path: root/scripts/mkabl-agl.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/mkabl-agl.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 507 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/mkabl-agl.sh b/scripts/mkabl-agl.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 611c08fbc..000000000
--- a/scripts/mkabl-agl.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# Modification from mkefidisk.sh provided by the Yocto project by Dominig
-# to install Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) on
-# Intel platforms equipped with the Automotive Linux Boot (ABL)
-# Dependencies:
-# Relies on the Intel iasImage tool to pakage the Kernel and the initrd in ABL format
-# changes
-# - simpler use model
-# - keep initrd if present
-# - does not allocate swap
-# - accept .hddimg, wic and wic.xz as sources
-# Set to 1 to enable additional output
-exec 3>/dev/null
-# Defaults
-# 100 Mb for the boot partition
-# min available space on TMP_DIR for uncompressing xz image in kB e.g. 5G (5000000)
-# TMP_DIR directory use for holding image file for uncompression (e.g. /tmp or $HOME)
-# Cleanup after die()
-cleanup() {
- debug "Syncing and unmounting devices"
- # Unmount anything we mounted
- unmount $ROOTFS_MNT || error "Failed to unmount $ROOTFS_MNT"
- unmount $BOOTFS_MNT || error "Failed to unmount $BOOTFS_MNT"
- unmount $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT || error "Failed to unmount $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT"
- unmount $HDDIMG_MNT || error "Failed to unmount $HDDIMG_MNT"
- if [ "$IMG_TYPE" = "DISK" ]; then
- debug "de-attaching loop devices"
- for LOOP_DEVICE in `losetup --list |grep $HDDIMG | cut -d" " -f1` ; do
- losetup -d $LOOP_DEVICE 1>&3 2>&1 || error "Detaching $LOOP_DEVICE from $HDDIMG failled"
- done
- fi
- # Remove the TMPDIR
- debug "Removing temporary files"
- if [ -d "$TMPDIR" ]; then
- rm -rf $TMPDIR || error "Failed to remove $TMPDIR"
- fi
- [ -f "$TMP_DIR/TMP-AGL-wic-image.wic" ] || rm -f $TMP_DIR/TMP-AGL-wic-image.wic
-trap 'die "Signal Received, Aborting..."' HUP INT TERM
-# Logging routines
-CLEAR="$(tput sgr0)"
-INFO="$(tput bold)"
-RED="$(tput setaf 1)$(tput bold)"
-GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)$(tput bold)"
-YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)$(tput bold)"
-info() {
- echo "${INFO}$1${CLEAR}"
-error() {
- echo "${RED}$1${CLEAR}"
-warn() {
- echo "${YELLOW}$1${CLEAR}"
-success() {
- echo "${GREEN}$1${CLEAR}"
-die() {
- error "$1"
- cleanup
- exit 1
-debug() {
- if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "$1"
- fi
-usage() {
- echo "Install AGL on a removable device to boot ABL based computer"
- echo "ABL on the target must accept non signed development Linux kernel"
- echo "In particular is can create USB or SD bootable support for Intel MRB"
- echo ""
- echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-v] [-p path_to_iasImage_tool] HDDIMG REMOVABLE_DEVICE"
- echo " -v: Verbose debug"
- echo " path_to_iasImage_tool: path the iasImage tool provided by Intel."
- echo " HDDIMG: The hddimg file to generate the efi disk from"
- echo " Supported formats are .hddimg, .wic .wic.xz"
- echo " REMOVABLE_DEVICE: The block device to write the image to, e.g. /dev/sdh"
- echo "ex:"
- echo " mkabl-agl.sh agl-demo-platform-intel-corei7-64.wic.xz /dev/sdd"
- echo " mkabl-agl.sh agl-demo-platform-intel-corei7-64.hddimg /dev/sdd"
- echo " assuming that iasImage is accessible via your default path"
- exit 1
-image_details() {
- IMG=$1
- info "Image details"
- echo " image: $(stat --printf '%N\n' $IMG)"
- echo " size: $(stat -L --printf '%s bytes\n' $IMG)"
- echo " modified: $(stat -L --printf '%y\n' $IMG)"
- echo " type: $(file -L -b $IMG)"
- echo ""
-device_details() {
- DEV=$1
- info "Device details"
- echo " device: $DEVICE"
- if [ -f "/sys/class/block/$DEV/device/vendor" ]; then
- echo " vendor: $(cat /sys/class/block/$DEV/device/vendor)"
- else
- echo " vendor: UNKOWN"
- fi
- if [ -f "/sys/class/block/$DEV/device/model" ]; then
- echo " model: $(cat /sys/class/block/$DEV/device/model)"
- else
- echo " model: UNKNOWN"
- fi
- if [ -f "/sys/class/block/$DEV/size" ]; then
- echo " size: $(($(cat /sys/class/block/$DEV/size) * $BLOCK_SIZE)) bytes"
- else
- echo " size: UNKNOWN"
- fi
- echo ""
-unmount_device() {
- grep -q $DEVICE /proc/mounts
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- warn "$DEVICE listed in /proc/mounts, attempting to unmount"
- umount $DEVICE* 2>/dev/null
- ! grep -q $DEVICE /proc/mounts && info "Unmounted successfully"
- return $?
- fi
- return 0
-unmount() {
- if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
- return 0
- fi
- grep -q $1 /proc/mounts
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- debug "Unmounting $1"
- umount $1
- ! grep -q $1 /proc/mounts # check if unmounted successfully
- return $?
- fi
- return 0
-# Parse and validate arguments
-if [ "$1" = "-v" ] ; then
- exec 3>&1
- shift
-if [ "$1" = "-p" ] ; then
- IAS_PATH="$2""/"
- shift 2
-if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- usage
-debug "iasImage tool is: $IAS_IMAGE_TOOL"
-if [ ! -x "$(command -v $IAS_IMAGE_TOOL)" ]; then
- die "$IAS_IMAGE_TOOL not found pointed by the path via 'sudo; use -p option'"
-LINK=$(readlink $DEVICE)
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-if [ ! -w "$DEVICE" ]; then
- if [ ! -e "${DEVICE}" ] ; then
- die "Device $DEVICE cannot be found"
- else
- die "Device $DEVICE is not writable (need to run under sudo?)"
- fi
-if [ ! -e "$HDDIMG" ]; then
- die "HDDIMG $HDDIMG does not exist"
-case $HDDIMG_EXT in
- hddimg)
- debug "Detected: uncompressed image type .hddimg"
- ;;
- wic)
- debug "Detected: uncompressed image type .wic"
- ;;
- xz)
- debug "Detected: xz compressed image type .wic"
- command -v xz >/dev/null 2>&1 || { die "xz command is not available, pleaes install xz package"; }
- TMP_SIZE=`df -k $TMP_DIR | awk '/[0-9]%/{print $(NF-2)}'`
- if [ "$TMP_SIZE" -lt "$TMP_SIZE_MIN" ]; then
- die "Available space on $TMP_DIR must be at least $TMP_SIZE_MIN kB"
- fi
- printf "Starting decompression of the image. It may take some time ..."
- xz --decompress --keep --format=auto --force --threads=0 --stdout > $TMP_DIR/TMP-AGL-wic-image.wic $HDDIMG|| \
- die "xz command failled: xz --decompress --keep --format=auto --force --threads=0 --stdout > $TMP_DIR/TMP-AGL-wic-image.wic"
- HDDIMG="$TMP_DIR/TMP-AGL-wic-image.wic"
- echo "Image uncompressed, starting doing real work ..."
- ;;
- *)
- die "Unsupported image format: $HDDIMG_EXT Supported format are .hddimg .wic wic.xz"
- ;;
-# Ensure the hddimg is not mounted
-debug "will now try to umount /detach previous images"
-case $IMG_TYPE in
- unmount "$HDDIMG" || die "Failed to unmount $HDDIMG"
- ;;
- [ `losetup --list |grep $HDDIMG | wc -l ` -gt 1 ] && die "Image mounted more than once, manual cleaning required see: losetup --list"
- debug "ready to attach the wic image to aloop device"
- LOOP_DEVICE=`losetup --find --show $HDDIMG` && ( losetup -d $LOOP_DEVICE 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Detaching $LOOP_DEVICE from $HDDIMG failled")
- ;;
- *)
- die "unknown image format $IMG_TYPE"
- ;;
-# Check if any $DEVICE partitions are mounted
-unmount_device || die "Failed to unmount $DEVICE"
-# Confirm device with user
-image_details $HDDIMG
-device_details $(basename $DEVICE)
-echo -n "${INFO}Prepare ABL image on $DEVICE [y/N]?${CLEAR} "
-if [ "$RESPONSE" != "y" ]; then
- echo "Image creation aborted"
- exit 0
-# Prepare the temporary working space
-TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d mkabldisk-XXX) || die "Failed to create temporary mounting directory."
-debug "TEMPDIR is: $TMPDIR"
-mkdir $HDDIMG_MNT || die "Failed to create $HDDIMG_MNT"
-mkdir $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT || die "Failed to create $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT"
-mkdir $ROOTFS_MNT || die "Failed to create $ROOTFS_MNT"
-mkdir $BOOTFS_MNT || die "Failed to create $BOOTFS_MNT"
-# Partition $DEVICE
-DEVICE_SIZE=$(parted -s $DEVICE unit mb print | grep ^Disk | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed -e "s/MB//")
-# If the device size is not reported there may not be a valid label
-if [ "$DEVICE_SIZE" = "" ] ; then
- parted -s $DEVICE mklabel msdos || die "Failed to create MSDOS partition table"
- DEVICE_SIZE=$(parted -s $DEVICE unit mb print | grep ^Disk | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed -e "s/MB//")
-# MMC devices use a partition prefix character 'p'
-if [ ! "${DEVICE#/dev/mmcblk}" = "${DEVICE}" ] || [ ! "${DEVICE#/dev/loop}" = "${DEVICE}" ]; then
-if [ ! "${TARGET_DEVICE#/dev/mmcblk}" = "${TARGET_DEVICE}" ]; then
-echo ""
-info "Boot partition size: $BOOT_SIZE MB ($BOOTFS)"
-info "ROOTFS partition size: $ROOTFS_SIZE MB ($ROOTFS)"
-echo ""
-# Use MSDOS by default as GPT cannot be reliably distributed in disk image form
-# as it requires the backup table to be on the last block of the device, which
-# of course varies from device to device.
-info "Partitioning installation media ($DEVICE)"
-debug "Deleting partition table on $DEVICE"
-dd if=/dev/zero of=$DEVICE bs=512 count=2 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to zero beginning of $DEVICE"
-debug "Creating new partition table (MSDOS) on $DEVICE"
-parted -s $DEVICE mklabel msdos 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to create MSDOS partition table"
-debug "Creating boot partition on $BOOTFS"
-parted -s $DEVICE mkpart primary 0% $BOOT_SIZE 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to create BOOT partition"
-debug "Enabling boot flag on $BOOTFS"
-parted -s $DEVICE set 1 boot on 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to enable boot flag"
-debug "Creating ROOTFS partition on $ROOTFS"
-parted -s $DEVICE mkpart primary $ROOTFS_START $ROOTFS_END 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to create ROOTFS partition"
-# as blkid does not provide PARTUUID on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 we myst hack via fdisk
-#ROOTFS_PARTUUID=$(blkid |grep -e "$ROOTFS" |sed -n 's/^.*PARTUUID=/PARTUUID=/p')
-export LC_ALL=C
-ROOTFS_DISKID=$(fdisk -l "$DEVICE" | grep -e "Disk identifier" | sed -n 's/^.*Disk identifier: 0x/PARTUUID=/p')
-if [ $ROOTFS_DISKID = "" ]; then
- die "Failed to read DISKID"
-if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then
- parted -s $DEVICE print
-# Check if any $DEVICE partitions are mounted after partitioning
-unmount_device || die "Failed to unmount $DEVICE partitions"
-# Format $DEVICE partitions
-info "Formatting partitions"
-debug "Formatting $BOOTFS as ext2"
-mkfs.ext2 -F -F -L BOOT $BOOTFS 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to format $BOOTFS"
-debug "Formatting $ROOTFS as ext4"
-mkfs.ext4 -F $ROOTFS -L "ROOT" 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to format $ROOTFS"
-# Mounting image file system on loop devices
-case $IMG_TYPE in
- debug "Mounting images and device in preparation for installation"
- mount -o loop $HDDIMG $HDDIMG_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to mount $HDDIMG"
- mount -o loop $HDDIMG_MNT/rootfs.img $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to mount rootfs.img"
- ;;
- debug "Attaching image and mounting partitions then device in preparation for installation"
- LOOP_DEVICE=`losetup --find` || die "Failled to find an available loop device see: losetup --find"
- losetup -P $LOOP_DEVICE $HDDIMG 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Attaching $LOOP_DEVICE from $HDDIMG failled"
- mount "$LOOP_DEVICE"p2 $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to mount $LOOP_DEVICEp1 on $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT"
- mount "$LOOP_DEVICE"p1 $HDDIMG_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to mount $LOOP_DEVICEp2 on $HDDIMG_MNT"
- ;;
- *)
- die "unknown image format $IMG_TYPE"
- ;;
-mount $ROOTFS $ROOTFS_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to mount $ROOTFS on $ROOTFS_MNT"
-mount $BOOTFS $BOOTFS_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Failed to mount $BOOTFS on $BOOTFS_MNT"
-info "Preparing boot partition"
-# create the config file for iasImage
-# Remove any existing root= kernel parameters and:
-# o Add a root= parameter with the target rootfs
-# o Specify ro so fsck can be run during boot
-# o Specify rootwait in case the target media is an asyncronous block device
-# such as MMC or USB disks
-# o Specify "quiet" to minimize boot time when using slow serial consoles
-# iasImage command line file creation
-echo "console=$MRB_DEBUG_TTY" >> $IAS_CMD_LINE
-echo "earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0xfc000000,115200n8" >> $IAS_CMD_LINE
-echo "rootwait" >> $IAS_CMD_LINE
-echo "video=$MRB_HDMI" >> $IAS_CMD_LINE
-echo "i915.enable_initial_modeset=1" >> $IAS_CMD_LINE
-debug "temp config for iasImage is $IAS_CMD_LINE"
-if [ -f $HDDIMG_MNT/vmlinuz ]; then
- KERNEL_TYPE="vmlinuz"
- debug "kernel is vmlinuz"
-if [ -f $HDDIMG_MNT/bzimage ]; then
- KERNEL_TYPE="bzimage"
- debug "kernel is bzimage -> vmlinuz"
-if [ -f $HDDIMG_MNT/microcode.cpio ]; then
- warn "initrd=microcode.cpio is not a supported configuration, microcode.cpio has been ignored"
-[ -z $KERNEL_TYPE ] && die "Linux kernel type in $HDDIMG is unsupported"
-if [ -f $HDDIMG_MNT/initrd ];
- then
- info "creating ABL image with initramsfs"
- else
- info "creating ABL image without initramfs"
-printf "Copying ROOTFS files ... "
-command -v rsync >/dev/null 2>&1 # check if rsync exists
-if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- rsync --info=progress2 -h -aHAXW --no-compress $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT/* $ROOTFS_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Root FS copy failed"
- cp -a $HDDIMG_ROOTFS_MNT/* $ROOTFS_MNT 1>&3 2>&1 || die "Root FS copy failed"
-debug "removing any swap entry in /etc/fstab"
-sed --in-place '/swap/d' $ROOTFS_MNT/etc/fstab
-debug "fixing PARTUUID for /boot"
-sed --in-place -e "s#PARTUUID=[0-9a-z-]\+\t/boot#${BOOTFS_PARTUUID}\t/boot#" $ROOTFS_MNT/etc/fstab
-printf "flushing data on removable device. May take a while ... "
-sync --file-system $ROOTFS_MNT
-echo done
-# We dont want udev to mount our root device while we're booting...
-if [ -d $ROOTFS_MNT/etc/udev/ ] ; then
- echo "$TARGET_DEVICE" >> $ROOTFS_MNT/etc/udev/mount.blacklist
-# Call cleanup to unmount devices and images and remove the TMPDIR
-echo ""
-if [ $WARNINGS -ne 0 ] && [ $ERRORS -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "${YELLOW}Installation completed with warnings${CLEAR}"
- echo "${YELLOW}Warnings: $WARNINGS${CLEAR}"
-elif [ $ERRORS -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "${RED}Installation encountered errors${CLEAR}"
- echo "${RED}Errors: $ERRORS${CLEAR}"
- echo "${YELLOW}Warnings: $WARNINGS${CLEAR}"
- success "Installation completed successfully"
-echo ""