path: root/meta-agl-profile-telematics/conf
diff options
authorKevin Hilman <>2018-10-18 14:04:16 +0000
committerJan-Simon Moeller <>2018-10-19 11:10:49 +0000
commit6685e02323e18ca11f10da0ac7db19239c28a14f (patch)
tree8d983e946dcf822c60d43175e2ff0b9aff536e76 /meta-agl-profile-telematics/conf
parent748ac7ab10fa91f8330f6b114742e3f11591413b (diff)
meta-agl-bsp: kernel: fix can-bus.cfg
This config fragment for CAN bus had both an option for enabling as a module: CONFIG_CAN_C_CAN=m and for disabling: # CONFIG_CAN_C_CAN is not set Since the disable came last, disable wins. This caused the C_CAN driver and the C_CAN_PLATFORM driver (used by the TI dra7-evm) to be disabled in the kernel. To fix, remove the option to disable. Change-Id: I5be0cee161318cdfe7deb9c5e9c9f15d79cda7ac Fixes: d870883e7b29d212dc3e2a0e6158d837d4356c6a Signed-off-by: Kevin Hilman <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-agl-profile-telematics/conf')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309
 * AlsaLibMapping -- provide low level interface with ALSA lib (extracted from alsa-json-gateway code)
 * Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017, Fulup Ar Foll
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#define _GNU_SOURCE  // needed for vasprintf

#include "Alsa-ApiHat.h"

// generic sndctrl event handle hook to event callback when pooling
typedef struct {
    struct pollfd pfds;
    sd_event_source *src;
    snd_ctl_t  *ctlDev;
    int quiet;
    struct afb_event afbevt;
} evtHandleT;

typedef struct {
    int ucount;
    int cardId;
    evtHandleT *evtHandle;
} sndHandleT;

typedef struct {
    char *apiprefix;
    char *shortname;    

cardRegistryT *cardRegistry[MAX_SND_CARD+1];

// This routine is called when ALSA event are fired
STATIC  int sndCtlEventCB (sd_event_source* src, int fd, uint32_t revents, void* userData) {
    int err;
    evtHandleT *evtHandle = (evtHandleT*)userData; 
    snd_ctl_event_t *eventId;
    json_object *ctlEventJ;
    unsigned int mask;
    int iface;
    int device;
    int subdev;
    const char*devname;
    ctlRequestT ctlRequest;
    snd_ctl_elem_id_t *elemId;
    if ((revents & EPOLLHUP) != 0) {
        AFB_NOTICE( "SndCtl hanghup [car disconnected]");
        goto ExitOnSucess;
    if ((revents & EPOLLIN) != 0)  {
        // initialise event structure on stack  
        err = snd_ctl_read(evtHandle->ctlDev, eventId);
        if (err < 0) goto OnErrorExit;
        // we only process sndctrl element
        if (snd_ctl_event_get_type(eventId) != SND_CTL_EVENT_ELEM) goto ExitOnSucess;
        // we only process value changed events
        mask = snd_ctl_event_elem_get_mask(eventId);
        if (!(mask & SND_CTL_EVENT_MASK_VALUE)) goto ExitOnSucess;
        snd_ctl_event_elem_get_id (eventId, elemId);
        err = alsaGetSingleCtl (evtHandle->ctlDev, elemId, &ctlRequest, evtHandle->quiet);
        if (err) goto OnErrorExit;

        iface  = snd_ctl_event_elem_get_interface(eventId);
        device = snd_ctl_event_elem_get_device(eventId);
        subdev = snd_ctl_event_elem_get_subdevice(eventId);
        devname= snd_ctl_event_elem_get_name(eventId);
        // proxy ctlevent as a binder event        
        ctlEventJ = json_object_new_object();
        json_object_object_add(ctlEventJ, "device" ,json_object_new_int (device));
        json_object_object_add(ctlEventJ, "subdev" ,json_object_new_int (subdev));
        if (evtHandle->quiet < 2) {
            json_object_object_add(ctlEventJ, "iface"  ,json_object_new_int (iface));
            json_object_object_add(ctlEventJ, "devname",json_object_new_string (devname));
        if (ctlRequest.jValues) (json_object_object_add(ctlEventJ, "values"  ,ctlRequest.jValues));
        AFB_DEBUG( "sndCtlEventCB=%s", json_object_get_string(ctlEventJ));
        afb_event_push(evtHandle->afbevt, ctlEventJ);

        return 0;
        WARNING ("sndCtlEventCB: ignored unsupported event type");
	return (0);    

// Subscribe to every Alsa CtlEvent send by a given board
PUBLIC void alsaEvtSubcribe (afb_req request) {
    static sndHandleT sndHandles[MAX_SND_CARD];
    evtHandleT *evtHandle;
    snd_ctl_t  *ctlDev;
    int err, idx, cardId, idxFree=-1;
    snd_ctl_card_info_t *cardinfo;
    queryValuesT queryValues;

    err = alsaCheckQuery (request, &queryValues);
    if (err) goto OnErrorExit;

    // open control interface for devid
    err = snd_ctl_open(&ctlDev, queryValues.devid, SND_CTL_READONLY);
    if (err < 0) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "devid-unknown", "SndCard devid=%s Not Found err=%s", queryValues.devid, snd_strerror(err));
        goto OnErrorExit;
    if ((err = snd_ctl_card_info(ctlDev, cardinfo)) < 0) {        
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "devid-invalid", "SndCard devid=%s Not Found err=%s", queryValues.devid, snd_strerror(err));
        goto OnErrorExit;
    // search for an existing subscription and mark 1st free slot
    for (idx= 0; idx < MAX_SND_CARD; idx ++) {
      if (sndHandles[idx].ucount > 0 && cardId == sndHandles[idx].cardId) {
         evtHandle= sndHandles[idx].evtHandle;
      } else if (idxFree == -1) idxFree= idx; 
    // if not subscription exist for the event let's create one
    if (idx == MAX_SND_CARD) {
        // reach MAX_SND_CARD event registration
        if (idxFree == -1) {
            afb_req_fail_f (request, "register-toomany", "Cannot register new event Maxcard==%d", idx);
            goto OnErrorExit;            
        evtHandle = malloc (sizeof(evtHandleT));
        evtHandle->ctlDev = ctlDev;
        evtHandle->quiet  = queryValues.quiet;
        sndHandles[idxFree].ucount = 0;
        sndHandles[idxFree].cardId = cardId;
        sndHandles[idxFree].evtHandle = evtHandle;
        // subscribe for sndctl events attached to devid
        err = snd_ctl_subscribe_events(evtHandle->ctlDev, 1);
        if (err < 0) {
            afb_req_fail_f (request, "subscribe-fail", "Cannot subscribe events from devid=%s err=%d", queryValues.devid, err);
            goto OnErrorExit;
        // get pollfd attach to this sound board
        snd_ctl_poll_descriptors(evtHandle->ctlDev, &evtHandle->pfds, 1);

        // register sound event to binder main loop
        err = sd_event_add_io(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), &evtHandle->src, evtHandle->pfds.fd, EPOLLIN, sndCtlEventCB, evtHandle);
        if (err < 0) {
            afb_req_fail_f (request, "register-mainloop", "Cannot hook events to mainloop devid=%s err=%d", queryValues.devid, err);
            goto OnErrorExit;

        // create binder event attached to devid name
        evtHandle->afbevt = afb_daemon_make_event (queryValues.devid);
        if (!afb_event_is_valid (evtHandle->afbevt)) {
            afb_req_fail_f (request, "register-event", "Cannot register new binder event name=%s", queryValues.devid);
            goto OnErrorExit; 

        // everything looks OK let's move forward 
    // subscribe to binder event    
    err = afb_req_subscribe(request, evtHandle->afbevt);
    if (err != 0) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "register-eventname", "Cannot subscribe binder event name=%s [invalid channel]", queryValues.devid);
        goto OnErrorExit;

    // increase usage count and return success
    sndHandles[idx].ucount ++;
    afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL);
        if (ctlDev) snd_ctl_close(ctlDev);            

// Subscribe to every Alsa CtlEvent send by a given board
PUBLIC void alsaGetCardId (afb_req request) {
    char devid [10];
    const char *devname, *shortname, *longname;
    int card, err, index, idx;
    json_object *respJson;
    snd_ctl_t   *ctlDev;
    snd_ctl_card_info_t *cardinfo;
    const char *sndname = afb_req_value(request, "sndname");
    if (sndname == NULL) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "argument-missing", "sndname=SndCardName missing");
        goto OnErrorExit;
    // loop on potential card number
    for (card =0; card < MAX_SND_CARD; card++) {

        // build card devid and probe it
        snprintf (devid, sizeof(devid), "hw:%i", card);
        // open control interface for devid
        err = snd_ctl_open(&ctlDev, devid, SND_CTL_READONLY);
        if (err < 0) continue;   
        // extract sound card information
        snd_ctl_card_info(ctlDev, cardinfo);
        index    = snd_ctl_card_info_get_card(cardinfo);
        devname  = snd_ctl_card_info_get_id(cardinfo);
        shortname= snd_ctl_card_info_get_name(cardinfo);
        longname = snd_ctl_card_info_get_longname(cardinfo);
        // check if short|long name match        
        if (!strcmp (sndname, devname)) break;
        if (!strcmp (sndname, shortname)) break;
        if (!strcmp (sndname, longname)) break;
    if (card == MAX_SND_CARD) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "ctlDev-notfound", "Fail to find card with name=%s", sndname);
        goto OnErrorExit;
    // proxy ctlevent as a binder event        
    respJson = json_object_new_object();
    json_object_object_add(respJson, "index"     ,json_object_new_int (index));
    json_object_object_add(respJson, "devid"     ,json_object_new_string (devid));
    json_object_object_add(respJson, "shortname" ,json_object_new_string (shortname));
    json_object_object_add(respJson, "longname"  ,json_object_new_string (longname));
    // search for a HAL binder card mapping name to api prefix
    for (idx=0; idx < MAX_SND_CARD; idx++) {
       if (!strcmp (cardRegistry[idx]->shortname, shortname)) break;
    // if a match if found, then we have an HAL for this board let's return its value
    if (idx < MAX_SND_CARD) json_object_object_add(respJson, "halapi",json_object_new_string (cardRegistry[idx]->apiprefix));
    afb_req_success(request, respJson, NULL);    

// Register loaded HAL with board Name and API prefix
PUBLIC void alsaRegisterHal (afb_req request) {
    static int index=0;
    const char *shortname, *apiPrefix;
    apiPrefix = afb_req_value(request, "prefix");
    if (apiPrefix == NULL) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "argument-missing", "prefix=BindingApiPrefix missing");
        goto OnErrorExit;
    shortname = afb_req_value(request, "sndname");
    if (shortname == NULL) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "argument-missing", "sndname=SndCardName missing");
        goto OnErrorExit;
    if (index == MAX_SND_CARD) {
        afb_req_fail_f (request, "alsahal-toomany", "Fail to register sndname=[%s]", shortname);
        goto OnErrorExit;        
    cardRegistry[index]= malloc (sizeof(cardRegistry));
    // If OK return sound card Alsa ID+Info