path: root/meta-agl-bsp/virtualization-layer/recipes-extended/xen/files
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-05-26Raspberry 4: XEN supportLeonid Lazarev1-0/+28
a id='n68' href='#n68'>68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Below are the environment variables that can be set in the u-boot console to boot the Renesas Gen3 ULCB boards.

Adjust board type with the following identifiers:

* 'm3ulcb' for Renesas Gen3 Starter Kit Pro
* 'h3ulcb' for Renesas Gen3 Starter Kit Premium

################## Common options #####################
# these options are common to all configurations:

##### board info

# choose board
setenv board m3ulcb
setenv soc r8a7796
# or
setenv board h3ulcb
setenv soc r8a7795

##### boot mode
# choose bootmode:
# netboot
setenv bootmode net
# or sdcard
setenv bootmode sd
# or sdcard with initrd
setenv bootmode sdi

##### sdcard options
# which sdcard slot to use
setenv bootmmc '0:1'

##### netboot options
# replace <IP> and <NUM> by appropriate addresses
setenv ipaddr '<board_IP>'
setenv serverip '<server_IP>'
setenv ethact ravb
setenv ethaddr DE:AD:C0:FF:EE:<NUM>

################## Internal variables #####################

# kernel file
setenv set_bootkfile 'setenv bootkfile Image'
setenv bootkaddr 0x48080000

# dtb file
setenv set_bootdfile 'setenv bootdfile Image-${soc}-${board}.dtb'
setenv bootdaddr 0x48000000

# initrd
setenv set_bootifile 'setenv bootifile initramfs-netboot-image-${board}.ext4.gz'
setenv bootiaddr 0x5C3F9520
setenv bootisize 3A6AB6

# kernel args
setenv bootargs_console 'console=ttySC0,115200 ignore_loglevel'
setenv bootargs_video 'vmalloc=384M video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080-32@60'
setenv bootargs_extra 'rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait rootdelay=2'

# final boot command
setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_${bootmode}'

################ Boot on MMC (SDcard) #################

setenv bootkload_sd 'ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootkaddr} boot/${bootkfile}'
setenv bootiload_sd 'ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootiaddr} boot/${bootifile}'
setenv bootdload_sd 'ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootdaddr} boot/${bootdfile}'

# without initrd
setenv bootargs_root_sd 'root=/dev/mmcblk1p1'
setenv bootload_sd 'run set_bootkfile; run bootkload_sd; run set_bootdfile; run bootdload_sd'
setenv bootcmd_sd 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs_console} ${bootargs_video} ${bootargs_root_sd} ${bootargs_extra}; run bootload_sd; booti ${bootkaddr} - ${bootdaddr}'

# with initrd
setenv bootargs_root_sdi 'root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=16384'
setenv bootload_sdi 'run set_bootkfile; run bootkload_sd; run set_bootdfile; run bootdload_sd; run set_bootifile; run bootiload_sd'
setenv bootcmd_sdi 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs_console} ${bootargs_video} ${bootargs_root_sdi} ${bootargs_extra}; run bootload_sdi; booti ${bootkaddr} ${bootiaddr}:${bootisize} ${bootdaddr}'

################ Netboot through TFTP+NBD ##################

setenv bootkload_net 'tftp ${bootkaddr} ${board}/${bootkfile}'
setenv bootdload_net 'tftp ${bootdaddr} ${board}/${bootdfile}'
setenv bootiload_net 'tftp ${bootiaddr} ${board}/${bootifile}'

setenv bootargs_root_net 'root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=16384 ip=dhcp'
setenv bootload_net 'run set_bootkfile; run bootkload_net; run set_bootdfile; run bootdload_net; run set_bootifile; run bootiload_net'

setenv bootcmd_net 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs_console} ${bootargs_video} ${bootargs_root_net} ${bootargs_extra} nbd.server=${serverip}; run bootload_net; booti ${bootkaddr} ${bootiaddr}:${bootisize} ${bootdaddr}'