path: root/meta-agl-core/recipes-platform/packagegroups
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-03-01meta-agl-core: update packagegroup-agl-core-bootScott Murray1-5/+2
2021-03-01meta-agl-core: update packagegroup-agl-core-connectivityScott Murray1-1/+0
2020-12-17SPEC-3723: restructure meta-aglJan-Simon Moeller10-0/+225
href='#n112'>112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
Writing the configuration file "config.xml"

About "config.xml"

The file **config.xml** describes important data of the application
to the framework:

- the unique identifier of the application
- the name of the application
- the type of the application
- the icon of the application
- the permissions linked to the application
- the services and dependancies of the application

The file MUST be at the root of the widget and MUST be case sensitively name

The file **config.xml** is a XML file described by the document

Example of "config.xml"

Here is the example of the config file for the QML application SmartHome.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<widget xmlns="" id="smarthome" version="0.1">
  <icon src="smarthome.png"/>
  <content src="qml/smarthome/smarthome.qml" type="text/vnd.qt.qml"/>
	This is the Smarthome QML demo application.
	It shows some user interfaces for controlling an automated house.
	The user interface is completely done with QML.
  <author>Qt team</author>

Standard elements of "config.xml"

### The element widget

#### the attribute id of widget

The attribute *id* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must be unique.

Values for *id* are any non empty string containing only latin letters,
arabic digits, and the three characters '.' (dot), '-' (dash) and
'_' (underscore).

Authors can use a mnemonic id or can pick a unique id using
command **uuid** or **uuidgen**.

#### the attribute version of widget

The attribute *version* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish).

Values for *id* are any non empty string containing only latin letters,
arabic digits, and the three characters '.' (dot), '-' (dash) and
'_' (underscore).

Version values are dot separated fields MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.

### The element content

The element *content* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must designate a file
(subject to localisation) with its attribute *src*.

The content designed depends on its type. See below for the known types.

### The element icon

The element *icon* is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must
be unique. It must designate an image file with its attribute *src*.

Known widget types and content

The configuration file ***/etc/afm/afm-launch.conf*** defines the types
of widget known and how to launch it.

Known types for the type of content are (for version 2.x, blowfish):

- ***text/html***: 
   HTML application,
   content.src designates the home page of the application

- ***application/x-executable***:
   Native application,
   content.src designates the relative path of the binary

- ***application/vnd.agl.url***:
   Internet url,
   content.src designates the url to be used

- ***application/vnd.agl.service***:
   AGL service defined as a binder,
   content.src designates the directory of provided binders,
   http content, if any, must be put in the subdirectory ***htdocs*** of the widget

- ***application/vnd.agl.native***:
   Native application with AGL service defined as a binder,
   content.src designates the relative path of the binary,
   bindings, if any must be put in the subdirectory ***lib*** of the widget,
   http content, if any, must be put in the subdirectory ***htdocs*** of the widget

- ***text/vnd.qt.qml***, ***application/vnd.agl.qml***:
   QML application,
   content.src designate the relative path of the QML root,
   imports must be put in the subdirectory ***imports*** of the widget

- ***application/vnd.agl.qml.hybrid***:
   QML application with bindings,
   content.src designate the relative path of the QML root,
   bindings, if any must be put in the subdirectory ***lib*** of the widget,
   imports must be put in the subdirectory ***imports*** of the widget

- ***application/vnd.agl.html.hybrid***:
   HTML application,
   content.src designates the home page of the application,
   bindings, if any must be put in the subdirectory ***lib*** of the widget,
   http content must be put in the subdirectory ***htdocs*** of the widget

AGL features

The AGL framework uses the feature tag for specifying security and binding
requirement of the widget.

The current version of AGL (up to 2.0.1, blowfish) has no fully implemented

The features planned to be implemented are described below.

### feature name="urn:AGL:required-binding"

List of the bindings required by the widget.

Each required binding must be explicited using a <param> entry.

#### param name=[required binding name]

The value is either:

- required: the binding is mandatorily needed except if the feature
isn't required (required="false") and in that case it is optional.
- optional: the binding is optional

### feature name="urn:AGL:required-permission"

List of the permissions required by the widget.

Each required permission must be explicited using a <param> entry.

#### param name=[required permission name]

The value is either:

- required: the permission is mandatorily needed except if the feature
isn't required (required="false") and in that case it is optional.
- optional: the permission is optional

### feature name="urn:AGL:provided-binding"

Use this feature for each provided binding of the widget.
The parameters are:

#### param name="name"


The value is the string that must match the binding prefix.
It must be unique.

#### param name="src"


The value is the path of the shared library for the binding.

#### param name="type"


Currently it must be ***application/vnd.agl.binding.v1***.

#### param name="scope"


The value indicate the availability of the binidng:

- private: used only by the widget
- public: available to allowed clients as a remote service (requires permission+)
- inline: available to allowed clients inside their binding (unsafe, requires permission+++)

#### param name="needed-binding"


The value is a space separated list of binding's names that the binding needs.

### feature name="urn:AGL:defined-permission"

Each required permission must be explicited using a <param> entry.

#### param name=[defined permission name]

The value is the level of the defined permission.
Standard levels are: 

- system
- platform
- partner
- public

This level defines the level of accreditation required to get the given
permission. The accreditions are given by signatures of widgets.

[widgets]:                                    "Packaged Web Apps"
[widgets-digsig]:                             "XML Digital Signatures for Widgets"
[libxml2]:                              "libxml2"
[app-manifest]:                                "Web App Manifest"