path: root/docs/2_Architecture_Guides/2.2_Security_Blueprint/7_Connectivity/
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authorShankho Boron Ghosh <shankhoghosh123@gmail.com>2020-11-18 19:55:02 +0530
committerJan-Simon Moeller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>2020-11-18 16:51:07 +0000
commit9cc56459419f1225f5e9851825ad305424b3d6fb (patch)
tree6b761ad38074084217472fd47f23fd8c61eb3de1 /docs/2_Architecture_Guides/2.2_Security_Blueprint/7_Connectivity/
parentc04ab11b946684902e3e39aef475a2d16c09e1c4 (diff)
Revision of Architecture Guides
v1: Introduction : Skeleton file of Build Process [WIP]. Security Blueprint : Multiple markdowns appended into single markdown. v2: Security Blueprint : 4_Kernel.md - Fixed Internal Link. Annexes.md - Uniform markdown Title. Bug-AGL: [SPEC-3633] Signed-off-by: Shankho Boron Ghosh <shankhoghosh123@gmail.com> Change-Id: I1ab478348a05464612d67f0e8a4570bda309022d Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/c/AGL/documentation/+/25586 Reviewed-by: Jan-Simon Moeller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org> Tested-by: Jan-Simon Moeller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/2_Architecture_Guides/2.2_Security_Blueprint/7_Connectivity/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 56 deletions
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deleted file mode 100644
index 499d858..0000000
--- a/docs/2_Architecture_Guides/2.2_Security_Blueprint/7_Connectivity/
+++ /dev/null
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-title: Introduction
-# Part 7 - Connectivity
-## Abstract
-This part shows different Connectivity attacks on the car.
-<!-- section-todo -->
-Domain | Improvement
------------------------ | -----------------
-Connectivity-Abstract-1 | Improve abstract.
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-## Acronyms and Abbreviations
-The following table lists the terms utilized within this part of the document.
-Acronyms or Abbreviations | Description
-------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-_ARP_ | **A**ddress **R**esolution **P**rotocol
-_BLE_ | **B**luetooth **L**ow **E**nergy
-_CAN_ | **C**ar **A**rea **N**etwork
-_CCMP_ | **C**ounter-Mode/**C**BC-**M**ac **P**rotocol
-_EDGE_ | **E**nhanced **D**ata **R**ates for **GSM** **E**volution - Evolution of **GPRS**
-_GEA_ | **G**PRS **E**ncryption **A**lgorithm
-_GPRS_ | **G**eneral **P**acket **R**adio **S**ervice (2,5G, 2G+)
-_GSM_ | **G**lobal **S**ystem for **M**obile Communications (2G)
-_HSPA_ | **H**igh **S**peed **P**acket **A**ccess (3G+)
-_IMEI_ | **I**nternational **M**obile **E**quipment **I**dentity
-_LIN_ | **L**ocal **I**nterconnect **N**etwork
-_MOST_ | **M**edia **O**riented **S**ystem **T**ransport
-_NFC_ | **N**ear **F**ield **C**ommunication
-_OBD_ | **O**n-**B**oard **D**iagnostics
-_PATS_ | **P**assive **A**nti-**T**heft **S**ystem
-_PKE_ | **P**assive **K**eyless **E**ntry
-_PSK_ | **P**hase-**S**hift **K**eying
-_RDS_ | **R**adio **D**ata **S**ystem
-_RFID_ | **R**adio **F**requency **I**dentification
-_RKE_ | **R**emote **K**eyless **E**ntry
-_SDR_ | **S**oftware **D**efined **R**adio
-_SSP_ | **S**ecure **S**imple **P**airing
-_TKIP_ | **T**emporal **K**ey **I**ntegrity **P**rotocol
-_TPMS_ | **T**ire **P**ressure **M**onitoring **S**ystem
-_UMTS_ | **U**niversal **M**obile **T**elecommunications **S**ystem (3G)
-_USB_ | **U**niversal **S**erial **B**us
-_WEP_ | **W**ired **E**quivalent **P**rivacy
-_WPA_ | **W**ifi **P**rotected **A**ccess