path: root/meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-platform
diff options
authorMarius Vlad <>2020-05-04 22:49:23 +0300
committerMarius Vlad <>2020-05-14 00:26:06 +0300
commita288d016f9e6a37377aefc2ee4df5242bb29c196 (patch)
treefaa68f6a61e84ec41d045403dbebc77acf991fa6 /meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-platform
parent91524b2cbe2b81d9cadcb1e0a1f30df3c00078b5 (diff)
agl-compositor: Update SRCREV for libweston8 update
The following update adds support for libweston8, pop-up kind of dialogs, a few fixes and includes the following: - 1956bd3bfb0 main: Convert to using the logging/debuggging fraemwork - ac4e3581fb1 main: Add a (valid) return code when exiting - 61dea1841a4 main: We don't have weston-debug extension available - a7887be3ed9 Add a meson variable to track libweston version - 35b1ed57d2a main: Subscribe to the logger scope - 6e60f22455c Update build version - 25ede504313 policy-default: Install default for the state event notify - b4ae3794bc9 policy: Add another hook for controlling the application state change event - 401773a4639 protocol: agl-shell-desktop: Send notification for application state change - 795eb91d057 policy-default: Install default policy for deactivate request - ee9259703dc policy: Add a new policy hook for deactivating apps - 65f9de0a549 policy-default: Add the de-activate request to the default policy - d0b4585202c agl-shell-desktop: Add the ability to hide client windows - 410d47884ff layout: Save the pending output - ef3d1990c49 shell: Store the ivi compositor in the desktop_client - 5ce0b5d5200 layout, desktop: Implement the pop-up role - ab151e5d3d1 agl-shell-desktop: Allow to set role properties for the application - 63b6b6b1e14 shell: Display previously pending surface once the ready request was received - 225415dcbad Increase agl-compositor version for libweston8 upgrade - f5141881d54 main: Update weston_compositor_add_log_scope to libweston8 - 79dacfa4f3d Increase to libweston8 dependency - 457456edb3d main: Use bool for weston_config_section_get_bool() Signed-off-by: Marius Vlad <> Change-Id: Ifcc94efa9a84fb261330a43d7e22efda1bbde1ca
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-agl-profile-graphical/recipes-platform')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
in.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
# Advanced build customization

## Including additionnals cmake files

### Machine and system custom cmake files

Advanced tuning is possible using addionnals cmake files that are included
automatically from some specifics locations. They are included in that order:

- Project CMake files normaly located in _<project-root-path>/conf.d/app-templates/cmake/cmake.d_
- Home CMake files located in _$HOME/.config/app-templates/cmake.d_
- System CMake files located in _/etc/app-templates/cmake.d_

CMake files has to be named using the following convention: `XX-common*.cmake`
or `XX-${PROJECT_NAME}*.cmake`, where `XX` are numbers, `*` file name
(ie. `99-common-my_customs.cmake`).

> **NOTE** You need to specify after numbers that indicate include order, to
which project that file applies, if it applies to all project then use keyword

So, saying that you should be aware that every normal cmake variables used at
project level could be overwrited by home or system located cmake files if
variables got the same name. Exceptions are cached variables set using
**CACHE** keyword:


set(VARIABLE_NAME 'value string random' CACHE STRING 'docstring')

### OS custom cmake files

This is meant to personalize the project depending on the OS your are using.
At the end of config.cmake, common.cmake will include lot of cmake file to
customize project build depending on your plateform. It will detect your OS
deducing it from file _/etc/os-release_ now as default in almost all Linux

So you can use the value of field **ID_LIKE** or **ID** if the
first one doesn't exists and add a cmake file for that distribution in your
_conf.d/cmake/_ directory or relatively to your _app-templates_ submodule path

Those files has to be named use the following scheme _XX-${OSRELEASE}*.cmake_
where _XX_ are numbers, ${OSRELEASE} the **ID_LIKE** or **ID** field from
_/etc/os-release_ file. You can also define default OS configuration file
to use as fallback is none specific OS configuration is available using the
scheme _XX-default*.cmake_. Then is you need by example a module that isn't
named the same in one distro only, you only has to define a specific file to
handle that case then for all the other case put the configuration in the
default file.

## Include customs templated scripts

As well as for additionnals cmake files you can include your own templated
scripts that will be passed to cmake command `configure_file`.

Just create your own script to the following directories:

- Home location in _$HOME/.config/app-templates/scripts_
- System location in _/etc/app-templates/scripts_

Scripts only needs to use the extension `.in` to be parsed and configured by
CMake command.