path: root/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/machine/ebisu/ b/templates/machine/ebisu/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb5666ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/machine/ebisu/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+description: machine ebisu
+author: <undefined>
+## Machine 'ebisu'
+### Prepare the build
+Before building the AGL distribution for Renesas 'ebisu' board, it is necessary to prepare the environnement. See [AGL Doc - Initializing Your Build Environment]( before going to the next step.
+The 'ebisu' board need some specifics binaries in order to build. These binaries contain Graphics support, specific drivers... They are only delivered by Renesas.
+Before setting up the build with `meta-agl/scripts/`, the environment variable `EBISU_BIN_PATH` need to be set. This variable specify the path to a folder which contains all ebisu's binaries zip files.
+Moreover, it's possible to launch a custom bash script during the setup. This optional step will be called at the end of the `` sequence. This can be used to add a specific configuration to the official setup or add a hotfix.
+$ cd $AGL_TOP
+$ export EBISU_BIN_PATH=/home/user/Downloads/ebisu_binaries
+$ export CUSTOM_RENESAS_CONFIG_SCRIPT=/path/to/my/ #optional
+$ source meta-agl/scripts/ -m ebisu agl-demo -f
+### Launch the build
+When your environnment is ready, you can launch the AGL build with `bitbake` :
+$ cd $AGL_TOP
+$ bitbake agl-demo-platform
+### Debugging the board
+To debug the ebisu board, the PC should be connected to the CN25 USB serial port.
+And the serial communication's protocol of the terminal software on the PC should be set as follows:
+Parameter | Value
+--- | ---
+Transfer rate | 115200 bps
+Data length | 8 bits
+Parity | Not in use
+Stop bit | 1 bit
+Flow control | Not provided
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	"flutter-version": "3.3.1",
	"platforms": [
			"id": "desktop-auto",
			"type": "host",
			"arch": "x86_64",
			"flutter_runtime": "debug",
			"runtime": {
				"backend": "egl",
				"config": {
					"width": 1920,
					"height": 1080,
					"cursor_theme": "DMZ-White"
				"install_dependent_packages": true,
				"artifact_source": "github",
				"github_owner": "toyota-connected",
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				"github_workflow": "flutter-auto-linux.yml",
				"github_artifact": "flutter-auto-${BACKEND}"
			"overwrite-existing": true,
			"custom-device": {
				"id": "desktop-auto",
				"label": "Toyota flutter-auto",
				"sdkNameAndVersion": "flutter-auto x86_64",
				"platform": "linux-x64",
				"enabled": true,
				"ping": ["bash", "-c", "loginctl show-session $(awk '/tty/ {print $1}' <(loginctl)) -p Type"],
				"pingSuccessRegex": "Type=wayland",
				"postBuild": null,
				"install": ["bash", "-c", "mkdir -p /tmp/${appName}/data/flutter_assets && cp -r ${BUNDLE_FOLDER}/* /tmp/${appName} && cp -r ${localPath}/* /tmp/${appName}/data/flutter_assets"],
				"uninstall": ["rm", "-rf", "tmp/${appName}"],
				"runDebug": ["flutter-auto", "--j=${FLUTTER_WORKSPACE}/.flutter-auto/default_config.json", "--b=/tmp/${appName}"],
				"forwardPort": null,
				"forwardPortSuccessRegex": null,
				"screenshot": null
			"id": "AGL-qemu",
			"type": "qemu",
			"arch": "x86_64",
			"flutter_runtime": "debug",
			"runtime": {
				"config": {
					"window_type": "BG",
					"width": 1920,
					"height": 1080,
					"fullscreen": true
				"install_dependent_packages": true,
				"relative_path": ".agl/agl-image-flutter-runtime${FLUTTER_RUNTIME}-qemux86-64.wic.vmdk",
				"artifact_source": "github",
				"github_owner": "meta-flutter",
				"github_repo": "meta-flutter",
				"github_workflow": "kirkstone-agl-x86_64.yml",
				"github_artifact": "agl-image-flutter-runtime${FLUTTER_RUNTIME}-qemux86-64-linux",
				"ovmf_path": "/usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd",
				"cmd": "qemu-system-x86_64",
				"args": "-enable-kvm -m 2048 -bios ${OVMF_PATH} -hda ${QEMU_IMAGE} -cpu kvm64 -cpu qemu64,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+popcnt -vga virtio -show-cursor -device virtio-rng-pci -serial mon:stdio -serial null -soundhw hda -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,mac=52:54:00:12:35:02 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22,hostfwd=tcp::1234-:1234"
			"overwrite-existing": true,
			"custom-device": {
				"id": "AGL-qemu",
				"label": "AGL x86_64 QEMU Image",
				"sdkNameAndVersion": "agl-image-flutter-runtime${FLUTTER_RUNTIME}-qemux86-64.wic.vmdk",
				"platform": "linux-x64",
				"enabled": true,
				"ping": [
					"bash", "-c", "(echo >/dev/tcp/localhost/2222) &>/dev/null && echo \"open 2222\" || echo \"close 2222\""
				"pingSuccessRegex": "open 2222",
				"postBuild": [
					"bash", "-c", "mkdir -p ${localPath}/../../.flutter-auto/data/flutter_assets && cp -r ${localPath}/* ${localPath}/../../.flutter-auto/data/flutter_assets && cp -r ${FLUTTER_WORKSPACE}/.agl/default_config.json ${localPath}/../../.flutter-auto/ && ssh -p 2222 -t -oBatchMode=yes root@localhost passwd -d agl-driver"
				"uninstall": [
					"bash", "-c", "ssh -p 2222 -t -t -oBatchMode=yes agl-driver@localhost rm -rf \"/tmp/${appName}\""
				"install": [
					"bash", "-c", "ssh -p 2222 -t -t -oBatchMode=yes agl-driver@localhost mkdir -p \"/tmp/${appName}/data/flutter_assets\" && scp -r -P 2222 ${localPath}/../../.flutter-auto/* agl-driver@localhost:/tmp/${appName}"
				"runDebug": [
					"ssh", "-t", "-t", "-p", "2222", "-oBatchMode=yes", "agl-driver@localhost",
				"forwardPort": null,
				"forwardPortSuccessRegex": null,
				"screenshot": null
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			"uri": "",
			"branch": "agl",
			"pubspec_path": "ped"
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