path: root/meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend b/meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend
index 5e613a616..e044af5f3 100644
--- a/meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend
+++ b/meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_%.bbappend
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/linux-yocto:"
SRC_URI_append_virtio-all = " \
file://virtio-kmeta;type=kmeta;destsuffix=virtio-kmeta \
+ file://virtio-kmeta/bsp/virtio/virtio-aarch64-${LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE}.scc \
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_virtio-aarch64 = "virtio-aarch64"
id='n142' href='#n142'>142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
 * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 ""
 * Author: José Bollo <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include "afb-daemon-itf-x1.h"

/** @addtogroup AFB_DAEMON
 *  @{ */

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Retrieves the common systemd's event loop of AFB
static inline struct sd_event *afb_daemon_get_event_loop_v2()
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->get_event_loop(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Retrieves the common systemd's user/session d-bus of AFB
static inline struct sd_bus *afb_daemon_get_user_bus_v2()
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->get_user_bus(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Retrieves the common systemd's system d-bus of AFB
static inline struct sd_bus *afb_daemon_get_system_bus_v2()
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->get_system_bus(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Broadcasts widely the event of 'name' with the data 'object'.
 * 'object' can be NULL.
 * For convenience, the function calls 'json_object_put' for 'object'.
 * Thus, in the case where 'object' should remain available after
 * the function returns, the function 'json_object_get' shall be used.
 * Calling this function is only forbidden during preinit.
 * Returns the count of clients that received the event.
static inline int afb_daemon_broadcast_event_v2(const char *name, struct json_object *object)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->event_broadcast(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, name, object);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Creates an event of 'name' and returns it.
 * Calling this function is only forbidden during preinit.
 * See afb_event_is_valid to check if there is an error.
static inline struct afb_event_x1 afb_daemon_make_event_v2(const char *name)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->event_make(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, name);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Send a message described by 'fmt' and following parameters
 * to the journal for the verbosity 'level'.
 * 'file', 'line' and 'func' are indicators of position of the code in source files
 * (see macros __FILE__, __LINE__ and __func__).
 * 'level' is defined by syslog standard:
 *      EMERGENCY         0        System is unusable
 *      ALERT             1        Action must be taken immediately
 *      CRITICAL          2        Critical conditions
 *      ERROR             3        Error conditions
 *      WARNING           4        Warning conditions
 *      NOTICE            5        Normal but significant condition
 *      INFO              6        Informational
 *      DEBUG             7        Debug-level messages
static inline void afb_daemon_verbose_v2(int level, const char *file, int line, const char * func, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 5, 6)));
static inline void afb_daemon_verbose_v2(int level, const char *file, int line, const char * func, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->vverbose_v2(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, level, file, line, func, fmt, args);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Get the root directory file descriptor. This file descriptor can
 * be used with functions 'openat', 'fstatat', ...
 * Returns the file descriptor or -1 in case of error.
static inline int afb_daemon_rootdir_get_fd_v2()
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->rootdir_get_fd(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Opens 'filename' within the root directory with 'flags' (see function openat)
 * using the 'locale' definition (example: "jp,en-US") that can be NULL.
 * Returns the file descriptor or -1 in case of error.
static inline int afb_daemon_rootdir_open_locale_v2(const char *filename, int flags, const char *locale)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->rootdir_open_locale(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, filename, flags, locale);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Queue the job defined by 'callback' and 'argument' for being executed asynchronously
 * in this thread (later) or in an other thread.
 * If 'group' is not NUL, the jobs queued with a same value (as the pointer value 'group')
 * are executed in sequence in the order of there submission.
 * If 'timeout' is not 0, it represent the maximum execution time for the job in seconds.
 * At first, the job is called with 0 as signum and the given argument.
 * The job is executed with the monitoring of its time and some signals like SIGSEGV and
 * SIGFPE. When a such signal is catched, the job is terminated and reexecuted but with
 * signum being the signal number (SIGALRM when timeout expired).
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
static inline int afb_daemon_queue_job_v2(void (*callback)(int signum, void *arg), void *argument, void *group, int timeout)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->queue_job(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, callback, argument, group, timeout);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Retrieves the afb_req stored at 'sreq'.
 * Returns the stored request.
 * The count of reference is UNCHANGED, thus, the
 * function 'afb_req_unref' should be called on the result
 * after that the asynchronous reply if sent.
static inline struct afb_req_x1 afb_daemon_unstore_req_v2(struct afb_stored_req *sreq)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->unstore_req(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, sreq);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Tells that it requires the API of "name" to exist
 * and if 'initialized' is not null to be initialized.
 * Calling this function is only allowed within init.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
static inline int afb_daemon_require_api_v2(const char *name, int initialized)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->require_api(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, name, initialized);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Create an aliased name 'as_name' for the api 'name'.
 * Calling this function is only allowed within preinit.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
static inline int afb_daemon_add_alias_v2(const char *name, const char *as_name)
	return afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->add_alias(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, name, as_name);

 * @deprecated use bindings version 3
 * Creates a new api of name 'api' with brief 'info'.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
static inline int afb_daemon_new_api_v2(
	const char *api,
	const char *info,
	int noconcurrency,
	int (*preinit)(void*, struct afb_api_x3 *),
	void *closure)
	return -!(afb_get_daemon_v2().itf->new_api(afb_get_daemon_v2().closure, api, info, noconcurrency, preinit, closure));

/** @} */