Also
-the std::experimental::optional is used where sensible.
-There is not a single source file for each class. The different
-modules have the following resposibilities:
-* wayland: implement the basic wayland proxy wrappers and listeners,
- this includes the rather large ivi_controller and its
- dependent objects.
-* app: the actual (or intended as) implementation of the application
-* util: generic utilities
-* main: AFB service entrypoint
-* layout: layout related functionality (as of yet mostly unused/not functional)
-* layers: layer related functionality (mostly just mapping surfaces
- to layers, parsing configuration)
-* result: a simple wrapper over optional, that allows to signal an error
- and a description.
-* json_helper: some json helper functions, mainly used for transforming
- structures to json.
-* controller_hooks: hooks to be used be the genivi::ivi_controller
- to call to the App class, without knowing of its
- existence.
----------- ----- -- - -
-Prerequisites are the AGL app-framework-binder (which "infects" us with
-json-c and libsystemd - i.e. these are needed too). Then proceed as follows:
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-make -j
----------- ----- -- - -
-Prerequisites: a compositor implementing the ivi_controller interface must
-be running and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR must be set so the wayland socket can be found.
-The configuration for the window manager (the layers.json file, as specified
-int the next section) needs to be available. The environment variable
-LAYERS_JSON=/path/to/layers.json needs to be set.
-To run from the build directory use:
-env LAYERS_JSON=/path/to/layers.json afb-daemon --ldpaths=/path/to/winman-binding/
-JSON Configurations
----------- ----- -- - -
-layers.json: Layers and layout description. In order for the window manager to
- work, this file needs to be available and passed to the window manager
- using the environment variable LAYERS_JSON. An *example* layers.json is
- provided.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..775e9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This is a WindowManager implementation for the AGL Project.
+See doc/