path: root/meta-agl-profile-core/recipes-multimedia/lightmediascanner
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-10-11lightmediascanner.service: Fix for the first bootLeon Anavi1-0/+4
2019-07-29lightmediascanner: remove user media directories scanningMatt Ranostay1-1/+1
2019-07-26recipes-multimedia: lightmediascanner: move database to globally accessible areaMatt Ranostay1-2/+1
2019-07-24recipes-multimedia: lightmediascanner: switch from user dbus session to systemMatt Ranostay4-15/+69
2019-06-19lightmediascanner: change db directoryJosé Bollo1-1/+2
2018-09-25recipes-multimedia: lightmediascanner: save database to /tmp/$UID/lightmedias...guppy_6.90.0guppy/ Ranostay1-1/+1
2018-04-282nd part of the layer/profile rework [1/2]Jan-Simon Möller1-0/+10
2018-04-20Introduce meta-agl-profile-core and meta-agl-profile-graphicsJan-Simon Möller8-0/+211
href='#n227'>227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
meta-agl, the Yocto layer for Automotive Grade Linux Distribution

The yocto layer 'meta-agl' provides a minimal set of software
to boot system of AGL Distribution.

AGL is creating an automotive specific Linux distribution that unifies
the software that has been written in a number of places already,
such as GENIVI and Tizen IVI.

The AGL community appreciates feedback, ideas, suggestion, bugs and
documentation just as much as code. Please join the irc conversation
at the #automotive channel on and our mailing list.

For infomation for subscribing to the mailing list
For information about AGL Distribution, see the
    [AGL Distribution](
For information abount Getting started with AGL
For information about contributing to the AGL Distro

Layer Dependencies

URI: git://
> branch:   dizzy
> revision: df87cb27efeaea1455f20692f9f1397c6fcab254

URI: git://
> layer:    meta-oe
> branch:   dizzy
> revision: 9efaed99125b1c4324663d9a1b2d3319c74e7278

## The Renesas R-Car Gen2 (Porter) board depends in addition on: ##

> branch:   agl-1.0-bsp-1.8.0
> revision: bf30de66badcac7ef82d3758aa44c116ee791a28
> (or later)


There are 3 layers in top-level `meta-agl`.

`meta-ivi-common` is a layer which contains common packages to AGL
Distribution and other platforms for In-Vehicle Infotainment system.
> meta-agl/meta-ivi-common

`meta-agl` is a layer which contains AGL common and middleware packages.
> meta-agl/meta-agl

`meta-agl-bsp` is a layer which contains required packages to boot AGL
distribution on an emulated machine(QEMU).
> meta-agl/meta-agl-bsp


AGL package group design:

* packagegroup-agl-core*

These are for making image ``agl-image-minimal`` which is small image just
capable of allowing a device to boot.

Subsystem should maintain packagegroup-agl-core-[subsystem].bb which should
hold sufficient packages to build ``agl-image-minimal``.

* packagegroup-agl-ivi*

These are for making image ``agl-image-ivi`` which is baseline for IVI profile
of AGL distro. 'Baseline' means Service Layer and Operating System Layer defined
in AGL Spec v1.0. I think this is the same as GENIVI baseline.
All packages which belong to AppHMI and Application Framework should be put
into ``meta-agl-demo``.

* packagegroup-ivi-common*

These are for picking up some packages from GENIVI/Tizen/Others. The layer of
``meta-ivi-common`` has no image to build, all packagegroups are aggregated
to ``packagegrou-ivi-common-core' and it is included by images,
```` and ````.

Supported Machine

* QEMU (x86-64) - emulated machine: qemux86-64
* Renesas R-Car Gen2 (R-Car M2) - machine: porter

Supported Target of bitbake

* `agl-image-ivi` The baseline image of AGL Distributions

* `agl-image-minimal` For internal use to develop distribution (experimental)
* `agl-image-weston`  For internal use to develop distribution (experimental)

Supposed Directory Trees of Layers to build

* For QEMU


* For R-Car M2


Build a QEMU image

You can build a QEMU image using the following steps:

1. Export TEMPLATECONF to pick up correct configuration for the build
   > $ export TEMPLATECONF=/full/path/to/meta-agl/meta-agl/conf

2. Run the following command:
   > $ source poky/oe-init-build-env

3. Build the minimal image of AGL Distribution
   > $ bitbake agl-image-ivi

4. Run the emulator
   > $ PATH_TO_POKY/poky/scripts/runqemu agl-image-ivi qemux86-64

   For large screen:
   > $ PATH_TO_POKY/poky/scripts/runqemu agl-image-ivi qemux86-64 bootparams="uvesafb.mode_option=1280x720-32"

5. Some weston samples are available from weston terminal.

Build a R-Car M2 (porter) image

### Software setup

NOTE: These instructions are based on GENIVI wiki, [here]( If these didn't work correctly especially around Renesas Binary Packages, please check there and updated instructions.

#### Getting Source Code and Build image

1. Create a directory for working, then go to there.
        $ export AGL_TOP=`pwd`

2. Get the meta data and checkout
        $ git clone git://
        $ cd poky
        $ git checkout df87cb27efeaea1455f20692f9f1397c6fcab254
        $ cd -
        $ git clone git://
        $ cd meta-openembedded
        $ git checkout 9efaed99125b1c4324663d9a1b2d3319c74e7278
        $ cd -
        $ git clone
        $ cd meta-renesas
        $ git checkout bf30de66badcac7ef82d3758aa44c116ee791a28
        $ cd -
        $ git clone

#### Obtain and Install Renesas Graphics Drivers

1. Download packages from Renesas

  The graphics and multimedia acceleration packages for the R-Car M2 Porter board
  can be download directory from [here](

  There are 2 ZIP files can be downloaded.
    * Multimedia and Graphics library which require registeration and click through license
    > r-car_series_evaluation_software_package_for_linux-*.zip
    * Related Linux drivers
    > r-car_series_evaluation_software_package_of_linux_drivers-*.zip

2. Unzip the two downloads into a temporary directory.
        $ cd $AGL_TOP
        $ mkdir binary-tmp
        $ cd binary-tmp
        $ unzip PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD/r-car_series_evaluation_software_package_for_linux-*.zip
        $ unzip PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD/r-car_series_evaluation_software_package_of_linux_drivers-*.zip

   After this step there should be two files in binary-tmp:
   * Multimedia and Graphics library
   > R-Car_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_for_Linux-*.tar.gz
   * Related Linux drivers
   > R-Car_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_of_Linux_Drivers-*.tar.gz

3. Copy the graphics acceleration drivers by shell script.
        $ cd $AGL_TOP/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen2
        $ ./ ../../binary-tmp

4. Copy the multimedia acceleration drivers by shell script.
        $ cd $AGL_TOP/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen2
        $ ./ ../../binary-tmp

#### Build from the Source code

You can build a R-Car2 M2 (porter) image using the following steps:

1. Export TEMPLATECONF to pick up correct configuration for the build
        $ export TEMPLATECONF=$AGL_TOP/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen2/conf

2. Run the following command:
        $ cd $AGL_TOP
        $ source poky/oe-init-build-env

   Edit conf/bblayers.conf then remove this line.
        ##OEROOT##/../meta-agl-demo \

   (Optional) If you want to use multimedia accelerations, confirm your
   conf/bblayer.conf has a entry of `meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia`
   in BBLAYERS because packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia needs some extra
   packages there.

3. (Optional) If you want to use multimedia accelerations, uncomment
   manually 4 `IMAGE_INSTALL_append_porter` in conf/local.conf.
        #IMAGE_INSTALL_append_porter = " \
        #    gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-waylandsink \
        #    "

        #IMAGE_INSTALL_append_porter = " \
        #    gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videorate \

        #IMAGE_INSTALL_append_porter = " \
        #    libegl libegl-dev libgbm-dev \
        #    "

        #IMAGE_INSTALL_append_porter = " \
        #    packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia \
        #    "

   Also it is needed to uncomment this,
        #MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " multimedia"

   This `multimedia` enables meta-renesas's multimedia configuration.
   The version of GStreamer1.0 which AGL distro use, will be changed
   to 1.2.3 (meta-renesas prefers) from 1.4.1(meta-agl default) by this switch.

4. Build the minimal image of AGL Distribution
        $ bitbake agl-image-ivi

### Deployment (SDCARD)

NOTE: These instructions are based on GENIVI wiki, [here](

#### Instructions on the host

1. Format SD-Card and then, create single EXT3 partition on it.

2. Mount the SD-Card, for example `/media/$SDCARD_LABEL`.

3. Copy AGL root file system onto the SD-Card
   1. Go to build directory
           $ cd $AGL_TOP/build/tmp/deploy/images/porter
   2. Extract the root file system into the SD-Card
           $ sudo tar --extract --numeric-owner --preserve-permissions --preserve-order \
           --totals --directory=/media/$SDCARD_LABEL --file=agl-image-ivi-porter.tar.bz2
   3. Copy kernel and DTB into the `/boot` of the SD-Card
           $ sudo cp uImage uImage-r8a7791-porter.dtb /media/$SDCARD_LABEL/boot

4. After the copy finished, unmount SD-Card and insert it into the SD-Card slot of the porter board.

#### Instructions on the host

NOTE: There is details about porter board [here](

NOTE: To boot weston on porter board, we need keyboard and mouse. (USB2.0 can be use for this)

##### Change U-Boot parameters to boot from SD card

1. Power up the board and, using your preferred terminal emulator, stop the board's autoboot by hitting any key.

  > Debug serial settings are 38400 8N1. Any standard terminal emulator program can be used.

2. Set the follow environment variables and save them
        => setenv bootargs_console console=ttySC6,${baudrate}
        => setenv bootargs_video vmalloc=384M video=HDMI-A-1:1024x768-32@60
        => setenv bootcmd_sd 'ext4load mmc 0:1 0x40007fc0 boot/uImage;ext4load mmc 0:1 0x40f00000 boot/uImage-r8a7791-porter.dtb'
        => setenv bootcmd 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs_console} ${bootargs_video} root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootfstype=ext3;run bootcmd_sd;bootm 0x40007fc0 - 0x40f00000'
        => saveenv

##### Boot from SD card

1. After board reset, U-Boot is started and after a countdown, ...
   Linux boot message should be displayed. Please wait a moment.
2. Then weston is booted automatically, and weston-terminal appears.

3. Have fun! :)

4. (Optional) This is how to test and play multimedia contents with acceleration.

    1. Boot porter without mouse and keyboard, it avoid to boot weston automatically.
       For now, when running weston, V4L2 deosn't work correctly, so we have to
       stop weston first (GST plugin `waylandsink` also doesn't work correctly for now).

    2. Execute these instructions:
            $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:"

            # Set the mixer
            $ amixer set "LINEOUT Mixer DACL" on
            $ amixer set "DVC Out" 10

            $ modprobe -a mmngr mmngrbuf s3ctl uvcs_cmn vspm fdpm

            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -r
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -l '"vsp1.2 rpf.0":1 -> "vsp1.2 uds.0":0 [1]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -l '"vsp1.2 uds.0":1 -> "vsp1.2 wpf.0":0 [1]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -l '"vsp1.2 wpf.0":1 -> "vsp1.2 lif":0 [1]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 rpf.0":0 [fmt:AYUV32/1920x1080]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 rpf.0":1 [fmt:AYUV32/1920x1080]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 uds.0":0 [fmt:AYUV32/1920x1080]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 uds.0":1 [fmt:AYUV32/640x480]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 wpf.0":0 [fmt:AYUV32/640x480]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 wpf.0":1 [fmt:ARGB32/640x480]'
            $ media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V '"vsp1.2 lif":0 [fmt:ARGB32/640x480]'

            # in caes R-Car M2 (HDMI - DU1 - vspd0)
            $ modetest -M rcar-du -s 10@8:1280x720@AR24 -d -P '8@19:640x480+100+200@XR24' &

    After these command, Test pattern will show on display connected to
    porter's HDMI port.

    Then, you can play H264(MP4) movie like these,
            $ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=./sample.mp4  ! qtdemux name=d d. ! \
            queue ! omxh264dec no-copy=true ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1 \
            io-mode=userptr d. ! queue ! faad ! alsasink device=hw:0,0